
=== allquixotic_ is now known as allquixotic
allquixoticDoes Ubuntu Landscape with the paid Advantage plans offer automatic security update functionality?03:32
tewardallquixotic: you can configure Landscape to do only automatic security updates yes03:34
tewardfor either all systems or certain tags, or individual access groups, or however you choose.03:35
tewardwhether it's all updates or only security updates, you have to configure it to push the update tasks out, either way03:35
teward(the automatic security updates is what I have my servers all set to)03:36
teward(inside of Landscape)03:36
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=== Bae is now known as GameOfTrolls
allquixoticteward: Thanks!04:11
allquixoticDo the requisite things generally get reloaded when listening services (nginx, ssh, etc.) get updated that way?04:11
lordievaderGood morning.09:58
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tammy5god morning10:56
tammy5I am new to ubuntu server and trying to see what can be done10:56
lordievadertammy5: How do you mean "what can be done"?11:11
tammy5nvm @lordievader I found what I was looking for11:13
tammy5I was trying to see what volunteer opportunities I can work on11:13
=== {8 is now known as robot
codepython7771how do you configure a ubuntu server so that it can be powered off without "shutdown" and have no adversarial effect on it?12:06
ikoniacodepython7771: what do you mean ?12:18
=== GameOfTrolls is now known as GG
dahlia_hello guys13:14
dahlia_i need to determine limitation for bandwidth for users in my serve how can i do that ?13:18
ikoniaiptables quos13:20
dahlia_ikonia, hi13:28
dahlia_ikonia, can  you give me a reference to how can i use iptable?13:29
ikonialook up the quos function13:29
dahlia_ikonia, how can i use iptables graphical ?13:31
ikoniathere are gui tools, I'd advise against it personally13:32
dahlia_ikonia, i need to limit bandwidth for users that use from my website on my server13:33
ikoniaok ?13:33
dahlia_how can i do that in my server ?13:34
codepython7771ikonia: I want to be able to switch off the machine whenever i want - without a "shutdown now"?13:35
ikoniacodepython7771: how do you want to shut it up13:35
ikoniadahlia_: use iptables with quos as I've said13:35
ikoniathere is also mod_bandwitdh for apache13:35
codepython7771ikonia: power off button13:35
ikoniacodepython7771: poweroff single press should invoke shutdown if your bios suppors apci properly13:36
PGNdI'm installing Ubuntu 16LTS in a Xen Guest.  If I install the guest using xen bios == 'seabios', i.e., NOT as an EFI guest, then all's well.  But if I install as xen bios == 'ovmf', i.e. as an EFI guest, then on guest reboot it drops into UEFI Shell -- and fails to boot.14:37
PGNdAtm, this is unique to Ubuntu.  Opensuse and Fedora EFI guests work just fine.14:37
PGNdSo, with not yet having done a deeper dive,  I suspect it's an Ubuntu issue.14:38
PGNdQuestion is -- anyone here familiar with this scenario to hint at a problem/solution?14:38
PGNdMy first guess is that the Grub installed by the Ubu installer is not new enough ...14:39
tewardallquixotic: [2016-06-26 00:11:56] <allquixotic> Do the requisite things generally get reloaded when listening services (nginx, ssh, etc.) get updated that way?14:43
tewardI went to bed early, sorry14:43
tewardallquixotic: it depends on the 'services'.  I have a separate process in my Landscape configuration that runs about 15 minutes after the scheduled security update process every night that restarts the services gracefully.  I believe nginx and ssh are configured to reload that way in the packaging, but I can't speak to all services14:44
dahlia_hi how can i limit bandwidth for per user using apache ?14:51
ikoniadahlia_: already told you15:03
ikoniamultiple times nw15:03
dahlia_ikonia, yes you said but i dont know how can i use that15:04
ikoniaok - so research the two options I gave you15:04
ikoniasee which one would best work for your needs15:04
dahlia_ikonia, as i need to use that for my website i prefer setting for apache  DO YOU AGREE ?15:05
ikoniaI don't care15:05
ikoniait's your use case15:05
ikoniayour needs, your experience, your views that matter15:05
dahlia_ikonia, do you know anyone to help me to15:06
ikoniahelp you what ?15:06
dahlia_i have a website15:06
ikoniayes ,I'm aware you have a website, you've mentioned that15:06
dahlia_i need to prepare method for pay15:06
ikoniawhat ?15:06
dahlia_i need someone to have master card15:07
ikoniawhat has this got to do with ubuntu,15:07
dahlia_our customers pay in her account15:07
ikoniaagain - what has this got to do with ubuntu ?15:07
dahlia_excuse me15:08
dahlia_it is not related15:08
dahlia_it was just a personallu question15:08
dahlia_excuse me15:08
ikoniait's not even a question15:08
ikoniayou've just stated you need a mastercard15:08
ikoniano idea what that has to do with anything15:08
dahlia_ikonia, i cant provide mastercard here in Iran15:09
ikoniawhat do you want me to do about that ?15:09
dahlia_i need to offer master card payment  method for foreigner customers  r15:10
ikoniaagain - what do you want me to do about this?15:10
dahlia_i need someone to have master card15:10
ikoniaagain - what do you want me to do about this?15:10
dahlia_to get money and tranfer it to our swift account in iraN15:11
ikoniayou want me to do a money transfer for you ?15:11
dahlia_to our company15:11
ikoniathat is a crazy thing to ask15:12
ikoniaplease don't ask for that sort of thing15:12
ikoniawe are not here for that sort of thing at all15:12
ikoniawe are here for ubuntu help only15:12
dahlia_i know15:12
dahlia_you areright15:12
dahlia_excuse me15:12
dahlia_i search to find a method15:13
dahlia_ikonia, i was wrong excuse me15:13
JanCusually that sort of requests comes from Nigeria...15:17
allquixoticHas anyone found a guide for using LXD with OpenVSwitch for networking (to prevent containers from sniffing L2 on an unrestricted bridge) -without- installing the openstack bloat?17:52
patdk-lapI thought it was lsd18:06
patdk-lapallquixotic, just use ebtables18:06
slabcannot run doom 3 BFG just grey screen18:21
tewardslab: not sure how it's on topic here?  Are you using Windows?18:25
tewardif oyu're using Ubuntu and not the server version, then you should go to #ubuntu18:25
tewardif you're on Windows, use ##windows18:25
tewardotherwise, I think that's offtopic for the channel...18:25
slabno ubuntu teward18:25
tewardas this is Ubuntu Server discussion and support, not Desktop18:25
tewardslab: visit #ubuntu18:25
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
allquixoticpatdk-lap: ebtables will work for layer 2, but it doesn't stop guests from claiming whatever IP address they want, which is another thing I need to do (ensure that each guest can only use the IP(s) I want).19:00
patdk-lapallquixotic, since when is that not possible with ebtables?19:02
allquixoticpatdk-lap: Oh, nice... so, when I assign a MAC to an interface in an LXD container, can root within the (unprivileged) container change the MAC address on their own?19:04
=== Seveas_ is now known as Seveas
allquixoticSo I'm using macvlan with LXD and it works well; now I'd like to restrict containers to using a specific MAC address + IP address combo - meaning, if they put in the wrong MAC or IP, they will either get an error or just have their packets dropped. All of the containers get one static IP. How can I do this?20:41
=== GG is now known as AllahDuhaiHai

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