
rbasaknacc: it sounds like zabbix-frontend-php shouldn't depend on a DB at all. Can't it leave that for zabbix-server-* to pull in?00:05
rbasakOh, that maybe won't fully work.00:06
mwhudsonnacc: will leave it for sponsors then00:10
naccrbasak: it doesn't depend itself00:10
naccrbasak: the issue is that to use a db with zabbix, you'd install either zabbix-server-<db> or zabbix-proxy-<db>, i think00:11
naccthat determines, in turn what php-<db> package should be installed00:11
naccbut afaict, there's no way to communicate those kind of interdependencies00:11
naccso you'll just get pgsql not knowing you need to `apt install zabbix-frontend-php php-mysql` if you previously `apt install zabbix-server-mysql`00:12
naccrbasak: it's not a serious issue, per se, but i was just curious if there were ways to fix that, as for instance if i had installed zabbix-server-mysql first, then installing php-pgsql won't help me at all with the web ui :)00:15
naccmwhudson: woo, tests passed, uploading debdiff00:15
mwhudsonnacc: debdiff? isn't there a new orig?00:19
wgrantpitti: Huh, are you sure you're logged in correctly? That option is still there, and nothing related has changed in years.00:20
naccmwhudson: yeah, sorry, not a debdiff, i just uploaded a new debian tarball00:26
naccmwhudson: and new orig comes from `uscan`00:26
mwhudsonnacc: i think the version number should perhaps be 7.0.8-0ubuntu0.16.04 ?00:37
mwhudsoner with another .1 on the end00:37
naccmwhudson: i wasn't sure how that worked with MREs. You are right, though, that probably matches better (my undersatnding for the above strings was specifically for backporting a version from Y to X, for instance). In this case, the packaging is the same but we're updating the orig tarball00:39
nacci'll review the security team page again, though, please put an update in the bug, if you don't mind?00:40
mwhudsonwell i'm fairly new at this too :)00:41
mwhudsonnacc: uploaded https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=00:44
naccmwhudson: thank you very much!00:45
naccrbasak: LP: #1569377 for reference00:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1569377 in zabbix (Ubuntu) "unable to select mysql server in zabbix-frontend-php" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156937700:45
mwhudsonnacc: i guess it's worth mentioning https://launchpad.net/bugs/1596735 on the sru bug too?00:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1596735 in php7.0 (Ubuntu) "Please merge with php7.0 7.0.8-2 from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,New]00:46
mwhudsoner i guess i can do that00:46
naccmwhudson: thanks, i can do it if you're otherwise occupied, i should have done that already, my fault00:48
mwhudsonnacc: done01:14
naccmwhudson: thanks again!01:45
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Logannacc: yeah, apt unfortunately doesn't support variants of packages02:01
Loganor at least that kind of dependency handling, AFAIK02:02
Logannacc: well, I guess you could do a debconf kinda thing after install of the frontend to choose which PHP DB connection to install02:04
Loganbut that's gross02:04
mwhudsonand yes, it's horrible03:40
cpaelzergood morning04:45
smbcyphermox, uh erm, there is still something wrong with grub-efi-amd64-signed in trusty. I think it is that it still depends on the wrong version: apt-cache info: grub-efi-amd64-signed(1.34.11+2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.8) depends on grub-efi-amd64 (= 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.8) but grub-efi-amd64 in trusty-proposed is 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.906:10
smb^ that is all with proposed enabled06:11
pittiGood morning06:38
pittiwgrant: I just tried to log out and back in, same result -- no boxes06:40
pittiwgrant: I'd like to mark yesterday's as current as I uploaded it06:40
wgrantpitti: What is on the page for you?06:55
pittiwgrant: http://picpaste.com/p-rA9K20PS.png06:59
wgrantpitti: ah, I think it's because there's no driver set on xenial (or yakkety)07:02
wgrantThe other series are ~ubuntu-release, which will give you launchpad.TranslationsAdmin. As it stands you only have launchpad.LanguagePacksAdmin on xenial.07:03
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pittiwgrant: that sounds like a bug, no? that's clearly langpack admin, not release engineering07:04
wgrantpitti: It is probably a bug, but it's a very deliberate one. And regardless, much faster and easier to fix by fixing the series config.07:11
pittihttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/ keeps timing out, but https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/ has "Drivers: Ubuntu drivers"07:12
pittioh, you mean the missing "Release manager:" I suppose07:12
pittiah, /wily loads now, that has ~ubuntu-release indeed07:13
pittislangasek: can you please set the release manager to ~ubuntu-release on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/ and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/yakkety/ ?07:14
* pitti supposes that this needs ~techboard powers07:14
wgrantI believe that is correct.07:15
cariboupitti: last week, you rejected the SRU for LP: #1529815 since LP: #1568485 was v-failed but bdmurray reverted it back to v-needed07:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1529815 in isc-dhcp (Ubuntu Trusty) "InfiniBand DHCP flow with PRA and DHCP relay not working" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152981507:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1568485 in isc-dhcp (Ubuntu Wily) "kernel: audit: type=1400 audit(1460259033.648:34): apparmor="DENIED" operation="sendmsg" info="Failed name lookup - disconnected path" error=-13" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156848507:50
pitticaribou: ... and?07:54
cariboupitti: looks like it was not a regression so I don't understand why I'd need to remove the patch07:54
pitticaribou: right, in this case the ", or..." part would apply :)07:55
cariboupitti: I don't mind waiting until the first one go through07:55
pitticaribou: yeah, it's blocked by verification of this bug either way, so the fastest way forward would be to verify this07:55
cariboupitti: true, I'll look that up07:56
pittialternatively you can upload a new one with -V that includes the previous update, then the other fixes can be tested in parallel07:56
pitti(but that bug still needs to be verified of course)07:56
cariboupitti: wait I'm not sure I'm following you : what you mean by -V ?08:31
pitticaribou: dpkg-buildpackage's (or gbp buildpackage etc.) -V4.3.3-5ubuntu12 so that the previous changelog (current version in -proposed) is included into the .changes; same as you do for merges08:33
cariboupitti: ah ok got it08:33
cjwatsonpitti: that's -v08:35
pittierr yes, that, sorry08:35
apwcyphermox, grub2-signed> of course uploading grub2-signed did not help, as the custom upload in question is broken and comes from grub208:57
apwcyphermox, so we likley need to upload grub2, or stop grub2-signed using current when it knows which version it is wanting08:58
cariboupitti: Is foundation taking care of the desktop installer ?09:06
pitticaribou: yes, mostly cyphermox09:06
cariboupitti: thought so09:06
caribouI think I found a bug that got me to reinstall my laptop 3 times yesterday : LP: #159659909:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1596599 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Xenial) "Full disk encryption passphrase is using wrong locale" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159659909:07
cariboucyphermox: ^^^09:07
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mdeslaur@pilot in11:32
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Xenial (16.04) Released! | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-xenial | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: mdeslaur
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=== cpaelzer is now known as cpaelzer_away
* dholbach hugs mdeslaur 11:52
* mdeslaur hugs dholbach11:52
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justxuxSome hugging party other here :D12:07
apwcyphermox, ok we've played with grub2 and the practicle upshot is a no-change rebuild is the best way out; i am getting that done now12:10
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: Can you point me to current-ish cloud image build logs for xenial?  None of the livefs objects I can find on LP seem very current12:12
Odd_Blokecjwatson: https://launchpad.net/~cloudware/+livefs/ubuntu/xenial/cpc/+build/66749 is the latest amd64; don't know if you'll have permissions on that though.12:14
tsimonq2justxux: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jzGIaZcGcM12:23
* tsimonq2 hides12:23
justxuxjustxux is glad that everyone had a hug13:27
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xnoxas per https://github.com/zyga/os-release-zoo/tree/master/ubuntu kylin has modified os-release file... i thought that is not allowed.14:11
xnoxLaney, cjwatson ^14:11
LaneyThat is the least of it14:17
LaneyOr was the last time I had a reason to look14:17
cpaelzerhi, I'm wondering what of a package delta to send to debian to shrink delta - I was wondering are they usually interested in stuff like apport hooks or ufw profiles?14:30
cpaelzeror is any of that too ubuntu'ish14:30
cpaelzerI almost expect an "it depends on the maintainer of the package" answer, but it is certainly better to ask first14:31
pitticpaelzer: Debian does have apport, but it has a fairly niche existence14:31
pittipretty well the same thing with ufw14:31
pittiso I guess both can be justified, and as you say it depends on the maintainer; certainly not unreasonable to at least propose it14:31
cpaelzerpitti: thanks for the feedback, I can easily throw it there and let them decide - but now I know what to expect14:31
pittiif the maintainer is nice, it can also be installed iff dpkg-vendor --is ubuntu14:31
jdstrandufw is used in Debian and isn't Ubuntu-specific14:32
Laneyssh x14:32
jdstrandit is opt in of course, but I doubt you'd have any political issues14:32
pittiLaney: you have an exceptionally bad password14:32
Laneythat's my vm password14:32
Laneybut why did that happen????????????????????????14:32
Laneyit's typing into multiple windows14:33
* pitti quietly disables the IRC keylogger again14:33
pittiLaney: iz GTK bug!14:33
Laneyoh terminator "broadcast all"14:33
Laneyat least I only have to change it in one place :)14:34
Laneythat VM is routeable14:34
* Laney makes sure it's not broadcasting before doing that14:34
* Unit193 tries hello1314:34
Laneyand I just mistyped the new one three times in a row14:35
Laneythis is going to be fun14:35
* pitti just uses "a" as VM passwords, do I win the laziness crown?14:36
Laneythat ^ was my password on the first PDAish thing I got when I was 1214:36
* Laney used it for nostalgia purposes14:36
pittiI had a PalmPilot III14:40
Saviqlool, hey, seeing as you're the latest who touched doxyqml in Debian, any chance you would have time to update it to a newer version http://agateau.com/projects/doxyqml/ ?14:42
LocutusOfBorgpitti, can you please make testsuite of opencv run against auto-multiple-choice and visp / proposed?14:43
stgraberpitti: hey, any idea where the debug symbols for lxd 2.0.2-0ubuntu1~16.04.1 in xenial are?15:14
stgraberpitti: not seeing them on ddebs15:14
stgraberpitti: https://github.com/lxc/lxd/issues/216015:14
LocutusOfBorgstgraber, I see them https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+package/lxd-dbgsym15:19
stgraberLocutusOfBorg: yeah but they're not on ddebs.u.c15:19
LocutusOfBorgnot sure, maybe the mirror didn't keep up with the new uploads?15:20
stgraberyeah, not sure, that's why I pinged pitti. That upload happened a few weeks back, so you'd think it'd be there by now :)15:21
stgraberoh, that was a security upload, maybe that's somehow confusing something?15:21
cjwatsonddeb-retriever has been having trouble for a while though I can't remember quite how long15:21
cjwatsonI killed it today to see if it'll catch up15:21
stgraberah good to know, thanks15:21
cjwatsonhttp://ddebs.ubuntu.com/dists/xenial-updates/ says 31 May so ...15:22
cjwatsonat one point it was having trouble because it didn't have permission to fetch one of the files it wanted; I never had a chance to dig into it15:22
Saviqslangasek, hey, any chance someone could please look at bug #158551715:25
ubottubug 1585517 in python-setuptools (Ubuntu Xenial) "Can't install for cross-building" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158551715:25
LocutusOfBorgjbicha, abiword uploaded on deferred/215:27
naccLogan: mwhudson: yeah, i was really hoping to avoid dealing with dbconfig-common again. We could do something smarter, though, I think, it's a valid bug/feature request. Right now, it just ends up broken for a less-than-obvious reason15:28
LocutusOfBorgubuntu built it :)15:28
Saviqlool, if you do find time to bump doxyqml, Multi-Arch: foreign would be nice to have (bug #1585517)15:30
ubottubug 1585517 in python-setuptools (Ubuntu Xenial) "Can't install for cross-building" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158551715:30
mdeslaur@pilot out15:32
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Xenial (16.04) Released! | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-xenial | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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semiosishi again.  any suggestions on how I can encourage a review of my merge proposal?  https://code.launchpad.net/~semiosis/livecd-rootfs/fix-for-1565985/+merge/29830515:51
semiosisor help set my expectations for how long this might be sitting around?15:51
Odd_Blokesemiosis: Thanks for taking the time to figure that all out!  I'm reviewing it now (though I don't have permissions to actually do the merge).16:12
semiosisOdd_Bloke: awesome!  thank you16:12
* ogra_ thinks it would really be nice if people could use POSIX shell for patches to official code ... instead of bash16:13
Odd_Blokesemiosis: Have you been able to test that this builds?  (And how?)16:15
semiosishmm good question.  i'll comment on the merge proposal with test instructions16:16
semiosisi tested it on xenial, building xenial. it works, and solves all problems with the vagrant box i'm aware of16:17
Odd_Blokecjwatson: FYI, those initrd changes aren't going to make it in to our yakkety images until we get https://code.launchpad.net/~cloudware/livecd-rootfs/image-consolidation/+merge/297041 merged (so we aren't forked from lp:livecd-rootfs).16:24
Odd_Bloke(infinity: slangasek: ^)16:24
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semiosisOdd_Bloke: instructions -- https://code.launchpad.net/~semiosis/livecd-rootfs/fix-for-1565985/+merge/298305/comments/76801016:29
Odd_Blokesemiosis: Thanks!16:29
semiosisyou're welcome16:30
Odd_Blokesemiosis: At a high-level, LGTM, I'll give it some actual testing tomorrow, probably. :)16:30
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: ah, is there a similar live-build fork for xenial images?16:37
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: (also, not totally clear on how the existence of a livecd-rootfs fork is relevant to my live-build SRU, but I may be missing something)16:37
kilbithhello, someone can explain me why the bloated package 'fonts-noto-cjk' is installed by default on ubuntu ?16:39
kilbithapparenthy these are the chinese/japanese/korean fonts, but would i care if i'm european ?16:40
kilbiththis is a bit painful to download 75 MB whenever i update whereas these fonts aren't used by me16:40
ogra_kilbith, because your browser might open chinese pages and you dont want weird squares scttered all over it16:40
kilbith... but i don't read chinese :/16:41
ogra_nothing stops you from uninstalling that package16:41
kilbithsure, i'm just questioning why it's installd by default for non-chinese people16:41
dobeybecasue not everyone is you16:42
dobeythe same reason many things are installed by default. to make the system useful to the widest group of people16:42
tgm4883ogra_: would that be necessary for the in browser translations such as in google chrome?16:42
ogra_tgm4883, no idea, but it iss necessary for showing the chars in any case ...16:43
dobeychinese fonts are more useful to me than some of the applications installed by default, so i uninstalled those applications16:43
ogra_if someone with a chinese name sends you an email his name will appear in chinese inn your mail app16:43
tgm4883dobey: I think the question is more, if ubiquity knows where i'm located and my language, why install the package?16:43
ogra_if you dont have any chinese fonts installed you just get broken squares16:43
naccit sounds like, so that *if* you run into any chinese characters in your usage of Ubunut, it will display properly16:44
ogra_tgm4883, because the internet is intenational16:44
dobeytgm4883: because chinese characters don't care what your locale or native language are16:44
naccgiven the population sizes, it seems like it could happen :)16:44
cjwatsonLots of these things are trade-offs; making the livefs as universally useful as possible + making installation quick tends to imply keeping it on the installed system, but there's frequently room for changing font selection etc.16:44
dobeyi see han characters all the time, in my daily usage of the internet16:45
slangasekpitti: release-manager> fixed, strange that this isn't a default?16:45
ogra_i'm pretty sure fnts are usually just recommends, so you should always be able to uninstall them without doing much harm16:45
naccthis one in particular definitely is16:45
dobeyogra_: most things are just recommends :)16:45
cjwatsonslangasek: it's part of the NewReleaseCycleProcess16:46
cjwatsonapparently not followed to the letter here16:46
cjwatsonat least I thought it was ... maybe not?16:46
Odd_Blokecjwatson: We use recipes to integrate the partner-specific changes which aren't public domain; these are based on bzr branches.  We currently just have a fork of lp:livecd-rootfs as of xenial release for that recipe.16:47
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: right, so that doesn't relate to my change, I think16:47
Odd_BlokeOh, it is in live-build, right?16:47
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: though if it might be possible to copy live-build from xenial-proposed into the base PPA for your livefs builds, that would be a great way for us to supply QA16:48
Odd_BlokeI think we only do this for livecd-rootfs.16:48
Odd_BlokeSo live-build should come from the archive.16:48
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cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: right, but you have a private PPA that you could copy-package it into if I succeed in persuading you that that's sensible16:48
slangasekSaviq: bug #1585517> so, apparently someone dropped the Ubuntu patch to apt that would let us build-depend on arch: all packages without having to annotate every single one as M-A: foreign?16:49
ubottubug 1585517 in python-setuptools (Ubuntu Xenial) "Can't install for cross-building" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158551716:49
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: (just in order that we can get this into cloud images faster and thus unblock xenial on LP builders)16:51
Odd_Blokecjwatson: You mean before it lands in xenial-updates?16:51
Odd_Bloke(In a meeting, apologies if I'm being nonsensical)16:52
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: right - I already did https://launchpad.net/~cjwatson/+livefs/ubuntu/xenial/cpc-experimental/+build/66852 to check that it basically worked and produced what looked like sensible results, though I didn't actually try booting that16:53
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: since in order to get it into xenial-updates we have to QA it somehow anyway16:53
Saviqslangasek, could be, it works in vivid still16:54
Odd_Blokecjwatson: Kicking it around with the team; if we were happy, how would we copy from -proposed?17:02
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: copy-package --from ubuntu --from-suite xenial-proposed --to ppa:cloudware/ubuntu/cpc-livecd-rootfs --to-suite xenial --include-binaries live-build17:03
Odd_Blokecjwatson: Cool; copy requested.17:05
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naccmdeslaur: thanks for the feedback, updated debdiff and submitted that part to debian17:22
mdeslaurnacc: cool, thanks! :)17:22
tgm4883nacc: you're aware that's the same guy about RAID in -server right?17:53
tgm4883nacc: nry2 is hanktheai17:54
nacctgm4883: yeah, i'm gathering as much17:54
tgm4883nacc: he didn't bother cloaking17:54
tgm4883bah, I meant this for #ubuntu-discuss17:55
* tgm4883 hangs his head in shame17:55
slangasekOdd_Bloke: looking at image-consolidation branch now.  I thought the plan had actually been to keep the tar.xz in parallel with the squashfs, but drop tar.gz as redundant?17:57
semiosisOdd_Bloke: oh that ^ reminds me, with my changes vagrant no longer depends on the vmdk, but only on the root disk image, so it could be moved from 042 to something lower.  i didnt mess with that in my changes. figured that decision should be left up to the package maintainers.17:59
semiosislower numerically*18:01
slangasekOdd_Bloke: looking back over the meeting notes to refresh my memory, I see that there is discussion of replacing tar.xz with squashfs, but I don't remember that being concluded in the meeting and am concerned that there may be deps on the .tar.xz that aren't ready to migrate18:03
pittislangasek: thanks, now I can do the necessary settings on the +language-packs page18:22
pittistgraber: ack, will have a look, added to my todo18:23
dasjoeWas a containerdays today, sadly everything was quite Docker-centric, I hoped to see some LXD in action18:35
dasjoeOh, this isn't #lxcontainers :)18:35
LocutusOfBorgoops jbicha I was uploading the tidy rebuilds20:27
LocutusOfBorgBTW https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=82890220:28
ubottuDebian bug 828902 in src:utidylib "utidylib: please update for new tidy-html5" [Serious,Open]20:28
jbichaLocutusOfBorg: ok, I asked in #kubuntu-devel for them to rebuild the 2 kde pkgs20:30
LocutusOfBorgI'll leave the transition to you20:30
jbichalibhtml-tidy-perl and python-tidylib both have test failures :(20:30
LocutusOfBorgfeel free to check the MIR status20:30
* LocutusOfBorg leaves, lets see tomorrow20:31
slangasekOdd_Bloke: ok, have re-bootstrapped my brain to the conclusion that both tar.gz and tar.xz should go away.  Are we sure that nothing is consuming the tar.[xg]z downstream that will break by this change?21:18
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
GrorcoHi I am just trying to get started on helping with small bugs and I'm a little confused, I got a branch of software-properties using bazaar and don't know where to go from here21:32
Grorcothe developer site says to use edit-patch to get a copy of it to work on but that errors out saying it's not a debian dir21:34
naccGrorco: link to said site?21:38
naccGrorco: edit-patch is used to modify debian patches inside a source package21:39
Grorconacc: http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/fixing-a-bug.html21:39
naccGrorco: what's the bug in question?21:40
Grorconacc: alt-tab doesn't bring up the window21:41
Grorcoin unity*21:42
naccGrorco: ok, so once you've bzr-branch'd, you'll just go into the directory it was cloned to locally21:42
Grorconacc: the .bzr dir seems kind of empty outside of a .pack file21:43
Grorconacc: I guess what I'm asking is if I need to depackage that file for the code then fix and repack?21:47
naccGrorco: what was the command you ran to branch the bazaar tree?21:49
naccGrorco: the .bzr dir is more like the .git dir in a git repository, it's metadata about the repository (aiui). You want the directory that is in (by default)21:50
Grorconacc: bzr branch lp:software-properties software-properties.dev21:51
Grorcowhich create a dir with the hidden .bzr file21:52
naccGrorco: well, you told it to branch to 'software-properties.dev'21:52
naccso that's where you should cd to, in order to develop on the source21:52
naccthat's the 'root' of the source package directory21:53
Grorconacc: but it's empty outside of the .bzr file, maybe I should try branching again my internet was being all kinds of stupid yesterday21:55
naccGrorco: i ran that command just now and it produced a fully-populated software-properties.dev directory21:57
naccGrorco: also .bzr should be a directory, not a file21:57
naccGrorco: do you have some local bazaar configuration?21:57
Grorconacc: .bzr is a directory sorry if I called it a file, the only configuration I did was setting up my lp account with it21:58
naccGrorco: i would try 'rm -r software-properties.dev' and running hte branch command again21:59
naccGrorco: it worked for me? :/21:59
Grorconacc: It shows it fully populated from terminal after running it again :) but now I can't see the folder in caja?22:02
Grorcois that normal?22:03
Grorconevermind I had other caja windows open closing them fixed that too thank you so much nacc! I felt like a complete idiot :)22:05
naccGrorco: dunno what caja is, but glad you are up and running :)22:06
Grorconacc: it's the default file explorer that comes with mate22:07
naccGrorco: ah ok, don't use mate, so didn't know :)22:07
Grorconacc: I'm going to go have a celebitory smoke, thanks again hopefully I'll be helping others soon22:08

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