
ahoneybunI mean effecting settings.qml and main.qml00:00
ahoneybunsomething like how the manifest file does00:00
ahayzenahoneybun, well as Settings.qml is a child of PageLayout, which is a child of MainView... it will00:03
ahayzenahoneybun, but if you are just wanting to store a string or something simple.... the Settings {} object maybe useful, as it can store settings into it's own file and then remember them when you restart the app00:04
ahayzenwe use it for various things, eg shuffle and repeat here .. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/music-app/trunk/view/head:/app/components/Player.qml#L7400:05
ahoneybunSettings.qml and Main.qml are different files00:05
ahayzenyup but when you push settings to the layout, it is like included/added as a child to it00:06
ahayzenso you can access stuff... but the best way is probably to use that Settings {} object ^^00:06
ahayzenas then IIRC if you use the same category name in the other file it updates both00:07
ahoneybunmm confused as always XD00:07
ahoneybunI put something in the pad ahayzen00:08
ahoneybunthat way did not work, at least the way I did it00:09
ahayzenahoneybun, added three possible ways00:13
ahoneybuncategory does not work as it has red under it00:16
ahayzenit might get confused with your Settings.qml in the same directory00:17
ahoneybunmm something is broke00:17
ahoneybunit does not like that locationSettings.location00:18
ahayzenahoneybun, see my import modification to avoid the clash00:18
ahoneybunadded that00:18
ahoneybunto Main00:18
ahoneybunfor category?00:19
ahoneybunthough I did not add that first Settings thing00:19
ahoneybunonly the one to Settings.qml00:19
ahayzeni think you can put it in both places and they remain in-sync, can't remember00:20
ahayzenbut the simplest... is to add the id: mainView... then the property to the MainView and use mainView.location00:20
ahoneybunmm I might be getting messed up with the 3 option00:20
ahayzenyeah you'll need to comment stuff out00:21
ahoneybunlet's go with that first one00:21
ahoneybunall these options are messing me up00:21
ahoneybunas I don't know what to add00:21
ahayzeni'll do the simplest one...00:21
ahoneybunI added the mainview stuff00:22
ahayzenahoneybun, updated the file, commented out the other bits00:23
ahoneybunI wonder if I should just c and p it00:23
ahoneybunI did with no success, mm00:26
ahoneybunlines 160 and 215 work like I would like00:27
ahoneybunbut that is on the current page with a search00:27
ahoneybunI might call it a day and play some games00:28
ahoneybunahayzen: ^00:28
ahayzenoh i see00:29
ahayzenahoneybun, maybe try moving the locationModel into the main file00:29
ahayzenthen just referencing it in the repeater00:29
ahoneybunwell the locationModel is in the Main file00:30
ahoneybunit works like that00:30
ahoneybunbut I want a variable to change from the settings to keep the Main page clean00:30
ahayzenthat mainView way should be the simplest, not sure why it wouldn't work00:33
ahoneybun99% sure it is user error XD00:34
ahayzenanyway, i'm gonna go sleep. Have fun! :-)00:35
ahoneybunthanks again00:35
ahayzenno problem o/00:36
=== elimiste1e is now known as elimisteve
krampstudiohi there09:08
krampstudioI've a problem with running my scope on my device09:08
krampstudioWhen I launch it (from ubuntu-sdk) the process "click-review" takes a while09:09
krampstudioand then crashes09:09
krampstudio(I'm running it again to get the exact error)09:10
krampstudioERROR: Could not find vendor 'ubuntu' ERROR: Could not find vendor 'ubuntu'09:16
krampstudioTraceback (most recent call last):09:16
krampstudio  File "/usr/bin/click-review", line 138, in <module>09:16
krampstudio    main()09:16
krampstudio  File "/usr/bin/click-review", line 132, in main09:16
krampstudio    results.run_all_checks()09:16
krampstudio  File "/usr/bin/click-review", line 100, in run_all_checks09:16
krampstudio    section = self._run_module_checks(module)09:16
krampstudio  File "/usr/bin/click-review", line 92, in _run_module_checks09:16
krampstudio    review.do_checks()09:16
krampstudio  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/clickreviews/cr_common.py", line 566, in do_checks09:16
krampstudio    func()09:16
krampstudio  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/clickreviews/cr_security.py", line 476, in check_template09:16
krampstudio    templates = self._get_templates(vendor, version)09:16
krampstudio  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/clickreviews/cr_security.py", line 282, in _get_templates09:16
krampstudio    for k in self.aa_policy[vendor][version]['templates'].keys():09:16
krampstudioKeyError: 'ubuntu'09:16
krampstudio11:15:01: The process "/usr/bin/click" exited with code 1.09:16
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ahoneybunmm who's doing uTouch?14:36
JanCyou can find author's name + email in the store15:41
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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