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kalikiana_t1mp: Ready for review https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/listsAndNameSpaces/+merge/29831411:47
kalikiana_(with, as I mentioned in Mumble, the caveat that it's not fully tested because I don't want to re-do everything here, which'll be done in the new api project anyway)11:48
t1mpkalikiana_: cool, I'll check it13:00
t1mpkalikiana_: it only checks the stuff we export to QML, right? So C++ API changes are still undetected?13:00
t1mpI'm thinking what will happen for example when(if) we rename UCAction to UbuntuToolkit::Action13:01
mhall119ahayzen: pong, sorry I lost power and with it my irssi backlog, but I see that you pinged me about a wallpaper contest13:18
mhall119I think that's a fantastic idea13:18
kalikiana_t1mp: I don't get that. Those are 3 things you mix up here. 1) UCAction, C++ class name 2) UbuntuToolkit, C++ namespace 3) Action, QML typename13:24
kalikiana_What are you referring to exactly?13:25
ahayzenmhall119, \o/ woo14:47
ahayzenmhall119, yeah basically we were thinking of a wallpaper contest to get a set of images included into the default ubuntu image, so you don't just have that single image. ... I wondered if they could be 'convergent' images that work when cropped to portrait and when output to a landscape display14:48
mhall119ahayzen: if you want to organize it, including defining rules like that, I will check on (A) prizes and (B) whether there is space on the default Ubuntu images for extra images14:57
ahayzenawesome :-) like it'd be nice even if it just the /ubuntu channel images doesn't have to be the OEM ones15:00
ahayzenahoneybun, ^^15:00
mhall119ahayzen: let me check on space, IIRC we were pretty tight on how much more could go into the image given the partition sizes on the phones15:02
ahayzenah yeah15:02
ahayzenwould/could that not go into the user's partition though?15:02
ahayzenlike ~/Pictures15:02
ahayzeni guess they are somewhere in a system folder though at the moment15:03
ahoneybunI'll help with rules, and judging15:03
ahayzenawesome :-)15:04
ahayzenmhall119, how do we organise this sortof thing? start a wiki page somewhere detailing the rules?15:04
ahayzen(assuming there is enough space on the image etc)15:04
mhall119ahayzen: usually we use developer.ubuntu.com for phone related contests15:04
ahayzenah yeah15:05
ahayzenbut i guess we could use similar rules to how the desktop one has been run15:05
mhall119yeah, using flickr to collect the entries15:06
ahoneybunyep flickr is great that at15:06
svijahoneybun: ahoneybun: you may also want to talk to nhaines for ideas/rules etc., since he runs the desktop wallpaper contest15:29
t1mpkalikiana_: do I mix it up?15:35
t1mpkalikiana_: the components.api used to have UCAction, and now it has Action. So in the MR it goes from C++ to QML name?15:35
ahoneybunsvij: good point ahayzen15:39
ahayzenyeah good idea15:39
kalikiana_t1mp: "Used to" after the namespace MR broke it you mean? This is exactly what fixed.15:40
t1mpkalikiana_: my question was: Does it only check the QML API?15:40
t1mpbecause there used to be C++ class-names in there, and now only QML.15:40
t1mphmm.. that is strange though. UbuntuToolkit is the C++ namespace and Action is the QML component name15:41
kalikiana_t1mp: Let's take an example. "Ubuntu.Components.Action 1.3 1.0 0.1 UbuntuToolkit::UCAction: QtObject" The C++ class name is at the end of the list of exported QML types and versions. We do that because the C++ class leaks into Autopilot introspection - we don't actually track C++ API.15:42
t1mpkalikiana_: the MR has in many places stuff like: +    property UbuntuToolkit.Action action15:46
t1mpso it has CppNameSpace.QmlComponentName15:47
t1mpif we track QML API, why do we have the CPP namespace?15:47
t1mpit should be Ubuntu.Components.Action15:47
t1mpUbuntuToolkit does not exist in QML15:47
t1mpI think eventually we should track cpp api too. So we would have both UbuntuToolkit::UCAction and Ubuntu.Components.Action15:48
t1mpbut maybe in separate files15:48
kalikiana_t1mp: Pushed a fix https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/listsAndNameSpaces/+merge/29831415:57
t1mpkalikiana_: nice, thanks.15:59
t1mpkalikiana_: do we not need the namespace on the right-hand side of the : for QML API?15:59
t1mpkalikiana_: for example now we have Ubuntu.Components.Pickers.Dialer 1.3: StyledItem in the MR15:59
t1mpshould that be Ubuntu.Components.Pickers.Dialer 1.3: Ubuntu.Components.StyledItem15:59
t1mpor is that useless?15:59
kalikiana_t1mp: That'd be an enhancement... in theory it could be useful if the parent is from another module, so I might say, iff it came from another module the parent should be shown16:02
kalikiana_(Rule of thumb is usually, include what's necessary, avoid redundancy)16:02
t1mpUbuntu.Layouts.Layouts 1.0 0.1 ULLayouts: Item16:02
t1mpkalikiana_: Item comes from the QtQuick module16:03
kalikiana_Right. So in theory it's ambiguous and should probably say QtQuick.Item16:03
t1mpUbuntu.Components.ListItems.Empty 1.3: AbstractButton16:09
t1mpkalikiana_: ^ also that one. AbstractButton is in Ubuntu.Components, not in Ubuntu.Components.ListItems16:09
t1mpperhaps it is the easiest to list the full import16:09
t1mpor namespace16:09
t1mphow do we call it in QML?16:10
kalikiana_Nothing is easy here. :-)16:10
kalikiana_Type system is everything but16:10
kalikiana_t1mp: QML has no namespaces16:10
t1mpok, maybe not the easiest. But always listing the full namespace is the least ambiguous16:10
t1mpok, maybe not the easiest. But always listing the full import string is the least ambiguous16:11
t1mplike that then?16:11
t1mphow do you call the prefix for the Component  name?16:11
kalikiana_that's the module name. you import either all classes by their name or using "as" with a custom prefix (which looks like a namespace in C++ does)16:12
kalikiana_but essentially the types are dumped freeform into the typesystem16:13
kalikiana_for example "import Ubuntu.Components" is the module, if there's a conflict with another module, your problem16:15
t1mpah, ok module name then :)16:15
kalikiana_I'd never call it a namespace because it really doesn't work like one16:15
kalikiana_t1mp: Mind filing a bug for including the name of the module of parent classes?16:17
t1mphuh, Ubuntu.Layouts.Layouts 1.0 0.1 ULLayouts: Item is correct?16:19
t1mpI didn't notice ULLayouts before16:19
t1mpyeah it is ULLayouts.16:19
ahayzenmhall119, i wonder if there isn't enough space, if we could create a click or zip file that the user could download a 'pack' of photos which is then imported into the settings app ... as a fallback plan16:20
t1mpkalikiana_: perhaps we should show the namespace for the C++ parents?16:20
t1mpkalikiana_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/159660116:21
ubot5Launchpad bug 1596601 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "Show the module of the parent component in components.api" [Undecided,New]16:21
t1mpkalikiana_: another one,16:23
t1mp-    readonly property UbuntuToolkit.QQuickMimeData data16:23
t1mp246+    readonly property MimeData data16:23
t1mpkalikiana_: MimeData is not in a module/16:24
t1mpalso the newData() function after that16:24
kalikiana_t1mp: MimeData comes from Ubuntu.Components - although it's perfectly possible it's not there because it was hard to do16:26
kalikiana_(I probably wouldn't have seen a need to include if it's the same module, but I don't think it was a very specific decision to do or avoid)16:27
t1mpkalikiana_: there are more issues, I commented on https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/listsAndNameSpaces/+merge/29831416:39
kalikiana_t1mp: The syntax hasn't changed at all. If it *looks* confusing that's not a bug or regression in the context of this branch.16:41
kalikiana_t1mp: Re "<UbuntuToolki>" list parsing. That's exactly what I'm fixing.16:42
kalikiana_t1mp: the description of AlarmModel.get used to be this before the namespaces came into the picture, thus no regression "function UCAlarm* get(int index)"16:43
kalikiana_You found a bug, though: "signal dragDirectionChanged(UCBottomEdge direction)" is not fixing the regression.16:45
kalikiana_why is the module name missing here? -> it was never there ;-)16:46
kalikiana_"function QQuickMimeData* newData()" is also not a regression16:46
kalikiana_t1mp: So in summary, you found 2 genuine bugs (regressions caused by namespaces they weren't fixed), I recorded the reasoning in a comment and will investigate.17:07
t1mpkalikiana_: okay, thanks.17:56
=== kalikiana_ is now known as kalikiana
=== afkthairus is now known as athairus
=== salem_ is now known as _salem

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