
Tea_PunkHello, I have some questions06:19
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paul_I want Ubuntu studio to upgrade to 16.x, but it is offering me version 15 right now. Any idea how to fix this?11:49
sakrecoersudo apt-get update12:09
sakrecoersudo apt-get upgrade12:09
sakrecoersudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:09
sakrecoerant then: sudo do-release-upgrade12:09
sakrecoerpaul_: make sure you back up your data first: better safe than sorry12:10
sakrecoerpaul_: or you can follow the steps in the last paragraph here: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/04/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-15-10-to-16-04-lts the one that says "Upgrade After Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Is Released"12:10
sakrecoerpaul_: ... oh that omg article is for ubuntu vanilla sorry12:11
sakrecoerpaul_: but you can find the "Update Manager" in the menu under "system" when it is done checking for updates, press the "settings..." button. in the window that opens, make sure "Notify me of a new ubuntu version" is set to "for long term support verisons"12:15
jrfranklin_Friends i have Kdenlivecrash... Example i want edit 2 movies Combine and add+logo, add+text but render is not complete .. Who Can Help Me ?13:00
paul_What's your software?13:13
paul_sakrecoer: as to your last instruction, that is exactly what I did, except I got offered version 1513:15
jrfranklin_i now see sorry13:30
jrfranklin_u here ?13:30
jrfranklin_i have problem13:30
jrfranklin_Crash error13:30
jrfranklin_U can help me ?13:30
paul_kdenlive is your rendering software?13:30
paul_I haven't used it. I use OpenShot. Crashes occasionally, but I have never lost my work.13:31
jrfranklin_Paul i want13:31
jrfranklin_2 movies combine and +logo +text13:31
jrfranklin_i can make with openshot ?13:31
paul_Yes, certainly. I have used it for title cards (using a screenshot of something in Open Office), and I am sure you can do something similar by importing a a logo.13:33
paul_It imports graphics as well as video and sound (if video and sound are separate)13:33
jrfranklin_i tried but i cant make bro13:34
jrfranklin_2 movies combine13:34
jrfranklin_Openshot is stable worked to u ?13:34
paul_Yes. But it has crashed for me (but I never lost any work as a result). Save often. Probably a good thing to do in kdenlive.13:35
jrfranklin_look private13:36
jrfranklin_Paul come on private bro13:37
jrfranklin_i writed to u13:38
paul_How do you do that?13:38
jrfranklin_right find my nickname13:38
jrfranklin_left click and13:38
jrfranklin_Friends i have Kdenlivecrash... Example i want edit 2 movies Combine and add+logo, add+text but render is not complete .. Who Can Help Me ? in Private ?13:55
=== dzragon^ is now known as dzragon
studio-user077hello currently testing out ubuntu studio23:57
studio-user077is this an active irc ? are people helpfull?23:58

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