
johangm90hi guys is there some example of qmake part?01:42
ned__I seem to have a problem and need someone's help.  I just did a clean install of Ubuntu 16.04 desktop and I installed the Tiger auditing tool from debian.  After the scan it shows:                               #checking md5sums of installed files  --Fail-- [lin005f] Installed file '/boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-21-generic'  checksum differs from installed package 'Linux-image-4.4.0-21-generic'.     I am confused as to how this is when granted 06:00
ned__I checked the md5sum with microsoft checksum tool and everything was verified, so why is tiger telling me different06:01
dholbachhey hey06:23
seb128hey dholbach, how are you?06:29
dholbachgood good - how about yourself?06:29
seb128I'm good as well, thanks ;-)06:29
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zygamwhudson: thank you :)07:46
zygamwhudson: curious, are you interested in snap-confine or just moving closer to snappy bits07:46
* davidcalle is impressed by the simplicity of the blender snap, would love to see the snapcraft.yaml08:08
seb128davidcalle, "simplicity"?08:10
seb128you mean the content of the snap itself is like one file?08:11
mcphailblender is designed to he self contained. Ideal for a snap08:11
davidcalleseb128: no launch wrapper and /snap/blender/meta/snap.yaml is super straightforward08:11
* mcphail wonders whether the CUDA acceleration would work?08:14
seb128davidcalle, it's likely that blender itself is built to be started from random locations and not tight to a linux distro layout08:19
seb128I doubt there is snapcraft magic in action there08:19
seb128davidcalle, who did the snap? upstream?08:19
didrocksyeah, like no appmenu as no standard toolkit08:19
davidcalleseb128: https://uappexplorer.com/app/blender-tpaw.tpaw08:22
seb128davidcalle, well you have the snapcraft.yaml in the upstream url indicated there, https://github.com/tpaw/snap-repository/blob/master/third-party/blender-tpaw/snapcraft.yaml08:23
zygamcphail: it should work on Arch, I didn't test this on ubuntu as I dont' have the required hardware08:30
zygamcphail: but we could use a dedicated cuda interface for this08:30
mcphailzyga: i haven't managed to get any graphical snaps running on an nvidia machine anyway, so I suppose CUDA is a step beyond me at this point ;)08:31
zygamcphail: why not?08:32
zygamcphail: did you try snap-confine 1.0.33 and snapd 2.0.9?08:32
zygamcphail: I have a very old mobile nvidia gpu and it works very well there08:32
zygamcphail: (on ubuntu and arch) with prorietary and free drivers08:33
mcphailzyga: just used whatever is stock on 16.04. Always fails with gl error08:33
zygamcphail: I see, may I ask which GPU you have and which drivers are you using?08:33
dpmdavidcalle, have you tested the blender-tpaw snap?08:34
mcphailNot on the machine just now, but it is a 650 using whatever is latest prop driver from defaulr repo (352 i think)08:34
mcphailSame problem with a 430 running proprietary driver08:36
davidcalledpm: yep, works great08:36
dpmdavidcalle, awesome, in --devmode?08:37
zygamcphail: which version of ubuntu-core-launcher or snap-confine do you have now?08:37
davidcalledpm: strict :)08:37
dpmoh wow!08:37
mcphailzyga: I can't tell you, I'm afraid, as I'm IRCing from my phone08:38
zygamcphail: woot :)08:38
zygamcphail: stay in touch, I worked on a lot of improvements for nvidia08:38
mcphailzyga: good stuff. Hope it filters down! Have to steal the wife's laptop for graphical snaps just now :)08:40
palassozyga: when updating the AUR PKGBUILD for the new version, consider updating the snapd.install with http://pastie.org/private/zbhszcpwn40trlthbcg7a08:44
zygapalasso: looking08:47
palassozyga: the differences are very small, do a diff to see them ;) 1) removed line 1 2) removed 2 spaces in line 9 3) replaced installation with instructions in line 1108:47
zygapalasso: note that the next release will be in the community archive08:48
zygapalasso: but I'll pass this along to the maintainer08:48
palassoAhh that's great!08:49
palassoProbably he'll remove this then, arch users are expected to check the archwiki or upstream documentation to see if there are any necessary units to enable/start or any kind of cleanup work to do08:49
zygapalasso: he's definitely more experienced than I am08:50
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Chipacapcoca: why are you making another snap of httpie?09:10
Chipacapcoca: did you do "snap find httpie" before starting?09:11
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Chipacapcoca: ah, i missed the bit in the backlog where you said you already knew there was one09:16
Chipacastill don't understand why you're doing another though :-)09:16
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Chipacapcoca: welcome back09:27
Chipacapcoca: not sure if you saw my answer above before your network awol'ed09:27
pcocaChipaca, Yes, thanks.09:31
pcocaChipaca, The snapcraft that I got is this one: https://github.com/pedrococa/httpie_snap/blob/master/snapcraft.yaml09:31
pcocaChipaca, 1.0.0-dev version09:32
Chipacapcoca: sorry to repeat my question, but why?09:32
Chipacapcoca: is the existing httpie snap bad in some way?09:33
pcocaChipaca, not at all, I just picked httpie as a learning one to make if from scratch and compare with an existing one if i got stuck.09:34
Chipacapcoca: ah ok09:34
Chipacapcoca: maybe it was a bad choice then :-)09:35
Chipacapcoca: the existing httpie snap does not use snapcraft09:35
Chipacapcoca: https://github.com/chipaca/httpie-snap09:35
Chipacapcoca: I'm sure if I started doing it today I *would* use snapcraft09:37
Chipacapcoca: but when I started it wasn't "there" yet09:37
Chipacaand now all the work is done, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯09:37
pcocaChipaca, yes, I saw it :) ... I wanted to use snapcraft for my version.09:37
Chipacaoh alright then09:38
pcocaChipaca, I got some issues, and didrocks was able to help me.09:38
Chipacapcoca: there are some environment variables that help09:38
Chipacapcoca: look at the python wrapper I wrote09:38
Chipacagranted it's a bit messy and does more than set up the environ09:38
Chipacabut you've got HTTPIE_CONFIG_DIR09:38
pcocaChipaca, I will, and also as my next learning step I will add the man pages.09:39
Chipacapcoca: if all you are doing is shipping regular httpie, httpie --help is a manpage already, i think?09:40
pcocaChipaca, Yes.09:40
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dpmdidrocks, David C mentioned you were looking at the VLC theming issues. Have you figured out what needs to be done to get the theme working? Is it a matter of having a 'themes' interface?11:08
didrocksdpm: I do have some workarounds working for the theme12:29
didrocksdpm: I still have 2 issues as of now with my new qt launcher:12:29
didrocks1. appmenu export (works only in devmode)12:29
didrocks2. icon themes (the gtk ones aren't loaded)12:29
didrocksI'm going to look at it this afternoon with seb12:30
didrocksI have a last idea that I got while running :)12:30
kyrofadidrocks, I'm curious to see where you get with that12:35
kyrofaCan you let me know if you get it working?12:35
didrockskyrofa: sure! I'm taking your example app btw while working on this :)12:36
kyrofadidrocks, yay! That's exactly what I was thinking of fixing with your results :P12:36
didrocksahah, you will be the #1 demo! :)12:37
didrockswell, there is a difference12:37
didrocksI remove your plugin12:37
kyrofaOf course12:37
didrocks"someone" did the qmake plugin in snapcraft12:37
didrocksnot sure who is this guy :p12:37
kyrofaYeah that person must have been amazing12:37
didrocksmore seriously, I'll keep you posted12:38
kyrofaThank you :)12:38
didrocksthe concerning part is that our dependency chain is pulling both gtk2 and gtk3 though12:38
didrocksif we want the theme in :p12:38
didrocksisn't it?12:38
didrockswe need at least one for the theme12:38
didrocksthe 2… hum :p12:38
didrocks(because we don't have compatibility qt theme engine under unity)12:38
didrocksit's only the gtk one12:38
davidcallejdstrand: hey, when you have a minute, could you have a look at this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18166127/ ? This is what happens when using the mpris slot in VLC and trying to look at it with d-feet (I do see it in the list of dbus interfaces, but when I click on it to get details, ths error happens, VLC does not appear in the sound menu as well)12:47
jdstranddavidcalle: note that I couldn't get vlc in the sound menu and there were no apparmor denials. I think that must have something to do with the packaging13:00
jdstranddavidcalle: as for d-feet-- what version of snapd do you have installed?13:00
davidcallejdstrand: 2.0.10+ppa145-113:05
jdstranddavidcalle: can you paste 'grep audit /var/log/syslog'?13:06
dholbachseb128, have you seen this already: https://github.com/ubuntu/snappy-playpen/issues/128?13:06
seb128jdstrand, can apps own their dbus name now?13:07
jdstrandseb128: not yet: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/144613:07
seb128dholbach, unsure what he means by url-to-path13:07
seb128jdstrand, isn't that needed for mpris?13:08
dholbachseb128, me neither13:08
seb128dholbach, but I guess gvfs doesn't work, I can have a look now13:08
jdstrandseb128: no. mpris is different13:08
dholbachseb128, should this be a bug report somewhere else?13:08
seb128dholbach, against the snap?13:08
jdstrandseb128: mpris needs a different dbus api13:08
jdstrandseb128: so it got a different interface13:09
seb128jdstrand, k, you mean to get the player listed in the sound menu there?13:09
dholbachseb128, oh... I thought it was a more general thing?13:09
jdstrandseb128: that is in 2.0.1013:09
seb128dholbach, well, it's the same class of issues, snappy forces you to bundle things but that's sort of by design13:09
jdstrandseb128: as mentioned to davidcalle-- I could not get vlc to show up in the sound menu. I think it is a packaging issue (no denials)13:09
jdstranddavidcalle: can you also paste the meta/snap.yaml for vlc?13:10
davidcallejdstrand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18167536/  http://paste.ubuntu.com/18167588/13:13
jdstranddavidcalle: I don't see any dbus denials13:14
jdstranddavidcalle: is this the vlc that is in the store now?13:15
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davidcalleNo, that's what in the store + camera, optical-drive, mpris13:16
jdstrandok, then that's similar to mine13:17
jdstrandlet me try this locally. I tested d-feet13:17
jdstrandso it should work, but maybe I missed something. give me a few minutes13:18
davidcallejdstrand: the source (minus the new interfaces) is here https://github.com/ubuntu/snappy-playpen/tree/master/vlc13:18
sergiusensdidrocks are you a pkg-config expert?13:19
seb128sergiusens, don't ask to ask just ask13:20
seb128others might be able to reply13:20
seb128and non experts as well13:20
didrockssergiusens: I did play with it quite a lot, but I'm not alone either :)13:20
didrockswhat's up?13:20
sergiusensdidrocks I am playing with this https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/612/files which allows mhall119 to build pantheon mail but it breaks everything else13:22
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sergiusensdidrocks all due to sysroots most likely, you need to satisfy all your pc deps in the same sysroot13:22
sergiusensdidrocks I am thinking of biting the bullet and rewriting all .pc files as part of snapcraft to get the correct paths and just forget the use of sysroot and just add to pkg_config_path13:23
didrockslet me have a look (in a meeting, but will do just afterwards)13:24
sergiusensdidrocks k, I would really like to explore the latter approach though :-)13:25
seb128sergiusens, easiest way would be to build in a contained env with the local and system /usr merged with a mount namespace?13:28
sergiusensseb128 merged or overlayed? I would still need some mechanism to track what came from where while building13:30
seb128any, just "merged"13:30
tsimonq2elopio: when you get a minute, could you please look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/619 ?13:33
didrocksI maybe don't understand well enough13:33
didrocksbut you didn't just try to export PKG_CONFIG_PATH?13:33
didrocksinstead of using the PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR, which erase system's defaults pc13:34
didrocksthat way you get those from the sysroot and the stage/ dir?13:35
popeysergiusens: do we have a bug for this? It affects a few things I want to package :)13:39
sergiusenspopey you know I do13:42
seb128jdstrand, davidcalle, k, I know why vlc is not listed in the sound menu13:42
popeyI do? ok.13:42
sergiusensdidrocks if I don't change the sysroot for each location then the include paths pkg-config returns will be wrong13:42
sergiusenswhich is why seb128 advocates for merging /usr (which opens a different set of problems)13:43
jdstranddavidcalle: I can confirm the issue with d-feet. I think there wasn't a log due to kernel rate limiting. 'snappy-debug.security scanlog' would disable that for you, but you can also use sudo sysctl -w kernel.printk_ratelimit=013:46
seb128jdstrand, vlc has its dbus property DesktopEntry = vlc or the snap .desktop is vlc_vlc.desktop, if you rename/copy it as /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applicatons/vlc.desktop it's added as it should, we wouldn't be hitting those bug if we were using upstream .desktop (bug #1576595)13:46
ubottubug 1576595 in snapcraft (Ubuntu) "The upstream .desktop are not used" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157659513:46
seb128sergiusens, ^ can we get that on the next milestone list somewhat?13:46
seb128the current design breaks users and doesn't allow for easy translations13:46
didrockssergiusens: sorry, what do you mean for each location? basically your parts sysroots are depending on 3 folders, right? your insider build/, your stage and system root path?13:46
sergiusensseb128 I need to have a heated discussion with a couple of people first13:47
jdstrandnote we are generating the desktop file for safety since the desktop file specification is rich13:47
sergiusensdidrocks parts/<part>/install, stage and /13:47
seb128sergiusens, can I be included? I'm curious to know they argument for reinventing the wheel13:47
* ogra_ hands sergiusens icecream for the heated discussion13:47
jdstrandobviously we should support this case, but taking the upstream file might not be the way to go13:47
seb128like we have upstream providing those including translations13:47
jdstrandI guess this is all part of said heated discussion13:47
seb128jdstrand, no, but taking the upstream one would make sense, we are duplicating it for a non translated copy that get outdated just to be able to change the Exec, why just not copying with a sed?13:48
sergiusensseb128 well all this is a snappy thing; there are some comments about doing something smart, but that doesn't cope well with replacing what needs replacing; I want to make it declarative13:48
seb128yeah, fine13:48
seb128get the yaml to have13:48
seb128command: <bla>13:48
seb128icon: <great>13:48
seb128and sed those13:48
seb128you can also have url:13:48
seb128to point to the upstream one you want to sed/copy13:49
jdstrandseb128: verifying a rich specification is much harder than generating your own subset13:49
sergiusensseb128 yes, that is my idea13:49
seb128jdstrand, well, everything in that spec is useful and needed13:49
seb128they wouldn't be there is they weren't13:49
jdstrandwhich is why it is the way it is. again, obviously this issue needs to be fixed, I'm just saying why the situation is what it is13:49
jdstrandyou could say that about anything13:49
sergiusensI sent a gazillion emails, requests and even commented on the reviews to not due freaking things by convention as it would be super hard to deal with all the corner cases this would bring13:49
jdstrandthat spec was not designed for snappy13:50
jdstrandit was designed for the old world13:50
seb128well, fine13:50
seb128copy the Name/Comment from upstream at least13:50
seb128those for sure make sense and are safe?13:50
seb128that would give you translations13:50
seb128and non duplication of strings13:50
* jdstrand notes that he is not the blocker on this but just knows a bit about the previous conversation and issues13:51
seb128jdstrand, do you have any of those keys that you see unfit for snappy though?13:51
seb128like ShowOnlyIn is also useful in snappy13:51
seb128as are the NotShowIn&co13:51
seb128same for MimeType13:52
seb128which is another funny/buggy thing today13:52
seb128if you snap gedit you can't get it to open files when clicking on those13:52
jdstrandwhat you are suggesting would need proper review of the desktop file specification and design of what is appropriate for snappy and how13:52
jdstrandI don't have a list of unfit things otoh because that design hasn't happened13:53
seb128or review and flag things to filter out13:53
seb128my guess there is that it's little or nothing13:53
jdstrandbetter to say what is ok to let in and filter everything else out13:53
seb128my guess is that it would have taken less time to do that upfront that redesign a buggy solution temporary solution and dealing with the issues it creates13:54
jdstrandseb128: can you tell me exactly what I need to do to test vlc in the sound menu? I was a little confused by your previous comment13:54
seb128jdstrand, sudo cp /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/vlc_vlc.desktop /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/vlc.desktop13:54
jdstrandseb128: you are assuming that snappy on classic was a thing when this was implemented13:54
seb128jdstrand, then start vlc and play a sound13:54
seb128well works at least in devmode here13:55
seb128I didn't try in non-dev because I didn't have my snapd updated yet13:55
jdstrandI don't have /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/vlc_vlc.desktop13:55
jdstrandmaybe I have a too old vlc13:55
seb128I just did a fresh snap install vlc on and amd64 xenial machine with snappy 2.0.913:55
seb128jdstrand, do you have any .desktop in there?13:56
jdstrandseb128: are you building vlc from snapcraft or installing from the store?13:56
davidcallejdstrand: store vlc has one13:56
seb128jdstrand, cf 2 lines up ;-)13:56
seb128"snap install vlc"13:57
seb128sorry that was meant as typing that command13:57
seb128so store version13:57
jdstrandyeah, I'm grabbing it13:57
jdstrandthe store one doesn't have the camera, optical-drive or mpris changes13:57
jdstrandso I need to grab the store one, unpack, adjust, repack, etc13:58
jdstrandI think I just had an old repack13:58
jdstranddavidcalle: ok, I see the problem. I think this is only an issue with d-feet's way of introspecting. I added rules to support introspection for 'snap connect'ing vlc to a remote, but not for unconfined on classic. this is a minor bug that I'll fix in a minute14:00
jdstranddavidcalle: now that seb128 told me how to test the indicator, I'll test that too. there may be adjustments there as well14:01
davidcallejdstrand: thank you for this14:02
seb128dholbach, sorry things got a bit crazy and I think I forgot to reply to you14:10
seb128dholbach, or I did, don't remember14:10
seb128dholbach, for gvfs my guess is that you need to bundle the gvfs gio .so14:10
dholbachseb128, I asked for an example in the bug report14:10
jdstranddavidcalle: meh, the version in the store does something different with mpris :\14:16
jdstrandactually, maybe not14:16
davidcallejdstrand: most recent commit on vlc master is older than the latest store snap version, there should be no diff there14:18
jdstranddavidcalle: ok, strike that, I did something dumb14:18
jdstranddavidcalle, seb128: ok, in strict mode after copying the desktop file, it shows up in the indicator and I can stop/play/etc14:21
jdstranddavidcalle: so, yes, I'll fix the d-feet issue, but that is minor and specific to d-feet (or anything introspecting, but not the indicator)14:22
seb128jdstrand, \o/14:22
jdstrandusing 'slots: [ mpris ]' of course14:23
davidcallejdstrand: brilliant! Can you paste the desktop file you have now?14:23
seb128it's the same14:23
seb128just renamed14:23
seb128using the upstream name14:23
jdstranddavidcalle: all I did was cp vlc_vlc.desktop vlc.desktop like seb128 suggested14:23
jdstrandit worked fine14:23
seb128vlc has a properties that it export over dbus with the name14:23
seb128in the mpris interface14:23
seb128which has vlc14:24
davidcalleI see14:24
zygajdstrand: hey, how is snapd 2.0.10 and vlc?14:27
jdstrandzyga: I just reported on that :)14:27
kyrofazyga, jdstrand where is snap-exec?14:28
jdstrandzyga: it works great with one thing: the desktop file should be named 'vlc.desktop' instead of 'vlc_vlc.desktop'14:28
zygajdstrand: is the name of the desktop file significant?14:28
zygajdstrand: AFAIR now it is just $SNAP_NAME.$APP_NAME14:28
zygakyrofa: in snapd14:29
ilivif my binary is under prime/bin/ what should my apps: definition look like? bin/mybinary?14:29
zygailiv: apps: somename: command: mybinary14:29
zygailiv: (assuming mybinary is on PATH)14:29
jdstrandzyga: if vlc adds 'slots : [ mpris ]'. I didn't test camera and optical drive, but I did test that specifying them in the yaml generates the policy14:29
zygajdstrand: I tested both14:30
zygajdstrand: but I'll test everything again if you have a snap handy14:30
jdstrandzyga: I don't have a lot of insight into the desktop file name. seb128 indicated it is significant at least for vlc14:30
zygaseb128: can you tell me more about that14:30
zygaseb128: we can fix that easily for .1114:30
davidcallezyga: for me camera doesn't seem to work14:31
ilivzyga, where does the PATH come from? I certainly did not specify it anywhere myself.14:31
seb128zyga, in an hangout but basically vlc (and some other program) look for their known .desktop name14:31
jdstrandzyga: I do have a snap handy, but it would probably take longer for me to upload and you to download than for you to 'snap install vlc', grab the snap from /var/lib/snapd/snaps, unsquashfs it, modify meta/snap.yaml accordingly, then snapcraft snap ./squashfs-root, then remove/install the new snap14:31
kyrofazyga, ah, it must be u-c-l then. Is that still on LP, or in github nowadays?14:32
jdstrandwhich, I have to say, is a convenient property of snaps14:32
zygakyrofa: no, that's in snapd itself14:32
davidcallezyga: I can push one to the edge channel if you want to, but my network tells me it will be faster for you to do ^ :)14:32
zygakyrofa: in the repo14:32
kyrofazyga, sorry, no-- the problem I'm running into must be u-c-l14:32
zygadavidcalle: please push it, I have network issues14:33
davidcallezyga: alright14:33
zygajdstrand: ah14:33
jdstrandzyga: is the new u-c-l upload planned? I thought it was going to accompany 2.0.1014:33
zygajdstrand: yes, please share the meta.yaml14:33
zygajdstrand: it is coming14:33
zygajdstrand: just last minute stuff14:33
jdstrandzyga: great :)14:34
jdstrandzyga: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18171909/14:34
jdstrandzyga: if you rename the desktop file, then it shows up in indicator sound and that works :)14:34
jdstrandfun stuff :)14:34
kyrofajdstrand, is u-c-l still in LP?14:37
jdstrandkyrofa: yes. auiu the snappy team is going to continue to use that name for the source package in xenial14:38
kyrofajdstrand, ah, even when it actually changes to snap-confine?14:38
kyrofaMakes sense14:38
jdstrandthere will be transition binaries in the xenial packaging14:38
kyrofajdstrand, am I being dumb? I thought it was here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-core-launcher14:43
zygajdstrand: I'll look at it in a sec, just in a meeting now14:50
jdstrandkyrofa: that is the lp project14:51
kyrofajdstrand, it's a 404 for me14:51
jdstrandkyrofa: snap-confine has moved to github14:51
kyrofajdstrand, what's running xenial today? It's still the LP u-c-l, right?14:52
jdstrandkyrofa: https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine14:52
jdstrandkyrofa: today it is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-core-launcher14:52
kyrofaAh, that's what I was looking for, thanks!14:53
kyrofaWait... no source there? I guess I can just pull the source deb14:53
jdstrandkyrofa: in other words, the u-c-l LP project is gone and moved to snap-confine on github, but the Ubuntu sources for u-c-l live on in the archive14:53
kyrofaAh, okay that explains my confusion :)14:53
jdstrandkyrofa: right, source deb14:53
jdstrandand it is the Ubuntu source deb that, aiui, will remain named as u-c-l for xenial, but have the snap-confine code, when that happens (soon I'm told)14:54
zygakyrofa, jdstrand: it's been renamed everywhere except for the source package AFAIK14:55
zygaeh. google down :/14:55
zygatime to get a coffee14:55
zygathey should adopt snaps, at least there's rollback :)14:55
kyrofazyga, is there though? :P14:55
kyrofazyga, has it been released?14:55
zygakyrofa: hmmm14:58
zygamaybe not released, .11 ?14:58
kyrofaIndeed. I stopped touting that feature until it actually worked14:58
kyrofaGot called on it too many times :P14:58
kyrofazyga, too late to get something into the snap-confine upload?15:00
tsimonq2sergiusens: when you get a minute, could you please look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/619 ?15:05
zygakyrofa: nope15:05
zygakyrofa: gimme!15:05
kyrofazyga, a little modification to the appname whitelist to allow hooks15:05
zygakyrofa: I was planning to do the release at EOD and that's still far a way15:05
zygakyrofa: sure, just send it in15:06
kyrofazyga, alright, will do15:06
zygakyrofa: and <3 hooks :)15:06
sergiusenstsimonq2 yeah, enqueued15:06
tsimonq2thank you sergiusens15:06
kyrofazyga, also, I see that run-checks only runs spread tests. Are you moving away from the tests dir?15:07
sergiusenskyrofa mind looking at https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/61715:08
zygakyrofa: that's somewhat confusing, tests/ is ran at package build time15:08
zygakyrofa: which is done by spread15:08
kyrofazyga, oh, haha, okay15:08
zygakyrofa: but yes,  we do move oaway from tests/ today15:08
zygakyrofa: because when snap-exec hits, those will all break15:09
zygakyrofa: and they don't really test the real code entirely, just the seccomp part15:09
zygakyrofa: I plan to port them to spread15:09
kyrofazyga, so there are already whitelist tests in tests/. I was going to just add to that, but I can add a spread test instead if you prefer15:09
zygakyrofa: I'd prefer a spread test15:09
kyrofazyga, okay15:09
zygakyrofa: or a unit test :)15:09
zygakyrofa: if this is easier to do as a unit test15:09
kyrofazyga, where are the units? It probaby would be, yeah15:09
zygakyrofa: or more sane, you pick15:09
zygakyrofa: landing in a sec15:09
kyrofazyga, ah ha :)15:10
zygakyrofa: I was just distracted with arch discussion elsehwere15:10
kyrofazyga, yeah, ping me when that lands and I'll pull and add15:10
davidcallezyga: I did domething wrong apparently. Rebuilding the snap... hold on, I'll ping you when it's on the edge channel. :)15:12
zygadavidcalle: OK15:13
zygakyrofa: ok, fire away15:37
zygakyrofa: you can run make check in src/ to run unit tests15:37
zygakyrofa: or you can use the appropriate spread task15:37
zygakyrofa: to add one just look at mount-support-test.c15:37
kyrofazyga, excellent, doing now, thanks!15:38
zygakyrofa: you essentially need a static test function15:38
zygakyrofa: and a static initializer that registers it15:38
kyrofazyga, FYI mount-support-test.c copyright is 201515:42
ogra_living in the past15:47
davidcalleI can confirm vlc<->mpris and camera work. Can't test dvd. Very slow upload to the edge channel in progress... /me goes pick up the kids in the meantime15:47
zygadavidcalle: try an audio CD15:48
zygadavidcalle: thanks for testing!15:49
zygaogra_: why? :)15:49
seb128tedg, jdstrand, didrocks, debugging appmenu for qt5 with didrocks, seems like with a qt5 example the path is "/MenuBar/1" and not "/MenuBar" which triggers apparmor errors ... would "/MenuBar*" works/be correct? or "/MenuBar/[0-9]*"?15:49
ogra_zyga, dunno, you tell me )15:49
zygabecause you smoke! quit already man :)15:50
ogra_you sound like my dentist15:52
didrocksjdstrand: btw, it was puzzling because the denial wasn't in auditlog, but only in syslog. The label was correct though.15:56
zygajdstrand: what's the policy for fix commited on ubuntu tasks?15:57
zygajdstrand: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-core-launcher/+bug/159502915:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1595029 in ubuntu-core-launcher (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-core-launcher needs urandom access" [Medium,In progress]15:57
zygajdstrand: can we close this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-confine/+bug/146051715:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1460517 in Snappy Launcher "ubuntu-core-launcher apparmor denial when creating /tmp/snaps" [Undecided,New]15:59
zygakyrofa: is this still applicable to snap-confine? https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-confine/+bug/155924816:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1559248 in Snappy Launcher "Support unversioned data directory (i.e. data shared between versions)" [Undecided,New]16:00
kyrofazyga, no, that's done in snap run now16:00
zygakyrofa: cool, let's close the snap-confine task then16:00
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
jdstrandzyga: for Ubuntu, it is marked fix committed when it is in -proposed16:03
zygajdstrand: ah, I see, thanks!16:04
dholbachall rightie - I call it a day - see you next week Monday!16:04
ogra_enjoy your long weekend !16:04
zygajdstrand: I know we talked about it but if you have a moment, can you write something on https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-confine/+bug/1595092 -- this is the last current NEW bug on snap-confine16:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1595092 in Snappy Launcher "rpmlint complains about POS36-C" [Critical,New]16:04
zygadholbach: o/16:04
* zyga envies long weekend :)16:04
* ogra_ too16:05
jdstrandzyga: I closed 1460517 just now16:05
jdstrandtyhicks: I can't recall what we said about bug #1595092 - I thought we decided either you or sarnold_ would comment since you did the code review of that part of the code, but maybe I am making that up :)16:07
ubottubug 1595092 in Snappy Launcher "rpmlint complains about POS36-C" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159509216:07
kyrofazyga, is there a reason you're not just making a lib and linking to it from the tests?16:09
kyrofaIncluding .c files feels dirty :P16:09
tyhicksjdstrand: I don't think I've seen that bug before16:16
zygakyrofa: yes, static function16:18
zygakyrofa: it's a "pick your poison" problem either ifdefs or this16:18
zygakyrofa: I like how it has a -test.c theme that looks closer to go16:19
zygakyrofa: I know it cannot be really go because of translation units vs modules16:19
zygakyrofa: but it's better than nothing :)16:19
tyhicksjdstrand: I left a comment and will discuss with Seth some more once he joins16:19
jdstrandcool, thanks16:19
didrocksseb128: jdstrand: FYI, /MenuBar* doesn't work (/MenuBar/* works), but we need as well /MenuBar for gtk16:19
jdstrandtyhicks: I guess you're saying I made that up then? :P16:19
seb128didrocks, thanks for trying16:19
jdstranddidrocks: please file a bug with steps to reproduce and add the 'snapd-interface' tag16:20
didrocksjdstrand: we can even add a PR ;) it's apparmor?16:20
didrocksor snapd?16:20
jdstrandit's snapd, but if doing a PR, ping me16:21
didrockssure! (a task for tomorrow now, EOD), seb or I will do!16:21
tyhicksjdstrand: one of us is forgetful but I'm not sure which one it is :)16:21
jdstranddidrocks: fyi, ./interfaces/builtin/unity7.go. note, I'm off tomorrow and Monday, but I'll look at it Tuesday which is more than enough time to get it in 2.0.11. if you need it sooner, you might ask another member of the security team16:22
tsimonq2!info default-jdk16:31
ubottudefault-jdk (source: java-common (0.56ubuntu2)): Standard Java or Java compatible Development Kit. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.8-56ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 0 kB, installed size 6 kB16:31
tsimonq2!info default-jdk wily16:31
ubottudefault-jdk (source: java-common (0.52)): Standard Java or Java compatible Development Kit. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.7-52 (wily), package size 0 kB, installed size 21 kB16:31
davidcallezyga: jdstrand: fyi, vlc in edge16:38
zygadavidcalle: \o/16:40
zygadavidcalle: great, I'll play with it soon16:41
zygakyrofa: will you provide the hook patch today?17:09
kyrofazyga, yeah, almost done17:09
zygakyrofa: I'm looking at a release in 1-2 hours or later after the portugal/poland game17:09
zygakyrofa: thanks!17:10
kyrofazyga, the udev profiles not containing periods is taking me a little while to work around17:10
kyrofaErr, the tag rather17:17
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
kyrofazyga, alright, take a look: https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/6417:33
kyrofazyga, I also copied the regex from snapd to reflect it a bit more closely17:33
zygakyrofa: have a look at this one in return please: https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/6517:41
=== sarnold_ is now known as sarnold
zygakyrofa: reviewed17:48
zygakyrofa: just one change and few nitpicks17:49
kyrofazyga, also reviewed yours. By the way, looks like travis isn't able to authenticate to linode?17:53
zygakyrofa: yes, that's my fault; there's something I have to do but I was putting it off17:55
zygakyrofa: spread.yaml doesn't list the key17:55
zygakyrofa: the key is in travis itself17:55
zygakyrofa: but that apparently doesn't work for forks at all17:55
zygakyrofa: to compute a key I can stick into spread.yaml I'd have to install a bunch of ruby stuff17:55
kyrofazyga, haha, I have the travis gem if you want me to do it17:56
zygakyrofa: and I just want to do that in a vm/container that I throw away later17:56
zygakyrofa: if you can, please17:56
zygakyrofa: if you have the spread key17:56
zygakyrofa: please add it17:56
kyrofazyga, I don't actuallly-- want to email it to me? You can encrypt it if you like17:56
zygakyrofa: that's okay, I'll get the gem eventually :)17:57
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
kyrofazyga, I left a few questions for you on my PR18:24
zygakyrofa: checking18:25
zygakyrofa: merged, thank you!18:26
kyrofaThanks zyga!18:27
zygakyrofa: can you have a 2nd look on https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/65/files18:46
zygakyrofa: something as simple as is_subdir and still can be broken18:46
* zyga -> off to watch the game18:54
kyrofazyga, done!18:54
kyrofaLooks good18:54
zygawoot; thanks :)18:54
thomiHey snappy experts: I have a python snap (built with python2 snapcraft plugin) that's really not very happy - I get this when trying to run the command: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18191348/19:44
thomidoes anyone have any ideas? The same source, when installed to a py2 virtualenv works fine19:44
zygathomi: odd, no idea20:02
zygathomi: can you triple check that your snap ships python220:02
zygathomi: I recommend adding busybox app / part to your snap20:02
zygathomi: then run busybox sh to experiment20:02
zygathomi: you can check environment, etc20:03
thomizyga: /snap/sofastats/x1/usr/bin/python2.7 exists20:03
thomiahh - nice tip20:03
zygasergiusens: ^^20:03
* zyga off to watch 2nd part of POL vs POR game20:03
thomiI didn't know those countries played cricket ;)20:06
zygathomi: heh :)20:30
thomizyga: I think I might be hitting confinement issues - I see apparmor denials in syslog when trying the busybox hack, which is odd, since it's a devmode snap20:33
thomiMy understanding is that devmode snaps should essentially have confinement turned off?20:33
zygathomi: paste one line here20:34
thomizyga: hmmm - when I try it in a new shell it works fine. Perhaps I had something set that caused breakage20:36
thomizyga: but I can confirm that python is installed, and seems to work20:36
tyhickssarnold: hey - could you double check my comment in bug #1595092?20:37
ubottubug 1595092 in Snappy Launcher "rpmlint complains about POS36-C" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159509220:37
thomizyga: ahh, but the #! line on the app still points to the python interpreter in my snapcraft 'parts' directory. Shouldn't that be updated to point to the python installed in /snap/<snapname>/current/usr/bin/ ?20:38
sergiusenszyga what?20:43
thomisergiusens: what should the #! line of a python script in a snap be that's been built with the python2 plugin? It should point to the shipped python2 interpreter, right?20:44
sergiusensthomi we already had barry log a bug about that on python20:44
thomisergiusens: the bug is in python itself?20:44
sergiusensthomi all setup_scripts and such get that; what we are doing in snapcraft is calling python or python3 on the declared command20:45
sergiusensthomi setuptools overwrites shebangs and there is no way to disable it20:45
thomisergiusens: ahh ok, so it's probably not the cause of my issue then20:45
thomisergiusens: however, the script is still trying to open the stdlib from my parts directory: Jul  1 08:46:36 thinkpad kernel: [185816.217465] audit: type=1400 audit(1467319596.615:122): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.sofastats.sofa" name="/home/thomi/code/snapcraft/sofa/parts/sofa/install/usr/lib/python2.7/os.py" pid=19150 comm="sofa"20:47
thomirequested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=100020:47
thomisergiusens: I think it's because the command wrapper ends in "exec "sofa" "$@""20:49
thomisergiusens: so we're not explicitly invoking the python in the snap, but rather using the python mentioned in the scripts !# line20:49
thomidoes that make sense?20:50
sergiusensthomi let me check the code, this was a nice contribution from BjornT_21:02
sergiusenskyrofa mind looking at this https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/620 ? I am still missing one thing, installdir21:02
thomisergiusens: thanks - I'm on snapcraft version 2.11 BTW21:02
sergiusensthomi no worries, everyone should have this fix by now...21:03
sergiusensthomi so wait, I might go faster if I see your yaml21:05
sergiusensthomi so https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/blob/master/snapcraft/internal/meta.py#L190 is the logic, it should have the correct statement21:07
thomisergiusens: hmm - this is in snapcraft 2.11?21:08
sergiusensthomi but, the command needs to be a full relative path or else... https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/blob/master/snapcraft/internal/meta.py#L21821:08
sergiusensthomi yeah, no worries, you found a bug it seems21:08
sergiusensshould be easy to fix21:08
sergiusensthomi as a workaround though, instead of `command: sofa` try `command: bin/sofa` (or usr/bin or whatever applies)21:09
sergiusensand that would confirm this21:09
thomisergiusens: will do, thanks21:09
sergiusensif you want to log a bug I will fix faster too :-P21:10
thomisergiusens: that workaround does indeed fix the issue21:11
thomisergiusens: sure thing - bugs on github or lp?21:11
sergiusensthomi https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+filebug21:12
thomisergiusens: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/1597919 hope that's clear enough21:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1597919 in Snapcraft "python setuptools entry_point scripts have wrong #! line when specified with a relative path" [Undecided,New]21:18
jdstrand_davidcalle: fyi, this fixes d-feet with vlc: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/146022:02
mwhudsonwow snappy and go 1.7 do not get on very well23:27
qenghomwhudson: how so?23:33
mwhudsonqengho: some json thing, i'll file a bug in a moment23:33
mwhudsonhm or maybe my go tip build was out of date23:41
mwhudsonyes seems so, phew23:42
mwhudsonhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1597948 is real though23:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1597948 in Snappy "github.com/snapcore/snapd/cmd/snap TestSnapRunSnapExecEnv fails if HOME is set in environment" [Undecided,New]23:43

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