
superflyMaaz: tell Kilos you're late! :-P06:40
Maazsuperfly: Got it, I'll tell Kilos on freenode06:40
Kilosmorning everyone06:43
Kilossorry superfly  im here now06:44
superflyJust teasing06:44
Kilosjust some news06:44
Kilosvisa has been approved06:44
Kilosat last06:44
Kilosi ping pro to make the announcement when he was online as well but he got slack06:45
Kilosmost likely thought i had work for him06:45
Kilosvery cold here, water all iced up06:46
Kilosall good there superfly ?06:46
superflyYa, just got to work. First day back.06:47
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy paddatrapper inetpro tumbleweed and other lurkers06:48
Kiloslike theblazehen 06:48
theblazehenhi Kilos06:48
inetprogoeie more Kilos06:48
inetprooh and hi to each one of the others06:49
Kilossien jy die nuus inetpro 06:49
zippersuperfly: LOL06:52
Kiloshi zipper 06:53
zipperKilos: Hello06:53
zipperYo! Are you guys translating?06:53
zipperI haven't spoken to the lady in a long time06:53
Kilosi have no idea zipper been busy here06:54
zipperhmmmm everyone seems to be :)06:54
Kilosi got sort sheep06:56
chesedomorning all06:59
theblazehenAnyone know how to get in to a host that's having issues with kdbus?07:08
theblazehenIrc client is running inside a container inside it07:08
superflytheblazehen: and you don't have ssh access?07:09
theblazehenCan't ssh, and lxc list doesn't show anything07:09
theblazehenHad ssh until I ran `systemctl status`07:09
theblazehenWhen I straced virt-manager I got /sys/fs/kdbus/0-system/bus no such file or direcotry07:10
theblazehenOr similar07:10
theblazehenIt does respond to ping07:10
theblazehenHigh latency though07:11
theblazehenNevermind, latency is net connection07:11
theblazehenWas trying to get rid of frozen VMs, kill -9'd the qemu processes. Before that virt-manager wouldn't let me in07:11
theblazehenProcesses in containers work. Huh07:12
inetproKilos: nuus?07:13
theblazehenOld ssh connections also don't work07:14
paddatrapperHey Kilos07:19
andrewlsdhi theblazehen08:34
theblazehenHi andrewlsd08:34
andrewlsd`lxc exec container -- /bin/sh`08:35
andrewlsdaah, you were using libvirt's interface to lxc08:36
pavlushkaAhoy ZA!08:36
andrewlsdahoy pavlushka08:36
theblazehenNope, lxc runs on host08:36
theblazehenCould access containers themselves, but nothing on host08:36
pavlushkaahoy andrewlsd theblazehen Kilos inetpro chesedo 08:37
theblazehenhi pavlushka08:39
andrewlsdThe more I use Slack, the more I like Quassel+IRC08:39
pavlushkaha ha08:40
andrewlsdresource requirements for proper compiled applications seem much lower than a browser (chromium) electron-based web-app wrapper.08:40
andrewlsdand with Quassel I can connect via app, web, or (probably) even CLi 08:40
andrewlsdand Slack integrations are almost IRC bots.08:41
* andrewlsd goes back to lurk / work09:31
Kilosai! inetpro keep up man09:43
magespawngood morning09:57
Kiloshi magespawn you just made the morning09:58
chesedooh hi pavlushka10:00
magespawnthat is what life is all about, timing10:13
inetproKilos: how far back do you want me to read?10:15
inetproI'm old, you guys talk too much10:16
Kilosman, visa granted10:18
inetprooh ok, so what now?10:18
Kilosai! ek sukkel met my volk10:19
inetprowhen are you flying?10:19
inetprowhat are you waiting for?10:19
inetproare you at the airport yet?10:19
Kiloslol hopefully 1 sept10:19
inetprook :-)10:19
Kilosi cant go with this flu10:20
Kilosalso have to have chest xray on the 20th10:20
inetproyikes, but only September? That's a long time to wait10:20
Kilosi cant go makes them sick with a 3 month no die flu10:20
Kilosand august coldest month there10:21
inetprothen again, time flies... at least you now have something to look forward to10:21
Kilosdont wanna spend all my time wrapped up in blankets10:21
inetproyou'll get better quick, quick as well... now that you have the good news10:22
Kilosi hope so10:22
Kilosmy bags been packet since january hehe10:23
magespawnall good things come to those who wait10:30
Kiloshi Guest5193 why you a guest today jassen11:18
Kilosw b11:19
jaysenhi Kilos11:19
Kilosone has to be nice to guests11:19
Kiloshows things11:19
jaysen(: all good thanks11:19
Kiloshi qwebirc72271 15:03
Kiloswelocome to ubuntu-za15:03
Kiloswelcome as well15:03
qwebirc72271hey Kilos, Howzit. Used to be here witha different name but now fogort my logon details to IRC channel15:04
Kilosif you have forgotten your password the staff at #freenode can send you a mail to reset your password15:06
qwebirc72271Thanks, I am going to fix that but got a more pressing matter15:07
qwebirc72271Can't run Ubuntu on my 32GB drive but it runs well on my 8GB flash, When i boot up from it after install sometimes its very slow to log in or do anything or sometimes I don't get anything at all15:08
Kilosdo you need help with something?15:08
qwebirc72271Can't use the 8Gb anymore because I am running out of space on it for some of the software I use15:08
Kiloswhat release did you install to the 32GB15:09
qwebirc7227114.0.4 desktop15:09
Kiloswhat isnt it doing?15:10
qwebirc72271after installing, it asks me to reboot then after it reboots I can't access the OS, and when I can access the OS it is veeeeerrrrrryyyyyy slow that i can't actually do anything at all15:10
Kiloswhat did you use to install it with?15:11
qwebirc72271made the boot with Rufus15:12
qwebirc72271the after went throught the normal install 15:12
Kilosi dont know  that15:12
qwebirc72271let ubuntu did the partitioning and file systems alterations15:12
Kilosi have had installs that are slow but they normally speed up after update/upgrade15:13
Kilosyou can make an iso of your working 8G system with systemback15:13
Kiloswhere is this 32GB drive15:14
qwebirc72271Yeah SanDisk Blaze Cruzer15:14
Kilosnot perhaps in a slow usb port?15:15
Kilosi know my desktop has slow and faster usb ports15:15
Kilosusb 1 and 2 i think15:16
qwebirc72271I connect both of them to the same port directly on the motherboard, granted its not USB3.0 but on the 8GB its normal15:16
Kilosmaybe not a good install15:17
Kilosclever guys will know more15:17
qwebirc72271So now downloading 16.04 to see whats what maybe i messed up the install or the drive is "too'' big 15:18
Kilos32G should be fine15:18
Kilosmy 16G runs ok15:18
Kilosits just another drive, size shouldnt be a factor15:19
Sicelomay want to check with iotop/vmstat and similar tools15:20
qwebirc72271Hey Sicelo, what do those tools do?15:20
Sicelocheck the I/O stuff going on .. might help you identify what's slowing things down for you15:21
Siceloanyway, if you're downloading already, maybe that will just work fine by itself. good luck ;)15:21
qwebirc72271I can't even log on to the machine, the download just finished an hour later.... Roodepoort is pap15:22
Sicelonot even login to console? 0.o15:23
Kilosmaybe bad mbr on the stick15:27
qwebirc72271Not even console, can't get an P address15:28
Kilosmaybe boot from the 8GB and use that to format the 32GB15:29
Siceloyou don't need IP for that. i assume you put this USB drive in it, meaning you have physical access :)15:29
Siceloby console i meant: Ctrl+Alt+F1, or even single user mode15:30
Kilosif it cant boot then grub hasnt installed properly i would say15:30
Sicelobut yes, maybe a reinstall will help you quicker 15:30
Kilosqwebirc72271 make sure you format it to mbr15:32
qwebirc72271I can sometimes get to the grub and run diagnostics etc and can see the boot process and everything seems fine,I think reinstall is going to be the only way forward but I am going to lose some very important scripts that i have not backed up yet15:32
Kiloson the 32G15:32
Kilosyou been saving on the slow thing15:33
Siceloqwebirc72271: < Kilos> maybe boot from the 8GB and use that to format the 32GB  <=== when you're doing this, you can also copy your scripts :)15:33
Kilosty Sicelo 15:34
Kilosyeah save you scripts first then format with mkdosfs -F 32 -I /dev/sdbX or whatever /dev/it is15:36
Siceloi would think it's better to use linux partitions & filesystems .. either way, when reinstalling, this step will be automated15:37
qwebirc72271Thanks chaps, I am installing the 14.04 again on the 8Gb. Can't install 16.04 as it needs more space than 8GB15:37
Sicelodidn't you say the 8GB is fine?15:38
KilosSicelo wont that command get the mbr sorted15:40
qwebirc72271Yeah it is but the one I have keeping it safe for now and going to use this other one just to see what I can get from other stick... realised I am getting myself mixed up here so from now on the Working 8GB will be A and the 32 will be B and the new 8 will be C and the one with the scripts will be D15:40
Kilosi use disk utility to first format to mbr and then do the install on ext415:40
Kiloslol yeah good idea qwebirc72271 15:41
Sicelolol .. so there aren't two sticks :P15:42
Kilosno 315:42
SiceloKilos: i'm no expert either, but when you go ext4 from FAT, the partition tables will be completely rewritten, nuking anything mkdosfs will have done15:43
qwebirc72271The thing is I use Ubuntu for alot of data rescure sometimes to remote clients so I end up with lots of these memory sticks lying around that we somtimes ship to clients who are in trouble15:43
Sicelothat's my understanding15:44
Kilosnot the mbr15:44
Kilosthat just gets grub info added15:44
Sicelookay. i didn't know :)15:45
CryterionHi everyone15:46
Kiloshi Cryterion 15:47
CryterionHere's an interesting read http://deepdot53faojvzi.onion/2015/10/21/the-dark-web-is-on-the-rise-in-south-africa/15:47
Cryterionheya Kilos15:47
Sicelohi hi Cryterion 15:47
* Sicelo looks for his Tor install .. haven't used in a while now15:48
Cryterionhi Sicelo, don't believe we've met yet15:48
Cryterionmine's bottom right on taskbar15:48
Kilosthe guys met him at debconf Cryterion 15:48
Siceloi believe so, yes15:48
CryterionOk, kwl, work got busy, so couldn't make it to capetown myself unfortunately15:49
Kilosi  cant open that link15:50
SiceloKilos: using tor?15:50
Kilosi dont even know what tor is15:50
Kilosi tried 3 browsers15:50
Siceloit's a tor link 15:50
Sicelouse Tor Browser for example15:51
CryterionKilos, duck it ;)15:51
Cryterionmaaz: google tor browser15:51
MaazCryterion: I'm not feeling too well15:51
Kilosbots cant see google anymore15:52
Kilosgoogle changed something15:52
Cryterionmaaz: search tor browser15:52
MaazCryterion: I couldn't find anything that matched 'tor browser'15:52
Kilospaddatrapper is working on it15:52
Cryterionwe must switch him to DuckDuckGo then15:52
Kilosthats what he is doing15:53
CryterionKilos https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en15:53
Kilosand also sorting the upgrading to python 3 i think15:53
paddatrapperKilos: not really the python 3 upgrade, just allowing it to run on newer distros that 12.0415:55
Kiloswell you are improving it, thats whats important15:56
Sicelopaddatrapper: i'm limping as of yesterday :p15:56
Siceloi guess i should blame you, haha15:56
Kilosso do you use the tor thing all the time then15:57
Sicelome? no. haven't used it in a loooog time. i use reverse ssh proxy daily though15:58
CryterionNo, depends on what I want to do15:58
Cryteriononly way to access dark web anyway15:58
Kiloswhat is the dark web?15:59
Cryterionhidden internet15:59
Kilosbad peeps or what15:59
Kiloshidden from who?15:59
Cryterionanything and everything15:59
Kilosoh my15:59
Cryterionhidden from everyone, all are anonymous15:59
Cryterioneven duckduckgo.com has a dark copy of itself16:00
Kilosyou mean everyone is hidden from everyone16:00
SiceloTails is actually a Debian-derived OS which routes every single packet via Tor by default :)16:01
Cryterionyes, no ip info etc, client and server do not know who each other are16:01
CryterionNice 16:01
Kilosthat can upset facebook and google a bit16:02
Sicelothey embraced it .. it's bigger than they are ;)16:03
Siceloif you can't beat them, join them :p16:03
Kiloswont the bouncing all over use more of my data16:04
Cryterionslightly more, but it's bouncing in isp's etc, not back and forth to you 5 times16:05
Sicelono. i was even using it on my phone at one time .. the only penalty is speed - tor is slower than direct conections16:05
Cryterionif I ask duckduck what's my ip, I get which is the exit node after bouncing16:06
Cryterionslightly bigger packet due to the encryption layers, but yes hardly noticable16:07
Kilosnew ibids will use ddg16:07
Cryterionif I was doing something wrong atm, then I'd be identified as 2016-07-13 08:50 AM kelliefe60 kelliefe60@epsilon.xray.livefreemail.top [United States] 16:09
* Sicelo goes afk16:11
Cryterionand you can just push a button, new network circuit made on the fly16:12
Kiloswhy dont they just mke a .deb file16:13
Kiloswhat a business16:13
Sicelosomeone will want an RPM :p16:14
Cryterionapt-get install tor 16:15
Kilosthats was easy ty16:16
Cryterionnp ;)16:16
Kilosi used aptitude though16:17
Kiloseish now it wont start with  ./start-tor-browser.desktop or when i tick the run tor goodie in launcher16:22
Kiloshi magespawn 16:23
magespawnhi Kilos 16:26
Kilospower gone16:39
Kiloswho knows what pta power peeps do17:14
magespawnchat later, home time18:10
Kilosgo safe18:10
superflyo/ Sicelo18:38
superflyo/ paddatrapper18:38
superflybye Cryterion, magespawn18:38
Kiloshi divansantana 18:49
Kilosyou got mail superfly 18:58
Kiloshi Langjan 19:06
Kiloswhat broke19:06
superflyI see19:07
LangjanHi Kilos hoe gaan dit?19:07
Kilosredelik dankie en jy?19:07
Langjanmy wallet19:07
Langjangoed dankie, hoekom redelik - wats fout?19:07
Kilosgriep eintlik erger19:07
Kilosmiskien is dit nie giep nie19:07
Kilosgaan die 20ste vir bors xstrale19:08
LangjanAi man, dit kan nie so lank aanhou nie19:08
Kilosnee dit moet iets anders wees19:08
Kilosmaar ek nie eintlik kwaai siek nie, net hoes en seer bors en news look heelwat19:09
Langjannews look heelwat?19:10
Kilosnees loop nie news look nie19:10
Langjanlmga, dog net jy het 'n nuwe patent-siekte uitgevind19:10
Kilosek moet gou gesong word nou, kannie siek oorgaan nie19:11
LangjanJa vir seker19:11
Langjanhet jy al vlugplanne?19:11
Kilosons kyk na 1 sept19:12
Kilosseun sal kom uitwerk vir my wanneer hy kans kry19:12
Kiloskaartjies is duur met ons sterk rand19:13
Kiloswat se jou vensters vriend met die glazed hardskyf19:13
LangjanOK klink goed, maar eers gesond word. Jy het goeie immuniteitbouers nodig na al die antibiotika19:14
Kilosgaan more probeer egte yoghurt kry19:15
Kilosmet goggas in19:15
LangjanHy is baie bly, ek het Zoris-11-Lite afgelaai om vir hom te laat probeer  - lyk blykbaar baie na Windoze 7 19:15
LangjanJy kry by Checkers, maar probeer onversoete een kry19:15
Kilosdis wat ek se egte19:16
LangjanEk wil daai Zoris op my spaar hardeskyf laai en vir hom insit om te test drive19:16
Kilosek ken dit nie19:17
Langjanek ook nie19:17
Kiloswaar het jy daarvan gehoor19:17
Langjanmaar dit lyk blykbaar soos win 719:17
Kiloshi nsnzero 19:17
nsnzerohi all 19:17
Langjanhi nsnzero 19:17
Kilosnee man mors my data19:18
Langjanwie ek?19:18
nsnzerohi Kilos and Oom Langjan19:18
Kiloso jy het dit by google gevind19:18
Kilosvir wat het jy gegoogle19:18
Kiloslinux os that looks like win 719:19
Langjanja dis reg19:19
LangjanStuur vir my jou posadres asb ek gaan vir jou mootie stuur19:20
Kilosnou skkam jy jou nie om van dit hier te gesels nie19:20
Langjanek gesels dan nou hier19:20
Langjansorry boss19:20
Kilosdo you remember the pm thing Langjan ?19:22
Langjanpm thing?19:23
Kilosprivaat boodskap19:23
Kilosprivate message19:23
Kilosthats where you give email addresses etc19:23
Kilossome peeps talk naughty there but im to old to be naughty19:24
Kilossuperfly i hadnt read it all, is the needed info in that mail?19:39
superflyKilos: all I wanted to know is if anyone is doing it yet, and if not, I'll do it.19:40
Kilosnope we were supposed to get back to maia with events info19:40
Kilosthats the only way to get sticks19:41
nsnzerohow do i get a stick ?19:47
Kilosthey can be bought individually, but canonical supplies a limitted number for official events19:47
nsnzeronice - how can i get an invite to the event ?19:48
Kilosevents are announced here or in our mailing list19:50
Kiloshave you joined yet?19:50
Kilosnsnzero have you joined out mailing list and on LP19:51
nsnzeroi am on the mailing list19:51
Kilosok then just watch mails19:52
Kilosi think everyone is a bit busy for events but we should have a 16.04 release party19:52
nsnzeroKilos: noted - i will have to gate crash - i am on kubuntu 19:53
Kilosi am also on kubuntu19:54
Kilosdidnt you hear19:54
Kilosapartheid died years ago19:54
Kilosgo to that link and join us on launchpad19:55
Kilosthe fly and pro only use kde as well19:55
nsnzerosigned up 20:05
Kiloswelcome on board20:06
nsnzeroKilos: it wont verify my email when i click the link in the verification email20:10
Kilosoh my20:10
Kilosfrom launchpad?20:10
nsnzeroKilos: not to worry had to copy and paste the link in the browser - i am in - now what ?20:14
Kilosin where?20:14
Kilosi need to see things to know what you are doing20:14
nsnzerolol - i mean i am registered on ubuntu one 20:16
Kiloshave you joined the za team in launchpad20:16
nsnzeroKilos: when do i get my badge and sticker for my car ? :P20:18
paddatrappersuperfly: ahoi20:18
paddatrapperFinally home20:18
superflypaddatrapper: what did you parents say about your hair?20:19
nsnzerohi pada20:19
Kilosyou get a badge when you apply for ubuntu membership20:19
nsnzerohi paddatrapper20:19
paddatrappernsnzero: I also use KDE 20:19
Kiloshahaha paddatrapper which blue hair is you , the fat or the skinny one20:19
paddatrappersuperfly: after the stunned silence - laugh and post it on Facebook 20:20
Kilossee nsnzero kde rules here20:20
paddatrapperKilos: The thinner one on the right 20:20
nsnzeroso we are the 3 wise men of the lot ?20:20
Kilosmust have been a shock for then20:20
paddatrapperPretty longish hair 20:20
Kilosah now i know what you look like'20:20
Kilosty for those pics20:20
paddatrapperIt was. Hadn't told them before hand 20:21
paddatrapperNo problem 20:21
Kiloshaha shame man20:21
paddatrapperWaiting for the rest to be uploaded 20:21
Kilosall those guys were who and from where20:21
Kiloseven one pink hair20:23
Kilosbuncha weirdos20:23
paddatrapperSome from SA - the other standing blue haired guy (highvoltage), tumbleweed, superfly and others. Others from Europe and America 20:24
paddatrapperThe pink hair is indiebio (CT) 20:24
Kiloswhen you bored name them left to right starting back row20:24
nsnzeroany links to the pics ?20:25
Kilosnot now its bed time20:25
paddatrapperLol. Ok will do20:25
paddatrappernsnzero: I'll have to find it again later 20:27
Kilosnsnzero i dont see you in latest members on LP20:28
nsnzerohold on let me check20:35
nsnzeroi am there in the pending section (pending me receiving my badge and bumper sticker)20:39
Kilosok done20:39
Kilosi forgot we changed that20:40
Kiloshad to be changed to moderated for security from spammers20:40
Kilosbumper stickers we can give you a link for the images and you can print your own20:41
Kilosnsnzero http://spreadubuntu.org20:42
Kilosi crash now20:44
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:44
nsnzeroperfect - good night all20:46

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