[19:57] fwiw, meetup.com has been very good for our events discoverability-wise, so far I think it has bumped the number of people who attend [19:58] but I've noticed that there is a high percentage of people who sign up and never show, much higher than I've seen for other RSVP systems [19:58] I think that's a "thing" with free meetup groups, I've seen it happen with other groups too [19:59] and I would like to keep the LTP (and/or an "email me to RSVP) option as long as we can, there is still strong opposition to using the proprietary, aggressive meetup.com tooling and a lot of folks here simply won't [20:00] pleia2, yeah I agree lots of people sign up to meetups then don't show [20:40] it's like a like button i guess [21:31] Putting signs with free food helped me. But then people showed up for the food and nothing else. [21:36] I'm guilty of clicking the button on meetup and not showing (although I do try and update my rsvp when possible). Clicking the button adds it to my calendar, sends me reminders, and sends me updates from the organizers. [23:22] I like how meetup.com can add it to your calender. Thats probably its best feature for me. [23:34] it does not have calcurse support