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nhainesbregma: thanks for that!  There are some other issues, so I wasn't sure if the matchbox window decorations were some symptom or just a sign I needed to reinstall my containers after switching to ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu.  On the other hand, OSK doesn't seem to be working for me for X apps either.00:49
nhainesAlso, if I switch to Desktop Mode, the tablet wants to kill all legacy apps instead of letting them switch back to staged mode, which is quite annoying if I started them in staged mode in the first place.  :)00:49
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matv1hi i have been seeing facebook webapp refusing to start when i previously killed after having followed an external link. is that a known bug?13:22
matv1only way to fix it is restart or - i assume- is clear cache13:24
matv1i also expect it is generic. i.e. not related to fb specifically13:25
matv1sound familiar anyone?13:26
dobeymatv1: "previously killed" as in within a few seconds?13:37
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matv1dobey it might be that that is the cause. starting the webapp again to quick. then it doesnt go beyond the spinner. but then the webapp never recovers after that. even if i try an hour later. seems to be fatal13:46
dobeythat's odd13:47
matv1dobey hang on let me just confirm that the initial cause is restarting the webapp too quick13:47
matv1ill be back..13:47
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matv1dobey im back. so i digged a little deeper14:08
matv1i got it pinned down now. It's a little more complicated though14:08
matv1dobey the issue is caused by following an external link, say for instance i am in the fb webapp, open a link tou youtube. That link doenst open in the webbrowser proper, but in the oxide container thingy within the webapp (please excuse my use of wrong nameing; you prob get my drift).14:09
matv1Then, in the upper right corner, i use the icon to break out of the webapp and view the link in the actuall webbrowser app. Then i stop and kill the webbrowser app.14:09
matv1Then restart the fb webapp (starting within seconds of after minutes makes no difference at all). The webapp hangs on the spinner.14:09
matv1dobey this is 100% reproducable14:10
dobeyoSoMoN: ^^14:10
oSoMoNalexabreu, ^^ is that a known issue?14:11
matv1i think it is that the webapp -in this case fb- is trying to reopen the last viewed page14:11
matv1but that history gets somehow broken when you break out to the webbrowser-app14:12
alexabreuoSoMoN, matv1 mmh never saw that14:12
alexabreumatv1, so basically you can easily repro it14:13
matv1yes. I wanna do a bug report . i could even add a vid for the steps. but what packagesdo i file it against?14:13
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alexabreumatv1, thank you, yes do it against https://code.launchpad.net/webapps-core14:14
matv1alexabreu dobey thanks for your help btw :)14:14
matv1ok will do. will ping you when its there.14:15
dobeyit doesn't sound like something that would be limited to the fb app, so i'd say it should probably be against the webbrowser-app package instead14:15
alexabreudobey, not really no, I'll diagnose it first14:15
alexabreubut might end up that way yes14:15
matv1ok cool. so webapps-core first14:16
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matv1ta all.14:16
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matv1alexabreau https://bugs.launchpad.net/webapps-core/+bug/159738415:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 1597384 in The Webapps-core project "webapp will fail to start after following external link in webbrowser-app" [Undecided,New]15:22
matv1alexabreu  ^^15:25
alexabreumatv1, thx !15:25
matv1alexabreu hang on the plot thickens..15:26
matv1might not be a webbrowser issue at all..15:27
matv1maybe authentication to fb.. i am now oticing that after crashing the fb webapp as described, i wont even start on my nexus 4 either..15:28
matv1'my brain hurts' :/15:28
matv1i am confused right now. I would say the first step is confirming if others can reproduce the bug15:31
alexabreumatv1, yes that's what I plan to check, I'll follow up on the bug15:31
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matv1alexbreu cool let me know if you need more from me anytime15:32
alexabreumatv1, yes no worries15:38
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FlohackI got an issue with GPS on my BQ 517:18
FlohackAnyone interested in that?17:18
seb128ogra_, hey, could you write a MIR for dbus-property-service? we are looking at getting unity8 in main and it's on the list and it seems it's a package you created17:31
ogra_oh my17:31
ogra_i havent touched that in years17:31
ogra_i that for the phone17:32
Flohacksry not my question, disregard ;)17:32
ogra_seb128, you surely dont want it on a desktop install, it manages a bunch of phone specific toggles in the system17:32
seb128ubuntu-system-settings depends on it17:33
ogra_(mainly android properties)17:33
ogra_(as the name suggests ;) )17:34
seb128I guess we could change/fix that instead17:34
ogra_yeah, make it a recommends, or drop it and have it seeded in the phone seeds17:34
ogra_something like that17:34
seb128well the question is how the settings would work without it17:34
ogra_they wont17:34
ogra_but tthats developer mode mostly17:35
seb128I guess we need to fix u-s-s to hide those when there is no android side17:35
ogra_which you likely want to hide on non-phones17:35
ogra_"software designd with convergence in mind"17:36
ogra_Flohack, you should definitely file a bug (see the channel topic, there is a link for it) so developers are awafre17:37
FlohackWell before I file a bug, I just want to know if maybe its my mistake => That is, the switch for enabling/disabling GPS is gone since the last OTA17:38
seb128tedg, could you write a MIR for indicator-transfer? ;-) it seems you made the original upload to the archive...17:38
FlohackAnd I cannot get a fix by enabling WiFi as suggested by some17:38
ogra_ah, thats intentional i think17:38
seb128tedg, sorry to bother you, we are trying to get moving toward getting unity8 in main but there is too much work for desktop only, cf http://pad.ubuntu.com/u8neededmir17:39
ogra_there is still a switch for location ... but none for GPS explicitly17:39
ogra_you can switch that somewhere in the system settings app though17:39
ogra_jzst not from the indicator anymore17:39
FlohackLocation is enabled, but SensorStatus gets no link, no uNav, nothing...17:39
FlohackAlso I canĀ“t find any documentation on that ;)17:40
ogra_you can find the setting under the security settings somewhere now17:41
seb128dobey, hey, is there any chance you could file a MIR for ubuntuone-credentials? (cf some lines up for the context)17:41
FlohackHmm yeah, there are options for location, but location is enabled for all apps + set to the GPS+Here option, still nothing. I would need to know where to look for error msgs for this part. Is this system-image ?17:42
seb128Elleo, ^ hey, could you maybe do one for ubuntu-keyboard?  (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess)17:42
dobeyseb128: i guess17:43
seb128dobey, that would be great, thanks!17:43
seb128dobey, if there are depends not in main just write in the bug, we can help with those (e.g don't feel like you have to deal with those as well)17:44
Elleoseb128: sure thing, just about to leave for the evening but will start on it tomorrow17:44
seb128Elleo, great, let me know if you have questions or need help, and have a great evening!17:44
Elleoseb128: sure thing, thanks :)17:44
dobeyseb128: i don't think it depends on anything not in main. but i guess i'll have to do MIRs for unity-scope-click and pay-service, too17:45
seb128dobey, if you want to/have cycles for those that would be nice17:45
seb128we are going to try to help on some but there is a stack17:45
dobeyseb128: well, unity8 needs them :)17:46
seb128Elleo, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-download-manager/+bug/1488425 seems assigned to you on a similar topic, unsure if it's still on your todolist?17:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 1488425 in ubuntu-download-manager (Ubuntu) "[MIR] ubuntu-download-manager" [Medium,Confirmed]17:47
seb128some issues to fix listed there17:47
Elleoseb128: yeah, sorting that out is on our backlog, it just hasn't had much priority until now17:47
stakewinner00today the telegram app have crashed a couple of time on my bq e4.5..18:23
FlohackTelegram is a beast on its own ;)18:35
FlohackBut it got quite stable on my BQ 5 during last updates. I currently see no crashes18:36
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