
Rob_WilcoTGVoid, have you tried making an image to work with just in case using something like clonezilla?00:00
CodeMouse92TGVoid: Although last time I did that, I used a SATA/IDE->USB converter cable, hooked the drive up to a functional Ubuntu system, and ran testdisk on it.00:00
TGVoidRob_Wilco: No. I only have enough space to get my files out, so I can't clone the image00:02
TGVoidCodeMouse92: Is it safe?00:03
daxis the corruption because of software failure or hardware failure00:04
CodeMouse92TGVoid: Safe how?00:04
TGVoiddax: I'm not sure. I think software00:04
TGVoidCodeMouse92: Will it modify my image?00:04
python90210why does it take so long to identify/register00:04
daxif software failure: any read-only mechanism is safe. if hardware failure: no mechanism is safe and every time you touch it you risk further data loss00:04
daxpython90210: because you ask in unrelated channels instead of talking to staff directly or waiting to be voiced in #freenode00:04
python90210can't get into freenode without registering00:05
k1lhonestly i would not touch that drive too often. use ddrescue to get an image of the disk and try to rescue at that image.00:05
daxpython90210: yes, you can. you need to wait to be voiced, as the channel topic there says00:05
TGVoiddax: I made an image of the drive and the drive is gone. I have only the image to work with00:05
daxthen any read-only mechanism is safe. personally, when doing computer forensics i keep two copies of the drive image00:06
daxbecause while my tools are safe i am occasionally an idiot00:06
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TGVoiddax: Is testdisk fine?00:08
Pencil2wow my ubuntu updates daily.00:08
CodeMouse92TGVoid: Ah, sorry...I'm bouncing between rooms here. No, it won't modify the image. It only copies stuff from it, IMHO.00:08
TGVoidCodeMouse92: How do I get it going?00:09
CodeMouse92TGVoid: It's been a while. Hmm. You aren't running Ubuntu off of the damaged partition/disk in question, right?00:10
TGVoidCodeMouse92: I'm running it off a USB00:10
JFlashhow do I connect to a local websocket server from the command line?00:10
CodeMouse92TGVoid: I'm trying to find the docs. It has been a loooong while since I used testdisk. I only know it works00:11
k1lwell testdisk tries to repair the partitiontable. its not read-only00:11
CodeMouse92k1l, TGVoid, mm, yeah, finding that now. Probably best to work off a disk image.00:12
TGVoidCodeMouse92: My disk is gone and I only have an image of it. My drive was replaced when I sent it in for repair00:13
CodeMouse92TGVoid: Make a copy of the image, then. :)00:13
CodeMouse92I found instructions at http://computriks.com/en/recover-file-testdisk. These look like the set I used.00:13
TGVoidCodeMouse92: I can00:14
k1lmaybe you mean photorec. that is in the testdisk package too. that looks out for data00:14
TGVoidCodeMouse92: I can't copy the image. I only have enough space for my image and the files00:14
TGVoidk1l: Photorec is read only?00:14
CodeMouse92(Photorec instructions: http://computriks.com/en/recover-file-photorec_00:15
k1lTGVoid: you can tell photorec to store the found stuff somewhere else.00:16
[TiZ]Hi there. I installed an nvidia-364 package which creates a hook in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks. This hook inserts the nvidia_364 driver into the initramfs, which causes it to start my optimus card on boot. I need that to not happen. What can I do to disable that hook?00:17
TGVoidk1l: Is there a solution that keeps names?00:21
CodeMouse92TGVoid: testdisk, but then you'd be modifying the image00:21
k1lwhat is wrong with that image at all?00:21
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TGVoidk1l: The image came from a corrupted drive. I won't have the drive in possession ever again.00:22
k1lso did you mount that image?00:22
TGVoidk1l: The drive wouldn't mount, and the image didn't either00:23
Guest58989hola alguien ?00:24
k1l!es | Guest5898900:24
ubottuGuest58989: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:24
TGVoidk1l: Will photorec keep files in the same directory?00:27
TGVoidk1l: And can Testdisk modify the image so it's unusable, or just modify it?00:28
k1lno. it will just look for files and get them out of the image to the destination selected.00:28
parsjotI used a photo as the desktop background and when I went to change back to the defaults they were all gone. Any idea what I did? usr/share/backgrounds and usr/share/wallpapers don't have them...and the drop down menu in desktop settings has "backgrounds" in it but it's blank00:28
CodeMouse92TGVoid: I can answer that second one. testdisk will attempt to modify the image to make it usable, yes.00:28
CodeMouse92parsjot: Did you possibly uninstall 'ubuntu-wallpapers'?00:29
k1lTGVoid: honestly: i would make another copy of that image and try to work on that. i would start with looking for partitions. if they are ok i would try to mount them and see if a fsck can get something done.00:29
TGVoidCodeMouse92: k1l Does Testdisk keep files in directories in which they're found?00:29
CodeMouse92TGVoid: It attempts to, yes.00:29
parsjotnot intentionally...literally all I did was go to desktop settings and select a photo in my Pictures directory...then didn't like it and wanted to switch back but can't00:30
parsjoti never chose to remove anything or selected any other options00:30
TGVoidk1l: The problem is that I have 2 1 TB drives with a 977 GB image00:30
CodeMouse92parsjot: Weird. Just in case, in the Terminal, try running "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-wallpapers"00:30
CodeMouse92parsjot: Or, actually, better: "sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-wallpapers"00:31
parsjotCodeMouse92: I am on Xubuntu 16.04 and did xubuntu-wallpapers and the output was that its already on the latest version00:31
CodeMouse92parsjot: Did you try the --reinstall option?00:31
CodeMouse92"sudo apt-get install --reinstall xubuntu-wallpapers"00:31
TGVoidI did sudo apt-get install testdisk and at the end it said "Unable to locate package testdisk"00:32
CodeMouse92TGVoid: "sudo apt-get install testdisk"00:32
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CodeMouse92TGVoid: I cannot read. Nevermindf!00:32
k1lTGVoid: what ubuntu are you on exactly?00:32
k1luniverse enabled?00:32
parsjotit says the --resintall command not understood in combo with the rest...did I misread?00:32
TGVoidk1l: I'll enable it now00:32
parsjotsudo apt-get install --reinstall xubuntu-wallpapers is what I did00:33
CodeMouse92TGVoid: Don't forget to run "sudo apt-get update" first00:33
CodeMouse92parsjot: That...should be working. Are you sure you typed "--reinstall" exactly?00:34
TGVoidCodeMouse92: Same error00:34
CodeMouse92TGVoid: So...sudo apt-get update is failing?00:34
parsjotnope typo...working on it00:34
CodeMouse92TGVoid: Assuming you have a working internet connection, run "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get install testdisk". testdisk should be in the main repos00:35
TGVoidCodeMouse92: "W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead."00:35
TGVoidCodeMouse92: I'm an idiot. I need internet00:35
CodeMouse92TGVoid: Done that more times than I can count. Idiots unite.00:35
TGVoidCodeMouse92: USB wireless connection sticks work, right?00:36
CodeMouse92TGVoid: They should. Depends on the stick.00:36
CodeMouse92Ubuntu is usually pretty friendly with those, though.00:36
parsjotCodeMouse92: did it..but still not in the desktop settings selection00:37
parsjot"backgrounds" in the drop down is still empty and that's where they all were before00:37
TGVoidLooks like mine doesn't work. I may get disconnected from IRC00:37
CodeMouse92parsjot: Stupid idea - try restarting the machine...?00:37
parsjotI know this is just cosmetic and not so important...but its frustrating as things like this keep happening and I don't know how00:37
parsjotwiil restart00:38
TGVoidCodeMouse92: Ethernet doesn't work either00:38
TGVoidThere's nothing wrong with the cable and the jack lights up00:38
CodeMouse92TGVoid: Oh my. That's out of my expertise area, unfortunately. My way of handling internet is "plug it in and pray very hard"00:39
TGVoidCodeMouse92: Idiot again. The other end unplugged.00:40
* CodeMouse92 high fives TGVoid00:40
CodeMouse92TGVoid: I'm starting to feel a lot less lonely.00:40
CodeMouse92I'm not the only one who does stuff like this.00:40
TGVoidCodeMouse92: To make you feel less lonely, I just got my PC back from repair. I drank water from the opposite side of the table and some fell in -_-00:41
CodeMouse92TGVoid: I was replacing my heatsink in another laptop, and I bumped something on the motherboard. Killed two of my three USB ports.00:42
TGVoidCodeMouse92: My graphics card burned out. I'm lucky that my build had an APU.00:42
django_hey al00:42
django_for latest ubuntu xenial which mongodb do i install here: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-ubuntu/#create-a-list-file-for-mongodb00:43
CodeMouse92(I also once twice-zero-overwrote my entire hard drive by mistake, with 10+ years of irreplacable files and no backups. That's when I discoverd testdisk >.>00:43
django_the 12.04 or 14.04 ?00:43
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TGVoidCodeMouse92: I'm on testdisk now. I need a log file, right?00:43
CodeMouse92TGVoid: It's a good idea00:43
parsjotCodeMouse92: no joy on restart00:43
CodeMouse92parsjot: /usr/share/backgrounds and /usr/share/wallpapers still empty?00:44
parsjotrecreating the steps...I had a photo in my Pictures directory...right clicked "set as desktop background"...didn't like it...went to desktop settings where you can choose from the defaults but the defaults were missing00:44
parsjotthose directories have things in them but not the missing backgrounds00:44
CodeMouse92parsjot: That is...very odd.00:45
OerHeksdjango_, i asume xenial> echo "deb http://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu xenial/mongodb-org/3.2 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.2.list00:45
parsjotyeah...I have lots of odd things like this happen. Docky suddenly disappeared yesterday and it was a massive effort to get it to reinstall propery00:46
parsjotsame sort of thing where all I did was change a built in setting and suddenly it was gone00:46
CodeMouse92parsjot: What version of Xubuntu are you on?00:46
parsjotif I select "backgrounds" from the desktop settings menu it's empty...and that selection had about 12 or so photos and wallpapers before...I am on 16.04 updated00:47
CodeMouse92parsjot: Is it a recent install, or just an upgrade?00:47
django_OerHeks, http://askubuntu.com/questions/757384/can-i-use-14-04-mongodb-packages-with-16-0400:47
TGVoidCodeMouse92: How would I make my drive image appear on Testdisk?00:47
parsjotclean install...month old maybe? WOrks fine for the most part00:47
parsjotjust random weird stuff like this00:48
CodeMouse92TGVoid: I'm not sure I understand.00:48
parsjotliterally all I did was change the background00:48
CodeMouse92parsjot: Strange question, do watch batteries not last long for you?00:48
parsjotlol...no they seem to be fine00:48
TGVoidCodeMouse92: On testdisk it says "select media." I need to select my image. How do I select it?00:49
CodeMouse92parsjot: I only ask because I have known two people I dub 'edge cases' - they literally cause computer glitches due to unusually high electromagnetic fields. (One actually would register quite high on a voltimeter. It was weird)00:49
parsjotnah...eventually I can track down the cause for all this stuff...its just always uncommon and maybe I can fine one other perosn posting about ti somewhere with no responses00:50
parsjotbut I don'00:50
parsjotdon't know wtf I could ahve done here00:50
parsjotdocky suddenly disappeared on me last night when I tried to add a docklet...found one guy with same problem posting but no replies and he had been banned from that forum00:51
parsjoteventually I removed all bits and pieces I could find that were related to docky and finally got it to reinstall and it works ok now....but all I did was click "add docket" and it went and disappered and would not launch after many reinstalls00:53
CodeMouse92parsjot: Ooookay, I wonder if you run 'sudo apt-get purge xubuntu-wallpapers', and THEN install them?00:53
parsjotwill try..but again this is under "backgrounds" not "wallpapers"....there are some things in wallpapers but not the default missing ones00:54
CodeMouse92TGVoid: It appears you need to run "testdisk theimage.dd" or whatever00:54
CodeMouse92TGVoid: What format is your image in?00:54
parsjotthe directories in wallpapers are old Ubuntu stuff like Joy and Joy_Inksplat...not the nice pictures or 16.04 background that was in the desktop settings menu00:55
CodeMouse92parsjot: Ironically, the "-wallpaper" packages install to /usr/share/backgrounds00:56
CodeMouse92Don't ask my why. It makes no sense00:56
parsjotCodeMouse92: only thing in usr/share/backgrounds is an XFCE directory with two jpgs00:57
TGVoid_CodeMouse92: I do sudo testdisk drivepath, but it doesn't let me choose if I want a log00:57
=== TGVoid_ is now known as TGVoid
CodeMouse92TGVoid_: It might be a command-line option. t's been a while, but what does testdisk --help show?00:58
CodeMouse92TGVoid: ^^00:58
TGVoidCodeMouse92: I think /log works00:59
parsjotCodeMouse92: are we sure its xubuntu-wallpapers I need to install? maybe xubuntu-16.04-wallpapers etc?01:00
TGVoidSo sudo testdisk /log path01:00
CodeMouse92parsjot: You can try it...01:00
TGVoidCodeMouse92: The partition table would be none since it's an image, correct?01:00
parsjotcode I tried and nothing...01:01
TGVoidCodeMouse92: It's an image of an NTFS drive01:01
Queenslayersomeone mentioned testdisk...01:01
TGVoidI did01:01
CodeMouse92TGVoid: It should have a parititon table type....I think.01:01
parsjotbackgrounds is still empty except for the xfce jpegs01:01
QueenslayerTGVoid, do you know much about it?01:01
* CodeMouse92 hands this over to Queenslayer.01:01
QueenslayerCodeMouse92, please don't01:01
TGVoidQueenslayer: Nope. I know close to nothing about Linux in general01:01
Queenslayerlol, I probably know less than TGVoid01:02
CodeMouse92Queenslayer: Ah, okay. It's just that I'm sure you know a LOT more about this than I do.01:02
CodeMouse92Queenslayer: Ah.01:02
QueenslayerCodeMouse92, doubt it very much01:02
QueenslayerI've only just started using it01:02
QueenslayerManaged to get a few things done, but not efficiently01:02
parsjotI want to love linux but this crap happens continuously...with no apparent cause01:02
Queenslayercylinder, sector, etc, settings01:02
CodeMouse92parsjot: Yeah, it's rather freaky01:02
parsjotand when I finally fix it after days it's always "well that's a weird bug"....gah01:02
CodeMouse92(That is, your bugs are. I've never seen them before!)01:03
sponixparsjot: You don't even have to Like Linux.. I love it enough for both of us !!01:03
ArcaireI spent four hours installing Arch last night.01:03
parsjotsponix: if it wouldn't do bizarre things Id love it01:03
ArcaireI could've driven to a store, purchased an iMac, got home, set it up, and have all my apps downloaded in the time it took to install a WM.01:03
TGVoidCodeMouse92: Testdisk detects it as none, but it's an image of an NTFS drive. Do I choose "None" or "Intel"?01:04
parsjotbut if I cant even change a default setting without it removing something it is a problem01:04
CodeMouse92TGVoid: Technically your image is exactly that - an exact copy of the hard drive,.01:04
ArcaireLinux is great and all but damn it has far, far too many rough edges.01:04
sponixparsjot: Sure it isn't YOU doing bizarre things, and Linux acting perfectly normal ?01:04
parsjotArcaire: every time I think "hey this is working well" something stupid happens01:04
ArcaireHeh, same.01:04
ArcaireMy server boxen are fine, my desktop is just01:04
CodeMouse92TGVoid: That's tough. Part of me thinks you should trust Testdisk, and the other part of me thinks you should go with Intel, since that's what the disk *should* have been01:04
parsjotsponix: yes....its not me...it's things like choosing one of a few choices from a setting menu and clicking "ok" and when I do the whole app disappears01:05
parsjotthings like that01:05
QueenslayerTGVoid, what do you want from it?01:05
QueenslayerPhotorec is a safer bet, or so I've heard01:05
k1lArcaire: lets focus on technical ubuntu support in here. for chat we have #ubuntu-offtopic01:05
Arcairek1l: That's pretty technical tbh.01:05
QueenslayerIf you've installed testdisk, just do 'sudo photorec'01:05
sponixparsjot: Sounds like you may have a Bad Flavor of Linux  :)01:05
TGVoidQueenslayer: Videos, a Minecraft server, random audio files, Premiere Elements project files01:05
Queenslayeryeah go photorec first then01:06
TGVoidQueenslayer: The thing is, it doesn't recover file names or directories01:06
TGVoidQueenslayer: Many of the files would be useless without the name01:06
ArcaireTo clarify01:06
Arcairewhat are you trying to do?01:06
parsjotlike this...I just opened a terminal window...for about the 100th time today....and the font is huge01:06
parsjottwice as big as it is by default and every other time...I didn't change anything!01:06
parsjotctrl-alt-t and wham huge font in the terminal01:07
CodeMouse92TGVoid: My gut says Intel, but it's a gamble01:07
sponixparsjot: My Linux is Minty Fresh (Linux Mint 17.3) and it runs smooth.. Might _try_ it if you like01:07
CodeMouse92TGVoid: Was this a copy of the entire drive, or just one partition thereof? Also, what OS was running on it?01:07
k1lsponix: offtopic too01:07
Tin_manparsjot, i think you need to call Ghost Busters. (oh man)01:07
TGVoidCodeMouse92: It was a copy of a partition and it was Windows NTFS01:07
CodeMouse92TGVoid: Just a partition? None.01:08
k1lparsjot: are you sure that no zoom is enabled or another terminal profile is loaded?01:08
QueenslayerTGVoid, I'd extract an image from testdisk and then work on the .dd fike01:08
CodeMouse92Queenslayer: That's what he has.01:08
Queenslayeroh, then try anything01:08
parsjotTin_man: this is so weird....it was fine for weeks...then yesterday docky(but that was a docky bug)....today backgrounds and terminal wtf?01:08
CodeMouse92Queenslayer: But, no drive. He shipped that off for recovery attempt01:09
TGVoidCodeMouse92: Erm... "Do NOT select 'None' for media with only a single partition."01:09
parsjotok in all seriousness....can we work one problem at a time?01:09
Tin_mani've been following along01:09
CodeMouse92TGVoid: Okay, then just go with Intel.01:09
parsjotHow could the terminal font size have spontaneously enlarged?01:09
CodeMouse92parsjot: It *shouldn't*.01:09
TGVoidCodeMouse92: Analyze now?01:09
SuperuserHow to allocate (ksh,  sh, etc.) to different users at time of user creation?01:09
parsjotI had never changed it from defautl...just ctrol-alt-t'ing all day long01:09
CodeMouse92TGVoid: Yes01:09
reisioparsjot: as in outside of X?01:09
k1lTGVoid: did you look one time in the step by step howto i linked you?01:09
reisioparsjot: ctrl+mousewheel, maybe01:10
parsjotfew min ago I opened one and it was monospace 12 pt....I dont know what default is01:10
Tin_mandon't have a clue, i've never experienced anything like it01:10
parsjotbut that was big01:10
TGVoidk1l: For Testdisk?01:10
TGVoidk1l: Can you re-send it?01:10
parsjotreisio: Ahhh!!!!...only an old touch pad on laptop but it is wonky...maybe the cause!01:10
parsjotdoes anyone know what the default terminal font and size is?01:10
TGVoidHey reisio! Thanks for your help that one day!01:10
CodeMouse92parsjot: Usually Ubuntu Monospace or droid, and 10 pt01:11
parsjotxubuntu 16.04 if it matters....01:11
reisioTGVoid: np man01:11
Tin_manthere you go, a probable cause..01:11
k1lTGVoid: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step01:11
SuperuserHow to allocate (ksh,  sh, etc.) to different users at time of user creation?01:11
parsjotCodeMouse92: yep! put it back to mono 10pt and its good...maybe I somehow changed it with a shortcut etc01:11
CodeMouse92parsjot: Maybe.01:11
parsjotbut dont see a way to do so with scrolling...so not sure...is there a way to change font size other than the selection menu in preferences? becuse that wasnt open01:12
CodeMouse92Superuser: Please be patient. There are only so many people here, and if someone knows the answer, they'll post it. Wait several minutes in between reposts at least.01:12
CodeMouse92parsjot: Apparently by poltergeist?01:12
parsjotcant seem to duplicte enlaring it with mousepad or heavy handedness01:12
thetruth_does anyone know how to overclock my asus x99 delux motherboard? I just built my first rig and put a few thousand dollars into it and want it to run at its full potential. and which benchmarks should I run or are the most important? and what are some good programs to run the benchmarks for linux, specifically ubuntu Thanks!01:13
CodeMouse92parsjot: In all seriousness, I'm not sure. What terminal program was that. Just xcfe-terminal?01:13
parsjotdefault whatever that is I assume xfce?01:13
ubottuPackages for bechmarking your system include bonnie++ (for drives), glmark2 (for 3D graphics), netperf (for networking), mbw (for memory) - For more, issue the !terminal command « apt-cache search benchmark » - See also !testing01:13
parsjotyeah xfce terminal01:13
k1lthetruth_: see the bots message01:13
Tin_mani've seen bad keyboards do some strange things before..01:13
HackerIIthetruth_ burn it in before you decide to clock it01:14
thetruth_whats burn it?01:14
TGVoidCodeMouse92: Should I use Quick Search or Backup?01:14
parsjotok so problem that became a problem in the middle of another problem is back to normal01:14
k1lparsjot: press "crtl -"01:14
parsjotnow back to the background stuff01:14
thetruth_and what is !terminal01:14
HackerIIthetruth_ ya, wait a week or so, + make sure the north bridge has a good heat sink in it, or, forget it'01:14
CodeMouse92TGVoid: I'd quicksearch. See what you find01:15
parsjotk1l: that didnt affect terminal ....just browser01:15
k1lparsjot: it effects the window that is in focus01:15
CodeMouse92TGVoid: If it finds your partition, congrats. If not, you'll want to run Deep Search01:15
parsjotk1l: I mean when I did it in terminal it had no effect....just put a - in the display01:16
k1lthetruth_: "apt-cache search benchmark" in terminal will show you the packages that include some benchmarks01:16
CodeMouse92thetruth_: Also, beware that overclocking is aptly named - it's pushing it beyond the ideal limits of the CPU. Use with caution.01:16
parsjotit seemed to ignore the ctrl01:16
k1lparsjot: hold the ctrl then press -01:16
parsjotthe weird thing about the terminal thing is it opened enlarged....it was already huge pt size when it opened...the time bfore it was normal01:17
parsjotk1l: I did...Im dumb but not THAT dumb ;)01:17
thetruth_I don tcare if i fry the cpu ill just get a new one01:17
k1ltry with shift too. some devices seem to block single ctrl01:17
parsjotits funny...every time I come in here asking for help some new things go wrong while we are trying to figure out the old things...maybe I shouldnt tempy fate?01:18
thetruth_obviously i dont want to do anything supre reckless I just want it to be as fast as possible01:18
parsjoti cant imagine ever being proficient at this stuff01:18
CodeMouse92thetruth_: The non-overclocked mode is the non-risky "fast as possible". Beyond that, you're taking a risk01:19
jimthetruth_: overclocking is a risky, fairly extreme action, that is informed by your intimate knowledge of cpus and hardware... unless you're prepared to replace your cpu after overclocking too much destroys it, you should consider not trying this01:19
CodeMouse92parsjot: It comes with time. benefit to getting weird glitches, you learn how the system is put together a whoooole lot faster01:19
SuperuserIn which file to place an entry for allotting a shell while user creation?01:20
CodeMouse92thetruth_: Possibly stupid question: did you mount your CPU to the motherboard yourself, or is it integrated into the motherboard?01:20
ArcaireSuperuser: //etc/adduser.conf01:20
thetruth_ok i gona run some benchmarks and see where im at01:20
thetruth_yea I did, I also water cooled it01:21
thetruth_im not an idiot ive just never done this before so im figuring everythign out as I go01:21
CodeMouse92thetruth_: Ah, okay, so you know what you're getting into, then :)01:21
ArcaireSuperuser: Or, if you're using useradd, there's a skeleton file in /etc/default/useradd with the SHELL variable, which you can change.01:21
SuperuserAnd by default which shell is allotted?01:21
ArcaireEr, I think it's /bin/bash.01:21
CodeMouse92(And we never said you're an idiot. Many people just don't know enough about this fairly advanced topic to know what they're getting into. You can't know what you don't know until you know it.)01:22
CodeMouse92thetruth_: ^^01:22
thetruth_im a hands on kinda guy im sure ill fry a few things till i get it right but thats the only way to learn01:23
parsjotok so does anyone know where I can redownload the default xubuntu 16.04 wallpapers that were in the "usr/share/backgrounds directory? Google only shows me articles about them..01:23
parsjotmy f.lux also disappered....w....t....f01:23
parsjotmaybe I need to just do a reinstall01:23
CodeMouse92parsjot: I was just about to say,...01:23
CodeMouse92parsjot: By the way, what led you to XCFE specifically?01:23
parsjotI just liked it at first use...could make it look as I wanted simply01:24
k1l_parsjot: why not use redshift which is in the ubuntu repos?01:24
parsjotand I hve an old laptop and it was suppose to be lighter01:24
thetruth_whats a good text to speech program for dictation01:24
parsjotk1l_:  redshift didnt work the same for me....wouldnt let me adjust it for temp....01:24
CodeMouse92parsjot: Fair enough. Yeah, go for a fresh install. One hint when you do: partition your hard drive yourself. 50GB for /, a swap space the same size as your RAM, and the rest for /home01:24
CodeMouse92That way, if the system borks again, you can reinstall the system (/) without destroying your files and program configs (/home)01:25
SuperuserHey just to know if I create a new user and I want not to allow it's login temporarily,  then what  to do for that.  I mean if there is an entry  as such in that shell file?01:25
CodeMouse92parsjot: Do you have another way to get into IRC during the install?01:25
CodeMouse92(i.e. a smartphone)01:25
parsjottablet....but not going to do it tonight01:26
k1l_parsjot: really? redshift -t 6500:6200    is easy to test01:26
CodeMouse92parsjot: Yeah, just checking. Always good to have.01:26
jimthetruth_: make sure you know the temperature limits of your cpu, and can monitor the temp as you try to adjust... (but again, if you're not financially prepared to replace a destroyed cpu, you probably shouldn't push the cpu beyond its rated limits01:26
CodeMouse92thetruth_: +1 to jim. By the way, psensor is awesome for monitoring CPU temperature and issuing alerts.01:27
parsjotCodeMouse92: the big problem is I dont know why these things are happenig today...so I can't prevent them again if it was me inadvertantly doing something...but I didn't do anything overt other than select menu options01:27
parsjotthe docky thing was a docky bug...but this stuff I dont know why they occur01:27
jimcpus will get hotter if you do cpu-intensive things... like if you do a lot of compiling01:28
parsjotimagine you selected a different theme in appearance settings and suddenly the other themes were gone01:28
parsjotits stuff like this01:28
CodeMouse92parsjot: Yeah, I've seen stuff *like* this before on rare occasion, but never could figure it out.01:28
Tin_mantry a different flavor parsjot, maybe you got a bad iso, or reinstall your current version.01:29
parsjotI have 1mbps internet so even getting a new iso takes all night...bit of a pain01:29
thetruth_CodeMouse92, nice thank you!01:29
CodeMouse92parsjot, Tin_man: Ah, that's a possibility! Check the checksum on the iso first01:29
thetruth_im wanted a good monitoring program01:29
parsjotI actually did that01:29
CodeMouse92parsjot: And it matches? (If so, it's a good ISO01:29
parsjotas the first couple of live USBs I made were wonky....everything with the iso checked out and using dd command made a bottable USB fine01:30
sujeetI want to add multiple IPs not in a consecutive CIDR to eth0. It looks like you have to add extra stanzas in /etc/network/interfaces for virtual ifaces like eth0:0 eth0:1 etc. What is the point of this? Why can't I just add the extra IPs directly to eth0?01:30
gabriel_Por favor me ajudem01:30
parsjotbut unetbootin etc didnt work right01:30
CodeMouse92I've gotta head out for a bit. Good luck parsjot and TGVoid!01:30
parsjotso the iso is good01:30
gabriel_I need help01:30
parsjotthanks codemouse01:30
thetruth_whats a good tool for taking a screenshot and sharing it here?01:30
SuperuserDo you know how to use do command to make an iso from did?01:30
gabriel_I need help pls01:30
CodeMouse92gabriel_: Don't ask to ask. Just post your question.01:31
Superuser*dd command01:31
gabriel_ok sorry01:31
parsjotSuperuser: are you asking me?01:31
gabriel_code mouse  you help me ??01:31
somsipgabriel_: ask the channel - dont ask people directly01:31
CodeMouse92gabriel_: I don't know if I can or not. You haven't asked anything yet. Ask the channel. :)01:31
gabriel_i need help to disable tcp_timestamps01:31
CodeMouse92(And, anyway, I'm heading out)01:31
Tin_manwell i've got a really slow internet also, but i've tried about every ubuntu out there, and some were hardware buggy, not the os's fault, just bad drivers,and such, but I found the one I enjoy, and it took a lot of trial and error..01:32
somsipgabriel_: in what context?01:32
parsjotTin_man: which was that?01:32
gabriel_i am brazilian PT BRAZIL01:32
SuperuserParsjot ya01:32
sujeetThis is what my interfaces looks like atm: http://pastebin.com/Pbq5Q2fY01:32
somsipgabriel_: what are you trying to do that needs tcp_timestamps to be disabled?01:32
Tin_manright now ubuntu, but i'm running linux mint kde 17.03 with a dual boot..01:32
parsjotSuperuser: I just followed  guide for dd...and it worked well...but can't say I "understand" it exactly01:32
Tin_manright now i'm on windows..01:33
gabriel_YES SOMSIP01:33
parsjotjust did "sudo dd bs=4M if=/path of=/dev/sdb && sync" and it was good as gravy01:33
reisiodd takes input (if) and output (of)01:34
gabriel_Somsip ???01:34
reisiobs just makes it work faster if used right01:34
reisioand sync is an unfortunate thing we use for usb sticks01:34
CodeMouse92gabriel_: somsip needs to know *what* you are doing. :)01:34
somsipgabriel_: you need to answer my question.01:34
k1l_!pt | gabriel_01:35
ubottugabriel_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.01:35
SuperuserHey just to know if I create a new user and I want not to allow it's login temporarily,  then what  to do for that?01:36
reisioSuperuser: don't run 'passwd' giving it a password01:36
gabriel_ok guys01:36
somsipSuperuser: passwd -l01:36
gabriel_enter ubunt american01:36
k1l_set its shell to /bin/false01:37
gabriel_]ok my game called League of Legends What I indicated desativasse the game caught because of the connection and do not know why I have que disable tcp FOR game run01:37
Superuserk1l ya that's what I needed to know01:37
gabriel_Ubunt br desabled01:37
gabriel_somsip pls help: ok my game called League of Legends What I indicated desativasse the game caught because of the connection and do not know why I have que disable tcp FOR game run01:38
k1l_gabriel_: "/join #ubuntu-br"01:38
gabriel_no man01:38
gabriel_ubuntu br01:38
SuperuserMeans there can be different ways either not allocating a shell or not giving it a passws01:38
somsipgabriel_: http://forums.euw.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=205845301:38
gabriel_I'm using google translator01:39
gabriel_man erro for linux01:39
SuperuserBy the way,  it would be troubling if you don't set a passwd and create a user with useradd .01:40
SuperuserI am fumbling to know what's that default passwd that useradd provides?01:41
thetruth_also how do I log on to hexchat with this same screen name on my desktop?01:42
somsipSuperuser: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/108562/is-there-some-default-password-for-a-new-user-in-linux01:42
somsip!register | thetruth_01:42
ubottuthetruth_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode01:42
thetruth_im registered here already but I want to switch over to my desktop with this same name01:43
gabriel_Fuck nobs01:43
reisiothetruth_: /nick thetruth_01:43
somsipthetruth_: join #freenode for registration/nick issues01:43
thetruth_gabriel_ you were an expert when you started? you just miraculously knew how to do everything?01:47
Superusersomsip : I think the best choose answer in that means there is certainly no password by default and you cannot login to that user from outside of root until you set one.  Is is so?01:47
somsipSuperuser: yes01:48
DeaDSouLi'm logged as user1 ... how can i login as user2 from user1 ?01:48
somsipDeaDSouL: does user1 have sudo rights?01:49
DeaDSouLsomsip: no01:49
somsipDeaDSouL: do you know user2's password?01:49
DeaDSouLsomsip: yes01:49
somsipDeaDSouL: use "su {user}" check the options in case you want to do something else01:51
Superusersomsip : so still requires sudo priviledges01:51
DeaDSouLSuperuser: no, su user2 ;)01:52
somsipSuperuser: does su require superuser or does it ask for password? man page suggests password but I've never run from a non-sudo account so happy to be corrected01:52
DeaDSouLright :)01:52
reisioit asks for password01:53
reisioroot's password01:53
reisioso yes, it requires "superuser" access01:53
somsipreisio: ah - fair enough.01:53
reisiounless of course you're using it to switch to another user that isn't root01:53
reisiothen it'll ask for that user's password01:53
somsipreisio: which is what he wants, so it is usable maybe. DeaDSouL  - did it work?01:53
DeaDSouLreisio: no, it will ask you for the user you want to login as's password01:56
DeaDSouLyes, exactly..01:57
reisiono comment :p01:57
SuperuserIs /etc/useradd conf01:59
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reisioa file? Quite possibly01:59
Superuser* /etc/useradd.conf the file that is used by default to allocate shell and that provides all configurations to new user while using useradd?02:01
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SuperuserI meant /etc/default/useradd02:02
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thetruth_how does this benchmark look for having 2 - radeon r9390x crossfire config. this is my first build and I don't know how fast its suppose to be.... http://imgur.com/DwztY4T02:04
reisioSuperuser: it's probably useradd's main config file, yes02:04
reisiothetruth_: don't cross post02:04
somsipthetruth_: don't crosspost offtopic questions either02:04
thetruth_sorry this is my first time on irc02:05
SuperuserHey found something like a bug,  just open that file and watch that a default path /home is02:05
thetruth_whats wrong with getting different opinions tho?02:06
SuperuserGiven but there is no home did created for new user02:06
SuperuserUsing useradd02:06
HackerIIthetruth_ ubuntu-offtopic is a good place for opinions02:06
thetruth_so what is this for then?02:07
SuperuserCan anyone justufy02:07
thetruth_i mean I need help with my gpu's I dont think they are performing. I just built the rig02:07
thetruth_its my first build also02:07
HackerIIthetruth_ post your problem in one line to the room, someone will get to you.02:08
thetruth_HackerII, ok got it02:08
thetruth_so I just built my first rig, I have dual r9-390x and I just ran a benchmark and I want to know if they are performing to par for having 2 of them? here is the benchmark http://imgur.com/DwztY4T02:10
parsjotanyone know where I can get the Xubuntu 16.04 default wallpapers?02:11
parsjotinstalling "xubuntu-wallpapers" doesn't do it02:11
parsjotand I can't even find some of them with a google image search to try and do it manually02:12
Bashing-omparsjot: Don't know if this helps: https://packages.debian.org/jessie/all/desktop-base/filelist ; but maybe ??02:18
uschxcis it possible to use ~/.config/autostart/blah.desktop with a command that has an "=" in it already?  AE_SINK=alsa kodi ?02:19
SuperuserWho manages the webchat.freenode.net irc.  The recaptcha verification feels more like an interview challenge to judge IQI.02:20
reisiouschxc: sure it's not working? Try quotes if not02:20
parsjotBashing-om: thanks but that seems to be older and debian stuff02:20
reisioSuperuser: there aren't a lot of captchas to choose from02:21
uschxcyes, kodi not launching at login.  if I run the command from a command prompt, it works.02:21
uschxcI've tried ' and " quotes02:21
parsjotsomehow I deleted all of the default backgrounds....all I did was make a photo I had the background...then went to swtich it bacl...but the defaults were missing02:21
parsjotno idea how it happend and I can't seem to find a package to reinstall them02:21
uschxcif I take out the AE_SINK=Alsa part, kodi launches (but sound won't work)02:21
reisiouschxc: make a shell script then02:22
reisiocall the script from the .desktop02:22
reisioor export AE_SINK in ~/.bashrc, etc.02:22
uschxcyeah that was my next option, just curious if I was missing somehting02:22
reisioI try not to spend too much time on freedesktop nonsense :p02:22
uschxcI'm way too casual a linux user to have a horse in any of the races02:23
uschxcpath of least resistance basically for me02:23
reisiowhich is a shell script, IMO :p02:23
linuxWhich is the history file for root ?02:24
uschxclaunched via freedesktop nonsense, right?02:24
linuxLike there is bash_history for users02:24
linuxin /home02:24
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parsjotthis is one of the defaults but I cant find it "clean" anywhere http://www.muylinux.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/xubuntu1604lts.jpg02:27
parsjotsurely there has to be a way to reinstall the defaul backgrounds?02:27
TGVoidCodeMouse92: Just to let you know, quick scan is at 52%02:28
tikunparsjot, did you try xubuntu-wallpapers or xubuntu-community-wallpapers?02:29
parsjotits not them02:29
parsjoti am at a loss for how they disappeared02:30
parsjoti took a photo....set is as desktop...then wanted to swtich bad to the defaults but they had all disapeared02:30
parsjotliterally all I did was set a photo....then try to revert...I didn't move or remove anything02:30
Guest45338Hi everyone, was wondering if anyone can help me to configure my touch screen02:33
linuxHow to activate nfs service ?02:36
linuxAnyone please?02:37
AnnakaI have a little problem: KVM can't work with the NTFS, but users solved this problem: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/106909/can-and-how-kvm-use-ntfs-storage and http://askubuntu.com/questions/113733/how-do-i-correctly-mount-a-ntfs-partition-in-etc-fstab02:39
Guest45338was wondering if anyone can help me to configure my touch screen02:39
AnnakaBut how to do it by automaticaly? For example, I have a flash-drive with the .ISO live-images and want to run it into KVM?02:40
AnnakaAll sleep now02:41
linuxAnnaka entry in fstab is required to automatically mount the fs at boot time02:42
Annakalinux, I know...02:44
linuxWhat do you want ?02:44
linux Annaka02:44
AnnakaBut what to do for automount flashdrivers for running in KVM02:44
AnnakaI want run ISO from the flash into KVM02:45
AnnakaBut http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/106909/can-and-how-kvm-use-ntfs-storage02:45
AnnakaJust add 'permissions' to the mount command, and everything works.02:45
Annakalinux, you not know? :(02:48
linuxsorry dont precisely know the options available there in KVM?02:53
linuxI use VirtualBox for virtualization of RHEL02:53
dramasorry wrong window02:57
reisiocan't imagine a window that would care about that :p02:57
linuxreisio : Which is the file for root history?02:57
reisioroot's ~/.bash_history02:58
AnnakaAny can help please?02:58
reisiovaries by distro, probably /root/.bash_history02:58
reisioAnnaka: ...with?02:59
AnnakaI have a little problem: KVM can't work with the NTFS, but users solved this problem: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/106909/can-and-how-kvm-use-ntfs-storage and http://askubuntu.com/questions/113733/how-do-i-correctly-mount-a-ntfs-partition-in-etc-fstab02:59
AnnakaBut how to do it by automaticaly? For example, I have a flash-drive with the .ISO live-images and want to run it into KVM?02:59
reisiolinux: or you might want sudo's log (/var/log/auth.log ?)02:59
AnnakaI just do not understand anything :(02:59
reisioAnnaka: you want to boot a live OS via kvm?03:00
Annakareisio, I want run lmages in KVM yes03:00
linuxCommand to see hidden files (ls doesn't shows up !) ?03:01
Jordan_UAnnaka: What happens if you run simply "kvm -cdrom /path/to/iso -m 1g"?03:02
daxlinux: ls -a03:02
AnnakaParameter 'size' expects a size You may use k, M, G or T suffixes for kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes and terabytes.03:04
AnnakaG work03:05
Jordan_UAnnaka: Sorry, make that a capital G.03:05
AnnakaIts runned03:05
AnnakaBut I use Virt-manager03:05
Jordan_UAnnaka: I don't have a lot of experience with virt-manager so I can't help there.03:06
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reisioGuest47906: /nick helloperson03:07
Jordan_U!rootirc | Guest4790603:07
ubottuGuest47906: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.03:07
AnnakaJordan_U this window  does not fit into the screen03:07
AnnakaJordan_U, this window does not fit into the screen03:07
AnnakaI mean screen on guest is large03:10
linuxCa you solve this : "change the home directory of user ‘sneak’ to /tmp/distro with preserving the existing file in user’s old home directory."03:10
linux*Can anyone03:11
AnnakaJordan_U, https://postimg.org/image/47zz5k9sx/03:13
linuxreisio : Can you solve this : "change the home directory of user ‘sneak’ to /tmp/distro with preserving the existing file in user’s old home directory."?03:13
AnnakaAny help pleaes screen of the KVM is large03:15
linuxWhat the hell is that ?03:16
daxlinux: spam03:16
daxtonyyarusso: those notices aren't getting through to non-ops, right?03:17
daxk good. gonna let sigyn play a bit then03:18
tonyyarussodax: Not post mode change.03:18
daxlmk if you want me to go +r instead03:18
daxlinux: because webchat isn't the only way to connect to IRC03:21
linux:-P I forgot03:21
hawkeLooking for a TelNet BBS to run under Mint. Any suggestions?03:22
daxask the mint folks, we only support ubuntu and official derivatives of it here03:22
hawkeok, looking for a TelNet BBS to run under Ubuntu. Any suggestions? :)03:23
daxis the wrong response.03:23
daxplease just use your distro's support channel.03:23
linux@dax Do you know how to switch the location of a directory keeping its current contents ?03:24
daxlinux: mv /old/location/here /new/location/here03:24
linux@dax If I want a new user to get ksh by default then how to do?03:28
daxlinux: one in particular, or all new users?03:29
linuxone in particular03:29
daxassuming ksh is already installed, sudo chsh -s /path/to/ksh usernamehere03:30
SauloBack - off (tempo: 4h 26m e 19s)03:30
will__i have been trying to connect to wifi which only connects to mac . How they are doing it so that it is only visible to mac ??03:30
linuxdax : Can it be configured with /etc/default/useradd for new user?03:31
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linuxusing useradd command to create user03:32
Ben64man useradd03:32
Guest82873I have no terminals when I ctrl + alt + F(1-6)03:32
linuxno I asked if it can be configured with file ?03:33
Ben64have you looked in that file03:33
Ben64and do you see anything about shell in there03:34
dramaCan I has terminals03:34
Ben64linux: so.... do you understand what it says there03:34
linuxI think it can be03:36
linuxI doubted because notice one thing there, it says /home directory for HOME but none is created when new user is added !03:37
linuxBen64 : I doubted because notice one thing there, it says /home directory for HOME but none is created when new user is added !03:38
Ben64that line begins with a #, meaning it is commented out (ignored)03:38
Guest82873I have no terminals when I ctrl + alt + F(1-6)03:39
linuxBen64 : Shell one ?03:39
Ben64the home one03:39
linuxBut read the above comment that says "same as adduser ..." ..03:40
linuxI think it's just manual config .If I remove # then would it work ?03:41
Ben64yeah, but you should be using adduser03:41
linuxfor high level ?03:41
Ben64it adds a user more properly03:42
linuxWell,I am gonna work on a project so cannot avoid it.03:44
dramaGuest82873, CTL+ALT+T first then ctl+alt+F1.. ctl+alt_f7 to get back again03:47
linuxCan anybody help to configure network on cli ?03:48
Guest82873i have no problem navigating them, however, there is no login prompt like there usually is03:49
linuxI just want to know if /etc/networks is that file ?03:49
SchrodingersScat/etc/network/interfaces ?03:49
dramaGuest82873, hmmm... dunno... 16.04 ?03:49
linuxThen what /etc/networks is basically for ?03:50
dramalinux, symbolic names for networks, see networks(5) for more information ... man networks03:52
dramalinux, /etc/network/interfaces if you don't have network-manager installed03:52
linuxWell my requirement states that I want to setup an ip-addr, broadcast etc.03:53
Guest82873couple of errors that used to go away eventually.03:53
Guest82873they'd be replaced by the login prompt that is currently missing.03:53
Guest82873drama, also, KDE03:54
linux_Kindly state the format to configure /etc/network/interfaces file ??03:58
will__i have been trying to connect to wifi which only connects to mac . How they are doing it so that it is only visible to mac ??04:00
linux_Anyone alive ?04:03
tgm4883linux_: this information is easily obtainable via google or man pages. While we normally would help and wouldn't point people to these places, I'm not one for helping someone with their homework04:03
coolhey all, my mouse cursor keeps disappearing when I wake my laptop up from sleep, does anyone know what might be causing this?04:12
linux_cool try switching between accounts on your system or restart service of mouse driver04:14
coolhm, I mean that's kind of a kludge dont you think? :P04:15
linux_issues with the compatibilty or support I think !04:15
coollinux_ from my limited googling it seems to be an issue with Intel drivers and Ubuntu 1604:23
gecko111Hi there04:28
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lotuspsychjeXcraft: re-ask your issue once in a while04:44
Xcrafta quick one,  I'm quite new to ubuntu, and to day I received a notification regarding OS update and I think it's the kernel (linux-generic, etc) but only linux-libc-dev will be updated. Do I need/have to update my kernel whenever possible? Sorry I know this has been asked before.04:46
lotuspsychjeXcraft: its recommended to always stay up to date04:47
Xcraftthanks! I will update then!04:47
lotuspsychjeXcraft: for security reasons and new package versions04:47
lotuspsychje!usn | Xcraft here is why:04:48
ubottuXcraft here is why:: Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.04:48
Xcraftthanks man, appreciate it04:49
=== Screedo is now known as screedo
bigdissaveddoes anyone have a free min? my wireless card module is not working.... in dmesg, I am getting 8812au: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout04:55
kareeoleezI am seeing /dev/root       1.8G  1.7G  7.1M 100% / in my SD 2GB but I can't find where the space goes. Any ideas ? I've tried with ncdu and other commands but they simply show sizes up to 500MB04:55
bigdissavedI have the latest git checkout of the drivers, dkms is rebuilding on kernel updates,04:56
lotuspsychjekareeoleez: try ctrl + h to see hidden folders perhaps05:09
lotuspsychjebigdissaved: wich ubuntu version? system up to date?05:11
bigdissavedfully up to date.. I have a console open05:12
bigdissavedroot@Garage:/usr/src/8812au-4.4.0# dkms status05:12
bigdissaved8812au, 4.4.0, 4.4.0-24-generic, x86_64: installed05:12
bigdissaved8812au, 4.4.0, 4.4.0-28-generic, x86_64: installed05:12
lotuspsychjebigdissaved: ubuntu version?05:13
bigdissavedlatest tsl05:14
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic05:14
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB05:14
lotuspsychjebigdissaved: are you using ubuntu's drivers or latest git ones?05:14
TreeTreeHi. I formatted my USB and now it's not being mounted properly, it is detected in GParted but I can't seem to put files on it or use UNetbootin on it.05:14
TreeTreeHelp would be appreciated.05:14
bigdissavedletest git, not sure where the ubuntu ones are05:15
bigdissaved16.04 LTS05:15
lotuspsychjebigdissaved: try ubuntu's wifi drivers first05:15
bigdissavedok, I am looking for them, but not sure where to find them05:16
TreeTreeI am using Ubuntu 16.04. I am trying to use Unetbootin on a USB Device. It is not being mounted properly, and is detectable in GParted but I can't add or remove files and I can't use it with Unetbootin. How do I fix it so it mounts properly?05:17
Ben64TreeTree: format it to an appropriate filesystem?05:19
lotuspsychjebigdissaved: anything show up your additional drivers section?05:19
TreeTreeBen64: I figured it out, it had no partitions on it and I made one. Thanks05:20
bigdissavedjust intel microcode..05:20
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GladiaTeurHi my friends i have missed curl.so php extension how i can resolve this ?05:47
GladiaTeurOS Ubuntu 16.04 LTS05:47
hateballGladiaTeur: maybe: apt-get install php-curl05:48
GladiaTeurthanks a lot05:49
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iMadperHi all, Is there a method to diagnostics upstart booting time? My vivid laptop boots slowly. And I want to check which job is the culprit.06:18
Ben6415.04 is End Of Life, therefore no longer supported06:19
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iMadperBen64: Yeah I know it. But I still need it for my phone...06:22
diskiniMadper, look for bootchart06:22
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apb1963This document has XFA forms, which are currently unsupported.  ubuntu 14.04, Okular Version 0.20.2 Using KDE Development Platform 4.14.206:47
soee_can i remove current kernel and install at the same time newest version ?07:00
Ben64soee_: yes, but if it doesn't work you're kind of in a pickle07:01
soee_Ben64: what are the chances it will fail ?07:01
thekrynn_was curious if anyone knew why the ubuntu clock likes to drift07:01
Ben64soee_: not possible to predict07:01
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aavrugHello everyone07:23
aavrugI have a Makefile, but when trying to run that file using make Makefile getting error07:23
aavrugmake: Nothing to be done for `Makefile'.07:24
Ben64it's just "make" usually07:25
aavrugand when trying to run only make getting error make: *** No targets.  Stop.07:25
aavrugBen64, ^^07:25
Ben64contact the developer07:25
aavrugBen64, this is the Makefile https://github.com/quintype/docker-base/blob/master/Makefile07:27
apb1963what are people using to read PDF files now?07:30
tom2Any specialist for kern.log and syslog in here ?07:30
Ben64tom2: best to ask the actual question07:30
tom2Since switching to radeon driver I see the following filling up my logs:07:31
LembertHallo, ich benötige eine zweite squid Instanz. dazu hab ich nur diese "Anleitung" gefunden https://xrotwang.wordpress.com/2008/12/03/running-multiple-squid-instances-on-ubuntu/ Die ist aber schon von 2008. Ist das immer noch aktuell?07:31
Lembertbzw kann ich die verwenden damit das funktioniert?07:31
tom2Jun 28 09:31:30 ga-78 kernel: [ 6990.411185] [drm:radeon_atombios_connected_scratch_regs], DFP1 connected07:31
tom2Jun 28 09:31:30 ga-78 kernel: [ 6990.411200] [drm:output_poll_execute], [CONNECTOR:15:HDMI-A-1] status updated from 1 to 107:31
ducasse!de | Lembert07:32
ubottuLembert: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!07:32
tom2Every 10 seconds an entry in kern.log07:32
tom2That mustn't be  ?07:35
escimo"status updated from 1 to 1" ? Do you use an cable adapter per chance?08:18
tumtoesHow would I use winetrix to run a steam game that is not available on linux?08:19
somsip!winehq | tumtoes08:19
ubottutumtoes: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu08:19
tumtoesAm I in wine chat now?08:20
lyzetumtoes, ubuntu support channel08:20
alive876_hi, one of my drives is almost 100% consumed but i can find the reason08:20
selckinsudo du -csh /* | sort -h08:21
shafoxI have a mounted disk which now shows 1000 as the user group and user also. How do I copy the content to usb ?08:23
YankDownUndershafox, Not quite sure what you're asking - are you asking HOW to copy the stuff to a USB, or are you asking how to copy the stuff to the USB and still retain the permissions?08:25
tumtoesRandomly my ubuntu OS completly freezes. I can't use anything. My mouse wont move, keys wont work, so I am forced to do a hard shutdown. I would reinstall it but I am not sure if that will fix. So I want to know what I can do before doing reinstall08:28
YankDownUndertumtoes, How much RAM do you have?08:28
tumtoes4 gigs08:29
tumtoesit's only a around $200 laptop. Just using ubuntu before I make the switch on my main PC08:29
YankDownUndertumtoes, I've upgrade the girlfriend's machine because of basically the same - with 16.04...works a charm with 8gb...but that's me...not your situation...08:29
YankDownUndertumtoes, Have you tried using the other desktops - like LxDE or XFce or Cinnamon or Openbox?08:30
geirhaBy my experience, those kind of freezes are caused by the graphics card08:30
tumtoesAre those made by ubuntu? Or just less resource heavy linux OS's like ubuntu08:31
YankDownUndertumtoes, Those are desktop environments that can happily run on top of Ubuntu - simply put.08:32
YankDownUndertumtoes, With the installation you already have, you can install a completely different desktop environment - and have several to experiment with...08:32
tumtoesIs it hard to do?08:33
ooze_can anyone help me with ssh08:33
YankDownUndertumtoes, No...it's easier than you could imagine.08:34
ooze_im running on ubuntu 11.0408:34
YankDownUndertumtoes, Here's a simple example - open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install xfce-desktop => let the system download and install the entire XFce desktop - you might have to reboot - depending on what you've got on your system - however, when you get to the login screen, you can now choose to have "XFce" or "Unity" as your desktop environment.08:35
ooze_Reading package lists... Error! E: Encountered a section with no Package: header E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/packages.mate.desktop.org_repo_ubuntu_dists_VERSION_main_binary-i386_Packages E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.08:36
ooze_patulong mag set up ng ssh08:37
* ooze_ rusty08:37
YankDownUndertumtoes, Here's the link - and I made a mistake - it's "sudo apt-get install xubuntu desktop" : https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/alternative08:38
somsip!tagalog | ooze_08:38
ubottuooze_: Join #ubuntu-ph for tagalog08:38
YankDownUnderooze_, 11.04?08:38
ooze_ubuntu 11.04 waaay back 201008:39
ooze_thats all i get left.08:39
ooze_installer i mean08:39
YankDownUnderooze_, Er...2011, bro...08:39
somsipooze_: it's very old and unsupported. But what is the problem in case it can be helped?08:39
ooze_my bad YankDownUnder. your right 201108:40
alive876_hi, im trying to track down some large invisible files, when i do this : $ sudo du -csh /*    it tells me 2.4G    /home, but i cant find files that big08:40
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ooze_somsip cant find thr right header08:40
somsipooze_: more details needed08:41
ooze_somsip i need to download openssh08:41
ooze_for port 2208:41
ooze_so i can make this a remote08:41
somsipooze_: you should install something up to date08:42
YankDownUnderalive876_, Here's something to quickly try - open a terminal, and type: sudo apt autoremove && sudo apt autoclean" => see if that clears up some drive space, hmm?08:42
somsipalive876_: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-do-i-find-the-largest-filesdirectories-on-a-linuxunixbsd-filesystem/08:42
ooze_somsip yup. i just tried to reinstall this after so many years.08:43
ooze_gives me headache :D08:43
somsipooze_: dont waste your time. Get a supported release08:43
ooze_somsip yupp. ty08:45
tumtoesyankdownunder, said unable to locate package xubuntu, and desktop08:45
ooze_somsip how do i run teamviewer_11.0.57095_i386.deb08:46
ooze_do you know the commands?08:46
YankDownUndertumtoes, "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" => that should be the EXACT wording...hmm?08:46
ooze_tar teamviewer_11.0.57095_i386.deb ?08:46
somsipooze_: sudo dpkg -i {deb file}08:46
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ooze_copy somsip08:46
somsipooze_: but if this is for 11.04, dont bother.08:46
ooze_uh yeah it didnt work08:47
YankDownUnderooze_, It would be exactly: dpkg -i teamviewer_11.0.57095_i386.deb08:48
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crtthe frothing sound of crackling ass08:53
ooze_still didnt work on 11.0408:54
akikooze_: "sudo apt install ./teamviewer_11.0.57095_i386.deb" that will take care of the dependencies08:54
Ben64nothing is going to work on 11.04, install something supported08:55
bazhang!eolupgrades | ooze_08:55
ubottuooze_: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:55
Ben6411.04 lost support and security updates in october of 2012!08:55
bazhangget a supported version ooze_08:55
mintuxi have some files in a directory with large size for download i need to convert them to one file so what is fast compression command that it made this file very fast ? i don't need to reduce size08:55
Ben64so pretty sure that means you got the big ssl bug08:55
Ben64mintux: tar08:56
Triffid_Huntermintux: if you don't want to compress them, why use compression? you're after tar.08:57
ooze_thanks. yup i tried all commands. didnt work. im downloading ubuntu 16 now08:59
ooze_been years. my bad08:59
ooze_YankDownUnder copy dpkq09:05
* ooze_ unpacking09:05
grimelHi, all. Could anybody tell me, please, - can I somehow detect applications which are very rarely used or not used at all?09:06
Allanitomweshis there a version of Ubuntu that comes with GNOME?09:14
somsip!flavors | Allanitomwesh09:14
ubottuAllanitomwesh: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE09:14
bazhangAllanitomwesh, gnome-shell if thats what you mean ; unity is gnome3 as well09:15
Allanitomweshubuntu-GNOME sounds right09:16
Allanitomweshhas GNOME 3 right?09:16
bazhangAllanitomwesh, they all are, with the possible exception of flashback09:18
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Allanitomweshare there any drawbacks to not using Unity?09:19
bazhangAllanitomwesh, thats personal choice09:19
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Allanitomweshif there's no technical loss I guess I'll go with GNOME09:21
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Soul_Samplehey, can anyone recommend some good image tagging applications? I need something to add title, description and keywords metadata to pictures, i've been looking through the repositories, but everything looks sameish09:22
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AllanitomweshSoul_Sample: Shotwell?09:29
YankDownUnder...Darktable is also a good on - very professional - awesome quality and interface - along with some really nice effects...09:31
voozeAfter upgrading to kernel 4.4.0-28 (from 24) I cant login, lightdm loads and after typing pw it just blinks and goes back. Also the solution looks like "nomodeset" What could cause this?09:33
voozeresolution *09:33
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Triffid_Huntervooze: your session manager is crashing09:34
voozeTriffid_Hunter: but 4.4.0-24 works just fine (i'm using that now)09:34
ret2libci know it's a strange question here,but ... is it possible to install wayland and run unity on it?09:35
ret2libcwayland at the moment seems muuch more ready than unity8 on desktop (that unfortunately doesn't do (almost) anything :( )09:36
AllanitomweshWayland is nice09:39
ret2libcAllanitomwesh: yeah! I'd like to see also unity8 on mir but at the moment it's really just a POC on desktop :(09:47
js3hello there09:47
js3i'm facing a problem on login09:48
js3after i enter my credentials09:48
bazhangjs3, all on one line please09:48
js3desktop isn't loading and i'm stuck with the initial login background09:48
Soul_SampleYankDownUnder: darktable is an overkill, I do stock images in blender/gimp and just need something to tag them with before uploading to multiple services. I'll give Shotwell a go, I completely forgot about that, thanks!09:49
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YankDownUnderSoul_Sample, You're spot on about Darktable - however, I've had some clients go "apey" over it...personally, it's "glitz"...GIMP is my main go...09:50
js3-2sorry about that bazang ,09:51
js3-2i'm facing a problem with my ubuntu os on login after i enter my credentials desktop isn't loading and i'm stuck with the initial login background image09:51
Soul_SampleYankDownUnder: Yeah, I prefer GIMP as well because I rarely deal with photos. It was enough for one stock service, but now I'm uploading to multiple and need an easy way to tag photos so I don't have to do it manually on each site. A friend recommended Adobe Bridge, but no way09:52
Soul_Samplejs3-2: does the guest login work?09:52
YankDownUnderSoul_Sample, Hehehe...yeah...buy more crap from Adobe...nah...Shotwell is simple - and easy on resource...does the job.09:52
bazhangwhat version of ubuntu js3-209:53
Soul_SampleYankDownUnder: yeah, I'll see how it goes with that, I prefer donating to inkscape and gimp instead of buying crap I don't need09:53
Soul_Samplejs3-2: did it come out of the blue, or did you do something before it broke?09:53
js3-2Soul_Sample: i don't think i did something that made it broke i wasn't installing or updating anything09:55
girishhello there09:57
Soul_Samplejs3-2: You should try pressing ctrl-alt-f1 and try to log in from there, perhaps it pops out some errors to give us more info. also, maybe you installed some window manager and accidentally switched session to it so unity doesn't load? my third guess is your gpu drivers09:57
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girishhow do i make a make file from .c file?09:58
girishanbody can answere my question?10:00
countI'm not even sure I understand it correctly.10:00
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countwhat is the problem you are trying to solve?10:00
garsholthe .c is already a file girish. Do you want to compile it to a program?10:02
garsholthe .c is already a file girish. Do you want to compile it to a program?10:02
rorygirish: a c file is usually source code in C, which needs a C compiler. What are you trying to do overall, where did you get the file?10:02
nomic.configure    make10:03
nomicyou type .configure .. to get the make file girish10:03
countgirish: if you have "foobar.c" and say "make foobar" it'll create an executable called "foobar" with default settings. "make foobar.o" will give you an object file.10:03
ArcaireIs there a known issue where Ubuntu 16.04 installs are totally broken on new CPUs or GPUs?10:03
ArcaireI mean the installer barely works even.10:03
countgirish: .. but I gather you'll want to learn a lot more basics and should get an idea what the hell you are doing ;)10:03
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ArcaireBut the actual install is totally broken.10:03
countgirish: like I said: what is the problem you are trying to solve?10:04
js3-2i already tried to login from ctrl+alt+f1, no errors or warnings showed , and what should i check to make sure if it's a gpu driver issue10:04
rorycount: that's only true if there's a makefile already there10:04
nomic./configure     then make10:04
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girishactually i have to modify a option.c source code to detect the LTE modem but the linux system(ubuntu 15.10, 3.19.0-15-generic) that i am using have no option.c file so i i download it and modify it as per requirement but now i have only option.c file so my question is how do i make it kernel object means need a make file.10:04
nomic"The configure script is responsible for getting ready to build the software on your specific system. It makes sure all of the dependencies for the rest of the build and install process are available, and finds out whatever it needs to know to use those dependencies."10:04
rory>impatient for people to asnwer his question after 30 seconds   > disappears when asked follow-up questions10:04
nomic"Once configure has done its job, we can invoke make to build the software. This runs a series of tasks defined in a Makefile to build the finished program from its source code."10:05
nomic"Now that the software is built and ready to run, the files can be copied to their final destinations. The make install command will copy the built program, and its libraries and documentation, to the correct locations."  https://robots.thoughtbot.com/the-magic-behind-configure-make-make-install10:05
ducassegirish: are you trying to modify something in the kernel?10:05
garsholseems like it ducasse..10:05
countrory: nope, make creates a synthetic one internally if not10:06
girishyes but to modify the source code need a option.c file but in kernel there is option.ko file instead of option.c10:06
Triffid_Huntergirish: you need kernel source10:07
countgirish: yeah, you'll need way more than what you think you need, and you need to build all this in kernel code context. find better instructions.10:07
Triffid_Huntergirish: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel perhaps10:07
countgirish: ... what Triffid_Hunter said, but maybe more specific to your context :) the instructions you found seem to be for advanced users.10:08
apb1963what should I use to read PDF files?10:09
ducasseapb1963: evince?10:09
bazhangapb1963, document viewer10:09
Triffid_Hunterapb1963: I like okular, there's plenty of pdf readers around though10:09
countapb1963: mupdf is the sanest, safest and fastes alternative I personally know, although maybe not the most comfortable one.10:10
apb1963Triffid_Hunter: that's the one I'm using.  It doesnt work anymore10:10
js3-2Soul_Sample: i already tried to login from ctrl+alt+f1, no errors or warnings showed , and what should i check to make sure if it's a gpu driver issue10:10
ducassejs3-2: check the x and lightdm logs.10:11
apb1963Triffid_Hunter: This document has XFA forms, which are currently unsupported10:12
apb1963ducasse: bazhang: count: do you know if it supports XFA forms?10:12
bazhangapb1963, no idea10:13
Triffid_Hunterapb1963: hm, my okular has forms support, not sure if that's XFA whatever that is..10:13
Triffid_Hunterapb1963: I mostly just use it to look at electronic component datasheets and robotics math papers10:13
apb1963Triffid_Hunter: yeah, those likely don't use XFA forms10:13
apb1963Triffid_Hunter: I guess it's late model Adobe or something10:14
apb1963not really sure10:14
apb1963all I know is, I need a way to read it10:14
LtWorfI have a problem with a package I'm creating. I install a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications, but it is shown in unity only after logout/login, anyone has any idea why? apt shows the "processing trigger" thing, so it should work10:14
Triffid_Hunterapb1963: ask whoever sent it to you to either send the software required to interact with it, or send the doc in another format10:14
apb1963Triffid_Hunter: You mean the US Gov't?10:15
Triffid_Hunterapb1963: sure, why not10:17
apb1963While that may or may not work on an individual document basis, that's not really a permanent solution.10:19
apb1963"I'm sorry Uncle Sam, but Linux isn't really compatible with PDF documents... can you change the way you do business?"10:19
Triffid_Hunterapb1963: try feeding it into libreoffice, see what happens10:19
apb1963Triffid_Hunter: didn't work10:19
apb1963tried that earlier10:20
Triffid_Hunterapb1963: well if they're using proprietary formats that aren't widely supported, that's a problem on their side, no?10:20
apb1963Triffid_Hunter: PDF is proprietary?10:20
Triffid_Hunterapb1963: used to be, and apparently they're sending you docs with some weird stuff embedded in it10:20
apb1963The document you are trying to load requires Adobe Reader 8 or higher. You may not have the10:21
apb1963Adobe Reader installed or your viewing environment may not be properly configured to use10:21
apb1963Adobe Reader.10:21
apb1963For information on how to install Adobe Reader and configure your viewing environment please10:21
apb1963see http://www.adobe.com/go/pdf_forms_configure.10:21
countapb1963: no forms with mupdf10:22
apb1963So... the US Gov't is going to say... go install Adobe Reader... it's free.10:22
apb1963and I'm going to say .... but.... I can't.10:22
apb1963count: Thank you for checking10:22
countapb1963: well then you're hosed.10:22
countapb1963: Acrobat Reader is the only thing with all the proprietary features (and that sucks)10:22
Triffid_Hunterapb1963: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/10/adobe-reader-linux-download-pulled-website10:23
bazhangapb1963, what version of ubuntu are you on now10:24
apb1963bazhang: 14.04 LTS10:26
bazhangapb1963, there are numerous weblinks on how to install adobe reader for that10:27
bazhangapb1963, I can see at least six10:28
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jsmphow to hide my ip?10:32
Triffid_Hunterjsmp: here? go to #freenode and ask for a hostmask10:33
jsmpthanks Triffid_Hunter10:34
abhishekwhat is the equivalent of pip freeze for apt?10:40
tumtoesSo I installed xubuntu desktop. How would I delete the previous version of ubuntu that I switched from10:40
abhishek1. How to generate a file 2. How to install from it?10:40
abhishektumtoes, not version a desktop environment?10:40
tumtoesYeah I got xubuntu desktop environment10:41
tumtoesBut now, I only want this10:41
auronandace|work!pinning | abhishek10:42
ubottuabhishek: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto10:42
abhishekauronandace|work, I want the package list in a file that can directly installed on another system.10:44
abhishekauronandace|work, not sure if pinning does this.10:44
tumtoesI switched bc my Ubuntu OS would completely freeze at random moments (maybe not random idk) but, xubuntu that I just switched to, also just froze. So I was think that removing the other ubuntu will fix it idk10:44
auronandace|workabhishek: sorry i was guessing, this sounds more like what you want:10:45
auronandace|work!aptoncd | abhishek10:45
ubottuabhishek: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline10:45
auronandace|worktumtoes: it sounds more like an underlying issue rather than specific to the desktop environment you are using10:46
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auronandace|worktumtoes: the top 2 suspects i would look at is your RAM or your graphics drivers10:47
tumtoesAny tips on how to fix the OS completely freezing (no keys work, mouse doesn't move) before I reinstall? (bc idk if that will fix it)10:47
abhishekauronandace|work, thanks, went through. I wanted just the package names, something like pip freeze in python.10:47
Ben64tumtoes: what gpu do you have10:47
tumtoesI have 4 gigs, just on a laptop rn before I switch on main PC10:48
tumtoesIt's like an intel gpu10:48
tumtoesI'll get the exact if you want10:48
Ben64tumtoes: install openssh-server, try seeing if you can log in while it's frozen10:48
tumtoesI know it is 64 bit procceser tho10:48
tumtoeswhat will openshh-server do?10:49
Ben64run an ssh server10:49
tumtoesExplain the proccess more plz. Maybe private chat me10:50
ArcaireOn a desktop now - Can anyone help me with a somewhat strange issue? I just installed Ubuntu on another disk and when I hit the login screen it just kicks me straight back after I log in. Can't CTRL+ALT+F* so I can't check any logs. This happened after installing the nvidia-current package, which is for my GPU (GTX 980).10:51
ArcaireThis is a brand new fresh install as well. I have it running in a VM bound to the drive but even there I can't log in.10:51
Ben64!ssh | tumtoes10:51
ubottutumtoes: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for its homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)10:51
Ben64Arcaire: did you install the guest additions?10:52
ArcaireBen64: It worked in this VM before I installed nvidia-whatever.10:52
verrlaraHi anyoone familiar with insync the google drive program?10:53
ArcaireIt's not really a VM, I'm just using it to kind of work on it while booted in to Windows.10:53
Ben64Arcaire: that doesn't really answer my question10:53
ArcaireIt's actually a running installed OS on a second drive.10:53
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ArcaireShort: No. Long: No, but it was fine without them until nvidia-current.10:53
Triffid_HunterArcaire: your session manager is crashing, probably a video driver / opengl mismatch since ubuntu's default thingy uses opengl afaik10:53
ArcaireAlso I couldn't even if I wanted to now.10:53
Napoelonducasse: hi m810:53
tumtoesBen64, So connect my main build to my laptop using ssh?10:53
ArcaireTriffid_Hunter: Any way to get to tty1?10:54
ducasseNapoelon: hi10:54
Ben64Arcaire: it probably can't see the gpu at all in the vm... what version of ubuntu did you install?10:54
Triffid_HunterArcaire: the usual way, ctrl+alt+f110:54
ArcaireTriffid_Hunter: this does not work10:54
ams__I'm trying to install erlang 18 on ubuntu. I do `apt-get install erlang-nox=1:18.2` to do this (the latest is 19). My problem is that all of the dependencies it installs are 19 (erlang-base for example). Is there a way to make all dependencies install the correct ver?10:54
Ben64Arcaire: nvidia-current doesn't support your card10:54
Arcairedid i read arch linux documentation by mistake10:55
Napoelonducasse:  my install is booting fine, thnx for the advice10:55
Triffid_Hunterlatest nvidia driver that supports the gpu in my laptop is 340.96 :/10:55
ducasseNapoelon: good, you're welcome :)10:55
Arcairenvidia-current is an alias for nvidia-304?10:56
ArcaireThat's... not what 'current' means.10:56
auronandace|work!info nvidia-current10:56
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-304): Transitional package for nvidia-current. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.131-0ubuntu3 (xenial), package size 4 kB, installed size 19 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)10:56
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Ben64Arcaire: yeah appears so, you want nvidia-36110:56
Arcaire!info nvidia-36110:57
ubottunvidia-361 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-361): NVIDIA binary driver - version 361.42. In component restricted, is optional. Version 361.42-0ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 37848 kB, installed size 163365 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf)10:57
ArcaireBen64: Will that auto-update to the theoretical 365?10:57
Ben64wait maybe10:57
ArcaireThat's kind of what I assumed a package sensibly named 'current' would do.10:57
ArcaireInstall, you know, the *current* drivers.10:57
Arcaire304 is older than I am.10:58
NapoelonI have a problem with my U14 installation though.  Long story short, I needed to do an 'emergency' backup of my U14 install while upgrading to El Capitan on my Mac.  I decided to TAR up most of the directories.10:58
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NapoelonWhat I'm trying to do is, using a new U14 install, extract all these folders into the new install.10:58
ducasseNapoelon: did you tar them up with all permissions and attributes?10:59
hateballArcaire: While unsupported, this !PPA provides the latest drivers. 361 *should* work, but if they dont you can try 367 from it https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa10:59
ArcaireBen64: Is there any way I can boot into runlevel 310:59
Ben64but still won't work on a vm unless configured properly10:59
Arcaireor whichever is single user console only mode10:59
Arcaireit doesn't need to work on a VM10:59
Ben64Arcaire: yes you can choose recovery mode10:59
ArcaireThe VM is a gateway to the OS10:59
NapoelonI can boot this install, but I'm getting an error with X11.  It says its not configured properly and wants me to use low res graphics, but even that leaves a blank/black screen.11:00
Arcairewhich option do i pick in recovery mode? :^)11:00
tumtoesBen64, So connect my main build to my laptop using ssh?11:00
XanoSoftware Update tells me there is an "Ubuntu base" update available (I am on 15.10), while APT tells me there are no available updates. While at this point this is merely confusing, Software update tells me /boot is too full and suggests using `apt-get clean` to throw out files that are no longer used. That command, however, does not seem to have any effect (no output, and /boot still as full as it was before). How do I remove my old kernels on /boot? dpkg sa11:00
Xanoys there are several with status `rc`, which, if I interpret it correctly, indicates their data can be removed entirely.11:00
NapoelonUsing Recovery Mode, I can startup the network and go into my root shell.11:00
Arcairewas that yep at me? :x11:00
Ben64was at you and tumtoes11:00
Arcaireoh neat11:00
hateballXano: apt-get autoremove11:00
Arcaire*sigh* okay we have terminal11:01
NapoelonI have been trying to do APT-GET installs of all my packages etc. and a bunch of other commands to fix this.11:01
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NapoelonBut I've had no luck so far.11:01
ArcaireThe filesystem is read only apparently11:01
tumtoesBen64, would main pc need ubuntu installed?11:01
Ben64Arcaire: mount -o remount,rw /dev/null /11:01
Ben64tumtoes: no11:01
ducasseNapoelon: did you try reinstalling the x packages?11:02
Napoelonducasse: yes.  ubuntu-desktop was one that I tried.11:04
ArcaireBen64, hateball: Improving. Thanks!11:05
ArcaireLet's see how this goes.11:05
ziro_axishello guys i need help11:05
ducasseNapoelon: i was thinking of the xserver-xorg-video packages, but other than that i would just back up data/config and reinstall.11:06
hateball!help | ziro_axis11:06
ziro_axisi have DELL R220 with E1220, and dual port ethernet cards11:06
ubottuziro_axis: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:06
ziro_axiswhen i install ubuntu 10 it did not recognize the ethernet card11:07
ziro_axishow to do11:07
ikoniaubuntu 10 is dead11:07
ikoniait's not supported11:07
ziro_axiswhat you mean11:07
Xanohateball, I was afraid autoremove would be the only option. I've got some Python packages needed by Pip installs and last time I ran autoremove they got removed as well, criplling those Pip installs. I'm still trying to work out how to prevent that from happening.11:07
Napoelonducasse: the trouble I have is that I have a bunch of Uni related stuff installed and configured which I don't want to do through again as I don't have notes on (or remember) everything I did.11:08
ArcaireBen64: Why does this keep trying to exit recovery mode?11:08
ArcaireLike I'm doing nothing waiting for the install to finish11:08
Ben64Arcaire: i can't see your screen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯11:08
Napoelonducasse: I can even SSH into it.11:08
Xanoziro_axis, Do you mean 15.10 perhaps?11:08
Arcaireand this keeps happening11:08
Arcaireyou will in a moment11:08
Arcairethat happened without me interacting with it11:08
ducasseNapoelon: i see. where is that installed? if it's in /usr/local you can just move that across.11:08
ziro_axisxano, no i mean server v 1011:08
ikoniaziro_axis: ubuntu 10 is end of life and not supported, sorry11:09
Ben64Arcaire: you must be pressing something11:09
ArcaireI swear to you I'm not.11:09
ArcaireI'm not even connected to that VM.11:09
Arcaireit's just11:09
ziro_axisclear so i need to go back to 14.x11:09
Ben64ziro_axis: you went from 14.04 to 10.04?11:10
hateballXano: it's not the *only* option, you can manually remove each kernel11:10
Xanoziro_axis, See http://www.ubuntu.com/info/release-end-of-life11:10
hateballXano: autoremove just tends to be the nicest, for standard setups11:10
Napoelonducasse: most of it is in /home, /opt, /usr/local11:10
ziro_axiscan you advice me now to secure my server, please point me to some websites which clearly describe how to do11:10
ikoniaziro_axis: there is no "how to do it"11:10
ikoniaziro_axis: it depends on your host11:10
Napoelonducasse: but I have the desktop configures with all my icons11:10
ikoniaziro_axis: basically you should be running 16.04 for the current stable LTS build11:10
ikoniaziro_axis: you then need to asses your server and put security steps in place that matter to your specific server11:11
Xanohateball, OK. I'll have to fix this Python mess in the end anyway, but for now can I just remove the vmlinuz-* and config-* files from /boot if they belong to kernel versions that are no longer in use?11:11
hateballArcaire: Are you install nvidia binaries on a VM? Or what is this11:11
ducasseNapoelon: the desktop configuration lives in /home.11:11
Napoelonducasse: I am running Meld to compare both installs at the moment.11:11
ziro_axisat least there are some basic mut to do ?11:11
hateballXano: Yep11:11
Arcairehateball: It's hard to explain.11:11
Napoelonducasse: aren't parts of it in /etc?11:11
ArcaireIt's an installed OS on my computer. On another drive. I mounted the drive instead of a vmdk into VirtualBox11:12
Xanohateball, Good, thanks! And can I indeed interpret the dpkg "rc" status as that I'm able to remove those kernel versions without breaking anything?11:12
hateballXano: you can use apt-get remove linux-whatever, rather than just rm11:12
ducasseNapoelon: not user-specific desktop stuff, no, that should all be under /home.11:12
Xanohateball, apt-get remove says those kernels have already been removed, but dpkg says "rc" so IIRC that means they are no longer installed, but their config files are?11:12
hateballXano: as long as you dont murder your working/running kernel, you'll be fine11:12
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hateballXano: yes, you can use apt-get purge to remove all traces11:13
girishho do i know my ubuntu kernel directory?11:14
Ben64girish: /boot11:15
ArcaireBen64: Alright so I rebooted into the OS proper and I log in but unity itself appears to be hidden. It's running (ps -ax) but there's no dock or anything.11:17
ArcaireI can right click to get a terminal up though.11:18
Napoelon_ducasse: What about installed programs?  Eg:  ROS, Webots, and other stuff like this?11:18
Napoelon_ducasse: TeXstudio, CodeBlocks ...11:19
Napoelon_ducasse: The aren't installed into home11:19
hateballArcaire: no dock if you run "unity --replace &" ?11:19
girishhow to find kernel directory?11:20
ArcaireNah hateball. No change.11:20
hateballHmm, dunno then. I do not run Unity myself11:20
ducasseNapoelon_: no, not repo packages. you can replicate installed packages with apt-clone, and their user config is under /home.11:21
Napoelon_ducasse: apt-clone?  I would need to downloaded packages in my cache for that wouldn't I?11:23
girishhow to find kernel directory?11:23
ducasseNapoelon_: no, it just copies the state of the apt/dpkg database, repos, keys etc.11:23
hateballArcaire: if you run "nvidia-settings -q CurrentMetaModes" does that look sane?11:24
ducasseNapoelon_: the packages themselves will be downloaded and installed on the recipient system.11:24
Napoelon_ducasse: Isn't it too late for that?  That's what I though I was doing when I TARred my install.11:24
ArcaireError parsing query, hateball11:24
Napoelon_ducasse: I don't have the install to clone from.11:25
Napoelon_ducasse: I archived /var /usr /sbin /root /opt /lib64 /lib32 /lib /home /etc /boot /bin11:25
hateballArcaire: hmmm, maybe it was wrong. I am on a non-nvidia machine atm so I may be off11:26
ducasseNapoelon_: well, /home should be fine, and the list of installed packages will be the same. you have likely missed some file attributes or something.11:26
Napoelon_ducasse: yes, like those that X11 needs ;)11:27
ducasseNapoelon_: i'm really not sure what could be wrong, you could try looking at the x log.11:27
RicardoJHi I am on 16.04 Server and I'd like to know how to use service nginx restart without sudo. Also it is not in a shell but runned by a deployment script. I cannot figure out how to do this in 16.04. In 12.04 this was quite easy. Are there some things deprecated11:28
Napoelon_ducasse: I have looked at it.  When I get the 'low res' notice, I am able to look at the log as well as errors.  There are no errors reported, but the log has warnings11:28
ducasseNapoelon_: but i honestly think the best approach would be to reinstall, as you don't kno0w what you have missed - you will never be sure the system is consistent.11:28
Napoelon_ducasse: glamoregl will not be loaded, stuff about font dirs not existing.  But the most interesting one 'fbGetGCPrivateKey' is an unresolved symbol.11:29
ziro_axisin the openstack installation, what is the server requirement i want to try installing it to my system11:30
Napoelon_ducasse: I'm still not at that stage of desperation.  lol11:30
ducasseNapoelon_: sounds like a driver thing, except the font path.11:30
ziro_axisi.e as LAMP or any other requirements11:30
Napoelon_ducasse: that's what I think too, but no matter what I've tried so far, I haven't been able to make any difference to the result.  Same outcome.  I thought reinstalling Ubuntu-Desktop would do the trick.  I've tried reconfiguring all the installed packages.11:32
Napoelon_ducasse: X on U14 is called lightdm right?11:32
Napoelon_ducasse: when running Unity.11:33
akikNapoelon_: the login manager is called lightdm. where did you get this U14 abbreviation? it's either 14.04 or 14.1011:34
Napoelon_akik:  U14 in my case refers to U14.04 original.11:34
ducasseNapoelon_: you can try 'sudo dpkg --verify' to see what files have changed from how they came packaged. x is called xorg-* and xserver-*, lightdm is just the display manager.11:34
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Napoelon_ducasse: ahh, ok.11:35
ArcaireBen64 hateball: If I run "dconf reset -f /org/compiz" and then "unity" it works.11:37
ArcaireBut it messes up on reboot again. :/11:37
timssHi. Working with a local apt repo. Added packages using 'reprepro', and built 'Packages', 'Packages.gz' with 'dpkg-scanpackages'. Now I'm getting 'E: Failed to fetch [repo]/../Packages Writing more data than expected ..'. What could be wrong?11:37
Napoelon_ducasse: I'll try that.  I'll also focus my web searches on xserver/xorg and manually installing/un-installing the proprietary drivers.11:39
Napoelon_ducasse: I haven't been beaten yet....11:39
ducasseNapoelon_: still, a reinstall would be a lot less hassle...11:39
Napoelon_ducasse: all the hardware is the same.  Only difference is the install is on a different drive (but I've updated the UUID)11:40
ducasseNapoelon_: even so.11:40
Napoelon_ducasse: I rather tinker with the OS side of things than the software I had installed.  There is a lot more info available about the OS, and the software didn't always install smoothly.11:40
RicardoJHello. I am on 16.04 Server and I'd like to know how to use 'service nginx restart' without sudo. Since the upgrade from 12.04, it doesn't work anymore.11:41
PowerlessI am typing env | grep proxy and it says i am using proxy. how do i remove it?11:42
hateballArcaire: yeah as I said, I dont run Unity so no idea there sorry11:43
ducasseNapoelon_: sure, if you have the time. i always just apt-clone and keep home + a few files from /etc, and reinstall as it's usually the fastest way to go.11:44
Napoelon_ducasse: ok, so running apt-clone is something you do from time to time?11:46
Xanohateball, Thanks for your help!11:46
ducasseNapoelon_: from cron, along with other backup jobs.11:47
Napoelon_ducasse: because I don't really know how to perform a full backup.  Deja-Dup never has worked for me.  I've tried DD, but I don't have a disk that is exactly the same size as what my install sits on.11:47
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Napoelon_ducasse: and I can't access my Ubuntu partitions from OSX, even though I have Fuse installed there.11:48
ducasseNapoelon_: if you want a gui, backintime is quite nice. it uses rsync, so all files can be accessed directly.11:48
Napoelon_ducasse: How would it be used to restore?  Install basic OS then restore from the backup?11:49
izu1HI guys new to Ubuntu I made a post at Ubuntu forums with all the specs and detailed explanation if anyone can help with my problem i'd be grateful http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232913011:49
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ducasseNapoelon_: yes, that would be the easiest.11:50
Napoelon_ducasse: So I wouldn't need to use apt-get for all my stuff?  What folders do you suggest I backup?  (The ones I listed above, or more or less?)11:51
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ducasseNapoelon_: as i said, i just backup /etc, /home and some of /var, and use apt-clone to replicate the os and applications.11:52
hicoleriRecently my laptop started hanging up quite frequently along with the capslock indicator blinking, and I have to remove the battery and reinsert it to boot it up again. what do I do?11:54
hicoleriIs this a hardware problem?11:55
Napoelon_ducasse: right.  What's in /var?  I know logs are there, and other variable data (I use /var/www for my virtual hosts).  What else is there?11:55
Napoelon_ducasse: I haven't really dug through that folder structure to understand it's contents.11:56
ducasseNapoelon_: virtual machines and containers, if you use the default config for libvirt and lxc/lxd.11:56
Napoelon_ducasse: do they store stuff off /var or in sub-folder of /var?11:57
ducasseNapoelon_: subfolders, /var/lib/lxc and /var/lib/libvirt.11:57
Napoelon_ducasse: ok.  What about /var/local and /var/opt?11:58
Napoelon_ducasse: they are empty on mine.11:59
ducasseNapoelon_: no idea. probably intended for stuff that lives under /usr/local and /opt, but i've never looked into it.11:59
DadTell me how to configure telnet-server ?12:00
tatertotsare you really sure you want to telnet server?.....security wise12:00
Napoelon_ducasse: ah ha.  Would you know where drivers are stored?12:00
Dadya, for few tasks !12:01
ducasseNapoelon_: those are typically kernel modules, so under /lib/modules.12:01
Napoelon_ducasse: ok.  I just found my nvidia drivers there :)12:02
ducasseNapoelon_: but kernel modules would get reinstalled, so there's no need to back them up.12:02
DadI can't find telnet.socket service !!12:03
tatertotswell dad you should just google it and let us know if you get stuck following the instructions..and also tell us what instructions you found to follow12:03
ducasse!google | tatertots12:04
ubottutatertots: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.12:04
Napoelon_ducasse: ic.  I'm looking in /lib to see if I can find the Wireless drivers.  It doesn't get a prominent position as a named folder like the nvidia driver does.12:04
tatertotsdon't tell ppl to google ubottu?...ok well when i post the links from a search results don't complain about the links12:05
ducasseNapoelon_: those are typically under kernel/net/wireless, except if they are built by dkms.12:06
BluesKajHeyas all12:06
Napoelon_ducasse: kernel?  Oh, under the kernel version.12:07
ArcaireBen64, hateball: All working! I had to: Grab the 367 drivers from the ppa hateball mentioned, then rm -rf my ~/.config/compiz-1.12:11
ArcaireThanks for your help troubleshooting.12:11
DadOhk cool I can deal with telnet-server .12:11
DadJust one more thing for which google did not satisfied me and I had to come here , how to use SIP in ubuntu ?12:12
DadI found sip-dev package. Can anybody just elaborate its usage ?12:13
izu1Can no one help with my problem. all of the details are here : http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33312:18
brunch875Hello! I'm trying startx on a TTY but it gives me a black screen. The system does launch the graphical interface without issues on boot though :s12:19
countizu1: thaaat URL is not helpful :D12:19
akikbrunch875: i have the same issue. are you using nvidia gfx?12:21
brunch875the propietary one, yes12:21
akikbrunch875: can you check /var/log/Xorg.0.log when you get the black screen?12:21
brunch875apparently it wrote to log 1, not 012:22
akikbrunch875: i have some error for the nvidia module there12:22
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hateballArcaire: :)12:22
akikbrunch875: did you stop lightdm/sddm before running startx ?12:22
fat-martyHello. IRC noob here, please forgive faux-pas, if any.  Am considering purchase of Dell Inspiron 5000, but need to know if 14.04 supports the touch screen on that desktop?12:22
brunch875no, I didn't do anything12:23
brunch875I wrote startx and that's it12:23
brunch875which is funny since it would do something on my previous computer12:23
akikbrunch875: ok so maybe display :0 is still running and startx tried to open display :112:23
brunch875if I close with ctrl-alt-backspace it does so without issues12:23
akikbrunch875: in my case i stopped the gui completely before trying to run startx12:24
brunch875I don't see any errors when glancing at it12:25
akikbrunch875: it says [ 10787.152] (--) NVIDIA(0): No enabled display devices found; starting anyway because12:27
brunch875if I startx -- :1 I get the same results12:27
brunch875...but wouldn't such issue prevent the ubuntu desktop to launching when booting the computer?12:27
akikbrunch875: you just said that your gui works if you just boot the computer12:28
brunch875yeah, I'm using GUI to chat in irc right now12:29
brunch875I just want to start another one in tty6 for performance in games12:29
brunch875and for the sake of knowledge, too12:29
williamconnai use irssi for chat in irc12:30
akikbrunch875: yea i've used that syntax before years ago12:32
akikbrunch875: startx -- :112:32
TwirlHello, anyone knows how to permanently fix the locale bug that keeps removing the locale settings? it's so annoying12:40
Twirllocale-gen en_US en_US.UTF-8 then dpkg-reconfigure locales doesn't work12:41
jonkysince I updated ubuntu this morning i've been having problems with all my browsers. ubuntu browser just wont load, firefox crashes after irregular amounts of time when the dev tools are open, and chrome hangs occasionally. have any other users been reporting similar issues?12:43
Twirlthat locale issue is seriously retarded12:43
akikTwirl: how do you get the locale error? how does your /etc/default/locale look like?12:43
jonkyoh, and im running 16.0412:43
McDonaldCan anybody help with http://nerdvittles.com/?p=971312:46
Twirlakik: it looks retarded seriously, why not just set every locale to the freaking same value? no, we have to make it stupid so we force you to configure this yourself and waste your time12:46
McDonaldI want IncrediblePBX for 16.0412:47
akikTwirl: sorry, what?12:48
McDonaldDo anybody got knowledge for how to use it with 16.04 ?12:48
McDonaldAnyone alive ?12:51
ducasseMcDonald: if you have problems with a third-party application, i suggest you ask them.12:52
borisetoHow to add a webcal into gnome-calendar in 16.04?13:01
Napoelon_McDonald: I had a look at their website.  (Cool package) but it says its meant to works with U14.13:05
brexitmeanspeacehi, anyone using coinbase here via ubuntu successfully?13:09
izu1Hi i posted my problem here if anyone casn help would be grateful http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232913013:09
brexitmeanspeacethe flash plugin does not seem to work for me properly as in it does not accept the accept at the identity verification.13:09
EriC^^izu1: try pressing esc when you get the purple screen and see what it says13:17
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Llightssno one here?13:23
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EriC^^ask your question13:23
SwedeMike!ask | Llightss13:23
ubottuLlightss: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:23
ahmadalihi all13:24
izu1need help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232913013:26
EriC^^izu1: try pressing esc when you get the purple screen and see what it says13:26
izu1Hi Eric13:26
izu1when i get to the Purple screen there is no response to any commands13:26
izu1i will try esc13:26
EriC^^izu1: is the try ubuntu menu black and white?13:27
izu1no its purple with the ubuntu symbol in the middle13:27
izu1and 5 white dots13:27
izu1turning to purple13:27
izu1and when all the dots are purple it gets stuck13:27
EriC^^no, i mean the menu before that, that has try ubuntu or install ubuntu13:28
izu1that menu is black and white13:28
EriC^^ok, press "e" over try ubuntu, and remove "quiet splash" from the line that says linux /boot/vmlinuz .... quiet splash13:28
EriC^^press ctrl+x to boot it13:29
izu1one moent13:29
izu1when i get over try ubuntu i press e13:30
izu1how to remove quiet splash13:30
izu1sorry bit of a nub13:30
yaaranaI got a virtual machine for which the virtual disk size was fixed allocated and now what I want is to transfer the files of it to a new virtual disk , can anybody do it ?13:30
Llightssswedemike i was just being friendly13:30
izu1when i press e a command line will appear and i hae to remove quiet spalsh right13:30
Llightssno need to become all official13:30
EriC^^izu1: yeah13:31
izu1will try be right back13:31
EriC^^yaarana: are you trying to make the disk larger ultimately?13:31
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yaarananope narrow it!13:32
izu1when i press e over try ubuntu there is no response13:32
izu1but some very high pitch sound from the computer (barely audible)13:32
Llightsshow do you all rate ubuntu? are any of you thinking of leaving it?13:32
EriC^^yaarana: try to resize the filesystem then the partition, then use the virtualbox disk tools to resize the actual disk13:33
EriC^^yaarana: one moment13:33
Llightsseric^^ can you recommend any alternatives to ubuntu ?13:33
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yaaranaLlightss : Windows13:34
EriC^^yaarana: https://www.maketecheasier.com/shrink-your-virtualbox-vm/13:34
izu1Llightss : https://www.linux.com/news/best-linux-distros-201613:34
ericbradatsch* * * * * wget http://url >/dev/null 2>&1 # JOB_ID_14 -> this produces log files in my home directory. how can I turn this off? I read that /dev/null helps13:34
mxgmsLlightss: I think that this is not an alternative here...13:34
EriC^^izu1: press esc once the purple screen starts13:35
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ericbradatschI forgot to say - i put it in crontab (cronjob)13:36
izu1Hi eric i opened some screen thru esc13:37
izu1is says sd} no caching mode page found13:37
izu1second line13:37
izu1sdb} assumingdrive cache : write trhough13:37
SchrodingersScatericbradatsch: I've used > /dev/null 2>/dev/null before13:37
izu1then a bunch of white symbols that look like hb hb hb13:38
SchrodingersScatericbradatsch: are there any flags you're using with the wget command?13:38
mxgmsLlightss: from the list izu1, half is ubuntu based... :) why search for alternatives?13:38
yaaranaEric^^ : The link you provided is for dynamically allocated storage. I asked for fixed one !13:39
nokaTrying to start a django project but whenever I run django-admin startproject myproject,,,this error comes up Cannot find installed version of python-django or python3-django. what could be the problem? Thanks13:39
ericbradatschSchrodingersScat: Thanks for the tip - tried </dev/null 2>/dev/null without success. No it is just a plain wget url without any flags. However it always writes the response to a file. I just want to access the page without writing anything to filesystem13:40
SchrodingersScatericbradatsch: oh, so you mean wget is working exactly as intended then :P  maybe you want curl?  or an option to output wget to something else, like the /dev/null.13:42
EriC^^yaarana: aha13:42
ericbradatschSchrodingersScat: uh - sorry. Never thought about that...13:42
SchrodingersScatericbradatsch: yep, cause default is for it to download it.  If it had been cron output then it would have likely gone to an email, was wondering what 'log' you meant.13:43
yaaranaWell, I got another solution but that would never be called optimum solution .13:43
EriC^^izu1: any other errors before that?13:43
ericbradatschSchrodingersScat: so "wget -q url" would work then?13:43
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EriC^^izu1: which model is the laptop?13:44
SchrodingersScatericbradatsch: that's still just suppressing the output of the download, it would still download it13:44
JackSnowHey guys is it possible to disable auto boot on grub2? I have both ubuntu and windows and I would like it not to automatically boot into the first on list.13:44
Llightssmxgms i have some ethical issues with ubuntu13:44
ericbradatschSchrodingersScat: Got it "wget -O /dev/null url" should work then13:45
SchrodingersScatericbradatsch: it's -O13:45
ericbradatscha lot13:45
SchrodingersScatericbradatsch: you may also want the -q13:45
yaaranaEriC^^ : I compressed its directory (.tar.bz2)  and would decompress it whenever to use but as I said this is nowhere a proper solution .13:45
SchrodingersScatericbradatsch: yep, good luck13:45
izu1ERIC^^ the link i pasted has all my information13:46
ericbradatschSchrodingersScat: You helped me a lot! Really appreciate :D See you soon. Thanks!13:46
EriC^^yaarana: make a new vm and add the disk of the old vm to it13:47
EriC^^then mount the filesystem of the old one and copy over the contents to the new smaller vm13:47
izu1Eric^^ any news?13:52
EriC^^izu1: try with nomodeset maybe13:54
EriC^^izu1: are there any bios settings you can play with?13:55
izu1where do i type this13:55
EriC^^this is the only thread related i could find http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=188272913:55
EriC^^you need to be able to press "e" to add nomodeset13:56
izu1i can press tab then some writing appears athe bottom13:56
izu1but w doesnt work13:56
EriC^^try booting in legacy mode and see if it works13:57
EriC^^disable uefi or enable csm legacy in the bios13:57
JackSnowHey guys is it possible to disable auto boot on grub2? I have both ubuntu and windows and I would like it not to automatically boot into the first on list.13:57
EriC^^JackSnow: yeah13:58
EriC^^JackSnow: what do you want it to do exactly13:58
JackSnowTo basically not automatically boot after some seconds.13:58
JackSnowI have been looking inside /etc/default/grub13:58
JackSnowbut can't really tell which options is for booting into first on list after x amount of seconds.13:59
EriC^^try setting the GRUB_TIMEOUT=013:59
izu1disabled uefi enabled legacy still stuck at the purple screen .13:59
EriC^^i think setting it to 0 causes it to just keep waiting13:59
akikJackSnow: set GRUB_TIMEOUT=-1 and it waits indefinitely13:59
myrddin_Hi. Can someone help me with my amdgpu configuration? I am trying to use the LunarG Vulkan SDK, but I get VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER. I am running Ubuntu 16.04 with a ASUS strix r9 380.14:00
JackSnowahh -1 I see, because I did indeed have it on 0 and it didn't do much.14:00
JackSnowThanks guys.14:00
EriC^^izu1: did you get a different menu this time?14:02
izu1same exact menu14:02
EriC^^it shouldn't be black and white if it booted in legacy mode correctly14:02
izu1ill revheck14:03
EriC^^try to see any bios options that might be related, also disabling secureboot is a good idea14:03
izu1i dont have sucre boot in my bios14:04
EriC^^sometimes you need to enable the admin password in the bios to get the option from being grayed out14:04
izu1i will re confirm that i have set tolegacy14:04
izu1ak ok14:04
izu1i set a supervisor password14:07
izu1but dont see any options for secureboot14:07
EriC^^try to enable uefi again and see if it appears somewhere, or anthing that says "trust"14:09
EriC^^or efi file or signed list or something similar14:09
TGVoidI am unable to install testdisk.14:14
izu1be right back14:14
izu110 minutes14:14
EriC^^TGVoid: what error do you get?14:14
EriC^^izu1: ok14:14
TGVoidEriC^^: Nevermind. I forgot to enable Universe.14:16
izu1enabbling then disabling uefi had no effect on bios layout or options14:19
ppfcan i install ubuntu on a second disk without booting into a live image first?14:19
EriC^^ppf: you might be able to boot the iso from grub, i haven't had much luck in the newer ubuntus though14:19
ppfthat would be booting a live image, too :)14:20
ppfi have a running ubuntu on this machine, and i'll install a second one on a second disk, do i actually have to boot a third one to do that?14:20
EriC^^do you want to clone the one you have right now on the second?14:21
Jordan_Uppf: Yes you can do that, no it's probably not worth the hassle involved.14:21
TGVoidOn testdisk, I did a quicksearch on an NTFS drive image of a single partition. Two partitions of the same size came up as * Linux and P Linux. Both have no files. What do I do?14:21
EriC^^TGVoid: try the deep search14:21
ppfEriC^^: well, cloning could be one option14:22
EriC^^TGVoid: did you keep the default selected partition table type ? Intel or GPT etc14:22
TGVoidEriC^^: I selected Intel, but testdisk recommended "None"14:22
TGVoidEriC^^: It was a drive of a Windows 10 PC formatted to NTFS14:23
EriC^^ppf: if it's the same exact disk size you could use dd to clone it which is pretty inefficient, or you could make the partition table and filesystems manually, mount them, rsync the contents over and then chroot and install grub14:23
ppfi guess i could copy all data over to the second disk. the running hard drive is going to fail in the near future, i'd prefer to stress it as little as possible14:23
EriC^^TGVoid: try EFI gpt14:23
TGVoidEriC^^: Isn't that for Mac?14:23
EriC^^TGVoid: no, also windows 7+14:23
Jordan_UTGVoid: How did the contents of this drive become "corrupted"?14:24
izu1Eric is it hopeless ? anythign else i can try14:24
TGVoidJordan_U: Randomly. I assume it's a software corruption14:24
EriC^^TGVoid: what does sudo parted -l show for the disk right now?14:24
Jordan_UTGVoid: Have you checked the drive's S.M.A.R.T. status?14:24
EriC^^izu1: nothing is coming to mind, there's a way for sure though i'd guess14:25
ppfis it broken hard drives day?14:25
ppfhave there been sun storms over the weekend? :D14:25
TGVoidEriC^^: I don't have the disk. I created an image and sent the PC for repair14:25
TGVoidJordan_U: No. I don't have the drive now, so I can't14:25
ahmedhow i can open port14:26
TGVoidahmed: Port forward?14:26
EriC^^TGVoid: try sudo parted -l /path/to/image14:26
TGVoidahmed: Do you have a double router setup?14:27
ahmedi open port in router14:27
varaindemianI don't know why but from time to time (undefined intervals) I lose internet connection. The applet shows I'm connected but pinging any site from terminal doesn't work14:28
ahmedbut i dont know how open it in linux backbox14:28
varaindemianis it a know issue for 16.04?14:28
TGVoidEriC^^: "invalid option -- '1'14:28
izu1http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2329130 anyone know what the problem is here ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2329130  gotto go14:28
EriC^^varaindemian: try "dmesg" in a terminal and look for any errors when it happens14:28
EriC^^TGVoid: small L not 114:29
brexitmeanspeacehow can one install the latest flash on ubuntu 14.04?14:29
TGVoidahmed: Oh.. I'm not sure then14:29
TGVoidEriC^^: Oh14:29
varaindemianEriC^^: I had to reboot to regain access14:29
Jordan_Uppf: Any reason you can't just buy a thumb drive and use that?14:29
EriC^^varaindemian: try /var/log/kern.log and /var/log/kern.log.114:30
varaindemianEriC^^: isn't any command to retrive the errors that might ocure before the reboot14:30
ppfJordan_U: the machine is like 10 rooms away14:30
Jordan_Uppf: Is it hard to walk to the room the machine is in?14:30
ppfalso its noisy and cold in the server room14:30
TGVoidEriC^^: paste.ubuntu.com/18028436/14:30
=== asdfa is now known as marcelo-arg
EriC^^TGVoid: try fdisk -l /path/to/image14:33
marcelo-arg /server irc-hispano.org14:33
varaindemianEriC^^: http://pastebin.com/SRpYsUGS14:33
EriC^^varaindemian: is that kern.log or kern.log.1 ?14:34
TGVoidEriC^^: paste.ubuntu.com/18028610/14:34
EriC^^TGVoid: you had a ntfs partition?14:35
varaindemianEriC^^: kern.log14:35
TGVoidEriC^^: Yes14:35
EriC^^varaindemian: try kern.log.114:36
varaindemianEriC^^: I have nothing from kernel.log.114:37
varaindemianAt least today14:37
EriC^^TGVoid: it also had 2 8gb linux partitions?14:38
TGVoidEriC^^: No?14:38
EriC^^TGVoid: it somehow says it has 2 8gb linux partitions14:39
EriC^^TGVoid: did you write anything with testdisk?14:39
TGVoidEriC^^: I think I did14:39
brexitmeanspeaceanyone using rubbish flash here successfully?14:40
TGVoidEriC^^: It had an option to write to disk, and I chose yes14:40
EriC^^ok, so it used to have windows 10 right?14:40
TGVoidEriC^^: Yes14:40
EriC^^TGVoid: do you remember if it was uefi or legacy?14:41
TGVoidEriC^^: No14:41
EriC^^was windows 10 preinstalled?14:41
sh0tHi guys I had my RT3290 wifi working with ubuntu 15.04/10 following the hints in ubuntu forums. I upgraded to 16.04 and now that doesn't work anymore. Any help?14:41
TGVoidEriC^^: No. I upgraded from 8.114:41
bonzibuddyhello - when i try to open a file downloaded in any browser (read: firefox + chrome), it opens the file explorer to its containing folder, but never opens the file... is there a fix for this?14:42
EriC^^TGVoid: aha, it's probably uefi then14:42
EriC^^TGVoid: try running testdisk with EFI gpt as the partition table type, and let it run the deep search if it doesn't find anything with quick search14:42
Jordan_Ush0t: Please pastebin the output of "lspci -k" and "dmesg".14:43
TGVoidEriC^^: The laptop was 64 bit if it helps14:43
EriC^^TGVoid: ok14:43
TGVoidEriC^^: It started. See you in 3 hours.14:44
TGVoidEriC^^: And thanks for your help14:44
EriC^^ok, no problem14:44
EriC^^TGVoid: try gdisk -l /path/to/image real quick14:45
TGVoidEriC^^: It had an option to write to disk, and I chose yes14:47
TGVoidEriC^^: Sorry. That was an accident14:48
EriC^^no problem14:48
TGVoidEriC^^: paste.ubuntu.com/18029244/14:48
=== seth_ is now known as Electric`Jesus
EriC^^TGVoid: ok, give testdisk a shot14:50
TGVoidEriC^^: Alrighty!14:50
EriC^^which laptop model is it?14:50
TomyWorkI want to install a package that was designed for 14.04 on 16.04. There is no package for 16.04 as this is a historic version of the software that I need to install in order to cleanly upgrade from it. That package's setup scripts try to run "initctl status gitlab-runsvdir", which fails because there is no initctl.14:50
bonzibuddywhenever i download a file in chrome/firefox and i click on the download to open it, It opens in file explorere and not e.g. gedit... what determines file launching??14:50
TomyWorkwill ln -s /bin/{system,init}ctl work here?14:51
TomyWorkit doesnt need to be clean or anything, i'm gonna create a dump and revert to a pre-install VM snapshot when i'm done anyway :)14:52
bonzibuddynvm - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1863044 is the fix :)14:53
sh0tHi guys I had my Ralink corp. RT3290 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe wifi working with ubuntu 15.04/10 following the hints in ubuntu forums. I upgraded to 16.04 and now that doesn't work anymore. Any help?14:55
Jordan_Ush0t: Did you miss my earlier reply to you?14:56
sh0tyes Jordan_U sorry i am going to read that now!14:56
sh0tJordan_U, http://paste.ubuntu.com/18029765/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/18029794/14:58
sh0tJordan_U, if i do modprobe rt3290sta i get:  modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'rt3290sta': Required key not available14:59
Jordan_Ush0t: That means that you're using secure boot and the rt3290sta kernel module isn't signed with a key that your computer trusts.15:02
Hulkie[Tue13:52] (Popeye): Currently: couldn't load file "/usr/lib/tcltk/Trf2.1.4/libTrf2.1.4.so": /usr/lib/tcltk/Trf2.1.4/libTrf2.1.4.so: undefined symbol: MD2_Update15:02
Hulkie[Tue13:52] (Popeye): Currently: while executing15:02
Hulkie[Tue13:52] (Popeye): Currently: "load /usr/lib/tcltk/Trf2.1.4/libTrf2.1.4.so"15:02
sh0tok Jordan_U thanks, is there a way to solve that?15:02
Hulkieany idea how i can fix that ?15:03
Jordan_Ush0t: You could sign it yourself, and add your own key to your trust store, but I'm guessing that in Ubuntu 16.04 you no longer need a manually compiled driver for this card.15:03
sh0tJordan_U, it seems that there are not official drivers for that on the ubuntu repos though...15:03
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest46532
sh0ti am going to try to sign it and see15:03
Jordan_Ush0t: Another option is to disable secure boot.15:04
sh0toh how do i do that Jordan_U ?15:04
sh0tfrom the BIOS?15:04
Hulkiecan i get tcl-trf-dev_2.1.4-dfsg-3_i386.deb <- for ubuntu ? that's from a debian forum15:05
Jordan_UHulkie: What is your end goal?15:06
HulkieJordan_U: i pasted earlier, 3 lines containing: undefined symbol: MD2_Update15:08
HulkieJordan_U: on a debian forum i found the bug, which they say it fixed by that package, i have ubuntu 1215:08
capum4321i am on ubuntu server 15.10 wily, where do I start to setup wifi 'ifdown wlp2s0 -> interface not configured' and 'ifup -v wlp2s0 -> ignoring unknown interface.'15:08
Jordan_UHulkie: But what is your end goal?15:08
Hulkiean eggdrop that uses HTTP and TLS package and from time to time TRF package..15:09
Hulkiewhich now it's not working..15:09
Hulkieit's twitter/rss script for eggdrop15:09
Jordan_UHulkie: Please link to the webpage for this script.15:10
debug0x1My first fsuk issues :/15:10
* debug0x1 cries15:11
spupyI'm starting an unmodified Openbox through lightdm (14.04) and it's starting gnome session stuff that I don't need. There is no autostart, xinitrc is empty, /etc/xdg/openbox/autostart is commented out, I just dont see where this gnome stuff is coming from15:12
HulkieJordan_U: https://github.com/eggtcl/rss-synd <- the rss15:12
sh0tJordan_U, i rebooted disabled SEcure Boot but i still get the same error15:12
kulelu88how do I view bash history as the root user?15:15
Jordan_Ush0t: Please pastebin the complete output of "dmesg", which you can do automatically by running "dmesg | pastebinit".15:16
OerHekskulelu88, sudo less /root/.bash_history15:16
_arktos75_sudo less /root/.bash_history15:17
kulelu88OerHeks: where does the .bash_history file for root stay? I couldn't find it after typing 'cd'15:17
OerHekskulelu88, not sure what you expect to find there ..15:17
kulelu88OerHeks: I am trying to find some of my old commands I used to install packages in a container.15:17
Jordan_Ukulelu88: There should ideally be very little or nothing in root's bash history, as you shuold be using sudo for individual commands rather than running a shell as root (or even worse, logging in as root).15:17
curlyearsheigh hough15:18
OerHekskulelu88, those are not there.15:18
kulelu88Jordan_U: my LXC containers are root, but I am now using sudo commands instead. However, I need to find some of my old install commands I did as root (for some containers)15:18
OerHekskulelu88, the commands you find, were typed as user.15:19
kulelu88OerHeks: even if (within the container), it says "root@app"?15:20
OerHekskulelu88, not sure, though apt get logged in var/log/auth15:22
akikkulelu88: root's home directory is /root15:22
Jordan_Ukulelu88: Were you running these commands inside or outside the containers?15:22
kulelu88Jordan_U: inside15:23
HulkieJordan_U: any ideea?15:23
Jordan_Ukulelu88: Then you need to look at the /root/ directory within the individual containers.15:24
kulelu88thanks Jordan_U OerHeks akik15:25
sh0tHi Jordan_U thanks i signed the module and now it seems to work. THanks a lot. CHeers.15:25
HulkieJordan_U: that's the debian bug: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=66471315:25
ubottuDebian bug 664713 in tcl-trf "[tcl-trf] undefined symbol: MD2_Update" [Important,Fixed]15:25
TGVoidEriC^^: It's done.15:30
TGVoidEriC^^: paste.ubuntu.com/18031657/15:31
TGVoidEriC^^: Great... I accidently pressed control and c at the same time....15:32
TGVoidEriC^^: I'm redoing the quick search.15:32
fenneszhello ! out of curiosity I have a new verbatim store n save 2tb drive. I have formated it to ext4 and the drive was constantly spinning for no reason ( the led was also blinking indicating access ) I have reformatted it to ntfs with verbatims software and now the drive stays idle? I am using Debian 8 x64 . What might be the issue?15:34
sstoryAnyone know if this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~gwendal-lebihan-dev is safe/reliable?15:34
samarasstory: i use it, glebihan is in #hexchat15:35
sstoryThanks samara15:35
naccsstory: that's not really a way to tell that, though :)15:35
naccsstory: polling, I mean15:35
sstorynacc: OK. What do you recommend? I need a newer version of hexchat for 14.0415:36
naccsstory: why do you "need" a newer version?15:36
sstoryThe current version doesn't have the tray icon notification and it is a pain in the rump.15:36
naccsstory: is that a new feature in the later versions? or a bugfix for something?15:37
sstorynacc: If there is a way to get the indicator working it would be nice. It does work in Centos and Windows...15:37
junaidHi everyone!15:37
sstorynacc: hmm. I'm not sure... I was using Pidgin but since sourceforge is no longer reliable it is hard to get reliably for my Windows users15:37
samaraglebihan: you here? :-)15:38
naccsstory: and i didn't mean specifically about this package earlier. I meant that generally, PPAs are only maintained by their owner. It is purely a measure of your trust in that person/team as to whether you use it. Anyone's opinion of their reliability is just that (and I would definitely not trust someone else's opinion for "safety" measurements. YOu either are able to do that yourself, or you should not15:39
naccuse the PPA).15:39
naccsstory: and, to be fair, you "want" to get a later version :) "need" implies that the current version doesn't work at all (IMO)15:39
sstorynacc: That's what I was afraid of. There is no way to know...15:40
naccsstory: you can always reach out to the owner to see what their security guarantees are, but generally there aren't any15:40
sstorynacc: yeah.. I imagined.15:40
sstorynacc: Thanks!15:41
samaranacc: i agree that it 100% depends on whether you trust the PPA owner. Use your discretion :-)15:42
junaidCan anyone please confirm whether uploading a dkms package to a PPA is different than uploading normal packages?15:42
naccsstory: samara: and depending on the nature of the issue, it might be a real bug, and using a PPA to workaround it means it never gets fixed in Ubuntu proper. I don't know in this case, but generally..15:43
sstoryOK: To "Ubuntu Proper" please fix and include a newer version of hexchat for the 14.04 distro. ;)15:44
naccsstory: that's not how it works (new versions) :)15:44
sstorynacc: How good do inplace upgrades from 14.04 to xenial usually go? Break the world? Work well?15:45
nacc!ltsupgrade | sstory15:45
ubottusstory: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.15:45
naccsstory: your results may vary, but i would wait15:45
sstoryubottu: my Birthday! ;)15:45
ubottusstory: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:45
sstoryGreat. Now I'm talking to machines ;)15:46
Tin_manwell at least it knows your birthday now. :)15:46
sstoryTin_man: yeah8-)15:47
Tin_manwhen i install a ubuntu/linux in the very beginning i just "sudo apt-get install hexchat" and hope it gives me the latest one.15:47
Tin_manafter updating that is15:48
sstoryTin_man: Well it doesn't on 14.04... and the new one does what I need...but guess I'll have to wait.15:48
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.15:48
naccit gives you the "latest" one Ubuntu <release> has :)15:49
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging15:50
naccsstory: yes, good poitn, but backports are 'opt-in', not enabled by default15:50
junaid"/msg test"15:53
ken_Windows 10 is a personal computer operating system developed and released by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems. It was officially unveiled in September 2014 following a brief demo at Build 2014. The first version of the operating system entered a public beta testing process in October 2014, leading up to its consumer release on July 29, 2015.[4]15:55
ken_Windows 10 introduces what Microsoft described as "universal apps"; expanding on Metro-style apps, these apps can be designed to run across multiple Microsoft product families with nearly identical code‍—‌including PCs, tablets, smartphones, embedded systems, Xbox One, Surface Hub and Windows Holographic. The Windows user interface was revised to handle transitions between a mouse-oriented interface and a touchscreen-optimized interface bas15:55
ken_ed on available input devices‍—‌particularly on 2-in-1 PCs; both interfaces include an updated Start menu which incorporates elements of Windows 7's traditional Start menu with the tiles of Windows 8. The first release of Windows 10 also introduces a virtual desktop system, a window and desktop management feature called Task View, the Microsoft Edge web browser, support for fingerprint and face recognition login, new security features for enter15:55
ken_prise environments, and DirectX 12 and WDDM 2.0 to improve the operating system's graphics capabilities for games.15:55
ken_Microsoft described Windows 10 as an "operating system as a service" that would receive ongoing updates to its features and functionality, augmented with the ability for enterprise environments to receive non-critical updates at a slower pace, or use long-term support milestones that will only receive critical updates, such as security patches, over their five-year lifespan of mainstream support. Terry Myerson, executive vice president of Microsoft's Windows15:55
sixsmithplease don't spam15:55
ken_and Devices Group, argued that the goal of this model was to reduce fragmentation across the Windows platform, as Microsoft aimed to have Windows 10 installed on at least one billion devices in the two to three years following its release.[5]15:56
ken_Windows 10 received mostly positive reviews upon its original release in July 2015; critics praised Microsoft's decision to downplay user-interface mechanics introduced by Windows 8 (including the full screen apps and Start screen) in non-touch environments to provide a desktop-oriented interface in line with previous versions of Windows, although Windows 10's touch-oriented user interface mode was panned for containing regressions upon the touch-oriented15:56
ken_interface of Windows 8. Critics also praised the improvements to Windows 10's bundled software over 8.1, Xbox Live integration, as well as the functionality and capabilities of Cortana personal assistant and the replacement of Internet Explorer with Microsoft Edge.15:56
ken_Critics characterized the initial release of Windows 10 in July 2015 as being rushed, citing the incomplete state of some of the operating system's bundled software (such as the Edge web browser), as well as the stability of the operating system itself on launch.[6][7][8] Windows 10 was also criticized for limiting how users can control its operation, including limited controls over the installation of updates on the main consumer-oriented edition in15:56
ken_comparison to previous versions. Privacy concerns were also voiced by critics and advocates, as the operating system's default settings and certain features require the transmission of user data to Microsoft or its partners. Microsoft has also received criticism for how it has distributed Windows 10 to users of existing versions of Windows, which has included the automatic downloads of installation files to computers, the recurring display of pop-ups15:56
ken_advertising the upgrade, and the installation process being scheduled or initiated automatically without expressed user consent.[9][10][11][12]Windows 10 is a personal computer operating system developed and released by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems. It was officially unveiled in September 2014 following a brief demo at Build 2014. The first version of the operating system entered a public beta testing process in October15:56
ken_2014, leading up to its consumer release on July 29, 2015.[4]15:56
tgm4883the drone seems to be asleep15:56
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu15:56
ken_Windows 10 introduces what Microsoft described as "universal apps"; expanding on Metro-style apps, these apps can be designed to run across multiple Microsoft product families with nearly identical code‍—‌including PCs, tablets, smartphones, embedded systems, Xbox One, Surface Hub and Windows Holographic. The Windows user interface was revised to handle transitions between a mouse-oriented interface and a touchscreen-optimized interface bas15:56
ken_ed on available input devices‍—‌particularly on 2-in-1 PCs; both interfaces include an updated Start menu which incorporates elements of Windows 7's traditional Start menu with the tiles of Windows 8. The first release of Windows 10 also introduces a virtual desktop system, a window and desktop management feature called Task View, the Microsoft Edge web browser, support for fingerprint and face recognition login, new security features for enter15:56
ken_prise environments, and DirectX 12 and WDDM 2.0 to improve the operating system's graphics capabilities for games.15:56
ken_Microsoft described Windows 10 as an "operating system as a service" that would receive ongoing updates to its features and functionality, augmented with the ability for enterprise environments to receive non-critical updates at a slower pace, or use long-term support milestones that will only receive critical updates, such as security patches, over their five-year lifespan of mainstream support. Terry Myerson, executive vice president of Microsoft's Windows15:56
ken_and Devices Group, argued that the goal of this model was to reduce fragmentation across the Windows platform, as Microsoft aimed to have Windows 10 installed on at least one billion devices in the two to three years following its release.[5]15:56
_arktos75_geez ,,,15:56
Executionerdid he copy a wikipedia article or something on uwps for spamming?15:56
Tin_manwell that was interesting, everything you wanted to know about windows 10 but was afraid to ask.15:59
diverdudeDoes anybody know a good tool for viewing images remotely? simple png images, with possibility of refreshing image easily16:01
naccdiverdude: do you already have a remote graphical interface?16:03
diverdudenacc, just ssh16:03
diverdudenacc, which ofc is not graphical16:03
diverdudenacc, but thats what i have16:03
Tin_manit would be only as fast as your connection. my default viewer works fine with ssh.16:03
naccdiverdude: well, ssh -X, potentially16:05
diverdudenacc, yeah...only that requires servers to have X installed and its slow and tedious :/16:05
diverdudenacc, i was hoping for some easy to use image transfer program16:05
nelson_hi all, i am getting an Out of Range ! message generated by my display when booting Ubuntu 16.04.. I can get to a terminal if i boot in recovery mode and I am using the open source drivers16:06
junaidDoes anyone guide me to upload a dkms package to PPA?16:06
nelson_has anyone ever run into the issue i described?16:06
naccjunaid: what happens when you try?16:06
junaidnacc, it gets uploaded but when it gets downloaded and installed, it errors out "This package appears to be a binaries-only package"16:09
naccjunaid: link to PPA?16:09
naccjunaid: how are you installing it?16:09
junaidnacc, https://launchpad.net/~plumgrid-team/+archive/ubuntu/experiment/+packages16:10
junaidnacc, adding the ppa and then sudo apt-get install <dkms package>16:10
junaidnacc, sudo apt-get install iovisor-dkms16:11
naccjunaid: can you pastebin the exact output?16:11
Tin_mannelson_, might be your monitor setting is out of range, but not sure how you would fix it, someone here most likely would if given time to answer.16:12
akikis this a known bug that in unity with 2 displays, the launcher stops the mouse pointer from going into the other display?16:13
akiki moved the launcher to the bottom and the problem was gone16:14
tgm4883akik: Are you going at it full speed?16:14
akiktgm4883: full speed, always :)16:15
tgm4883akik: I don't have that problem at all. Hidden launcher, going at it full speed it goes to the other screen just fine16:15
akiktgm4883: i have the launcher on both displays16:16
tgm4883akik: as do i16:16
akiktgm4883: but i don't hide it16:16
nelson_Tin_man, thanks, this happened after in uninstalled the nvidia driver from the additional drivers tool16:16
tgm4883akik: auto-hide shouldn't affect it, I just tested and unhiding it doesn't cause issues for me either16:17
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nelson_i wonder if i were to just re-install the nvidia drivers if it would fix the issue.. anyone know what the package name is for the latest nvidia driver in the hardware drivers tool?16:17
junaidnacc, http://paste.ubuntu.com/18034279/16:17
junaidnacc, sorry for the delayed response..16:18
naccjunaid: np! looking16:18
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nelson_so i was finally able to get to the desktop using nomodeset but now when i look in the additional drivers section i dont see any nvidia entries16:27
kilbithsomeone can explain me why the bloated package 'fonts-noto-cjk' is installed by default on ubuntu ?16:27
kilbith75 MB, just for fonts... *cough*16:28
TGVoidEriC^^: Hello?16:29
TGVoidCan someone help me with testdisk?16:30
tgm4883kilbith: someone thought that it was necessary enough to include it apparently16:30
kilbithtgm4883, yes... but why ?16:31
TGVoidThis is what's happening: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18031657/16:31
tgm4883kilbith: that sounds like a question for the ubuntu developers mailing list, or you might be able to look through the changelog16:31
nelson_if i manually install nvidia-361 via the terminal in recovery mode does anyone know if that is the equivalent of selecting the "Using NVIDIA binary driver - version 361.43 from nvidia-361 (proprietary tested) as seen in the additional drivers tool?16:31
kilbithtgm4883,  apparently these are the japanese/chinese fonts, but why would i care if i'm european ?16:32
tgm4883kilbith: well there is one ISO for the whole world so....16:32
kilbithtgm4883, then this package should only be installed for the chinese/japanese16:33
tgm4883kilbith: TBH, I'm not completely worried about 75MB16:33
tgm4883kilbith: but if you want to really find out, you can see who added it in the change log and ask them16:33
tgm4883kilbith: it's a recommends to the ubuntu-desktop package, so my assumption would be that it just installs all recommends16:34
tgm4883(IIRC, recommends are on by default)16:34
TGVoidI'm having a problem when I did a quicksearch in Testdisk. This is what's happening: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18031657/16:34
kilbithtgm4883, you don't download 75 MB only one, there are also the updates...16:34
kilbith*one time16:34
tgm4883kilbith: I would bet that package hardly ever gets updated during a release16:35
kilbithi remember having updated this package a bunch of times16:35
Edicois there a good application for .flv and .swf file in firefox?16:36
Edicoto open .flv and .swf files16:36
kilbiththere's an ubuntu developement channel on freenode ?16:36
tgm4883kilbith: well I only see it getting updated twice in trusty16:37
tgm4883kilbith: #ubuntu-devel16:37
kilbithah, thanks16:37
tgm4883kilbith: but I've already told you to find out who to ask16:38
kilbithi don't really who to ask exactly16:38
tgm4883kilbith: try #ubuntu-devel then16:39
kilbithwill do16:39
OerHekskilbith, if you read some chinese japanese korean webpage/ text in your browser, you would want this package. else you come here and complain about weird characters16:40
OerHekswhats the fuzz about, i wonder16:41
TGVoidI'm having a problem when I did a quicksearch in Testdisk. This is what's happening: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18031657/16:42
kilbithOerHeks, i don't see why i would want this package when i abslutely don't read chinese16:42
kilbithas most of West people16:43
naccgeneralize much? :)16:43
tgm4883nacc: I don't think that's a far off generalization16:44
nacctgm4883: no, but never seeing a single chinese character in any format?16:44
tgm4883nacc: TBF, you have to get the character somehow (browser, email, etc) and care what it is16:45
OerHeksYou will see when you don't have access to chinese/japanese/korean fonts...16:46
OerHeksanyway, you are free to remove it, that is the fun-part.16:46
nacctgm4883: true true16:47
nacctgm4883: it seems better to err on the side of caution for displaying the internet :)16:47
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kilbitheven Fedora don't ship that package by default iirc16:48
kilbithnor Debian16:48
naccwhy is that relevant?16:49
b100sis there way to undo last update?16:49
b100slooks likes my wifi broken by it.16:49
tgm4883nacc: probably true, I can't really think of a better way to do it16:50
kilbithnacc, these are popular distros, there might have stronger reasons to not include it than on the ubuntu side16:50
tgm4883kilbith: just remove the package if you don't want it16:50
nacctgm4883: yeah, it seems like a relatively hard problem to solve well, and it's easier to just leave it as-is :)16:50
OerHekskilbith, lolz, fedora uses other package names, you are right https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Fonts16:50
kilbithi just want to convince you to do not ship it anymore out-of-the-box16:50
EriC^^TGVoid: how big is the harddisk?16:51
OerHeksso you are wrong, solved.16:51
tgm4883kilbith: you're making the assumption that the other distros are doing it right and ubuntu is doing it wrong ;)16:51
nacckilbith: you have failed to convince here or in #ubuntu-devel, afaict16:51
cjchanybody here ?16:51
tgm4883cjch: really?16:51
TGVoidEriC^^: The image is 977.5 GB16:51
OerHeksb100s, what wifi device?16:51
EriC^^TGVoid: the actual hard disk was 1gb?16:51
kilbithtgm4883, i said : "it _might_ have stronger reasons to do not include it"16:52
TGVoidEriC^^: Yes16:52
b100sOerHeks, how can i get it?16:52
EriC^^TGVoid: did you try the deep search?16:52
tgm4883kilbith: but you were wrong, they do include it16:52
HankTheAiI am wanting to use the Intel ® X99 Express Chipset with RAID 0, 1, 5, 10 built into my new mobo.16:52
kilbithah sorry, mistunderstood the word "assumption"16:52
b100sOerHeks, DONE :) it was real hard locked )))))))16:53
HankTheAihowever, it is designed to work with Windows OS and the Intel Rapid Storage Technology 13 support.16:53
HankTheAiobviously Intel Rapid Storage is not supported native in Linux.16:53
TGVoidEriC^^: You told me to use the EFI search andthe "partition can't be recovered" error appeared. The only option is "continue".16:53
fenneszHello! Can someone help me with rtorrent ? from rutorrent I get : No connection to rTorrent. Check if it is really running16:53
OerHeksb100s, oh good, have fun!16:53
HankTheAiwhat is the best way to leverage the optimal performance of the X99 onboard RAID.16:53
EriC^^TGVoid: press continue16:53
TGVoidEriC^^: There's P MS Data and P Mac HFS16:54
HankTheAior is there possibly any support for Intel Rapid Storage on Ubuntu?16:54
HankTheAiI would like to see if one of my drives fails or has any issues from the OS level, and not having to check it from the BIOS/boot level.16:55
HankTheAieven better would be to get some sort of warning in Ubuntu, similar to how Intel Rapid Storage works in Windows.16:55
HankTheAiin the past I have been able to see a failing drive in a RAID 10 and replace it quickly before any data loss occured.16:56
kilbithis it possible to convince you to drop Mir and return back to Wayland ? :]16:56
HankTheAiany help here is much appreciated, to just point me in the best direction.16:56
EriC^^TGVoid: how large is the MS DATA16:56
naccHankTheAi: cursory googling so far, but it seems like Intel has done some Linux support for RST16:57
TGVoidEriC^^: 137198416:57
naccHankTheAi: dunno how good or bad it is16:57
naccHankTheAi: and unclear if you need a drvier from them or not16:57
HankTheAinacc: thanks buddy!16:57
EriC^^TGVoid: at the bottom, how much GB ?16:57
tgm4883HankTheAi: seems like you want mdadm16:57
tgm4883!info mdadm16:57
ubottumdadm (source: mdadm): tool to administer Linux MD arrays (software RAID). In component main, is optional. Version 3.3-2ubuntu7.1 (xenial), package size 410 kB, installed size 1288 kB16:57
HankTheAiI am digging through the super long mobo manual.16:57
tgm4883HankTheAi: per http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/boards-and-kits/000006040.html16:57
HankTheAiit does not mention anything about Linux of course. ;-)16:57
TGVoidEriC^^: It only shows HFS. It's 753 GB16:58
naccHankTheAi: http://askubuntu.com/questions/87979/configure-mdadm-for-existing-intel-rapid-storage-array16:58
EriC^^TGVoid: is the ms data highlighted right now?16:58
TGVoidEriC^^: Nope. MS Data is 702 MB16:58
DArqueBishopHankTheAi: if the drives support SMART, you can use smartmontools to do SMART hardware checks of the drives.16:59
HankTheAitgm4883: have you used mdadm before?16:59
tgm4883HankTheAi: I have not16:59
EriC^^TGVoid: ok, use the right arrow to get a "P" next to it then press continue16:59
HankTheAiI was hoping to find others using it in this channel.16:59
* DArqueBishop uses mdadm but not with RST on his VM host server.16:59
EriC^^TGVoid: actually, press "p" over it and see the files in it16:59
tgm4883HankTheAi: mostly because I don't need RAID for my home boxes, and my work boxes use actual RAID cards16:59
TGVoidEriC^^: MS data?16:59
PiciHankTheAi: #ubuntu-server might be a better place to inquire16:59
EriC^^TGVoid: yeah17:00
TGVoidEriC^^: "Support for this filesystem hasn't been implemented."17:00
HankTheAido most people setup a separate NAS or storage server box?17:00
EriC^^over ms data? try over hfs17:00
HankTheAiI can't really afford to upgrade more boxes, and this new X99 motherboard has an onboard RAID controller so I thought I would give that a go first.17:01
TGVoidEriC^^: paste.ubuntu.com/18037126/17:01
EriC^^TGVoid: try deeper search17:02
HankTheAitgm4883: thanks, I will do some more Googling. I need to first understand how good the support is for Intel Rapid Storage (LINUX)17:02
tgm4883HankTheAi: I don't. I don't need high availability for my home stuff17:02
HankTheAimy main concern is if it is updated etc...17:02
naccHankTheAi: aiui, that RAID controller is fake RAID17:02
TGVoidEriC^^: Alright. See you in a while17:03
tgm4883I'm not sure many people need high availability at home, but I'm sure they exist. Home businesses maybe17:03
EriC^^TGVoid: let it run for like 1min then press enter17:03
HankTheAiI find that many of these kind of Windows bloat wares that come on all Windows PC's are usually not too well supported for Linux. Most of them do not even have a Linux version, and that makes sense because there are usually much better alternatives built into the Linux core.17:03
HankTheAiI am surprised that Intel has an official Intel Rapid Storage project.17:04
tgm4883HankTheAi: out of curiosity, why are you setting up raid anyway?17:04
HankTheAimy bigger question is what kind of drive formatting I should use.17:04
TGVoidHey CodeMouse92! Thanks for your help yesterday!17:04
HankTheAiI will bring that topic over to Ubuntu server channel.17:04
TGVoidEriC^^: Only Mac HFS17:04
CodeMouse92TGVoid: Hi there. No problem. How'd it work out?17:04
TGVoidCodeMouse92: We're still working on it17:04
HankTheAiwhy would I not setup RAID is the better question. ;-)17:05
HankTheAiis there another way to protect data and automatically spread it across multiple drives?17:05
tgm4883HankTheAi: backups?17:05
HankTheAidata protection is the main reason for RAID17:05
HankTheAiperformance is the second reason.17:05
HankTheAibut I am not concerned with performance in this case.17:05
tgm4883HankTheAi: whoa, no. Data protection is not the main reason for RAID17:05
TGVoidHankTheAi: There's RAID 1 with copies data from 1 drive to another17:05
HankTheAithere are much better options for storage performance these days.17:05
tgm4883HankTheAi: The main reason for RAID is high availability17:06
HankTheAiyeah so I don't really need the (0) for speed.17:06
HankTheAithe (1) is for dedup17:06
HankTheAiI used 10 in the past to get both combined.17:06
tgm4883HankTheAi: um. RAID 1 isn't dedup. It's the opposite17:07
tgm4883it's. completedup17:07
EriC^^TGVoid: was the hdd ever used on a mac?17:07
HankTheAimight just use another level of RAID but with the new X99 mobo I got, there are so many new factors to consider.17:07
TGVoidEriC^^: Never17:07
HankTheAiyes, so I have a monster system, and I don't want to run another box just for storage.17:07
tgm4883HankTheAi: how about considering RAID isn't a replacement for proper backups17:08
EriC^^TGVoid: ok, try to run the deeper search for longer and see if you get any partitions that look like they could be the one17:08
TGVoidEriC^^: Only Windows 8.1 and 10. The only other OS I used was Ubuntu on a USB17:08
HankTheAiI could setup Ubuntu Server and a dedicated server for storage on another box, but that seems overkill.17:08
EriC^^TGVoid: do you remember the partition sizes?17:08
HankTheAiI do a lot of 3D design type work.17:08
HankTheAiso I want to keep my files as close to the M.2 SSD as possible.17:08
TGVoidEriC^^: No. I copied only 1 partition17:08
tgm4883HankTheAi: nobody said you needed a second box...17:08
HankTheAinetwork will be the bottleneck17:08
tatertotsHank have you configured RAID on your new computer yet?17:09
HankTheAiI mean if I make a NAS17:09
TGVoidEriC^^: Imaged*17:09
tatertotswhich one will you configure17:09
EriC^^TGVoid: you did if=/dev/sdb1 instead of /dev/sdb?17:09
HankTheAiso with on board RAID, I can use my RAID to keep my 3D assets right there in the same workstation tower.17:09
tgm4883HankTheAi: you can do that without RAID as well17:09
TGVoidEriC^^: Yeah17:09
naccHankTheAi: but i don't think the x99 chipset is "on board RAID" in the way you are suggesting; it's fake-RAID (bios-assisted)17:10
HankTheAitgm4883: actually my intention is to use the RAID for my backups.17:10
TGVoidEriC^^: Except I used /dev/sda417:10
EriC^^TGVoid: testdisk isn't going to help i guess then17:10
HankTheAiand to keep my files there too.17:10
EriC^^TGVoid: testdisk looks for lost partitions in a disk17:10
HankTheAiI could not afford the M.2 1TB SSD lol17:11
tgm4883HankTheAi: Wait. You're going to keep your main files, and your backups on the same RAID setup?17:11
HankTheAiand even still I have about 1500GB of files17:11
HankTheAi3D assets, architectural and engineering libraries.17:11
EriC^^TGVoid: nevermind, i think it might be able to fix stuff too17:11
HankTheAithe files can get heavy17:11
HankTheAivery heavy17:11
HankTheAiI feel so lost with so much "new tech" in this X99 system I upgraded to.17:12
HankTheAican't complain17:12
tgm4883HankTheAi: are you talking just to talk?17:12
SebthreeBQM10HDHankTheAi, new tech such as?17:12
HankTheAibut I was using a Xeon X5550 (dual cpu) workstation since 2009. Amazing that I actually did not need to upgrade until recently.17:12
tatertotstgm4883 i think hank is talking just to talk17:12
tatertotsHank says he's used raid in the past but yet he feels lost with the technology lol17:13
TGVoidEriC^^: Should I run a quicksearch using the Intel filesystem?17:13
HankTheAiIntel ® X99 Express Chipset with RAID 0, 1, 5, 10, and Intel17:13
HankTheAiRapid Storage Technology 13 support:17:13
maddawg2damn i really am hating the later versions of ubuntu17:14
HankTheAiummm, already mentioned M.2 SSD17:14
TGVoidEriC^^: Or should I run it using "none?"17:14
bmurphy1976I'm really struggling to build an ubuntu 16.04 image that boots on amazon ec2 c3.large instance type (c3.xlarge is perfectly fine!!).  Where can I go to get help with this?17:14
maddawg2always finding damn bugs in the desktop environment17:14
HankTheAithat is the latest storage tech AFAIK17:14
HankTheAiIe. "new tech"17:14
maddawg2for example... clicking on view-->as list does not view folder as list all the time17:14
HankTheAiand I was not talking just to talk...17:14
maddawg2keeps just showing them as icons17:14
HankTheAiI guess I need to do more research and testing on my own.17:15
tgm4883HankTheAi: then you should probably at least respond to the people talking to you17:15
tatertotsI agree hank17:15
tatertotsi agree17:15
HankTheAithe system I run as my production environment is not the norm.17:15
tgm4883HankTheAi: considering many of the things you said are generally are bad ideas17:15
HankTheAiI am using GPU PCI-e passthrough for Windows OS17:15
HankTheAiwith Ubuntu as the Host OS.17:15
fenneszHello ! Can someone tell why my external drive (ext4) is constantly spinning ? The led also blinks constantly17:16
tgm4883HankTheAi: There is nothing you said that is super special17:16
Tin_manOMG, ok HankTheAi we got it..17:16
HankTheAiso actually, I am trying to figure out a way to use the M.2 SSD on the X99 platform to cache all data to the faster storage and then automatically offload it the slower RAID (spinning disks)17:16
maddawg2my laptop and desktpp both have m.2 ssd17:16
Tin_mani'm running a brand new (to me) 6 old dell 2 core..17:17
ikoniaHankTheAi: bcache ?17:17
HankTheAibut I did not want anyone's mind to explode by asking how to do that.17:17
tgm4883HankTheAi: on board raid, not special. 1500GB of files, not special. M.2 SSD, not special. Caching on SSD and offload to rust, not special17:17
HankTheAitgm4883: what did I say that is a bad idea to implement?17:18
HankTheAiwhat exactly?17:18
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tgm4883HankTheAi: we'd be happy to help, but you just need to state what you want to do and listen us when we tell you stuff17:18
HankTheAiI did not say anything I am doing is special...17:18
HankTheAiwhat did I say that is a "bad idea?"17:18
tgm4883HankTheAi: specifically. You said you were going to keep your backups and main files on the same RAID17:18
HankTheAiah I see...17:19
HankTheAiI apologize, for not stating that clearly.17:19
tgm4883HankTheAi: before that, you said that you were using RAID for data protection17:19
HankTheAiI generally work off the SSD.17:19
HankTheAiwhat do you suggest then?17:20
HankTheAiI do not see another option.17:20
tgm4883HankTheAi: not a bad idea, but you also said that RAID 1 was for dedup17:20
tgm4883HankTheAi: proper backups are the other option for data protection17:20
HankTheAiwith 256GB of SSD, I can't put all of my working files there and then backup only to the RAID.17:20
HankTheAiI am also using other drives to backup...I am not an idiot as you and others are implying.17:21
naccHankTheAi: as ikonia just said, bcache does what you want. No one's mind has been exploded, because it's already something exists.17:21
HankTheAiI use cloud storage17:21
HankTheAiand I also have several external drives as well.17:21
tatertotsOMG "cloud"17:21
tgm4883HankTheAi: I'm not implying anything, I'm referencing exactly what you said17:21
SchrodingersScatchill out, we're trying to help17:21
tatertotslike in the sky17:21
HankTheAiI would never fully trust a software RAID as my only backup source.17:21
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HankTheAithat would be idiotic, and I can see why you are thinking I am an idiot.17:22
tatertotsfake raid is blah17:22
tatertotsif your data was important as you think it is you'd use a real raid controler17:22
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tgm4883HankTheAi: you should use bcache with your RAID for speed, then have proper backups. Although the raid there would be just personal preference17:22
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snkcldim having issues connecting to my bluetooth headset. i was able to pair successfully, and in the menu bar it says "Connection on" for the headset toggle, but the headset does not show up in my volume settings for outputs17:23
ikoniaI'd question how much speed you really need17:23
HankTheAimaybe I should spend a lot more money on a PCI-e raid card, but that is too expensive to my use-case for other reasons...PCI slots.17:23
ArchivesHi friends, I need a small help in Ubuntu17:23
tgm4883tatertots: there isn't anything especially wrong with the on board raid, although you are possibly right17:23
HankTheAiI use all my PCI-e slots for double-wide GPU's.17:23
HankTheAiI don't really need super fast storage in this use-case.17:24
HankTheAiI just need decent storage in the same box.17:24
naccsnkcld: i've had that happen before with pulse, if you run `pulseaudio -k` does it show up after pulse restarts?17:24
tgm4883ikonia: he mentioned 3d files, which can be large. although loading them is possibly still going to take a while depending on if it's in cache or not17:24
ArchivesCan anyone tell me how to configure screen-locks when the laptop lid is closed in Ubuntu.17:24
ArchivesI have tried a dozen of solutions but nothing seems to work, and I am totally a newbie in Ubuntu.17:24
ArchivesI have a HP laptop. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04.17:24
snkcldnacc: ah, ok, let me try17:24
HankTheAiwhy is RAID via the on-board controller not good enough?17:24
ztaneanyone here having problems with ktorrent somehow stalling in unity?17:25
ztaneor knowing the solution to it17:25
ArchivesBesides, I have disc-crypt lock/password (I guess this is what some Ubuntu users call it but I'm sure)- which is when I turn-on the laptop, I am asked for a password after the Boot phase.17:25
HankTheAithat is what I have used for the last several years and never had any issues that I would not also have with dedicated RAID cards, or other alternatives.17:25
HankTheAithe only issues I have had is with failing drives.17:25
HankTheAiin the RAID 10.17:25
HankTheAiso how would bcache improve my setup?17:26
tgm4883HankTheAi: I think mdadm would probably be fine for your use case17:26
HankTheAispinning disks are spinning disks.17:26
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naccHankTheAi: you asked a very specific question earlier; how to have your SSD cache for your spinning disks17:26
naccHankTheAi: bcache is what does that.17:26
tatertotsmdadm is really fun to use also17:26
HankTheAistill the best solution for having 2TB of duplicated storage, or am I wrong?17:26
sam_tunderwhat is the bash command for trimming an ssd?17:26
HankTheAisoftware raid, raid card, or other setup is still going to run on spinning disks regardless.17:27
snkcldnacc: doesnt seem to help. i think the headset is having problems connecting over bluetooth. theres a lot of interference here from other devices and wifi17:27
HankTheAiI am really confused as to what the confusion is.17:27
tgm4883HankTheAi: bcache in front of your RAID17:27
TGVoidEriC^^: Hello?17:27
HankTheAiI simply was asking about the best solution for RAID on Ubuntu.17:27
tgm4883HankTheAi: that is what we are suggested (or I am anyway)17:27
tatertotsHank it sounds like you're still in the "conceptual" or "dreaming" phase of your setup...have you actually setup a raid array yet?17:28
HankTheAinacc, no I did not ask that question.17:28
naccHankTheAi: there are different guarantees (and resiliency in terms of cache and power failure) with on-board RAID and dedicated cards17:28
HankTheAiI said that I have set that up in the past.17:28
tgm4883tatertots: he's mentioned that he has setup other RAID setups17:28
HankTheAiI actually said, I am purposely not asking that question about caching.17:28
nacc"10:16 < HankTheAi> so actually, I am trying to figure out a way to use the M.217:28
nacc                   SSD on the X99 platform to cache all data to the faster17:28
nacc                   storage and then automatically offload it the slower RAID17:28
nacc                   (spinning disks)17:28
HankTheAiI am using M.2 right now17:28
HankTheAimy Ubuntu install is running on it17:29
tgm4883HankTheAi: you most certainly did 12 minutes ago17:29
HankTheAiand that is how I am talking to you guys lol17:29
HankTheAiI was asking about Intel Rapid Storage17:29
HankTheAiif that is a good idea on Ubuntu17:29
HankTheAior if there might be a better solution17:29
tgm4883HankTheAi: you were just quoted by nacc. We all have it in our backlog17:30
HankTheAibut now that we are talking about SSD caching...17:30
HankTheAimaybe I should reconsider my entire setup.17:30
ikoniaHankTheAi: probably better if we cut to the chase and you just asked a clear question17:30
* nacc apologizes for the paste, too hasty on my part17:30
tgm4883ikonia: +117:30
ikonianacc: it happens, don't break a sweat17:30
tgm4883nacc: no worries, I was going back to grab it too. You were just faster17:30
HankTheAiI will state for the record, so I do not get attacked further that I think using Intel Rapid Storage seems like a bad idea.17:31
HankTheAieven if they support Linux and have a driver for it.17:31
HankTheAilet me rephrase, I always try to use what is built into the current LTS kernel support.17:31
HankTheAiIe. KVM vs. Xen17:31
tatertotsHank so you have your OS on the SSD...and you haven't actually configured a raid yet with your other drives?17:31
HankTheAiMir vs. Wayland.17:31
naccHankTheAi: "Intel Matrix RAID, Intel Rapid RAID, and Intel Smart Response Technology, are together described as Intel Rapid Storage Technology.", it's just a branding thing, afaict17:32
ikoniaHankTheAi: what's your question17:32
ikoniajust state it clear17:32
HankTheAimy company is partnered with Canonical and I have invested a lot into the LTS releases.17:32
tgm4883ikonia: he's been like this the entire time17:32
tatertotsyou should get on with setting up that raid and let us know if you have problems17:32
ikoniait's going to end17:32
ikoniaHankTheAi: just state your question, your commentory isn't needed17:32
tatertotsyou are obviously using it without raid right now...why not just continue using it as is...since you feel so lost with the technology17:33
HankTheAiI feel so lost with technology?17:33
tatertotsthat what you said17:33
HankTheAigo eat some more tots.17:33
HankTheAiI love tatter tots btw.17:33
ikoniaHankTheAi: enough now17:33
tgm4883HankTheAi: please clearly state your question17:33
ikoniaHankTheAi: ask a question or please stop talking17:33
tatertotsyou don't love me hank17:34
ikoniatatertots: please don't ad to this17:34
* tgm4883 tips our local ops17:35
craigbass76Is there a way to find all directories owned by so and so? I just want directories, not files. I don't see any kindof switch in the man page for find that looks likely17:36
EriC^^craigbass76: find -type d -user <user>17:36
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craigbass76EriC^^, Bah... should have kept going down the man page before I asked...17:37
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craigbass76EriC^^, Weird... I can run find / -name arial.ttf but can't run find / -type d user craig    I get paths must precede expression17:40
craigbass76EriC^^, Neverming -- missed the dash17:40
Archivesso much noise on this channel17:42
ubottuTo ignore joins/parts/quits in your favorite IRC client, see http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages17:45
Guest79646how to I set a username?17:49
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computerwhat is the channel for raspberry pi?17:49
silver-dragonnever mind17:49
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jattcomputer: the channel for raspberry pi is #raspberrypi17:50
computerjatt: thanks17:50
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nRy2what is bcache?17:53
nRy2is it a bad idea to use it on the same system with a software RAID?17:53
nRy2#ubuntu, anyone home?17:54
naccnRy2: did you try doing some research about bcache yourself?17:55
TGVoidEriC^^: Hello?17:55
EriC^^TGVoid: hey17:55
TGVoidEriC^^: Should I run a quicksearch using the Intel filesystem?17:55
TGVoidEriC^^: Or should I run it using "none?"17:55
DJonesnRy2: Never heard of bcache before but a quick search pointed me towards https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Bcache17:55
nRy2DJones: thanks17:56
specialedgeDjones: can you tell me how to google a solution for my problem?17:56
nRy2me too17:56
EriC^^TGVoid: i'm not sure about the format it's using with ddrescue, anyways try Intel maybe17:56
nRy2has anyone here actually tried Intel Rapid Storage on Ubuntu?17:57
nRy2I tried to ask this question and apparently annoyed several people.17:57
naccnRy2: there is some discussion here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/308481/howto-run-ubuntu-with-uefi-and-intel-smart-response-technology17:58
nRy2so I will go back to my original question that was still never answered...17:58
TGVoidEriC^^: I already did a quick search and it saved17:58
nRy2Ubuntu, Intel Rapid Storage; could anyone here please kindly, with sugar on top let me know if they have tried it?17:58
EriC^^TGVoid: ok try fdisk -l /image17:58
* tgm4883 points out that this is the support channel and just asking if someone has tried something is generally frowned upon17:59
nRy2okay, so I guess this Channel is full of Googling experts, but other than that is pretty much useless.17:59
naccnRy2: you've consistently ignored what i've asked or said -- but Intel RST is a windows-only thing (afaict).17:59
TGVoidEriC^^: paste.ubuntu.com/18041402/17:59
nRy2Don't try to ask a real question, or you will be punted fast.17:59
nRy2nacc: ignore18:00
naccnRy2: but i also pointed you to http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/intelligent-systems/software/rst-linux-paper.html18:00
nRy2yes thanks nacc18:00
nRy2I already used Google today too.18:00
specialedgenRy2: when someone doesn't immediately respond to a question, it is likely that those who read the question do not have a positive answer for you18:00
nRy2but thanks for Googling my question.18:00
nRy2actually my question, was always the same.18:00
django_i have 2 attached screens how do i access them?18:01
nRy2it's fine if no one knows the answer,18:01
nRy2has anyone used it?18:01
nRy2just a bunch of know it all using Google.18:01
specialedgenRy2: another alternative could be that someone who can answer the question has not yet read it, for any of a variety of reasons18:01
nRy2and I get punted for that BS.18:01
EriC^^TGVoid: how big is the image file?18:01
nRy2I am now wondering if I should stop investing my company's recourse into Ubuntu.18:01
nRy2and let canonical know about how lame people are on this channel.18:02
tgm4883nRy2: this is the wrong channel for making threats18:02
nRy2haha, threat?18:02
zooomhello, how do i re-map the keyboard    eg:  a -->  d18:02
nRy2I did not make any threats.18:02
Dev_Hi, I have a weird problem with sound card in Ubuntu 16.04. I have 2 options for the same sound card and jack in sound menu. First one is for 4.0, 5.1 and 7.1 sound. Second one its called "Headphones" but it's just the same jack and sound is stereo. I want stereo sound, but this "Headphones" option doesn't sound very good, it looks its customized for real headphones and quality is not very good.18:02
nRy2okay I will leave on my own now.18:02
tgm4883nRy2: and if you were truly doing that, you'd have contacts inside canonical to assist you18:02
nRy2because you are a such a child.18:02
nRy2get a life tgm386318:02
tgm4883nRy2: well I am only 1418:02
tatertotsnRy2 "companies" usually have IT departments with real IT people. Have you not consulted your companies IT18:03
nRy2makes more sense now.18:03
EriC^^TGVoid: try sudo mount -o loop /image /mnt18:03
DJonesnRy2: If people don't konw the answer, generally they don't reply, obviously, this channel isn't a canonical channel, everybody here is a volunteer18:03
TGVoidEriC^^: It's 977.5 GB18:03
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Dev_this doesn't happened on Ubuntu 14.04. I had an "Analog Stereo Output" option and the sound was great18:03
tatertotsi suggest you do so...they are there for a reason you know18:03
nRy2it's more of the attitude of some people here that I am finding very childish.18:03
nRy2does not matter how old you are, you can always choose to act however you want.18:04
nRy2I was attacked first by a few of you saying stuff such as...18:04
nRy2I am confused by technology.18:04
specialedgenry2: perhaps an opportunity to look within has presented itself18:04
nRy2and rude remarks along those lines.18:04
nRy2grow up18:04
tgm4883nRy2: this is the support channel, if you are having a problem with your hardware we'd be happy to help. but questions such as "has anyone used this" is generally frowned upon in this channel18:04
nRy2this channel supports hardware too?18:05
TGVoidEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18041825/18:05
nRy2last time I checked Ubuntu was 100% software based.18:05
tgm4883nRy2: perhaps you prefer i use "hardware support"18:05
nRy2maybe some of you so called channel admins are confused about technology. lol18:05
daxoh, that's HankTheAi, fun.18:05
EriC^^TGVoid: try dmesg | tail18:05
naccdax: thanks18:05
tgm4883dax: yep, same guy18:05
EriC^^TGVoid: how big was the partition you copied?18:06
tatertotsyeah the fake raid was a dead give away that it was old Hank18:06
tgm4883I'm legit trying to help the guy18:07
* tgm4883 shrugs18:07
TGVoidEriC^^: It brought up a bunch of stuff18:07
EriC^^TGVoid: pastebin them18:07
EriC^^also how big was the partition you copied?18:07
TGVoidEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18042100/18:08
nevereverHi, I need helping launching an application I just installed18:10
TGVoidEriC^^: The image is 977.5 GB18:11
nevereverHere is my problem, I just installed a program called strodinger. I know that it has been installed, but I am unsure of how to open it.18:12
naccneverever: how did you install it?18:14
neverevernacc: We unpacked a file,18:15
neverevernacc: it was installed via mastero18:16
tatertotsnevernever....was there a "read me" or any other documentation included with the file?18:17
varaindemianin ubuntu some packages get updates by defualt and others only if you add the ppa's?18:17
mchelen2varaindemian: they are all updated by default, if there are updates in the official repositories18:18
neverevernacc: I can write a more detailed description if you would like. We unpacked a file called Schrodinger_suites_2016.tar18:18
varaindemianor after staying some time in a ppa a package gets update?18:18
neverevernacc: we aren't really sure how to launch it after unpacking it18:18
akikneverever: you can see where it put files by "tar -tvf Schrodinger_suites_2016.tar". it's not installing per se18:18
mchelen2varaindemian: anyone can create a ppa, it's not necessarily tied to official repositories in any way18:18
mchelen2varaindemian: generally speaking, as software gets updated, it will eventually reach the official ubuntu repositories, but that takes time & depends on release cycles18:19
ComManpeople, anyone knows how to use a cluster computer?18:19
TGVoidEriC^^:  Hello?18:20
tatertotsoh boy18:20
mchelen2ComMan: thats a very broad subject. what type of cluster?18:20
DJonesvaraindemian: The official ubuntu repo's get security updates but not new versions, unofficial ppa's may have newer releases, but they're generally not supported outside of the ppa creator18:20
ComManmchelen2: i have just built and setup a raspberry pi (3 node) cluster18:20
varaindemianmchelen2: so DE (kde plasma 5.7) will arrive to ubuntu after 6 months if does't have the ppa added?18:21
mchelen2ComMan: ok what software is it running?18:21
nevereverakik: okay I tried tar -tvf but i get the error, option requires an argument error18:21
tatertotsisn't there a #rasberrypi channel18:21
tatertotssomeone posted it earlier i think18:22
akikneverever: "tar -tvf Schrodinger_suites_2016.tar"18:22
mchelen2varaindemian: i can't guarantee what version will be in a particular release. try searching in http://packages.ubuntu.com/18:22
BackwardsSpeaking of updates I have node -v   v5.11.1    There is the old nodejs and the new node.js    Would the old node version interfere with or is node.js <-----< .js in this case? I type node.js -V or --version and Ubuntu says it is not installed but node is.18:22
=== Sebastien is now known as SEBASTIEN
akikneverever: what you have done is just unpacking an archive file into your file system18:22
mchelen2ComMan: usually when people talk about cluster computing, they mean a particular parrelel processing framework. what are you trying to accomplish?18:22
ComManmchelen2: i am trying to learn about cluster computing, which is why i built one to learn on it18:23
mchelen2Backwards: usually the executable is just "node" or "nodejs" i guess18:23
mchelen2ComMan: ok when you say "cluster computing" do you mean parrelel processing?18:23
mchelen2ComMan: like running a calculation that is split between all nodes18:24
BackwardsI was reading that nodejs is the older version of node.js18:24
ComManmchelen2: yes18:24
mchelen2Backwards: the executable name doesn't tell you a lot, the -v is what to look at18:24
BackwardsI see. I am working on installing qwebirc or kiwiirc and it requires the latest node version. I believe I have the latest version. I was just confounded by Ubuntu tells me to apt-get node.js18:26
mchelen2ComMan: ok so there are a bunch of different approaches to check out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_cluster#Some_implementations18:26
nevereverakik: Okay, so I followed some online instructions for installing this package.18:26
naccBackwards: in ubuntu, the two commands are node and nodejs. node is the legacy command (provided by nodejs-legacy).18:26
EriC^^TGVoid: one sec18:26
EriC^^reading the log18:26
BackwardsThanks Nacc.18:26
EriC^^TGVoid: after the mount command nothing extra is being added at the bottom?18:27
EriC^^TGVoid: try sudo mount -o loop -t ntfs-3g /image /mnt18:27
akikneverever: did you find the application?18:27
BackwardsNacc, I didn't know with Ubuntu that legacy commands are interchangeable with the new.18:28
naccBackwards: afaict, `node` ends up just being a wrapper for nodejs. But not 100%18:28
EriC^^TGVoid: it may be ntfs not ntfs-3g18:28
ComManmchelen2: ok i am starting to get it, i am using MPI18:29
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mchelen2yeah i think so, the old workaround was to symlink node to point to nodejs18:29
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mchelen2ComMan: ok cool, yeah i think thats a popular one18:29
TGVoidEriC^^: It shows me usage18:30
ComManexcellent, learned something today :-)18:30
BackwardsMchelen2 thanks for that point as well.18:30
EriC^^TGVoid: must be a typo18:31
SirSlippersAnybody home?18:31
Bashing-om!ask | SirSlippers18:31
ubottuSirSlippers: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:31
HulkieJordan_U: that's the debian bug: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=664713 <<- i have the same error on Ubuntu, can someone help, please?18:32
ubottuDebian bug 664713 in tcl-trf "[tcl-trf] undefined symbol: MD2_Update" [Important,Fixed]18:32
TGVoidEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18043869/18:33
SirSlippersXubuntu Install problems ... monitor shuts off after a few seconds in install and OUT OF RANGE error no screen ... nothing else18:33
nevereverakik: So we have installed the application, opened it, and then we closed it and we have no idea how to open it again18:33
EriC^^TGVoid: can you run chkdsk on it from windows?18:34
Bashing-omSirSlippers: What release are you installing .. and have you tried " nomodeset " as a boot option ?18:34
akikneverever: 1) tar -tvf Schrodinger_suites_2016.tar 2) go into the same directory where you unpacked the tar 3) the output from 1) will be in that directory18:34
TGVoidEriC^^: How? I only have the image18:34
naccHulkie: where are you seeing a failure?18:34
nevereverakik: This is obviously a really stupid question. We aren't that familiar with Ubuntu. We sat down installed the thing, then opened it, then closed it, and now we can't find it18:35
TGVoidEriC^^: The drive is gone18:35
Hulkienacc, in eggdrop's dcc, when i read errorInfo variable.18:35
naccHulkie: sorry, i meant which version of Ubuntu?18:35
EriC^^TGVoid: http://superuser.com/questions/615683/perform-a-chkdsk-on-an-ntfs-image18:35
Hulkienacc, 1218:35
SirSlippersok ... I am a newbie ... I don't understand your question ... V14.4 Xubuntu ...18:36
nevereverakik: ok thank you so much. I will try that right now.18:36
naccHulkie: that particular debian bug only refers to building against versions of openssl that are not yet packaged in Ubuntu (afaict)18:36
Hulkienacc: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS \n \l18:36
akikneverever: of course if you unpacked it in some other way it could be elsewhere. can you paste the url for the document you followed?18:36
TGVoidEriC^^: So I need to mount it to Windows?18:36
naccHulkie: not even in Debian unstable yet, so can't be your bug, afaict18:36
Hulkienacc, is therte any way i can fix?18:36
EriC^^TGVoid: yeah you need windows to fix ntfs18:37
SirSlippers"NOMODETEST" ??  where does that go?  How do I get to where I type that in?  What are the keystrokes to get there?18:37
naccHulkie: the corresponding Debian changelog specifically mentions openssl 1.118:37
Bashing-omWhat we want is the see if it is a graphic's driver issue .. When booting "nomodeset" Kernel Mode Setting is diabled such that a lower level driver will be loaded .18:37
varaindemianfrom my understanding, the DE is part of the core system and its  stability is crucial therefore it won't get updates as often as other packages that are not part of the "core", right?18:37
Bashing-om!nomodeset | SirSlippers18:38
ubottuSirSlippers: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:38
naccHulkie: oh i see, there were two sets of changes that were made18:38
nevereverakik: I am trying to figure out what someone else did. They will be back in around 30 min. Can they talk to you then?18:38
akikneverever: there will be people on #ubuntu to help you18:38
SirSlippersthankx ubottu .. but that's for version 10.0 ...18:39
nevereverakik: actually they are here now18:39
naccHulkie: looks like it was fixed in 2.1.4-dfgs2-3 (and 12.04 has 2.1.4-dfgs-2build2)18:39
naccHulkie: i'd file an ubuntu bug if it's something you are actively seeing18:39
nacc!bug | Hulkie18:39
ubottuHulkie: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:39
varaindemianEven python was out of date last time I checked18:40
naccHulkie: nm, already filed, i think, LP: #90264518:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 902645 in tcltrf (Ubuntu) "TCL can't load Trf" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90264518:40
Bashing-omSirSlippers: ^^ also applies in 14.04. We want to know that you are able to boot to a GUIi . degraded graphics with nomodeset is acceptable . we can then look and see what the situation is .18:40
nacc!latest | varaindemian18:40
ubottuvaraindemian: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.18:40
Hulkienacc, so guess i have to change the OS, right?18:40
akikneverever: only you and the document you followed know where you unpacked it18:40
SirSlippersno I cant boot to GUI ... the screen goes black and all I see is a small tred bar with OUT OF RANGE on it18:41
naccHulkie: not necessarily (although 12.04 goes EOL relatively soon)18:41
nevereverakik: we already installed everything and we were on the program but then we x'ed out to restart it and we don't know how to find it again18:41
SirSlippersBashing=om ... WHERE do I put "NOMODETEST" ????18:42
Bashing-omSirSlippers: And what results in booting with the boot parameter "nomodeset" . to work around such issues ? until we can  do better .18:42
akikneverever: in which directory you unpacked the tar?18:42
Hulkienacc, i have a vps, when i did a distro-upgrade got the same kernel because of the HOST's kernel, that's what i read @ google.18:42
naccvaraindemian: DE is part of the core graphical system, yes, but updates occur for security issues as necessary18:42
naccHulkie: hrm? why was that directed at me?18:43
ccoloradoHey I am getting this error when trying to install apache2 on ubuntu 14.04 machine. Any ideas ? http://pastebin.com/53RRgKnR18:43
SirSlippersHOW do I boot with the boot parameter "NOMODETEST"  ???18:43
castroi have problem update kernel ubuntu 1418:43
akikneverever: go into that directory and compare the filenames with the tar -tvf Schrodinger_suites_2016.tar output. your application will be there18:43
Hulkienacc, is there a poit to upg distro if the kernel remains the same ?18:43
varaindemiannacc: yeah, but what packages gets updates more often or how do you actually get packages updated?18:44
naccHulkie: i take it you're using containerized VPS?18:44
varaindemianfor example firefox gets updates instantly18:44
naccHulkie: and yes, as the kernel is just one part of your distribution; and in the case of containerized VPS, you're not necessarily running the distribution's kernel18:44
naccvaraindemian: no it doesn't18:44
Bashing-omSirSlippers: Read thge tutorial provided . Ultimately, boot to the grub boot menu -> boot parameters screen, make the edit to the command line ; key combo ctl+x to continue the boot process.18:45
varaindemiannacc: I mean, more often18:45
Hulkienacc, yeap KVM18:45
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SirSlippersoh man ... the tutorial speaks from a learned position as do you ... HOW do I boot to the Grub boot?18:45
castroAlgum BR meu ingles e muito ruim18:45
Pici!br | castro18:45
ubottucastro: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.18:45
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BackwardsSirSlippers, what is the resolution of your monitor? What type of video card are you using? Have you tried another monitor in order to make things simpler?18:46
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SirSlippersI have hit F12 ... started the install form DVD ... hit ESC to stiop the install and am now at a screen that hasa nice XUBUNTU logo on it plus "Try Ubuntu without ionstalling" and a list of F-keys at thebottom18:47
SirSlippersThis is a Gem monitor  on an IBM Thinkpad with 2.5Ghz processor and 2 gigs ram on 400G hard drive ...18:48
OerHeksSirSlippers, now hit F6 and choose nomodeset18:48
OerHekssee bottompanel18:48
BackwardsSirSlippers sometimes on an install, there is a screen saver. Move the mouse or hit the space bar to see if that works.18:48
SirSlippersOerheks > thankx  THAT'S what I was looking for!18:48
nevereverakik: thank you!!18:49
akikneverever: no problem. you said it yourself, this was very basic thing18:49
SirSlippersOK ... YES!!   the screen is not great graphics but now I can at least the Xubuntu 16.04 logo18:51
naccvaraindemian: that just means there were more bugs int he original version :)18:52
naccHulkie: KVM != containers18:52
django_when i do ls is there a way to pipe it with grep to only display thngs that start with h18:52
SirSlippersI've loaded Xubuntu 6.10 on it already and I want to delete that all and put this new version on ... I have a paclage called KXStudio that I want to run .. after install .. how do I get that installed?18:52
Bashing-omSirSlippers: Making good progress . .. Before we contine .. did you verify the .iso file download ?18:52
naccHulkie: if you did a dist-upgrade in a KVM guest and rebooted, you'd be able to switch the kernel (aiui). I guess maybe VPS don't let you do that, but I'm not sure and it'd be specific to the VPS18:52
naccdjango_: ls | grep ^h ?18:53
naccdjango_: might need quotes18:53
EriC^^django_:  or ls h*18:53
Bashing-om!info KXStudio18:53
ubottuPackage KXStudio does not exist in xenial18:53
BackwardsSirSlippers I have had that problem a few times. If you move your mouse around the screen even in the corners of the screen you may find drop down menu or just right click mouse and look for video options. It couuld also be an old video card.18:53
SirSlippersBashing-om: > ahhh .. I downloaded from my Windows machine and burnt the disk then used that on the ThinkCenter18:53
Hulkienacc, im running an IRC server on a public network on that VPS, cannot update distro again.. but thank you18:54
apb1963what should I use to read PDF files?18:54
apb196314.04 LTS18:54
SirSlippersBackwards: > thankx ... I got the graphics desktop now18:55
naccHulkie: if you did dist-upgrad,e though, regardless of the kernel level, and rebooted, you shouldn't be seeing htat particular bug with 14.04 or later18:55
BackwardsGood. Is your machine a 64 or 32 bit?18:55
Bashing-omSirSlippers: We want a confirmed install foundation .. in that boot menu is the option " check disk for defects" . choose it and what results after a period of time ?18:55
naccapb1963: there's many options; evince, xpdf, etc18:55
SirSlippersBackwards: > its a 32 ... how do I tell if it installed this 14.4 to hard drive?18:56
nacc!pdf | apb196318:56
ubottuapb1963: The Portable Document Format is created by Adobe; PDF files are viewable in Ubuntu with Xpdf, Okular, Evince and also Adobe Reader (free download, but closed source)18:56
varaindemiannacc: so unless I add ppas and the packages  I currently have don't issues I won't get updates, right?18:56
OerHeksHulkie, VPS usually are heavily tweakes, ask your vendor for an update18:56
apb1963This document has XFA forms, which are currently unsupported, according to okular.18:56
BackwardsJust reboot and you will know.18:56
apb1963nacc: This document has XFA forms, which are currently unsupported, according to okular.18:56
akikapb1963: there's also foxit reader, also closed source18:57
apb1963nacc: evince, according to what I've read does not support XFA forms18:57
BackwardsAlso open up a terminal and type in ls -all18:57
naccapb1963: ok, so you asked to read PDF files, what you emant was filling out XFA forms (for the future, ask the more precise question)18:58
SirSlippersBackwards:  > ok ... Windows lets you put in a disk and format the hard drive auuhghghg!!   It booted  back into V6.10  :-(18:58
apb1963nacc: sorry18:58
naccapb1963: pdf edit seems to be somethjing some people use, but i'm not sure it's pacakaged18:58
naccvaraindemian: ppas are unrelated to getting updates, afaict18:59
naccvaraindemian: for released versions of Ubuntu, you'll get updates when bugs are fixed, etc18:59
BackwardsIf it is installed why format it?18:59
varaindemiannacc: hm then what are ppas?19:00
nacc!ppa | varaindemian19:01
ubottuvaraindemian: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge19:01
SirSlippersBackwards:  < I wanta CLEAN install ... I used to be MSCE for Server 4 ... sloppy work is not my style!19:01
BackwardsSirSlippers I have a 32 bit machine and installed Wily Ubuntu 15.10    The graphics are lousy. I run the box headless and SSH into the box.19:01
SirSlippersI have 4 diferent versions set up on here19:01
naccvaraindemian: i meant that having ppas enabled has nothing to do with the rate at which packages get updated, necessarily19:01
SirSlippersmost of the packages I have don't work on Xubuntu 6.10  and there are other installs that were incomplete because of the problem with the monitor .. so I want to WIPE my hard drive and get a good clean install in there19:03
BackwardsSirSlippers a nice thing to try with your Windows Box is Oracle VBOX. You can try different kernels of Ubuntu and see which one you like before installing on a dedicated box or just Run it Virtual Machine.19:03
SirSlippersI have XP Pro +SP3 on my windows computer ... (sigh) .. I'm TIRED of the WinDoZe bloat and have jumped ship to Linux ...19:04
SebthreeBQM10HDSirSlippers, ok and also XP for consumers and small businesses hasn't been supported with security updates since April 4th/6th 201419:05
SirSlippersI actually jumped ship from Apply ][+ to MS-DOS 2.0 when they were dumping us too19:05
SebthreeBQM10HDSirSlippers, again unsupported software, so a good idea for the switch, but what's your issue with Ubuntu then?19:06
SirSlippersright .. doesn't mean it doesnt work!  just cause there's snow on the roof don't mean there aint no fire in the furnace!19:06
SirSlippersXP Pro has been a good friend for a decade now ... but its time has come ... Linux seems to be the way to go now  Apple is too expensive and too M$ now19:07
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:08
SirSlippersOK .. so I did the  ls -all ... have total 100 and a bunch of lines19:08
SirSlippersI'm proud that I found out how to open a terminal and what to do in it  :-)  It wasn't explained anywhere19:09
scrupul0ushey all… any issues with apt repos? out of the blue on a fresh install of 14.04 I cannot install "libpq-dev" "E: Unable to locate package libpq-dev"19:10
SebthreeBQM10HDscrupul0us, things like that happen soetimes19:11
naccscrupul0us: did you do an `apt update` to refresh?19:11
SebthreeBQM10HDsays it can't find a package19:11
SebthreeBQM10HDthat it should be able to find19:11
scrupul0usi did update, upgrade19:11
BackwardsSirSlippers you can still use XP Pro with your Linux box. There are two free softwares out there: One is WinSCP it is a GUI for Windows. The other is pUTTY    Both are free and I use them all of the time.19:11
SebthreeBQM10HDmight be an issue with the repos yes19:11
BackwardsYou don't need a Screen on your Ubuntu box if you use the above.19:11
scrupul0usokie, wasnt sure if it was a "known" issue at the moment… maybe they are being updated19:11
apb1963nacc: Thanks, I don't see a package for it.  The source code looks like a bit of a pain to compile as it needs various libraries and env variables set and that's when I doublechecked the authors site, wherein there is NO mention of XFA forms.  I would think that such a feature would be highlighted if supported.19:12
ioria!info libpq-dev trusty19:12
ubottulibpq-dev (source: postgresql-9.3): header files for libpq5 (PostgreSQL library). In component main, is optional. Version 9.3.13-0ubuntu0.14.04 (trusty), package size 136 kB, installed size 648 kB19:12
OerHeks!info libpq-dev trusty19:12
SirSlippersBackwards: > kewl!  I am a musician and want to use KXStudio on XUbuntu 14.4 ... there is SOUNDFONTS available in that package .. but I had to UPGRADE Linux 6.10 ... NOW I want to erase the hard drive and put in a CLEAN copy of Xububtu V14.419:13
scrupul0us!info libpq-dev trusty19:13
ubottulibpq-dev (source: postgresql-9.3): header files for libpq5 (PostgreSQL library). In component main, is optional. Version 9.3.13-0ubuntu0.14.04 (trusty), package size 136 kB, installed size 648 kB19:13
naccscrupul0us: just spun up a container (using archive.ubuntu.com as the repository) and the pacakge is installing fine (version 9.3.13-0ubuntu0.14.04)19:14
apb1963Does anyone know of a PDF reader that supports XFA forms on 14.04; or perhaps even 16.04 as I will upgrade for this?  I need to open Gov't produced documents and Okular doesn't support it.  I'm also running KDE so I don't think Evince is an option - although I've read it does not support XFA anyway.19:14
naccSebthreeBQM10HD: that shouldn't happen often, unless your mirror is often out of date, I don't think19:14
scrupul0us@nacc: yeah I spun up a VM and it had no issue… just this one package though out of a bunch on a dedicated server … again fresh install19:15
apb1963I tried installing adobe reader... I ran into problems.19:15
scrupul0usdigital ocean guys are seeing some issues due to apt as well19:15
scrupul0usthey are west coast and im east coast19:15
BackwardsSirSlippers I am a musician as well. Most of the latest stuff out there is 64 bit though. Especially with transit time or throughput or if you will   latency.19:15
SirSlippersBackwards:  > should I boot from the KXStudio DVD or from the Xubuntu 16.04 DVD ?19:15
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naccscrupul0us: dunno, works for me19:16
ioriaup E coast19:16
SirSlippersok .. should I try the 64 bit on here?>19:16
debug0x1Can't wait to go home and fsck19:16
debug0x1force it.19:16
BackwardsSirSlippers join   #Backwards19:16
will8272Hi guys, sexual inuendo apart, how do i log a bug in printing?19:17
nacc!bug | will827219:17
ubottuwill8272: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:17
naccwill8272: what bug did you find?19:17
will8272weird printing error, print to PDF from kicad and everything is there, but try to print that PDF and various bits disappear - like the pads, print-preview faithfully shows the error before the printer makes it solid19:19
naccwill8272: so does that imply (print preview showing the error) that the bug is actually in kicad?19:19
will8272nope, kicard isn't running by then, it happens between PDF viewer and the printer19:20
naccwill8272: oh the pdf print preview is what shows the error? so maybe the pdf viewer has a bug?19:21
naccwill8272: is it reproducible across multiple PDF viewers?19:21
will8272using diffrent PDF viewers doesn't seem to help, perhaps its a libray issue, but I don't know enough about the data flow to guess much more19:21
naccwill8272: well, i'd probably start with filing a bug against the viewer, maybe upload the PDF that prints incorrectly in the bug19:23
varainde1ianfrom time to time my internet connection drops19:23
varainde1ianit happened again19:24
varainde1ianwhat can I provide?19:24
varainde1ianI am running ubuntu 16.0419:24
varainde1ianshould I provide dmesg?19:26
will8272nacc: I'll have a look at the link and see if I can figure out the bug tracker - cheers19:27
naccwill8272: np19:27
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varainde1iananybody can help me track this problem?19:29
scrupul0usspp apt-cache policy only has 3 entries in it on the server that has issues19:30
scrupul0usmp VPs instance has GOBS more19:31
scrupul0usso maybe apt needs a lil reset? ive done most of the stuff i found on google about it19:31
naccscrupul0us: there shouldn't be 'gobs' of options for a given package in general ... doyou have lots of PPAs or redundant entries?19:31
scrupul0usthere is the difference between the two19:32
scrupul0usmy origins are all on the dedicated which makes no sense19:33
naccscrupul0us: well, yeah, they're using totally different archives19:33
naccscrupul0us: and the dedicated only has main enabled (afaict), and not security updates (!!) or (-updates)19:33
mymodelsvarmı turkce bılen19:35
nacc!tr | mymodels19:35
ubottumymodels: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.19:35
scrupul0us@nacc: apt-get install unattended-upgrades ?19:35
naccscrupul0us: hrm?19:36
scrupul0ushow do i enable the security updates channel19:36
naccscrupul0us: i think you'd edit /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* appropriately19:36
scrupul0usi duped the sources from the VPS and am updating apt now19:37
naccscrupul0us: if i had to guess, your dedicated system's cobbler mirror was out of date; in the future, you might check `apt-cache policy libpq-dev` first, to see where it thinks it should be getting it from. But givenyou only had main, you would have missed, minimally, the security updates for that package19:39
HloWrdAnyone running Ubuntu on Surface Pro 3?19:40
scrupul0usthat sort it… thanks for the support =)19:40
spiderxhello there19:43
varaindemianFrom time to time I loose internet connection. I am uisng 16.0419:46
varaindemianWhat can I provide to find out the problem?19:47
varaindemianI have to restart to regain connection. Loging ou doesn't work19:47
arunsIs there a recommended practice for installing NodeJS on Ubuntu 14.04?19:57
yeahbabyaruns: digitalocean have a lot of tutorials on it19:58
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superkuhStupid question, but, if I have yasm 0.8 from the Ubuntu repos and I've compiled yasm 1.2.0 from source should I remove the repo yasm 0.8 before building a deb with 1.2.0 and installing it?20:24
reisioreally the package manager's job to tell you that20:24
darkelfjuggaloMy Gateway Laptop NE56R41u has Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on it... for some reason after about a week of using the computer, either my Bootloader or the OS itself became corrupted... I used it, I closed the lid for the night without powering off, I went to bed... when i got up i opened the lid, the screen was pink but nothing responded, when I attempted to restart I got en error message that nothing was there. I have attempted a Fresh 20:25
superkuhGuess I'll just leeroy jenkins it.20:25
superkuhcheckinstall to build debs always seems to install the package regardless of weather --fstrans=no is set anyway.20:25
kukurcan I run a command on remote server from local terminal if I have ssh access?20:26
reisiokukur: yup20:26
kukurreisio: how?20:26
reisiossh in and run it, or ssh user@host 'command'20:26
kukurreisio: aah, but when I do ssh user@host , it changes terminal to the remote20:27
reisiowhat's wrong with that20:27
fat-martyHi all.  I am considering purchase of Inspiron 5000, intend to replace Windows with 14.04.  How can I be certain that 14.04 will support the touch-screen BEFORE purchase lol. Is this the right place to ask this question?20:28
kukurreisio: well, I want to get backup of postgresql database ( I know the command) but for this I need to make ssh login everytime. I am willing to automate this in a small script. So this script will be on my local machine and whenever I need backup I run the script and it do backup for me20:29
SchrodingersScatkukur: you can add a command at the end, if you just want it to run that and exit. for example, ssh user@box uptime20:29
reisiokukur: you want the backup on the remote?20:29
kukurSchrodingersScat: thanks, that seems working, any guide for that if there are some advance flags?20:30
bekkskukur: Run a cron job on your postgres server, and just transfer your backup after that. No need for ssh for creating the actual backup-20:30
kukurreisio: yes, but want to trigger that from local20:30
reisiokukur: why20:30
SchrodingersScatkukur: I rarely use ssh that way, not sure what pitfalls you might hit, I would think flags should be ok.20:31
kukurbekks: I need that on user's request without cron20:31
reisioso, what you've already been told will work, then20:32
SchrodingersScatkukur: ansible is another option, but really more geared toward if you had multiple machines to run this on, probably overkill for one.20:33
SchrodingersScatyep, good luck20:34
TGVoidEriC^^: How do I install ImDisk?20:35
TGVoidEriC^^: Or where can I find it?20:35
reisioimdisk is more for win32 systems20:35
reisioif you type 'imdisk' into a search engine, you'll find it20:35
TGVoidreisio: I can use it to mount a ddrescue file to Windows, correct?20:36
reisioTGVoid: potentially20:36
reisiowhy would you be using ddrescue and then Windows, though?20:36
pennTellerHi guys, does anybody know if there is a way to resize the windows after you have resdized them using the monitor edge?20:36
pennTellerYou know, sort of like windows or mac do it?20:37
TGVoidreisio: EriC^^ Was helping me earlier and told me to do that since my image wouldn't mount20:37
pennTellerNot that those OS's are anyting compared to ubuntu of course20:37
tgm4883pennTeller: not sure what you mean20:38
reisioTGVoid: image of what?20:38
pennTellertgm4883: you know when you drag a window to the edge of your monito it takes exactly half the scren realstate?20:38
TGVoidreisio: It wouldn't mount to Ubuntu, and it's an image of an NTFS drive20:38
SchrodingersScatpennTeller: like when you 'snap' a window to the edge? then try to maybe change the height?20:38
pennTelleryes snap!20:38
pennTellerthats the word I was looking for lol20:39
tgm4883pennTeller: yep20:39
pennTellerok so when you do that, you are kind of stuck with that size it seems20:39
LostForgottenI have a Computer I cannot log into, I want to reformat the device but I have a lot of personal files I do not want to lose, is there a way to install a Fresh version of Ubuntu without removing the existing files?20:39
SchrodingersScatpennTeller: hmm, can't help you, on xubuntu this seems to just work for me...20:39
tgm4883pennTeller: what DE? Unity?20:39
pennTelleroh I see, im using ubuntu GNOME20:39
tgm4883cause that works for me on Unity on 16.0420:39
k1l_anonym: please keep this channel supportonly20:39
reisioTGVoid: a ddrescue copy of an entire drive? You'll probably need to find the specific partition offsets to mount them20:40
reisioTGVoid: various howtos for that online20:40
TGVoidreisio: It's a copy of a single partition20:40
TGVoidreisio: I just want to rescue the files while keeping names and directories20:41
SchrodingersScat!password | LostForgotten, liveUSB would get you to the existing files, with some caveats that if the data is encrypted then you'll need to decrypt them20:41
ubottuLostForgotten, liveUSB would get you to the existing files, with some caveats that if the data is encrypted then you'll need to decrypt them: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords20:41
reisioTGVoid: what does mount say when you try to mount it?20:42
LostForgottenSchrodingersScat: Password isn't my issue... the HDD ceases to boot. it was giving me an error saying there is nothing there, but the Partitions are still there...20:47
SchrodingersScatLostForgotten: k, I would still go with booting into a LiveUSB to check, then recover whatever you need.20:48
TGVoidreisio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18043869/20:48
LostForgottenDoes that mean remake to stick with live image?20:48
multifractalI have libboost files of the form libboost_system.so.1.54.0 (i.e. suffixed with version number). But some C++ library I want to use is looking for "libboost_system.so". Should apt-get have installed symlinks?20:49
multifractalIs there any way to get them without manually making 35 or so symlinks?20:49
LostForgotteni am presently booted into this device through to USB Installer 'try out before installing' option20:51
tgm4883multifractal: did you install libboost-system1.54-dev ? That package seems to have those files20:51
multifractalI used "sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends libboost-all-dev" from Caffe installation instructions, and also tried "sudo apt-get install libboost-dev"20:52
hudnixhelp I upgraded my nvidia graphics to a gtx 960 and now whenever I try to enable the nvidia driver the x server crashes at login. I tried purging and reinstalling the driver. The open source driver works, but the performance sucks.20:52
tgm4883multifractal: what's the output of "dpkg -l libboost-system1.58-dev"20:52
reisioTGVoid: 'sda' isn't likely a single partition; are you still saying it's an image of a single filesystem?20:52
multifractaltgm4883 No packages found. I think I have 1.54.020:53
tgm4883multifractal: sorry, I meant20:53
tgm4883multifractal: what's the output of "dpkg -l libboost-system1.54-dev"20:53
multifractaltgm4883 lol oh ok http://paste.ubuntu.com/18053657/20:54
tgm4883multifractal: so that file you're looking for is in that package in trusty (I'm assuming you are on trusty based on the version) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=trusty&arch=any&mode=exactfilename&searchon=contents&keywords=libboost_system.so20:54
=== lethu_ is now known as lethu
multifractaltgm4883 yeah 14.04. So what should I do? apt-get remove something and apt-get install something else?20:55
GrorcoI have a file on my desktop I can't delete because it says it doesn't exist...20:56
tgm4883multifractal: well you'll probably need to remove the symlinks you just made. No need to remove any packages, just install the package I just listed20:56
TGVoidreisio: It's an image of 1 partition of a corrupted hard drive from a Windows 10 laptop. I sent the laptop in for repair, so I no longer have the drive20:56
Bashing-omhudnix: Nvidia recpmmends the 367 version driver . What release are uou on ? and what returns : ' sudo ubuntu-drivers list ' .20:56
tgm4883Grorco: special name?20:56
reisioTGVoid: do you recall the command you ran to acquire teh image?20:57
multifractaltgm4883 Oh OK, I deleted the symlinks. "sudo apt-get install libboost-system1.54-dev"?20:57
tgm4883multifractal: yep20:57
tgm4883Grorco: are you looking at it from the desktop, or from the terminal?20:57
Grorcotgm4883: From the desktop20:57
tgm4883Grorco: what's the output of "ls -l ~/Desktop"20:57
reisioTGVoid: anyway, there are two obvious possibilities: 1) it's an image of more than a single partition, and you'll have to tell 'mount' some offsets to mount a single partition within it, or 2) as it says, it is broken, you will have to use file recovery tools and cross your fingers20:57
hudnixBashing-om: nvidia-361, amd64-microcode20:57
multifractaltgm4883 It installed, but no symlinks appeared. And the C++ code fails to compile at that include statement.20:58
tgm4883multifractal: interesting. Any errors during install?20:58
Grorcotgm4883: terminal doesn't show it20:58
tgm4883Grorco: does it show other files?20:58
TGVoidreisio: All I remember is that I used gddrescue20:59
Bashing-omhudnix: What release ? As last I looked .. 367 was only available for 16.04 + .20:59
reisioTGVoid: 1 or 220:59
reisioTGVoid: those are your options20:59
hudnixBashing-om: 16.0420:59
Grorcotgm4883: yes20:59
VlekHello, I'm trying to use some python scripts as aliases. I've read some conflicting stuff online about where I should put said files. Should I be able to put them in /usr/local/bin, restart my computer, and then be able to use them without any further configuration?20:59
TGVoidreisio: I say 220:59
tgm4883Grorco: can you pastebin that output?20:59
tgm4883Grorco: actually, pastebin this21:00
tgm4883Grorco: what's the output of "ls -la ~/Desktop"21:00
LostForgotteni am loking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntuReinstallation and this outlines exactly what I want todo... unfortunately my installer only has 'Erase Ubuntu 16.04 LTS' and 'Something Else'21:00
Bashing-omhudnix: One can get the 367 version driver from our trusted PPA . Want to try it ?21:00
hudnixBashing-om: I'll try anything :)21:00
Grorcotm4883: I've never used paste bin not sure how to21:00
tgm4883!pastebin | Grorco21:00
ubottuGrorco: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:00
reisioTGVoid: 2 would suck, rule out 1 first21:01
jattVlek: yes it should work, many third party libraries do install python scripts in /usr/local/bin21:01
multifractaltgm4883 I tell a lie; i just didn't look at the C++ error carefully. Now there IS a symlink for libboost_system.so, but no symlink libboost_filesystem.so. So it's failing to compile that one.21:02
TGVoidreisio: Can you walk me through the process? I booted into Ubuntu.21:02
Vlekjatt, okay, I think I need to restart then because I've put the file in the location already, but the command isn't showing. Thanks.21:02
multifractalSo it just made 1 symlink, but I need one for each of the libboost so's, right?21:02
tgm4883multifractal: progress, you need to install "libboost-filesystem1.54-dev"21:02
Bashing-omhudnix: ' sudo apt purge nvidia* ; sudo apt rm /etc/X11/Xorg.conf ; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install nvidia-367 ; sudo reboot ' . See what results when you come back up .21:03
jattVlek: no restart should be needed, do you have /usr/local/bin in your PATH environment variable?21:03
reisioTGVoid: https://major.io/2010/12/14/mounting-a-raw-partition-file-made-with-dd-or-dd_rescue-in-linux/21:03
jattVlek: also check whether the python script has the executable bit set21:03
TGVoidreisio: Thanks21:03
Vlekjatt, maybe? I just did a fresh install of ubuntu 16.0421:03
Grorcotgm4883: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18054188/21:03
Vlekjatt do you mean a shebang with the python path?21:03
tgm4883multifractal: you can plug in file names to that site I linked and it will show you packages that have that file21:03
multifractaltgm4883 WOAH! it compiled! Hello world!21:03
SchrodingersScatLostForgotten1: not sure what you're looking at..."This page does not exist yet."21:04
multifractaltgm4883 thanks dued!21:04
tgm4883multifractal: yw21:04
jattVlek: no, for example I have the following script in /usr/local/bin:21:04
jatt<jatt> Vlek: yes it should work, many third party libraries do install python21:04
jatt       scripts in /usr/local/bin21:04
jatt<multifractal> tgm4883 I tell a lie; i just didn't look at the C++ error21:04
jatt               carefully. Now there IS a symlink for libboost_system.so, but21:04
jatt               no symlink libboost_filesystem.so. So it's failing to compile21:04
VlekHa, whoops21:05
tgm4883Grorco: what's the output of "grep 'logout' ~/Desktop/*"21:05
jatt<tgm4883> multifractal: you can plug in file names to that site I linked and21:05
jatt          it will show you packages that have that file21:05
Grorcotgm4883: nothing21:06
hudnixBashing-om: Thanks, trying it now21:07
Grorcotgm4883: http://imgur.com/IRRhacm21:07
Bashing-omhudnix: K :)21:07
LostForgotten1https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuReinstallation  SchrodingersScat21:08
Vlekjatt, I think you miss-pasted. Could I see your script example?21:08
Grorcotgm4883: I added logout from the accessories menu to the desktop this came with it, I deleted logout but couldn't delete this file21:09
tgm4883Grorco: odd. How about this. Pastebin the output of "ls -la /usr/share/applications ~/.local/share/applications"21:09
jattVlek: seems I pasted a page of messages by mistake, my apologies21:09
TGVoidreisio: I think the 2 partitions might be the case. I see 2 "partitions" within the partition I copied21:09
TGVoidreisio: I believe I started saving it to another file, deleted the file, and continued on the original file while imaging the drive21:09
jattVlek: please check whether the script has the executable bit set, you can do it with ls -altr <full path of the script>21:10
reisioTGVoid: that'd be better than it just being a broken single partition21:10
SchrodingersScatLostForgotten1: k, that link isn't describing anything magic, it's just that if you had a separate home partition then you could do a manual partitioning and not wipe out the home.21:11
Grorcotgm4883: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18054630/21:11
SchrodingersScat!backups | LostForgotten121:11
ubottuLostForgotten1: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning21:11
Grorcotgm4883: I'm going to try a restart and see if it fixes the problem, I'll be back in a minute21:12
tgm4883Grorco: ok21:12
LostForgotten1 SchrodingersScat: I didn't expect magic... I can't boot the OS, so I need to reinstall but I can't find that option to preserve it in the installer like I am used to... when i don't need it it is always there...the one time i do need it, i can't find it. and this Device was supposed to be the back up in the first place[I was turning it into a personal Cloud], but i accidentaly removed to contents from my scattered cloud serv21:14
EriC^^TGVoid: try "file /image"21:14
Grorcotgm4883: A restart took care of it :)21:14
tgm4883Grorco: ok cool21:14
SchrodingersScatLostForgotten1: well, you're not upgrading, so the first option on that page doesn't make sense, you can try the 'something else' and do the manual partitioning.21:15
Grorcotgm4883: I added logout to the desktop again and the bug didn't reproduce :) thanks for your help!21:15
SchrodingersScatLostForgotten1: oh, guess this is what you're getting at, "Be sure to keep the same format type, the same size, and untick the "Format" checkbox or all data on "/" will be deleted!."21:16
LostForgotten1the new installer is lubuntu and the option to install side by side isn't available either21:16
TGVoidEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18054971/21:16
EriC^^TGVoid: looks like a ntfs partition21:17
Vlekjatt, I figured it out. I also had to chmod it as well.21:19
TGVoidreisio: What am I doing wrong? http://paste.ubuntu.com/18055138/21:19
jattVlek: I see, once the bit is set should work without restart21:20
slojankoHello, can anyone help me with running ubuntu from a usb? I've installed it but there's no usb option in boot menu21:20
GrorcoI want to start trying to help with little bugs but I feel lost :( I used bazaar to get a local branch of software-properties and I don't understand where the code actually is...21:23
reisioslojanko: what about a boot order in bios config?21:23
EriC^^TGVoid: hate to be the bad news bearer but i think you need to do the imdisk chkdsk route21:23
reisioTGVoid: error?21:23
slojankoreisio: what are the chances of an install of ubuntu being 3.87 GB ?21:24
Grorcothe file seems pretty empty, and the read-me from bzr says not to edit it directly21:24
TGVoidreisio: It shows me usage21:24
slojankoI just noticed it might not have installed at all but I wonder how the hell im booting from it then21:24
reisioslojanko: fairly decent I'd say21:24
reisioTGVoid: shows you what?21:24
TGVoidreisio: The usage21:24
TGVoidEriC^^: We're seeing if we can somehow mount it21:24
reisioit outputs "The usage"?21:25
reisioor something else?21:25
EriC^^TGVoid: you already tried21:25
TGVoidreisio: It shows the command usage, like the options of the command21:25
EriC^^TGVoid: you're currently seeing if you have actually the disk image not the partition image and using an offset to mount the partition further down in sectors in the disk image21:25
pandasmaneed help21:25
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EriC^^TGVoid: if testdisk showed none as the partition table type at first then it's probably a partition image, also the file command shows the image to be a ntfs partition as well21:26
TGVoidEriC^^: I do have the partition image, but I think it split while I imaged it21:26
EriC^^split how?21:26
EriC^^maybe try cat image1 image2 > newimage21:27
EriC^^if you have the space21:27
TGVoidEriC^^: I ran DDrescue, paused it midway, changed the output file, paused, deleted the new output file, and put in the old output file and resumed.21:27
EriC^^TGVoid: you have 2 files right now?21:28
reisioTGVoid: then you're using the command wrong21:28
TGVoidEriC^^: No, one21:28
PazoozaHow do you shut off sticky windows or stick borders or what ever it is?21:29
EriC^^so you wrote some of the output to a file that you deleted21:29
TGVoidreisio: How though? I don't see a problem. I multiplied the starting sector by 512 and used that as the offset like the guide told me21:29
TGVoidEriC^^: Yes21:29
EriC^^TGVoid: that could screw up the MFT i think that's at the end of the partition21:29
k1l_Pazooza: unity-tweak-tool can handle that21:29
EriC^^maybe the filesystem doesn't know where to look for the right stuff now21:30
TGVoidEriC^^: I stopped it near 1/4 of the way there21:31
TGVoidEriC^^: No more than 1/421:31
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EriC^^yeah but now the remaining stuff aren't aligned i guess21:31
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EriC^^TGVoid: try chkdsk and see what happens i'd say21:32
TGVoidEriC^^: "command not found"21:33
EriC^^TGVoid: another option would be (kind of far fetched though) is to use testdisk to recover the deleted file or at least the size it had, and fill in the image you have with that amount of just zero's so it's aligned at the end where the mft is (i'm just guessing here)21:33
PazoozaIs that called window snapping, kil_?21:33
reisioTGVoid: mount -o loop,...21:33
EriC^^TGVoid: you have to run it from windows21:34
hudnixI now can't find the person who was helping me, but the new nvidia driver worked, thanks21:34
reisioif the FS is broken, possibly chkdsk from Windows will help; but if mount thinks it isn't even a partition, that won't help21:34
EriC^^TGVoid: where did you do the imaging?21:34
TGVoidreisio: "failed: Structure needs cleaning"21:34
TGVoidEriC^^: Ubuntu21:34
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reisioTGVoid: okay, so it's probably broken in some way21:35
EriC^^TGVoid: where did you save the new output file you deleted?21:35
TGVoidEriC^^: On an external drive. I saved it about a month ago so it's probably gone21:35
k1l_Pazooza: yes21:35
TGVoidEriC^^: Deleted*21:36
EriC^^TGVoid: what kind of filesystem did it have?21:36
TGVoidEriC^^: The external drive? NTFD21:37
TGVoidEriC^^: NTFS*21:37
EriC^^TGVoid: do you still have access to it?21:37
TGVoidEriC^^: Yes. It has my image on it21:37
EriC^^ok, try using testdisk to see if you can still see it there, don't write anything, just press "p" over the partition in the list and browse for the file21:38
EriC^^try to recover it with "c" or at least see if the size of the file is still there next to it21:38
gpietrohi guy last tiem i installed hibernate i couldnt boot after..i suspect because of the encrypted file system.21:39
gpietroI am running ubuntu 16.04...and i would like to install hiberante and use it hwo do i go about it?21:39
TGVoidEriC^^: There's nothing that isn't visible on the drive21:41
EriC^^TGVoid: ok21:41
TGVoidEriC^^: reisio What now?21:47
reisiodunno, what now?21:47
TGVoidreisio: EriC^^ Should I just use Testdisk and cross my fingers?21:50
EriC^^TGVoid: use it how?21:50
TGVoidEriC^^: To get my files out21:51
EriC^^yeah but how?21:51
EriC^^what feature21:51
TGVoidEriC^^: Using the Intel setting, quick searching, and then copying21:53
EriC^^TGVoid: that's supposed to search for lost partitions, to add them to the partition table or look for files in them21:54
EriC^^TGVoid: give it a shot i guess21:54
EriC^^TGVoid: try with "none" too21:55
EriC^^as you dont really have a partition table..21:55
EriC^^TGVoid: maybe some ntfs specialized recovery tools might help?21:56
TGVoidEriC^^: With none it automatically displays NTFS. Viewing the files shows "can't open filesystem. Filesystem seems damaged."21:56
EriC^^TGVoid: type apt-cache search ntfs recovery21:56
EriC^^you'll get a list of some tools21:56
arooniis there software to automatically back up my content to AWS glacier?  ideally i'm looking for something similar to mac os' arq.  ideas?21:57
EriC^^TGVoid: aha, that's what you want i guess, the "none"21:57
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apb1963how can I install acroread?  The usual way (apt-get) fails.21:57
EriC^^TGVoid: try photorec21:57
EriC^^TGVoid: photorec searches for file headers, it doesn't care about anything else, so it can recover files you give it the headers of21:58
naccapb1963: i think it's mostly discontinued by adobe, but you'd get it from them21:58
TGVoidEriC^^: It won't keep names or directories though. A large amount of my files will be useless without names and directories21:58
naccapb1963: i believe you can make it install on 14.04 and possibly even 16.04, but it's unsupported now21:58
apb1963nacc: so it's been removed from the repos21:58
EriC^^TGVoid: i'll be honest, having missing a middle part your odds are very slim21:58
naccapb1963: it hasn't been in the repos since at least 12.04 according to rmadison21:58
EriC^^i'd photorec the living heck out of it and then try your luck with other stuff and chkdsk21:59
naccapb1963: maybe it's been in some other repository than the main one?21:59
apb1963I don't know21:59
TGVoidEriC^^: Would writing the missing part with 0s work?21:59
apb1963All I know is I'm coming dangerously close to going back to Windows after avoiding it for over 25 years.21:59
EriC^^TGVoid: it could i guess21:59
naccapb1963: why? for fillable PDF forms?22:00
naccapb1963: complain to acrobat about that, it's a non-standard standard22:00
apb1963nacc: Uncle Sam says jump... I ask how high22:00
TGVoidEriC^^: Is it worth a shot?22:00
aroonii'm often connected to my home network; i'm wondering if theres also  a way to network mount a ubuntu ext4 drive so mac os x can see it; then i could just use arq which does it all for me22:00
EriC^^TGVoid: you don't have which part is missing though22:00
naccapb1963: there are hacky workarounds, from what I gather, but nothing other than acrobat on windows will do it properly, and even that not always :/22:00
randokingAnyone point me to PSAD support ?22:00
naccarooni: network mount? do you mean export an ext4 drive over the network?22:01
TGVoidEriC^^: We do know when one part ends and the other starts22:01
EriC^^TGVoid: i'd try photorec first, then the other tools in that list, then chkdsk, chkdsk might still work (might)22:01
bpromptapb1963:     what do you need acrobat for anyway?22:01
EriC^^i think there's a backup mft at the end and one at the start i think, was the missing part 1/4 at the start or the last 1/4 ?22:01
EriC^^TGVoid: how do you know that?22:01
arooninacc i'm not sure what you mean by export; but make it accessible on only a trusted network (my home network but not any other) via username/password ;  something like this22:01
apb1963nacc: I just realized I may be going about this wrong... I want to try and run it under wine22:01
TGVoidEriC^^: fdisk -l22:02
apb1963bprompt: Because the gov't chooses to use XFA forms in its PDF files22:02
EriC^^TGVoid: that just shows the 2 linux partitions testdisk recovered somehow even though it's just a ntfs partition22:03
naccarooni: network mount usually means you have a network-visible filesystem and you are trying to mount it locally (and you wouldn't mention ext4 then, as that's not relevant to the clients mounting). I think what you are trying to do is serve a particular filesystem/directory over your local network?22:03
naccarooni: mac and linux clients? or also windows?22:03
arooninacc exactly!  but again i dont want it to be accessible on any network but my own22:03
arooninacc in my case it only needs to work for a mac client22:03
naccarooni: whether or not it's accessible is up to your network configuraion22:03
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EriC^^TGVoid: hmm, there might be a way i guess22:04
naccarooni: i believe macs can use NFS, that's probably what i'd do22:04
nacc!nfs | arooni22:04
ubottuarooni: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.22:04
arooninacc well if i connect to a different wireless ap at a coffee shop or something i dont want my whole file system available22:04
naccarooni: oh i see22:04
arooninacc and i can use NFS without having to reformat the drive ubuntu si on22:04
arooniis on22:04
naccarooni: yes, it is a protocol, nothing to do with the fs contents itself22:05
arooninacc what would your suggestion be to ensure that the NFS happens only on my local network22:05
apb1963hate it when they don't label buttons22:05
naccarooni: i'm sure there is a way to do what you're suggesting, i'm not sure how though :)22:05
aroonigot it22:06
apb1963arooni: What are you trying to do exactly?22:06
naccarooni: how well-configured is your home network?22:06
TGVoidEriC^^: Would it work 100%22:06
aroonidecently; its an impossible to remember long secured wpa2 password; and im in a residential neighborhood22:07
EriC^^TGVoid: nevermind22:07
naccarooni: i meant more hostnames, domain-name, etc. you can restrict nfs access by remote host information22:07
Ben64impossible to remember isn't good22:07
TGVoidEriC^^: It won't work?22:08
arooninaac ahh gotcha;  yeah i really only need to allow my mac mini's hostname to access it22:08
TGVoidBen64: Hey! Thanks for your help that one day!22:08
Loshkiarooni: it should be possible to configure the server to only answer requests from the local network22:08
Ben64TGVoid: np22:09
arooniLoshki is there a way to add username/password to it somehow so i can prevent hostname spoofing22:09
naccLoshki: right, the issue is arooni's local netowrk can change (when they got to the cafe), etc.22:09
naccarooni: i am 99% sure you can add auth layers to nfs22:09
jge_hey all, anyone know how to configure transmission with a proxy?22:10
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EriC^^TGVoid: it's pretty hard22:10
arooniwell now at least i have a name of a tool22:10
Loshkiarooni: gonna have to do the reading (sorry). https://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/Deployment_Guide-en-US/s1-nfs-security.html22:10
arooniand an approach; more than i had before22:10
EriC^^TGVoid: try some of those tools in the list, maybe photorec first if you'd like22:10
naccarooni: yeah, google around and i'm sure you'll find a guide, it might even be on the ubuntu wiki already, just ina  subsection22:10
EriC^^apt-cache search ntfs recovery22:10
naccarooni: nfs has lots of options, etc.22:11
* arooni wondering if its easier to set up to NFS or to figure out a client or way to auto backup contents of my ubuntu laptop to aws glacier (such as how arq does it on a mac)22:11
EriC^^TGVoid: try scrounge-ntfs it sounds promising22:13
tgm4883arooni: IDK what's available, but a long time ago there was a paid app that did that22:14
TGVoidEriC^^: I can't find a guide on it22:14
EriC^^TGVoid: http://thewalter.net/stef/software/scrounge/scrounge-ntfs.html22:15
TGVoidEriC^^: Thanks22:16
TGVoidEriC^^: "invalid mft record"22:21
EriC^^TGVoid: did you run scrounge-ntfs -l first?22:23
TGVoidEriC^^: I thought that was for pre-corruption22:23
TGVoidEriC^^: I'll do that now22:23
TGVoidEriC^^: Same thing22:24
TGVoidEriC^^: Is there anything else we can do?22:37
EriC^^TGVoid: try photorec to get the important stuff22:38
EriC^^then try chkdsk22:39
TGVoidEriC^^: Hope is lost then22:39
EriC^^chkdsk still might work, i dont trust it though not to corrupt it more, that's why i'd use photorec first22:39
TGVoidEriC^^: I can try checkdisk, but the file names and directories are a necessity.22:40
EriC^^what data is it?22:40
TGVoidEriC^^: I have many servers that I really need22:40
TGVoidEriC^^: There are some videos that I can live without22:40
EriC^^virtualbox servers?22:41
TGVoidEriC^^: Minecraft servers22:41
TGVoidEriC^^: The servers have a few files with unique names22:41
EriC^^what about the important stuff, are they just a few files?22:42
TGVoidEriC^^: That is the important stuff IMO. I need the entire directory with the same file names in order for them to function22:43
TGVoidEriC^^: So photorec is the only option?22:45
TGVoidEriC^^: Or is there a slim chance that Testdisk will work?22:46
EriC^^it might i guess22:46
TGVoidEriC^^: Is it risky?22:46
EriC^^TGVoid: try advanced below analyze22:48
EriC^^see if there's any repair mft option22:48
EriC^^or any options it has22:49
TGVoidEriC^^: Intel or none?22:49
TGVoidThere's type and boot22:50
TGVoidThe other ones are useless22:50
TGVoidEriC^^: ^^22:50
computerpeople, i am trying to install a program through sudo apt-get and it seems i already have it, but i cannot execute it, i get permission denied, how can i by pass this?22:50
computeror actualy i get command not found22:50
TGVoidcomputer: If it says "permission denied" use sudo before the command22:51
OerHekscomputer, more details please, what ubuntu, what program?22:51
computerTGVoid: OerHeks i already used sudo22:52
k1l_computer: what error exactly? what program do you try?22:52
computerk1l_: ok i will paste it22:52
k1l_!paste | computer22:52
ubottucomputer: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:52
TGVoidcomputer: Welp.... there goes my knowledge on Ubuntu22:53
TGVoidcomputer: Good luck finding your solution!22:53
OerHeksmaybe sudo is the culprit, lets see22:53
EriC^^TGVoid: go to boot22:53
TGVoidEriC^^: There's Org., Backup, and Rebuild BS22:54
EriC^^TGVoid: any repair mft?22:54
EriC^^(dont try it yet)22:54
TGVoidEriC^^: No22:54
Bray90820Is there a way I can list the device names for my bluetooth devices22:54
EriC^^TGVoid: what does org have?22:55
TGVoidEriC^^: Copy boot sector over backup sector22:55
TGVoidEriC^^: I didn't select it22:55
computerTGVoid: k1l_ OerHeks https://da.gd/1MPB22:55
EriC^^TGVoid: any rebuild bs?22:57
TGVoidEriC^^: Yes22:57
EriC^^TGVoid: try it, dont commit to any changes though22:57
k1l_computer: what ubuntu is that exactly?22:57
OerHekscomputer, is /work in your root? .. odd to use fedorapaste indeed?22:58
computerraspian k1l_22:58
computerOerHeks: yes22:58
k1l_computer: so please ask in #raspbian since its not even using ubuntu as base22:58
OerHeksmaybe run a decent upgrade first.22:59
computerOerHeks: i upgraded22:59
EriC^^TGVoid: scrounge-ntfs seems a little promising23:03
TGVoidEriC^^: It didn't work23:03
EriC^^TGVoid: scrounge-ntfs or the backup bs?23:05
Bray90820Is there a way to slow down the pointer speed to less than what system setting will allow23:05
EriC^^*rebuild bs23:05
TGVoidEriC^^: Scrounge. It said invalid MFT record23:06
Bray90820Bluetooth mouse btw23:06
EriC^^TGVoid: what happened when you tried scrounge-ntfs -l /path/to/image ?23:06
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TGVoidEriC^^: Scrounge. It yelled out invalid MFT record23:06
Valkyrie115so who has steam working in ubuntu 16.0423:07
EriC^^did it mention the start and end sectors and cluster size?23:07
Valkyrie115I need help23:07
EriC^^TGVoid: ^23:07
Valkyrie115If someone could pm me I'd be great23:07
TGVoidEriC^^: I put in the start and end23:07
Valkyrie115Because steam seems to just be crashing23:08
Valkyrie115If not possible I accept it23:08
k1l_!details | Valkyrie11523:09
ubottuValkyrie115: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.23:09
Valkyrie115I'll say what I did step by step then lol23:09
EriC^^TGVoid: try with -m 629145723:09
Valkyrie115I typed in apt-get install steam-launcher23:09
Valkyrie115with sudo23:09
Valkyrie115Steam keeps crashing23:10
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k1l_Valkyrie115: with what error?23:10
Valkyrie115That's all my issue consists of23:10
tgm4883!details | Valkyrie11523:10
ubottuValkyrie115: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.23:10
Valkyrie115no error23:10
Valkyrie115when I click on the program23:10
Valkyrie115it crashes23:10
Valkyrie115that's the error23:10
Valkyrie115it literally won't open23:10
Valkyrie115I see no error23:10
OerHeksdo you start steamlauncher with sudo too?23:10
TGVoidEriC^^: Should I wait for Testdisk before I do anything else?23:11
Valkyrie115Jesus Christ23:11
Valkyrie115So you have to open it with terminal23:11
Valkyrie115are you serious23:11
k1l_Valkyrie115: no23:11
k1l_Valkyrie115: and could you please reduce the enter usage? thanks.23:11
Valkyrie115If that's the case I'll just install Windows 1023:11
OerHeksValkyrie115, no, missed you click sentences23:12
Valkyrie115I'm sorry if my enter usage is triggering to you23:12
nacc!info steam-launcher xenial23:12
ubottuPackage steam-launcher does not exist in xenial23:12
k1l_Valkyrie115: what package did you install exactly? and what are you starting?23:12
naccValkyrie115: so you're using a ppa?23:12
EriC^^TGVoid: yeah23:12
Valkyrie115kill_: sorry what23:12
k1l_because there is no package like you said. so something is wrong. and we asked to be precise.23:12
naccValkyrie115: i've run steam on 16.04 fine23:12
Valkyrie115nacc: no23:12
EriC^^TGVoid: what is testdisk still doing?23:12
Valkyrie115could someone pm me23:12
naccValkyrie115: `apt-get install steam-launcher` returns an error on 16.04, as no such package exist.23:13
TGVoidEriC^^: Search mft23:13
tgm4883Valkyrie115: nobody is going to PM you. Support should stay in this channel23:13
Valkyrie115nacc: that's what I did23:13
Valkyrie115as I said before23:13
EriC^^TGVoid: aha, cool23:13
tgm4883Valkyrie115: are you sure you didn't just "apt-get install steam"23:13
Valkyrie115okiedokie tgm488323:13
naccValkyrie115: please pastebin `apt-cache policy steam-launcher`23:13
Valkyrie115so I include the word policy23:13
Valkyrie115is that right?23:14
Bray90820Is there a way to slow down the pointer speed of my bluetooth mouse to less than what system setting will allow23:14
naccValkyrie115: the full command to run was between ``23:14
Valkyrie115If so I'm sorry because nobody told me that before23:14
OerHeksvalve gives "Try to run steam by: LC_ALL=C steam"23:14
Valkyrie115oh really23:14
naccValkyrie115: no, i'm asking for that output, so i can see where you got that package from23:14
Valkyrie115just ''23:14
Valkyrie115sorry if I'm being a jerk but this is frustrating23:14
Valkyrie115my sound doesn't even work on my computer23:14
naccValkyrie115: you're being a jerk. But that's ok.23:14
Valkyrie115this is stupid23:15
Valkyrie115no offense23:15
k1l_Valkyrie115: would be helping if you could concentrate for 5 minutes.23:15
naccValkyrie115: please run: 'apt-cache policy steam-launcher'23:15
naccValkyrie115: and pastebin the output23:15
tgm4883Valkyrie115: and don't use enter for punctuation23:15
tgm4883Valkyrie115: wow what?23:16
Valkyrie115Kill I'm talking to tmg at the moment about my problem23:17
Valkyrie115so for the first time with ubuntu I'm unable to hear sound23:17
Valkyrie115I have yet to find out what's up with that23:18
Valkyrie115and what other drivers weren't installed23:18
tgm4883Valkyrie115: ok, so how about we tackle one issue at a time23:18
Valkyrie115can we tackle the sound one first23:18
tgm4883Valkyrie115: also, keep in mind that lots of people in this channel can help you23:19
Valkyrie115I'm open to anyone helping me23:19
Valkyrie115I'm unable to read what everyone is saying at once23:19
Valkyrie115Please try to understand that this is frustrating from an entry users perspective23:20
tgm4883Valkyrie115: I understand that. Please understand that everyone in this channel is a volunteer23:20
Valkyrie115I know?23:20
Valkyrie115I'm not trying to be rude to anyone23:21
tgm4883Valkyrie115: If you'd like to be more demanding, there is paid support for that. Nobody here needs you to be rude to them23:21
Bray90820Is there a way to slow down the pointer speed of my bluetooth mouse to less than what system setting will allow23:21
tgm4883Valkyrie115: so why don't you post the output of 'lspci'23:22
tgm4883!pastebin | Valkyrie11523:22
ubottuValkyrie115: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:22
Valkyrie115would this help23:22
tgm4883Valkyrie115: no23:22
tgm4883Valkyrie115: for multiple reasons23:22
tgm4883Valkyrie115: 1) You wanted to work on your sound issue first23:22
tgm4883Valkyrie115: 2) That is installing the windows version of steam23:23
Valkyrie115so what's the command again23:23
Valkyrie115I see23:23
Valkyrie115so just enter lspci23:24
tgm4883I've not troubleshot a sound issue in a long time, so if anyone wants to pipe up that would be great23:24
tgm4883Valkyrie115: ok, now you are going to copy that output to a pastebin23:24
tgm4883!pastebin | Valkyrie11523:24
Valkyrie115I don't recall what the command was though23:24
Valkyrie115So I can't23:25
SikHey, I'm on 14.04 and want to update to 16.04 but the wi-fi connection is trash (as in sometimes I can't trust it to stay connected for more than 5 minutes :D), what's the safest way to upgrade this computer without risking it becoming unusable because wi-fi dies? :/23:25
tgm4883Valkyrie115: ok, do this23:25
nacc!ltsupgrade | Sik: first of all,23:25
ubottuSik: first of all,: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.23:25
tgm4883Valkyrie115: 'lspci | nc termbin.com 9999'23:25
tgm4883Valkyrie115: that will give you a link23:25
tgm4883Valkyrie115: which you need to paste here23:25
Sikwell ok thanks for that ( ・・) I still need to come up with suggestions over the wi-fi thing, anyway (even if for later) any ideas?23:25
naccSik: can you get wired? you shouldn't need the wireless during the upgrade itself23:26
Valkyrie115so this is steams **** up this is clear23:26
naccSik: i would think it would d/l the set of packages first, before initiating the upgrade23:26
Valkyrie115I need the apt-get install command23:26
* tgm4883 sighs23:26
SikLiving in a hotel and the router isn't mine, so no :/ (otherwise I'd go wired all the way)23:26
tgm4883Valkyrie115: why? You wanted to work on the sound issue23:26
* Valkyrie115 sighs as well23:26
naccSik: if your connection is really that inconsistent, then it might just take a bunch of resumptions23:26
Valkyrie115well this whole thing is a cluster23:26
Valkyrie115wouldn't you say23:26
Ben64pick one issue and work on it23:27
Sik...right I think it downloads everything first, but does anything happen if that gets interrupted? ( ・・) Also I was wondering about the minimal installer in case the standard one fails23:27
Valkyrie115Tons of missing drivers and I'm regretting installing ubuntu23:27
SikBut I guess you have a point23:27
tgm4883Valkyrie115: IDK, I'm playing Kerbal Space Program on  steam on my second monitor right now23:27
Valkyrie115When I had Windows all the drivers were installed but that's too much to ask23:27
speed_i am having troubble with ubuntu 14.04 using the Nvidia GTX 960 ever since i got that card i cant log into a GUI23:27
Ben64Valkyrie115: pick one problem, explain the problem, wait for response, paste what people ask for, get the help, done23:28
noobwithaquestioHello. So I recently installed 16.04 and after fighting with drivers for my 980Ti I finally got everything to boot after setting my boot to Text Mode. I was eble to decrypt and everything was fine. However, when I try to restart I watch the text mode start and then it stops at a line similar to "Power Button registered as temperature point" and I have no idea what the issue may be. Can anyone help? I can boot in via GRUB an23:28
Valkyrie115There are loads of problems with my computer right now including display ones so23:28
Valkyrie115I guess I'll go with the Steam issue first23:28
tgm4883Valkyrie115: you sure?23:28
tgm4883Valkyrie115: ok, steam it is23:28
Valkyrie115While I have a million issues23:29
Valkyrie115so what do I enter in for Steam to install23:29
pauljw!es | ruizgatti23:30
ubotturuizgatti: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:30
speed_i dont know how to get into a command shell iether23:30
Ben64<nacc> Valkyrie115: please pastebin `apt-cache policy steam-launcher`23:30
apb1963Ben64: core dumps23:31
speed_well, in advanced options for ubuntu i can but i cant do apt-get commands there23:31
Ben64speed_: ??23:31
speed_im trying to see if i can purge the nvidia drivers from my system to get it to login23:31
speed_but i need shell acess to do that23:32
Ben64speed_: what do you mean you can't do apt-get23:32
naccspeed_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2263316 ?23:32
Valkyrie115that's what I see23:32
speed_but i cant login23:32
Valkyrie115tgm4883: are you there23:33
speed_i cant get to terminal, and idk how to get past the login screen to get  shell acess23:33
naccValkyrie115: right, so you used some external source for steam, whichi s not necessary in 16.0423:33
naccValkyrie115: well, hasn't been necessary since 14.04 (afaict)23:33
Ben64speed_: use recovery mode23:33
nacc!info steam xenial23:33
ubottusteam (source: steam): Valve's Steam digital software delivery system. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 1: (xenial), package size 853 kB, installed size 2600 kB (Only available for i386)23:33
tgm4883Valkyrie115: do this "dpkg -l | grep steam | nc termbin.com 9999"23:34
Valkyrie115I'm a newbie to this whole ubuntu thing lol23:34
naccspeed_: if you're at the login screen, you could also drop to the sheell (ctrl+alt+f1)23:34
apb1963Ben64: my /tmp has several core dumps, all in all totaling 9.5G.  I guess I can delete them.23:34
tgm4883Valkyrie115: that's ok. Open a terminal and type (or copy and paste) that all in23:35
Valkyrie115m4hp *23:35
apb1963Ben64: but that brings up an interesting question... what happens the next time something dumps core if I have a RAM disk that's too small to hold it?  Probably just not get a core dump if there's no room to hold it yes?23:36
Ben64apb1963: i suppose. how big is each one?23:36
tgm4883Valkyrie115: ok, so then lets do this. Lets remove that package "sudo apt remove steam-launcher"23:36
tgm4883Valkyrie115: then lets do this. 'ls -l /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | nc termbin.com 9999'23:37
apb1963Ben64: they vary... the largest is 4.3G23:37
Ben64apb1963: ew23:37
apb1963Ben64: yeah23:37
Valkyrie115one sec23:38
apb1963Ben64: probably firefox if I had to guess23:38
Ben64feb 10 2014?23:40
Ben64Valkyrie115: this is a new install? ubuntu 16.04?23:40
tgm4883Valkyrie115: ok do this "lsb_release -a | nc termbin.com 9999"23:40
Valkyrie115Yes Ben6423:40
tgm4883Ben64: It wouldn't surprise me if valve was doing something dumb there23:40
Ben64oh maybe23:40
tgm4883Ben64: they probably ship the file and place it there rather than write a new file23:41
tgm4883Valkyrie115: ok perfect23:41
tgm4883So lets do this23:42
tgm4883Valkyrie115: "sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/steam.list"23:42
tgm4883Valkyrie115: then do "sudo apt update"23:42
tgm4883Valkyrie115: let me know when that is done23:42
Valkyrie115"cannot remove23:42
Ben64Valkyrie115: whats the cannot remove thing?23:44
* Valkyrie115 sighs23:44
Valkyrie115it can't remove the source23:44
Ben64did you use sudo23:44
Valkyrie115I'm sorry but I think I possibly might go with Windows if I can't get this working23:44
Ben64you can if you follow the steps23:45
=== vishesh is now known as vishesmch
Valkyrie115I know people are trying to help but my keyboard isn't even fully working23:45
tgm4883Valkyrie115: If you're going to threaten to do that, then do it. It's literally no skin off my nose whether you use Ubuntu or not23:45
mistiryhelp plz...ubuntu 16 LTS installs php7, i need to install php-devel but cannot for the life of me FIND it....23:45
Valkyrie115There's about 10 thing wrong right now23:45
Valkyrie115I'm not making threats23:45
Valkyrie115This is lierally frustrating to an entry user23:45
naccmistiry: do you mean php-dev?23:45
Valkyrie115literally *23:45
tgm4883Valkyrie115: ok, and?23:45
Valkyrie115this doesn't happen with mac os x or windows23:46
tgm4883Valkyrie115: oh that's a good one23:46
Ben64k bye23:46
mistirynacc: JFC. yes. im a RHEL guy, its php-devel there. im an idiot - thank you!23:46
* tgm4883 writes that one down for open mic knight23:46
naccValkyrie115: and you're being helped, but it's not obvious you're doing exactly what is being asked in order to fix the issues (sudo wouldn't have said cannot remove)23:46
Ben64he left23:46
naccfair enough23:46
tgm4883I swear I'm trying to help people today23:47
OerHeks php7.0-dev23:47
Ben64!cookie | tgm488323:47
ubottutgm4883: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!23:47
tgm4883nom nom nom23:47
naccOerHeks: yep, although i would recommend php-dev instead (better on upgrade paths/future-proof)23:47
naccOerHeks: as 7.1 will be present someday, and php-dev will dtrt for upgrades there23:47
Valkyrie115Is there at least something I can install to make the drivers properly install without lines of terminal commands23:48
Valkyrie115If not please tell me23:48
Valkyrie115I'll remove this and leave you guys alone23:48
k1l_Valkyrie115: we suggest using terminal commands in here since they provide proper errormessages and so we know what is going on.23:49
scrupul0usOTGhey all, ive setup an ipv6 address on em1… iface em1 inet6 static… when i restart the network, ifconfig shows an ipv6 address that appears to be autoconfig assigned much like centos does… how can i force the interface to have the static address i set in /etc/network/interfaces… ipv6 networking does work though but i dont want a random address on the interface… thnks23:49
ginValkyrie115, you can install proprierity drivers from software sources I think23:49
Valkyrie115I've tried23:49
Valkyrie115Thanks for the suggestion though23:49
Valkyrie115I had sound driver issues in Windows 10 as well23:49
OerHekssudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall23:49
ginValkyrie115, Sound issues? Whats your sound card?23:50
nacctgm4883: probably time to get that lspci :)23:50
Valkyrie115OerHeks: nothing was updated23:50
tgm4883Valkyrie115: can you give us the output of "lspci | nc termbin.com 9999"23:51
tgm4883Valkyrie115: that will show us a listing of some of your hardware23:51
Tin__manbout to give me a headache, and I'm just reading..23:51
OerHeksoh, radeon23:52
tgm4883OerHeks: yea, but should be supported OOTB I think23:53
Valkyrie115so I'm guessing this isn't fixable23:54
veronica__wifi is hard blocked23:54
veronica__please help23:54
tgm4883Valkyrie115: well you seem to be back on sound now23:54
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
scrupul0usOTGi did try this: http://superuser.com/questions/33196/how-to-disable-autoconfiguration-on-ipv6-in-linux23:54
scrupul0usOTGno luck23:54
tgm4883Valkyrie115: which means you've jumped to another issue AGAIN23:54
Valkyrie115one sec23:54
Valkyrie115I'm going to play a youtube video23:54
ginValkyrie115, it most likely is, may I ask how you connected your speakers, via 3.5mm plug, or integrated hdmi?23:54
aaaaaaaaaawhats the easiest way to append a png header to a png file whose header was removed?23:55
Valkyrie115no sound23:55
Valkyrie115This whole thing has been an issue23:55
tgm4883Valkyrie115: what laptop is this?23:55
tgm4883Valkyrie115: ah ok23:56
Valkyrie115and a p7 115423:56
Valkyrie115It's an HP Desktop23:56
tgm4883Valkyrie115: so do you want to work through these issues or not23:56
Valkyrie115Honestly will probably revert back to Windows 823:57
=== duck_ is now known as Guest1663
Guest1663한국사람 있나요?23:58
tgm4883!ko | Guest388523:59
ubottuGuest3885: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko23:59
irregularhi guys, I have this duplicated code for 2 functions, is there a way I can abstract some of it to make it look nicer? http://pastebin.com/VkbP7vFU23:59
irregularops wrong channel, ignore me!!23:59

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