
* clivejo yawns00:19
clivejogetting really fed up with apps now00:24
clivejo!info ring-kde00:27
ubottuPackage ring-kde does not exist in yakkety00:27
clivejosoee_: you heard of ring?00:28
soee_looks interesting though00:32
clivejothought you knew of it00:32
soee_not Qt :/00:32
clivejothere is a ring-kde UI00:33
clivejoand there is working going on to port it to KF500:33
clivejoI think its worth supporting00:34
soee_packaging or what support ?00:35
clivejopackaging and including in Kubuntu00:35
soee_in repos or installed y default ?00:35
clivejothere was talk about it being a nice addition to PIM00:36
clivejolike a complete office suite of tools00:36
soee_so it is more for kde devs00:37
clivejowell the UI wrapper is00:37
clivejothe main program is maintained by ring00:38
soee_i would love to see some modern, maintained communication tool00:38
clivejome too00:38
soee_since kde-telepathy is dead00:38
clivejoI use SIP communications00:38
soee_and not integrated with thoousand of different servies00:38
clivejoand would like a nice client for Kubuntu00:38
soee_but sngle one for its users00:39
soee_No personal information is stored on a central server. It is therefore impossible to create files on users. Anonymity and respect for privacy are guaranteed.00:42
clivejo!info sflphone-kde wily00:43
ubottusflphone-kde (source: sflphone): SIP and IAX2 compatible VoIP phone - KDE client. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4.1-0.2ubuntu2 (wily), package size 2515 kB, installed size 6364 kB00:43
clivejothats its old anme00:43
clivejo!info sflphone-kde 00:44
ubottuPackage sflphone-kde does not exist in yakkety00:44
soee_meh it wants to install gnome-icon-theme00:44
clivejoso its interesting to see work on the ring-kde project00:45
clivejowould be a nice alternative to Hangouts00:47
clivejosoee_: would you be interested in testing if I can get it packaged?00:52
soee_clivejo: sure, im always opened for new stuff00:53
ahoneybunyofel: joining in on the gaming?02:19
ahoneybunmm Linda?02:21
ahoneybunsoee_: ?02:28
soee_nothing :)02:29
ahoneybunyour not Linda?02:29
soee_what is it ?02:29
ahoneybunsomeone joined the gaming group 02:29
soee_dunno, not me02:30
ahoneybunwhat was the face >02:30
soee_tierd eyes ;D02:30
ahoneybunwell oh02:30
ahoneybunso many Linux mulitplayer games02:31
ahoneybunwell SteamOS but still02:31
soee_what kind of ?02:35
ahoneybunsome fun fighting game for one02:35
ahoneybunGang Beasts02:35
abhishekIs there something called  Storage Service Manager in kubuntu 16.04. I am reading it online, but can't find it in my system.03:33
soee_hmm i don't know03:33
soee_what kind of storage ?03:34
abhisheksoee_,  https://plus.google.com/+FredRichards/posts/jWdbefGNeCr https://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/513182-KDE5-Storage-Service-Manager-ownCloud03:35
soee_abhishek: try sudo apt install storageservicemanager03:39
lordievaderGood morning.09:57
BluesKajHowdy all10:30
* clivejo yawns17:29
clivejosoee_: any merge requests for me?17:33
soee_merge requests ? :D17:34
clivejopackaging fixes17:34
soee_no :)17:34
* clivejo shakes head17:34
acheronukclivejo: sorry. been busy19:28
clivejono prob19:33

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