=== Wulf4 is now known as Wulf | ||
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holser_ | smoser: Hi | 12:37 |
=== rangerpbzzzz is now known as rangerpb | ||
smoser | holser_, hey. | 15:05 |
holser_ | I’ve submitted 2 reviews for mcollective https://code.launchpad.net/~sgolovatiuk | 15:06 |
holser_ | smoser: your feedback is welcomed | 15:06 |
smoser | six doesn't cover BytesIO ? | 15:10 |
smoser | holser_, | 15:11 |
smoser | $ for p in python2 python3; do echo $p; $p -c 'from six import BytesIO; print(BytesIO)'; done | 15:11 |
smoser | python2 | 15:11 |
smoser | StringIO.StringIO | 15:11 |
smoser | python3 | 15:11 |
smoser | <class '_io.BytesIO'> | 15:11 |
smoser | smoser@milhouse:~/src/cirros/trunk$ | 15:11 |
smoser | seems to work | 15:11 |
smoser | but i'm guessin gyou tried that | 15:11 |
holser_ | yeah I tried | 15:12 |
smoser | must be older version of six | 15:12 |
smoser | that you have | 15:12 |
smoser | what a pita | 15:12 |
holser_ | I use the default version in 16.04 | 15:12 |
smoser | its got to be in there. | 15:12 |
holser_ | fresh 16.04 | 15:12 |
holser_ | anyway, I gave the exact steps in bug | 15:12 |
holser_ | so you can try them with your six | 15:13 |
smoser | python3 on 16.04 most certainly can do: from six import BytesIO | 15:14 |
holser_ | I can do that way | 15:14 |
holser_ | without try: | 15:14 |
holser_ | just from six import BytesIO | 15:14 |
smoser | see if that works on python2 though | 15:16 |
smoser | its posisble configobj in python2 will not like that it gets bytes | 15:16 |
waldi | possible. why do you want that? | 15:17 |
smoser | why do i want python2? | 15:18 |
waldi | wait. python2 does not have bytes | 15:18 |
smoser | well, some pytho2 do | 15:18 |
waldi | >>> bytes | 15:18 |
waldi | <type 'str'> | 15:18 |
waldi | so no, no bytes, only str | 15:18 |
smoser | right. ok. | 15:18 |
smoser | could you add unit test for this ? | 15:19 |
smoser | you can rip the section out of 'handle' that does: | 15:19 |
smoser | if 'conf' in mcollective_cfg: | 15:19 |
smoser | .... | 15:19 |
smoser | and just put that in a fuction that has 2 inputs. | 15:20 |
smoser | config and output file | 15:20 |
smoser | then unit test that the file gets what you expected | 15:20 |
smoser | or even that just returns a string (which you can pass to util.write_file()) | 15:20 |
smoser | i think if you re-factor that code a bit, it will be more easy for you do do the other mp too. | 15:23 |
smoser | oh. i see that the method i mentioned would have other htings too PUBCERT_FILE, and such. | 15:23 |
=== rangerpb is now known as baude_lunch | ||
=== baude_lunch is now known as rangerpb | ||
=== rangerpb is now known as rangerpbzzzz | ||
Wulf | Hoping to get a more satisfying answer today: I'm using cloud-init on aws ec2. I've seen in the source code, that retrieving ec2 meta data is supported. I would like to access the meta data from a userdata script written in python. Is it possible to access it without having to reinvent the wheel? | 19:11 |
smoser | Wulf, | 19:17 |
smoser | from cloudinit import ec2_utils | 19:17 |
smoser | ec2_utils.get_instance_metadata() | 19:17 |
Wulf | smoser: and that is considered a public interface? | 19:18 |
smoser | that will work for 14.04 and 16.04 | 19:19 |
Wulf | Good enough for me, thank you! | 19:19 |
Wulf | Now I only need to find out why I'm getting wrong data from AWS :-) | 19:19 |
Wulf | Odd_Bloke: and thanks to you too | 19:25 |
=== rangerpbzzzz is now known as rangerpb | ||
=== jroll|dupe is now known as jroll | ||
harlowja | btw, how far along is the networkd stuff for supporting systems? | 22:37 |
holser_ | smoser: I’ve updated review, added unit test | 22:39 |
copumpkin | does cloud-init ignore everything before #cloud-config in ec2 userdata? | 22:45 |
copumpkin | I see a lot of people describe it as #cloud-config needs to be on the first line | 22:45 |
harlowja | arg, why do when i go to rebuild a cloud-init rpm and look at what redhat rpm has in it do i always find little surprises that never seemed toget upstreamed | 23:37 |
harlowja | (where surprises == patches) | 23:38 |
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