
=== JanC is now known as Guest53913
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
sladenis there anyone in the office that could give Marcus a poke?14:06
sladenjamiey: could you give Marcus a poke if he's in the office?14:34
jamieyhey sladen I can see him in a meeting room. I'll give him a prod :-)14:35
sladenjamiey: okay, on the way out then14:36
sladenjamiey: we already missed our slot14:36
sladenjamiey: might as well let one meeting finish first14:36
jamieysladen :) I told him you're looking for him, I think he's going to ping you.14:37
sladenjamiey: ta!  Thank you14:40
jamieysladen no probs! (you can ping me anytime, I sit right next to him) ;)14:40
sladenjamiey: groovy, I'll use you a proxy in future instead of John!14:46
sladennormally it's on Wednesdays which is when mpt isn't around14:47

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