
=== rww is now known as rwd
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lotuspsychjegood morning to all09:34
ducassemorning, lotuspsychje09:35
lotuspsychjehey ducasse how are you?09:36
ducassegood, thanks. got some new hardware yesterday, setting up now :)09:36
lotuspsychjeducasse: i was just about to ask about your router :p09:37
ducasselotuspsychje: it's really nice :)09:37
lotuspsychjegreat to hear09:37
ducassethe only bad thing is needing wine for winbox. some things are missing from the webui.09:38
lotuspsychjeim usually happy with linksys stuff09:38
lotuspsychjeducasse: is there a firmwar upgrade for your device?09:40
ducasselotuspsychje: i'm on the latest stable. things like graphing is only implemented in winbox, not in the webui. thinking of setting up mrtg or munin to get that elsewhere.09:41
lotuspsychjeyeah, wine is the last resort :p09:42
lotuspsychjeducasse: by the way, i found out about the electro technical degree09:43
ducassei don't like to rely on it, so i'm trying to get wverything set up so i can do without. it's the only thing i need it for...09:43
ducasseoh, what's the deal?09:43
lotuspsychjeducasse: the certificate is real and needed, but there's a backdoor for computers lower then 2kilowatt it doesnt need to be proven09:44
lotuspsychjeso laptops,desktop,smartphones i wont need09:44
lotuspsychjeits more for domotica, big clusters,and all stuff higher then 2000watts09:45
ducasseoh, i see.09:46
lotuspsychjeso im happy :p09:46
ducassegood :) you should be able to do everything you want to do then.09:46
lotuspsychjeyeah, but still ill avoid the terms 'repair' on customers bills just in case..09:47
lotuspsychjeim thinking of just naming the hardware brand i placed, with install/setup/repair/etc09:48
lotuspsychjeunless its too specific like data recovery or ubuntu install09:48
ducassewill you be doing support also, over phone etc?09:50
lotuspsychjeno, ill try to do it all from home09:50
lotuspsychjeand setup the system this way, the users wont experience too many issues09:51
lotuspsychjethe only thing im a bit affraid of is for bad updates09:51
ducassewas just thinking it might bring in some extra funds. many might need support at first.09:51
lotuspsychjei dont wanna end up with users on black screens09:51
ducassei get that :)09:52
lotuspsychjeducasse: the main thing i wanna concentrate on is makeovers from win to ubuntu + ssd09:52
lotuspsychjeducasse: so they dont need to buy new pc and get a total new experience09:53
lotuspsychjeand cheaper09:53
ducassedo you think there's a big market for it?09:54
lotuspsychjeill make one :p09:54
lotuspsychjeill convince users for it09:54
lotuspsychjethere are tons of reasons right, no virusses anymore, no montlhy checkups $$ at pc store, no payed updates,security09:55
lotuspsychjethe only trade is to loose their safe envoriment09:56
Ben64and no microsoft office09:56
lotuspsychjeyeah also payed09:56
lotuspsychjeand libreoffice got real mature these days Ben6409:56
Ben64yeah it's great09:57
Ben64but people haaaate change09:57
lotuspsychjei know09:57
lotuspsychjebut ppl also like cheap09:58
lordievaderGood morning.09:58
lotuspsychjeso if i could convince a free Os + cheap ssd instead of buying new pc09:58
lotuspsychjehey lordievader09:58
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje, how are you?09:59
lotuspsychjegreat lordievader tnx and you? got new work09:59
Ben64i gave my mom my old system + ssd09:59
Ben64works great09:59
lotuspsychjenice Ben6409:59
lotuspsychjeBen64: on windows?10:00
Ben64ubuntu mate10:00
Ben64got tired of fixing windows problems10:00
lotuspsychjegreat, and does she find her way around?10:00
Ben64yeah no problems10:00
Ben64she didn't like unity :)10:01
lotuspsychjeBen64: did the same with my 75yo dad, not more windows fixing every month10:01
ducasseBen64: i agree with her on that :)10:01
lotuspsychjethe only thing they need is mail and internet and a movieplayer10:01
Ben64me too10:01
lordievaderlotuspsychje: Doing good here :) What is the new job?10:01
Ben64i think i'll go ubuntu mate here next10:01
Ben64trying to make ubuntu work for me has gotten harder each time10:02
Ben64have weird problems with gnome-fallback10:02
lotuspsychjelordievader: in the kitchen of le pain quotidien, and started my sideby business now10:02
ducasseBen64: out of the desktop environments i liked xfce best, but that's probably a very individual thing.10:03
lotuspsychjeoh by the way, anyone read that article about canonical asking 2 euro to use ubuntu's name on hosting companys?10:03
ducasselotuspsychje: no, where did you see that? 2 euro per install?10:05
lordievaderlotuspsychje: Ah, quite something different ;)10:05
lordievaderlotuspsychje: Do you enjoy it?10:05
lotuspsychjeive read it in dutch, lets see if i can find something in english10:05
Ben64i like having a bunch of stuff in my taskbar10:05
Ben64xfce didn't have the options i wanted10:05
lotuspsychjelordievader: yes, its temporary :p10:05
lotuspsychjeducasse: https://twitter.com/olesovhcom/status/74460923907579904410:07
lotuspsychjeim gonna use also ubuntu's name on my website, thats why i wondered10:08
ducasseyes, i remember the last one.10:11
ducassesome days canonical really give a bad impression...10:12
lotuspsychjei understand the logo part, it should not be confused with users thinking its part of another business10:13
ducasseno, logos can be difficult.10:16
lotuspsychjebbl citywalk laterz guys10:21
ducassehmmm... the above tweet seems to be because ovh is serving customers modified ubuntu images while still calling it ubuntu...10:27
BluesKajHowdy all10:31
Netwolf "MISC Microsoft SQL Server communication attempt"11:30
Netwolf       Source:
Netwolf                  DNS: error-cdnzz-com.cdnzz.net11:30
Netwolfwhy is a cdn trying to see if I have sql server port open?11:31
* Netwolf grumbles and ignores the mail alert11:31
BluesKajNetwolf, are you in Hong Kong?11:32
BluesKajthe IP you posted is in HK11:34
NetwolfBluesKaj: no. Toronto11:41
BluesKajNetwolf, oh right, you mentioned that before. I'm 70KM west of Sudbury11:42
NetwolfYea, I have a whois lookup and a reverse scan of the host. The IDS automatically starts scanning any incoming packet to the network and reverse scans them. And notifies me11:42
NetwolfI drove through sudbury once11:43
Netwolfmy ex was from tbay11:43
BluesKajsmall town of Espanola11:43
NetwolfWould have gone through it when it went up tobomory11:44
NetwolfSounds very familiar11:44
NetwolfI believe I have driven through it enroute back to tdot11:44
Netwolfnice, a canuck :). And so close :)11:45
BluesKajyes if you took the ferry and continued past Manitoulin Island up Hwy6 to Hwy 1711:45
Netwolfso pretty11:45
Netwolffeel like an alien landscape11:45
Netwolfwe had a full moon duing the day and with this odd landscape once we got off the boat. Felt surreal11:48
BluesKajwell it's near where the Cambrian Sheild meets the Crutaceous land mass which severalbillion ys younger than the Sheild, very interesting geologically11:50
BluesKajand the Niagara Escarpment11:52
NetwolfI also remember my exs father took up somewhere in tbay to show this massive crator. Apparently the conditions are so different 300 feet below that the entire shubbery is ancient11:59
Netwolfso cool honestly11:59
NetwolfI think you might be talking about the same thing12:00
BluesKajyeah lake nipigon looks like a huge crater12:01
BluesKajthunderbay is far from here12:01
BluesKajcretaceous period , better get my facts straight12:02
BluesKajthunder bay is over 1000Km  from here, altho it's on the Sheild as well12:04
BluesKajanyay i have to check my Xenial install ..bbiab12:07
=== JanC is now known as Guest5182
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
daftykinsmore driveby greetings21:02
Bashing-omNo blood, no bullets. maybe they are the better ?? The good stay .21:08

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