[03:21] AudaciousTUX, are you here now...? [03:22] yah [03:24] AudaciousTUX, I've a problem.... just wait 1 min [03:25] taratari... ratre ghumai nai [03:25] ghum paiche [03:25] AudaciousTUX, https://paste.ubuntu.com/18209222/ [03:26] AudaciousTUX, কি লিখবো.....? বুঝতেছি না। [03:26] umm.... qt er path chaiteche... kharan ektu [03:28] AudaciousTUX, /usr/bin/qtpaths << এইটা??? [03:28] maybe [03:29] qmake er o chaite pare [03:29] not sure [03:29] RemonShai: /usr/lib/qt/bin/qmake [03:30] AudaciousTUX,see https://paste.ubuntu.com/18209331/ [03:30] RemonShai: /opt [03:31] eto kisu deya lageken ajob :3 [03:31] AudaciousTUX, পরে কমুনে।।। [03:32] AudaciousTUX, Enter DIRECTORY for the desktop file (/usr/share/applications) : [03:32] humm [03:32] oita [03:32] just enter diya den [03:32] AudaciousTUX, Enter DIRECTORY for the icon file (/usr/share/pixmaps) [03:33] http://i.imgur.com/x7JXRpP.png keu helpaite chaile helpaite paren... just practice er jonne banaichilam... kintu ar agaite partechina.... [03:33] enter chapen [03:35] AudaciousTUX, হয় নাই :( https://paste.ubuntu.com/18209481/ [03:39] qmake khuija paynai... dekhen apnar system er koi rakha ache ei file.... [03:44] AudaciousTUX, /usr/bin/qmake এখানেই তো দেখতেছি। [03:44] apnito onno address dichen [03:44] apni /usr/bin/qtpaths/bin/qmake eita diya rakhchen [03:44] ami gelamga [03:45] shei ghum paiche [03:45] AudaciousTUX, পরে /usr/bin/qmake দিয়া ট্রাই করলাম। [06:03] Morning zaki unaffiliated :) [06:55] hi zaki and others [08:08] hi pavlushka [08:08] hi * [08:08] hi AudaciousTUX [08:09] Hello Kilos :) [08:09] Hello zaki AudaciousTUX [08:09] looking for rezwan vai [08:09] AudaciousTUX: Guest31984 [08:10] AudaciousTUX: run a whois, :p [08:10] qa tell rezwan আপনার কোর্স মেটেরিয়াল দিতে ভুইলেন না :') [08:10] AudaciousTUX: Righto, I'll tell Rezwan on freenode [08:10] lol :3 [08:11] qa tell Guest31984 আপনার কোর্স মেটেরিয়াল দিতে ভুইলেন না :') [08:11] AudaciousTUX: Righto, I'll tell Guest31984 on freenode === pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka [10:46] Guys, check this out https://polldaddy.com/poll/9457965/ on ubunu i386 installer. [10:47] this will help you in this context https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2016-June/016661.html [11:01] hEY zaki , SEEN MY POST? [11:02] HERE [11:04] bbl [13:04] hey pavlushka [13:04] কি কাজ করেনাই? [13:05] Guys, check this out https://polldaddy.com/poll/9457965/ on ubunu i386 installer. [13:05] this will help you in this context https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2016-June/016661.html [13:07] i use i386. :( === pavlushka is now known as zaki === zaki is now known as Guest92541 === Kilos-- is now known as Kilos [16:30] hey Kilos [16:30] hi zaki [16:30] and everyone else [16:31] Hello AudaciousTUX লু! [16:31] And hello Kilos zaki and everyone [16:32] hi pavlushka [16:32] zaki: your security feature is on. [16:37] nope. [16:37] is connecting from *@ [16:37] it shows my ip [16:38] zaki it is only showing to you, :p [16:38] really..? :D [16:38] জানতাম না, অনেক কিছুই জানিনা। :( [16:38] yes here you are unaffiliated [16:38] zaki: whois on me, what you will see, others will see you as like that [16:39] good than :) [16:39] it shows you are using a secure connection [16:40] zaki: can you see the ip? [16:40] nope. [16:40] same here, for you. [16:40] oky.. :) [16:40] thank you. :) [16:41] zaki: If I am telling something, most probably I am saying after checking, :p [16:51] ha ha.. :D [16:51] had dinner? [16:58] yep [17:01] i go eat [17:38] wb AudaciousTUX ! [17:38] hellu [17:38] btv dekhchen ajke?? [17:39] তেমন টিভি দেখা হয়না, কেন বলেন তো? [17:39] dhakay ki hoiteche dekhchen?? [17:40] দেখে মনে হচ্ছে, রেব, পুলিশ নিজেরাও জানে না কি হচ্ছে। [17:41] হ... [17:42] :/ [17:42] বিটিভি তে এখন পর্যন্ত কিচ্ছু দেখায়নাই :v [17:43] হা হা :D এরকম এই হবাড় কথা। [17:44] জঙ্গি কাহারে বলে?? [18:30] AudaciousTUX: ভাই এত যাওয়া আসা করতেসেন কেন? [18:33] abar jabo :p [18:38] where is ash? [18:38] it was him battling with usb booting isos wasnt it [18:48] night bd peeps [18:48] night. [19:28] AudaciousTUX: আপনি ঠিক কি করতেসেন? [19:28] ekhon permanently ashlam :p [19:31] টিভির কথা কেন বলছিলেন তখন? [19:31] gulshan e golaguli hocce dekhen nai?? [19:32] ekta restaurant/bar e lokjonre atkai felche 8-9 jon.... army comando, bgb, rab shob geche.... obostha khubi kharap... [19:33] btv dekhen [19:33] koyekjon mara geche... onekjonre medical e neya hoiche [19:39] hmm, tuned to 71 tv now, it should not be live broadcast-ed as ally of the terrorists could update the police/army movements inside. [19:39] to inside [19:40] yah... তাদের অনেকবার নিষেধ করা হইছে লাইভ না দেখাইতে... তারপরও দেখাইতেছে [19:41] stupids, its like আপনার অনুভুতি কি? [19:41] ইয়াহ :3 [19:41] 71, jamuna egula bolar por bondho koira diche [19:42] not exactly, they are still giving details. [19:42] they didn't got the point [19:43] umm... ekhon dekhtechina.... বলদ গুলাকে বুলেট প্রুফ জ্যাকেটের বদলে সামনে রাখা দরকার... যা বাবা সামনে থাইকা ভিডিও কর আর কয়েকটা গুলি খা :3 [19:45] AudaciousTUX: I am watching, media is trying to assume police/army movements, which will help the terrorist allies as well. [19:46] hummm :( [19:48] and giving the details, Gas and power line has been cut, wow, their vocal chord should be cut too. [19:49] shit.... kuttagulay ki korteche.... damn :3 [20:10] AudaciousTUX: now I now and The terrorist allies too that Navy commando team has been reached. [20:10] *know [20:10] damn -_- [20:11] কোন টাতে দেখাচ্ছে? [20:11] but why navy commando?? for snipper?? [20:11] SWADS [20:12] 71, the patriotic stupid a-hole channel [20:12] and 24 [20:12] independent [20:13] tac team [20:13] hats off to BTV, they are trying to distract [20:14] yah [20:15] btv viewers don't even know anything happend :3 [20:15] or happening [20:15] বাইরের কোন দেশ, বিশেষ করে আমেরিকা বা ইন্ডিয়া কি আমাদের দেশে নিরাপত্তা বা আইন শৃঙ্খলা পুনুরুদ্ধারে হস্তক্ষেপ করবে? [20:16] AudaciousTUX: এত জাইনা কি করবেন, উদ্ধার করবেন? যত্তসব [20:16] heheh [20:16] zaki: আপনি এত dependent কেন? [20:17] zaki: us er eikhane ashle ki hoibe bujhtechen?? [20:17] নাহ এরকম এতো হচ্ছে সারা পৃথিবীতে [20:18] zaki: হেরা কিছু spy bug বসাইয়া যাইব, আমাদের monitor করার জন্যে, আর কি? [20:18] যাকে বলে উল্টা বাঁশ [20:19] and shomoy tv [20:20] usa বলবে, আমাদের নাগরিক দের বাংলাদেশ এ নিরাপত্তা দিতে আমারা স্পেসিয়াল ফোরস পাঠাবো [20:20] এই stupid media হচ্ছে জাতির বিবেক, হাহাহা [20:20] হুম। [20:23] and Maasranga, aweee [20:24] সবাই একই। [20:25] nope, not everyone, other channels are showing entertaining programs [20:27] তো police চাইলে তো ওদের দৌড়াইতে পারে। [21:42] anyone online??? [21:43] yes === Rezwan is now known as Guest41168 [22:26] Take care see ya. [22:36] Hi rezwan.How are you???