cmaloney | Evening | 01:15 |
_stink_ | yo | 02:01 |
jrwren | greg-g: you still live blocks from lagunitas? | 03:06 |
greg-g | jrwren: a mile or so, but yeah | 03:09 |
jrwren | wife is chatting with some dude named Scott Johnson who is about 7mi from there. | 03:09 |
jrwren | small world. | 03:09 |
cmaloney | Morning | 15:54 |
cmaloney | (mostly) | 15:54 |
Scary_Guy | for another 40 seconds at least | 15:59 |
shakes808 | afternoon | 16:12 |
cmaloney | How goes? | 16:24 |
Scary_Guy | so'k I guess | 16:26 |
cmaloney | woo woo | 16:29 |
shakes808 | would be better on the lake | 16:33 |
shakes808 | it is a beautiful day | 16:33 |
shakes808 | you? | 16:33 |
Scary_Guy | watched the GoT season finale | 16:36 |
cmaloney | Series finale. ;) | 16:38 |
cmaloney | unless GRR can finish the damn book | 16:38 |
Zimdale | is it series finale? | 17:21 |
Zimdale | I thought they are approved for another season | 17:21 |
Zimdale | and they were just going to pass the book | 17:21 |
cmaloney | I'm messing | 17:41 |
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