ashabadi | QA: tell kilos ashabadi has 120 badsector in sda3 but the fsck command did not fix bad sector details: . any guidance? | 05:23 |
QA | ashabadi: Righto, I'll tell Kilos on freenode | 05:23 |
RemonShai | ashabadi, vaw..... i'm back | 05:39 |
ashabadi | sorry wrong channel :P | 05:40 |
ashabadi | welcome back RemonShai | 05:40 |
ashabadi | good to see you are up... | 05:40 |
ashabadi | your name is off unconventional pattern :) | 05:40 |
RemonShai | ashabadi, যেমন.........? | 05:41 |
ashabadi | কখনও এমন নাম শুনিনি তাই বললাম আর কিছু না :) | 05:41 |
RemonShai | হাহহাহাহহাহাহাহহা........ অনেকে তাই বলে? | 05:42 |
ashabadi | হুমমম | 05:43 |
Kilos | helloooo bd peeps | 09:49 |
pavlushka | Hello abhra , its been quite a while, :) | 12:33 |
Kilos | hi pavlushka abhra a nd others | 12:33 |
Kilos | you ok pavlushka ? | 12:33 |
Kilos | hi tareq | 12:33 |
pavlushka | Kilos: I am fine, thanks. | 12:34 |
Kilos | missed you yesterday | 12:34 |
pavlushka | I missed you too, :p | 12:34 |
Kilos | well thats good | 12:35 |
tareq | hello Kilos | 12:35 |
pavlushka | tareq, run "/msg nickserv identify your_password" | 12:36 |
pavlushka | and Hello tareq , :) | 12:36 |
tareq | এটা সবসময় লিখতে হয় | 12:36 |
pavlushka | tareq: না, আপনি এটা settings এ server configuration এ set করে নিতে পারেন, প্রতিবার login এর সময় আপনা থেকে যেন command টা run করে। | 12:39 |
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka | ||
pavlushka | -ChanServ- Information on #ubuntu-bd: | 13:06 |
Kilos | did you get anything pavlushka ? | 13:07 |
Kilos | or must you use a different command | 13:07 |
pavlushka | Kilos: yes I must, :) | 13:08 |
Kilos | try /msg chanserv | 13:08 |
Kilos | i have never tried that | 13:08 |
abhra | sorry. could not reply earlier. sleeping. :) | 13:27 |
abhra | শুভসন্ধ্যা | 13:28 |
pavlushka | :) | 13:34 |
pavlushka | bbl | 13:34 |
pavlushka | wow! Hello annasha ! | 14:06 |
pavlushka | sigh | 14:07 |
Kilos | hi RemonShai | 15:41 |
RemonShai | hi....... Kilos | 15:58 |
Kilos | wb pavlushka | 16:09 |
pavlushka | Kilos: Did I go somewhere?, ok I switched the line, got it. | 16:10 |
Kilos | lol | 16:11 |
RemonShai | Kilos me too.... | 16:13 |
Kilos | haha RemonShai are you using a mobile device | 16:13 |
Kilos | all your fancy posts | 16:14 |
RemonShai | Kilos yes...... | 16:14 |
Kilos | haha | 16:14 |
RemonShai | Kilos , when my Internet package data getting low, I use it on mobile.... | 16:16 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: clever | 16:16 |
Kilos | ah ok | 16:16 |
RemonShai | pavlushka, Tehran | 16:16 |
Kilos | yeah mobiles seem to use less for some reason hey | 16:16 |
RemonShai | pavlushkasorry.... yeh | 16:17 |
pavlushka | ???? | 16:17 |
RemonShai | pavlushka, miss text | 16:18 |
pavlushka | ok | 16:18 |
RemonShai | pavlushka & KilosI want my default unity again on ubuntu, how can I do it...? | 16:19 |
Kilos | what have you got there now | 16:19 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: আপনি এখন উবুন্টুতে কি ব্যবহার করছেন? | 16:21 |
RemonShai | now I change it again and again... And I make my laptop ugly.... | 16:21 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: আপনি এখন উবুন্টুতে কি ব্যবহার করছেন? | 16:21 |
RemonShai | unity | 16:21 |
RemonShai | but this is different to see...:( | 16:22 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: আর কি কি modify করসেন unity'র? | 16:22 |
RemonShai | theme change.... | 16:23 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: run in terminal "sudo unity --reset" | 16:25 |
RemonShai | আমি এই কমান্ডটা-ই দিতে চাইছিলাম, একজনে আমাকে পাম মাইরা ফাটিয়ে দিছিলো। ***তার নাম কমু না। | 16:26 |
Kilos | hi ashabadi | 16:27 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: unity and lightdm is a pair for Ubuntu, you might also do in addition "sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm" | 16:27 |
ashabadi | hello Kilos | 16:27 |
ashabadi | pavlushka: RemonShai | 16:27 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: দেখেন আগে ঠিকমত run করে কি না, তারপরে জানাইয়েন | 16:27 |
pavlushka | Helllllo ashabadi | 16:27 |
pavlushka | bbl, gotta run | 16:28 |
Kilos | ok | 16:28 |
RemonShai | pavlushka, is this enough....? I'll try that next morning, when my night Internet pack activate.... :) | 16:29 |
RemonShai | ashabadi bro... pavlushka bro active now & my old friend Kilos too.....hahahhaha | 16:30 |
Kilos | lol | 16:30 |
RemonShai | LoL..... 2 | 16:30 |
ashabadi | hmmm | 16:32 |
ashabadi | Kilos: /dev/sda3 is my /home partition | 16:32 |
Kilos | yes | 16:32 |
ashabadi | hence already mounted and can't be unmounted by umount | 16:33 |
ashabadi | also e2fsck does not work | 16:33 |
Kilos | hmm... | 16:33 |
Kilos | let me see what i did | 16:33 |
ashabadi | I think I will make a bootable usb and run diagnosis from live environment | 16:33 |
ashabadi | that way hard disks wont be mounted | 16:34 |
ashabadi | now I have to search for usb stick.... | 16:34 |
Kilos | you have to run it from the system so it can make a file to save the info of badblocks for fsck to use in the future | 16:35 |
Kilos | what does this command do? | 16:35 |
Kilos | sudo fsck -t ext4 -l bad-blocks-result /dev/sda1 | 16:35 |
Kilos | that should create the file to save the info isnt it | 16:36 |
ashabadi | same as sda3 | 16:36 |
ashabadi | that I shared earlier in pastebin | 16:36 |
Kilos | i thought it would create a file in sda1 to save the badblocks results | 16:37 |
ashabadi | bad-blocks-result should be bad-blocks-result.txt? | 16:37 |
ashabadi | sda1 does not contain any bad sector | 16:37 |
ashabadi | sda3 does | 16:37 |
Kilos | yes but i thought it would save the sda3 info in a file in sda1 | 16:38 |
ashabadi | but in sda3 bad-blocks-result is a file with 0 byte size | 16:38 |
Kilos | maybe | 16:39 |
Kilos | sudo fsck -t ext4 -l bad-blocks-result /dev/sda1/bad-blocks-result.txt | 16:39 |
ashabadi | same result | 16:40 |
ashabadi | as before | 16:40 |
Kilos | this is all above my knowledge, i thought it created the file for future reference | 16:40 |
Kilos | oh my | 16:41 |
Kilos | Researcher- ping | 16:41 |
Kilos | we need someone more clever than me to eplain what we need to do now | 16:41 |
Kilos | i just followed those commands and drive hasnt packed up again | 16:42 |
Kilos | the bad blocks thing should work similar to chkdsk in windows | 16:43 |
Kilos | mark the bad sectors and not use them again | 16:43 |
Kilos | we need to find the creator of badblocks and ask him i think | 16:44 |
ashabadi | :p | 16:44 |
Kilos | but the good thing is we know what caused your problem now | 16:45 |
Kilos | now we try fix it | 16:45 |
ashabadi | lets try with .txt then | 16:51 |
ashabadi | and see what happens | 16:51 |
Kilos | ok | 16:52 |
ashabadi | it will take another 6/7 hours I guess | 16:53 |
Kilos | eish | 16:53 |
Kilos | didnt badblocks leave a result file in home or even in root folders | 16:54 |
ashabadi | 0 byte | 16:54 |
ashabadi | no information | 16:54 |
Kilos | oh yes | 16:54 |
Kilos | see if they give a tutorial here | 16:57 |
ashabadi | I'm going to run fsck from live disk next | 16:59 |
Kilos | the only prob with that is it doesnt create a save info file in the working system | 16:59 |
Kilos | look here too | 17:00 |
Kilos | somewhere there must be a good tutorial | 17:00 |
Kilos | oh | 17:01 |
Kilos | maybe it has that 0b file there so if you run sudo touch /forcefsck and reboot then it will add the info | 17:02 |
Kilos | then at least its fsck running from your system | 17:02 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: command গুলো run করার জন্য internet এর দরকার নেই | 17:27 |
pavlushka | wb ashabadi | 17:27 |
ashabadi | thanks pavlushka | 17:27 |
pavlushka | শাহরিয়ার তারিক ভাই, আমি | 17:28 |
pavlushka | অভিভুত আপনার thanks পেয়ে, সত্যি | 17:29 |
pavlushka | একটাই লাইন, মাঝে enter presses হয়ে গিয়েছিল, lol | 17:30 |
pavlushka | *pressed | 17:30 |
ashabadi | ? | 17:30 |
ashabadi | hmm | 17:30 |
ashabadi | good to know that you are entertained... | 17:30 |
pavlushka | শুধু wb এর জন্য আপনি thanks দিবেন, (normal) কিন্তু প্রস্তুত ছিলাম না, :p | 17:32 |
Kilos | ashabadi have you got 2 drives? | 17:32 |
Kilos | bottom 1/4 is using badblocks | 17:32 |
Kilos | | 17:32 |
ashabadi | Kilos: physical disk? only 1, have 4 partition though | 17:33 |
Kilos | i think i remember gparted also can mark bad blocks | 17:33 |
Kilos | let me keep searching | 17:33 |
ashabadi | Kilos: for the time being hold on searching | 17:36 |
ashabadi | I will run fsck with gpated live disk if necessary | 17:36 |
ashabadi | gparted has dedicated live disk for such issues... | 17:36 |
ashabadi | if it does not work then I shall come back and try finding solution | 17:36 |
Kilos | ok | 17:37 |
Kilos | good luck | 17:37 |
ashabadi | that article is for Ubuntu desktop.. I've kubuntu desktop | 17:38 |
ashabadi | no disk utility :( | 17:38 |
Kilos | you can install it | 17:38 |
Kilos | gnome-disk-utility | 17:38 |
ashabadi | i have bitter experience in mixing de apps | 17:38 |
Kilos | then start it by typing in disks in launcher | 17:38 |
ashabadi | gnome apps in kde environment | 17:39 |
Kilos | lol | 17:39 |
Kilos | the kde disk tool isnt as good | 17:39 |
ashabadi | once I installed gnome apps in laptop, and for no reason my wifi stopped working in kde | 17:39 |
Kilos | i dont know about 16.04 but on 14.04 it hasnt caused any hassles | 17:40 |
Kilos | ouch | 17:40 |
ashabadi | I am talking about 10* era | 17:40 |
ashabadi | after that I no longer mix de if it isnt absolutely necessary | 17:41 |
Kilos | i think things are more stable but im scared to go 16.04 because there are still too many unfixed bugs | 17:41 |
Kilos | and at least updates on 14.04 have slowed down now so not so much data use | 17:42 |
pavlushka | Welcome tareq | 17:57 |
tareq | hi pavlushka | 17:57 |
pavlushka | power down, awe, need to leave with a broken heart,:( | 18:00 |
Kilos | eish | 18:01 |
pavlushka | Welcome AudaciousTUX ! | 18:46 |
AudaciousTUX | helu | 18:46 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: বলু | 18:47 |
AudaciousTUX | ki bulbo | 18:47 |
AudaciousTUX | MBL pailam. vaiyar puran MBL amar notun MBL hoi geche :3 | 18:48 |
pavlushka | lol, congrats, wow | 18:48 |
pavlushka | looks like all quiet in the eastern front, ! | 18:49 |
pavlushka | ashabadi: your disk problem solved? | 18:50 |
pavlushka | ashabadi: I am using a 80 GB hdd with only a few recoverable bad blocks for 8 years, boring. | 18:52 |
pavlushka | and now Kilos suffering the power cut, :( | 18:52 |
AudaciousTUX | :p | 18:55 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: Has your :p a reason? | 18:56 |
pavlushka | just asking | 18:57 |
pavlushka | So RemonShai , welcome | 19:00 |
RemonShai | pavlushka, thanks.... | 19:01 |
pavlushka | কেন? | 19:01 |
RemonShai | pavlushka, for welcome :D | 19:02 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: আমি ভাবলাম, আপনার সমস্যা সমাধান হয়েছে, তা কি হল সেটার? | 19:03 |
RemonShai | pavlushka, এখনো ট্রাই করি নাই। সকালে নেট প্যাকেজ কিনা লই। | 19:04 |
RemonShai | ashabadi, AudaciousTUX, pavlushka, vaw... here everyone nocturnal...? | 19:09 |
pavlushka | Welcome zaki | 19:54 |
zaki | thnx | 19:58 |
zaki | how are you all? :) | 19:59 |
RemonShai | pavlushka, | 20:03 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: do you have unity-tweak-tool installed in your system? | 20:35 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: "unity-tweak-tool" | 20:35 |
RemonShai | yes | 20:35 |
pavlushka | then run in terminal "sudo unity-tweak-tool --reset-unity", and report | 20:36 |
AudaciousTUX_ | hello from the pi side :v | 20:36 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: wow, congrats! | 20:36 |
AudaciousTUX_ | :D | 20:37 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: See you on the other side of PI, :p | 20:37 |
AudaciousTUX_ | :p | 20:39 |
AudaciousTUX_ | heat sink must :3 | 20:39 |
AudaciousTUX_ | gorom hoi jay | 20:39 |
AudaciousTUX_ | ektu age review banailam | 20:40 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: hmm, is it possible to add a heat-sink? | 20:40 |
AudaciousTUX_ | yah | 20:40 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: I mean manually? | 20:41 |
AudaciousTUX_ | ei gorome jodio kono prob hoyna... tobuo pi amar jan pran... eto hot thakle problem :p | 20:41 |
pavlushka | lol | 20:41 |
AudaciousTUX_ | ummm manually bolte?? | 20:41 |
AudaciousTUX_ | rasbir jonne alada heat sink paoa jay | 20:41 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: একটা heat sink কিনা, সেইটা just add কইরা দিলা | 20:42 |
zaki | good to know.., some day i will use one | 20:42 |
pavlushka | ashabadi_: ping | 20:42 |
pavlushka | zaki: me too, :) | 20:42 |
AudaciousTUX_ | just processor er upre lagailei hoilo... cooling paste (nam thik moto janina) lagaya processor er upre bosai deya lage | 20:43 |
AudaciousTUX_ | jekono heat sink e hoibe | 20:43 |
zaki | বাহ।। | 20:43 |
AudaciousTUX_ | kintu eto picci size er heat sink kinai vala | 20:43 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: any result? | 20:44 |
zaki | what it about? | 20:45 |
pavlushka | zaki: RemonShai wants to restore the defaults in unity, he has done some modifications that he dont want anymore. | 20:47 |
AudaciousTUX_ | pi er review banaite giya 2 bar shock khailam... :3 | 20:47 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: shock is better than chhaka, :p | 20:48 |
zaki | :D | 20:48 |
AudaciousTUX_ | true dat... duitai khaichi... hagar hagar bar :') | 20:48 |
* pavlushka rolling on the ground laughing | 20:49 | |
AudaciousTUX_ | :3 | 20:50 |
* pavlushka cant tell why he is laughing, For murad_takla or for the amount? | 20:50 | |
AudaciousTUX_ | :3 | 20:53 |
AudaciousTUX_ | linux 2% market share cross korche | 20:55 |
AudaciousTUX_ | not bad :D | 20:55 |
RemonShai | pavlushka , same case....!!! সমস্যাটা হইলো top panel গায়েব। | 20:56 |
RemonShai | pavlushka | 21:00 |
pavlushka | Audacio17: রঙ্গে আস না? | 21:49 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: এ তো দেখি রঙ্গের ডিব্বা, স্বপ্ন হল সত্যি, ঈদের আগেই ঈদ | 22:39 |
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