[10:35] hm... after posting the backport post, i seem to be blocked from doing anything administrative on the wordpress... [10:37] super weird... [10:37] autumna, could you try login? do you have the full dashboard? [10:57] ah... back to normal :) [11:13] read y'all later! [11:34] I just saw this that's odd [13:22] Is there a quick fix for < CDPark> This needs to be updated: https://ubuntustudio.org/category/news/release-notes/ [13:57] autumna, it resolved it self automagically... maybe i triggered something by mistake... [13:58] or server had a small hiccip [13:58] hiccup* [13:58] :) probably [14:03] sakrecoer: can our release notes get updated? [14:04] https://ubuntustudio.org/category/news/release-notes/ [14:06] good spotting OvenWerks :D [14:06] sakrecoer: not me, one of our users. [14:08] lots of user interaction lately :) [18:29] OvenWerks, what is < CDPark> ? [18:32] OvenWerks, no need to answer, i've been pointed to the right direction :)