
inetprogood morning everyone 06:29
=== urbanslug is now known as zipper
paddatrapperMorning everyone07:32
andrewlsdsuperfly: are there IRC channels/servers for debconf2016?08:33
andrewlsdInteresting ZA network news: http://ewn.co.za/2016/06/28/Liquid-Telecom-Royal-Bafokeng-to-buy-Neotel-for-R65bn08:49
andrewlsdLiquid Telecom + Royal Bafokeng to buy Neotel. R6.5B apparently08:50
chesedomorning all08:52
chesedoandrewlsd: #debconf-team on oftc (irc.debian.org) is the channel for volunteers08:54
andrewlsdthanks chesedo 08:54
Kilosafternoon all and sundry10:17
pavlushkaAfternoon Kilos :)10:19
pavlushkaKilos: Its the monthly meeting day and I would like to join too if that's okay?10:19
Kilosyou are welcome10:19
Kilosyou can invite others as well10:20
Kiloscome see how a real loco does nothing much but does it well10:21
pavlushkaKilos: is the time is 8.30 PM local?10:21
Kilos8 hours and ten minutes from now10:21
pavlushkaThen it is 12.30 AM tomorrow for us, :p10:22
pavlushkabut np10:22
Kiloschesedo dont forget tonight, ive sent the mail10:42
chesedoKilos: will remember - also great g+ yesterday11:05
Kilosi must just remember to ping magespawn and paddatrapper before the meeting11:23
Kilosoh and try get the twit place working for ubuntuza11:23
paddatrapperKilos: yes please :) 11:36
=== urbanslug is now known as zipper
pavlushkao/ all17:20
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
Kilospaddatrapper 50 mins17:38
paddatrapperDankie Kilos17:40
Kilosplesier ook17:40
Kiloschesedo another G+ reminder could help maybe17:41
paddatrapperCan Maaz pingall? That may be useful17:48
Kilosno idea17:48
inetproKilos: no17:57
inetprogood evening17:57
Kiloshi inetpro cold hey17:58
Kilosyeah im freezing17:58
inetproI thought tonight was warmer than other nights17:58
Kilossomewhere i got lost, what is ubuntu in the wild18:00
inetprogoogle it18:01
inetproKilos: sorry, just busy with other stuff18:03
Kiloshi tareq u0_a6 18:17
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za18:18
=== u0_a6 is now known as magespawn
Kilosohi magespawn 18:18
tareqhi all18:18
Kiloswhats with the funny nick18:18
tareqthere is a meeting, right?18:18
magespawnconnecting from my phone.18:19
magespawnon my way home now.18:20
Kilosso late18:21
Kilostime to find another job18:21
chesedoKilos: impossible18:21
chesedoevening inetpro18:21
Kiloswhat chesedo 18:21
chesedo[19:41:15] <Kilos> chesedo another G+ reminder could help maybe18:22
Kilosthat is actually the pros job18:22
inetprono 18:22
Kilosyes yes18:23
Kilosyou started the g+ thing18:23
Kiloshi AudaciousTUX 18:23
chesedoKilos: reminders are impossible (afaik)18:24
Kilosoh np18:24
inetprono need to do anything... g+ does it all by itself 18:24
Kilosit  used  to but not anymore18:24
Kilosyou broke it18:24
Kilosinetpro you must be active tonight, im dozing18:26
Kilospaddatrapper hope you have feedback from debconf1618:26
Kilosseems like fly is asleep18:26
paddatrapperKilos: that I do18:27
Kiloschesedo will call on you18:28
* paddatrapper gets comfortable :)18:28
=== pavlushka is now known as too_much_buggy_b
Kilosno man18:29
=== too_much_buggy_b is now known as pavlushka
chesedoall ready???18:29
Kilosyip go mr chair18:29
chesedoMaaz: start meeting about Ubuntu Monthly Meeting - May 201618:30
* Maaz gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles18:30
chesedoMaaz: topic Welcoming and Introduction18:30
MaazCurrent Topic: Welcoming and Introduction18:30
magespawnMaaz I am Greg Eames18:30
Maazmagespawn: Righto18:30
chesedoEvening all and thank you for joining in on our monthly18:30
KilosMaaz I am Miles Sharpe18:30
MaazKilos: Done18:30
chesedoOur bot Maaz is doing the minutes as usual so please intro yourself to it using `Maaz: I am <firstname lastname>` eg.18:30
chesedoMaaz: I am Pieter Engelbrecht 18:30
Maazchesedo: Righto18:30
chesedoThe agenda for today can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/2016062818:31
chesedoany last minute changes are welcome18:31
Kilospavlushka tareg you guys want to identify with Maaz 18:31
paddatrapperMaaz: I am Kyle Robbertze18:31
Maazpaddatrapper: Righto18:31
chesedoready inetpro18:31
tareqMaaz: I am Tareq from Bangladesh18:31
Maaztareq: Alrighty18:31
inetproMaaz: I am Gustav H Meyer 18:32
Maazinetpro: Alrighty18:32
chesedoall happy with agenda?18:32
pavlushkaMaaz I am pavlushka18:32
Maazpavlushka: Righto18:32
paddatrapperI am18:32
chesedoMaaz: agreed No one raised concerns with agenda18:33
MaazAgreed: No one raised concerns with agenda18:33
chesedoMaaz: topic Review minutes of previous meeting18:33
MaazCurrent Topic: Review minutes of previous meeting18:33
chesedominutes of the last meeting is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/2016052418:33
chesedoPlease go over it for review18:33
chesedoty Kilos18:34
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: identify yourself by "Maaz I am AudaciousTUX "18:34
Kiloschesedo for what18:34
=== AudaciousTUX is now known as ashabadi
chesedoKilos: feedback...18:34
chesedo[20:33:09] <Kilos> yip18:34
chesedoall happy with the previous minutes?18:35
paddatrapperYup, though I wasn't exactly there either18:35
chesedopaddatrapper: at previous meeting? (you have a debConf update)18:36
chesedoMaaz: agreed All happy with previous minutes18:36
MaazAgreed: All happy with previous minutes18:36
chesedoMaaz: topic Plans for 201618:36
MaazCurrent Topic: Plans for 201618:36
paddatrapperchesedo: Correct18:36
chesedoAnyone wanting to (or planning) on getting Ubuntu membership or want to sign code of conduct?18:36
tareqchesedo: I would like to18:37
paddatrapperI'll be back in a minute18:38
chesedotareq: which one?18:38
chesedoKilos: ^^18:38
chesedopaddatrapper: ok18:38
* Kilos watching18:38
tareqI'm trying to make our loco team active18:39
chesedoKilos: tareq wants to get Ubuntu membership can you give him some guidance?18:39
Kilosyip ill help him18:39
tareqplanning to write some articles 18:39
chesedoKilos: great \o/!!!18:40
paddatrapperI be back18:40
Kiloswb frog boots18:40
chesedoMaaz: agreed Kilos to help tareq with Ubuntu membership18:40
MaazAgreed: Kilos to help tareq with Ubuntu membership18:40
chesedoUbuntu for Hope still has to get its official website up too18:40
Kilosoh my18:40
Kilosinetpro who is working on it18:41
chesedomagespawn: did you suggest starting with something for it?18:41
* chesedo used Hugo this week and might use it if no one else has started anything...18:41
Kiloskarl seems to be too busy18:42
chesedooverall here, do you guys prefer any css framework (have issues with some) as I know bootstrap and uikit18:43
chesedoand will use one of them...18:43
Kiloswhatever works18:44
chesedomagespawn: did you suggest starting with something for the Ubuntu for Hope website?18:44
tareqthanks Maaz chesedo18:44
Kiloshi qwebirc98473 18:44
chesedowith Hugo the content will be in Markdown so all should be ok there...18:44
chesedohi qwebirc9847318:44
=== qwebirc98473 is now known as Vince-0
Kilosohi Vince-0 wb18:45
chesedowill we try and have it up before next meeting guys? (me will start this week if anyone wants to help)18:45
Kilosoh chesedo tell karl if he wants some installs done i can help18:47
chesedoKilos: will do...18:47
chesedoMaaz: agreed To get in contact with karl to organise help and website18:47
MaazAgreed: To get in contact with karl to organise help and website18:47
chesedoMaaz: topic Events18:48
MaazCurrent Topic: Events18:48
chesedoWe have DebConf coming up this weekend with bootcamp currently being underway18:48
chesedopaddatrapper will be able to tell us more 18:48
paddatrapperYup, most people here are having lots of fun and have finished the local craft beer (more to be sourced)18:48
paddatrapperOpen Weekend this weekend is free to all18:49
chesedofrom the channel, who all will be attending?18:49
paddatrapperFeaturing exhibits from lots of local companies, groups, etc18:49
paddatrappersuperfly and I are already here18:49
paddatrapperandrewdl is attending 18:50
paddatrapperFrom Saturday I think18:50
superflykmf will be down too18:50
Kiloshi superfly 18:50
chesedoVince-0: did you make the volunteering list?18:50
superflypaddatrapper: sorry, I never got to give you my flash drive today18:50
superflyMaaz: I am Raoul Snyman18:50
Maazsuperfly: Righto18:50
chesedohi superfly18:50
paddatrapperhey superfly, didn't run into you today it seems. Tomorrow it will have to be :)18:50
superflypaddatrapper: yes, lavamind and a few others kidnapped me for a tour of the peninsula18:51
superflyamazing day, but now I am zonked18:51
Kilosyou guys need to wear pink beanies so you can find ach other18:51
paddatrapperSo you're one who replaced nattie! Lol18:51
paddatrapperKilos: Usually just heading to the orga room works18:52
chesedowill one of you be able to give us the exciting report of it at the next meeting?18:52
superflychesedo: yes, there will be a report anyway18:52
paddatrapperHopefully, if the orga team get their buts into gear, we'll be able to link the final report18:53
chesedosuperfly: haha thanks18:53
superflypaddatrapper: you do know you're orga now, right?18:53
Kiloswhat is orga18:53
chesedoKilos: think it is ORGAnizer18:54
Vince-0chesedo: no can do, i can't make it18:54
Vince-0Maaz: I am Vincent Swart18:54
MaazVince-0: Done18:54
paddatrappersuperfly: Let me refrase: When highvoltage gets his butt into gear lol18:54
chesedoVince-0: oh ok18:54
paddatrapperKilos: Yeah - organiser18:54
chesedoall good if i move on?18:55
pavlushkaMaaz I am S. M. Pavel Sayekat18:55
Maazpavlushka: Righto18:55
Kiloseish paddatrapper you got dropped in at the deap end18:55
paddatrapperKilos: And enjoying every moment of it :D18:55
* pavlushka lol18:55
chesedook one last thing, superfly paddatrapper any last minute helpers can still reach you on the channel right?18:55
Kiloskeep our flag flying18:55
paddatrapperchesedo: For sure18:55
paddatrapperThough now I'd suggest we should be promoting the Open Weekend, as registration is pretty much over18:56
chesedoMaaz: topic Miscellaneous18:56
MaazCurrent Topic: Miscellaneous18:56
chesedopaddatrapper: twitter, facebook other links we can share?18:56
paddatrapperchesedo: One second, I'll find the email...18:57
chesedopaddatrapper: oky18:57
paddatrapper@debian@identi.ca in the Pump.io network, @debian@quitter.se in the GNU Social Network, @debian or @debconf on Twitter18:58
paddatrapper#debconf16 too18:58
chesedopaddatrapper: any about the open weekend that can be retweeted, shared, etc.18:59
* chesedo looking up @debconf18:59
tareq1 AM here in Bangladesh19:00
tareqgood night all19:00
paddatrapperhttps://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Open_Festival https://debconf16.debconf.org/open-festival/19:00
Kilosrest well tareq 19:00
Kilosty for visiting19:00
paddatrapperchesedo: I'll keep looking and see what I can find19:01
chesedoinetpro: can our twitter channel retweet this -> https://twitter.com/trevorgowing/status/74741890268295987719:02
chesedopaddatrapper: great, i just can look for any on facebook19:02
inetprochesedo: I'll do it asap 19:03
chesedoinetpro: ty19:03
paddatrapperhttps://twitter.com/ConfChicken is the twitter account for Pollito - the DebConf chicken19:03
chesedoKilos: I will carry the trello cleanup over to this month?19:03
Kiloswere you going to do it chesedo ?19:04
chesedoKilos: you19:04
Kilosyou sure19:04
* chesedo was to make time to help you :P19:05
Kilosi think19:05
Kilosideal job for inetpro 19:05
chesedoKilos: guess we should do it at night (after family time) bit by bit so to get feedback when needed?19:06
Kilosthe pro only gives feedback hours later19:06
Kilosafter i have broken things19:07
chesedoKilos: great so we and him can sleep on it :P19:07
Kiloslol yip19:07
Kilosyou know where to find me19:07
chesedoMaaz: agreed To start cleaning trello up bit by bit after family time19:08
MaazAgreed: To start cleaning trello up bit by bit after family time19:08
chesedoMaaz: topic Elect chairperson for next meeting 19:08
MaazCurrent Topic: Elect chairperson for next meeting19:08
chesedoAnyone want to carry the stick for the next meeting?19:08
* Kilos votes for chesedo19:08
paddatrapperI can't maths... When is the next meeting?19:08
Kilosif it aint broke dont try fix it19:09
chesedopaddatrapper: 26 jul19:09
paddatrapperchesedo: thanks19:09
chesedono no Kilos19:09
chesedowell seems like magority rule :P19:09
chesedoMaaz: agreed chesedo to chair next meeting19:10
MaazAgreed: chesedo to chair next meeting19:10
Kilosthats me19:10
paddatrapperExcept in Britain it seems19:10
chesedo[21:09:01] <Kilos> if it aint broke dont try fix it19:10
chesedo... square wheels was never broke either...19:10
chesedoMaaz: topic Next meeting19:10
MaazCurrent Topic: Next meeting19:10
paddatrapperWell did those ever work in the first place?19:10
chesedo26 jul is the correct date right?19:11
pavlushkaha ha ha19:11
chesedopaddatrapper: sure, everyone had a bounce it their step back then :P19:11
chesedoMaaz: agreed Next meeting is 26 July 2016 @ 20:3019:11
MaazAgreed: Next meeting is 26 July 2016 @ 20:3019:11
chesedoMaaz: end meeting19:12
MaazMeeting Ended19:12
MaazMinutes available at json: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-06-28-18-30-00.json :: txt: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-06-28-18-30-00.txt :: html: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-06-28-18-30-00.html19:12
Kiloschesedo ty for chairing19:12
paddatrapperThanks chesedo 19:12
chesedoKilos paddatrapper: np19:12
Kilosoh paddatrapper is tumbles there?19:12
paddatrapperKilos: drinking beer at the next table along, yeah19:13
chesedoMaaz: last minutes is <reply> Minutes available at json: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-06-28-18-30-00.json :: txt: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-06-28-18-30-00.txt :: html: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-06-28-18-30-00.html19:13
Maazchesedo: If you say so19:13
paddatrapperPlaying cards by the looks of things19:13
Kilostell him he isnt escaping from ibid19:13
paddatrapperLol. I will!19:13
chesedoKilos: for today trello bit, can we remove/archive the 'done for May 2015' list?19:14
chesedo... or is there anything to check there still...19:14
Kilosall done stuff yip19:15
Kiloswhat is the link19:15
Kilosi was on trello 3 drives ago19:15
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: Ubuntu South Africa https://ubuntu-za.org | pastebin: https://bin.snyman.info | picpaste: http://pasteboard.co | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Next Meeting: Tue, 26 July 20:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/298usol
chesedoKilos: where have you driven to:P19:15
Kilos2 hard drives and one ssd19:16
chesedoooh, wow thanks inetpro19:16
Kiloseeek login stuff again19:17
inetprochesedo: you're welcome19:20
Kilosthe build ubuntu africa site can be done and removed19:23
chesedoKilos: inetpro changed the header19:23
Kiloswow that was long ago19:23
pavlushkaKilos: yes19:23
Kilosoh wow inetpro good man19:23
Kilosi normally have to nag19:23
pavlushkabut I noticed first o/ :p19:23
inetprotime to hit the hay for me19:23
inetprogood night19:24
Kilossleep well inetpro 19:24
Kilosand ty19:24
pavlushkagood night inetpro !19:24
chesedoKilos:  doned19:24
chesedogood night inetpro19:24
Vince-0aight 19:24
Kilosfunny how we drifted from trello19:24
chesedoKilos: will archive the 'done may 2015' list and add a new one 'done before july 2016' for all the current ones?19:25
Kilosok ty19:26
Kilosoh ya19:27
Kilosyou pieter2627 hey19:27
chesedoKilos: yes19:27
Kiloswhew seems like years since you changed nicks19:27
chesedoKilos: now we can go throught all the cards and move the done ones to the new list as we have time during the day...19:28
chesedoKilos: less than 6 months19:28
Kilosill  have to learn how to use trello again19:28
Kilosbut its a good start19:29
chesedoKilos: just click and drag to move19:29
Kilosya we do that in day time19:29
chesedoKilos: great19:30
Kilosi wonder what happened to mopkop19:30
* chesedo thinks we should work out some sort of 'policy' so that the ToDo list does not become out of hand...19:30
chesedomaybe something to discuss at next meeting...19:31
Kilosyip, we can see when pro has time as well19:31
Kilosthere is lots thats too much for us now19:32
chesedoguess night for now all...19:32
Kilosif i just do it he wets his nappy19:32
Kilosty chesedo 19:32
Kilosnight all, sleep tight19:33
Kilosnight superfly 19:33
superflygood night everyone19:36
pavlushkaGood night superfly !19:39
magespawngood night all19:39
* nlsthzn got the time zones wrong and missed the meeting19:41
nlsthznat least got to watch the final of Game of Thrones :)19:42

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