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flexiondotorg | infinity, cyphermox Ubuntu MATE and Lubuntu are keen to have an 16.10 Alpha 1. Is that on the cards? | 10:57 |
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LocutusOfBorg | hi, does anybody know how to make tidy-html5 migrate? | 14:42 |
LocutusOfBorg | does it need a MIR? | 14:42 |
LocutusOfBorg | second question: can anybody please demote mrpt to let opencv migrate? it has the same issues in Debian, and already 4 RC bugs that are preventing archs from building | 14:44 |
cjwatson | apw: ^- mind looking at live-build? | 15:00 |
apw | cjwatson, np | 15:01 |
cjwatson | apw: thanks | 15:23 |
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infinity | flexiondotorg: I'll be on an airplane when A1 would be releasing, so it won't be me doing it. | 15:40 |
flexiondotorg | infinity, OK. | 15:40 |
infinity | stgraber: Did you want to take A1 as your usual "make sure the world isn't broken" thing? | 15:40 |
stgraber | infinity: that's this week right? | 15:42 |
stgraber | if so, I can take it, yeah | 15:42 |
stgraber | I'm travelling for the next month or so, but still home until Friday :) | 15:43 |
infinity | stgraber: It is this week, yes. | 15:43 |
infinity | stgraber: Soft freeze would be nowish. :P | 15:43 |
infinity | Well, in 1.25 hours. | 15:44 |
flexiondotorg | stgraber, I've recently uploaded a new ubuntu-mate-artwork package. | 15:45 |
infinity | stgraber: And thanks. | 15:45 |
flexiondotorg | So if you want to delay for a few hours, fine by me ;-) | 15:45 |
* infinity grabs his shotgun and goes coffee hunting. | 15:46 | |
apw | infinity, what do you use, bean-bag rounds ? | 15:47 |
infinity | apw: Bird shot. You wound the coffeebeast, and then bleed it into a mug. | 15:49 |
infinity | Nothing but the freshest coffee. | 15:49 |
apw | oh they normally use a bow and arrow for that kind of bleeding ... | 15:50 |
stgraber | infinity: ok, let me catch up on who's actually participating | 15:55 |
* stgraber sets up the tracker | 15:55 | |
stgraber | so lubuntu, mate and kylin | 15:57 |
stgraber | Odd_Bloke, rcj: are you guys participating in alpha-1? | 15:57 |
gaughen | stgraber, we are not planning to participate | 15:59 |
stgraber | tracker setup done, turning off cron for the 3 affected flavors | 15:59 |
stgraber | gaughen: ok | 15:59 |
rcj | beat me to it | 15:59 |
stgraber | cron updated | 16:00 |
stgraber | will set the block in an hour | 16:01 |
stgraber | other than that, I'll do the publishing on Thursday, let me know if anyone needs anything else | 16:01 |
tsimonq2 | thanks stgraber | 16:07 |
tsimonq2 | flexiondotorg: ^ | 16:07 |
flexiondotorg | tsimonq2, Thanks. | 16:16 |
flexiondotorg | stgraber, Thanks. | 16:16 |
flexiondotorg | stgraber, Ubuntu MATE would like to release the powerpc build too please. | 16:17 |
stgraber | flexiondotorg: looks like it's on the manifest so should be all good | 16:20 |
flexiondotorg | Thanks. | 16:21 |
flexiondotorg | stgraber, Looks like I'll need to upload one package later. Shall I just ping you to request an unblock? | 16:21 |
stgraber | flexiondotorg: yeah, or I can wait a bit to setup the block if you prefer | 16:25 |
flexiondotorg | Well, I'm going to need several hours. Maybe 6. So I don't want to hold others up. | 16:26 |
stgraber | applying the block now | 18:23 |
tjaalton | infinity: is 14.04.5 lts stack a thing on ppc64el? | 18:26 |
stgraber | freeze in place | 18:27 |
tjaalton | hm? i'm backporting xorg from xenial | 18:27 |
nacc | tjaalton: probalby not directed at you | 18:28 |
stgraber | tjaalton: wasn't talking to you :) | 18:28 |
tjaalton | ahh, gotcha :) | 18:28 |
nacc | stgraber: should /topic be adjusted then? | 18:28 |
stgraber | nacc: I don't think we really bother for alphas, because the archive isn't really frozen as it would later in the cycle and the list of packages that are affected won't fit in the topic :) | 18:29 |
nacc | stgraber: ah good point | 18:29 |
roadmr | hey folks! what's needed for https://launchpad.net/bugs/1590434 to be solved? we'd love to have that package landed to allow snapd to authenticate using macaroons | 18:37 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1590434 in golang-gopkg-macaroon.v1 (Ubuntu Xenial) "[SRU] Initial version as a snapd build-dep" [Undecided,New] | 18:37 |
infinity | tjaalton: We built previous stacks on all arches. | 18:44 |
infinity | tjaalton: Is there a reason we wouldn't do so with xenial? | 18:44 |
tjaalton | infinity: ok, well right now xserver ftbfs on ppc64el, haven't looked into it yet | 18:45 |
tjaalton | xenial xserver | 18:45 |
tjaalton | on trusty | 18:45 |
* infinity nods. | 18:45 | |
infinity | It's probably something trivial, but good to know. | 18:46 |
infinity | Have a build log? | 18:46 |
tjaalton | yep | 18:46 |
tjaalton | https://launchpad.net/~canonical-x/+archive/ubuntu/x-staging/+build/10183393/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-ppc64el.xorg-server-lts-xenial_2%3A1.18.3-1ubuntu2.2~trusty0.2_BUILDING.txt.gz | 18:46 |
tjaalton | ../../../../hw/kdrive/src/kinput.c:224:43: error: array subscript is above array bounds [-Werror=array-bounds] | 18:47 |
infinity | tjaalton: Curious. Dropping to -O2 might fix it, but odd that gcc 4.8 seems to dislike you and 5.3 is fine in this regard. (Well, not that odd, if you look at the number of bugs filed and fixed upstream WRT that particular warning) | 18:53 |
infinity | tjaalton: Did you ever get anywhere with the llvm-on-arm64 issue, or just opt for reverting to an older llvm? | 18:55 |
tjaalton | infinity: that proved to be a non-issue, as mesa doesn't b-dep llvm on arm64 | 18:56 |
tjaalton | which probably is a bug of it's own | 18:56 |
infinity | tjaalton: Ahh, so letting it just be FTBFS is fine in that case, if a bit gross. Kay. | 18:56 |
tjaalton | right | 18:56 |
tjaalton | had to revert a commit to let maxclients be configurable on xserver so that it doesn't depend on a newer coreproto, which breaks all earlier servers.. | 18:57 |
tjaalton | but that's another non-issue I think, and safer this way | 18:57 |
* infinity nods. | 18:57 | |
infinity | Sounds reasonable. | 18:57 |
infinity | So, assuming my -O2 stab in the dark fixes xorg on ppc64el, are we close to flooding the SRU queue with uploads? | 18:58 |
tjaalton | there's also the sru for libdrm which is kinda stuck on trusty. xenial got it already but I haven't tested it on trusty (a full backport with newer version plus a few added pci-id's that sru'd to xenial) | 18:59 |
tjaalton | and of course llvm | 18:59 |
tjaalton | and libxrandr & randrproto | 19:00 |
infinity | tjaalton: That's in proposed already, though, so shouldn't block other things uploading, I hope. | 19:00 |
infinity | (libdrm, that is) | 19:00 |
tjaalton | indeed | 19:00 |
tjaalton | was thinking ahead | 19:00 |
tjaalton | anyway, I could upload the randr stuff | 19:01 |
infinity | tjaalton: So, I'm off to DebConf on Thursday, I'd love to see the mess hit the queue before then, so I can get the ball rolling on dailies ASAP. | 19:01 |
tjaalton | where to put that -O2 so I can test on the ppa? | 19:02 |
infinity | tjaalton: Lemme grab the xorg-xenial source and fiddle with that briefly. | 19:02 |
tjaalton | once the xserver builds then all the drivers are go | 19:02 |
tjaalton | ok | 19:02 |
tjaalton | i reverted some systemd changes too, but it might not be enough | 19:03 |
tjaalton | at least it builds | 19:03 |
sergiusens | RAOF hey, can you let snapcraft (2.12) go, release its chains and let it escape into xenial-updates ? | 19:56 |
infinity | tjaalton: Can you try uploading something like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18050427/ | 20:03 |
tjaalton | infinity: sure, uploaded | 20:06 |
infinity | tjaalton: Looks like that worked. | 20:13 |
tjaalton | oh goodie | 20:15 |
infinity | tjaalton: Normally, I'd go hunting for why the code sucks, but if gcc 5.3 considers it legal, I'm down with "meh, whatever, simple backport hack" instead. | 20:19 |
tjaalton | wfm | 20:19 |
infinity | tjaalton: So, was that the last thing blocking moving this show to the queue? | 20:43 |
infinity | tjaalton: If so, I look forward to uploads and some build order instructions tomorrow. :) | 20:43 |
tjaalton | infinity: yeah | 20:44 |
tjaalton | well, I could push something right now | 20:45 |
tjaalton | since you're up | 20:45 |
infinity | tjaalton: Sure, sooner beats later. | 20:46 |
infinity | tjaalton: I just assumed you might want to sleep or, I dunno, not be at work. But your time, your call. | 20:46 |
tjaalton | i've sat on this for long enough :) | 20:47 |
tjaalton | and I'll take some time off later | 20:47 |
infinity | tjaalton: Sometime between now and 16.04.2, we should probably have a head-to-head and see if we can figure out how to make the HWE-X packaging less convoluted, given the decision to go to a rolling HWE stack. | 20:49 |
infinity | tjaalton: Might be a good opportunity to rethink some basic assumptions. | 20:49 |
infinity | tjaalton: But, another week/month. Not today. :P | 20:49 |
tjaalton | right | 20:49 |
tjaalton | randrproto is first | 20:50 |
* infinity goes to find that lunch he keeps putting off. | 20:50 | |
infinity | tjaalton: I'll be back in ~1hr to look at what's landed in my lap. | 20:50 |
tjaalton | I'll upload libxrandr too | 20:50 |
tjaalton | and then hit the sack | 20:51 |
infinity | tjaalton: Feel free to upload a bunch of stuff (and/or all of it), I don't think anyone other than I will be touching it tonight. | 20:51 |
tjaalton | indeed | 20:51 |
tjaalton | infinity: ok that's everything for now. build order; llvm -> mesa -> x11proto-randr -> libxrandr -> xserver | 21:04 |
tjaalton | i'll build the drivers tomorrow in the ppa for sanity checking | 21:05 |
infinity | tjaalton: Ta. | 21:05 |
tjaalton | and then test the upgrade | 21:05 |
RAOF | sergiusens: It's only been in xenial-proposed for a day; normally we'd wait 7 before promoting to -updates. Is there anything particularly urgent here? | 23:20 |
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