Kilos | morning bd peeps | 05:29 |
Kilos | hi AudaciousTUX Tanvir | 06:30 |
AudaciousTUX | helu Kilos | 06:35 |
=== Rezwan is now known as Guest24125 | ||
tuxedo | is it dead? | 07:38 |
tuxedo | :( | 07:38 |
pavlushka | Morning every one! | 07:43 |
pavlushka | Hello tuxedo ! | 07:44 |
=== Guest24125 is now known as Rezwan | ||
Rezwan | QA tell AudaciousTUX নিশ্চই ভুলবো না :-) | 08:50 |
QA | Rezwan: Got it, I'll tell AudaciousTUX on freenode | 08:50 |
imtareqmhd | hello Kilos | 09:18 |
Kilos | hi imtareqmhd | 09:19 |
imtareqmhd | whats up | 09:19 |
Kilos | struggling a bit with the pc channel because they have made it invite only | 09:20 |
Kilos | so we will see from here | 09:20 |
Kilos | otherwise just cold here in za, hows things there? | 09:21 |
imtareqmhd | its rainy day here | 09:21 |
imtareqmhd | i'm rearranging my lappy for providing more space to kubuntu | 09:22 |
Kilos | and we are suffering from rain shortage | 09:22 |
imtareqmhd | isn't summer there | 09:22 |
Kilos | you dual booting with 10? | 09:22 |
imtareqmhd | yea | 09:22 |
imtareqmhd | i told you, due to some research work | 09:23 |
imtareqmhd | :( | 09:23 |
Kilos | no winter here now, we normally get summer rains but they have been scarce for some years now | 09:23 |
Kilos | country in drought crisis mode | 09:23 |
imtareqmhd | global warming | 09:23 |
imtareqmhd | :( | 09:23 |
Kilos | yeah so they say but more like earth axis shift | 09:24 |
Kilos | seasons messed up here | 09:24 |
imtareqmhd | always | 09:24 |
imtareqmhd | no cold during winter | 09:24 |
imtareqmhd | massive hotness during summer | 09:25 |
imtareqmhd | no rain during rainy season | 09:25 |
Kilos | yeah | 09:25 |
imtareqmhd | who knows what is coming for us | 09:25 |
imtareqmhd | it effects farming i think | 09:25 |
Kilos | yes very badly | 09:26 |
imtareqmhd | yea | 09:26 |
imtareqmhd | what else we can do | 09:26 |
imtareqmhd | environment taking actions | 09:26 |
Kilos | we used to export many things but even have to import maixe this year | 09:26 |
Kilos | maize | 09:26 |
imtareqmhd | let's hope for the best | 09:27 |
imtareqmhd | be positive | 09:27 |
Kilos | natures revenge | 09:27 |
imtareqmhd | yep | 09:27 |
imtareqmhd | i think technological advancement creating problems | 09:27 |
imtareqmhd | we are destroying earth surfaces | 09:28 |
Kilos | yes and all the testing of nukes all over | 09:28 |
Kilos | mankind has really messed things up | 09:30 |
imtareqmhd | old days were good | 09:35 |
Kilos | yeah | 09:35 |
imtareqmhd | just give me rough idea | 09:37 |
imtareqmhd | I have 500 GB HDD | 09:38 |
Kilos | yes | 09:38 |
imtareqmhd | Win-10 65 GB | 09:38 |
imtareqmhd | 432 remains | 09:38 |
imtareqmhd | how i can spliit this | 09:38 |
Kilos | gparted or disks | 09:39 |
imtareqmhd | I do prefer separate home | 09:39 |
imtareqmhd | gparted | 09:39 |
Kilos | make new partitions in the free space | 09:39 |
imtareqmhd | now i have 13 gig for root and 18 gig for home | 09:40 |
imtareqmhd | 2 swap | 09:40 |
Kilos | what are you going to do with all the fre space | 09:40 |
Kilos | free | 09:41 |
imtareqmhd | not all of them are | 09:42 |
imtareqmhd | free | 09:42 |
Kilos | oh ok | 09:42 |
imtareqmhd | 30 GB root | 09:43 |
Kilos | i once had /root complain it was full and it was 20g | 09:43 |
Kilos | thats better yes | 09:43 |
Kilos | even 40 is safer | 09:43 |
imtareqmhd | 40? | 09:43 |
Kilos | 40GB | 09:43 |
imtareqmhd | hmm | 09:43 |
imtareqmhd | swap size? | 09:44 |
Kilos | and hgome is where you keep everything | 09:44 |
Kilos | swap make double your ram | 09:44 |
Kilos | how much ram have you | 09:44 |
imtareqmhd | 12GB ! | 09:44 |
imtareqmhd | too much | 09:44 |
imtareqmhd | ram 6 GB | 09:44 |
Kilos | oh thats good then 6GB swap is fine | 09:44 |
imtareqmhd | 3 GB swap would be enough | 09:45 |
Kilos | oh wait i got lost | 09:45 |
Kilos | you have 6g ram | 09:45 |
imtareqmhd | yea | 09:45 |
imtareqmhd | yep | 09:45 |
Kilos | yes 3g will work | 09:45 |
Kilos | i only have 4g ram so swap is 6g | 09:45 |
imtareqmhd | then root - 40GB; swap -3GB | 09:46 |
imtareqmhd | home - 150 GB | 09:46 |
Kilos | yes thats good | 09:46 |
imtareqmhd | or like this / -- 45GB swap - 5GB | 09:47 |
Kilos | thats safer yes | 09:47 |
Kilos | its a pain if root get full | 09:47 |
imtareqmhd | yep | 09:48 |
imtareqmhd | last night i felt that | 09:48 |
imtareqmhd | i had 13 GB root only | 09:48 |
imtareqmhd | thought its enough | 09:48 |
Kilos | and if you run many apps then ram keeps the info of the resting ones so more ram is free | 09:48 |
imtareqmhd | i've seen another thing | 09:50 |
imtareqmhd | copying is slow on kubuntu | 09:50 |
Kilos | copying what | 09:51 |
imtareqmhd | system load reached to almost 100% | 09:51 |
imtareqmhd | files from one hdd to another | 09:51 |
Kilos | 16.04 has bugs still to be sorted | 09:51 |
imtareqmhd | yea | 09:52 |
Kilos | 14.04 kde copies fast | 09:52 |
imtareqmhd | thinking about downloading that | 09:52 |
Kilos | hdd to hdd should be fast | 09:52 |
imtareqmhd | would it be wise decision? | 09:52 |
imtareqmhd | going backword | 09:52 |
Kilos | i will wait till 16.04.2 or 3 before i use 16.04 | 09:53 |
Kilos | they have many new things in 16.04 that are cool but still need to be polished so they run smooth | 09:54 |
Kilos | wb pavlushka | 09:54 |
pavlushka | Kilos: keep welcoming, I'll keep coming back, ;p | 09:55 |
Kilos | lol | 09:55 |
imtareqmhd | windows consuming many space :( | 09:57 |
imtareqmhd | 63GB isn't enough | 09:57 |
Kilos | oh my | 09:58 |
imtareqmhd | i hate windows | 09:58 |
Kilos | me too | 09:58 |
Kilos | i wont even try 10 | 09:58 |
imtareqmhd | slow boot makes me crazy | 09:58 |
pavlushka | Kilos: me too | 09:58 |
Kilos | use 7 only to be able to help others | 09:58 |
imtareqmhd | ppl love windows | 09:59 |
imtareqmhd | xp and 7 mostly | 09:59 |
Kilos | just need to block 7 from auto updating to 10 | 09:59 |
imtareqmhd | i've got license from younger brother, this is another reason to keep it | 09:59 |
imtareqmhd | after that i won't take any more windows | 10:00 |
pavlushka | imtareqmhd: I think they dont know any other choice or not able enough to enjoy the freedom of Linux, rather than loving windows, :) | 10:00 |
imtareqmhd | pavlushka: this is happening for shops | 10:01 |
imtareqmhd | they are providing windows pc | 10:01 |
imtareqmhd | cracked | 10:01 |
Kilos | yes thats the biggest problem | 10:01 |
pavlushka | imtareqmhd: ha ha, yes, that's another point, :P | 10:01 |
imtareqmhd | even they erase ubuntu and install pirated 7/10 | 10:02 |
Kilos | crazy | 10:02 |
imtareqmhd | lack of knowledge | 10:02 |
pavlushka | Kilos: because | 10:02 |
pavlushka | yes | 10:02 |
pavlushka | Kilos: the shop owners even dont know much about Linux/ Ubuntu | 10:03 |
Kilos | thats the problem, ignorance and all they want is money | 10:03 |
pavlushka | sigh | 10:04 |
imtareqmhd | gamers are satisfied with windows | 10:04 |
Kilos | yes | 10:04 |
imtareqmhd | they are main buyers of hign-end pcs | 10:04 |
Kilos | of course | 10:04 |
imtareqmhd | market is full of new hardwares | 10:05 |
imtareqmhd | grapphics cards | 10:05 |
Kilos | so expensive | 10:05 |
imtareqmhd | targeting those crazy boys | 10:05 |
imtareqmhd | or girls | 10:05 |
imtareqmhd | yes | 10:06 |
imtareqmhd | you know they change it almost every year | 10:06 |
imtareqmhd | new system for new year | 10:06 |
Kilos | gaming is like drug addiction | 10:06 |
imtareqmhd | yep, it can kill a person | 10:07 |
imtareqmhd | trauma happens | 10:07 |
imtareqmhd | ppl kills others | 10:07 |
imtareqmhd | oh my god | 10:07 |
Kilos | many families broken up because of gming | 10:07 |
imtareqmhd | i think those terrorists were addicted in gaming | 10:08 |
imtareqmhd | in some point of life | 10:08 |
Kilos | yeah crazy peeps | 10:08 |
imtareqmhd | they think life is like first person shooting game | 10:08 |
imtareqmhd | kill and make pont | 10:09 |
imtareqmhd | point | 10:09 |
Kilos | lol | 10:09 |
imtareqmhd | mac useres are like elite | 10:10 |
Kilos | pavlushka wb | 10:15 |
Kilos | i must go check on the sheep and get some sun | 10:15 |
imtareqmhd | oh ok | 10:15 |
pavlushka | Its the power, due to that I need to switch to my backup plan every time, :( | 10:16 |
Kilos | eish | 10:16 |
Kilos | power supply very unstable by you | 10:16 |
pavlushka | and then when the power restores, need to reverse the process, annoying | 10:16 |
Kilos | ill be back just now guys | 10:16 |
pavlushka | lol | 10:16 |
pavlushka | sure, Kilos | 10:17 |
pavlushka | lol, some people said in some channel "I guess the EU now has 1 GB free space" | 11:59 |
Kilos | lol | 12:11 |
Kilos | right i have some time now | 14:22 |
ashabadi | hello Ekushey imtareqmhd Kilos pavlushka QA Rezwan rhct Tanvir | 16:41 |
Kilos | hi ashabadi just eating | 16:41 |
ashabadi | ohh okay | 16:41 |
Kilos | im back hi guys | 17:01 |
Tuhin | hi all | 17:55 |
Tuhin | any freelancer from bd here? | 17:56 |
Tuhin | i need info about how to open paypal account | 17:56 |
Kilos | Tuhin try here | 18:15 |
Tuhin | they dont support bangladesh | 18:15 |
Kilos | oh my | 18:16 |
Tuhin | r u bengali? | 18:16 |
Tuhin | where do u live? | 18:16 |
Kilos | oh yes us dollars hey | 18:16 |
Kilos | south africa | 18:16 |
Tuhin | ah | 18:16 |
Tuhin | nice to meet you | 18:16 |
Kilos | same here | 18:16 |
Tuhin | so i m tryign to find freelancers from bd who have paypal account | 18:17 |
Tuhin | to know how they opened their account | 18:17 |
Kilos | you must hangout here more often the guys are helpful | 18:17 |
Kilos | we battle with paypal as well, only recently did one bank here link up with paypal | 18:18 |
Tuhin | i used to join here often years ago, then i changed pc and lost all favorite irc channels list | 18:18 |
Kilos | ah then you will know some of those that have come back again | 18:20 |
Tuhin | yes | 18:21 |
Kilos | great | 18:21 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: ping | 18:23 |
Tuhin | hello | 18:23 |
pavlushka | Hello Tuhin , try paypalbd, search in google may be. | 18:23 |
Tuhin | u opend account? from bd? | 18:24 |
Tuhin | i have seen that site | 18:25 |
Tuhin | but it seems they charges money | 18:25 |
pavlushka | Tuhin:, supports paypal, and yes I have registered there but not completed yet, I will complete the rest of the procedure after EID, :) | 18:26 |
Tuhin | r they dependable? | 18:26 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: yes, 500-510 BDT for a year maybe, not much. | 18:26 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: I guess | 18:27 |
Tuhin | whats the difference between the personal and premier accounts | 18:28 |
Tuhin | found the info | 18:28 |
pavlushka | cant tell, haven't tried premium, check the feature/details, it should be there | 18:28 |
Tuhin | which type of account u opened? | 18:28 |
pavlushka | personal | 18:29 |
Tuhin | what kind of freelancing u plan to do? | 18:29 |
pavlushka | Hello Kilos | 18:29 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: ha ha ha, cant tell yet (not sure), lets see, what about you? | 18:30 |
Kilos | hi pavlushka pk fixed | 18:30 |
Tuhin | i m finding info for my friend | 18:30 |
pavlushka | wow, congrats Kilos , :) | 18:30 |
Tuhin | me and 2 friends will start work | 18:30 |
Tuhin | we will do multimedia/dataentry basic works for now | 18:30 |
Tuhin | pk = Raspbery Pi? | 18:31 |
Kilos | ubuntu-pk | 18:31 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: I think, me too, as a starter. | 18:31 |
Kilos | i work for ubuntu trying to revive dead locos | 18:32 |
Tuhin | r u student/ have job? | 18:32 |
Tuhin | will do part time? | 18:32 |
Tuhin | ah ic | 18:32 |
Tuhin | kilos u r bangladeshi | 18:33 |
Tuhin | ? | 18:33 |
Kilos | nope Tuhin south african | 18:33 |
Kilos | but i do work for ubuntu | 18:33 |
Tuhin | ohic | 18:33 |
Tuhin | pavlushka, do u know any1 else who used ? | 18:35 |
Tuhin | just to know their opinion | 18:36 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: check the comments there and check the commentators' credentials, that way you can check it by yourself, :) | 18:37 |
pavlushka | and you can call them, if you like to be sure a little more | 18:38 |
Tuhin | hm | 18:39 |
Tuhin | their facebook page gave new address | 18:39 |
Tuhin | which doesnt work | 18:39 |
pavlushka | Tuhin, you can call them to be sure, they have their profile in google, and location in google maps | 18:41 |
Tuhin | yes i have seen | 18:41 |
Tuhin | we have seen destiny, biznas and lots of other companies fool people | 18:42 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: point. | 18:42 |
Tuhin | thats why i m looking around if they r dependable | 18:42 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: thank you too, you woke me up from my sleep, I was not considering that aspect, thanks man. | 18:44 |
Tuhin | btw i m seeing this site and their services for couple years now | 18:44 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: and I haven't completed the registration also, :p | 18:44 |
Tuhin | so they r into this service for sometime | 18:44 |
Tuhin | also in facebook they said they bought this site in 2015 | 18:45 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: So? what do you think? | 18:46 |
Tuhin | we cant be sure till we meet someone who have actually used their service | 18:46 |
Tuhin | just saw a funny review | 18:48 |
Tuhin | Homayra Methila | 18:48 |
Tuhin | June 8 at 2:49pm | 18:48 |
Tuhin | Third class support agent boshaia rakhse, sob murukkher dol. kotha bolar kono adob nai na ase kno common sense. kisui bolte pare na aar babohar dekhle mone hoy jeno onek customer hoe gese tai customer er kono poroa nai. really | 18:48 |
pavlushka | lol | 18:49 |
Tuhin | haven't u asked i wouldn't have looked into reviews | 18:49 |
Tuhin | | 18:50 |
pavlushka | Tuhin I have checked that already, you complete the further check and help me too, :p | 18:51 |
Tuhin | hm | 18:52 |
Tuhin | r u doing it from home? | 18:52 |
Tuhin | student? | 18:52 |
Tuhin | my friend is MBBS | 18:52 |
Tuhin | u know what that means | 18:53 |
Tuhin | hard to get job when u have no experience and none take u in job to get u experience. | 18:53 |
Tuhin | dim aage naki murgi aage | 18:53 |
pavlushka | lol, that's the point | 18:57 |
pavlushka | but who's gonna understand that, if you open a venture, what would you have done in that aspect? | 18:58 |
Tuhin | i would have taken people that i know on whom i can depend | 19:00 |
Tuhin | also verify any new comer for skills and honesty | 19:00 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: But the companies you apply, they dont know you and there's no way to be sure, are you dependable or not, so they prefer high profile first, :p | 19:01 |
Tuhin | companies with talented people knows how to find talent | 19:03 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: everyone has to prove themselves first, If you got a job already, then you should know that no one cares, there is no scarcity of mean and hypocrite people there. | 19:04 |
pavlushka | but that policy helps, they are successful | 19:05 |
Tuhin | yes. but when i gave people work, i only choose from honest | 19:05 |
Tuhin | some people works ok, but makes people mad by talking too much | 19:06 |
Tuhin | i have seen such people | 19:06 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: lol "but when i gave people work, i only choose from honest" me too , but like to add, I'll check on the wit as well, :p | 19:07 |
pavlushka | Welcome AudaciousTUX ! | 19:07 |
AudaciousTUX_ | helu | 19:08 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: বলু | 19:09 |
AudaciousTUX_ | কি বল্বু | 19:09 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: যা মনে চায়, আজেবাজে ছাড়া, :p | 19:10 |
AudaciousTUX_ | :v | 19:11 |
AudaciousTUX_ | iftar khaya ghumailam | 19:11 |
AudaciousTUX_ | ekhon uthlam | 19:11 |
AudaciousTUX_ | sharadin ghumer upre thaki :3 | 19:11 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: RemonShai আমাদের test subject, support expert হবার জন্যে, কি কি যে করে,আর তারপরে আইসা কয়, ভাই এইটা করসি, এখন? কিন্তু আমরা গিয়া দেখি আরেকটা, :p | 19:12 |
AudaciousTUX_ | :v | 19:13 |
AudaciousTUX_ | ajke userlist ektu boro boro lagteche | 19:13 |
Tuhin | i joined after couple years | 19:14 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: we got Mr. Tuhin here | 19:14 |
Tuhin | i can't read most of ur texts | 19:14 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: why? | 19:14 |
Tuhin | hi AudaciousTUX_ | 19:14 |
Tuhin | r u typing in bangla? | 19:14 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: what irc client you are using? | 19:14 |
AudaciousTUX_ | hi Tuhin vai | 19:14 |
Tuhin | HydraIRC | 19:15 |
AudaciousTUX_ | :o | 19:15 |
Tuhin_ | now joined from hexchat | 19:16 |
AudaciousTUX_ | never heard of hydrairc | 19:16 |
pavlushka | O.O | 19:17 |
Tuhin | its free and under GPL | 19:17 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: এখন কি সব ঠিক দেখাচ্ছে? | 19:17 |
Tuhin | i cant read that line from both hydra and hexchat.... | 19:17 |
Tuhin | hexchat is same as xchat | 19:18 |
Kilos | gibberish | 19:18 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: in Hexchat I can help | 19:18 |
Tuhin | r u guys typing bangla? | 19:18 |
Tuhin | avro keyboard? | 19:18 |
AudaciousTUX_ | yah | 19:19 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: go to Settings->preference->appearance and set the font to Likhan/Solaimanlipi/... | 19:19 |
Tuhin | yes i see gibberish | 19:19 |
Tuhin | can't see bengali in language list | 19:20 |
Tuhin | its new win10 install | 19:20 |
Kilos | ouch | 19:20 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: I use the default National layout for typing in Ubuntu/Xubuntu, just need to add the Bengali Language in the system and bingo | 19:20 |
pavlushka | ouch too | 19:20 |
Kilos | haha | 19:20 |
Kilos | shame poor guy | 19:21 |
Tuhin | i wanted win7 but win7 didnt want to install in this new laptop | 19:21 |
Kilos | sympathy Tuhin | 19:21 |
Tuhin | btw i dual booted with LMDE2 | 19:21 |
AudaciousTUX_ | win 10 user....:v | 19:21 |
Tuhin | i wanted win7 | 19:22 |
Tuhin | LMDE= Linux Mint Debian Edition | 19:22 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: but Tuhin has a Linux Mint as dualboot | 19:22 |
Tuhin | i hate to reinstall all apps after EOL of ubuntu based distros | 19:22 |
Kilos | yay then there is some hope still | 19:23 |
Kilos | hehe | 19:23 |
AudaciousTUX_ | well i shouldn't talk about this... i have win 7 in dual boot too... :3 | 19:23 |
AudaciousTUX_ | only for my sister >_< | 19:23 |
Kilos | i have win 7 as well | 19:23 |
Tuhin | Win10 was installed coz i failed to install win7, it was asking for driver and wouldnt accept the drivers i give | 19:23 |
Kilos | to remind me why i use ubuntu | 19:24 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: me too have 2 wins but only for android manipulating, to root, and to flash | 19:24 |
Tuhin | ah , so i have android HTC phone which have built in battery | 19:24 |
Tuhin | i rooted it and then was working fine till i was offered OTA 15MB update | 19:25 |
pavlushka | otherwise Xubuntu/MATE is my home, ahaha, sounds cool when I even say them, :) | 19:25 |
Kilos | hahaha | 19:25 |
Tuhin | now it stopped working | 19:25 |
Kilos | oh my | 19:25 |
Kilos | im glad i dont need to learn android stuff as well | 19:26 |
AudaciousTUX_ | running android without root is too much boring... and feeling that now :( | 19:26 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: use Kingoroot | 19:26 |
Tuhin | so the phone battery died when the OS was corrupted | 19:26 |
AudaciousTUX_ | i phone?? Kilos | 19:26 |
Tuhin | now it wouldnt even charge | 19:26 |
Tuhin | mine is HTC 816H | 19:26 |
pavlushka | to root that, sorry, it's windows based. | 19:26 |
Kilos | i have an old nokia that can call and sms | 19:27 |
Tuhin | those r the best phones Kilos | 19:27 |
Tuhin | sadly i lost my basic phone 2 months ago | 19:27 |
Kilos | yes no need to learn fancy stuff | 19:27 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: use a power bank, that might help | 19:27 |
Tuhin | the phone would NOT charge at all | 19:27 |
Tuhin | nither from adapter nor power banks | 19:28 |
Kilos | eish | 19:28 |
Tuhin | phone is almost new | 19:28 |
pavlushka | I had 3 nokia phones, 1 corrupted, 1 lost, 1 our driver stole and flee for better prospect, grrrr | 19:29 |
Kilos | wbb gonna warm up in a hot bath | 19:29 |
Kilos | be good guys | 19:29 |
Tuhin | what car model? | 19:29 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: nope, its just a mini truck, TATA ACE | 19:30 |
Tuhin | they way things going around, its scary to drive now adays | 19:30 |
Tuhin | lol family uses TATA ACE?? | 19:31 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: not in country side, :p | 19:31 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: for cargo! | 19:31 |
Tuhin | TATA ACE doesnt have double cabin | 19:31 |
Tuhin | hm is it comfortable to drive? | 19:32 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: we use local communications, we dont travel in that mini van. | 19:32 |
Tuhin | ah ok | 19:32 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: we carry goods in that van | 19:32 |
Tuhin | did u ever drive that? | 19:32 |
Tuhin | how does indian cars feel when driven? compared to toyota cars? | 19:33 |
pavlushka | Tried, its hell, gear shifting is you have to guess | 19:33 |
Tuhin | manual gear... | 19:33 |
Tuhin | btw u heard about Proton PHP? | 19:34 |
Tuhin | it ought to go into production this june, but no news | 19:34 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: never tried that and no I haven't | 19:34 |
Tuhin | factory is constructed at chittagong | 19:34 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX_: why you are double? | 19:34 |
Tuhin | Proton from malaysia and PHP from BD making this 1st Bangladeshi car | 19:35 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX_: logged in with PI too I think | 19:35 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: the PHP group I guess | 19:35 |
Tuhin | 1st date of launch was 16Dec 2015, then 26March 2016, then June 2016 | 19:36 |
AudaciousTUX_ | vanga chura mbl + desktop pavlushka | 19:36 |
Tuhin | now there is no news | 19:36 |
pavlushka | Tuhin: may be they are facing some troubles. | 19:37 |
Tuhin | really looking forward to the 1st bangladeshi made car | 19:37 |
pavlushka | me too | 19:37 |
Tuhin | google Proton Preve | 19:37 |
Tuhin | thats what they will make as Proton PHP model | 19:37 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: AudaciousTUX I think that is unnecessary, no offense. | 19:37 |
Tuhin | we have power cut often | 19:38 |
pavlushka | QA google Proton Preve | 19:38 |
QA | pavlushka: I'm not feeling too well | 19:38 |
Tuhin | so login from phone serves as backup | 19:38 |
pavlushka | QA how do I use google | 19:38 |
QA | pavlushka: Retrieves results from Google and Google Calculator. You can use it like this: | 19:38 |
QA | google[.<tld>] [for] <term> | 19:38 |
QA | googlefight [for] <term> and <term> | 19:38 |
QA | gcalc <expression> | 19:38 |
QA | gdefine <term> | 19:38 |
pavlushka | QA google~ Proton Preve | 19:39 |
QA | pavlushka: Sorry... | 19:39 |
pavlushka | QA search Proton Preve | 19:39 |
QA | pavlushka: I couldn't find anything that matched 'Proton Preve' | 19:39 |
pavlushka | QA help | 19:39 |
QA | pavlushka: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff. | 19:39 |
QA | Ask me "help me with ..." for more details. | 19:39 |
pavlushka | QA help me with looking things up | 19:40 |
QA | pavlushka: I use the following features for looking things up: apt-file, aptitude, bash, bible, dict, distance, dns, factoid, fml, fortune, google, help, imdb, lastfm, lotto, mac, man, microblog, mlia, oeis, ports, rfc, seen, tfln, tinyurl, tld, translate, tvshow, unicode, weather and youtube | 19:40 |
QA | Ask me "how do I use ..." for more details. | 19:40 |
pavlushka | QA google "Proton Preve" | 19:40 |
QA | pavlushka: That didn't go down very well. Burp. | 19:41 |
Tuhin | QA what is Proton Preve | 19:41 |
QA | Tuhin: Not a clue, sorry | 19:41 |
Tuhin | QA what is Car | 19:41 |
QA | Tuhin: I'm afraid I have no idea | 19:41 |
Tuhin | lol, whom are u asking pavlushka? | 19:41 |
Tuhin_ | | 19:42 |
pavlushka | QA define car | 19:42 |
QA | pavlushka: Gauge \Gauge\, n. [Written also gage.] 1. A measure; a standard of measure; an instrument to determine dimensions, distance, or capacity; a standard. [1913 Webster] This plate must be a gauge to file your worm and groove to equal breadth by. --Moxon. [1913 Webster] There is not in our hands any fixed gauge of minds. --I. Taylor. [1913 | 19:42 |
QA | Webster] 2. Measure; dimensions; estimate. [1913 Webster] The gauge and dimensions of mis… | 19:42 |
pavlushka | QA define Car | 19:46 |
QA | pavlushka: Gauge \Gauge\, n. [Written also gage.] 1. A measure; a standard of measure; an instrument to determine dimensions, distance, or capacity; a standard. [1913 Webster] This plate must be a gauge to file your worm and groove to equal breadth by. --Moxon. [1913 Webster] There is not in our hands any fixed gauge of minds. --I. Taylor. [1913 | 19:46 |
QA | Webster] 2. Measure; dimensions; estimate. [1913 Webster] The gauge and dimensions of mis… | 19:46 |
pavlushka | QA define Automobile | 19:47 |
QA | pavlushka: automobile \automobile\ v. i. 1. to travel in an automobile. Syn: motor. [WordNet 1.5], Automobile \Au"to*mo*bile`\, n. [F.] a self-propelled vehicle used for transporting passengers, suitable for use on a street or roadway. Many diferent models of automobiles have beenbuilt and sold commercially, possessing varied features such as a retractable roof | 19:47 |
QA | (in a {convertible}), different braking systems, different propulsion systems, and var… | 19:47 |
Kilos | pavlushka the google link is broken in all ibids | 19:48 |
Kilos | its being rewritten and should be done soon after debconf16 | 19:48 |
Kilos | sleep warm guys | 19:49 |
Kilos | see you tomorrow | 19:49 |
Tuhin | see you | 19:49 |
Tuhin | bye | 19:49 |
pavlushka_ | AudaciousTUX: are you up? | 21:45 |
AudaciousTUX | yah pav | 22:02 |
AudaciousTUX_ | qa give this link to pavlushka | 22:34 |
QA | AudaciousTUX_: Sorry... | 22:34 |
AudaciousTUX_ | qa to pavlushka | 22:34 |
QA | AudaciousTUX_: Sorry... | 22:34 |
AudaciousTUX_ | qa tell pavlushka | 22:34 |
QA | AudaciousTUX_: Sure, I'll tell pavlushka on freenode | 22:34 |
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