mariogrip | mhall119: now, got that bluetooth working also | 01:25 |
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cwayne | mariogrip: what's your big ubports update? the suspense is gonna kill me :P | 01:59 |
ahoneybun | same | 02:09 |
Amir_ | hi everyone | 02:25 |
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Guest45338 | what does that mean. I'm new to the service | 02:26 |
Guest45338 | So, i have installed Ubuntu 16.04 last night but my touch screen doesn't work | 02:27 |
ahoneybun | Guest45338: head over to #ubuntu for support | 02:28 |
ahoneybun | this is for Ubuntu Touch devices like Phones and Tablets | 02:29 |
Guest45338 | i have surface pro 4 | 02:29 |
Guest45338 | that counts as tablet/laptop? | 02:29 |
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nhaines | Hmm, so I realized that I'd been left behind on my N7 with the ubuntu-pd channel, so I switched to ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu and now all my Libertine apps have matchbox window decorations. | 06:29 |
nhaines | | 06:58 |
PHLin | Hello guy, I got a question about the checkbox component in Ubuntu.Components | 07:26 |
PHLin | from this doc, it does not have a "text" property | 07:26 |
PHLin | but this property can be found in previous doc | 07:27 |
PHLin | I'm wondering if it's available | 07:27 |
PHLin | Or I will need to use a Text and a CheckBox to achieve this | 07:28 |
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mike00 | hi all, yesterday I found a bug in the system but I don't know on which package I should report the bug: I opened uTorch from the launcher and to unlock the phone I set a pin. I didn't unlock the phone but the torch switched on. then after a while I opened the launcher and hold pressed on the uTorch app and in the menu I tapped on close and the torch switched off. the thing is: now I if I reopen uTorch the light doesn't switch on and if I unlock the | 09:10 |
mike00 | phone I neither take photos or use other apps that require camera services.... | 09:10 |
mike00 | is this bug already known? | 09:10 |
popey | mike00: I'm not aware of that | 09:23 |
mike00 | it's quite annoying, because every time I should restart the phone... | 09:25 |
mike00 | otherwise I can't use camera services.... | 09:26 |
mike00 | popey, should I report it? | 09:34 |
nhaines | Hmm, in the absence of a Compose key, I'm testing the US (International alternative with AltGr dead keys) layout. It's... acceptable. | 09:35 |
mike00 | so what I have to do? | 09:49 |
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drguell | Hi! | 10:03 |
mike00 | hi | 10:03 |
popey | mike00: sure | 10:03 |
drguell | Where I can looking for good documentation of mir? | 10:04 |
drguell | :P | 10:04 |
ogra_ | drguell, best to ask that in #ubuntu-mir | 10:04 |
drguell | ogra_, i didn't know about specific channel, thanks you ;) | 10:05 |
ogra_ | :) | 10:05 |
mike00 | popey: which of my questions are you answering? | 10:06 |
popey | mike00: the one you asked me | 10:07 |
mike00 | ok, but on which package should I report that bug? | 10:07 |
popey | | 10:09 |
popey | file it there | 10:09 |
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mike00 | thanks popey | 10:10 |
popey | np | 10:12 |
mike00 | in the summary of the bug what should I write? | 10:12 |
popey | mike00: what happens and how to reproduce it | 10:16 |
popey | what version of image you're on, and what device | 10:17 |
mike00 | popey, I mean in the one-line summary of the bug | 10:17 |
popey | use your imagination :) | 10:18 |
bregma | nhaines, re the Matchbox decs in Libertine apps: it's an artifact of a workaround we did for OSK focus issues, we figured it's a small temporary sacrifice to get a working OSK until we get window management better integrated with Unity 8 | 10:21 |
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bregma | also, the -pd channels are now officially converged with the regular channels and no longer updated, everyone is going to have to switch | 10:22 |
Acou_Bass | bregma: we will have to switch to -pd? or the 'regular' channel will become what used to be -pd? | 10:24 |
bregma | Acou_Bass, all the -pd special sauce has been converged with the regular channels, so now there is Only One base system and it includes the libertine tools and XMir | 10:26 |
Acou_Bass | cool | 10:26 |
bregma | your get XApps, and you get XAppa, and you get XApps, everybody gets XApps | 10:26 |
Acou_Bass | woo! | 10:27 |
bregma | I can not guarantee everyone will enjoy XApps on their tiny touch screens, your mileage may vary | 10:27 |
Acou_Bass | heh | 10:27 |
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Acou_Bass | i ran -pd on my nexus 4 for a while, it was quite nice for certain things | 10:27 |
bregma | especially if your hardware *still* doesn't support external displays of any sort | 10:27 |
bregma | N4 at least supports external screens | 10:28 |
bregma | at least mine does, with the right cable | 10:28 |
Acou_Bass | well, yeah its supposed to, sadly mine desnt as my slimport is duff :P | 10:28 |
bregma | yeah, I went through several cables until I got one that worked | 10:29 |
Acou_Bass | i have an external keyboard case for my N4 though so using the Xapps on the smaller screen isnt too much bother for me | 10:29 |
Acou_Bass | i just use them in staged instead of windowed stil | 10:29 |
* bregma grumbles about the Quality of Things todays | 10:29 | |
Acou_Bass | i think my cable is fine, its my actual port thats duff... sometimes itll work, but then ill knock it and itll wobble and itll not work anymore | 10:33 |
mike00 | yesterday after restarting the phone I saw this: | 10:42 |
mike00 | what was happen? | 10:42 |
mike00 | there is no "rotation" menu but there is only that strange menu without the switch to lock/unlock the rotation... | 10:45 |
mike00 | what does the indicator-rotation-lock is? | 11:00 |
popey | mike00: looks like the indicator crashed | 11:16 |
popey | mike00: probably find a crash file in /var/crash (if you have that enabled) | 11:16 |
mike00 | is it correct or is it another bug? | 11:44 |
popey | mike00: crashes are arguably bugs, yes | 11:51 |
mike00 | popey, but have I to report it or not? | 11:53 |
popey | mike00: it wouldn't hurt | 12:12 |
mike00 | popey, sorry I'm not English. what does "it wouldn't hurt" mean? | 12:14 |
popey | "yes" | 12:14 |
fat-marty | I am considering purchase of dell inspiron 5000. Does 14.04 support the touch screen? Is this the proper forum for my question? | 12:16 |
ahoneybun | fat-marty: head over to #ubuntu for support question, but yes most likely | 12:18 |
bregma | fat-marty, yes, it should support the touch screen, and no, it's not the proper channel for Ubuntu support | 12:18 |
fat-marty | thankyou. | 12:18 |
ahoneybun | np | 12:19 |
black_puppydog | hey all. stupid question: is this the main means of communication about UT? or is there something more asynchronous (mailing list or such)? | 12:33 |
popey | there is a phone mailing list | 12:33 |
bregma | black_puppydog, there is also the mailing list | 12:33 |
black_puppydog | is it active? :P | 12:33 |
bregma | yep | 12:33 |
bregma | black_puppydog, | 12:34 |
black_puppydog | cool, will check it out then. seems to me my working and sleeping hours are not all that compatible with others' :D | 12:34 |
bregma | this channel is pretty much a 24-hour circus | 12:35 |
bregma | the clowns are usually on during UK business hours though | 12:35 |
ogra_ | well, it is rathe quiet on weekends :) | 12:35 |
ogra_ | *rather | 12:36 |
bregma | the performing monkeys come on when the USA west coast wakes up | 12:36 |
black_puppydog | oh, "must be a team member to subscribe to the team mailing list".... | 12:36 |
bregma | black_puppydog, it's an open team, anyone can join just by clicking | 12:37 |
black_puppydog | actually I just wanted to ask if there's anyone here running UT on a nexus 5. I set up a persistant irc session just for this, so now I can happily wait for an answer :P | 12:38 |
ogra_ | some people are :) | 12:38 |
ogra_ | (not me ... i think dobey and nhaines are and mariogrip maintains the N5 port) | 12:39 |
black_puppydog | thing is, I followed the instructions for hammerhead on ubports, and I am left with a system that has a LOT of faults (like not being able to pick/share *anything*) but I don't see (or don't find) anyone complaining about it. | 12:39 |
black_puppydog | so I figured, maybe the stable branch is not the one to follow on an N5? | 12:39 |
mariogrip | black_puppydog: the n5 is still under development, new release with lots of fixes coming pretty soon | 12:41 |
black_puppydog | aaawwwww, cooool :) | 12:41 |
black_puppydog | so which branch should I track for those changes, and how do I switch to that? do I need to wipe the phone for that? | 12:42 |
ogra_ | well, sharing content from app to app is more a OS thing, not related to the hardware | 12:42 |
black_puppydog | that's what I thought. but under "about this phone" I just see "version 9" and I'm not even sure where that number comes from. can't be OTA9, can it? | 12:43 |
ogra_ | nope | 12:44 |
ogra_ | it would say OTA there | 12:44 |
black_puppydog | hmmm... then that still leaves me confused :P | 12:45 |
ogra_ | (OTAs only show up for the stable channel though ... else you get the individual build number which varies from device to device) | 12:45 |
ogra_ | install the terminal-app and run: "system-image-cli -i" | 12:45 |
ogra_ | that gives you all info about what channel you are on and about the different parts of the install | 12:46 |
black_puppydog | build number: 9 | 12:47 |
black_puppydog | channel: ubuntu-touch/stable | 12:47 |
black_puppydog | last update: 1971-03-22 12:28:39 | 12:47 |
black_puppydog | I guess that just means "never updated"? | 12:47 |
ogra_ | well what does "date" return | 12:50 |
ogra_ | perhaps your clock is wildly off (which would explain issues) | 12:50 |
mterry | kenvandine, when you get bored, I have a default-wallpaper branch for system-settings that is part of a general wallpaper update effort. Also adds vivid-wallpapers to the mix, so that users get more default options to choose from | 12:50 |
mterry | kenvandine, no rush at all, just saying | 12:50 |
black_puppydog | ogra_ nope, date is accurate. | 12:51 |
ogra_ | k | 12:51 |
black_puppydog | btw version device: 20160603- | 12:52 |
black_puppydog | so I guess my system image *is* quite recently built. perhaps it just doesn't regard the OTA's as relevant, even if those updates might not be in the stable system images? | 12:53 |
dobey | ogra_, black_puppydog: images named "OTA-N" only show up as such for official devices really, i think | 12:55 |
black_puppydog | oh, okay. then there might not be an update problem after all. | 12:56 |
ogra_ | dobey, ah, i didnt know ... i always thought it shows in all stable channels | 12:57 |
black_puppydog | so then I guess the best way for me to proceed might be to switch to an unstable channel and wait for updates there? mariogrip: you said there were some coming. but there should already be quite a few in some channel, no? | 12:58 |
dobey | black_puppydog: no, the content sharing issue is some weird apparmor issue or something that i wasn't able to figure out myself | 12:58 |
black_puppydog | but it doesn't happen on all devices? | 12:59 |
ogra_ | definitely not | 13:00 |
mhall119 | mariogrip: no luck on getting wifi or bluetooth working with your latest image | 13:01 |
mhall119 | I'm wondering now if they've changed more than just the screen with the new model | 13:02 |
mariogrip | ogra_: dobey black_puppydog OTA and version is not the same, take mako as an example it has version number 31 | 13:02 |
mariogrip | mhall119: ? what version | 13:02 |
mariogrip | should be 5 | 13:02 |
mariogrip | no 4** | 13:02 |
ogra_ | mariogrip, hmm, i would have thunk mako provides OTA info in system-settings | 13:02 |
mhall119 | mariogrip: version of what? | 13:02 |
mariogrip | system image server version | 13:03 |
dobey | mariogrip: OTA-N is unrelated to the image build number | 13:03 |
mariogrip | mhall119: are you using the images on the system-server? | 13:04 |
mhall119 | mariogrip: system-image server says version 3 | 13:04 |
mhall119 | mariogrip: I flashed the system.img you sent me yesterday | 13:04 |
mariogrip | mhall119: it should be 4, let me check | 13:04 |
mariogrip | did you see the video? | 13:04 |
mhall119 | which video? | 13:05 |
mariogrip | mhall119: on telegram | 13:06 |
mhall119 | mariogrip: oh, yes, was that your FP2? | 13:09 |
mariogrip | mhall119: jup :) | 13:09 |
mariogrip | mhall119: humm, there is no version 4 on the server... letme check whats wrong | 13:09 |
kenvandine | mterry, thx | 13:11 |
mariogrip | mhall119: found the problem, trying to push v4 again | 13:15 |
mariogrip | mhall119: 4 is out now, follow this to update | 13:26 |
mhall119 | mariogrip: ack, trying now | 13:30 |
mariogrip | mhall119: how did it go? | 13:56 |
mhall119 | mariogrip: I walked away after it rebooted, and came back to the screen off and all the partitions mounted to my laptop | 14:00 |
mhall119 | now I can't see it on adb | 14:01 |
mhall119 | not sure if it's on or off | 14:01 |
mariogrip | try rebooting it | 14:03 |
mariogrip | mhall119: did you remember boot.img? i made some changes there | 14:05 |
mariogrip | mhall119: I just flashed, and it worked for me | 14:08 |
mariogrip | mhall119: miracast next then or? | 14:09 |
mhall119 | mariogrip: on rev 4 now, network indicator still says I have flightmode on, but system-settings shows it as off | 14:10 |
mariogrip | mhall119: do you have wifi and bt? | 14:10 |
mariogrip | mhall119: I don't know why, but i think it's due to rild/ofono is not working | 14:11 |
mhall119 | bluetooth indicator appears now, and I cna connect my mouse | 14:11 |
mhall119 | still no wifi though | 14:11 |
mariogrip | do you have adb? | 14:12 |
mariogrip | mhall119: that's wired, i have it and i wiped and installed v4 just as you did | 14:13 |
mhall119 | doesn't show up on adb | 14:14 |
mhall119 | I can try reflashing with --wipe | 14:14 |
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mariogrip | mhall119: you can enable adb with this tool download all 3 files and run adb-install from recovery | 14:15 |
mariogrip | and when you get adb run /system/etc/ | 14:15 |
mariogrip | mhall119: i can try my old fairphone just to make sure it works there to | 14:16 |
mhall119 | mariogrip: rm: cannot remove ‘/data/misc/wifi/WCNSS_qcom_wlan_nv.bin’: No such file or directory | 14:21 |
mhall119 | sh: echo: I/O error | 14:21 |
mhall119 | soot@ubuntu-phablet:/# ls data/misc/wifi/ | 14:22 |
mhall119 | WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini sockets wpa_supplicant | 14:22 |
mariogrip | hummm, conn_init seems to not copying .bin | 14:24 |
mariogrip | do file /system/bin/conn_init just to check that it's there | 14:24 |
mariogrip | mhall119: ^ | 14:24 |
mhall119 | it's there | 14:24 |
mariogrip | anything about wifi in dmesg | 14:24 |
mariogrip | wlan/wifi | 14:25 |
mhall119 | | 14:26 |
mariogrip | mhall119: seems ok, do nmcli d | 14:26 |
mhall119 | mariogrip: | 14:28 |
mariogrip | mhall119: run nmcli r wifi on | 14:29 |
mhall119 | wifi changed from "unavailable" to "disconnected" | 14:29 |
mariogrip | check wifi setting now | 14:29 |
mariogrip | btw, worked without problem on my old device | 14:30 |
mhall119 | oh hey, it can see stuff now | 14:30 |
mariogrip | :D | 14:30 |
mhall119 | wifi connected! \o/ | 14:30 |
mhall119 | also the UI doesn't seem to freeze up like it used to | 14:31 |
kz6fittycent | I have some really bad news... | 14:31 |
kz6fittycent | my Nexus 4 is hosed | 14:31 |
kz6fittycent | no more uTouch.... | 14:31 |
mhall119 | kz6fittycent: that is sad | 14:31 |
mariogrip | mhall119: humm, i still need to find out why it didn't set the radio on automatically. if you get this problem next time you reboot | 14:31 |
mariogrip | tell me | 14:31 |
mhall119 | mariogrip: ok | 14:31 |
mariogrip | mhall119: yeah, i fixed some vsync issues + also added apparmor so you can login now | 14:32 |
mariogrip | mhall119: do you have one of those microsoft dongles? | 14:34 |
kz6fittycent | mariogrip, sorry to butt in, but did your oneplus 3 arrive? | 14:34 |
mariogrip | kz6fittycent: YES! :D I just have to trow in, it's perfect! and with ubuntu it will be amazing! | 14:34 |
kz6fittycent | nice | 14:35 |
mariogrip | I'll start working on it this week, just have to finish some devices | 14:36 |
kz6fittycent | mariogrip, that's really cool man | 14:36 |
kz6fittycent | mariogrip, I was thinking of getting that phone but I'm on Ting and they were concerned about the level of service I'd get because it lacks the appropriate bands for their network. I was REALLY bummed. They said it "would work, but not well" | 14:37 |
mariogrip | I have started on my 1 month vacation, that's why thins go faster now | 14:37 |
kz6fittycent | 1 month vacation? Wow! | 14:37 |
mariogrip | thats normal in norway :P | 14:38 |
kz6fittycent | mariogrip, very nice | 14:38 |
mariogrip | kz6fittycent: what phone is that? | 14:38 |
kz6fittycent | mariogrip, oneplus 3 | 14:38 |
mariogrip | oh? they have an US version | 14:38 |
mariogrip | I dind't know that was bad in US | 14:39 |
kz6fittycent | mariogrip, "yes" though it doesn't cover all the bands that T-Mobile uses in the US (Ting uses T-mobile towers for GSM) | 14:39 |
mariogrip | humm, says it will work with all bands | 14:40 |
mariogrip | | 14:41 |
mariogrip | kz6fittycent: ^ | 14:41 |
kz6fittycent | mariogrip, yeah I saw that too. I contacted Ting and they confirmed that it "would work" but not very well. They said I'd experience a lot of dropped calls in rural areas....I live in a very rural area. LOL | 14:41 |
kz6fittycent | mariogrip, I wish that the oneplus 3 supported CDMA as I get much better coverage on a CDMA network (like Sprint) where I live | 14:43 |
kz6fittycent | mariogrip, having said all that, do you think a port of ubuntu touch to the nexus 5x is possible? | 14:44 |
mariogrip | kz6fittycent: Yes! that's coming to :) just need to find time to all this, but with 1 month i guess i get alot done | 14:45 |
kz6fittycent | mariogrip, DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!!!!!! NICE!! So good to hear that!! | 14:45 |
mariogrip | :D | 14:45 |
kz6fittycent | You just made my day | 14:46 |
mariogrip | :D | 14:46 |
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mhall119 | mariogrip: wow this device gets hot | 14:50 |
mariogrip | mhall119: btw, is it ok that we await saying somthing on g+ (or simular) i want to release all 3 devices (opo, fp2, n5) with alot of fixes at the same time to get some hype | 14:51 |
mariogrip | mhall119: Yeah i know, unity8/mir is running hard on the cqu | 14:51 |
mariogrip | i need to debug that | 14:52 |
mariogrip | cpu** | 14:52 |
mariogrip | that's what this is all about btw | 14:53 |
mhall119 | mariogrip: the big update is improving unity8/mir cpu usage? | 14:55 |
mariogrip | mhall119: nah, that for this: btw, is it ok that we await saying somthing on g+ (or simular) i want to release all 3 devices (opo, fp2, n5) with alot of fixes at the same time to get some hype | 15:01 |
mariogrip | mhall119: do you have one of those microsoft dongles? | 15:05 |
mariogrip | the v1 one? | 15:05 |
mariogrip | or, can anyone confirm that aethercast works on the v2 version if Microsoft dongle | 15:06 |
mariogrip | of* | 15:06 |
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader | ||
ahoneybun | kz6fittycent: eww Sprint | 15:09 |
kz6fittycent | lol | 15:10 |
kz6fittycent | sigh, alas it's better where I live | 15:10 |
ahoneybun | well at least your on Ting | 15:13 |
kz6fittycent | ahoneybun, yeah I really like Ting | 15:19 |
mariogrip | rest of the world does not use cdma, why does us? makes it so hard for everyone else | 15:20 |
ahoneybun | mariogrip: not sure the US market is very different then anywhere else | 15:20 |
ahoneybun | only Sprint and Verizon use CDMA anymore | 15:20 |
ahoneybun | and they don't work together either | 15:20 |
ahoneybun | GSM like T-Mobile and AT&T work fine | 15:21 |
mariogrip | gsm is the global standard | 15:21 |
ahoneybun | the US is known to not follow standards | 15:21 |
ahoneybun | look at our measurement systems | 15:22 |
ahoneybun | XD | 15:22 |
mariogrip | yeah i know :P | 15:22 |
ahoneybun | I'm on GSM all the time now | 15:22 |
ahoneybun | never going to CDMA again | 15:22 |
ahoneybun | my OPO was very useful in Spain | 15:22 |
mariogrip | yeah | 15:23 |
ahoneybun | just bought a SIM and I was good | 15:23 |
mariogrip | cant you use an us sim? | 15:24 |
ahoneybun | mm? | 15:24 |
ahoneybun | US SIM would not work in anywhere | 15:24 |
ahoneybun | well T-Mobile might a bit now | 15:24 |
ahoneybun | but I was on Ting GSM atm | 15:25 |
mariogrip | my sim work everywhere in EU and us | 15:25 |
ahoneybun | not sure who you have then | 15:26 |
ahoneybun | I just bought a cheap SIM | 15:26 |
kz6fittycent | CDMA IMHO has better call quality, meaning that the clarity is better. Additionally, I've noticed that CDMA connects to towers much faster than GSM (at least that's the case where I live) YMMV | 15:27 |
ahoneybun | I've never had issues | 15:27 |
kz6fittycent | ahoneybun, I wish I didn't but I do and it's a killer for me. I literally constantly have | 15:31 |
ahoneybun | yea my parents are stuck on Verizon though Straight Talk | 15:31 |
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mhall119 | mariogrip: no, I have a TV with built in miracast support, but not device to test it with | 16:03 |
kz6fittycent | mhall119, | 16:05 |
mhall119 | kz6fittycent: yes? | 16:07 |
kz6fittycent | sheesh, sorry. I was going to follow up with a question regarding casting with uTouch. That is that since there are so many ways to cast with the Desktop (e.g. the new VLC app, I think node.js has something to do with it too) do you think anything like that is coming to u Touch? | 16:07 |
kz6fittycent | sheesh | 16:07 |
kz6fittycent | long follow up | 16:07 |
mhall119 | kz6fittycent: yes, I think that's all possible | 16:08 |
ogra_ | by default we have aethercast now though | 16:09 |
mhall119 | since it's all done over wifi, something like VLC should be able to cast from a phone or tablet just as easily as from a desktop | 16:09 |
kz6fittycent | mhall119, I think that'd be a HUGE seller for a ton of people | 16:09 |
* ogra_ guesses patches to enhance that with other technologies wont be rejected :) | 16:09 | |
mariogrip | mhall119: fairphone 2 :D | 16:10 |
mariogrip | try aethercastctl then scan | 16:10 |
ogra_ | no UI support yet ? :) | 16:10 |
mariogrip | ogra_: i have not enabled it yet | 16:11 |
ogra_ | ah | 16:11 |
* ogra_ really wishes all his displays wouldnt look so awful in 720p | 16:11 | |
kz6fittycent | mhall119, the thing that stinks is that my poor old N4 isn't doing too good. Couldn't get calls to work well with it and most texts weren't coming in...then the display developed multiple "dead spots" all over it | 16:11 |
ogra_ | but at least it is fast and responsive | 16:12 |
mariogrip | mhall119: if you want UI run setprop ubuntu.widi.supported 1 | 16:12 |
altker128 | kz6fittycent: Was that just a hardware issue with your N4? | 16:12 |
mhall119 | kz6fittycent: hmmm, sounds like maybe your radio hardware is going back. I haven't had any issue with calls or sms, but the case is all busted and there's a crack across my camera lens :( | 16:12 |
mhall119 | s/back/bad/ | 16:13 |
mhall119 | mariogrip: widi is working on the fairphone? | 16:14 |
ahoneybun | mhall119: told you I would send you my EMMC broken one for parts | 16:14 |
kz6fittycent | mhall119, yeah it's definitely the phone. I flashed Android to confirm and all the same issues are present | 16:14 |
mhall119 | ahoneybun: I appreciate it, but I'd rather upgrade :) | 16:15 |
kz6fittycent | Buying a Nexus 5x as soon as funds are present | 16:15 |
mhall119 | maybe this FP2 will become usable | 16:15 |
kz6fittycent | mariogrip, says he's working on a port for it :) | 16:15 |
mhall119 | otherwise I might invest in a OnePlus | 16:15 |
kz6fittycent | mhall119, I really like the oneplus 3, so nice | 16:15 |
mhall119 | mariogrip: do I need to restart something after setprop? | 16:17 |
kz6fittycent | have you guys seen/tried the new PlexLocal app in the store? | 16:20 |
kz6fittycent | it works quite well and I think it's a very good step | 16:20 |
kz6fittycent | | 16:21 |
mhall119 | kz6fittycent: didn't know about it, but I have a plex server so now I'm going to try it | 16:21 |
kz6fittycent | I think you'd like it. Much better than that lame web app for plex... :) | 16:23 |
mariogrip | mhall119: no, a reboot would reset the setting, try to close system settings and reopen I again | 16:24 |
mariogrip | Or setprop at boot | 16:24 |
mhall119 | mariogrip: closing and re-opening system-settings didn't do anything | 16:25 |
mariogrip | Try the cli then | 16:27 |
mariogrip | aethercastctl then scan then wait to your device appear then connect (device address) | 16:28 |
mariogrip | mhall119: ^ | 16:29 |
mhall119 | mariogrip: aethercastctl> Failed to scan:GDBus.Error:org.aethercast.Error.NotReady: Not ready | 16:31 |
mariogrip | mhall119: try enable | 16:32 |
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SebthreeBQM10HD | hi | 17:10 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | why so dead in here recently ? | 19:25 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | anyone actually about :d ? | 19:25 |
popey | probably a by-product of having a) no phone on sale, b) no OTA just released | 19:26 |
popey | but people were talking earlier | 19:26 |
* popey disappears | 19:26 | |
SebthreeBQM10HD | popey, yeah phones out of stock that sucks really | 19:27 |
dobey | brexit killed the internet | 19:32 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | dobey, maybe | 19:35 |
onla | why is bq devices advertised on topic, but not meizu | 19:38 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | onla, I guess that won't matter much now, seems all the phones are out of stock now from both BQ and Meizu | 19:39 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | remour has it Meizu will have a new Ubunt phone next month though | 19:40 |
=== Topic unset by SebthreeBQM10HD on #ubuntu-touch | ||
SebthreeBQM10HD | I got access to topic really? | 19:40 |
onla | that codename midori? | 19:41 |
=== SebthreeBQM10HD changed the topic of #ubuntu-touch to: I got access to topic really? | ||
SebthreeBQM10HD | hmm | 19:41 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | looks like someone didn't set up this channel properly :d | 19:41 |
=== Topic unset by SebthreeBQM10HD on #ubuntu-touch | ||
SebthreeBQM10HD | onla, is it changing the topic with what I put? | 19:41 |
onla | yes | 19:42 |
dobey | mhall119: ^^ | 19:42 |
=== SebthreeBQM10HD changed the topic of #ubuntu-touch to: I got access to the topic really? If you want me as an op here I could do that | ||
SebthreeBQM10HD | I just wanted to review the topic not change it | 19:42 |
onla | on my client /topic reviews it, not change it | 19:43 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | indeed | 19:43 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | only meant to change for ops like that on any client | 19:43 |
OerHeks | onla, code name midori is solved, seems to be a bug in the bugreport, see #27 | 19:43 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1551811 in Canonical System Image "First trust prompt leads to reboot (arale, midori)" [Critical,Confirmed] | 19:43 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | maybe I can kick people to and things like that h eh, but I am no op here | 19:44 |
onla | so the new phone next month is still a legit rumour though? | 19:44 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | or as far as I know | 19:44 |
popey | SebthreeBQM10HD: please done fudge the topic | 19:44 |
OerHeks | new phone would be that meizu 6 pro, announced for august? | 19:44 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | popey, I am not meant to have access to the topic as far as I know, so that came as a suprise | 19:45 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | I was just trying to review it | 19:45 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | in full | 19:45 |
popey | you don't need to keep editing it though | 19:45 |
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-touch to: Home: | Install: | Porting (advanced) | Bug filing: | Dashboard: | | | | ||
SebthreeBQM10HD | popey, how come I had access anyway ? | 19:46 |
popey | why not, we're a happy place | 19:46 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | what else can I Dohere then, that I Didn't know about ? if anything | 19:46 |
onla | I got interested to meizu 5 when I read about the ota 11 and the wireless support + people reporting perforamnce improvements | 19:47 |
OerHeks | i thought that medori could well be android 6.. | 19:48 |
onla | but I guess I am not tthe only one if the phone is out of stock | 19:48 |
OerHeks | you can buy meizu 5 pro now.. not sure it is in your country. | 19:49 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | no it's out of stock on jd | 19:49 |
OerHeks | and some shops have the 4.5 | 19:49 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | pro 5 is out of stock on jd | 19:49 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | probably the russian jd site to | 19:49 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | bq phones are out of stock to | 19:49 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | maybe can find one of those else where though | 19:50 |
onla | the wireless support apparently doesnt concern bq phones or meizu 4 so i'm looking at 5 and newer phones, and pro5 price range or cheaper | 19:50 |
mariogrip | *cough cough* oneplus 3 :) | 19:50 |
onla | is that linux enough for me | 19:52 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | onla, pro 5 out of stock though | 19:52 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | onla, seems pro 5 not that special really, except for the wireless thing | 19:52 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | Ubuntu as an OS generally is quite underpowerd doesn't need powerful hardware to run | 19:53 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | and apps made for it as well | 19:53 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | onla, just for things like wirless feature I guess, the convergence things and such. but otherwise I mean, or so it sems to me | 19:53 |
onla | if I want to run some command line applications on the ubuntu phone I wonder how is the support. on android with superuser, busybox and stuff I heard that it's quite troublesome | 19:54 |
onla | I'm begginner with phones | 19:54 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | mariogrip, yeah, but your port won't be Canonical offical though | 19:54 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | mariogrip, will it be one pluss offical though ? | 19:54 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | onla, command line apps such as? | 19:55 |
mariogrip | nope, ubports official. btw, we are fully open source (bq and meizu is not) | 19:55 |
onla | hmm I am not sure, whatever comes to mind. maybe install some programming langugaes | 19:55 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | onla, unofficaly it's getting ported by mariogrip to one of the most powerful Android phones the one plus three | 19:56 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | onla, which I belive is quite a bit more powerful than the Mezu Pro 5 as well | 19:56 |
mariogrip | it is, Qcom 320 and 6GB ram | 19:56 |
onla | oh okay, but unofficial ports are likely not aswell supported as the official ones | 19:57 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | mariogrip, can Ubuntu Touch take full advantage currently of the one pluss threes powerful hardware? no I guess not, or not quite, since the OS isn't really that resource demanding ? | 19:57 |
onla | so it's up to me to trust the community (mariogrip) with updates or :s | 19:57 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | onla, indeed quite a few people seem to think that, but on the other hand mariogrip coudnt do it officaly for one plus at the moment anyway, since Canonical has no offical partnership with One Pluss | 19:58 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | like they do with BQ and Meizu | 19:58 |
mariogrip | and also, you have the option to fallback to android | 19:58 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | plus he would have to actsaullly work for Canonical then :d | 19:58 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | i guess | 19:58 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | or be partnered with | 19:58 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | mariogrip, dual boot? or just re flash ? | 19:58 |
Mister_Q | SebthreeBQM10HD, lets not forget that he is not getting paid for that ;) | 19:59 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | Mister_Q, indeed | 19:59 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | and if something majroly bad happens to him then, what hmm | 19:59 |
mariogrip | Mister_Q: :) | 20:00 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | mariogrip, what happended to your one plus one port by the way, or was it the one plus two port either way I Read some where that it didn't go that far etc? | 20:00 |
Mister_Q | mariogrip, well we're working on that part on patreon ;) | 20:01 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | Mister_Q, what's pateron ? | 20:02 |
dobey | onla: | 20:02 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | Libertine :d | 20:02 |
mariogrip | SebthreeBQM10HD: well, I soon have the oneplus one release that just missing gps (all other is missing) i would not see that as not progess | 20:03 |
mariogrip | Mister_Q: Thanks :D | 20:03 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | mariogrip, oh right ok :) and I don't have any of the one plus phones personally by the way | 20:03 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | but I know they are meant to be awesome phones yep | 20:03 |
Mister_Q | SebthreeBQM10HD, a way to support mariogrip s work | 20:03 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | when will links become cliable in xcht gnome I wonder on the tablet :d | 20:04 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | clickable | 20:04 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | or any links there | 20:04 |
dobey | are they not clickable? | 20:05 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | well that's with ota 10 | 20:05 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | I don't know about 11 | 20:05 |
onla | dobey: I see, quite simple thanks | 20:05 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | but yes with ota 10 links don't seem to work as links | 20:05 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | like this | 20:05 |
bregma | SebthreeBQM10HD, it'll be a while still, hooking up actionsfrom Libertine into Unity 8 is not easy | 20:05 |
onla | mariogrip: the wireless external display support on ubuntu on one plus 3? | 20:05 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | I can't just clikc on | 20:05 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | bregma, you mean making the links clickable ? | 20:06 |
dobey | well, there is probably no integration between the xdg mime/url handling and the core system | 20:06 |
mariogrip | onla: Jup, that will come :) | 20:06 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | and there you are :d I wondered what happended to you | 20:06 |
onla | ok cool | 20:06 |
bregma | SebthreeBQM10HD, yes, it requires a whole set of session management hooks | 20:06 |
dobey | SebthreeBQM10HD: so the links are clickable, it's just that nothing happens when you click, because of confinement | 20:06 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | bregma, you didn't go crazy and vote leave, or get to annoyed at the leave people right :D he h | 20:06 |
bregma | SebthreeBQM10HD, those are all foreigners to me | 20:07 |
dobey | luckily canada seems to have a decent PM right now | 20:07 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | which ? | 20:07 |
dobey | so i don't think they'll be having any insane referendum soon | 20:07 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | bregma, really we benefit having people here from different counteries doing certain jobs etc though | 20:07 |
dobey | although, i guess quebec is always the one that wants to be its own | 20:07 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | dobey, I don't now that much about Canada, but yeah Qubec is kind of on it's own in general isn't it ? French speaking instead of English etc | 20:08 |
dobey | well, like the rest of canada they have both; but it is the most french place, but the french would disagree with that sentiment | 20:09 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | bregma, dooby clickable links with libertine/xmir and also being able to copy and paste, as well as the not having to use a pshyicall keyboard, I hope all that is being worked on at the moment :) or starting to be if not :) | 20:10 |
dobey | yes it would be great if everything just worked :) | 20:10 |
dobey | unfortunately, it actually requires a lot of engineering and design to make it work right | 20:10 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | dobey, well there are certain basic things that indeed, but I know it takes time to implement features etc, not always that easy etc | 20:11 |
bregma | SebthreeBQM10HD, working OSK is definitely in OTA-12, copy/paste and drag/drop may OTA-13, maybe | 20:11 |
Mister_Q | SebthreeBQM10HD, the part with using the onscreen keyboard is already working on rc-proposed iirc | 20:11 |
Mister_Q | ah so it is | 20:11 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | bregma, oh nice on screen keyboards should work in the next ota update nice :) yep that's a big one | 20:11 |
bregma | now we're trying to teach the OSK to speak Chinese, too | 20:11 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | this blue booth kebyaord dock is nice, but on screen keyboard will be useful for certain things :) | 20:12 |
bregma | if only the One World Government would make us all speak English..... | 20:12 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | bregma I am impressed how you and other people, how quickly really, you are improving things now :) and I guess every six weeks or so with the ota updates, should start expecting at least one major feature in there :D ? | 20:13 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | on screen keyboard, and cut and paste I am putting under major features :D | 20:13 |
bregma | we'd love to have it all perfect as of two years ago, but if wishes were horses we'd all eat meat | 20:13 |
onla | if connect external display, can or cant use the phone on-screen keyboard to type, but bt mouse is a must? | 20:14 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | bregma, I don't know that saying, but I thik I understand it, and if you are veggie/vegan that suprises me a bit :D | 20:14 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | onla, only wit the xmir/liberitne stuff | 20:15 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | onla, currently but not for much longer it seems | 20:15 |
bregma | ondra, not if your external display is a touch screen | 20:15 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | onla, to be able to type in Libre Office on say the tablet or in firefox or gedit got ot use a pshyicall keyboard currently | 20:15 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | onla, native apps will work with the touch screen keyboard no problem | 20:16 |
bregma | onta, I mean if your external display is a touchscreen, you do not need a mouse | 20:16 |
Mister_Q | bregma, I agree with SebthreeBQM10HD on how fast it improves although I wished the osk in libertine apps was already implemented for mwc. I was there and could not believe thats missing | 20:16 |
onla | oh ok | 20:16 |
onla | so the phones screen doesnt go just blank when you connect to ext display, you are able to have a on-screen kbd for typing into native apps that appear on the ext monitor | 20:17 |
bregma | Mister_Q, at MWC we were going with the idea that you could not open or use XApps unless there was a physical keyboard attached | 20:17 |
bregma | requirements changed | 20:17 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | requirements changed ??? | 20:17 |
bregma | the only constant is change | 20:17 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | what changed? needing it to work without one attached as wll for say the tablet demo purtine ? | 20:18 |
dobey | the change changed | 20:18 |
Mister_Q | bregma, yeah I know I remember the meeting on how the demos were planned :D I'm glad management changed their mind | 20:18 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | when is ota 12 liekly to be releaesd as well ? | 20:18 |
dobey | next week? | 20:19 |
bregma | SebthreeBQM10HD, I think it depends on if major bugs are found, but I hear possibly mid-July | 20:19 |
* SebthreeBQM10HD maybe he can show them Ubuntu on this tablet working without a bluetooth keyboard to type in Libre OFfice gedit etc, at next month's LUG meeting :) which is towards the end of the momth | 20:19 | |
SebthreeBQM10HD | ok sounds like probably in time for that meting then nice :) | 20:19 |
* SebthreeBQM10HD was being a bit of Ubuntu touch fan boy there on Saturday h e h with two guys | 20:20 | |
dobey | no, not next week | 20:20 |
bregma | I believe the final freeze for OTA-12 was delayed to this week due to major problems like failing to boot or something | 20:20 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | and what's the remoured phone what is it h eh | 20:20 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | the new one | 20:20 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | something from Meizu ? | 20:21 |
dobey | ah, my e-mail has been messed up for a few days, so might have missed that | 20:21 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | dobey, which ? | 20:21 |
dobey | ota12 | 20:23 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | when are things liklely to actsaully get based on 16.04 ? | 20:24 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | or is there simpally not much point for now, since can keep on updating 15.04 anyway ? | 20:24 |
dobey | well, there are problems inherent with moving to 16.04 | 20:25 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | such as? | 20:25 |
bregma | SebthreeBQM10HD, the catch with 16.04 is there was an ABI break in GCC, so apps in the store would stop working | 20:25 |
dobey | big things being gcc5 binary incompatibilities, and systemd | 20:25 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | bregma, oh same issue as the one I hard for 15.10 then ? | 20:25 |
bregma | SebthreeBQM10HD, pretty much, I imagine | 20:25 |
dobey | yes | 20:26 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | bregma, dobey some issue there back now | 20:36 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | bregma, dobey so same kind of reasons as 15.10 then? but I guess will eventually have more of a reason to upgrade to a later version though | 20:36 |
dobey | yes, 15.10 has gcc5 as well, so the same binary compat issues there | 20:38 |
onla | is there anywhere I can follow the progress of the oneplus 3 ota support | 20:45 |
onla | that mariogrip is working on | 20:45 |
mariogrip | onla: | 20:48 |
onla | is it basically so that mariogrip has that phone. Then they take the ota image and try install it on the phone, some things dont work -> tries to debug -> find missing drivers -> add drivers or firmware to the ota image -> install again -> So there will be a customized image for the ubuntu touch on oneplus 3, and when new official OTA release arrives, there will be only later this update available for | 20:49 |
onla | oneplus 3 once mariogrip or someone applies the all the new changes to the modified image and uploads that one. And do I need to manually update the ota then | 20:49 |
onla | wait.. OTA is over the air hmm.. it's not the ubuntu touch OS, I need to read on the term | 20:51 |
onla | s | 20:51 |
mariogrip | onla: the server takes care of all the updates, you just relax and get excited over every ota :) | 20:52 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | onla, ota is the whole OS really I think actsually not just an update | 20:53 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | onla, but it stands for over the air update yes | 20:53 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | onla, each device sold will start off with a ota version. for example the tablet had ota 9 I think it was to begin with or 8 if not | 20:53 |
onla | weird choice of terminology isnt it | 20:54 |
onla | calling the OS version by the name of the transport method | 20:54 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | onla, but everything recently is based on Ubuntu 15.04 the same one as th computer, but with xmir and liberitne and unity 8 and such | 20:54 |
onla | so if I used some unofficial distro image, I am trusting the person in question that they don't install any spyware | 20:55 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | onla, you mean like the mariogrip for one plus three port? | 20:55 |
onla | for example | 20:55 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | onla, if you can trust mariogrip then sure, if you can't then no | 20:55 |
onla | and meizu users are trusting canonical | 20:57 |
mariogrip | With my images you can build them yourself, with bq or maizu you cant | 20:57 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | onla, no Meizu users and bq are trusting those companies mostly I think | 20:58 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | onla, Canonical make the standard Ubuntu Touch and updates, but manufactures will change some things or mariogrip | 20:59 |
onla | ah | 20:59 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | mariogrip, you were the guy on the video q and a the other week weren't you ? | 20:59 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | onla, you can probably generelly trust mariogrip in what he does with that, since he's not just some geek from the Ubuntu community or so it seems ;d | 21:00 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | :D | 21:00 |
mariogrip | Long time since I have been there, more than 2 months ago | 21:00 |
onla | if I had op3 now, looking at tutorial, there is already an install instruction, so I guess I could get a bootable ubuntu already with that? Looks like I install to my pc some ubuntu-device-flash and phablet-tools and then plug the phone to that pc and run a command from the pc and it promps the installation, connecting to some internet server on the go | 21:03 |
onla | it doesnt specify where I run those commands, but this I assume | 21:04 |
onla | or if I am supposed to run those commands on the phone, then I need to find some more indepth tutorial :p | 21:05 |
onla | because how could I run apt-get on android phone | 21:06 |
onla | I don't have that phone yet, but just curious if it is that easy | 21:07 |
mhall119 | sergiusens: that didn't seem to help me any | 21:09 |
dobey | onla: no, ubuntu-device-flash is something you run on the PC | 21:16 |
dobey | although i suppose you could theoretically run them on one phone, to flash another phone | 21:17 |
dobey | should get someone with multiple ubuntu phones to try that | 21:17 |
dobey | connect one to another with an OTG cable, and then flash it | 21:18 |
onla | heh ok | 21:18 |
=== salem_ is now known as _salem | ||
onla | oneplus3 doesnt have a slot for microsd, just like 1+1 | 21:33 |
onla | :i | 21:34 |
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