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smb | Morning, I think someone needs to upload the signed grub2 updates to Trusty (proposed) still. Getting removal hints again | 06:36 |
flexiondotorg | infinity, Many thanks for working the weekend to fix iso.qa. | 08:08 |
mwhudson | thanks, whoever is dealing with my spam :-) | 08:58 |
not_roasted | hello friends. | 11:13 |
not_roasted | is there a documented "schedule" for SRUs or do they land somewhat dynamically? i.e. "when there's enough bug fixes worth committing to an SRU to release to go out to the wild" | 11:14 |
apw | mostly the latter, some packages have an announced schedule (such as the kernel) | 11:15 |
not_roasted | SRUs are different from that of point releases in the LTS cycle, yes? | 11:15 |
apw | point releases are a rollup of the current state including SRUs made into new images | 11:16 |
not_roasted | good deal | 11:16 |
not_roasted | we're getting hit with a bug that was just committed to the current "release" (I assume that means 16.10). It was mentioned it'll go there before the SRU for 16.04. Just curious so I can put it in my notes for the dept. | 11:17 |
not_roasted | thanks for the info :D | 11:17 |
apw | normally we would say development release or current stable release, so i am not sure which it means | 11:18 |
apw | if you have a bug number i could have a look see | 11:18 |
not_roasted | Sure. It's 1506744. | 11:18 |
not_roasted | post 55 at the very bottom mentions it. | 11:18 |
apw | not_roasted, ok that is talking about landing in yakkety right now, but that xenial SRUs (14.04 LTS) are coming | 11:21 |
not_roasted | you threw me off there... xenial... 14.04? | 11:21 |
not_roasted | (typo?) | 11:21 |
apw | 16.04 indeed | 11:21 |
not_roasted | ah, gotcha. | 11:22 |
apw | too many LTSs in my world :) | 11:22 |
not_roasted | ha, I believe it. | 11:22 |
not_roasted | thanks for the info, this helps. I'll put it in our notes and keep an eye out for the SRU. | 11:22 |
not_roasted | speaking of... is there a place I can "track" SRU releases? This particular bug is somewhat random to run into, so it may not be slam-dunk-obvious that it's been fixed unless I install a bunch of things without issue. | 11:23 |
not_roasted | track as in, get a notification, check a web site, etc to see it was released the day before or something? | 11:23 |
apw | not_roasted, you can ask for notifications for a specific bug, i don't think i know a way to know whatall else is changing other than looking at what gets updated directly when doing upgrades | 11:25 |
apw | not_roasted, though you can see hwats pending as they sit in <series>-proposed | 11:25 |
not_roasted | alright, sounds good. I'll do some digging then and check it out. | 11:25 |
not_roasted | thanks for the info apw. appreciate it! | 11:25 |
rbasak | infinity: with your Monday SRU team hat, please could you opine on bug 1569609? Or shall I ask nacc to provide a current upload, and the SRU team can consider it from the queue? | 12:02 |
ubot5 | bug 1569609 in php7.0 (Ubuntu Xenial) "[SRU] microrelease exception for src:php7.0" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1569609 | 12:02 |
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