[16:58] Good evening. A history question: Ubuntu 15.04 started using systemd by default instead of upstart. Does this also go for Ubuntu GNOME? Or was systemd already used in earlier releases? By using the staging ppa for example [17:02] Forage: Pretty sure Ubuntu GNOME follows Ubuntu regarding that. It's Ubuntu GNOME and Ubuntu are much the same exact distribution, except for a different set of default packages. [17:03] JockeTF: that was my feeling as well, though I can imagine the staging ppa playing with it sooner [17:04] Forage: Possibly, it's a pretty large change though. :) [17:04] Also, that wouldn't be "by default". [17:05] You may have been able to install systemd in Ubuntu before it was made the default. :) [17:05] OK, let's rule the staging ppa scenario out for a moment then [17:05] merci [17:06] http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=systemd <-- Parts of it were in 14.04, at least. === dzragon^ is now known as dzragon