
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
CarlFKodrod, arm, running xenail.  how can I apt-get source from a ppa?05:35
CarlFK(which doesn't have arm builds)05:41
CarlFKoh never mind. the version I want is already in  ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports05:47
estanhi. i'd like to have dbgsym packages activated for a PPA of mine (https://launchpad.net/~elvstone/+archive/ubuntu/vtk7). is that possible?10:53
cjwatsonestan: You can do it yourself.  Go to "Change details" and check "Build debug symbols" and probably also "Publish debug symbols".10:54
estancjwatson: aha, thanks!10:56
estancjwatson: do you know if i need to do something else for it to trigger building of the debug symbols? (or is the only way to upload a new source version of the packages?)10:57
cjwatsonestan: If you have existing failed builds you can retry them; otherwise you need a fresh source upload.11:01
estancjwatson: alright. thanks.11:56
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renatosilvacan someone please take a look? thanks https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/29562913:15
cjwatsonrenatosilva: done13:18
renatosilvacjwatson: thanks!13:20
renatosilvacjwatson: but there are two problems13:26
renatosilvaone, this branch has deleted project in name still https://code.launchpad.net/~renatosilva/pidgin++/ircaway13:27
renatosilvait says lp:pidgin-ircaway, and cloning even works! but project was just deleted!13:27
renatosilvasecond, I cannot delete the branch13:27
cjwatsonYou should be more clear in your requests then!13:27
renatosilva"This branch cannot be deleted as it has     1     branch     sharing revisions.  " -- this branch is an old patch that is useless for all known galaxies13:28
cjwatsonrenatosilva: I've reactivated the projects.  Please delete the code branches and then let me know.13:28
renatosilvasuch a mess13:28
renatosilvaI do want to delete these two useless projects13:29
renatosilvathen I went for the above branch and noticed it references a deleted project13:29
renatosilvaname should be pidgin++/ircaway not lp:pidgin-ircaway13:29
cjwatsonWhy does it matter if the old branches are still branchable?  Nothing will refer to them13:29
renatosilvathis is first problem13:30
renatosilvawhy why why, one mess here, another there13:30
cjwatsonrenatosilva: You could unset the development focus on those projects.13:30
cjwatsonI can't do that for you.13:30
renatosilvaI assume you are pretty aware then why many people are leaving launchpad13:30
renatosilvabut back to the problems, will try unset, this is for first problem or second?13:31
renatosilvaah sorry!13:31
cjwatsonLook, I'm not interested in having a philosophical debate.13:31
cjwatsonYou can abuse me or ask me for help but not both.13:31
renatosilvabad habit of reading messages partially13:31
renatosilva"Please delete the code branches and then let me know." -- just read13:32
cjwatsonUnsetting the development focus will stop those branches being lp:pidgin-ircaway and lp:pidgin-windev.13:32
renatosilvadeleting  https://code.launchpad.net/~renatosilva/pidgin++/ircaway does not work regardless if the project exists, so no need to try13:32
renatosilvagives this message regardless "This branch cannot be deleted as it has     1     branch     sharing revisions.  "13:33
cjwatsonYes, you already said that.13:33
cjwatsonBazaar hosting has several of these kinds of problems; we learned from this when we put together Git hosting13:33
renatosilvaunset the development focus on those projects -- what exactly this will do, fix first problem?13:34
cjwatson14:32 <cjwatson> Unsetting the development focus will stop those branches being lp:pidgin-ircaway and lp:pidgin-windev.13:34
* renatosilva trying...13:35
renatosilvacannot unset13:36
renatosilvait lists the series, that's all, need to pick one13:36
cjwatsonWhat URL are you using?13:36
cjwatsonUse https://launchpad.net/pidgin-windev/+configure-code instead13:37
cjwatsonEmpty the text box under "Link to a Bazaar branch already in Launchpad", and press Update13:37
cjwatsonLikewise for pidgin-ircaway13:38
renatosilvaalready empty for windev13:40
cjwatsonThe branch that's stacked on the former lp:pidgin-ircaway and preventing it being deleted is lp:~vlad-lesin/pidgin-ircaway/easy_build; you could contact that user and ask them to delete or unstack their branch (the latter being "bzr reconfigure --unstacked lp:~vlad-lesin/pidgin-ircaway/easy_build", though can probably only be done while the project is active), but it's probably not worth the effort13:41
renatosilvabut first problem solved for ircaway :)13:41
cjwatsonit's empty now for windev; it wasn't before13:41
renatosilvaI know that branch, asked him to delete13:41
renatosilvano response13:41
renatosilvaasked him months ago a few times13:41
renatosilvawhat's interesting is13:42
renatosilvaif I did not associate that ircaway branch with pidgin++, then now that you delete pidgin-ircaway project, this branch would be gone, correct?13:42
cjwatsonno, we can only actually make projects inactive+invisible rather than full-scale deleteion13:43
renatosilvaah wait, I can move it back to pidgin-ircaway, and when you re-delete, it will be gone, no?13:43
renatosilvawell but I will not see the branch anywhere13:43
cjwatsonit would be invisible, yes; although it would also be for most purposes invisible now, since its status is Merged13:43
cjwatsonso now that it's no longer a focus branch for a project, it won't show up unless you look pretty hard for it13:44
cjwatsonbut you could indeed move it back to pidgin-ircaway if you like13:44
renatosilvahow can I create a copy of this branch to put in pidgin++ but one that I can delete later (without stacked branches like vlad)?13:44
renatosilvaselecting "any status" in filter is far from pretty hard :)13:45
cjwatsonmove it to something under pidgin-ircaway, and then "bzr push lp:~renatosilva/pidgin++/ircaway"13:45
renatosilvaok will do...13:45
* renatosilva ...13:45
cjwatson"pretty hard" in this case doesn't mean "difficult", but anyway.13:45
renatosilvadone, and I could delete it, awesome!!13:50
renatosilvacjwatson: now you can 'delete' both projects again, I guess13:50
cjwatsonrenatosilva: done13:57
renatosilvacjwatson: awesome, thanks13:58
renatosilvaprofessional attitude despite the philosophical views :)13:59
renatosilvacjwatson: thanks for *actually* fixing the problems, good afternoon14:00
renatosilvathanks all14:03
GyrosGeieris there a way to get mailing list archives in mbox format?17:02
GyrosGeierI'd like to reply to an older mail, quoting it and using a proper In-Reply-To: header17:02
cjwatsonthere is although it's a slightly weird one that involves us invoking sysadmins17:04
cjwatsonyou can ask a question on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad for it17:04
GyrosGeierwell, it's probably not worth the effort just to get proper threading of list mails17:06
GyrosGeierbut I'm going to submit a question nonetheless, so it doesn't get lost17:06
GyrosGeierhttps://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/158226 suggests that it's a reoccuring problem17:07
cjwatsonthat sort of thing is a little different at least in purpose17:10
cjwatsonfor a non-team-owner we'd probably want to extract just the message in question17:11
GyrosGeieras said, it's not important enough in this particular instance, but a generic solution would be nice17:13
GyrosGeierthe most important bit for me is the Message-Id17:14
GyrosGeiermailman's mbox output is severely scrubbed, it just leaves From, To, Subject, In-Reply-To, References and Message-Id17:15
GyrosGeierthat shouldn't be a problem from a data protection POV -- it'd also be okay to further obfuscate the non-list addresses17:16
cjwatsonI would have to ask around17:19
kyrofacjwatson, I appreciate your enabling s390x for me. However, my build just failed and I seem to have no log to investigate18:04
kyrofacjwatson, does that have something to do with the arch?18:07
dobeykyrofa: usually means the builder crashed before creating logs18:08
kyrofadobey, huh. It said it ran for 14 minutes18:09
dobeykyrofa: provide the link to the build :)18:09
kyrofadobey, https://code.launchpad.net/~kyrofa/+snap/nextcloud/+build/136418:10
dobeykyrofa: ok, maybe it just took a long while exploding before it created logs. i'm not too familiar with building snaps on lp yet, but when this happens in PPAs, it typically means something went wrong on the builder before the logs were being created18:12
kyrofadobey, alright thanks for taking a look. I've requested another build so we'll see what happens. Indeed, the other builders work like that, but they don't typically take so long to explode :)18:13
dobeywell, any more info on it will have to wait for cjwatson or wgrant to take a look18:14
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cjwatsonkyrofa: Looks like a firewall problem21:40
cjwatson2016-06-27 17:49:55+0000 [-] Build log: fatal: unable to access 'https://git.launchpad.net/nextcloud-snap/': Failed to connect to git.launchpad.net port 443: Connection timed out21:40
cjwatson2016-06-27 17:49:55+0000 [-] Build log: Revoking proxy token...21:40
cjwatson2016-06-27 17:52:02+0000 [-] Build log: .URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 110] Connection timed out>21:40
cjwatson2016-06-27 17:52:02+0000 [-] Iterating with success flag 1 against stage BUILD_SNAP21:40
cjwatson2016-06-27 17:52:02+0000 [-] Returning build status: Builder failed.21:40
cjwatsonkyrofa: File a bug please?  I'll need to chase this down with puppet and/or sysadmins21:41

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