pavlushka | Hello r0b1n1sl4m ! | 09:47 |
r0b1n1sl4m | hi | 09:47 |
pavlushka | r0b1n1sl4m: whassup? | 09:48 |
r0b1n1sl4m | doing great what about you? | 09:56 |
pavlushka | just peeking to see what's going on, :) | 10:00 |
r0b1n1sl4m | what's your name? | 10:01 |
pavlushka | r0b1n1sl4m: right click on my nick, you'll see | 10:02 |
pavlushka | :) | 10:02 |
pavlushka | r0b1n1sl4m: or run "/whois pavlushka", :p | 10:03 |
pavlushka | r0b1n1sl4m: using kiwi web version, there's some android version of irc, like androidirc, I use that for android. | 10:04 |
pavlushka | r0b1n1sl4m: You may be Robin Islam I suppose? | 10:05 |
r0b1n1sl4m | yes that's correct | 10:05 |
pavlushka | I have a friend named Robin, He is also my cousin, :) | 10:06 |
pavlushka | r0b1n1sl4m: but I felt like home using Hexchat for irc, :) | 10:07 |
r0b1n1sl4m | oh coincident | 10:08 |
pavlushka | r0b1n1sl4m: So is there anything you are upto now? I mean here? | 10:10 |
r0b1n1sl4m | nothing actually just tanjim invited me here that's why....... | 10:11 |
pavlushka | And he is not here, how un welcoming, :( | 10:12 |
pavlushka | r0b1n1sl4m: aree you from CTG? | 10:12 |
r0b1n1sl4m | Bogra | 10:14 |
pavlushka | QA tell tanjim and AudaciousTUX to be in #ubuntu-bd by evening, because pavlushka is upto something. | 10:15 |
QA | pavlushka: Sure, I'll tell tanjim on freenode | 10:15 |
pavlushka | QA tell AudaciousTUX to be in #ubuntu-bd by evening, because pavlushka is upto something. | 10:15 |
QA | pavlushka: Got it, I'll tell AudaciousTUX on freenode | 10:15 |
Kilos | hi all of ya | 10:18 |
Kilos | | 10:19 |
Kilos | dunno if anyone is interested in reading that | 10:19 |
pavlushka | o/ Kilos | 10:20 |
pavlushka | bbl | 10:28 |
Kilos | ok | 10:34 |
AudaciousTUX | tell pavlushka okay | 11:10 |
AudaciousTUX | QA tell pavlushka okay | 11:10 |
QA | AudaciousTUX: Righto, I'll tell pavlushka on freenode | 11:10 |
AudaciousTUX | qa tell pavlushka hexchat much much better than konversation :3 | 11:40 |
QA | AudaciousTUX: Okay, I'll tell pavlushka on freenode | 11:40 |
tareq | hello all | 12:18 |
AudaciousTUX | helu | 12:18 |
pavlushka | Hello tareq ! | 12:18 |
QA | pavlushka: By the way, AudaciousTUX on freenode told me "tell pavlushka okay" 1 hour, 8 minutes and 26 seconds ago | 12:18 |
QA | pavlushka: By the way, AudaciousTUX on freenode told me "tell pavlushka hexchat much much better than konversation :3" 38 minutes and 15 seconds ago | 12:18 |
AudaciousTUX | ow.... tell o massage e thake :3 | 12:19 |
pavlushka | ha ha ha | 12:20 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: and for android, androidirc serves the purpose, ;) | 12:21 |
AudaciousTUX | bangla font causing problem in hexchat :( | 12:21 |
pavlushka | but tab support depends on the soft keypad | 12:21 |
tareq | quassel is good enough | 12:22 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: goto settings-> preference-> appearence, set trhe font to Sans | 12:22 |
pavlushka | *the | 12:23 |
AudaciousTUX | bangla font not showing properly pavlushka | 12:24 |
pavlushka | tareq: yes, I have quassel too | 12:24 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: have you tried the above? | 12:24 |
AudaciousTUX | oh okay.... now all ok.... solimanlipi working fine | 12:24 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: settings-> preference-> appearence, set trhe font to Sans, is my settings and it works for all fonts, check my previous screenshots, ;p | 12:25 |
AudaciousTUX | tareq: vai ki niya kotha olte chaichilo?? | 12:25 |
tareq | nothing | 12:26 |
tareq | just passing time | 12:26 |
AudaciousTUX | :p | 12:26 |
AudaciousTUX | vaggo kharap amar... kam kore na :( pavlushka | 12:26 |
tareq | restart the app | 12:27 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: yes | 12:27 |
AudaciousTUX | nope.... not working :3 | 12:28 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: what is your fonts set to? | 12:28 |
AudaciousTUX | sans | 12:29 |
tareq | guys, would like to check ubuntu gnome | 12:29 |
AudaciousTUX | but now solimanlipi... solimanlipi working for me | 12:29 |
AudaciousTUX | i just hate gnome :3 | 12:29 |
tareq | my fav font | 12:29 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: anything that works is fine :) | 12:29 |
AudaciousTUX | yah | 12:29 |
tareq | kalpurush is fine too | 12:29 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: but I dont hate kubuntu , :p | 12:30 |
tareq | solaimanlipi>siyam rupali>kalpurush | 12:30 |
AudaciousTUX | "ু" ঠিক মত দেখায় না কালপুরুষে | 12:30 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: but my system fonts is set to Likhan, | 12:30 |
AudaciousTUX | লিখান মনেহয় একটু বড়... ঠিক মনে নাই কেমন দেখতে | 12:31 |
tareq | once gittubaba made an app to make bangla usable in gnome shell | 12:31 |
pavlushka | lol, size specify করে দিলেই হল | 12:31 |
tareq | pyfontfixer | 12:31 |
AudaciousTUX | উহু... বড় বড় লাগে তারপরও pavlushka | 12:31 |
pavlushka | tareq: ^^ | 12:31 |
AudaciousTUX | আরেকটা আছে জলপাই... অইটা একটু মাত্রারিক্ত বড় লাগে | 12:32 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: ঠিক আসে, আপনার যেটা সুবিধা মনে হয় | 12:32 |
AudaciousTUX | হেহেহে | 12:32 |
tareq | কনভারসেশানে এত ঝামেলা নাই | 12:37 |
pavlushka | hmm | 12:38 |
ashabadi | Tanvir: tareq Kilos good evening | 14:30 |
ashabadi | how are you guys | 14:30 |
ashabadi | Tanvir: I think I have not talked to you... and if I have I have forgotten | 14:30 |
Kilos | hi ashabadi Tanvir | 14:38 |
Kilos | oh and tareq too | 14:38 |
ashabadi | I think all are away | 14:38 |
Kilos | np i have greeted | 14:39 |
ashabadi | hmm | 14:40 |
ashabadi | how is your farm going? | 14:40 |
Kilos | ok ty just lots of work refencing | 14:41 |
ashabadi | :) | 14:42 |
Kilos | bad peeps cut fences so many times we are rediong it all | 14:42 |
ashabadi | hmm takes time & effort | 14:42 |
Kilos | yip | 14:42 |
tareq | hello Kilos ashabadi | 14:46 |
ashabadi | welcome back tareq | 14:46 |
tareq | I think we can move forward after eid | 14:54 |
ashabadi | hmm tareq | 14:58 |
ashabadi | I dont think much of the people are that interested... | 14:58 |
ashabadi | lets see what happens | 14:58 |
tareq | I will write a manual on Kubuntu 16.04 | 15:05 |
tareq | hope that will help | 15:05 |
tareq | loco team | 15:06 |
ashabadi | great | 15:07 |
tareq | xubuntu guys can write for xubuntu | 15:08 |
ashabadi | the image links are broken | 15:10 |
ashabadi | | 15:10 |
ashabadi | but check it out | 15:11 |
tareq | thanks ashabadi, it will help me to write | 15:12 |
tareq | | 15:13 |
tareq | I will take ideas from this one | 15:13 |
ashabadi | checking | 15:13 |
ashabadi | I think previously it was documentation | 15:14 |
tareq | yea | 15:14 |
tareq | this one plus own contribution | 15:14 |
ashabadi | ok great :) | 15:14 |
tareq | any suggestions? | 15:15 |
ashabadi | only suggestions... enjoy :) | 15:15 |
ashabadi | don't break your back & hurt your eyes typing it | 15:15 |
tareq | lol | 15:16 |
ashabadi | tareq: I think you were working on webpage development right? | 15:34 |
ashabadi | can you tell me how I can enable this theme in my photo blog? try simpleNG | 15:34 |
tareq | ashabadi: not actually, nothing confirm yet; tanjim doing that | 16:26 |
ashabadi | ok | 16:26 |
tareq | ashabadi: I am writing some contents | 16:26 |
ashabadi | ok good | 16:26 |
ashabadi | hello AudaciousTUX | 16:32 |
AudaciousTUX | hellu | 16:32 |
tareq | hello TUX | 16:33 |
AudaciousTUX | hellu | 16:33 |
AudaciousTUX | pavlushka vai koi | 16:33 |
ashabadi | not sure | 16:36 |
ashabadi | has been away since 7 | 16:36 |
tareq | ashabadi: any alternative of ksnapshot | 16:37 |
AudaciousTUX | spectacle tareq | 16:37 |
AudaciousTUX | btw... is that for screenshot?? | 16:38 |
tareq | yes | 16:39 |
tareq | but I do like shutter much | 16:39 |
AudaciousTUX | shutter takes too much time to just open :3 | 16:39 |
ashabadi | any reason you want alternative? | 16:40 |
ashabadi | I was going to reffer shutter :P | 16:40 |
AudaciousTUX | deepin-screenshot | 16:41 |
AudaciousTUX | give it a try.... i just forgot its name.... better than shutter | 16:42 |
pavlushka | Hello ashabadi ! | 17:00 |
ashabadi | hello pavlushka | 17:01 |
pavlushka | ashabadi: So, is everything going with the plan? | 17:03 |
pavlushka | ashabadi: and thanks for the feedback, :) | 17:04 |
ashabadi | don't think so... | 17:04 |
ashabadi | and what feedback? | 17:04 |
ashabadi | I have not given any feedback... | 17:04 |
ashabadi | have been busy... :S | 17:04 |
pavlushka | got QA's message | 17:04 |
ashabadi | ok | 17:05 |
pavlushka | Audacious was here, I need him tonight. | 17:05 |
pavlushka | Hello tareq ! | 17:06 |
ashabadi | he was looking for you as well | 17:06 |
pavlushka | ashabadi: no problem, I think he will be there in time, :) | 17:07 |
pavlushka | tareq: ping | 17:07 |
pavlushka | Kilos-: you have something in your... | 17:08 |
Kilos- | in my what pavlushka | 17:19 |
pavlushka | Kilos-: you've acquired an extra hyphen but from whom? | 17:21 |
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos | ||
Kilos | must have lost connection for a bit | 17:21 |
pavlushka | Kilos: np, :) | 17:22 |
pavlushka | wb AudaciousTUX ! | 17:37 |
AudaciousTUX | :D | 17:37 |
tareq | hello guys | 18:00 |
tareq | sorry, i went for dinner | 18:00 |
Kilos | tummy full | 18:00 |
AudaciousTUX | i'm coming... after namaj.... wait for me :p | 18:01 |
tareq | okk | 18:01 |
pavlushka | tareq: There's a monthly meeting in #ubuntu-za around 12.30 AM this night, are you interested? | 18:02 |
pavlushka | ashabadi: ping | 18:04 |
* ashabadi is sleeping.... zzzzzz | 18:04 | |
Kilos | lol | 18:04 |
* pavlushka throws a jar of cold water on the face of ashabadi | 18:05 | |
* ashabadi is getting old... now can't remain energetic like old days... | 18:05 | |
* ashabadi jolts up then again dozz off | 18:05 | |
AudaciousTUX | is waking up pavlushka | 18:05 |
AudaciousTUX | oh.. ashabadi vai ghumaiteche... :3 | 18:06 |
ashabadi | already feeling tired... have office tomorrow early morning... it pains me | 18:06 |
pavlushka | ashabadi: So, is there any update? I am a little injured, and power outage giving us hell. | 18:06 |
tareq | pavlushka: i'm here | 18:07 |
ashabadi | pavlushka: raihanr is not interested, same is for Ekushey | 18:07 |
ashabadi | and I dont think we will have much of people from fb group | 18:07 |
ashabadi | so first prepare the page... show them what is upcoming | 18:07 |
ashabadi | then tease them to join | 18:07 |
AudaciousTUX | raihanr said he can't stay awake after 11:30 | 18:07 |
ashabadi | instead of making it open | 18:07 |
pavlushka | ashabadi: no problem, we will create some. | 18:08 |
pavlushka | ashabadi: I am totally agreed with that, lets bring it on. | 18:08 |
AudaciousTUX | yo... :p | 18:09 |
pavlushka | tareq: but you didn't replied my question, :p | 18:10 |
tareq | pavlushka: regarding monthly meeting? | 18:10 |
pavlushka | yep | 18:10 |
tareq | yes, lets see | 18:11 |
AudaciousTUX | before or after eid?? | 18:11 |
pavlushka | haha, that's the spirit, I hope you'll enjoy it. | 18:11 |
AudaciousTUX | amare lokjon msg o pathay volunteer hoyar jonne... kajer somoy koyjonre paoya jabe tai nia sondeho :3 | 18:13 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: Can we be sure with you atleast? | 18:14 |
ashabadi | you have to throw them bone to keep them interested | 18:14 |
ashabadi | don't let the initial buzz die down | 18:14 |
AudaciousTUX | আগেরবারের রিলিস পার্টিতে যারা ছিল এখন তার মদ্ধে ৫ জনরে পাওয়া যাবে না :3 | 18:14 |
ashabadi | if you take too long to respond then they will loose interest | 18:14 |
ashabadi | give them something to do | 18:14 |
ashabadi | anything | 18:14 |
AudaciousTUX | আমি আছি :D | 18:14 |
pavlushka | ashabadi: yes, yes, keep us guiding like that, :) | 18:14 |
ashabadi | even if it means having them translate docs | 18:15 |
AudaciousTUX | but first of all need to finalize the site... | 18:15 |
ashabadi | tareq: was thinking of building conents based on | 18:15 |
AudaciousTUX | i'm too much lazy .... :3 | 18:15 |
ashabadi | why don't you start utilising the interested volunteers | 18:15 |
pavlushka | ashabadi: what will be the platform, LP I prefer. | 18:15 |
AudaciousTUX | i was thinking about aur wiki :v | 18:15 |
ashabadi | why you have to build the content on yourself only | 18:15 |
ashabadi | wiki is not going to cut it... | 18:16 |
AudaciousTUX | i'm coming... after namaj | 18:16 |
ashabadi | use wordpress or joomla based website | 18:16 |
ashabadi | easy referral & content management | 18:16 |
tareq | I am familiar with word[ress | 18:17 |
tareq | *wordpress | 18:17 |
tareq | I would like to make it pdf | 18:18 |
tareq | like a book | 18:18 |
tareq | e-book | 18:18 |
ashabadi | I think both wordpress & joomla has plugin to convert article in pdf | 18:18 |
ashabadi | giving user option to download post in pdf | 18:18 |
tareq | yes, that is good point | 18:19 |
* pavlushka thinks wow, nice idea, that's why ashabadi's senior dont let him transfer to other place, :p | 18:19 | |
ashabadi | pavlushka: ফাইজলামী বন্ধ রাখেন | 18:21 |
pavlushka | ashabadi: please proceed, :) | 18:22 |
* pavlushka 's mouth zipped | 18:23 | |
ashabadi | tareq: pavlushka & AudaciousTUX can you /msg ashabadi your email id? | 18:25 |
ashabadi | there was an old base file that you can use to write tutorial | 18:25 |
pavlushka | mine is | 18:25 |
ashabadi | you will be bomberred with spam | 18:26 |
ashabadi | for sharing publicly :P | 18:26 |
pavlushka | np, I can mark those :p | 18:26 |
ashabadi | tareq: 1988 still in use? | 18:26 |
AudaciousTUX_ | :o amar nick change hoia gelo ken :( | 18:27 |
=== ashabadi is now known as buggy_biobot | ||
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX_: type "/nick desired_nick" | 18:28 |
buggy_biobot | just type /nick your desired nick | 18:28 |
tareq | ashabadi: omg, i'm not tareq hasan | 18:28 |
=== pavlushka is now known as too_much_buggy_b | ||
too_much_buggy_b | :( | 18:29 |
buggy_biobot | :P | 18:29 |
=== too_much_buggy_b is now known as pavlushka | ||
tareq | mine id | 18:29 |
pavlushka | It allows only 16 char | 18:29 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX_: type "/nick AudaciousTUX" | 18:30 |
AudaciousTUX_ | not working :( | 18:31 |
buggy_biobot | without " | 18:31 |
buggy_biobot | :P | 18:31 |
AudaciousTUX_ | i know | 18:31 |
=== buggy_biobot is now known as AudaciousTUX | ||
AudaciousTUX | :P | 18:31 |
AudaciousTUX_ | :3 | 18:31 |
AudaciousTUX | it should work | 18:31 |
AudaciousTUX_ | amar nick to register kora chilo :'( | 18:31 |
AudaciousTUX | it still is | 18:32 |
pavlushka | nop | 18:32 |
AudaciousTUX | it is registered yet | 18:32 |
AudaciousTUX | he has to sign in to boot me :P | 18:32 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: in #ubuntu-za now | 18:33 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: in #ubuntu-za now | 18:33 |
AudaciousTUX | I'll be sleeping | 18:33 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX_: click on the lower left part where your "AudaciousTUX_" is showing to yourself | 18:33 |
AudaciousTUX_ | nothing working | 18:33 |
AudaciousTUX | :P | 18:33 |
AudaciousTUX_ | tried that too :3 | 18:33 |
AudaciousTUX | mu ha ha ha ha | 18:33 |
AudaciousTUX_ | :'( | 18:33 |
AudaciousTUX | you have to identify yourself | 18:34 |
AudaciousTUX | then I will be booted | 18:34 |
=== AudaciousTUX is now known as ashabadi | ||
AudaciousTUX_ | kissu kam kortechena :o | 18:35 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX_: re identify "/msg nickserv identify password" | 18:35 |
ashabadi | you have to work it... why taking so pressure? | 18:35 |
ashabadi | its simple you should be able to work it out | 18:35 |
ashabadi | if I can change my nick to AudaciousTUX then you can too | 18:36 |
ashabadi | you are not using something else | 18:36 |
AudaciousTUX_ | but thats the worst thing.... why it's not working for me :3 | 18:36 |
AudaciousTUX_ | anyway.... leave it :'( | 18:37 |
ashabadi | hmm | 18:37 |
ashabadi | anyway sent old tutorial document to pavlushka & tareq for there reference | 18:38 |
ashabadi | if they want they can build upon it | 18:39 |
pavlushka | ashabadi: thanks, will look into it. | 18:39 |
AudaciousTUX_ | old tutorials are really old for today :v | 18:39 |
ashabadi | the topics can be used | 18:39 |
AudaciousTUX_ | yah... | 18:39 |
ashabadi | as reference point | 18:39 |
AudaciousTUX_ | ummm | 18:39 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX_: we are aware of that. | 18:39 |
tareq | I have found some of my old files including maverick (10.10) tutorial | 18:41 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX_: Thanks for referring that, that was wise, :) | 18:41 |
AudaciousTUX_ | pavlushka: wq :) | 18:41 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX_: why the Q? | 18:42 |
AudaciousTUX_ | dunno... spelling এ একটু QQ ভাব আশে :v | 18:42 |
pavlushka | :v | 18:42 |
tareq | ubuntu-za is doing good job | 18:44 |
tareq | we can follow them | 18:44 |
tareq | ashabadi: got your mail | 18:48 |
ashabadi | ive to leave guys | 18:57 |
Kilos | go well ashabadi | 18:57 |
pavlushka | Sure ashabadi , good night, :) | 18:57 |
ashabadi | goodnight pavlushka tareq Kilos :) | 18:57 |
ashabadi | be well | 18:58 |
Kilos | you too ty | 18:58 |
tareq | goodnight all | 19:00 |
Kilos | night tareq | 19:00 |
Kilos | sleep well | 19:00 |
pavlushka | tareq: good night, :) | 19:00 |
pavlushka | QA tell tareq that the #ubuntu-za meeting excerpts are available at txt: :: html: | 19:17 |
QA | pavlushka: Righto, I'll tell tareq on freenode | 19:17 |
pavlushka | QA tell ashabadi that the #ubuntu-za meeting excerpts are available at txt: :: html: | 19:18 |
QA | pavlushka: Righto, I'll tell ashabadi on freenode | 19:18 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: So how was it, the meeting? | 19:33 |
Kilos | night guys see you later | 19:33 |
AudaciousTUX | gn Kilos :) | 19:33 |
pavlushka | Kilos: good night :) | 19:33 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: ^^ | 19:33 |
AudaciousTUX | pavlushka: ummm... মিটিংএর সারমর্ম কি হইল শেষ পর্যন্ত :v | 19:34 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: | 19:34 |
AudaciousTUX | umm.... good enough.... btw... they've their blog or forum?? | 19:39 |
AudaciousTUX | pavlushka: | 19:39 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX, See it for yourself | 19:42 |
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