
monsterjampAnyone know how to force install snap? Snap still thinks snappy-debug is still installed, but it's not. So I can't reinstall.00:01
mupPR snapcraft#648 closed: Implemented `snapcraft release` <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/648>00:23
mupPR snapcraft#649 closed: Use '/usr/bin/env python3' <Created by josepht> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/649>00:26
tsimonq2sergiusens: thank you for taking the time to look over my PR, I really appreciate it :)00:57
mupPR snapcraft#644 closed: Feature/ant plugin test <Created by ZenHarbinger> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/644>01:20
mupPR snapcraft#646 closed: Feature/gradle plugin <Created by ZenHarbinger> <Closed by ZenHarbinger> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/646>03:08
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mupPR snapd#1536 opened: tests: stop using hello-world.echo in the tests <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1536>06:00
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dz0ny_is there a way to lock source for each part to specific commit?06:28
dz0ny_something like github.com/prokject/repo.git#v1.24?06:28
tsimonq2you mean a specific tag?06:38
tsimonq2if so, we have source-tag06:39
dz0ny_master is not stable :)06:42
dz0ny_well in most cases or whatever repo defaults06:42
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trijntjeI'm trying to create my first snap, but I have this weird problem where all the parts of the snap appear to work, but using the snap itself gives a bunch of java errors06:48
qenghotrijntje: Anything in "dmesg"?06:50
qenghotrijntje: put "set" in your wrapper to see if the environment you have is what you expect.06:51
trijntjealso, I get a java crash error when I install it using devmode http://pastebin.com/AniwGkBp06:54
trijntjeqengho: as far as I can tell it only shows apparmor allowing the snap: http://pastebin.com/YJSmPVzf06:55
qenghotrijntje: I see fonts in the name in that crash. Do you have fonts installed in your snap?06:57
qengho"fc" is probably fontconfig, too.06:59
trijntjeqengho: I don't. I tried asking about the errors in #java since I'm not a java programmer, but they said my java install was broken06:59
qenghoIt is broken. You don't have fonts installed. If you don't put it in the snap, it doesn't exist.07:00
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qenghotrijntje: You should run your program normally under "strace -f -e trace=file -o ~/trace ....", and see what font files it touches, and then "stage" the packages that provide those fonts. That will probably fix it.07:02
trijntjethey thought that ubuntu messed up java to the point that it didn't contain any GUI code at all07:03
trijntjethey explicitly said it wasn't a font problem, but ill give strace a go to be sure. I don't think they wanted to help to be honest07:03
qenghoThat "strace" will tell you a lot. Use "dpkg -S $filenamementionedinstrace" to map back to package names that could be in your snapcraft.yaml .07:05
qenghotrijntje: Also add to your wrapper,07:06
qengho# Font Config07:06
qenghoexport FONTCONFIG_PATH=$SNAP/etc/fonts/config.d07:06
qenghoexport FONTCONFIG_FILE=$SNAP/etc/fonts/fonts.conf07:06
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dholbachhey hey07:24
dholbachhey pbek07:34
pbekgood moring, dholbach ^_^07:34
dholbachhow are things? :-)07:34
hikikohello people :) I have a problem with snappy playpen...07:35
dholbachhikiko, what is it?07:35
tsimonq2hello hikiko :)07:36
hikikodholbach, I made my first snap and snapcraft cleanbuild returns this error: http://pastebin.com/HEDwtuzD07:36
hikikohi tsimonq2 :)07:36
hikikohow are you?07:36
pbekdholbach: testing, testing... :)07:36
dz0ny_hm is it possible that snapcraft is picking up deps from host?07:36
dz0ny_ld deps07:37
tsimonq2great hikiko, 2:30 AM, just about to go to bed ;)07:37
tsimonq2so night :P07:37
dholbachhikiko, I don't know what to do about it - it was asked here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/787258/internal-server-error-when-retrieving-files-from-the-archive-in-lxd07:37
dholbachgood night tsimonq207:37
tsimonq2night dholbach :)07:37
hikikotsimonq2, time to get some rest! :) what are you doing here!!07:37
hikikogood night!07:37
pbeksleep well, tsimonq2 ;)07:38
trijntjeqengho: strace found that the program accesses 3500 files with 'font' in the path07:38
hikikodholbach, I had similar issues in the past when I was trying to apt-get update from those repos I had to use mirrors07:38
hikikodholbach, is it possible to change archive.ubuntu.com.. to uk.archive or de somehow?07:39
trijntjeI'm feeding them to dpkg -S automatically now, lets see how many packages we end up with07:39
pbektzzzz, sourceforge is down, bad if source files are hosted there for the snaps... :/07:39
liuxgdholbach, ping07:40
dholbachliuxg, pong07:42
dholbachhikiko, does --enable-geoip work there?07:42
hikikothis will use my country's mirror right?07:42
dholbachtry it - it's the only idea I have right now07:43
hikikook :) thanks dholbach!!07:43
hikikodholbach, the syntax should be: snapcraft cleanbuild --enable-geoip?07:45
liuxgdholbach, today, I met a very strange problem. I have a snap app at https://github.com/liu-xiao-guo/rssreader_snap. if I add "network" into the plug, I do not have any AppArmor warnings, but the app does not get up (no UI). If I remove "network" into the plug, the app can be running, but with an error/warning like http://paste.ubuntu.com/19253339/.07:45
dholbachI don't know - maybe it just works with "build"?07:45
dholbachliuxg, I have never heard of anything like this before07:45
liuxgdholbach, the UI of the app is documented at http://blog.csdn.net/ubuntutouch/article/details/5189446907:46
dholbachliuxg, which other plugs does it use?07:46
dholbachliuxg, does "snappy-debug.security scanlog" say anything if you start the app?07:46
liuxgdholbach, you may find it at https://github.com/liu-xiao-guo/rssreader_snap/blob/master/snapcraft.yaml07:46
liuxgdholbach, do I need to run it separately in another terminal after the app is running?07:47
dholbachseparately in another terminal and start it before you start the app07:48
liuxgdholbach, OK. I will do it. what pacakge should I install for snappy-debug.security?07:50
dholbachsnap install snappy-debug07:52
liuxgdholbach, OK. thanks07:53
mupPR snapd#1537 opened: tests: add env command to test-snapd-tools <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1537>07:54
liuxgdholbach, http://paste.ubuntu.com/19253833/, this is the message.. I do not know how to interpret it07:55
dholbachliuxg, maybe it needs "network" and "network-bind"?07:56
dholbachI'm just guessing07:56
dholbachI'm not an expert on this one07:56
hikikodholbach, that solved my issue but now I have a new one... (sorry) I have some compile errors, what can I do in this case? fix them send the patch to the developers and try again in a few days? They forgot to include a file somewhere...07:57
dholbachhikiko, or push to your own branch for now and use that as a basis for building07:57
liuxgdholbach, in fact, it is just a rss reader app. I did not use it to pull any data yet (just use local static images).  The app works well for the phone.07:57
dholbach(and at the same time get them to include it if it's a more general issue)07:58
hikikodholbach, what is preferable?07:58
dholbachliuxg, I have no idea - try it07:58
dholbachhikiko, I don't know how that particular project operates, but I would send the patch (or PR or whatever they use) and use a local branch for continuing to snap - that way you don't get blocked for a few days waiting for an answer07:58
liuxgdholbach, the thing is that if I add network, the UI does not show up at all.. Anyway, I will try to add network-bind to see how it goes.07:59
hikikook :)07:59
hikikothanks dholbach07:59
mupPR snapd#1538 opened: snap-exec: fix silly off-by-one error <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1538>08:11
mupPR snapd#1537 closed: tests: add env command to test-snapd-tools <Created by fgimenez> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1537>08:14
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mupPR snapd#1539 opened: tests: improve snap run symlink tests <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1539>08:40
mupPR snapd#1536 closed: tests: stop using hello-world.echo in the tests <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1536>08:41
mwhudsonzyga: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snap-confine09:04
mwhudsonjamiebennett, mvo: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snap-confine has 1.0.36-1 now09:05
mwhudsonjamiebennett, mvo: want me to tack ~16.04 on the end of the version number and upload it to the xenial queue?09:05
zygamwhudson: I'm doing now :/09:15
mwhudsonzyga: ok09:16
mwhudsonzyga: i made some packaging changes beyond what is in master btw09:17
mwhudson(renaming the apparmor profile to usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine mostly)09:17
zygamwhudson: thanks for doing that09:18
zygamwhudson: do you have an idea on how I could use debian packaging in spread tests?09:18
mwhudsonzyga: how do the spread tests work?09:18
zygamwhudson: look at spread.yaml and spread-tests/**/task.yaml09:18
zygamwhudson: you have a pre/post/execute script09:18
mwhudsonzyga: but i guess git-recipe-builder or something?09:18
zygamwhudson: you allocate some VMs09:18
zygamwhudson: send all the code there09:18
zygamwhudson: and run the scripts09:19
mwhudsonzyga: spread.yaml where?09:19
mwhudsonoh, master09:19
mwhudson(was in debian branch)09:19
zygayep, sorry09:20
mwhudsonzyga: for the package building stuff, basically you want a launchpad git recipe i think09:22
mwhudsontake one git tree, transplant debian/ from some other git tree into it (that's https://launchpad.net/git-build-recipe)09:23
mwhudsonthen some fluff around guessing where the upstream tarball is or making it into a native package09:24
mwhudsoncan't remember where that code is09:24
mwhudsonbut cjwatson will know :)09:24
cjwatsonoh, you already mentioned that09:26
cjwatsonwhat code are you looking for?09:26
cjwatsonall the upstream tarball etc. stuff is in git-build-recipe too ...09:26
cjwatsonthere's a tiny bit of glue in lp:launchpad-buildd (buildrecipe) to call it with suitable arguments09:27
mwhudsoncjwatson: ah ok, good to know09:36
mwhudsonzyga: use git-build-recipe, problem solved!09:36
zygamwhudson: yep, I'll try to do that09:40
mwhudsonzyga: this is a recipe that's a bit like the sort of thing you're doing, fwiw https://code.launchpad.net/~gophers/+recipe/golang-tip09:41
dholbachsergiusens, can you reply to http://askubuntu.com/questions/797031/how-do-you-exclude-files-from-wiki-part-used-in-snapcraft-yaml# later on?09:45
dholbach^ or anyone else really09:45
mwhudsonhey so it looks like snapd autopkgtests now fail because "snap install hello-world" doesn't provide hello-world.echo any more09:48
mwhudsonis that plausible?09:48
mwhudsonfalse alarm, maybe09:49
zygamwhudson: should be unlikely, maybe PATH does not contain /snap?09:55
sborovkovHello. How do I make image that will use custom store instead of the stock one?10:07
mupPR snapd#1540 opened: spread.yaml, tests: replace hello-world with test-snapd-tools <Created by fgimenez> <Conflict> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1540>10:09
hikikodholbach, ping :)10:14
hikikoI've fixed my snap10:14
dholbachhikiko, pong :)10:14
hikikoI am not sure I am using git correctly :p10:14
hikikodholbach, does git push fork master updates my pull request as well?10:15
hikikoit seems so10:16
dholbachyes, https://github.com/ubuntu/snappy-playpen/pull/171 (and https://reviewable.io/reviews/ubuntu/snappy-playpen/171#-) look like it :)10:16
mupPR ubuntu/snappy-playpen#171: Add hexchat snap <Created by hikiko> <https://github.com/ubuntu/snappy-playpen/pull/171>10:16
hikikook :) sorry it's a bit messy, it's my first snap :)10:17
dholbachno worries10:17
dholbachtake all the time you need :)10:17
hikikodholbach, should I add all the packages that are in build-depends of apt-cache show10:20
dholbachyep, it should be a good start10:20
dholbachif we want we can still trim down the list of build-packages later on10:21
hikikoand for example some packages have a version like:10:21
dholbachif you want to test the build in lxd locally, you can try "snapcraft cleanbuild"10:21
hikikodebhelper (>= 9.0.0)10:21
dholbachdrop the version - snapcraft has no equivalent of this - it will use whatever is in xenial right now10:21
hikikoyeah that was my question :D10:21
dholbachdebhelper (just as an example) is likely not required10:21
hikikook let me fix it :) thanks a lot dholbach10:22
dholbachthank YOU!10:22
joc_zyga: after i've used devtool refresh-bits i often end up in a situation where i can't run the original snapd again, i think because original snapd quits with "error: cannot downgrade: snapd is too old for the current system state" - is there any way to force this downgrade?10:36
zygajoc_: you could backup and restore /var/lib/snapd/state.json10:37
joc_zyga: so make a backup after a fresh install and use that in future to downgrade?10:38
zygajoc_: perhaps tie this into setup and restore steps?10:39
joc_yeah, could be useful10:39
sborovkovHi. Is it possible to make system journal log to tmpfs instead of disk?10:49
sborovkovon snappy on rpi10:49
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mupPR snapd#1538 closed: snap-exec: fix silly off-by-one error <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1538>11:14
mupPR snapd#1535 closed: overlord: switch snapstate.Update to use ListRefresh (aka /snaps/metadata) <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1535>11:16
Sweet5harkhmmm, so I uploaded an snap to the store in the beta channel, but "snap install --channel=beta libreoffice" does find anything. hints?11:27
ogra--devmode ?11:29
ogra(might be (falsely ?) implied by beta)11:30
Sweet5harkogra: snap is _not_ devmode anymore11:30
ograSweet5hark, nope, but the store might require --devmode if you use other channels than stable ... not sure11:31
Sweet5harkogra: soo, uhmm, when I have a confined app in a beta channel we cant install it confined? that sounds very wrong.11:32
ograit definitely installs here with "sudo snap install --channel=beta libreoffice --devmode"11:32
ograyes, thats why i said "falsely" ... definitely a store bug11:32
Sweet5harkogra: meh. that doesnt install the right stuff.11:33
ograi could understand edge to enforce --devmode ... but the staging channel for stable should not need it11:33
ograoh, wait ... that channel might actually be "candidate"11:34
Sweet5harkogra: ah!11:34
Sweet5harkogra: the I uploaded still has "manual review pending"11:34
ogratry if candidate works without devmode11:34
ograoh ? it should tell you why11:34
ograin the review details11:35
ograsborovkov, not easily ... we use syslog and the configs are readonly iirc11:35
Sweet5harkogra: I guess someone still needs to look under each bit if there is some even visual basic macro hidden by me there ....11:35
ograoh you evil guy :)11:36
pedronisSweet5hark: Chipaca might help understanding what is happening there, might depend on which snapd version you have as well11:36
ograjokes aside, the erros should usually give you some detailed info11:36
Sweet5harkbtw that store UI is hugely misleading: it says both "Package status is Published" and "Status: Manual Review Pending" on the same page. :/11:37
ogra(on the myapps page that is)11:37
ograSweet5hark, but for different revisions i guess11:37
trijntjemy internet isn't that fast, does it make sense to set up a local apt chache server when you build snaps with a lot of stage packages? Or will snapcraft bypass apt proxy settings?11:38
Sweet5harkogra: I dont think its rejected or errored yet. At least "pending" does sound like "you suck" to me. Rather like "Im still looking at all the wonderful bytes you threw over the fence".11:39
ograif you dont use cleanbuild it uses your local sources,.list iirc11:39
ograso if that points to a package proxy the build shoudl too11:39
ograSweet5hark, well, if you click on the revision you can see it chug along11:40
Sweet5harkogra: hohum, it says "reserved interface 'bluez' for vetted applications only         security-snap-v2_app_plug_safe (libreoffice, bluez)"11:41
ograSweet5hark, oh, then you need someone to manually approve11:41
ogra(i think)11:42
trijntjeogra: thanks, I might set up a proxy in that case11:42
Sweet5harkogra: speaking teutonic, this is all bohemian villages to me ;)11:42
Sweet5harkogra: ok, who do I need to get drunk?11:42
ogratrijntje, sudo snap install packageproxy ... then point to localhost:999911:43
trijntjeqengho: I added 58 font packages to my snap, which were accessed by the app when it runs outside the snap, but i still get the exact same error trace11:43
ograSweet5hark, i dont really know, beuno was always whom i harassed in that case ... but he is gone ... all others i wiould know are on vacation11:43
ograSweet5hark, usually popey or jdstrand ... perhaps tyhicks can chime in as security team person to nod it off11:44
trijntjeogra: perfect, ill give it a go11:44
ograSweet5hark, out of curiosity, why does libreoffice need direct BT access ?11:45
Sweet5harkogra: well, I havent tested it yet. but it will need bluetooth in the end for https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.libreoffice.impressremote11:47
ograah !11:47
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ograyeah, that makes sense (also for physical pointers)11:47
trijntjeI'm trying to create my first snap, but I have this weird problem where all the parts of the snap appear to work, but using the snap itself gives a bunch of java errors11:49
trijntjedmesg only shows a bunch of apparmor ALLOW lines, and including 58 font packages in the snap did not solve this issue11:50
ogratrijntje, sis you try using -jar instead of -cp in your launcher (i think thats what i asked last yesterday)11:50
ograi thinnk the first one is java itself ... the second error you have is clearly fonts related ...11:51
* ogra goes for a break11:52
Sweet5harkpopey, jdstrand, tyhicks: Anyone in for nodding off the libreoffice snap?11:53
trijntjeogra: I'll give that a go now, thanks. I must have missed that yesterday11:54
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hikikodholbach, when I run snapcraft clean and snapcraft build locally I see no errors and then I push to git and there are still unsolved dependencies :s12:09
dholbachhikiko, that's because you very likely have lots of local build-dependencies already installed :)12:11
dholbachand the build in travis uses a clean ubuntu container12:12
dholbachso you need to specify each and every package in there12:12
Chipacahello hello12:12
ChipacaSweet5hark, what's up12:12
ChipacaSweet5hark, doing a quick scan of the backlog: you have a non-devmode snap in the beta channel that only installs when you specify --devmode?12:13
Sweet5harkChipaca: could you nod off the "libreoffice.canonical" package in the store? it hangs there because of wanting bluez.12:13
Sweet5harkChipaca: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/5179/rev/2/12:14
ChipacaI don't know what nodding off something is in this context, but I don't have admin on the server so probably no :-)12:14
Sweet5harkChipaca: well, it says "pending manual review", so hmm ...12:15
ograhikiko, you can mimic that behaviour with "snapcraft cleanbuild", that builds locally in a container as well12:16
hikikoogra, I know but cleanbuild fails at downloading because it can't find some repos12:17
olli|Sweet5hark, noise][ , ev or maybe jdstrand can help12:17
ograhikiko, oh ?12:17
ChipacaSweet5hark, but what was the thing about beta and devmode?12:17
hikikoogra give me  some time to run cleanbuild and paste the error12:18
ograhikiko, do you use any remote parts like the desktop launchers ? iirc thats a known issue ... repos shoulld be fine though12:18
hikikoI pasted it here before but I can't find the link12:18
hikikoogra, maybe, how can I test that?12:19
hikikoogra, it's my first snap I might have done things accidentally...12:19
ograwell, you would know if you added something "desktop/..." to your snapcraft.yaml i assume :)12:19
hikikooh no I didn't12:19
ograah, then it shouldnnt use the launchers that make it fail12:19
ogranorml deb repos should just work12:20
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hikikoogra, I wonder if the problem is unrelated to snap, because sometimes apt-get update fails as well if I use the original repos instead of mirrors, if I run snapcraft --enable-geoip there's no problem but that's not equivalent to cleanbuild :/12:21
ograyeah, weird12:22
sborovkovogra: meh. So no easy solution? Cause all this writes are going to be killing SD card on RPI very fast.12:25
ograi doubt that, unless you have an app that dos excessive writing12:26
ogra(fox that app then :) )12:26
ograusually there isnt much log activity12:27
sborovkovApp does not do a lot of writing. Devices uptime is 24 hours a day though... And we really want to minimize the writes since Sd cards dying is like the most common issue when using RPI. On raspbian we were just logging to tmpfs. Oh well.12:28
ograwhen we still had "snappy config" you cuold modify some parameters ... i guess once that feature comes back we will add something for this again ... but i dont know where that stands ... perhaps Chipaca knows12:28
Chipacaconfig is kyrofa these days :-D12:28
* Chipaca leveled up his deflection skills12:28
* ogra needs to get the wiringin his brain fixed for that evemntually :) 12:28
Chipacaogra, you have the deflection skills of a horny buffalo :-D12:29
sborovkovHello again, How do I build image that uses private store?12:34
ograsborovkov, you mean with a private kernel and gadget ? i dont think you can yet ... ubuntu-image will support that once it replaced ubuntu-device-flash12:39
ogra(i know it was possible in 15.04, but not yet for the 16 series due to architectural changes)12:40
hikikohttps://paste.ubuntu.com/19269020/ ogra12:43
hikikothat was the error12:43
ogra500  Internal Server Error12:43
ograi blame IS12:43
hikikoogra which are the steps of cleanbuild? maybe I can follow them manually12:44
ograor the infrastructure or some such ... that should be a temporary issuue12:44
hikikogood news :D12:44
ograinstead of "snapcraft" you run "snapcraft cleanbuild" to build  your package :)12:45
ograthats all ... it wll magically create an lxc container and build in there12:45
nhainesogra: oh, that's interesting.  Right now I magically create an lxc container myself and do all my snapcraft thingies in there, then lxc pull the snap out onto my system afterward.  :)12:46
ogranhaines, well, it has its drawbacks ... like remote snapcraft parts doo not work atm12:46
ogra(so you cant build anything that uses the desktop launchers)12:47
ograshould be fixed with the next snapcraft i think12:47
nhainesogra: slightly disappointing, but luckily I'm just trying (and always failing) to work on a little personal project that only needs debian packages, and also the good news is that there's always a new snapcraft around the corner.  :D12:49
ograyeah, sergiusens is tireless :)12:49
mupPR snapcraft#651 opened: Re-based feature/gradle-plugin <Created by ZenHarbinger> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/651>12:51
nhainesogra: do you have any suspicion on when the RPi2 will get an all-snap image?12:54
ogranhaines, not yet, no ... we're waiting for ubuntu-image ... which waits for some snpd and store features in turn12:54
nhainesOkay.  My RPi2 is sitting in its little Ubuntu case, just waiting.  :D  Although it's not a half bad retrogaming machine until then, either.12:55
nhainesFull bad desktop machine (Ubuntu MATE is impressive, but mouse lag drives me crazy on any computer.)12:55
sborovkovogra: I mean. I can build custom ones manually. Just need to unsquashsf current one and make changes and squashfs again. We have private store. 'screenly'. I want image in which it's turned on. So I can install snap from there12:57
ograsborovkov, right, as i said, i dont think the 16 series supports that yet ...12:58
ograsince it will change the gadget and kernel snaps to use assertions, whichin turn defin the store your image uses12:59
ogra(as i understand it)12:59
sborovkovogra: Is it possible to connect to private store from console at least? I can work with that12:59
ograubuntu-image will support tht once it is there ... but currently we are waiting for the store and snapd to have full support for assertions13:00
liuxgI have an app with the interfaces at http://paste.ubuntu.com/19270412/. when I run my app, I still get the some errors like http://paste.ubuntu.com/19270507/. However "snappy-debug.security scanlog" does not give me much info at http://paste.ubuntu.com/19270592/ what could the cause of it? thanks13:07
ograliuxg, well, the -control and -manage interfaces obviously arent autoconnect ones, you need to manually connect them13:10
ogra(seems -observe too, which i find a bit weird, but it might allow access to the MAc address or so)13:10
liuxgogra, thanks. May I know how to connect them? In fact, the app is just a very simple app, it uses network manager to create a cache. I think network manager might be the one needed..13:11
ograyou use snap connect :)13:12
liuxgogra, what I am currently doing is just try to add all of them. after that, I can isolate the problem. where can I find an example for it? I need to do it in terminal, right?13:12
ogracalling the command without options gives you an example13:13
ograsomething like: sudo snap connect foobar:network-control ubuntu-core:network-control13:15
liuxgogra, thanks! I will have a try!13:16
trijntjeI'm still messing with my first snap, now I'm getting apparmor DENIED in dmesg http://pastebin.com/1BEBRS3G13:17
trijntjeEven though I believe I have given the snap permission to acces home13:18
trijntje        plugs: [x11, network, network-bind, home]13:18
ogratrijntje, no dotfiles ... just home data13:18
liuxgogra, many thanks for your help. You are right. now the error disappears. I used the command "sudo snap connect rssreader-app:network-manager ubuntu-core:network-manager" to do it.13:18
ograyou need to make sure to point your XDG dirs to the SNAP_USER_DATA dir13:19
ogra(i gve you the wrappper of jtiledownloadeer yesterday, didnt i ? that should have the needed vars)13:19
ograliuxg, now the million dollar question ... wh does your rss reader need to manage your network connection ? :)13:20
trijntjeogra: yes, looking them up now. Thanks for all the hand holding, I'm going to be so happy when I finally get my first snap running13:20
liuxgogra, the source code of the project is at https://github.com/liu-xiao-guo/rssreader_snap13:20
ogratrijntje, me too :)13:20
liuxgogra, in the file https://github.com/liu-xiao-guo/rssreader_snap/blob/master/src/rssreader/main.cpp, it uses NetworkManager to create a cache for the app.13:21
liuxgogra, I think normally it should not need that at all13:22
ograwow, weird ... why does it need NM for creating a disk cache13:22
liuxgogra, could you please take a look at MyNetworkAccessManagerFactory::create(QObject *parent) function. it caches the pictures if any during the network connection.13:23
ograi'm really bad at C++, but i can take a look indeed :)13:23
liuxgogra, in phone app, only network is needed. I do not know why it needs to have network manager in the snap app.13:23
liuxgogra, OK. thanks for your help indeed!13:23
ysionneauis it mandatory that the "system-boot" partition be named like this?13:24
ysionneausystem-boot / writable13:24
ysionneauI know that writable is a requirement and the label is used13:24
ograliuxg, well, on the phone there are less fine grained interfaces ... once the phone uses snappy it will be similar13:26
liuxgogra, yeah, I agree with you. that is the ideal situation. the app was orignally a phone app :)13:27
ograogra@styx:~/Devel/packages/initramfs-tools-ubuntu-core-0.7.43+ppa6$ grep system-boot scripts/ubuntu-core-rootfs13:27
ograboot_partition=$(findfs LABEL="system-boot" 2>/dev/null || :)13:27
ogra                tmpboot_mnt="/tmpmnt_system-boot"13:27
ograyes ...13:27
ograysionneau, note that this might change with ubuntu-image though ... not sure if we can keep the partition names wiith that13:29
argesare there known issues with snap login not working?13:30
argesworked yesterday for me, today not so much13:30
argeswierd, stopped my vpn and things work. nevermind13:32
msvb-labA little lost (sorry) but I'm looking for some official collaboration from Canonical for a few forthcoming educational events, workshops. Anyone know who the contact would be for embedded/IoT snappy education?13:35
ograthibautr_, ^^ ?13:36
ysionneauogra: thanks13:41
pcocamvo, Hi Michael!13:46
pcocamvo, I had some issues running the new classic, so I just filed a bug.13:48
mvopcoca: hello, what is the bugnumber?13:48
pcocamvo, #160269313:49
mupBug #1602693: classic.create error: chroot: failed to run command ‘/var/lib/classic/enable.sh’: No such file or directory <snapd (Ubuntu):Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1602693>13:49
mvopcoca: what version of ubuntu-core do you have installed?13:49
ograjust answered13:49
ograyou missed switching ubuntu-core to edge13:49
mvopcoca: what ogra said is also my theory13:50
ogra(as the version in the bug tells ... i only saw the version after asking :) )13:50
pcocaogra, mvo: thanks!13:50
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
mupPR snapd#1457 closed:  snapstate: drop revisions after "current" on refresh <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1457>13:51
pcocamvo, ogra, I added the comment and changed to bug to invalid.13:51
mupPR snapd#1444 closed: many: allow refresh to locally installed snaps (with data copy) <Blocked> <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1444>13:52
ograpcoca, cool, thanks ("incomplete" would have auto-closed it in 60 days anyway :) )13:53
mvopcoca: your welcome, thanks for testing this new feature, much appreciated13:53
mupPR snapd#1507 closed: cmd: add buy command <Created by pete-woods> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1507>13:57
mupPR snapcraft#651 closed: Re-based feature/gradle-plugin <Created by ZenHarbinger> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/651>14:15
sergiusensdholbach answered14:23
dholbachthanks sergiusens!14:24
mupPR snapd#1506 closed: store/auth: add helper for the macaroon refresh endpoint <Created by matiasb> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1506>14:28
dholbachsergiusens, should http://paste.ubuntu.com/19276737/ work?14:37
dholbachI'm getting this: Issues while validating snapcraft.yaml: The 'parts' property does not match the required schema: Additional properties are not allowed ('desktop/qt5' was unexpected)14:37
sergiusensdholbach yeah, you found a bug14:50
dholbachthanks sergiusens - shall I file it?14:50
sergiusensdholbach in theory, the part/subparts thing was not supposed to be something we end user exposed (it was for dependencies to statisfy the main part)14:50
sergiusensdholbach yeah, I guess we need to support it14:50
dholbachok, thanks - I'll file a bug14:51
mupBug #1602728: Redefining elements of remote parts does not work <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1602728>14:53
mupPR snapd#1541 opened: snap-exec: add proper integration test for snap-exec <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1541>15:36
ilivhey ogra. wanted to say thanks for pointing me to the nethack in your repository for example of locale installation and initialization. helped me move forward in my work on postgresql package.15:39
ilivI'm now looking at this error message:15:39
iliv2016-07-13 15:32:13 GMT [480-1] LOG:  invalid value for parameter "log_timezone": "PST"15:39
ilivwhich I understand now is most likely due to missing timezone, much like the problem with locale15:39
ilivI'm wondering if I can get away with just including a tzdata to stage-packages..15:46
ograiliv, there i a "timezone-control" interface your snap could perhaps use (though what you really want is rather something to read the TZ, not to control it)15:49
ograi assumewe are missing an interface here15:50
ogratyhicks, ^^ shouldn't we have a timezone-read interface additionally to -control ?15:50
tyhicksogra: yes, I'd think so15:53
ograiliv, mind filing bug for this?15:53
ilivsure. however, I don't know where to do so.15:54
ograsee the channell topic :)15:55
ograand add the "snapd-interface" tag to the bug15:55
ograso it shows up in the right list15:55
ilivogra, tyhicks done https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/160275216:09
mupBug #1602752: Add support for timezone-read interface <snapd-interface> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1602752>16:09
ysionneauin the gadget snap, you can specify a set of snaps to be already installed in the generated by UDF ubuntu image16:10
mupBug #1602752 opened: Add support for timezone-read interface <snapd-interface> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1602752>16:10
ysionneaucan you specify that one snap has to be installed in devmode ?16:10
ilivysionneau, yes, you can use confinement: devmode in snapcraft.yml, which is a per snap configuration setting. you can also use snap install package.snap --devmode16:14
ograiliv, thanks !!16:18
ysionneauiliv: how can I set devmode in the snapcraft.yaml ?16:23
=== JanC is now known as Guest81961
mupPR snapd#1533 closed: many: add authcontext to handle user updates to state <Created by matiasb> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1533>16:25
ilivysionneau, add after description: this "confinement: devmode" (without quotes)16:34
ilivhow does one rebuild a package after adding only plugs in snapcraft.yml without actually rebuilding any of the parts?16:35
ysionneauthx iliv16:38
ilivysionneau, be sure to install your package with: snap install package.snap --devmode. I may be wrong but I think you need both confinement: devmode and a package installed with the --devmode flag.16:40
ysionneauI know that just snap install --devmode is enough16:41
ysionneaubut question is, is confinement: devmode enough when it is listed as a package in gadget snap ?16:41
ysionneauso that it is automatically installed ... in devmode16:41
ilivthat is something I'm not really sure about16:42
ilivsomebody else here should be able chime in and give a better answer16:43
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
jaceknI am trying to create snap for go application that needs "GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1" environment variable. How can that be done?17:02
mupPR snapcraft#650 closed: feature/maven-targets w/ re-based maven.py <Created by ZenHarbinger> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/650>17:12
mupPR snapcraft#637 closed: Do not clean before running the snaps tests <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/637>17:15
=== mup_ is now known as mup
Croephaso if I have `daemon: simple` in my app entry, then it should install as a system service when it gets installed right?18:17
Croephajacekn: the only way that I know how, is to add a shell script to setup the environment18:18
Croephajacekn: also, I dont know go, but most languages have the ability to set their own environment, for example in python you can do os.environ["GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT"] = "1"   not sure if thats what you want or not18:20
plarsis it no longer possible to run snap commands from inside a snap? I have a test that is inside a snap, and even something as basic as 'snap list' fails with:18:22
plarserror: cannot list snaps: cannot unmarshal: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type int18:22
plarsor is this just a bug in the version of snap it uses? I also noticed that /usr/bin/snap that it sees is different from the one I have on the host system18:22
plarsor maybe it uses the one from ubuntu-core?18:23
plarsah, yes. If I copy the snap binary from the host system, it just works.18:27
Croephado snappy daemons log stdout anywhere?18:37
Croephanvm, found it18:45
mupPR snapcraft#613 closed: parser - Don't allow duplicate wiki entries <Created by josepht> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/613>18:51
mupPR snapcraft#652 opened: Demo/gradle <Created by ZenHarbinger> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/652>19:12
mupPR snapcraft#653 opened: Implement `snapcraft push` <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/653>19:15
sergiusenselopio josepht https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/65319:15
mupPR snapcraft#653: Implement `snapcraft push` <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/653>19:15
mupPR snapcraft#571 closed: Add setuptools tests_require <Created by squidsoup> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/571>19:51
mupPR snapcraft#655 opened: Gradle plugin fix for command invocation <Created by ZenHarbinger> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/655>20:06
luafhey there, i just installed snappy core on my raspberry pi. now i have to login but i don't know username nor password :(20:31
noise][1luaf: ubuntu:ubuntu if I'm recalling correctly20:35
Croephaim considering running core inside of docker, inside of core20:37
Croephacore inseption20:37
Croephacore inception20:38
mupPR snapcraft#656 opened: Use requirements files in travis tests <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/656>22:51

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