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davmor2ahayzen: hey dude on a fresh install do you get a location in weather app?13:13
ahayzendavmor2, location is busted on my device at the moment, so i wouldn't know :-/ although weather somehow picks it up sometimes :')13:14
davmor2ahayzen: seems to be failing for me for the first time13:14
ahayzendavmor2, is this after the dialog asking for location access?13:14
davmor2ahayzen: yeap and after confirming in other apps that it has a location fix that is accurate13:15
ahayzendavmor2, so then when you restart the app, it picks up the right one?13:16
davmor2ahayzen: no it never gives me a location currently13:16
ahayzendavmor2, probably best to report a bug with the app logs ... and i'll have a look when i reflash my device :-)13:17
davmor2ahayzen: on either rc or rc-proposed so no idea what it going on13:17
ograi updated my turbo on rc-proposed today and couldnt get any location until i opened unav once ... are you sure it isnt a systemic issue ?13:17
ahayzenwhich other apps use QML to get location ?13:17
davmor2ahayzen: scopes, unav, clock13:21
ahayzenyeah none of them work for me, i'm gonna do a reflash later so will try then :-)13:21
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davmor2ahayzen: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-weather-app/+bug/1602691 anything else you want?13:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 1602691 in Ubuntu Weather App "No location in weather app on latest images" [Undecided,New]13:47
ahayzendavmor2, that's probably enough to start with, thanks :-)13:48
davmor2ahayzen: no worries13:48
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=== JanC is now known as Guest81961
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
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renatumhall119, popey, hey guys I am trying to build file-manager-app using the ubuntu sdk but I am not able to install libsmbclient-dev on the click target22:15
renatucould you help me?22:15
=== salem_ is now known as _salem

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