
=== JanC is now known as Guest51249
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
bullany luck making snap for this app ?? https://github.com/keshavbhatt/Deskie13:00
bullmhall119, any luck making snap for this app ?? https://github.com/keshavbhatt/Deskie  ???13:00
niemeyerMichaelTunnell: Not exactly sure of what you mean, but it does keep track records around for exactly what is being done, and also data and old snaps to make the rollback possible13:36
niemeyerbull: Someone would have to try.. :)13:36
bullniemeyer,  yeah i tried but app wont run after installing it13:37
niemeyerbull: Did you try installing with --devmode?13:42
bullyeah it failed with unexpected output13:42
niemeyerOk, so it's indeed best for someone that knows more about the details of both the app and snaps to have a look13:43
bullniemeyer,  yes13:55
ogra_GRR ..14:19
ogra_Parts 'copy' and 'sqlite' have the following file paths in common14:19
ogra_which have different contents: usr/lib/x86_64-linux-14:19
ogra_yes you silly thing ... that is in fact the reason why i *have* an sqlite part ... i want to replace the existing lib and binary ...14:19
* ogra_ shakes fist at snapcraft14:20
niemeyerogra_: Just black list with stage: [-filepath]14:58
ogra_oh !14:58
ogra_niemeyer, thanks a lot !14:58
niemeyerogra_: np14:59
MichaelTunnellniemeyer: I pretty much wanted to know if snaps still support incremental updates so that only what is needed is updated rather than the entire snap and if rollbacks are possible still. You answered the rollback thing so great but how about the incremental updates?15:37
ogra_Jul  3 17:46:41 styx kernel: [265956.819310] SQUASHFS error: xz decompression failed, data probably corrupt15:47
ogra_Jul  3 17:46:41 styx kernel: [265956.819315] SQUASHFS error: squashfs_read_data failed to read block 0x1e0ecd615:47
ogra_Jul  3 17:46:41 styx kernel: [265956.825969] SQUASHFS error: xz decompression failed, data probably corrupt15:47
ogra_Jul  3 17:46:41 styx kernel: [265956.825974] SQUASHFS error: squashfs_read_data failed to read block 0x1e0ecd615:47
* ogra_ tries a reboot 15:47
niemeyer@MichaelTunnell: Incremental updates are coming soon as well.. you'll hear about the feature after the term "deltas"16:22
nothalniemeyer: No such command!16:22
pachulohi all! Was trying to create a MAME snap using the "make" plugin, but as it seems that there is no "install" target in the MAME Makefile it fails to build because the snapcraft make plugin tries to install it16:24
pachuloshould an option be created to tell the make snapcraft plugin not to try to execute the "install" target?16:25
MichaelTunnellniemeyer: I am making a video explaining snappy and I just wanted to cover that if it is a definite planned feature16:31
niemeyerMichaelTunnell: Ah, yeah, definitely coming soon.. content sharing is also landing, btw.. should be available in the next couple of weeks17:00
niemeyerThat is, one snap being able to explicitly offer files for other snaps to explicitly use17:01
MichaelTunnellniemeyer: interesting . . . so similar to shared libraries but shared snaps?18:38
MichaelTunnellniemeyer: would it be content/userdata shared between snaps or shared assets?18:39
niemeyerMichaelTunnell: Right, will be used to share libraries for sure, but the mechanism is generic for any sort of content20:55
MichaelTunnellniemeyer: nice thanks20:55
=== blr_ is now known as blr

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