
Guest44795hi Kilos08:51
Researcher-hi hi08:52
Kiloshi Researcher-08:53
pavlushkaHello Guest44795 !08:53
Researcher-hi kilos08:53
pavlushkaHello Researcher08:53
Researcher-hi pavlushka08:53
Researcher-h r u guys08:54
Kilosok ty and you?08:54
Researcher-i am all good08:54
pavlushkaGuest44795: If you please identify yourself, :)08:54
Kilospatience pavlushka08:55
pavlushkaResearcher-: I am great, thanks for asking, :)08:55
Researcher-how are you guys08:55
Researcher-Kilos hows life08:55
Kilosbusy but ok ty08:55
Researcher-and pavlushka you seems to be quite busy no08:55
Researcher-glad to hear from you Kilos08:55
Kilosyes he is helping me try get bd and pk alive again08:56
Researcher-this is nice.08:56
pavlushkaResearcher-: A little, but not like you, :p, not even married, :p08:56
Researcher-well i am married man but i do give time to commitments.. and irc is my priority08:57
Kilosthere is at least a small group working towards reviving bd08:57
Researcher-more then on 10 networks and regular, even associated with official projects..08:57
Researcher-but i do join irc08:57
pavlushkaResearcher-: yep, that is evident08:57
Researcher-pavlushka you are bd ?08:58
Researcher-from *08:58
pavlushkaResearcher-: yep, You can see me there, :)08:58
Researcher-yeah i visited lot of time there08:58
Researcher-Ekushey is a nice old friend of mine08:59
Kilosi think they were looking for some hosted space Researcher-08:59
Researcher-my nick got expired, nick was shani08:59
Researcher-no problem08:59
Researcher-who is looking for and for what purpose08:59
Kilospavlushka can tell you, its for ubuntu stuff09:00
Kilosi forget, too much going on09:00
Researcher-is it about a wordpress site or you need a space for downloading stuff09:00
Kilospity you dont come online when they are discussing it09:01
pavlushkaResearcher: actually e issue is with domain, I think, hosting is not a problem,09:01
Researcher-what domain you want09:02
pavlushkaWe want to revive ubuntu-bd.org, Our peeps have more on that, I was not a part of that management, the guys who managed is getting active again, we will be back soon.09:04
Researcher-pavllushka the ubuntu loco team domains are the property of canonical09:05
Researcher-and no one can register the loco domains privately09:05
pavlushkaNo, we are not trying that.09:05
pavlushkaWe will follow the procedure09:05
Researcher-then how i can help you in this regards09:07
Researcher-are you looking to create a seperate website09:07
pavlushkaResearcher-: :) thanks for your concern, thanks for the time and discussion, actually Kilos asked you, dont mind, please09:08
Researcher-i understnad09:09
pavlushkaI understand both, :p09:09
=== Kilos-- is now known as Kilos

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