[01:24] Hi every1! [01:26] Needing help with downloading/configure Brother HL-2270DW to print wirelessly from 2 PC at different locations running Kubuntu 16.04 === eric is now known as Guest23637 === fewcha_ is now known as fewcha === jayhunold is now known as jhunold === fewcha_ is now known as fewcha === marius is now known as Guest23497 [12:23] Hiyas all === paolo_ is now known as faLUCE [12:24] is that kjubuntu good enough? Better than windows 10? [12:24] isntall or not install? be or not to be? [12:25] Good enough here, but in the end it's all down to opinion. What is good for one person may not be good for another [12:27] user|33937: try it to find out [12:28] try from a live session or in a virtual machine for a bit, if you have a computer capable of that === pavlushka__ is now known as pavlushka === pavlushka is now known as pavlushka__ === pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka === FFleder is now known as FFleder^afk [15:53] Hi, is there an on-screen keyboard for plasma 5? i couldn't find in widgets [16:19] hikmet: i think no [16:19] shoudl be in Plasma 7 i think [16:20] maybe related https://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2016/05/virtual-keyboard-support-in-kwinwayland-5-7/ [16:26] oh, thanks soee === paolo_ is now known as faLUCE === dilfridge is now known as reopen_nominatio === reopen_nominatio is now known as dilfridge === viewer|83427 is now known as mauroacs [19:50] Boa tarde [19:51] Good Afternoon [19:52] allo [19:55] Estou aqui a procura de ajuda com a atualização manual do kubuntu 14.04 para o 16.04, via terminal, suas dependencias e diferenças estruturais. [19:55] Tenho uma copia do repositorio da Ubuntu Loacal. [19:55] I am here looking for help with the manual update kubuntu 14:04 to 16:04, via terminal, its dependencies and structural differences. [19:55] I have a copy of the repository of Ubuntu loacal. [20:19] Hi, i have in my PC Kubuntu 14.04, but i want update to 16.04, what doing it? (sorry my poor english) [20:20] Epilef: sudo do-release-upgrade [20:21] OK, i try it. thanks! [20:35] Hi I updated my kde neon yesterday and today I cannot boot anymore. I did full disk encryption and at boot screen there is no input to enter the passphrase [20:35] In recovery mode it prints: [20:37] Begin: Running /script/local-block/ ... done. === dilfridge is now known as reopen_nominatio === reopen_nominatio is now known as dilfridge === syadmin is now known as VlanX === jfroebe2 is now known as jfroebe === jfroebe is now known as jfroebe2 === jfroebe2 is now known as jfroebe [22:46] I'm a total and utter noob at packaging, but i am trying my had at it anyway. I've used dpkg-deb to create a package and it will install. However, I don't know how to have the package create menu entries. Could someone show me how this is done? [22:49] would it be as simple as including /usr/share/applications/kde4/.desktop ? [22:54] Fritigern: as in right-click menu entries? [22:54] No. I would have used the term service menu if i meant thaty [22:55] when will qt 5.6 available? [22:55] hmmm [22:56] in xenial? [22:56] konsole can't save sessions [22:57] Fritigern: for global access, I think your path is correct, yes