
k1lthat is a really bad way of running #freenode, imho. i see a lot more people asking their freenode questions in #ubuntu since they dont get voiced in #freenode.00:06
daxThat opinion has been expressed to staff and is one I agree with. They tend to not.00:07
daxThe answer is "then do /stats p and talk to staff directly". I get ignored when I point out staff often aren't on there, with data.00:07
daxAdd that to them deliberately keeping documentation about e.g. channel modes off the website, and you get Fun Times.00:08
dax(because it's in the IRCd help. except the IRCd help is wrong because it's bad at optional modules)00:09
elkythe new staffers are at least temporarily good at putting themselves in /stats p, so it'll be interesting to see how long that lasts.01:05
daxaye, that's the usual way of it01:07
dax!away > Saulo03:30
ubottutgm4883 called the ops in #ubuntu ()15:56
geniiWeird, I wonder what happened to automatic spam control in there15:58
PiciUnit193: ^16:12
Myrttimaybe it waited for Sigyn to act?16:22
Unit193Slow spam, I should likely correct that a bit.16:31
tgm4883Uh, weird request. Can someone come deal with HankTheAi in #ubuntu17:13
ikoniaof course17:16
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:16
k1l_Valkyrie115> I don't recall what the command was though23:25
k1l_i can hardly believe he is not trolling23:25
geniiIt does seem difficult, yes23:31
tortibi've been banned for about 6 months now was wondering when that's going to let up23:43
daxHi tortib. Which channel?23:48

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