
pavlushkaAlmost Morning Kilos !08:24
Kiloshehe hi pavlushka and others08:35
pavlushkawelcome Tuhin !08:45
KilosQA coffee on08:47
* QA starts grinding coffee08:47
Tuhinhi Kilos08:47
Kiloshi Tuhin 08:47
pavlushkaQA coffee please08:47
QApavlushka: Okay08:47
QACoffee's ready for Kilos and pavlushka!08:51
pavlushkaQA gracious08:51
QApavlushka: Excuse me?08:51
KilosQA ty08:51
QAOnly a pleasure Kilos08:51
pavlushkaQA gratis08:51
QApavlushka: Huh?08:51
pavlushkaQA thanks happy?08:51
QAno worries, pavlushka08:51
Kilosdoes that mean ty pavlushka 08:51
Kiloshere gratis means free08:52
pavlushkaKilos: my bad lol08:52
Kiloshopefully within a couple of months ibid will be rewritten then you can run one by you and teach it bangla08:53
Kilosor urdu08:53
pavlushkahaha, will leave the later one for Researcher- 08:54
Kiloshe will host it im sure08:54
Kilos   qa will be upgraded as well and still be qa08:55
pavlushkaKilos: I meant the Urdu part for Researcher- , :)08:56
walriderMy Android is connected to freenode finally15:54
walriderশু স্বাগতম পাভেল ভায় 16:02
pavlushkawalrider: thanks16:02
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: হেলু বুলবা না?16:03
walrideraudacius বাই এর অভ্র গেসে গা বলে 16:05
Kiloswb pavlushka 18:12
Kiloseveryone on irc has been quiet today18:12
pavlushkaKilos: thanks18:12
pavlushkaand yes, it looks like18:12
pavlushkaHello Tuhin__ !18:12
pavlushkaand AudaciousTUX 18:13
pavlushkaHow are we?18:13
Kiloswe are alive18:14
Kilosi was impressed with you last night Tuhin__ 18:14
Tuhin__our gov politicians have proven that they are  "politicians"18:14
Tuhin__what i did last night18:14
Kilosyour knowlege of isis and cia is rare amonst most people18:14
Tuhin__ah , i thought some1 might ban me18:15
Kilosthats what normally happens18:15
Tuhin__thanks for allowing me18:15
Tuhin__in a channel based on science , i was banned coz i said i am a muslim18:16
Kilosi know all about that stuff but one has to be careful where you talk about it or you also become a target for them18:16
Tuhin__the NWO/TPTB have hired in their spy agencies to monitor and persecute and ban  all truth 18:17
Kilosthe whole aim is to make christians and muslims hate each other so there wont be protests when they start wars18:17
Tuhin__u guys will like the movies "V for Vendetta" "The Equilibrium"18:17
Tuhin__so that muslims and christians kills each other and only devil/lucifer worshipping Jews stays alive and rules the world18:18
Tuhin__the ISIS thing is only helping Israel18:18
Tuhin__so that muslims and christians kills each other and only devil/lucifer worshipping Jews stays alive and rules the world'Greater ISrael" possible18:18
Kilosmainly the rich ones like bankers and the council of 30018:19
Tuhin__yeah they have soo many organizations in which they meet and decide their policy for mankind....18:19
Kiloswe, the little people cant do much about it, they are too powerful18:20
pavlushkaTuhin__: watched them all, thoughtful movies.18:20
Tuhin__btw, the NWO guys also are demon/devil/lucifer worshipers18:20
Tuhin__and they can use demons to take control of humans and cause them to do v v v bad things18:21
Kilosyes as is the uk queen and family and most usa poloticians18:21
Tuhin__now we got info that the 5 gulshan killers had "drug" in their system which sounds like "pentagon"18:21
Kilostheworld is in a bad way18:21
Kiloseven the pope says the world population must be lowered by 6 billion18:22
Tuhin__all these drugs and also alcohol makes the human body "loose" for the demon to take over and do nasty things18:22
Kilospentagon is totally evil18:22
Tuhin__the pope and the UK queen also said this is the last chritmas...18:22
Tuhin__dont know what they knows....18:23
Tuhin__they surely knows what is going to happen18:23
Kilosnot safe to chat here about that stuff18:23
Tuhin__i missed the #18:24
Tuhin__Kilos, ##information18:24
Tuhin__pavlushka, 18:25
Kilosok im there as well but will lurk only18:25
Kilosi try not get involved because i want to go see my daughter18:27
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX_: তুমি আরেকটা আইডি দিয়ে কেন login করে থাক? what purpose does it serve?19:04
pavlushkazaki: Hello19:04
Kilospavlushka do you know where ashabadi is? has he given up19:05
Kilosor just very busy19:06
AudaciousTUX_kisui na actually.... :p19:10
AudaciousTUX_ekhon abar apache kam kortechena... kopal amar.... grrr :319:11
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: তাইলে কেন খামোখা থাইকাও না থাকা? থাইকা থাক, সেইটাই যথেষ্ট, :p19:12
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: sudo service apache restart, কাজ করে না?19:12
zakihi everyone. :)19:12
AudaciousTUX_ow yee... kam korche :319:12
AudaciousTUX_udo systemctl restart httpd19:13
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: or sudo service apache stop && sudo service apache start,19:13
AudaciousTUX_systemctl... ami kotokkhon apache diya try korchi :319:13
AudaciousTUX_httpd hoibe19:13
zakiany Doctor Who lover's here?19:15
pavlushkazaki: no Doctor is here who's lover's here, :p19:15
zakii'm talking about a tv show. :(19:18
pavlushkazaki: yes, I am making fun of that TV show, ;p19:18
AudaciousTUX_pavlushka:  dekhen ? :o19:18
pavlushkana, time paina tv open korer19:19
zakiটিভি ওপেন করার টাইম আমিও পাইনা। :P19:20
AudaciousTUX_taile dekhen kemne?? youtube?? :319:24
zakiডাউনলোড করে দেখি। 19:25
pavlushkaKilos: you asked me a question, sorry I thought I already answered that, :|, no trace of ashabadi so far.19:41
Kilosi should have got his email address19:42
pavlushkanight guys!20:53

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