=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === hikiko is now known as desrt_ === desrt_ is now known as hikiko [11:52] hi all, how do you run apps on mir from the CLI? [11:53] on unity8/desktop [11:55] depending on the toolkit you have to set specific flags.. since they might find a DISPLAY env var.. so GDK_BACKEND=mir QT_QPA_PLATFORM=ubuntumirclient SDL_VIDEODRIVER=mir MIR_SOCKET=/run/user/YOU_USER_ID/mir_socket [11:55] unset DISAPLAY.. [11:56] then depending on the applictation unsetting QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME is also necessary [11:57] oh and for unity8 to accept the connection of a starting application it needs to find a desktop file [11:58] anpok: i'm trying to run supertux2 (sdl2 i think) [11:58] just look up ubuntu-app-launch ;) [11:58] it gets either via ubuntu-app-launch or by looking at the command like parameter [11:59] i tried both ubuntu-app-launch and -- --dektop_file_hint etc [12:00] with ubuntu-app-launch i can see a windows + the loading spinner but then it closes [12:00] and with -- it complains that the args are wrong wich they are [12:04] i'm not even sure if the sdl2 in ubuntu has mir enabled, that's an option on compile.. i think? don't know very noob lol [12:04] it does === hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln [12:06] DL_VIDEODRIVER=mir MIR_SOCKET=/run/mir_socket supertux2 [12:06] [FATAL] /build/supertux-7_Bg7b/supertux-0.4.0/src/supertux/main.cpp:444 Unexpected exception: Couldn't set video mode 1280x800: Failed to created a mir surface: Error processing request: An output ID must be specified [12:06] Internal error details: /build/mir-NNwsqv/mir-0.23.2+16.10.20160624/sr [12:06] i don't even know what i'm doing! :)) [12:16] you try to connect to a system compositor [12:16] the system compositor only allows full screen clients (aka greeters/session shells) [12:16] so try the mir_socket of the unity8 session instead.. [12:16] (/run/mir_socket is opened by unity-system-compositor) [12:18] oh, i see, so this bit MIR_SOCKET=/run/user/YOU_USER_ID/mir_socket [12:18] ? [12:18] let's see [12:18] yes .. should be 1000 in most desktop installations [12:19] and if you launch it from a unity8 terminal .. you would not have to care about that part.. [12:22] DL_VIDEODRIVER=mir MIR_SOCKET=/run/user/1000/mir_socket supertux2 [12:22] [2016-07-04 15:21:24.099366] MirConnectionAPI: Caught exception at client library boundary (in release): /build/mir-NNwsqv/mir-0.23.2+16.10.20160624/src/client/rpc/stream_socket_transport.cpp(168): Throw in function virtual void mir::client::rpc::StreamSocketTransport::send_message(const std::vector&, const std::vector&) [12:22] Dynamic exception type: boost::exception_detail::clone_impl > [12:22] std::exception::what: Failed to send message to server: Broken pipe [12:23] 32, "Broken pipe" [12:23] [FATAL] /build/supertux-7_Bg7b/supertux-0.4.0/src/supertux/main.cpp:444 Unexpected exception: Couldn't initialize SDL: Failed to connect to the Mir Server [12:24] * ogra_ assumes the missing S in SDL_VIDEODRIVER is just a copy/paste error ? [12:24] yep === hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko === marcusto_ is now known as marcustomlinson === marcusto_ is now known as marcustomlinson === dandrader_ is now known as dandrader [15:38] is there a way to change the output scale factor on the mir demo server? === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [16:44] attente: hm not yet.. [16:46] i mean we could add an example server that does that.. or a client that reconfigures the desired content scaling [16:50] anpok: how did you test your MirSurfaceOutputEvent patch? did you use a hi-dpi monitor? [16:53] attente: printf... only.. [16:54] anpok: but is there some way to trigger a MirSurfaceOutputEvent? [16:59] on recent mir servers you should get one after creating the surface [16:59] and then when you move the surface over to a different output [17:00] hmm I am afk for 2.5 hours.. I think I can come up with some test client to play with the scale value === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader