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kaines | hi | 13:35 |
dpm | hey all | 14:55 |
kz6fittycent | howdy | 14:55 |
dpm | we'll be starting in a few minutes | 14:55 |
dholbach | go go go | 14:55 |
Sandairo | Is the Q&A on this week ? | 15:00 |
mhall119 | Sandairo: starting in just a moment in fact | 15:01 |
Sandairo | K | 15:01 |
dpm | going live! | 15:02 |
Sandeiro | This one ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9d7SD9cwLC8 | 15:03 |
mhall119 | Sandeiro: are you on ubuntuonair.com? | 15:03 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: Hud? | 15:03 |
tsimonq2 | QUESTION: do you know what distros plan on doing with snaps? | 15:03 |
kz6fittycent | QUESTION: with applications now supporting an apparent framework for casting video (e.g. Chromecast), will Ubuntu Touch be seeing any iteration of the same technology? | 15:03 |
tsimonq2 | QUESTION: What is the status of the Snappy Playpen? | 15:04 |
Sandeiro | mhall119: No I use https://webchat.freenode.net/ and youtube. | 15:04 |
dragonbite | "HUD" spelled backwards is "DUH"... coincidence? ;0 | 15:04 |
mhall119 | https://gitter.im/ubuntu/snappy-playpen | 15:04 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: why dont all the ubuntu phone apps (Music, gallery, etc) have snap packages? | 15:04 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: When you're down, what makes you happy? | 15:04 |
dpm | having a chat with enthusiastic community members! :-) | 15:05 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: Do you like muffins or cakes? if so whats your favourite? | 15:05 |
ScottR | I've had issues with wifi stability in 14.04 (Xubuntu) on several different laptops and wifi networks. Is wifi stability better in 16.04? | 15:05 |
Sandeiro | QUESTION: What's happening with this new Midori Phone ? | 15:05 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | dpm +1 x'3 | 15:05 |
tsimonq2 | QUESTION: on the Ubuntu Phone, are those apps snap packages, and if not, when? | 15:05 |
dholbach | QUESTION: which snaps are you still waiting for? | 15:06 |
Sandeiro | 'muffins' HeHe | 15:06 |
dholbach | dpm, mhall119: mention the snapcraft social media accounts, if you haven't yet | 15:06 |
dragonbite | Is this a new Ubuntu phone? http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/06/new-ubuntu-phone-midori-photo | 15:06 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: is there any update with the new notifications and messaging framework? | 15:06 |
mhall119 | dholbach: can you put links to them? | 15:06 |
dragonbite | my video is frozen... just me? | 15:07 |
tsimonq2 | QUESTION: OMG! Ubuntu! reported on rumors that there might be a new Ubuntu Phone coming out soon. Can you tell us anything? | 15:07 |
dragonbite | on YouTube | 15:07 |
dholbach | mhall119, {facebook,twitter}.com/snapcraftio and google.com/+SnapcraftIo | 15:07 |
ahoneybun | so many question | 15:07 |
ahoneybun | *s | 15:07 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: Has there been any update with the new scopes, I beleive they predicted that it'd be here within 6 months, I beleive its been 2 and a half/3? | 15:07 |
Sandeiro | QUESTION: Why is Ubuntu Touch on my Nexus 4 such a waste of time in terms of the interface aero effect seizing up etc ? ( mhall119 has one, so this is for him) | 15:08 |
tsimonq2 | QUESTION: How can I submit improvements to the snapcraft.io website? | 15:08 |
tsimonq2 | QUESTION: what's your opinion of Flatpak? | 15:08 |
dholbach | tsimonq2, https://github.com/ubuntudesign/snapcraft.io | 15:08 |
dragonbite | QUESTION: thoughts on the rumor that Google is coming out with their own phone (not through a 3rd party vendor) | 15:08 |
tsimonq2 | thanks dholbach | 15:08 |
davidcalle | ChloeWolfieGirl: nothing yet :( | 15:08 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | davidcalle ;-; | 15:08 |
dholbach | QUESTION: When will the phone use snaps? :-) | 15:09 |
Sandeiro | No, not really. | 15:09 |
tsimonq2 | QUESTION: what is your favorite thing about Snapcraft? | 15:09 |
tsimonq2 | dholbach: I asked that earlier :P | 15:09 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: Michael even when your rooms dark, your smile still brights up the room, how? x'3 | 15:10 |
tsimonq2 | QUESTION: (for Michael) after dogfooding Unity 8 a bit back, would you do it again any time soon? | 15:10 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: Do you know if theres any big rumbles with app support on the ubuntu phone? | 15:11 |
ahoneybun | QUESTION: any news of Mycroft on Ubuntu Phone? | 15:11 |
tsimonq2 | QUESTION: What is your favorite thing about working at Canonical? | 15:12 |
kz6fittycent | hahaha | 15:12 |
kz6fittycent | no one can say my name | 15:12 |
ahoneybun | is that by design? | 15:13 |
kz6fittycent | no, it's actually a play on the name of a motorcycle "Kawasaki KZ650" | 15:13 |
kz6fittycent | yes mhall119 it does | 15:13 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | kz6fittycent: bug or feature ;P | 15:14 |
tsimonq2 | \o/ | 15:14 |
kz6fittycent | ChloeWolfieGirl, definitely a feature | 15:14 |
tsimonq2 | QUESTION: what has been the most difficult part of building snaps? | 15:15 |
tsimonq2 | (for you) | 15:15 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: can you snap windows or android apps? | 15:15 |
tsimonq2 | ^ | 15:15 |
ahoneybun | QUESTION: why does the Nexus 7 work so much worst then the Nexus 4 | 15:15 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | hi | 15:16 |
dragonbite | hi | 15:16 |
tsimonq2 | https://github.com/ubuntu/snappy-playpen | 15:16 |
tsimonq2 | QUESTION: what are you excited for in 16.10? | 15:19 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | mhall119: x'D | 15:20 |
popey | QUESTION: If you could take a week off work and develop something for Ubuntu, what would it be? | 15:21 |
ScottR | QUESTION: I've had issues with wifi stability in 14.04 (Xubuntu) on several different laptops and wifi networks. Is wifi stability better in 16.04? | 15:21 |
popey | (i.e. something your boss won't tell you not to do, because you're not at work) 😃 | 15:21 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | QUESTION: Getting the impression that BQ and Meizu are mostly using Ubuntu to sell out old stock of older devices. What do you think? and what I mean is for example BQ 4.5 and then about three months later the BQ E5 HD. Now apparnatly three months after the Meizu Pro 5 a new one will come. | 15:21 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | that looks long :D thought it would be | 15:21 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | they can get whatever from that anyway h eh | 15:22 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | oh no popey on the show? | 15:22 |
tsimonq2 | nope | 15:22 |
Sandeiro | I just had an energy drink Ahhhh ... | 15:22 |
Sandeiro | burp. | 15:22 |
kz6fittycent | popey, I need to ask you a question about your recent podcast featuring Mycroft but I won't do it here... | 15:23 |
tsimonq2 | QUESTION: Have you done anything with Mycroft yet? | 15:23 |
Sandeiro | popey's the default voice AAAAArgh ! | 15:23 |
ahoneybun | I have tsimonq2! | 15:24 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: Will we get news about mycroft when we get news about the hud, are they going to work together or not? | 15:24 |
Sandeiro | omnipotent popey ! | 15:24 |
ahoneybun | made my own home unit | 15:24 |
kz6fittycent | ahoneybun, did you build a mycroft? | 15:24 |
popey | \o/ mycroft | 15:25 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: Are any of you on rc-proposed? if so how many times have you got burnt by not being on stable? | 15:25 |
ahoneybun | kz6fittycent: used a Intel NUC, Speaker, Mic = Mycroft unit | 15:25 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: What are your favourite books? | 15:25 |
ahoneybun | *favorite | 15:25 |
tsimonq2 | QUESTION: what are you looking forward to in the next 6 months? | 15:25 |
popey | mhall119: more than one device :) | 15:26 |
Sandeiro | QUESTION: Is Nexus 4 Ubuntu touch proposed branch much better than standard Ubuntu Touch ? (I need this to work - the phone itself doesn't work with calls etc). | 15:26 |
Sandeiro | *calls well | 15:26 |
popey | always multiple devices under work | 15:26 |
tsimonq2 | popey: in the US? :D | 15:26 |
tsimonq2 | (you don't have to answer that :P) | 15:27 |
Sandeiro | QUESTION: If phone are *so* important, then why isn't Mario grip a full time employee ? | 15:27 |
ahoneybun | Sandeiro: it will have some new features and bugs | 15:27 |
ahoneybun | good one XD | 15:27 |
dpm | tsimonq2, https://github.com/ubuntudesign/snapcraft.io | 15:27 |
Sandeiro | The phone (Nexus 4) is completely unused-able ! | 15:27 |
kz6fittycent | ahoneybun, so you built a powerhouse for mycroft | 15:27 |
ahoneybun | well since the retail uses a Pi2 the NUC is overkill kz6fittycent lol | 15:28 |
ahoneybun | Sandeiro: are you on stable? | 15:28 |
Sandeiro | yep. | 15:28 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | kz6fittycent, apparnatly the pro 5 has gone out of stock already | 15:28 |
Sandeiro | all the phones are outta stock ! | 15:28 |
kz6fittycent | Sandeiro, I used the ubuntu-touch/rc/bq-aquaris.en and it worked quite well | 15:28 |
ahoneybun | no issues here so far Sandeiro | 15:28 |
ahoneybun | that would have the GPS working with the non-free driver | 15:29 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: Are there any rules of content on the store? | 15:29 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | Sandeiro, yeah that's annoying that BQ has the E5 HD out of stock to last time I looked, but could basically make ones own if.... :d | 15:29 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | Ubuntu versibion | 15:29 |
Sandeiro | ? | 15:29 |
ahoneybun | the E4.5 is still there | 15:30 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | that said out of stock to | 15:30 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | last itme I looked | 15:30 |
Sandeiro | thats crappolla | 15:30 |
ahoneybun | lots of Ubuntu fans | 15:30 |
Sandeiro | (the phone). | 15:30 |
ahoneybun | or low stock | 15:30 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | the Ef HD kept on being in stock untill ike two months ago! | 15:30 |
Sandeiro | you see them on ebay. | 15:30 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | I have looked on ebaby but coudnt find much there | 15:30 |
ahoneybun | yea I'm sure people are selling those | 15:31 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | well new quality :d | 15:31 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: | 15:31 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | oh | 15:31 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | someone was trying to sell a 4.5 that was seocnd hand for cheapish though | 15:31 |
Sandeiro | good question ! | 15:31 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | Sandeiro: thanks | 15:31 |
Sandeiro | Ghehe. | 15:31 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | yeah Ubuntu Touch is quite nice really, but I guess not realy meant to have nearly every device that runs it anyway really. w inks at popey and does a big :D | 15:32 |
Sandeiro | Dunno, about you , but I find this Q&A annoying, to me. | 15:32 |
Sandeiro | It's too generic. | 15:32 |
Sandeiro | We're missing something. | 15:32 |
Sandeiro | JONO , JONO, JONO...... | 15:32 |
ahoneybun | please no | 15:32 |
Sandeiro | speaking about Jono - he's in consultancy now. | 15:33 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | if Mezi usi coming out with a new one next month as remoured | 15:33 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | that will proably be pretty nice though :d | 15:33 |
Sandeiro | never heard of it.# | 15:33 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | mayb one actsaully properly worth buying to, I mean the MX 4 from MEIZU IS a lovely phone, but the Pro 5 the hardware seemed a bit overkill for the OS really, which reminds me of a question I Wanted to ask | 15:34 |
Sandeiro | ask it, then. | 15:34 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | QUESTION: The Meizu Pro 5 kept on being advertised as being the most powerful Ubuntu phone so far with powerful hardware. However really the OS wouldn't currently use the hardwares full potential, since Ubuntu Touch is quite a liimited basic OS really so far? | 15:35 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: Do you think snaps working on the desktop will bring phone apps? We've only really seen that happen with facebook messanger on windows phone | 15:35 |
Sandeiro | QUESTION: With only 12 viewers, right now - Do you think these Q&A's have lost traction, since JonoBacon left ? | 15:36 |
tsimonq2 | oh no :P | 15:36 |
Claude_ | When/why Thunderbird 45.x is not already on Ubuntu? Maybe with Snaps ? | 15:37 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: You've got snappy in a lot of desktop os's, are you getting snappy in phone os's such as sailfish and other phone os's? | 15:37 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | Sandeiro: how do you know theres not a few hundered people crowding around one persons screen? | 15:38 |
Sandeiro | Good point - everyone's at Dixons waiting to see if it's worth buying a Chromebook (based purely on this Q&A ;) | 15:38 |
Sandeiro | also .. India :) | 15:39 |
tsimonq2 | WINE plugin! | 15:40 |
popey | WINE is tricky | 15:41 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | tsimonq2: +1 | 15:41 |
popey | Currently we can only run 64-bit wine in a snap on 64-bit ubuntu | 15:41 |
kz6fittycent | that'd be really cool though, ONE "app" with all the stuff it needs and no stupid WINE config | 15:41 |
tsimonq2 | let's be clear, I wasn't volunteering XD | 15:41 |
popey | which works fine, but you can't currently run 32-bit wine in a snap on a 64-bit host | 15:41 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | QUESTION: Do you think an Android app compataiblity thing will come to Ubuntu Touch eventually, or unofficaly anwayy at least, for example maybe when Libertine can probably run let's say about 99% of DEsktop LInux programs? | 15:42 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | yeah. wines difficult, but if some does good configeration and just snaps it up in a snap package, it'd be easy for a user just to install idk ms office snap and have it run via wine without issue? | 15:42 |
kz6fittycent | ChloeWolfieGirl, that's what I was thinking, the end-user would LOVE that | 15:43 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | kz6fittycent: Yeah :P | 15:43 |
popey | dpm: good answer! | 15:44 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: Any ureadit updates? | 15:44 |
kz6fittycent | popey, did you want to tell them that Mark is watching and taking notes? | 15:44 |
popey | kz6fittycent: haha | 15:44 |
Sandeiro | I just farted. And it was smelly. ;) | 15:45 |
kz6fittycent | Sandeiro, troll much? | 15:45 |
Sandeiro | no, too honest for that. | 15:45 |
kz6fittycent | hmm | 15:45 |
* Sandeiro apologises. | 15:46 | |
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ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: Do you listen to many podcasts, if so what podcasts do you listen to? | 15:50 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | QUESTION: A classic question if still got time: First Linux distro and why and when? | 15:50 |
popey | oh, european history, that's awesome right now 😖 | 15:50 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | popey, uhmm with UK leaving probably hmm ? | 15:50 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | you mean :d | 15:50 |
* SebthreeBQM10HD smacks popey he voted leave or did he h eh | 15:51 | |
ChloeWolfieGirl | SebthreeBQM10HD: well.. we left a union not europe itself x'D | 15:51 |
popey | check previous video to see how I voted :) | 15:51 |
tsimonq2 | well I'm actually really intrigued by WWII, so I get where mhall119 is coming from | 15:51 |
tsimonq2 | but the thing is, school got me hooked | 15:51 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | popey, wel I hope you didn't and I was joking there, I hope ChloeWolfieGirl didn't as well :) | 15:51 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | ChloeWolfieGirl, yes and Scotland is likely to leave the UIK as well if UK does indeed leave the EU, when they get a chance Scotland will be out probably if that | 15:52 |
kz6fittycent | Scotland to leave the UK?? Wha.... | 15:53 |
kz6fittycent | sorry, that one caught my eye.. | 15:53 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | kz6fittycent, most of the people in Scoltand voted for the UK to stay in the EU, they aren't happy up there | 15:53 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | kz6fittycent: they keep saying they want to but they never do | 15:53 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | SebthreeBQM10HD: are they ever happy? | 15:53 |
kz6fittycent | Scotland = Texas | 15:54 |
popey | hah | 15:54 |
popey | ChloeWolfieGirl: mhall119 there are guidelines on the store, which developers see when they sign up :) | 15:55 |
kz6fittycent | popey, ChloeWolfieGirl that said, there's currently a porn-based web app in the store... | 15:55 |
popey | kz6fittycent: not illegal :) | 15:56 |
kz6fittycent | right, just the age thing | 15:56 |
popey | yeah, we don't currently have that | 15:56 |
kz6fittycent | right | 15:56 |
kz6fittycent | I was commenting on mhall119's comment | 15:56 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | kz6fittycent: yeah, need some kind of filtering, I'm fine for having them in as long as only people who want to see them can see them.. | 15:56 |
popey | gotcha | 15:56 |
popey | :) | 15:56 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | how can an app be illigal? | 15:57 |
kz6fittycent | he was saying to be considerate of "that" | 15:57 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | what you do with the app but the app itself? | 15:57 |
popey | ChloeWolfieGirl: some countries have these things called "laws" | 15:57 |
popey | thats how | 15:57 |
kz6fittycent | ChloeWolfieGirl, probably copyright infringement | 15:57 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | popey: thats crazy | 15:57 |
popey | IKR | 15:57 |
kz6fittycent | popey, was that last podcast with mycroft legit? was that really mycroft? | 15:59 |
kz6fittycent | 'cause it sounded an awful lot like your voice.... | 15:59 |
popey | kz6fittycent: yes | 16:00 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | hmm something went wrong lost INternet connection back | 16:00 |
popey | kz6fittycent: it should :) | 16:00 |
kz6fittycent | haha | 16:00 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | kz6fittycent, not sure if my message to you or not went through or not: most of the people in Scoltand voted for the UK to stay in the EU, they aren't happy up there | 16:00 |
kz6fittycent | I don't think I got your message SebthreeBQM10HD | 16:01 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | kz6fittycent, well that's what I wanted to put :) | 16:01 |
kz6fittycent | ah | 16:01 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | Northern IReland wanted to stay in as well for obvious reasons | 16:01 |
kz6fittycent | ta | 16:01 |
tsimonq2 | thanks mhall119 and dpm! | 16:01 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | Gibralter could actually vote in this one as well, and they wanted to stay in as well for obvious reasons it seems, well the issues with Spain I mean etc it seems | 16:02 |
popey | woot | 16:02 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | thanks mhall119 and dpm | 16:02 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | good session | 16:02 |
dpm | thanks everyone | 16:03 |
mhall119 | thanks everyone for your questions | 16:03 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | apparently quite a few people regretting voting leave now as well going by the media, well interesting times at least | 16:03 |
popey | !politics :) | 16:03 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | popey, ha ha yes | 16:03 |
kz6fittycent | I hate politics | 16:03 |
kz6fittycent | I mean totally hate politics | 16:03 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | kz6fittycent, yeah can get uh, but stuff like that as well as are well tech and eletricity and money controls the world really | 16:04 |
kz6fittycent | agreed | 16:04 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | kz6fittycent, where you from as well? | 16:05 |
kz6fittycent | SebthreeBQM10HD, Tennessee | 16:08 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | kz6fittycent, oh America | 16:08 |
kz6fittycent | SebthreeBQM10HD, lol, the way you typed that looks like you're about to vomit... | 16:08 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | kz6fittycent, apparnatly remian might have lost as well going by something on TV from the other night, a bit since well Obama was backing that as well, I mean like nearly everyone so set up for a lose. but can't really blame it on him :) | 16:09 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | kz6fittycent, no I am ok with America :) altough some stuff is a bit hmm, | 16:10 |
kz6fittycent | SebthreeBQM10HD, just remember that the media and the gov't isn't a reflection of who we really are | 16:12 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | kz6fittycent, indeed, but the results were close | 16:15 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | kz6fittycent, nearly half and nearly half for leave and re main | 16:15 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | over all | 16:15 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | so about half of the people who voted in the UK voted out, and about half voted to re main | 16:15 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | kz6fittycent, actsually done on votes that one to, not how many people by most voted in particular area's like the elections here | 16:16 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | biggest turn out for voters in the UK for years now wasn't it? | 16:23 |
kz6fittycent | ChloeWolfieGirl, big deal I guess... | 16:24 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | kz6fittycent: just a little bit | 16:25 |
kz6fittycent | The information over here gets convoluted about the issue. But I was under the impression that the UK was kind of "half-committed" to the EU anyway. Am I wrong? | 16:26 |
ahoneybun | mhall119: would not call that winter | 16:35 |
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