
zequenceI'm going to be travelling for about a week, but might pop in now and then.04:07
sakrephablethi guys, my irssi shell is still having a nap, and i got embarked on job interviews that got in the way for those website mockups.. this weekend i'öl be away, but i read the mailing list and misd y'all12:33
sakrephablethmm... me commands don't work in this phablet client12:35
set_weird... someone is logged in as sakrecoer...12:38
set_weird... its me.. well same ip anyways... but i don't get from where (sakrephablet was me too...)12:41
=== set_ is now known as sakrecoer
sakrecoerright :)12:41
sakrecoerall good... identified and stuff...12:41
sakrecoerso yeah... i'll be back on monday...12:42
sakrecoer...for new adventures ;)12:42
sakrecoerhave a delicious weekend y'all!12:42
sakrecoersuper weird... that "other" sakrecoer had a secure connection... i don't from this client... anyways... if i show up and behave liike a jerk, please mail me12:44

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