
smosernturner, maas provides the install environment with config for curtin.02:01
smoserthe cloud-config-url on the cmdline is actually for the installer environment02:02
smoserthe urls are slightly different beteween installer environment and installed environment02:02
smoserthe installer environment's user-data is the installer02:02
smoserthe installed environment is configured via config to curtin.02:02
smoseri think its done via dpkg set selections02:02
smosernturner, i'd have to look around more, and what i'd do is https://gist.github.com/smoser/2610e9b78b8d7b54319675d9e3986a1b02:03
smoserdo a deploy, jump in and poke around02:03
smoserlikely the data you're after is in /curtin/config some where.02:03
mupBug #1597625 opened: package maas-rack-controller (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1 <amd64> <apport-package> <xenial> <maas (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1597625>06:33
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mgzhey guys11:12
mgzwhere is the source for the user docs kept?11:12
mgzeg http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs2.0/install.html11:13
mgzlp:maas docs/ directory, for irc record11:32
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f1gjamanyone in London got MaaS, Autopilot, Landscape and Openstack running?12:49
geesequestion:  Do you absolutely need IPMI/BMC for MaaS to operate?  Or can it gracefully degrade for "plain" systems?13:34
geeseI've got 6 servers, and 2 of them have IPMI13:34
geesesecond question: can I provide netboot nbi for mac systems to launch and install linux?  a la: http://www.fink.org/netboot/netbooting.html13:35
geeseI have about 8 2012 mac minis13:35
geesethey're running ESXi now, but I want to build a lab openstack on them13:36
mupBug #1597779 opened: Wily Deployements are failing in Maas <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1597779>14:32
mupBug #1597779 changed: Wily Deployements are failing in Maas <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1597779>14:35
mupBug #1597779 opened: Wily Deployements are failing in Maas <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1597779>14:44
mupBug #1597787 opened: cannot create more than 4 partitions when disk is configured with dos DiskLabel <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1597787>14:44
mupBug #1597787 changed: cannot create more than 4 partitions when disk is configured with dos DiskLabel <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1597787>14:53
mupBug #1597787 opened: cannot create more than 4 partitions when disk is configured with dos DiskLabel <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1597787>15:02
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mupBug #1597779 changed: Wily Deployements are failing in Maas <cloud-init:New> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1597779>15:26
mupBug #1597801 opened: cannot create node VLAN interfaces on centos <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1597801>15:26
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f1gjamanyone in London got MaaS, Autopilot, Landscape and Openstack running?17:57
f1gjammpontillo, kiko - I am about to quit my endeavour to get autopilot running. It just seems to buggy18:57
mpontillof1gjam: sorry to hear that; if you can describe the issue I'll see if I can find someone to help19:00
f1gjamits landscape, it wont install now. I have completely started from scratch, because before landscape would just hang installing openstack at 80% or so19:00
f1gjamnow doing openstack-install19:01
f1gjamit just crashes19:01
f1gjamthe install just times out19:01
f1gjamthe funny thing is i had it installed19:01
mpontillof1gjam: anything in the logs?19:01
f1gjamonly that it is timing out19:02
roaksoax_dpb1_: ^^19:04
f1gjammpontillo, im gona try mirantis for a bit then come back to MaaS maybe after 2.0 comes out??19:09
f1gjamthanks for all your help, i do want to complete my doc, just need to get end to end working 100%19:09
mpontillof1gjam: should be pretty soon. As for MAAS 2.0, I know the landscape team is now testing with it. Not sure what their timeline is. Thanks for trying MAAS and for all your feedback.19:11
f1gjamil be back in a week most likely19:12
f1gjami was thinking of just going to eh office ;)19:12
f1gjamand saying hey anyone here got MaaS working :D19:13
mpontillof1gjam: lol, hold up a sign19:13
f1gjamone man protest19:13
dpb1_hey f1gjam do you have a juju status from that attempt?19:19
f1gjami chan check19:19
dpb1_export JUJU_HOME=~/.cloud-install/juju19:20
dpb1_juju status19:20
f1gjamits doing something19:21
f1gjamjust hanging19:22
f1gjamdpb1_, just haning19:24
dpb1_is the bootstrap node still 'deployed' in maas?19:24
f1gjami released it19:39
f1gjamlet me kick the install off again19:39
mupBug #1597266 changed: MAAS - multiple DNS zones with the same duplicated zone name <cpec> <maas> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1597266>19:45
mupBug #1597266 opened: MAAS - multiple DNS zones with the same duplicated zone name <cpec> <maas> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1597266>19:48
mupBug #1597266 changed: MAAS - multiple DNS zones with the same duplicated zone name <cpec> <maas> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1597266>19:51
ahasenackf1gjam: another good test is to just do a juju bootstrap on that maas, that is, configure a juju env that points at the maas server20:01
ahasenackf1gjam: and bypass landscape and cloud installer for now20:01
pacavaca_hey guys. I'll just repeat my yesterdays question, maybe there's someone around to answer it this time. How hard it is to "fork" MAAS, make few small changes to the REST API (and maybe in UI) and then build custom deb packages, maybe a private PPA (if such thing even exist)? My chnges are really small, but you probably will not want them in upstream. However, they're very important for the internal use20:08
pacavaca_case where I'm trying to apply MAAS..20:08
f1gjamahasenack, yeha i was thining baout that, thats how the 2.0 install woudl be right?20:13
f1gjamwhats the vallue of landscape im guessing20:13
ahasenackf1gjam: you can bypass the cloud-installer if all you want is landscape, it just saves you a few easy configuration steps in landscape20:14
f1gjami want openstack isntalled20:14
f1gjamthe one that is supported for up to 10 machines20:14
ahasenackf1gjam: I suggest to start with the plain juju + maas combination, see if you can bootstrap a node20:15
ahasenackand maybe even do a simple "juju deploy ubuntu", then access it ("juju ssh ubuntu/0")20:15
f1gjami can defintely bootstrap a ndoe20:15
ahasenackbecause we need all that working to proceed20:15
f1gjamand i definitely had landscape installed20:15
ahasenackalso see if the node can reach the internet20:15
f1gjamwhere it hung for me was20:15
ahasenackok, that's good20:15
f1gjamduring the openstack setup in landscape it got stuck20:15
f1gjami still have those original logs20:15
ahasenackf1gjam: did you happen to click "cancel" and download logs, or file a bug?20:16
f1gjami downloaded20:16
f1gjamdidnt raise a bug as i didnt know what to raise a bug for20:16
ahasenackf1gjam: file a bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/landscape/+filebug20:17
ahasenackand attach the tarball you have20:17
ahasenackf1gjam: you can try openstack install again from scratch if you want, and if you hit the landscape timeout error again, please leave the environment up and we can check what happened20:17
f1gjamim doing that now20:18
f1gjamits deploying landscape as we speak (via autopilot)20:18
f1gjamso another 5/10 mins max20:18
ahasenackhm, no, let's fix the terminology20:18
ahasenackautopilot is a landscape component, and is what deploys openstack20:19
ahasenacklandscape has autopilot and many other things20:19
ahasenackso you are deploying landscape via openstack-install, if I understood you20:20
f1gjamyes thats correct20:20
f1gjamthat was failing20:20
ahasenacklandscape being one of the options from within openstack-install20:20
f1gjamand now ....20:20
f1gjami havent changed anything... lets see if it installs20:20
f1gjamas I did this before and it worked....20:20
f1gjamthe only thing i did was release all servers and start again20:20
ahasenackin another terminal, can you export JUJU_HOME again and show me a "juju status --format=tabular"?20:20
f1gjamso if this works, there is a bug somewhere which causes it to randomly fail20:20
ahasenackf1gjam: can you check /var/log/syslog on the maas server, see if there are errors or messages about running out of dhcp leases?/20:23
f1gjamahasenack, here is the doc which i started creating about the whole install... as you can see Landscape was installed. https://www.dropbox.com/s/fxs3voyjgtkrei4/Ubuntu_14.04_Install_Docuement.pdf?dl=020:24
dpb1_pacavaca_: I'd suggest you just try it. :)20:25
f1gjamahasenack, no errors20:25
f1gjami have like over 50 IP address leases availble20:25
f1gjamonly error20:25
f1gjamJun 30 21:10:11 maas dhcpd: Can't create new lease file: Permission denied20:25
ahasenackf1gjam: how is your ip separation in the maas cluster interface? In terms of dynamic and static ranges20:25
ahasenackok, that error is "normal"20:26
f1gjam192.168.10.0 - Public20:26
f1gjam192.168.20.0/24 private20:26
f1gjamDHCP - 192.168.101-150 Dynamic20:26
f1gjam192.168.20.51-100 Static20:26
f1gjami need 10 mins20:26
mpontillopacavaca_: I'm curious what your changes are; do you have a diff? if there is something missing from MAAS that is very important for someone to deploy it, I'd like to better understand what that is20:32
mpontillopacavaca_: I've pushed MAAS builds to a personal PPA before, but I don't have instructions handy. I'll try to remember to ping you if that changes20:34
mpontillopacavaca_: we have separate branches for packaging that you'd want to pull... this is the packaging branch for trunk; there are others used for various MAAS releases. https://code.launchpad.net/~maas-maintainers/maas/packaging20:36
pacavaca_mpontillo: So, basically we want to be able to release/acquire machines without re-imaging in between (most of the times). I found in code that it's pretty much enough to copy power_on action in API, rename it to, say boot_local, and before powering node on call set_netboot(False).20:39
pacavaca_mpontillo: I'm trying to run build locally, is it supposed to generate .deb packages at the end or they're somehow built on launchpad side? (I'm completely unfamiliar with launchpad and ubuntu hacking..)20:40
mpontillopacavaca_: as I understand it (though packaging is not my forte) you upload the source and signed .dsc and launchpad builds the package for you20:41
mpontillopacavaca_: I think the last time I did it, I followed this guide. http://askubuntu.com/questions/71510/how-do-i-create-a-ppa20:41
mpontillopacavaca_: if you could post your code as a merge proposal, I'd like to get an understanding of the use case and if we could one day support something like that in MAAS20:42
pacavaca_mpontillo: thank you, will read through it. Sure, let me just first write the change :) The use case I can explain though. It's not exactly what MAAS is designed for, but in my opinion, maas fits there quite well.20:43
mpontillopacavaca_: can you tell me more about why you need that type of release/acquire cycle? keep in mind that releasing a node has other side effects, like resetting the storage configuration20:44
ahasenackf1gjam: I'm reading your doc, I think you need a bigger dynamic range in dhcp20:48
ahasenackit's used by containers, and we deploy a lot of them20:48
ahasenackI would suggest 10-149 for dynamic, 150-250 for static20:49
ahasenackdynamic is also used when enlisting and commissioning nodes20:49
pacavaca_Basically, we have lot's of dev hardware available for different team to test their code. Right now the team is not so big and everything is managed manually (in chat, in google docs, everywhere). What I'm proposing is sort of a self-service portal, where each developer can come and claim any number of nodes with given capabilities. We also want those nodes to be imaged with our custom image (ubuntu 12.0420:49
pacavaca_+ lots of packages pre-installed + our toolchain). The image is 3.7 Gb large and it's quite painful to install it every time node changes hands, though sometimes people screw up the OS and that's when we really want to re-image. Most of the time they're ok re-using the node after someone else. In fact, that's what everybody does right now and re-imaging is only done in emergency cases through clonezilla.20:49
pacavaca_In addition, I think if we would have a centralized pool of hw, we can easily re-purpose some dev nodes for other infra needs by installing pre-canned images there (e.g. we need one more LXD host - ok, take one node and flash LXD host image there).20:49
pacavaca_that's to mpontillo:20:49
dpb1_ahasenack: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/cloud/install-openstack-with-autopilot <- step 4 now lists the minimum amounts20:49
ahasenackthx dpb1_20:50
ahasenackf1gjam: ^20:50
mpontillopacavaca_: ah, interesting - yeah, MAAS is really optimized for small images so that's understandable20:51
mpontillopacavaca_: would it be sufficient to be able to simply change the owner of a node?20:54
pacavaca_mpontillo: I discovered MAAS couple month ago and "sold" to the team. Now I've already spent quite a lot of time trying to POC maas (and not only maas) solutions and none of them 100% finished. MAAS seems closest to the finish, but this small thing is really a show stopper. No one will use it if they need to wait 30 min+ before getting their nodes. So, that why I thought maybe it's just easier to add20:54
mpontillopacavaca_: like, request ownership transfer from another user, or similar?20:54
pacavaca_missing functionality. It doesn't look too big of a change, but maybe I'm missing something.20:54
pacavaca_mpontillo: yeah, that would be good too20:54
pacavaca_maybe even easier than rebooting the node, etc20:54
mpontillopacavaca_: right now I don't think MAAS allows you to see nodes someone else has acquired. but I wonder if the API could be used to update the owner20:55
mpontillopacavaca_: I guess you would have to reboot it at least once (or kick cloud-init somehow) to grab the new SSH keys20:56
pacavaca_mpontillo: I haven't seen such an option, but I can re-check. SSH keys are easy in our case: we all use the same key :)20:56
f1gjamahasenack, dpb1_ thanks for the info, ill adjust now. BTW the install failed, so i am guessing it is because the IP. Although the longs dont make that clear20:59
f1gjamdo you want to see the logs?20:59
ahasenackf1gjam: the landscape install should work, it doesn't consume many ips20:59
ahasenackf1gjam: what does juju status --format=tabular have to say now?20:59
mpontillopacavaca_: which version of MAAS are you using?21:00
ahasenackf1gjam: and juju debug-log, is it still printing out messages?21:00
ahasenack(you can abort with ctrl-c)21:01
ahasenackit's like tail -f <log>21:01
f1gjamyes its till printing messages21:01
pacavaca_mpontillo: 2.0b8 Just found "maas admin machine set-owner-data". This is probably what you're talking about. But I also realized, that people, who're done using the node should release it, otherwise how would others know which nodes they can acquire?21:02
pacavaca_and releasing will automatically power it off and then boot from pxe next time21:02
ahasenackf1gjam: hm, those are bad21:03
ahasenackf1gjam: can you "juju ssh 0 ps fauxw" and print the output?21:04
ahasenackpaste, I mean21:04
mpontillopacavaca_: set-owner-data allows you to add arbitrary key/value pairs to a node, to make notes about it and such21:05
f1gjamahasenack, should i start from scratch21:08
f1gjamrelease all nodes21:08
ahasenackf1gjam: yeah, and try something simple21:08
ahasenackf1gjam: juju bootstrap21:08
ahasenackf1gjam: then juju deploy ubuntu --to lxc:021:08
ahasenackf1gjam: that will test bootstrap (which worked so far) and deploying a container on the bootstrap node21:08
ahasenackwhich is what we need working to begin with21:09
f1gjambut release the nodes first?21:09
ahasenackyou will have to configure juju to point at your maas server, have you done that before?21:09
ahasenackand unset JUJU_HOME, that was just for openstack-install21:09
ahasenackf1gjam: https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/config-maas21:10
ahasenackall you really need is an environments.yaml file with the maas env, those instructions will get you one with a ton of environments21:10
f1gjamok node released21:11
f1gjamudpted dhcp21:11
ahasenackf1gjam: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/18195888/ is a minimal file, put it in ~/.juju/environments.yaml21:12
ahasenack<IP> is the ip of your maas server, and the oauth string you can get by logging in to maas and clicking on your name in the top right21:12
ahasenackit's a string with two :21:12
ahasenacklike: text:text:text21:12
ahasenackf1gjam: then do juju env -l, to list (should show maas only), juju env (to confirm it's maas)21:13
ahasenackand then try "juju bootstrap", it should pick a node and start installing21:13
ahasenackf1gjam: what version of ubuntu are you on, btw? The machine where you ran cloud-installer, and where maas sits21:13
ahasenacktrusty or xenial?21:13
f1gjamok file created21:14
f1gjamERROR the name of the environment must be specified21:14
ahasenackfor bootstrap?21:16
ahasenackdid you unset JUJU_HOME?21:17
f1gjamlet me do that21:17
ahasenackdo that, or else it will be pointing at the other one created by openstack-install21:17
ahasenackthe default is ~/.juju21:17
ahasenackso if you set JUJU_HOME to something else, that's where it will look21:18
f1gjamits doing something21:18
ahasenackok, what does juju env -l show?21:18
ahasenackoh, or just go ahead :)21:18
f1gjamis this basically the CLI install21:18
ahasenackthis is the underlying tech that the openstack-install and ladnscape/autopilot use21:18
ahasenackit's just easier to debug certain issues if we isolate them like this21:19
f1gjami see21:19
ahasenackdid it allocate a maas node?21:19
f1gjameverytime i hit a bug21:19
f1gjami re-started from scratch21:19
ahasenackthis will be stuck for a bit, some minutes21:19
f1gjamincluded maas rebuild21:19
f1gjamthat way the doc is tested21:19
ahasenackbut you can watch progress in the maas server21:19
f1gjamhow can you watch21:20
f1gjamon maaS21:20
ahasenackgo to the node listing21:20
f1gjami just says deploying21:20
ahasenackso click on that21:20
ahasenackthere is an event log or something down the page21:20
f1gjamok its going throught pxe cycle21:20
f1gjam3 network cards21:20
f1gjamso takes a bit just to get past that21:21
f1gjamlet me remote console on to the machine21:21
ahasenackI think if you click on "view history" you will get more details, and live refresh21:21
mpontillopacavaca_: here's a hack that lets you change the owner. https://paste.ubuntu.com/18196246/21:21
f1gjamyeah i noticed that21:21
f1gjami put in a feature21:21
f1gjamfor console view in MaaS21:21
ahasenackf1gjam: I have to go now, it's 6:21pm here21:21
f1gjamwhere are you21:21
mpontillopacavaca_: you would change it by doing something like "maas admin machine update 4y3hab owner=user2"21:21
ahasenackf1gjam: br21:22
ahasenackf1gjam: yep, Brazil21:22
f1gjamoh wow21:22
f1gjamok mate21:22
f1gjamthanks for your help21:22
f1gjamill be here till around 1/2am UK time21:22
ahasenackf1gjam: after bootstrap, if that worked, to the "juju deploy ubuntu --to lxc:0"21:22
f1gjamill keep positng21:22
f1gjambut if that works21:22
ahasenackf1gjam: and after bootstrap is done, you can start doing "juju status --format=tabular" to check on things21:22
f1gjamill start from scrath again21:22
pacavaca_mpontillo: thank you!21:22
ahasenackand juju ssh ubuntu/0, juju ssh 0, that kind of thing21:23
ahasenackf1gjam: interesting logs to look at are /var/log/juju/all-machines.log on the bootstrap node, and other logs in /var/log/juju21:23
ahasenackf1gjam: a good deploy will end with this ubuntu/0 service "started" in juju status and juju debug-log mostly silent21:23
ahasenackgood luck, cya around21:23
mpontillopacavaca_: let me know if that works for you, if so it might be an easy change for MAAS 2.1. will need to discuss with the team though21:24
f1gjamc ya21:24
pacavaca_mpontillo: I'll take a closer look once I have the buildout build passing locally. But as I said, I think nodes still will need to go through "Release" step, otherwise there's no way for people who want a node to know which nodes are free.21:32
pacavaca_However I have another idea in mind: what if release will not set netboot to True by default, but it will be done by "Deploy" instead, right before deployment. This way power-on will simply power the node on, which seems like a more intuitively expected thing for it to do.21:34
mpontillopacavaca_: Hm. Or maybe a "null deployment" option, which would go through the motions but not actually touch the disks.21:36
mpontillopacavaca_: you're right that this is a fairly specialized use case; we designed for MAAS having no idea what is currently on the disk of that node; MAAS assumes it could have been anything!21:38
pacavaca_pacavaca_: yeah, something like this. "null deployment" seems more like "just booting" :)21:38
pacavaca_mpontillo: Yeah, I understand that. But what maas does covers 90% of our use case, so that's why I'm trying to cover the other 1021:38
mpontillopacavaca_: well, in addition you'd see the node change status to "Deployed" rather than just staying in Allocated21:38
mpontillopacavaca_: in any case, patches to MAAS are welcome if you can generalize them enough. I think the "ownership transfer" idea is safest because then it's explicitly a user giving another user a node, and the original user knows exactly what was on it. when a node is released, as I said, MAAS's assumption is that we don't know what's on the disks and they need21:40
mpontilloto be reformatted21:40
pacavaca_mpontillo: actually, simply powering it on and then booting from disk (tried that yesterday by hacking code in python package directly), that changes state to Deploying. Then it times out though, but I suspect that's because it waits for something before cloud-init to happen and of course it never happens.21:41
mpontillopacavaca_: your point about the user not knowing a node is free is a good one though. it's almost a "half deployed" state. except that when I get a test machine I normally want a clean slate =)21:41
pacavaca_mpontillo: yeah, sure. I'll first try to solve the specific use case and then, if I can generalize it, I'll submit a patch, no doubts21:41
mpontillopacavaca_: great, thanks!21:42
pacavaca_mpontillo: What is the "recommisioning" concept exactly? Isn't it "ensuring that node is in a clean state faster than by re-imaging"?21:45
mpontillopacavaca_: commissioning is when MAAS performs a network boot to inventory the host - CPU, RAM, disks, network cards, etc. recommissioning is just doing that again (in case something changed)21:47
pacavaca_mpontillo: ah, ok then. thanks21:48
mupBug #1579073 changed: [ERROR] Failed to probe and enlist VMware nodes: 'vim.Folder' object has no attribute 'summary' <MAAS:New> <MAAS 1.9:New> <MAAS 2.0:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1579073>23:09
f1gjamahasenack, im starting from scratch23:19

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