
wallyworldveebers: i just hacked up something in code as a temp thing on my system00:07
redirwallyworld: got any availability in the next 60-90m?00:07
wallyworldredir: sure00:07
redirwallyworld: pick a time any time00:07
wallyworldredir: now is good,that way you can escape and go do dinner or whatever00:07
menn0thumper: here's the fix for the debug-log sorting issue: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5229/00:29
thumpermenn0: kk, will look shortly00:29
thumpermenn0: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5230/01:01
menn0thumper: will take a look in a sec01:05
menn0thumper, wallyworld: I can't land the fix for 1590605 b/c it isn't a blocker01:06
thumpermenn0: JFDI01:06
rick_h_wallyworld: hacked up the ACL spec based on conversations I had with jam and urulama today01:32
rick_h_wallyworld: PTAL sometime and let me know if that's ok by you and any issues/concerns from here01:32
wallyworldrick_h_: will do, in meeting, will look straight after, ty01:33
rick_h_wallyworld: all good, thanks for giving it a go when you're free01:33
mupBug #1602010 changed: juju status doens't display proper error when machine fails <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1602010>01:58
veeberswallyworld: everytime I enable log forwarding (and it works i.e. I use the right host IP) it triggers that logging bug (#1599779)01:59
mupBug #1599779: Very high CPU usage from 'creating cloud image metadata storage'  emitted in debug log every second <juju-core:In Progress by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1599779>01:59
veeberswallyworld: is there any useful information that I can provide you? I doubt I'm doing anything special or out of the ordinary01:59
wallyworldveebers: i think i have enough now - i am rewriting some stuff, i will have something fixed today02:00
veeberswallyworld: ah cool :-)02:00
wallyworldveebers: but apart from that, good that it works, thanks for testing02:00
wallyworldrick_h_: one thing, thumper said that mark himself was the one who originally wanted the add-user command to include the --shared models option, so you will need to be sure that he is across the change to remove that02:02
axwwallyworld: FYI I found that state was still allowing controller config into model config in some cases (I think only in tests), so currently fixing a bunch more things.02:35
axwthumper menn0: was environs.MigrationConfigUpdater added only for azure? the need for it has gone away, so I'll remove it unless there's another use case02:51
thumpernot sure TBH02:51
axw(we don't have controller-uuid in model config anymore. we'll need a way to retag things, but should be done a bit differently I think)02:52
axwthumper: it's not implemented by anything other than dummy, so I'll remove it and we can reinstate if needed02:52
mupBug #1556153 changed: ERROR destroying instances: cannot release nodes: gomaasapi: got error back from server: 504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT (Unexpected exception: TimeoutError <oil> <juju-core:Invalid> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556153>02:58
mupBug #1556153 opened: ERROR destroying instances: cannot release nodes: gomaasapi: got error back from server: 504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT (Unexpected exception: TimeoutError <oil> <juju-core:Invalid> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556153>03:01
mupBug #1556153 changed: ERROR destroying instances: cannot release nodes: gomaasapi: got error back from server: 504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT (Unexpected exception: TimeoutError <oil> <juju-core:Invalid> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556153>03:07
menn0thumper: ship it for 523003:08
menn0wallyworld: chat?03:08
thumpermenn0: cheers03:08
wallyworldmenn0: sure, https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/tanzanite-stand03:09
wallyworldaxw: you canpop in too if you're free - talk about log streamer etc03:09
axwwallyworld: can you PTAL at ahttp://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5224/, just the last commit/rev. I've remove ca-private-key from controller config attrs, plugged a hole in state where we allowed controller config through, and fixed fallout03:47
axwwallyworld: there was a bit of model migration removed too, which was added for azure but is no longer needed03:47
wallyworldaxw: minor typo. so the private key should just go to state serving info (from memory) and nowhere else03:53
wallyworldit is used by the cert update worker03:54
axwwallyworld: thanks. yes, that is correct03:54
wallyworldso godd that it is also removed from controller config as nothing else needs to see it03:55
mupBug #1602508 opened: LastLogTracker accesses mongo collections directly <2.0> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1602508>05:02
wallyworldaxw: when you have time, here's that log forward fix http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5231/05:29
axwwallyworld: reviewed05:41
axwargh, juju-ci is Service Unavailable05:43
wallyworldaxw: i didn't want to make any assumptions about order - i guess i could pick the one with the biggest timestamp05:44
axwwallyworld: well we forward them in order don't we?05:44
axwI'm pretty sure that's part of the contract05:44
wallyworldfair enough, i was being overly cautious i guess05:45
wallyworldaxw: fixed05:52
axwwallyworld: LGTM, thanks05:54
axwwallyworld: CI is buggered atm05:54
wallyworldoh, damn05:54
axwseems the jenkins agent died, I don't know how to fix it tho05:54
wallyworldaxw: same thing happended yesterday too05:54
axwjam: it was changed from SetList to SetLastSent05:58
jamaxw: ah, just read it backwards then.06:11
wallyworldaxw: the juju login command - where does that write to the db? ie the macaroon and record of login06:47
axwwallyworld: it requests a macaroon from the controller, the controller generates a root key for the macaroon. that's the only thing that's stored in the db06:54
axwwallyworld: otherwise it's all stored client side06:54
wallyworldaxw: np, thanks. i'm commenting on https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xRO2tbeC-Dg5JdSV-wMYIZQel11EfWqPk8LU-0XdH8Y06:55
axwwallyworld: when you send the LoginRequest, you can optionally include a model UUID. if you don't include it, you get a controller-only login. so that much already exists, if I'm interpreting it correctly06:57
wallyworldaxw: yep, that's what i though too06:57
axwwallyworld: do you recall why you made this change? https://github.com/juju/juju/commit/f751ea7b54876a5a38dbef6dfc90e1d56b1531d506:58
axwwallyworld: I'm trying to weed out unnecessary environs.Environ constructions, this code stuck out as a bit odd06:59
wallyworldaxw: not 100% sure - i think the intent was to not do an upgrade (or attempt it) if there was an issue with the cloud and the machines could not be contacted07:00
wallyworldso a sanity / pre-upgrade check07:00
axwhm, ok.07:00
wallyworldaxw: i can't recall where the requirement came from, but i recall "someone" asked for it07:02
axwwallyworld: alright. I'll leave it alone07:02
wallyworldaxw:  can you join us? https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/regular-catchup07:19
axwwallyworld: be there in a moment07:20
jamfrobware: ping07:34
rogpeppe2axw: hiya07:55
axwrogpeppe2: hey07:55
=== rogpeppe2 is now known as rogpeppe
axwrogpeppe: I'm hopping on a call shortly, but will be around after that (in an hour or so)07:56
rogpeppeaxw: ok, cool07:56
rogpeppeaxw: let's do it then07:56
axwrogpeppe: I just did a little test, if you set the value of "user" in accounts.yaml to nothing, and remove the password line, it should trigger external auth07:56
axwrogpeppe: except there's a bug, fixed by http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5232/07:56
rogpeppeaxw: ah yes, i came across that07:57
rogpeppeaxw: it's still not ideal though07:57
axwrogpeppe: re your email, I think we could more or less drop accounts.yaml, we just need the logged-in user's details. we used to support multiple users logged in simulataneously from the same client, but not now07:57
axwso models.yaml shouldn't need the account qualifier. they would implicitly be relative to the logged-in user07:58
rogpeppeaxw: ah, ok - i guess that the jujuclient API is already due for an update then07:59
axwrogpeppe: it wasn't really necessary until now, but I do think this tips it over the edge07:59
rogpeppeaxw: wouldn't you still need accounts.yaml 'cos you can still have a different user for each controller?08:00
axwrogpeppe: yeah, sorry, we can't drop that - we can only drop the account part from models.yaml08:01
jamaxw: tech board?08:01
axwrogpeppe: accounts.yaml would just become controller -> {user creds}08:01
axwjam: coming08:01
rogpeppeaxw: right, cool08:01
rogpeppeaxw: as i think i suggested in my email08:01
rogpeppeaxw: just looking at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5205/diff/# - doesn't our suggested approach above rather go against what that's doing?08:30
mupBug #1602572 opened: Handler function is not being called even after changed one of the config values of the config.yaml <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1602572>08:38
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thumpernight all09:02
axwrogpeppe: back. looking...09:03
axwrogpeppe: suggested approach of changes to accounts.yaml?09:05
rogpeppeaxw: well, of changes to models.yaml really09:05
rogpeppeaxw: if a model isn't relative to an account, then it's not going to be that easy to namespace model names by user09:06
axwrogpeppe: models.yaml will only store information about models that the logged in user has access to. and you can still tell what user you're logged in as09:06
axwrogpeppe: I think the only thing that changes in that diff is to replace the use of AccountName with the logged-in user name09:07
axwwhich we get back from login09:07
rogpeppeaxw: i guess i'm wondering whether the model namespace is actually still per-user09:10
rogpeppeaxw: have you got some time to pair for a bit?09:10
axwrogpeppe: yes09:10
mupBug #1602591 opened: Juju 2.0 Resources: Issue while fetching empty resources from charm store <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1602591>09:14
mupBug #1602591 changed: Juju 2.0 Resources: Issue while fetching empty resources from charm store <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1602591>10:20
mupBug #1584616 opened: mtu configuration should not be moved to bridge interface <network> <juju-core:In Progress by frobware> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1584616>10:20
axwmgz: are you around? do you know juju-ci is busted?10:21
frobwaredooferlad: ping - do you some time to look over my sholder at some networky things....10:47
dooferladfrobware: sure10:47
frobwaredooferlad: 1:1 HO10:48
axwrogpeppe: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/578811:09
perrito666morning all11:39
axwrogpeppe: back for 10 mins or so - how's it going?12:14
mgzaxw: yeah, it's I think just the proxy server, master seems to be up and doing things12:18
axwmgz: when I ssh'd to the machine, the jenkins job log said the agent had terminated or something like that12:19
mgzhave restarted jenkins to see if it get stuck in the same loop12:23
mgzaxw: well, it's up now, possibly still not very happy?12:25
axwmgz: I'll try landing my branch again, we'll see :)12:25
axwmgz: thanks12:25
rogpeppeaxw: sorry, was on lunch13:26
cheryljmgz: got a few to help me look at the 1.25 CI failures?14:03
babbageclunkHelp - does anyone know about how cloud-init works?14:04
mgzcherylj: sure, daily hangout?14:04
cheryljmgz: yeah, omw14:05
cheryljbabbageclunk: you may have some luck asking in #cloudware on the canonical IRC14:05
babbageclunkOk, thanks - I pinged smoser but caught him on the way out.14:06
frobwareanybody see this "bad ports from GCE: invalid port range 0-0/tcp" from GCE recently?14:22
mupBug #1602716 opened: MAAS provider bridge script doesn't handle alias interfaces IP <maas-provider> <network> <sts> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1602716>14:45
lazyPowerfrobware - i have not, i've been running nearly exclusively on GCE since beta-814:59
lazyPowerfrobware - any clue on reproduction? I'm happy to give it a go14:59
perrito666controlleruuid and controllermodeluuid are the same always? and if so, is that by design?15:06
alexisb_frobware, looks like a bug just got opened15:09
mupBug #1602732 opened: GCE bad ports 0-0/tcp <blocker> <ci> <gce> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1602732>15:15
cheryljlazyPower, frobware just be aware that that bug also leaves the controller instance alive.15:16
cheryljmgz: ^^  fyi15:16
cheryljperrito666: yes, that is by design15:16
cheryljbabbageclunk: have you been able to get help with your cloud-init question?15:17
* perrito666 decides not to create a controllerTag15:17
cheryljperrito666: that being said, I don't know if there are plans to change that15:17
babbageclunkcherylj: yes, some - I'll do an update on the bug.15:18
perrito666cherylj: ah, that was my next question15:18
mupBug #1602732 changed: GCE bad ports 0-0/tcp <blocker> <ci> <gce> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1602732>15:18
alexisb_babbageclunk, should this bug be fix committed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1598897 ??15:18
mupBug #1598897: juju status: relation name oscillates for peer relations <juju-core:In Progress by 2-xtian> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1598897>15:18
alexisb_if so I will update it for you15:18
cheryljalexisb_: just fyi - that GCE bug means that no one can bootstrap on GCE now with the current master15:19
babbageclunkalexisb_: oops, yes please.15:19
alexisb_cherylj, yes15:19
* cherylj sadface15:19
alexisb_it will need to get fixed before we release15:19
mupBug #1602732 opened: GCE bad ports 0-0/tcp <blocker> <ci> <gce> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1602732>15:21
lazyPowerah ok, i'm currently on beta-1115:21
lazyPowerthat makes sense why i haven't seen it if its only affecting master15:22
cheryljlazyPower: yeah, just injected yesterday15:23
natefinchgah, who decided that github.com/juju/juju/cloud.Cloud shouldn't have a Name field :/15:36
natefinchone might assume the name of a cloud might be important info :/15:38
perrito666oh, great, another breaking change, people is going ot hate me15:43
alexisb_perrito666, what change?15:44
perrito666alexisb_: oh, not that breaking15:44
frobwaremgz: thanks for raising the bug15:44
perrito666alexisb_: I am writing controller permissions and thinking on unifying some code but on second thought it might be better to have a bit of code duplication at this point15:45
frobwarelazyPower: yep, fails on tip (plus my changes, which don't seem to make it worse/better)15:45
mupBug #1602749 opened: no visible sign that HA is degraded when lost  <2.0> <usability> <juju-core:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1602749>15:51
natefinchsearching for the string literal "lxd" returns a distressing number of hits.  did we not all have it beaten into our heads to always use constants and not write out string literals everywhere?15:52
katco`cherylj: any objections to raising bug 1598063 as critical so i can land the fix?15:54
mupBug #1598063: Data race in apiserver/observer package <ci> <race-condition> <juju-core:In Progress by cox-katherine-e> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1598063>15:54
cheryljkatco:  no objections :)15:54
katco`cherylj: great, thx!15:54
cheryljyou'll need to add the blocker tag too to use the $$fixes-####$$ notation15:55
katco`cherylj: ah ok15:55
frobwaredooferlad: thanks for the link to the alias bug15:57
dooferladfrobware: I assume that is sarcasm...15:59
frobwaredooferlad: check!15:59
frobwaredooferlad: we used to bridge aliases but removed it. I cannot immediately recally why we removed bridges for aliases...16:00
natefinchoh man, we love spooky action at a distance in this codebase16:03
dooferladfrobware: I am hoping that https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1602054 is related to some interfaces juggling, but I am not seeing much hope.16:04
mupBug #1602054: juju deployed lxd containers are missing a default gateway when configured with multiple interfaces <network> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1602054>16:04
frobwaredooferlad: you wrote "we save the original in /etc/network" - we do?16:05
dooferladfrobware: unfortunately when trying to recreate the issue I set up two NICs on the MAAS controller, put the new NIC on another subnet and then I couldn't add a LXD because Juju was trying to connect to the wrong IP address. Yay.16:05
* dooferlad goes to make dinner and ponder the wrongs of trying to make computers communicate16:06
frobwaredooferlad: have you tried putting both on the same subnet?16:06
frobwarecherylj, mgz: not that I have cloud-city creds for GCE, is there a way to get to the dashboard to kill of my rogue instance. Up until recently I was using my own (free/trial) account.16:07
mgzfrobware: I can add you if you promise to be good16:08
frobwaremgz: I can be good-ish. Promise-ish. :)16:09
* frobware steps out of being bad to "kill" an instance... ???16:09
mgzfrobware: you can now login to the webconsole via your canonical account and the details in cloud-city16:12
frobwaremgz: thanks & trying now...16:12
cheryljfrobware: would you be able to review https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/5790 ?16:14
frobwarecherylj: we used to do this. then removed it - I mentioned this in the bug.16:14
cheryljfrobware: ah, so the reasons need to be investigated ?16:16
frobwarecherylj: the change is absolutely fine. it's the semantics that concern me a little.16:16
frobwarecherylj: but... this could have been at a time when there were /other/ things that were broken.16:17
frobwarecherylj: either way, I just commented in the PR16:20
cheryljthanks, frobware16:20
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frobwaredooferlad, voidspace, babbageclunk: PTAL @ http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5234/16:27
babbageclunkfrobware: looking16:27
katco`cherylj: wow, that got merged fast... is this the new branching structure in play? it doesn't look like any tests were run? http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/8403/console16:35
cheryljballoons: can you look at http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/8403/console ?16:39
cheryljoh, hmm16:39
katco`cherylj: i knew it was too good to be true =|16:39
cheryljmaybe the output from the unit test isn't displayed anymore16:39
cherylj2016-07-13 16:08:45 DEBUG Waiting for trusty to finish16:40
cherylj2016-07-13 16:30:32 DEBUG trusty finished16:40
cherylj22 minutes seems reasonable16:40
katco`i'm not sure how i feel about that...16:40
katco`i guess if it succeeds you don't need the scrollback?16:40
katco`maybe we could at least put something there about "tests finished successfully"16:40
natefinchwe used to print out the packages running tests... I don't think there's any reason not to do that16:40
katco`maybe if the io was causing slowdown, but i don't think that was the case?16:41
cheryljyeah, but if we're running multiple things in parallel, where would the output go?16:41
katco`oh it does say ALL passed16:41
cheryljI think we're just running trusty16:42
cheryljabentley: for the new parallel merge job, where is the output from the parallel jobs logged?16:42
balloonswhart's our concern about the merge? The speed? The missing results in the console?16:42
cheryljballoons: the missing results made me think it hadn't run16:42
abentleycherylj: In the jenkins artifacts for the build.16:42
katco`balloons: i wasn't sure if the tests ran. i missed the "All passed, sending merge" which i assume is reerring to the tests?16:43
balloonswell, I guess I should link to your specific build: http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/8403/artifact/artifacts/trusty-out.log/*view*/. But indeed they are there16:43
natefinchballoons: any reason not to just put that right in the jenkins console output?16:43
cheryljabentley: ah, got it16:43
abentleynatefinch: The reason for not doing that is because we are running 3 sets of tests at once, and outputting the all at the same time would be confusing.16:44
balloonsright. We could echo them to the console in order upon completion I suppose16:44
abentleyballoons: I would like to do that for failing tests.  I'm not sure it's desirable for successes.16:45
katco`cherylj: did an email go out about this? looks like not everyone knew about the change?16:45
balloonswell desire is a funny thing. Developers might rather have the giant log.16:46
cheryljkatco: an email did go out16:46
abentleykatco`: Yes, I sent it to juju-dev: "Windows and --race tests are now gating"16:46
cheryljkatco: don't think it covered the change in the test output, maybe16:46
abentleycherylj: It did.16:46
katco`abentley: oh that one16:46
* cherylj is corrected :)16:46
katco`abentley: must have missed that part16:46
katco`abentley: ty16:46
cheryljha, we core devs are great about reading entire emails16:47
balloonsanyways, I guess it's good that you are concerned about potential failures -- most would be happy it landed, but you care enough to know how it did so as well16:47
balloonskudos :-)16:47
natefinchabentley: could we at least write links to the console so we don't have to try to figure out how to get to the artifacts from that page?16:47
katco`cherylj: well i had thought i got the just of it: make sure your stuff works on windows :) i didn't expect additional information about log formatting in that chain16:48
natefinchkatco`: ditto for me.  My bad for not reading the whole email.16:48
katco`balloons: goal is definitely a stable product, not jfdi ;)16:49
abentleynatefinch: We could, but I would rather print out the logs for failures first, and then see if we still want it.16:49
natefinchabentley: I'd like the links printed out always, and then print out failures.  The test output has a lot of very useful information in it... like test times etc.16:50
balloonsright, if you can adjust to the idea that no output is a "good thing", the output can become more usable and grokkable, as it will only ever have useful information of failures16:50
natefinchballoons: no output = good is very dangerous.  no output can also mean "nothing ran"16:50
balloonsnatefinch, well, you are getting a positive result back, so no output isn't literal16:51
natefinchballoons: ideally I'd like something like this for each test run - Windows: SUCCESS   output: http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/artifacts/trusty-out.log/*view*/16:52
natefinchso, like, for example, it looks to me like the only thing we ran for this merge was trusty (so, no windows): http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/8403/console16:52
balloonsI've no desires either way, but I can definitely see both sides16:52
balloonsthe right amount of information at the right time should be the goal16:53
abentleyballoons: That is the only thing we ran.  We are temporarily kneecapped.16:53
abentleynatefinch: ^^16:53
natefinchabentley: understood16:54
natefinchabentley: for the record, I disagree with Ian.  The reason the tests on Windows don't pass is *because* we never make them gating.16:54
katco`natefinch: we have a spectrum of folks on the team: ||-(jfdi we're so busy)------(do it perfect or not at all)-||16:55
abentleynatefinch: I'd say it's because CI failures don't block beta releases.16:55
katco`natefinch: as always, the middle-way is preferable16:55
natefinchabentley: I don't understand how we can ship anything, beta or not, if we know even one test is failing.  That means we *know* the product doesn't work.16:57
natefinchI mean, I do understand. We assume we know better than the test and that it's not *really* a bug.16:57
natefinchwhich is dangerous but also often true.16:58
abentleynatefinch: The rationale with the betas is more like "It's a beta, it's allowed to have flaws".16:58
katco`abentley: natefinch: yes. and i think that direction comes from the top16:59
katco`natefinch: also, lots of products in beta (and even not) come out with a list of "known issues"16:59
natefinchI guess a bug with a failing test is better than a bug without one.... and we certainly have plenty of bugs without accompanying tests.17:01
mupBug #1602780 opened: "cannot allocate memory" errors on 2.0beta11 controller <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1602780>17:27
=== mup_ is now known as mup
mupBug #1556137 changed: Juju 2.0: cannot connect to LXC container when deploying bundle with LXC container placement with maas 1.9.1 as provider <2.0-count> <oil> <juju-core:Invalid> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556137>19:31
mupBug #1600300 changed: [2.0 RC1] can't install lxd  - E: The value 'trusty-backports' is invalid for APT - daily fix hasn't been promoted to release <oil> <oil-2.0> <cloud-images:Invalid> <juju-core:Invalid> <MAAS:Invalid> <maas-images:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1600300>19:31
bdxhey whats up team? I've a few questions concerning network spaces on aws ...19:39
bdx1. Is juju capable/aware of pre-existing subnets/networks associated with the aws account?19:40
bdxeeerrr ... * capable of using them, * aware that the networks exist19:41
bdx1.a By what method can I instruct Juju to use the pre-existing subnets, if the functionality exists?19:43
bdx2. Feature request if functionality doesn't exist?19:43
bdx2.a Where can I find the docs on this functionality if it does exist?19:43
bdxcan't seem to locate anything in juju's docs .. I know they are not complete ... guess I'm just hoping this is a thing ... anyone?19:44
natefinchbdx: most of the network gurus are on European time19:45
natefinchbdx: juju help add-subnet probably is what you want19:48
niedbalski_perrito666, natefinch quick question; I am facing https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1449633, there is any way to modify the db for flagging the stuck machines as non-voting? because right now, if i try to terminate (--force) those machine juju claims that 'machine xxx is required by the environment'.19:50
mupBug #1449633: Cannot terminate/remove broken state server after ensure-availability <destroy-machine> <ensure-availability> <sts> <sts-needs-review> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1449633>19:50
natefinchniedbalski_: rerunning ensure-ha should mark them as non-voting and eventually remove them19:51
mupBug #1556137 opened: Juju 2.0: cannot connect to LXC container when deploying bundle with LXC container placement with maas 1.9.1 as provider <2.0-count> <oil> <juju-core:Invalid> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556137>19:52
mupBug #1600300 opened: [2.0 RC1] can't install lxd  - E: The value 'trusty-backports' is invalid for APT - daily fix hasn't been promoted to release <oil> <oil-2.0> <cloud-images:Invalid> <juju-core:Invalid> <MAAS:Invalid> <maas-images:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1600300>19:52
mupBug # changed: 1556137, 1594958, 1595360, 160030019:55
natefinchniedbalski_: it's possible this is an edge case that we can't recover from.  A replica never even being created due to lack of cloud availability is probably not something we have actively tested for.  I would hope that ensure-availability would do the right thing, but I can't be sure.19:55
niedbalski_natefinch, I don't see any evident effect, they remain in error state; and machine 0 keep screaming this: machine-0: 2016-07-13 19:54:39 ERROR juju.worker runner.go:223 exited "firewaller": machine 31 not provisioned19:55
niedbalski_natefinch, actually ha is working with another set of machines; but at the time we ran ensure-ha those machines failed to provision, now they are stuck in error state.19:56
perrito666niedbalski_: natefinch nuking the machines wont do the trick?19:56
niedbalski_perrito666, I would be more than happy to nuke them orelse flag them as non-voting and terminate those .. any trick?19:58
natefinchniedbalski_: have you tried the same thing in 1.25?  We did make some fixes at some point, though I don't know if any of them would have fixed this problem.19:58
bdxnatefinch: oooh niceeee!  you da' man!19:58
perrito666natefinch: not sure I have enough authority in the subject to confidently say to nuke something19:58
niedbalski_natefinch, this is 1.25.519:59
natefinchniedbalski_: oh, sorry, the bug mentioned 1.20.  Well, good, sorta19:59
natefinchniedbalski_: maybe try adding two new machines and doing ensure-availability --to x,y, where x and y are the new machines' numbers?20:00
niedbalski_natefinch, yep, that's the way we got ha working; now the issue is to get rid of the machines that remain in error state.20:01
niedbalski_30         error                                    pending                                                        trusty20:01
niedbalski_31         error                                    pending                                                        trusty20:01
natefinchniedbalski_: you might be stuck with them, unfortunately. It's probably worth a bug report to say that remove-machine --force should work if the server isn't even running yet (and/or is non-voting etc)20:04
natefinchniedbalski_: you could, in theory, go hack the database, but it's not something I'd feel super comfortable about.20:05
niedbalski_natefinch, understood, I'll fill an extra bug; I don't feel comfortable with hacking the database, but those stuck errored machines are driving me somehow crazy.20:07
natefinchniedbalski_: make an alias for juju status that strips them out ;)20:08
niedbalski_natefinch, lol .. yeah, probably I can mock the status output too.20:10
mupBug #1602838 opened: Charm upgrade should use bulk calls for whole model, not one per charm <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1602838>20:58
mupBug #1602840 opened: juju status (or equivalent) should show all addresses a machine has <network> <status> <usability> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1602840>20:58
=== natefinch is now known as natefinch-afk
frobwareanybody succesfully deploying LXD containers today? I ask because the download seems to stop at about 30% for me then nothing more.21:24
frobwarewell, well... it may be something at my end as downloading latest from kernel.org also hangs at ~40%21:26
* frobware goes to bed and hopes the internet fairies sprinkle unicorns over his internet connection....21:27
mupBug #1598708 changed: juju use many DEPRECATED apis ,is there new juju version using the latest api? <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1598708>21:28
wallyworldveebers: the latest log forward stuff has just landed, cpu issue hopefully fixed22:38
veeberswallyworld: awesome, I'll give it a spin shortly22:39
wallyworldhope it works :-)22:39
veebersheh I'll let you know either way :-)22:40
arosaleshello juju-core devs :-)22:57
arosalesI am hitting a lxd perms issue22:57
arosalesis there a work around for this?22:58
veeberswallyworld: quick Q: what's the best way to get a models (i.e. the controller) uuid? I'll be using it to confirm the right log message appears in the rsyslog sink22:58
* arosales tried to reconfigure the network per https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/getting-started but no luck22:58
arosaleshit this on beta7, beta10, and beta 1122:58
wallyworldveebers: juju show-controller --format yaml should print the controller uuid i think22:59
veeberswallyworld: cheers23:00
wallyworldarosales: i've not seen that particular issue. thumper? ^^^^23:00
* thumper looks23:01
* arosales trying to clean up other containers to see if thats the issue23:01
thumperah... nope23:01
veeberswallyworld: fyi that works, thanks23:04
wallyworldveebers: awesome, thanks for testing23:04
veeberswallyworld: oh sorry to mislead , that was re: show-controller. I'll have tested the cpu stuff soon :-P23:05
alexisb_arosales, I have bootstraped several times on lxd in the last week (both from devel, beta7 and master) and not seen that issue23:05
arosalesalexisb_: on Z :-)23:05
alexisb_ah ok23:05
alexisb_that I have not done23:05
alexisb_arosales, someone on the QA team can provide details on system z tests in CI, maybe balloons23:07
alexisb_if he is still around23:07
arosalesalexisb_: ok I see if any qa folks respond23:07
arosalesalexisb_: thanks23:08
arosalesgot some z folks interested in a juju demo tomorrow and would like to show 2023:08
arosalesbut . . . .the above error is a little bit of an issue23:08
arosalesluckily 1.25 is working23:08
alexisb_arosales, looking at this we have many working lxd deploys on s390x: http://reports.vapour.ws/releases/4135/job/lxd-deploy-xenial-s390x/attempt/21723:11
alexisb_arosales, not that that really helps for your specific issue23:13
arosalesalexisb_: well good to know that is has been working23:13
arosalesalexisb_: thanks for the information23:13
mupBug #1602885 opened: machine allocation failed due to maas error, but machines stay in pending state forever <oil> <oil-2.0> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1602885>23:37
axwwallyworld: it was a combination of my code and your code that caused the problem, so I eat my words23:43
wallyworldwe both suck :-)23:43
axwwallyworld: the provider is using StateServingInfo, should be using ControllerConfig23:43
wallyworldhmm, i thought it was using controller config, oh well23:44
axwwallyworld: my change made it so that StateServingInfo is no longer populated when the Environ.Bootstrap call is made23:44
axwwallyworld: I'm planning to make InstanceConfig write-only when I get some time, any input should be in StartInstanceParams23:44
thumpermenn0: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5167/diff/# updated23:50
* perrito666 is back23:53
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