
qenghohikiko: hi hi05:00
hikikoHi qengho!05:02
pittiGood morning05:55
didrocksgood morning pitti06:05
pittibonjour didrocks ! as-tu eu un bon week-end ?06:06
didrockspitti: très bien, je suis allé chez vuntz le dimanche :)06:06
didrockset toi ?06:06
pittioh, c'est bien !06:06
pittididrocks: il y avait une grande fête dans la ville, beaucoup d'orchestres, etc.06:07
pittidonc, on a dancé beaucoup, avec quelques amis :)06:08
didrockssuper :-)06:09
seb128good morning desktopers06:42
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seb128hey Sweet5hark, had a good w.e?07:39
seb128hey andyrock, how are you?07:45
andyrockhey sab128, not bad. how was your we?07:47
seb128it was good!07:47
seb128travelled back from Boston on the friday night07:47
seb128was home on saturday at 1007:48
seb128had a relaxing w.e, watched some euro games on tv, played some video games, read a bit07:48
seb128what about yours?07:48
willcookemorning all!07:55
pittihey willcooke! made it back home in one piece?07:55
willcookepitti, yeah, but the place is a mess :)07:55
willcookepeople wandering the streets07:56
willcookeno one knows what's going on07:56
seb128good morning willcooke07:56
willcookehey seb128, glad you didnt get murdered either07:56
pittiwillcooke: eww, yes :/ I spent most of my Friday morning on reading news07:56
seb128taking the bus, what an experience right? ;-)07:56
* seb128 looks at the stock market numbers, those are still grumpy today07:57
pittierr, I thought we were talking about brexit, what's up with buses now?07:57
willcookeglad I'm not retiring any time soon07:57
seb128was good when my saving were worth something!07:57
willcookepitti, seb128 made me go on a bus07:57
pittiseb128: you put all your savings into pounds?07:57
seb128pitti, just joking, willcooke wanted to take a cab to the airport07:57
pittipublic transport is good! :-) (too bad the US has so little of it)07:58
seb128pitti, no, joking mostly, but I do have some stocks and the cac40 went down 8% of friday and is red again today07:58
pittiI can't imagine that this will stay for long08:01
pittiat least in the media I've looked at it appears like Britain is now shocked by its own decision, a lot of voters are now demaning another referendum (already 2 million signed the petition), it's non-binding, and the vast majority of the parlament is "remain" anyway08:02
pittiso this thing will either be procrastinated to death or maybe even reverted08:03
pittiwell, here's hope anyway :)08:03
pittiwillcooke, seb128: I understand you talked about the desktop startup sprint last week; mind giving an update (maybe to the email) for Laney, tedg, and me?08:03
seb128pitti, sure can do08:04
Sweet5harkpitti: Im still amazed by this one after watching it a hundred times: https://twitter.com/sgardner/status/74705988312869273708:15
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andyrockseb128: nothing special :D back to my parent's place so boring stuff08:19
Sweet5harkpitti, seb128: well, they have a vote, but no plan. so the thing they voted for doesnt exist, and they have no figurehead who is stupid enough to sign that article50 thing and ruin his/her own life by taking the blame. They could find a nobody to do it, but then no blame would be on that person -- it would be on the populists who called for this.08:20
seb128boring is good sometimes :-)08:20
andyrockwell I just ordered the xps15 :D08:21
qenghoMy laptop is flaking out, so I'm trying to envy you to death, andyrock.08:21
Sweet5harkseb128: and my weekend was ... thrilling. I couldnt help watching that political trainwreck happening in slow motion.08:23
seb128yeah, I spent a good time reading about that on the internet as well08:24
seb128watched also some debate on the bbc08:24
Sweet5harkstill amazed by the ignorance of the electorate (killing the City of London as europeans wallstreet can be that bad, i think we'll manage). uhm, no: you wont "manage" losing that ~10% of GDP easily, I guess.08:31
seb128hey Trevinho, how are you?08:41
Trevinhoseb128: good... Staying in a place near to the see is always good for weekends08:42
Trevinhoseb128: how was your trip?08:42
TrevinhoGot time for watching the match08:42
Trevinho(you risked that an Italian helped to kick France out :-D)08:43
seb128trip was good08:43
seb128I flew back on friday night08:43
seb128direct flight, 7h08:43
seb128was back home on saturday morning at 10am08:43
seb128so normal w.e08:44
seb128I watched the France and Germany games ;-)08:44
qenghoHrm, chromium crashes at startup on RPi, in init before main. I'm going to see if gdb can break earlier, but I wonder if anyone here has debugging advice.08:44
qenghoCould be some static init problem or ld.so problem...08:45
qenghoHmm, thanks, seb128.08:45
willcookeseb128, wifi working fine at home08:47
thumpero/ seb128 didrocks08:48
thumpersprinting from blue fin this week08:48
seb128so something in the hotel env was making n-m grumpy08:48
thumperthought I'd say hi08:48
seb128hey thumper08:48
seb128oh, nice08:48
seb128enjoy it!08:48
Sweet5harkqengho: also, strace sometimes show a program is all wrong about were it loads stuff from during init.08:49
qenghoSweet5hark: Thanks. I think that is okay, but I will make sure.08:50
didrockshey thumper! How are you?08:50
thumperreal good08:51
Sweet5harkqengho: yeah: apart from funny path, it might give you an rough idea in what part of init its dying ...08:53
Sweet5hark<- afk sporting09:21
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Sweet5harkmeh, one hour afk and when I come back BCS and RBS are suspended from trading.10:56
pittiSweet5hark: stop shorting them!10:56
Sweet5harkpitti: well, had to .. right in the moment they were suspended.10:57
pittioh, you really did? :-)10:57
Sweet5harknah, I didnt hedge with derivates. But I did hedge and so far it seems to work reasonably.10:58
xnoxi've closed my shorts on saturday.11:04
xnoxmaybe i should have kept them open.11:04
* ogra_ doesnt want to picture that ... really11:06
Sweet5harkuhhh, its getting hot in here11:09
alexarnaudHello willcooke, didrocks, seb128, Trevinho  :) !11:25
seb128hey alexarnaud11:28
=== hikiko|afk is now known as hikiko
desrthappy monday!12:48
seb128hey desrt, happy monday to you! had a good w.e?12:50
desrtawesome weekend12:50
desrtwent to my parents' cottage12:50
desrtdid approximately 012:50
desrthow is summer shaping up over there?12:52
seb128w.e was actually quite fine12:52
seb128today/this week is rainy and 19°C12:53
desrtdo anything special?12:53
didrockshey hey desrt!12:56
didrocksmore 25°C here :)12:57
seb128no, I didn't do much, read brexit comments, looked a bit at booking hotels for holidays, played some video games & watched France and Germany games12:58
desrtlooks like the brits are desperately looking for a way to have a do-over12:59
desrtor for rescue from the scots.. or the northern irish.. or the second round of voting... or please anything at all at this point would be quite nice please and thank you13:00
didrocksmy recipe for knowing France - Germany outcome without watching the match13:01
desrtopen your window and listen to the streets?13:01
didrocksjust come back by the metro after a nice day at vuntz's house at the wrong time, knowing that the game was in Lyon…13:01
desrtlol.  that's always fun :)13:02
didrocksthe subway is fast, fortunatly :)13:02
desrtmeh.  these situations can be fun.  every now and then i get stuck in a go train with a bunch of bluejays fans13:02
desrtsome of them very very very drunk13:03
desrti did do one interesting activity this weekend during a couple of hours of playing around13:05
desrt$ echo `ls -a`13:05
desrt. .. Archive Build code .config Desktop Documents Downloads Install .local Music Pictures Projects .var Video13:05
desrtand ~ is now 0500, so nothing else can create dotfiles there13:06
desrteverything else is elsewhere13:06
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alexarnaudwillcooke: re14:12
alexarnaudDo to plan to give us a feedback about the discussion with your boss ?14:12
alexarnaud*do you plan (sorry)14:12
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willcookeseb128, https://github.com/8none1/gedit31014:38
seb128willcooke, works now?14:42
willcookeseb128, still building without the plugins....14:42
willcookeseb128, done. Different error, still broken14:44
willcookewill play14:44
seb128what error?14:48
willcooke(gedit:10658): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.gnome.gedit.preferences.editor' is not installed14:49
seb128you build from source?14:50
willcookewell, I built gedit from src, but I used the deb for gtk14:51
willcookeand now thinking about it14:51
willcookethat's probably not going to work :)14:51
seb128it should work14:51
seb128but you need to     configflags: [--prefix=/usr]14:51
seb128otherwise the schemas is installed in some other dir where the wrapper doesn't find it14:52
seb128configflags: [--prefix=/snap/gedit310/current/usr]14:52
seb128    organize:14:52
seb128      snap/gedit310/current/usr: usr14:52
seb128which is what I do to evince to get e.g translations working14:53
seb128but that goes back to the list discussion if you followed14:53
seb128it makes your snap rely on the /snap/gedit310/current path at runtime14:53
seb128which the snappy team doesn't want to garanty as stable14:53
willcooke_<willcooke> I'll have a go later, thanks seb12814:58
willcooke_* Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)14:58
seb128willcooke_, yw!14:59
=== willcooke_ is now known as willcooke
seb128cyphermox, hey, asking in case you know offhand but do you know if something change in nm "permissions=" for user connections (or if we had a distro patch that maybe doesn't work as it should after update), https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1574020/comments/2615:41
ubot5Launchpad bug 1574020 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Can't use networkmanager from lightdm" [High,Confirmed]15:41
seb128happyaron, ^15:41
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cyphermoxseb128: not that I know -- this may have been an upstream policy change that somehow broke..16:16
seb128cyphermox, k, thanks16:17
cyphermoxthings are behaving correctly here16:17
seb128cyphermox, you mean that newly creating connection have the user value?16:33
seb128attente, hey, do you know offhand what sort of issue could make gtk2 code not export their menus in unity with unity-gtk-module loaded?16:40
cyphermoxseb128: no, I mean that newly creating a connection has permission= empty.16:41
seb128k, which is the issue described in that bug16:42
seb128I guess needs somebody to investigatge16:42
cyphermoxmaybe the Network panel in g-c-c does it wrong?16:43
seb128those are not added using it afaik?16:43
seb128they are added when the user connect using the applet16:43
attenteseb128: could it be missing env vars (GTK2_MODULES) or x properties?16:47
seb128env is correct, gtk-demo has them exported16:47
seb128the module is loaded according to /proc/pidf/map16:48
seb128that's running from a snap env in devmode16:48
seb128unsure what issue it could be16:48
attentewhich snap is this?16:48
seb128atom :p16:48
seb128there was some issue with GTK_PATH not being set16:49
seb128and XDG_DATA_DIRS being incomplete16:49
seb128which made the module not loaded16:49
seb128I fixed those and gtk-demo works16:49
seb128but not atom itself16:49
seb128anyway it was in case you had some usual gotcha16:49
attentenot off hand, but i can give it a try16:50
seb128don't bother if you are busy with other things16:50
* Trevinho deserved one more goal16:51
seb128you can download  http://didrocks.fr/temp/atom_1.8.0_amd64.snap if you want  a built version (I had issues building)16:51
seb128Trevinho, you also wish that Spain had scored one? :p16:52
Trevinhoseb128: not really... :-P16:54
attenteseb128: doesn't unity-gtk2-module have to be in the list of staged packages?17:04
seb128attente, yes, it's in there https://github.com/ubuntu/snappy-playpen/blob/master/atom/snapcraft.yaml17:04
seb128Trevinho, you got it ;-)17:57
Trevinhoseb128: yeah.. it seems we've to get rid of Germany once again...18:27
seb128Trevinho, good luck with that!18:27
Trevinhoseb128: it's gonna be hard, but stats sometimes count18:27
seb128Trevinho, stats are a summary of the past,they don't tell you much about the current teams and dynamics ... but let's see ;-)18:30
pittiseb128: wow, this ENG-ISL game is great to watch19:33
seb128pitti, do you reckon ENG is up for another euro exit? ;-)19:45
pittiseb128: could very well be19:47
pittiit's quite impressive what they showed19:47
pittioh, finally, a xenial langpack19:48
seb128starting having nice matches in this euro19:49
seb128the first ones were a bit boring19:49
pittiyeah, indeed19:49
seb128oh, langpack, nice! do they have evolution-3.18?19:49
pittiI watched the firstr half of Italy-Spain too19:50
pittiwhich was entertaining, although I was a bit disappointed by spain19:50
seb128don't say that to Trevinho :-)19:52
pittiI thought he was Italian?19:52
pittiI mostly wanted to see what we'll be up to next Sat :)19:53
pittiseb128: oui ^19:53
seb128he's Italian indeed, but I think he would have liked from Italy to score another goal earlier in the match19:54
seb128he seemed a bit nervous at the half time ;-)19:54
pittiwell, how high you win is completely irrelevant now :)19:54
seb128Italie-Germany is going to be a though one19:54
pittioh my19:54
robert_ancellwillcooke, hi20:02
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willcookewhat a load of rubbish20:51
pittitwo brexits within one week..20:52
willcookecue fighting in the streets tonight20:53
mitya57Not yet brexit, there's still Wales ;P20:56
willcookenight all21:42
qenghoGood morning!23:21

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