
arnabতাঞ্জিম ভাই কই তুমি???03:03
=== Kilos-- is now known as Kilos
walriderkei nai naki11:55
Kiloshi walrider 11:55
walriderhelo kilos 11:59
walriderlong time no see 11:59
walrideri fixed that problem last time i told u 11:59
walriderremember ?11:59
Kilosno remind me11:59
walriderumm teamspeak 12:00
Kilosoh yes12:01
Kiloswell done12:01
walridercouldnt install .run file 12:01
walriderthat file would be executed from terminal 12:01
walriderif terminal closes then the software also closes 12:01
walriderhm 12:01
walrideri have managed to host a game server also 12:02
walriderwith a wixmax modem 12:02
walriderand now moved to parrot sec from xubuntu 12:02
walriderjust changed the test a lil bit :D12:02
Kilosas long as things work12:03
walriderparrot security os have all tool you need to bang any one 12:03
walriderany server 12:03
walriderany pc 12:03
walriderand cover up ur identity 12:03
walrider>:D really evil 12:03
walriderjust like kali 12:03
walriderparrot is more stable 12:03
walriderwc audacius bhai 12:19
walriderkemon asen 12:19
walriderkan bhai 12:29
walriderrojay dhorse nake ?12:29
AudaciousTUXনা... ঘুমে ধরছে :312:30
walriderbhai linux konta chalan ??12:30
walridero bhai 12:32
walrider@AudaciusTUx bhai 12:32
walriderbhai aida ki dual boot e chole 12:32
walriderami dualboot e install dite chaisilam pari nai 12:32
walrideraktu shikhai den na bhai 12:32
walriderantergos er kono bangladeshi repository ase ni bhai ??12:33
walriderthakle sudo upgrade dile 4-5 mbps paitam 12:33
AudaciousTUXoi koshter kotha ar koiyen na :'(12:34
walriderbhai amar ram 1.6 GB ar processor 1.6 ghz dual core apner mote konta chalaile valo hobe ? ami media er kaj kori halka patla ar email signature banai 12:34
walridersuggest koren 12:34
walriderami os test kortasi amar hard disk e 90GB er moto iso ase ubuntu debian kali xubuntu lxde ja ase shob collection e rakhsi 12:35
walriderakta legit maal suggest koren12:35
AudaciousTUXantergos for humanity :312:36
walriderrepo nai to bhai 12:37
walriderupdate dite ak din lagbo 12:37
walriderkamne ki 12:37
AudaciousTUXtaile mara khan... ami janina12:37
AudaciousTUXlubuntu chalan12:37
walrider:D 12:37
walridermoja loileen :D12:38
walriderhehe :D12:38
walriderlubuntu chalaisi kamon jani posondo hoy nai 12:38
walriderxubuntu aktu juit er lagse bt lubuntu posondo hoy nai 12:38
walriderami kaj koria aram pawa dorkar bhai 12:38
AudaciousTUXপাশে একটা গফ নিয়া কাজ করেন... আরাম পাবেন... :3 12:39
walrider:D 12:39
walrideraitasi ak minit 12:40
pavlushkao/ all13:00
pavlushkaKilos: whassup!13:00
pavlushkame too, cut some tree branches while fasting, :)13:38
=== Kilos-- is now known as Kilos
=== Rezwan is now known as Guest31984
pavlushkaHello tareq !14:31
tareqhello pavlushka14:31
Kiloshi tareq 14:31
tareqhi Kilos14:31
pavlushkatareq: So, how your writing is going?14:33
tareqgood, so far so good14:33
tareqgonna post soon on my blog14:33
tareqi had an wordpress blog14:34
tareqi delete it for blogger :/14:34
pavlushkatareq: that's good, which one, link please14:35
tareqlinux mint sarah released today14:57
pavlushkatareq: you are an asset, just dont die, :p14:58
pavlushkatareq: until then, goto #freenode and request for a cloak and wait patiently, your nick ip will be masked with that cloak like mine, :)15:02
tareqpavlushka: why? can you explain more?15:11
pavlushkatareq: do a "/whois tareq" and "/whois pavlushka", you will see the difference and may be its just for the look, :p15:13
tareqgot it15:15
tareqpavlushka: how to do it?15:15
pavlushkatareq: just give me a minute15:16
tareqhi Kilos15:33
Kilosyay no ip showing15:33
tareqthanks to pavlushka and e15:34
tareqalso m712 from #freenode15:34
pavlushkatareq: you are wearing your own cloak, that's a pride, :)15:34
Kilosyes he was taught well15:34
Kilosand he doesnt forget15:34
Kilosnow to work for one like mine15:35
Kiloswhat irc client are you using tareq '15:35
pavlushkaand quassel sometimes15:35
Kilosdo you see the hosts next to the nick list15:35
tareqmostly konversation15:35
tareqit shows Hostmask: ....15:37
Kilosnow hackers cant pick up your IP address and hack you15:38
tareqwho will hack me :/15:38
tareqi'm very ordinary guy15:38
Kilosone never knows15:38
tareqI've heard a country is going to work with microsoft to prevent hacking 15:39
Kiloslol ms are the main hackers15:40
tareqi wonder15:40
Kilosthey even have linux hackers working for them15:40
Kiloswindows 10 if you tick accept on the eula you give them permission to see all your data15:41
Kilosits rright at the bottom of the eula agreement15:41
tareqI am using win 10 for 3 software mainly15:42
Kilosno one ever even reads that15:42
tareqmainly i'm linux guy15:42
Kilosill try get you a script to stop it15:42
tareqkilos: do you know how to use google drive in linux?15:43
Kilosnope i dont even browse with google15:44
Kilosi use duckduckgo15:44
tareqduckduckgo ?15:44
tareqnice 15:44
Kilosgoogle is part of the bad peeps15:44
tareqi do use dropbox15:44
Kilosyes but you can control what you want seen15:45
tareqkilos: any idea on multiboot pendrive on kubuntu?15:47
tareqI'm missing YUMI15:48
Kilosi installed kde 14.04 on a pendrive and can use it anywhere as a fully working system15:48
Kiloshave tried multiboot15:49
tareqthis is problem15:49
tareqI need a tool which can make multiboot usb15:49
Kiloswhy you want to dual boot on a stick15:49
tareqfor keeping many iso in single one15:50
Kilosthey too slow anyway unless you have usb315:50
Kiloswhat size pendrive15:51
tareq8-16-32 gb15:52
Kilosah i have 14.04 on a 16g15:52
tareqfew weeks ago i had to provide multiple usb to a student, i did it with YUMI15:53
tareqin windows15:53
tareqI gave him ubuntu, kubuntu, mint15:54
tareqneed something like in kubuntu15:54
tarequnetbootin is not a good one15:54
tareqterminal sometimes risky15:54
Kilosoh my15:54
Kilosi use unetbootin for making mine15:55
Kilosnever had a prob15:55
tareqtoday i've used unetbootin15:55
tareqpendrive not booting 115:55
Kilosyou first need to format it to mbr15:56
Kilosuse gnome-disk-utility15:56
Kilosyou first need to add the mbr15:56
tareqor gparted?15:56
Kilosmaster boot record15:56
Kilosive only seen disk utility give that option15:57
Kilosyou can do it from terminal as well15:57
Kilosi dont know the command though15:57
Kilosyou have to first add the mbr15:57
Kilosthe unetbootin15:58
tareqjust format it using disks16:02
Kilosas  long as it adds the mbr that fine16:02
Kilosonce mbr is added you can format it to anything and it will boot16:03
tareqlets see16:04
tareqthanks for the link btw16:06
Kilosyou welcome16:11
pavlushkaW AudaciousTUX !16:59
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: why marked busy?17:01
AudaciousTUXhello from the other peer :v17:01
AudaciousTUXপিসি অন্য থাকে কিন্তু পরতে থাকই বিছনায় গিয়া17:01
AudaciousTUXতাই away দিয়া রাখই 17:01
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: how far, 6 feet away?17:03
AudaciousTUXউম্ম... একটু বেশি হবে মনেহয় 17:04
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: do a trick, you will like it, ;)17:05
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: run here "/whois AudaciousTUX " And "/whois pavlushka", and see the difference.17:06
pavlushkagoto #freenode and request for a cloak and wait patiently, your nick ip will be masked with that cloak like mine, :), you may ask e to cloak your nick.17:08
pavlushkae is a stuff there17:09
AudaciousTUXexactly ki jagabo??17:09
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: like "e: will you please cloak my nick?"17:10
pavlushkainfo AudaciousTUX 17:11
AudaciousTUXamare #freenode :Cannot send to channel eita bolteche17:11
pavlushkaতুমড তো অাছ সেখানে17:12
AudaciousTUXkono messege jaitechena17:12
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: wait for you to be voiced,17:13
pavlushkacan you see me there?17:14
pavlushkaSee I am voiced there, wait, I am trying to make an arrangement17:14
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: run FB তে আমার IRC  উপর post টা দেখেন17:23
AudaciousTUXoi post tai khujtechilam... koi harai gelo paina17:28
AudaciousTUXregister kora hoiche17:28
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: good, but for some more, have a look, https://web.facebook.com/notes/pavel-sayekat/how-to-irc/1020938654335811717:30
AudaciousTUXcloaking er jonne ar kisu lagbe?17:31
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: you will receive an email, follow that to verify17:31
AudaciousTUXtao korchi17:31
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: now ask there again17:32
AudaciousTUXkeu kisu koyna :'(17:37
AudaciousTUX0 staff dekhay /stats p te17:38
AudaciousTUXrealname change hoibena?? :(17:40
pavlushkaHexchat settings এ যান17:41
AudaciousTUXrealname deya oikhane :(17:41
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: in Advanced option , change realname to your desired, just type in there17:42
AudaciousTUXoh... oita oi vitore raikha dichilo ken :317:43
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: আমি আপনারে আরেকটু চালাক ভাবসিলাম, :p17:44
AudaciousTUXgrrr :317:45
AudaciousTUXkonversation e to oijaygatei realname thakto... :317:46
AudaciousTUXlol hoi gelum :317:47
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: re-apply17:48
AudaciousTUX* p :0 staff members17:49
pavlushkae is not there?17:49
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: then ask e that who can help you?17:53
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
AudaciousTUXhello @arnab18:05
Kilosfreezing here18:05
arnab tanjim vai koi tumi??18:06
Kiloshi arnab Tanvir 18:06
pavlushkaQA forecast in Johannesburg18:06
QApavlushka: That site seems to be down18:06
pavlushkaQA forecast for Johannesburg18:06
QApavlushka: Too many places match Johannesburg: Johannesburg, California; Johannesburg, Michigan and Johannesburg, South Africa18:06
Kilosthis channel is growing slowly pavlushka 18:06
KilosQA forecast pretoria18:07
QAKilos: Thursday: Clear. High: 20° C., Thursday Night: Clear. Low: 6° C., Friday: Clear. High: 22° C., Friday Night: Clear. Low: 7° C., Saturday: Clear. High: 21° C., Saturday Night: Partly Cloudy. Low: 6° C., Sunday: Partly Cloudy. High: 17° C., Sunday Night: Clear. Low: 3° C., Monday: Clear. High: 18° C., Monday Night: Partly Cloudy. Low: 4° C., Tuesday:18:07
QAClear. High: 21° C., Tuesday Night: Clear. Low: 5° C., Wednesday: Clear. High: 21…18:07
pavlushkaQA forecast for Johannesburg South Africa18:07
QApavlushka: Thursday: Clear. High: 18° C., Thursday Night: Clear. Low: 5° C., Friday: Clear. High: 21° C., Friday Night: Clear. Low: 6° C., Saturday: Clear. High: 17° C., Saturday Night: Partly Cloudy. Low: 4° C., Sunday: Clear. High: 15° C., Sunday Night: Clear. Low: 3° C., Monday: Clear. High: 17° C., Monday Night: Partly Cloudy. Low: 4° C., Tuesday:18:07
QAClear. High: 19° C., Tuesday Night: Clear. Low: 5° C., Wednesday: Clear. High: 19° C…18:07
Kiloswe are below 6 already18:08
AudaciousTUX5degree :o18:08
pavlushkaKilos: I hope it stays that way, :)18:08
Kiloswill be 0 here tonight18:08
Kilosunder 20 i get cold18:08
pavlushkaHello arnab !18:13
AudaciousTUXlol :p18:13
pavlushkamissed him by little, :p18:14
Kiloswb arnab 18:16
arnabcan you tell me about irc in details?I mean about networks.freenode,efnet.dalnet blah blah blah18:18
pavlushkaarnab: https://web.facebook.com/notes/pavel-sayekat/how-to-irc/10209386543358117, repeat it for any other networks.18:22
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: we will see your issue until it gets solved, dont worry, wont take long, :)18:23
pavlushkaarnab: Do you have any Launchpad account? by the way for instance like mine https://launchpad.net/~pavelsayekat?18:25
pavlushkaKilos: see? AudaciousTUX pulled in arnab , :)18:26
Kiloswell done AudaciousTUX 18:26
Kilosbring more18:27
AudaciousTUXtrying... but for most of the people irc like alien planet :318:28
Kilosteach them18:28
pavlushkalike AudaciousTUX from MARS, :p18:28
AudaciousTUXtelegram group have more than 40 members... 18:28
AudaciousTUXyah.... need to write a blog about irc in my site... but i'm not so familiar with irc to write a blog :(18:30
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: if you apply for Ubuntu Membership, you have to face the board on irc, what about that?18:30
AudaciousTUXoh shit... lol :318:30
Kilossooner or later the bd loco will be strong and healthy again18:31
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: IRC is much easier than shell scripting or cronjob, :p18:31
Kilosnot all stuck on fb18:31
Kilosirc is as easy as telegram18:31
AudaciousTUX:v 18:32
pavlushkaKilos: its way much better and has much more function than Telegram18:32
AudaciousTUXbut is there any cool app for irc on android platform??18:32
pavlushkaAnd its lighter even for data18:32
AudaciousTUXumm... have to try... but my mbl dead for months :318:33
Kilosoh my18:33
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX:  not really, but there is a way, my way, androidirc with, let me think...18:33
arnabI read it but couldn't find anything about efnet.worldnet or dalnet.18:34
Kilosarnab welcome to irc18:35
AudaciousTUXneed web designer ... i'm running out of idea... but can't close this project... we should categorize wanna be volunteers 18:35
pavlushkaarnab: I told you, you can use the same procedures for other networks!18:36
AudaciousTUXbut... design can be fixed later... anyway forget it :318:36
pavlushkaand arnab , which network you are looking for?18:37
arnabI tried but when i connect with other networks i could not find you guyzz in ubuntu bd channel,18:37
arnabin worldnet network18:37
pavlushkaarnab: because we are in freenode.net's #ubuntu-bd channel, got it?18:39
pavlushkaarnab: you will not find us on dalnet until we are there as well.18:40
pavlushkaor any other network.18:40
pavlushkaarnab: and why are you querying for other networks? go easy, first learn the basics here, then you can also check on other networks.18:42
arnabaccept my requ o fb.18:43
pavlushkaarnab: done, :)18:45
pavlushkaSo arnab do you have any Launchpad account?18:45
arnabneed telegram group link.18:47
pavlushkaarnab: then goto launchpad.net and create one.18:47
pavlushkaarnab: can you see the channel topic above?18:48
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: remembered, androidirc with "Terminal IDE" app, this app gives you a full desktop keyboard where you can hit the tab, yea....18:51
AudaciousTUXwon't spent a poysha on mobile... :318:52
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: hahaha, lolo, :p18:52
AudaciousTUXtrying to buy rasb pi display... 18:53
pavlushkahow much is your budget?18:53
AudaciousTUXdepends on my family :p18:54
pavlushkajust buy a monitor, that will do, or a TV, :p18:54
pavlushkayou can have those in just 5000 bucks.18:55
AudaciousTUXportability :'(18:55
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: you can buy a small monitor, that what portability needs.18:56
AudaciousTUXyah.... selected one from backpack... but 7k sounds too much :(18:57
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: you can have it within 5.18:57
AudaciousTUXyah... but can't find one in that range18:57
AudaciousTUXatleast not in backpack18:58
pavlushkaBackpack charges almost more than 1000 bucks18:58
AudaciousTUXnot on all products18:58
Kilosbed time for old peeps18:58
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: just walk up to BCS computer city18:58
Kilosyou guys be good18:58
AudaciousTUXbye.. happy nightmares :D18:59
pavlushkaKilos: Syonara, sleep well, :p18:59
Kilosty you too18:59
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: haven't you went there ever? BCS?18:59
AudaciousTUXnope... only bounded in IDB19:00
AudaciousTUXall comps related goods are from ryans19:00
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: IDB is BCS19:00
AudaciousTUXLOL :|19:00
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: if you are buying from Ryan unless you know someone there, than you are just paying much, :p19:01
AudaciousTUXসবসময় এক ব্যক্তির কাছে গিয়া কিনি... এখন চেনা পরিচিত হই গেছে... so called "regular customer" :v19:03
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: in BCS, any stall can arrange you anything, but you have find out the best offer or value for money offer19:03
AudaciousTUXকই দিয়া কিনব?? 19:03
AudaciousTUXওহ... তাতো করিই 19:03
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: anyways, that's ok, But I alway cross check the price even buying from my regular stall, check the market before buying.19:04
AudaciousTUXyah... always :D19:05
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: for you IDB is better choice than Backpack. and you might even get warranty, :p19:06
pavlushkaQA weather Dhaka, Bangladesh19:08
QApavlushka: That didn't seem to agree with me19:08
pavlushkaQA forecast Dhaka, Bangladesh19:08
QApavlushka: Thursday: Mostly Cloudy. High: 33° C., Thursday Night: Mostly Cloudy. Low: 27° C., Friday: Thunderstorm. High: 32° C., Friday Night: Chance of a Thunderstorm. Low: 27° C., Saturday: Thunderstorm. High: 31° C., Saturday Night: Thunderstorm. Low: 27° C., Sunday: Thunderstorm. High: 31° C., Sunday Night: Thunderstorm. Low: 27° C., Monday:19:08
QAThunderstorm. High: 31° C., Monday Night: Thunderstorm. Low: 26° C., Tuesday: Thunderstorm. …19:08
pavlushka:V :V :V19:08
AudaciousTUXbut they don't even know what is pi :319:08
AudaciousTUX27 vs 5 :319:09
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: no need, your pi has hdmi support, so just buy a hdmi supported monitor, and all the latest monitors are hdmi supported.19:09
AudaciousTUXyah... i must drop খায়েশ to buy touch display :319:10
AudaciousTUXexternal laptop display আলাদা পাওয়া যায়?? অগুলা কিনলেই তো মনেহয় হবে 19:11
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: খায়েশ থাকলে পূরন করেন, একটা hdmi supported touch display নেন19:11
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: মনে হয় না , হবে।19:12
AudaciousTUXumm... thak touch er dorkar na... খালি খালি দাম বাইরা যাবে... বাজেটের মদ্ধে হইলে কিনুম নাইলে বাদ ... 19:13
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: Have you ever installed driver for monitor in windows/Linux?19:13
AudaciousTUXnope... but graphics card.... and touch driver install kora lage pray sob ( except official raspberry display) touch display er pi te19:14
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: to give the OS, touch functionality , you need to install linux-android, it doesn't care about the monitor that much.19:16
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: Displays falls in to the category of PnP (Plug and Play) devices.19:17
AudaciousTUXumm... ami official pi display sara ektatei plug and play dekhlamna19:18
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: means your desktop display does not supported in PI?19:21
AudaciousTUXuhu.... amar desktop display to touch display na.... ami touch functionality er kotha bolchi.... amar desktop monitor vga... hdmi to vga converter diya chalano jay.... 19:22
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: কিন্তু আমি শুধু touch functionality র কথা বলিনি19:23
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: আপনি কোন touch লাগিয়ে দেখেছেন?19:24
AudaciousTUXamare ekkhan pnp touch display khoj koira den pi er jonne -_-19:24
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: আপনি কোন touch লাগিয়ে দেখেছেন?19:24
AudaciousTUXna.... youtube + net e sobgulatei driver install er age touch kaj korenai19:24
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: use your head, an android phone is a kind of computer with linux OS with touch screen support.19:26
AudaciousTUXami ki bolchi touch display linux support korbena?? -_-19:26
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: আপনি কিসু বলেন নি, এটা আমি বলতেসি19:26
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: So if you are able to install an android os in PI, that supposed to support touch.19:29
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: yeah, that might need the driver for that touch display, :p19:30
AudaciousTUXyah :p19:30
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: So keep the PI in your pocket, while you goto IDB, :p19:31
AudaciousTUXyah :')19:31
AudaciousTUXকিছুদিন আগে ওইখানে hdmi to vga converter টা কিনতে গেছিলাম... পাই দেইখা মনেহইল ভয় পাইছে... বূম! :319:32
pavlushkaSo congrats AudaciousTUX !19:39
AudaciousTUXyeeee :p19:40
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: trust me AudaciousTUX , IRC is fun, I am actually addicted to it, but I control myself these days, :)19:42
AudaciousTUXneed to my fb life :319:44
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: what?19:44
AudaciousTUXkill my fb life19:45
AudaciousTUXfb addiction দুর করতে হইবে :319:45
z4kihello everyone. 20:01
pavlushkaz4ki: screen এর বামে নিচে তাকান.20:01
z4kiহুম। পাইছি।20:03
pavlushkaz4ki: you know how to get a cloak?20:03
pavlushkaz4ki: you know how to get a cloak to your nick?20:04
pavlushkaz4ki: like Pavel@unaffiliated/pavlushka? run "/whois pavlushka"20:05
z4kiwhat is it.20:06
pavlushkaQA define cloak20:06
QApavlushka: Cloak \Cloak\ (kl[=o]k; 110), n. [Of. cloque cloak (from the bell-like shape), bell, F. cloche bell; perh. of Celtic origin and the same word as E. clock. See 1st {Clock}.] 1. A loose outer garment, extending from the neck downwards, and commonly without sleeves. It is longer than a cape, and is worn both by men and by women. [1913 Webster]  2. That20:06
QAwhich conceals; a disguise or pretext; an excuse; a fair pretense; a mask; a cover. [191…20:06
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: can you help z4ki ?20:07
z4kiits like hiding something20:07
z4kimagician use cloak.20:07
pavlushkame too, :p20:08
z4kiআমার নিক এর জন্যয় লাগবে।20:08
z4kii need it too. 20:08
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: can you help z4ki on that?20:08
AudaciousTUXumm... yah... 20:09
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: z4ki is registered btw20:09
z4kiby the way, i can't switch to my other nick zaki(registerd) , it's allrdy in use.20:10
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: so he just need to the rest.20:10
z4kian ip from usa20:10
pavlushkaINFO z4ki 20:11
pavlushkainfo z4ki 20:11
z4kinow, what is the point of registering it. 20:13
z4kiশখের নাম টা, নিয়ে গেলো।20:14
pavlushkaz4ki: the point is if you run now "/msg nickserv identify your_password" then you will claim it back20:14
z4kiহয়, না, কয়েকদিন যাবত চেষ্টা করতেছি।20:17
pavlushkaz4ki: মানে? কি বলে?20:18
z4kipavlushka,   /msg nickserv identify registerd nick your_password এরকম হবে।20:23
=== z4ki is now known as zaki
zakithank you. :)20:23
pavlushkaz4ki: জি, সে জন্যেই সেটা "এর মধ্যে দিয়েছি"20:23
zakiনাহ, আপনি একটা ফিল্ড মিস দিছেন।20:24
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: the floor is your's now.20:24
zakiযেই টা claim করতে চাচ্ছি ওঃই নিক টা ও দিতে হবে।20:26
pavlushkazaki: আমি কোন ফিল্ড মিস দিই নি, nick is not necessary.20:26
pavlushkazaki: not necessary, you dont need to trust me, just trust the online tutorials, that will do.20:28
zakiwhen i'm trying it in this way: (/msg nickserv identify your_password) nickserv replyed Z4ki is not registerd.20:28
zakiand then i tryed like this /msg nickserv identify zaki my_password. it grabed my nick like a magician. :p20:29
zakioky, now how can i set my real name, and put a cloak on my nick.20:30
pavlushkareal name is not necessary to get a cloak.20:31
pavlushkaAnd can we have AudaciousTUX here?20:32
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: are onto that what you have been requested?20:38
AudaciousTUXummm what??20:38
pavlushkaTo help zaki getting a claok?20:41
zakioky, i'm trying.20:42
AudaciousTUXoh... i've massaged zki... 20:42
pavlushkazaki: try this "/msg NickServ  SET KILL  QUICK"20:42
pavlushkazaki: and "/msg NickServ  SET SECURE ON"20:43
pavlushkazaki: looks like you need these20:43
pavlushkazaki: actually the claim command is like this "/msg NickServ  RECOVER nickname password" 20:45
zakiyap.. thats it.20:45
pavlushkazaki: on your Hexchat client, goto settings->prefernece-> advanced-> type your desired name in place of "Real Nme"21:10
pavlushkazaki: কি জানি বলতে চাইসিলেন?21:16
pavlushkaSo zaki had your Sahri?22:02
pavlushkame too22:03
zakigood. :)22:04
zakiwhat are you doing?22:07
pavlushka_nothing, today, just relaxing, :)22:08
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
pavlushkawill be back right away, :p22:48
pavlushkazaki: আপনি কি করেন?22:55
pavlushkaকি করছেন এই মুহর্তে?22:55
pavlushkaঘুমাবেন না?22:57
zakiহুম। আপনি?22:58
pavlushkaসেজন্যই তো বলছিলাম, কারণ আমি ঘুমাব,:p22:58
zaki  stats p দিচ্ছি বসে বসে, কিন্তু কেউ নেই।22:59
zakiঘুমান। :)22:59
zakiআমিও ঘুমাবো। 22:59
pavlushka#freenode e?22:59
zakiনা 22:59
zakiকোন স্টাফ মেম্বার আছে কিনা দেখতেছি, 23:00
zakicloak এর জন্য রিকোয়েস্ট করব।23:01
pavlushkaকোথায়? সেজন্য আপনাকে #freenode channel এ join করতে লাগবে।23:01
zaki#freenode এতো voice এই দেয় না।23:01
pavlushkazaki দেখছি23:02
pavlushkazaki wait there, I am arranging something.23:03
pavlushkazaki: ask "e" if "e" can help you.23:06
zakiwhere ?23:07
zakiin #freenode?23:07
pavlushkaon #freenode23:07
pavlushkazaki: you have been voiced, So now you can ask what you need, just be a little polite in your way, :)23:09
pavlushkazaki: like " Can I have a cloak for my nick?"23:09
zakiswant says he/she forwarded my cloak request.23:10
zakii all ready request for a cloak. 23:10
zakiswant is going to sleep or whatever, 23:11
zakioky, good morning, 23:11
zakisee you :) 23:11
pavlushkaokay, then I guess you just have to wait for a while, dont quit, otherwise they cant cloak you23:11
pavlushkabe on #freenode, dont quit until you have been cloaked, :)23:12
pavlushkacongrats zaki , :) you have been cloaked, :)23:15
pavlushkaSee ya guys! bye23:28

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