
mschoolbusHome entertainment just got frustrating again.00:18
tgm4883mschoolbus: what's your current state? I'm running on 16.04 currently00:28
mschoolbusi am having troubles with mysql updating00:30
mschoolbusi have reloaded probably 7 times today00:30
mschoolbuscurrently trying 14.04.4 with NO updates00:30
mschoolbusgoing to try to update to .28 repository00:32
mschoolbusi had a PC working great and i think lightning fried it :(00:32
tgm4883mschoolbus: let me know what issues you're having and we can try to work through them00:34
mschoolbusthank you. i plan on hitting it hard tomorrow as well lol. i would like a current install00:34
mschoolbusbut mysql-server-5.7 fails to upgrade and then everything breaks00:34
tgm4883fails to upgrade?00:35
tgm4883Are you trying a 14.04 to 16.04 upgrade?00:35
mschoolbusi did that previously successfully00:35
tgm4883ok, but you just said you are on 14.0400:36
tgm4883so why are you doing a 5.7 upgrade?00:36
mschoolbushowever, i did fresh 16.04 install. attempt to do all updates, and mysql-server gives me hell00:36
mschoolbuscurrently on 14.04.1   this is my 7th install today lol00:36
tgm4883That's a lot. Shouldn't be that difficult00:36
mschoolbusi know :-/ I have done this before a few times00:37
mschoolbusi hope to watch tv tonight00:44
tgm4883mschoolbus: so what's the currently state?00:44
mschoolbuswell, i am running apt-get upgrade moving 14.04.4 .27 to .2800:45
mschoolbusrebooting now00:46
tgm4883You probably want dist-upgrade instead of just upgrade, but we'll see how it goes00:46
mschoolbusi actually did :)00:46
mschoolbusmy next problem will be getting tv guide data back00:46
mschoolbusi dont pay for that service00:46
mschoolbusi had a cron job running something, iirc00:46
tgm4883good luck with that00:47
mschoolbusits working!!00:49
mschoolbusmythfrontend and kodi with mythtv pvr addon crash on my laptop, but my mk808b plus is working00:50
mschoolbusmy local mythtvfrontend keeps trying to connect to localhost and not my master backend00:53
mschoolbus2016-07-12 19:47:33.584202 I  MythCoreContext::ConnectCommandSocket(): Connecting to backend server: localhost:6543 (try 1 of 1)00:53
tgm4883mschoolbus: check ~/.mythtv/config.xml00:54
mschoolbusk, ty00:54
mschoolbushmm <host> is correct00:55
tgm4883check /etc/mythtv/config.xml ?00:55
mschoolbusdo i need username and password? i thought ihad some setting set to 0000 that required no pw00:55
tgm4883I forget which one it uses00:55
mschoolbusah ha, there is localhost00:56
mschoolbusstill didnt work00:57
mschoolbusat least i know my backend is working00:58
mschoolbusCan't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)01:01
mschoolbus(which is the backend IP)01:01
mschoolbusmy mk808b plus running openelec connects just fine01:02
mschoolbusbaseball on in the background01:02
mschoolbusIs EIT not included with all channels?01:08
mschoolbuswait.. now i have a bunch of guide data...01:17
mschoolbustgm4883, thank you for your help01:25

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