
qenghoGood morning!02:06
qenghoHi hi hi!04:32
hikikoHi qengho :-)04:32
hikikoHow are you ?04:33
qenghoOkay. You?04:33
hikikoGood, just got a cold and feel too tired (cold in the middle of the summer \m/ in 34 degrees :p04:34
seb128good morning desktopers06:29
pittiGood morning06:38
seb128hey pitti, how are you?06:39
pittiseb128: quite well, thanks! a bit sore from basketball, but the good kind :)06:40
pittiand you?06:40
seb128I'm good thanks!06:40
seb128had a quiet evening yesterday, no tennis since it was rainy and I went already on monday06:41
seb128summer is still not arrived here :-/06:41
pittiwe've had sumer for over a week now06:41
seb128yeah, 19°C max and rainy all week06:42
pittiurgh, how depressing06:44
seb128yeah :-/06:44
seb128well, I'm in France next week and should be over 23°C and sunny06:45
seb128so that's better ;-)06:45
seb128happyaron, hey, did you see my email about the n-m-applet update missing some uploaded revisions?06:48
seb128k, good06:49
seb128working on fixing it?06:49
happyaronnot now, later today06:49
seb128pitti, could you maybe review the gstreamer-vaapi xenial SRU? the rest of the gst stack when in a week ago but it make vaapi uninstallable without that matching update06:49
seb128happyaron, k, and what's the status of the current SRUs? we really need to get on top of that or we are going to miss the LTS .106:50
seb128pitti, sorry, s/when/went06:50
pittiseb128: OTP, brb06:51
pitti(mother's bday)06:51
seb128pitti, no hurry06:51
happyaronseb128: 1.2.2 is in the git for almost a month, probably need merge yakkety patches again06:52
seb128oh, happy birthday to her then :-)06:52
seb128happyaron, right, sorry that I was slow to pick reviews for that one06:52
happyaronnm-applet is similar06:52
seb128well, n-m had the yakkety uploads commited to git06:53
seb128so it's better06:53
seb128Laney, Trevinho, attente, could you review the patch from bug #1597598 looks if it seems right to you?06:53
ubot5bug 1597598 in libindicator (Ubuntu) "a11y-profile-manager-indicator has wrong scale in Ubiquity with HiDPI display." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159759806:53
seb128it's gtk code06:53
pittiseb128: oh, sure07:07
seb128pitti, danke07:08
hikikoTrevinho, hi :) could you review these: https://code.launchpad.net/~hikiko/compiz/compiz.expo-scale-options-skip-anim-steps/+merge/298737 https://code.launchpad.net/~hikiko/unity/unity.scale-expo-lowgfx-and-mmon-fix/+merge/298740 (the branches I asked you yesterday) - thanks :)07:20
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seb128hey hikiko07:31
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seb128Laney, bug #1132063 is still assigned to you, I guess you are not working on it anymore so you should maybe unassign it? (or do you still want to try to have a look?)07:32
ubot5bug 1132063 in unity-control-center (Ubuntu) "Mouse settings missing from Mouse & Touchpad dialog" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113206307:32
hikikohi seb128 :)07:34
seb128pitti, thanks for the SRU review!07:34
pittithe morning round :)07:35
seb128hikiko, how are you? getting some nice optimisation in unity I see :-)07:35
seb128is the unity-control-center->user->login_history list working for others?07:37
seb128it's empty on my xenial system07:37
hikiko:D I hope it becomes faster seb128! how are you? let me check ccsm07:38
seb128hikiko, I'm good thanks07:38
seb128hikiko, ccsm? you mean ucc?07:38
hikikoyes ucc07:38
seb128too used to compiz!07:38
hikikoempty for me too seb12807:39
hikikommm wait07:39
seb128hikiko, thanks07:39
hikikoI might have the setting07:39
hikikoto not record history turned on07:39
hikikoin security&privacy I have record of for everything is this relevant?07:41
seb128no it's not07:41
seb128the no record is for files you open and the dash07:41
seb128thanks for testing!07:42
willcookemorning all08:01
willcookeevening TheMuso08:01
TheMusoHey willcooke, hey folks.08:01
seb128hey willcooke TheMuso Laney08:02
didrocksseems like willcooke is giving access to compiz maintainer team to anyone08:03
didrocks(hey guys there btw ;))08:03
* willcooke removes didrocks 08:03
didrocksmy powersssss08:04
didrocksI'm in the admin team, let me remove you first! :)08:04
didrocksI can clear you out of launchpad, forever!08:04
* pitti gets the crackers and watches the LP wars08:04
seb128willcooke, Laney, how is u.k this morning?08:08
seb128or d.k we should call it08:09
Trevinhoseb128, hikiko: hey and ok! ;-)08:09
seb128hey Trevinho!08:09
hikikothank you Trevinho08:09
davmor2pitti, willcooke: I wouldn't worry didrocks is French he'll most likely go on strike http://www.cestlagreve.fr/calendrier/ although I don't see Launchpad admins listed for today08:13
didrocksdavmor2: is that from real data?08:14
davmor2didrocks: yes that is all the french strikes happening today, jibel was most concerned that the rest of the world didn't have strike sites :D08:15
seb128didrocks, seems to be08:15
didrocksnice!!! :)08:15
ochosihi folks!08:22
seb128hey ochosi, how are you?08:25
ochosigood good08:30
ochosii was fighting with my PPA yesterday to get Gtk3 to xenial08:30
ochosii've basically done all the needed changes (as far as i can see), but somehow LP didn't like me :'( (upload with dput went fine, but no email notification and no indication of packages showing up in the PPA)08:31
seb128did you sign with a key associated with your account?08:32
ochosii did, because before it actually complained ;)08:32
seb128to what ppa did you upload?08:32
ochosii even threw away one PPA or two (i had a "." in the URL and even though the docs explicitely say that's ok, i dropped it to be sure)08:33
seb128Laney helped larsu to debug upload issues recently maybe he has an idea08:34
seb128I don't remember what gotcha it was08:34
ochosiok great08:34
ochosiotherwise i'd let one of my fellow xubuntu pkgers take a look08:34
Laneyhi seb12808:36
Laneyit's alright here08:36
Laneynot raining at least08:36
Laneyochosi: what does the upload log thing say?08:36
seb128Laney, great ;-)08:40
seb128ochosi, you didn't get any launchpad email/reject for that one right?08:41
seb128ochosi, the email you used in the changelog is valid/you would have received a reject email sent to it?08:42
Laneynot if you sign it with the wrong key08:43
Laneyseb128: how's europe today?08:43
ochosihmm, lemme check again08:43
ochosithis is what the upload log says: http://dpaste.com/39PG72G08:44
larsuyeah it doesn't give you any error if you don't sign the package08:44
ochosiobviously i tried a few times with two different PPAs (one time with dput -f)08:44
ochosibut i had to sign it to get through debuild08:45
ochosihmm, maybe i really used the wrong key... odd08:45
larsuit sends success and failure emails to the address with which it was signed, not the one in the changelog08:45
larsuit's a weird system :)08:45
Laneyit's normal to upload unchanged packages to some other archive08:46
Laneyi don't want email about people backporting glib into their random PPAs08:46
larsuah, that makes sense08:46
pittihey larsu, how are you?08:46
seb128Laney, rainy here, sunny further south it seems!08:46
larsuI guess I didn't mean "weird", but badly documented08:46
larsuhi pitti! I'm great, thanks!08:46
larsuhow are you?08:47
Laneyi think it's not that intuitive at first, but does make sense08:47
Laneyforget that08:47
Laneyhi larsu!08:47
larsuLaney: right. Hi!08:47
larsuhow's life after sort-of-brexit?08:47
seb128ochosi, is the email associated to the gpg key receiving emails?08:47
ochosihow long after the upload until i could expect to see something in the PPA?08:47
larsuochosi: it was pretty quick or me, couple of minutes08:47
Laneyit won't email if the key isn't registered in launchpad either08:47
ochosihm, i guess i should just create a new key to be sure08:48
Laneyjust re-sign it with the right thing :P08:48
Laneylarsu: weird08:48
Laneyboth the parties are shitting themselves08:48
ochosiseb128: i just realized that LP usually contacts me on an email different to the one in my key... *facepalm* i might not be getting emails to that one (provider issues)08:48
Laneyand people keep posting videos of xenophobic incidents08:48
Laneybut that could be a confirmation bias thing08:48
larsuugh :(08:49
larsuyeah probably08:49
larsusame with those people that seem to "regret" their vote - I can't imagine that this is a statistically significant thing08:49
Laneylooking forward to my new citizenship though!08:50
larsuoh yeah08:50
Laneyoh and it's henry's 2nd birthday today08:50
Laneyso some things are good08:50
larsucongrats henry!08:50
larsutime flies...08:50
ochosiseb128: ok, great, received a rejection email this time!09:01
seb128ochosi, nice, what is the issue,09:02
ochosiUnable to find gtk+3.0_3.20.6.orig.tar.xz in upload or distribution09:03
ochosii only rebuilt on top of Laney's changes, i guess i somehow need to push the whole of gtk3.20 to the PPA09:04
Laneydebuild ... -sa09:04
ochosiyeah, i used -sd09:05
ochosiobviously wrong09:05
Laneythat is the total opposite!09:06
seb128hey andyrock, how are you?09:08
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ochosiLaney: yeah i know, it was late last night...09:09
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|bbl
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* Laney meows11:30
ricotzSweet5hark1, hi, pushed 5.2rc1 builds for t, x and y12:15
Trevinhohikiko|bbl: I've been testing your scale branch again... It works well in normal case, but if you use the spread filter (i.e. super+w then write something to filter the windows to show), I notice some flickerings12:23
Trevinhohikiko|bbl: also it would be nice not to have the brightness animation on other windows, that's controlled by the window. brightness attrib, but not sure who animates it13:11
Trevinhonor if we can avoid such animation13:11
TrevinhoOk, it's fade plugin..13:15
Trevinhohikiko|bbl: I guess you want disable that too then13:15
Trevinhonot for grayed (blocked windows though), I mean you've to disable only the animations in there13:20
=== hikiko|bbl is now known as hikiko
hikikoTrevinho, thanks I'll look at it and include it in the next MP13:23
hikikoI intented to totally disable fade +animations13:23
Trevinhohikiko: check also that flickering...13:23
Trevinhohikiko: the plugin has not to be disabled, since it also handling the brightness for hanging windows, but the animations it provides, yes.13:24
Trevinhohikiko: I was thinking, that myabe it's just better to add a lowgfx option to compiz screen? Instead of adding options for every plugin?13:25
Trevinhoor no-animations... something like that13:25
Trevinhohikiko: in that way you can contrlo things inside unity withouth changing a setting... and hack plugins easily.13:25
hikikoTrevinho, we might need to enable some later13:26
hikikoI don't know13:27
hikikoif the low_gfx was in comp screen13:27
hikikothen I should modify all the plugins right?13:27
hikikommm maybe I'll try this in next MP13:28
hikikobut then each plugin will have to check if low gfx and change its settings13:28
TrevinhoMh, not everything...13:33
Trevinhoyou can start with the ones you did13:33
seb128mitya57, do you know how qt5 decides on what icon theme to load/what config it reads?15:24
bregmaTrevinho, could you do an upstream tarball  release of compiz 0.9.13?15:53
Trevinhobregma: sure, I was just waiting the lander to merge the Ci train branch upstream15:54
bregmaTrevinho, oh, OK15:55
Trevinhobregma: it's just blocked by alpha 1 freeze...15:55
TrevinhoI already have a tarball, but just in case...15:55
bregmalet me know when that's done and I'll update compiz.org and let the knoppix/debian guys know15:55
TrevinhoOk, good. Thanks15:55
=== Guest5935 is now known as fredp
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LaneyTrevinho: it went in17:02
Laneyeveryone else: byeeeEeeeEeeEE17:03
willcookenight Laney17:03
Laneyi haven't climbed in a week17:04
Laneywhat's up with THAT17:04
TrevinhoLaney: thanks.. Tomorrow I'll release17:08
* Trevinho heads out17:08
seb128night Laney17:10
seb128& Trevinho17:10
chrisccoulsonqengho, can you hop on to #launchpad?17:29
chrisccoulson(I can't publish your chromium packages)17:30
chrisccoulsonqengho, never mind - it looks like a launchpad issue17:32
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willcookenight all18:06
ximionLaney: greetings from Debconf ;-)19:12
ximionI just finished your immutableSuites feature for the appstream-generator...19:12
ximionyou might want to try it out when you're back tomorrow ^^19:12
qenghoGood morning!22:07

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