[11:21] Hi folks [15:43] it's like pulling teeth with maddawg2 to get the details [15:45] that definitely rings a bell as to one of the more trying best-ignored users === JanC is now known as Guest55200 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [21:31] "I know I did something I shouldn't have so don't bother telling me that, just tell me how to fix it" [21:33] tgm4883: yep, i stopped trying to help them :/ [21:33] :D [21:33] what did this person do? [21:33] "hello I was trying to upgrade from 14.04 to 15.10 (don't lecture me please) and the upgrade was interrupted. Now I cannot boot into any OS. However, I can get into grub and a command prompt. This is a lenovo laptop." [21:34] * daftykins chuckles [21:35] My official advice would probably be, "Use a live CD to back up your data, and rebuild from scratch." [21:36] DArqueBishop: absolutely [21:36] esp. given 15.10 goes eol in < 1 month [21:36] Panicing, and dread has bad bad side effects .. ignoance we can address .. stupidity I let go ! Just can not fix stupidity . [21:36] and who knows what actually works on that upgrade path [21:36] mmm and that direct upgrade must've been achieved through a very bad move [21:36] Bashing-om: well said :) [21:37] daftykins: i assume as much (-d flag to various tools, i think) [21:38] or even worse, sources edits D: [21:38] yeah :/ [21:39] and yet people still randomly come out with "but i just change sources.list every time and it works fine!" [21:39] makes me facepalm [21:40] nacc: I don't think the -d would do that [21:40] nah -d would more likely be thinking of 16.10 right now [21:40] * tgm4883 bets on the sources.list change [21:40] dax: heh yeah, gotta love the anecdotals [21:40] i don't even believe in upgrades of any kind [21:40] as i understand it, -d would take you to x or y, not w [21:41] tgm4883: i don't think so either, but that's what he claimed [21:41] tgm4883: it might have been one of the GUI tools [21:41] as opposed to -d explicitly [21:41] nacc: pardon me if I don't believe the guy that says "Don't lecture me on not doing the bad things that I did" [21:41] :D [21:41] tgm4883: :) [21:42] there's a certain level of user that reads enough to know not to do it, then does it [21:42] "knows enough to be dangerous" [21:43] If you want to blow up your system, that's fine with me (and a good way to learn things), but don't bother the channel with that [21:46] Personally, I'm of the mindset that if a system is THAT important, I'm upgrading via backing up data and installing a fresh system anyway. [21:47] DArqueBishop: well, right, they went from LTS to an arbitrary development release because (iirc) 'some things weren't working' [21:47] I will say I learned the most breaking/fixing my system(s). I have progressed to now to the point I no longer break it ! [21:47] i do that for all systems, upgrades aren't worth the hope and pray [21:48] DArqueBishop: which to me means it can't be that important of a system :) [21:48] guy about to play tetris blindfolded: www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick [21:48] nacc: sounded more like a "I didn't realize how important this system was" system. ;-) [21:49] reminds me of backups [21:49] If you don't have 3 copies on 2 different types of media in more than 1 location, then your data isn't important [21:50] tgm4883: right. [21:50] * DArqueBishop has both local and offsite copies of his backups for his servers. [21:50] * nacc just doesn't have that much important stuff :) [21:50] nacc: I'm anal, plus my dad's business lives and dies off my mail server. [21:51] DArqueBishop: wasn't meant as a critique, more just a genuine realization i basically have nothing on my machine(s) i can't recreate easily anymore [21:52] nacc: I didn't take it as such. :-) [21:54] As above, I broke it enough to learn to keep backups ! .. Yes I do have as tgm4883 says . Practice, I can re-install in 20 minutes ! [22:17] !info linux-generic xenial [22:17] linux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 11 kB [22:18] !info linux-image-generic xenial [22:18] linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB [22:18] i thought it had newer than 4.4 o0 [23:17] Whoda thunk it - this quick - jon5000 onward and upward to 16.04 . [23:18] daftykins: nah, 4.4. in xenial, 4.7/4.8 in yakkety [23:18] daftykins: so 16.04.1 hwe will get that stack too, iiuc [23:19] but i'm not sure they've published the first yakkety kernels yet (meaning it's still in sync with xenial) [23:21] all the cool kids never touch non-LTS ;) [23:24] daftykins: :)