[00:16] <^k^> 新 游戏和游戏模拟器 • ubuntu kulin 16.04安装steam正常,但是无法打开终端错误 如下图 http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=479230 参考附件图片, zz: jjdxk — 2016-07-07 0:10 [01:58] 有人用过mysql的get_lock方法实现过分布式锁吗? [02:02] <^k^> 新 手机和平板 • 3735f平板装Ubuntu遇到的奇葩事 http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=479231 首先是最让我无语的显示。启动时加nomodeset 100% 进系统,但intel驱动不工作。不加nomodeset有一定机率进入系统,且显卡识别正常。气死人了,开机要重启十次以上才能正常用。 接着是触控屏,在 [02:27] <^k^> 新 常用硬件支持 • ubuntu14.04 下无法调整分辨率 http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=479232 请问一下,使用ubuntu14.04 系统 显示器使用dell的E916,没有独显,cpu是i56500 在显示里无法调节分辨率(分辨率上的内置显示器也无法开启) 图形里显示 Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.6, 256 bits) 安装了intel-linu [02:27] <^k^> ─> x-graphics-installer,也在etc和usr的X11下都创建过xorg.conf,依然不行 输入xrandr只显示 xrandr xrandr: … === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [04:07] <^k^> 新 系统安装和升级 • ubuntu启动时黑屏报错0x00000002 fault at 0x4188ac [ IBUS ] http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=479233 开始从15.10升级至16.04中。黑屏报错MMIO write of 0x00000002 FAULT at 0x4188ac [ IBUS ]. 后来通过硬盘重装了16.04,ubuntu可以正常启动,但是在启动时这个页面还是会出现,求助,谢 [04:07] <^k^> ─> 谢。 zz: sikasjc — 2016-07-07 11:59 [04:17] hi [04:17] * Jucato has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [04:17] want tutorial phyton lover [04:17] come to ##xWindow [04:17] stealth_: it is much more confusing. if i see "say_hi" and i want to know what it is, i can just look at the top of the file to see where it's imported from [04:17] hi [04:17] * Jucato has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [04:17] want tutorial phyton lover [04:17] come to ##xWindow [04:17] stealth_: it is much more confusing. if i see "say_hi" and i want to know what it is, i can just look at the top of the file to see where it's imported from [04:17] top notch document from me [04:17] there is proxy in it [04:18] you need to join ##xWindow to open it [04:24] <^k^> 新 编译或打包 • 如何在执行文件中自动实现文档的编辑? http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=479234 最近在写一个简单的安装调用包,里面需要编辑profile文档,增加PATH变量 怎么在.sh文档中实现打开/etc/profile并在最后一行 添加固定的代码? 目前我不得不写成两个可执行文件,执行 [04:24] <^k^> ─> 完第一个之后手动增加环境变量再执行第二个 zz: guistar — 2016-07-07 12:17 === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [06:26] imadper 不在? [06:34] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 电脑公司开业庆典 : 电脑公司开业之际,亲朋好友饮酒助兴。一声"开机(启)",大家各自开启一瓶啤酒。"清零",大家举瓶畅饮,进行一次"批处理"。"复位",放下酒瓶。…… "嘿,别喝了,我的内存不够,没法运行。"甲拍拍肚皮道。 "可不,我的显示器也出毛病了。"乙颤抖着手 [06:34] <^k^> ─> ,语无伦次地说。 "哎,我的键盘怎么失灵了。"丙叫嚷,"眼前一切都飘飘摇摇的"。 === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [07:40] 有人么? [07:40] llb608:点点点. 15:40 [07:40] ? [07:41] AMD 6470 16.04 显卡不认 [07:44] 怎么弄啊 [07:44] 认了一个INTER CPU 的显卡 [07:46] 没有人么? [08:06] <^k^> 新 其它类软件 • 在16.04版本上,memcache如何开机启动多个实例 http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=479235 在14.04 servers上按照文档 cp memcached_2.conf memcached_3.conf memcached_4.conf 修改每个配置文件的端口,reboot后会自动带起来,但是在16.04 server上这个方法无效 ! 求大神解惑! zz: willin2010 [08:06] <^k^> ─> — 2016-07-07 15:58 [10:41] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 单词记忆法 :     来是come,去是go ,点头yes,摇头no,美是标题佛,花是福老二,剩下的自己想法记吧。   === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [12:48] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 明断  :     "县官老爷,请你明断。"     "你个刁民,竟敢讥讽本官。难道你就不知道我的一只眼睛已经什么都看不见了吗?"     === vickycq- is now known as vickycq [15:05] time to sleep === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === freeflying__ is now known as freeflying