
Jordan_Uknoppix: Welcome to #ubuntu. If you have an Ubuntu related support question, feel free to just ask it :)00:03
minimecknoppix: we read you....00:03
knoppixNo, I don't have much questions, I'm new with Linux, and I'm trying all kind of Distos.. I'm trying Knoppix right now. and looking to dish windows, because of their forced, controlling ways to get their Windows 10 on my computer without warning.00:16
knoppixI've tried Ubuntu ... version 16 ... I think.00:16
knoppixthe very latest one, tried Fedora, hum... many others.. just testing the one that fits best for my needs..00:17
knoppixya, so that's that. Thank you all for listening.00:18
setuidDMA, crazy, the logs are roughly identical... they only differ by timestamp and bytes sent00:18
setuidso what is it that is permitting key-only auth, only when an active ssh session is presesnt on B?00:18
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setuidThe first ssh from B -> C doesn't even try my keys, the second one ONLY uses my keys00:22
setuidthis is a clean, off-the-cd install of 14.04 server on both boxes, no files were changed or edited00:22
DMABoth? What about the third machine?00:23
mutantessh from B -> C sounds like that's between 2 remote machines. is agent forwarding enabled?  do you ssh with -A option to B first?00:23
DMAsetuid: and for the final explanation: beats me. Evidently there's something odd (a config in the user's directory? a bug?) but I don't know enough about SSH's config files, auth modules and behaviours to find a north for your research00:23
setuidSoooo weird. Nothing in either user's $HOME, I even wiped out ~/.ssh/ and re-generated keys, re-ran ssh-copy-id, still does the same00:24
setuidA -> B -> C, C prompts for auth the first ssh in, but if I leaave that shell connected, and then ssh A -> B -> C while the first shell is open, B -> is logged in unauthenticated00:25
setuidit's bizarre00:25
The_puppeteeris anyone familiar with openvpn or can point me to the right channel?00:26
DMAThe_puppeteer: #openvpn00:30
DMAI'm familiar with it but I try the software-specific channels first00:30
The_puppeteerk thx00:31
DMAsetuid: wipe .ssh and do not use ssh-copy-id, try cat id_rsa.pub, copy, paste it into authorized_keys and chmod 640 it00:31
LoshkiThe_puppeteer: might try ##linux, but they're a cranky bunch00:31
DMAI did that two weeks ago and works like a charm, no complicatons at all00:32
setuid640? should be 0600, no?00:32
TrinityI was reading about possible exploits on ubuntu and came across this. http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/reset-your-forgotten-ubuntu-password-in-2-minutes-or-less/00:38
Trinityhow would this be possible since Ubuntu disables root login by default?00:38
DMAsetuid: I *think* authorized_keys gotta be 640; id_rsa has to be 600, iirc.00:39
naccTrinity: you're not logging in, in that example00:39
naccTrinity: generally speaking, if a malicious person has access to your system physically, you're probably not in a great place :)00:40
DMAAnyway, I always enable StrictModes, so if I mess up the permissions key-auth won't work, hehe00:40
mutanteTrinity: physical access is always root00:40
Trinityright, but not if the disk is encrypted correct?00:41
mutanteright, yes00:41
naccTrinity: correct, but then it wouldn't have dropped you to a shell in that example00:41
naccTrinity: at least, not a shell with the fs mounted00:41
mutantethere might be other crazy attacks, like taking the crypto key out of RAM00:41
Trinityso who would the user be in that shell?00:41
naccTrinity: in what shell?00:41
Trinityfrom the article I linked00:42
naccTrinity: in the article linked, the physical console shell user is root00:42
TrinityAh I see, correct me if i'm wrong, but the console shell user is root for grub but not the OS stored on the file system. It's just that the file system is mounted and they can thus edit data on the File System right?00:43
mutanteTrinity: "disabled root login" as in "sshd does not let root login"00:43
naccTrinity: grub doesn't hav ea user associated00:43
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mutanteTrinity: but when you are local at the console, that is not sshd00:43
naccTrinity: console shell is physical access to the system (and what that means does depend on if fileystems are mounted); and what user you login as (recovery shell is the root user), but that has nothing to do with grub, really00:44
naccTrinity: in the example you linked to, there is no protection on the filesystems, so having physical console access (grub console) means you can force the system to boot into recovery mode, which in turn means you can access the filesystem(s) as root00:46
naccTrinity: but, as I said, if you have a malicious user physically accessing your system, of course your system is compromised00:46
Trinitynacc, I guess i'm just trying to figure out the flow of processes. Thank you for giving me a great an elaborate explanation :)00:47
mutanteTrinity: if you encrypt the filesystem people will have to type a password before they get to that grub screen00:47
naccit might depend on if it's full-disk encryption or not, but it might be after grub too ... but either way, they'd have to decrypt the fs00:48
naccbefore access, that is00:48
naccTrinity: but if they have physical access to your system, they could also, presumably, reinstall your system or do something else devious :)00:48
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daw__I deleted my rhythmbox play queue accidentally. How do I get it back?00:56
DMAdaw__: I'm not sure, note that. If you haven't closed rhythmbox, you might find the file where it's saved and load it again. If you closed the program, probably it got overwritten and getting it back would be not worth it (imho),00:58
daw__I don't need the stuff in it00:58
setuidDMA, Looks like the issue was C was built with an encrypted $HOME00:58
daw__but the functionality to add things to the queue is gone00:58
setuidDMA, so ~/.ssh/authorized_keys doesn't exist until that first ssh session decrypts $HOME and makes them visible00:59
daw__although, your suggestion about opening and closing it made me think...maybe just closing it and opening it will regenerated it00:59
daw__which it did! thanks DMA!00:59
DMAdaw__: well, I'm glad, I thought Rhythmbox would write the current queue to disk on closing (saving it as an empty list), but as it didn't you got it back :)01:02
DMAsetuid: I'm glad you found the problem. Definitely $HOME being encrypted is a bit uncommon, so there you have. You might leave it like that or fromat it again with a plain FS of your choice.01:03
setuidI'm rebuilding the boxes without encrupted home01:03
setuidthat'ss going to break more than just this01:04
DMAIf sshd runs locally on host C, I'm wondering why can't it just read $HOME01:04
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DMAIsn't it mounted? Isn't the decryption key available on RAM for processes to access the FS? Anyway, not my priority right now, hehe01:05
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setuidbecause /home/setuid/ isnt' decrypted, so it can't parse /home/setuid/.ssh/authorized_keys01:07
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nelson_anyone else getting an "out of range" message displaying on your monitor when trying to install Ubuntu 16.04?01:11
gbaker_I've never seen that problem01:13
setuidIt means your graphics card is pushing a resolution your monitor can't support01:13
nelson_setuid, this error also happens when i try to install Fedora 24.. but does not occur with Windows 1001:14
gbaker_I've had mine go blank, the only way I could get it to work was by adding "nomodeset" in the grub command01:15
nelson_gbaker_, I was messing around with that option a few weeks ago and after booting into Ubuntu I wasn't able to install the Nvidia drivers from the additional drivers section01:16
setuidnelson_, because Linux tries to maximize the quality of the experience, by asking the card what max resolution/quality it can support, not querying the monitor and matching that with the graphics01:16
setuidWindows 10 is like... those kids rides at the front of the supermarket, where you rock back and forth on a dinosaur for $0.50, vs. Linux, which is like test driving a Tesla.01:17
gbaker_What I did was added the nomodeset and prior to install I installed the nvidia drivers, then before I rebooted from the install I added nomodeset to the fresh install01:17
setuidThe NVIDIA drivers lock up X when it tries to start on my Dell Precision 7510, but nouveau works fine01:18
setuidMy lappie has 2 video cards: Intel and NVIDIA01:19
gbaker_Mine only has Nvidia cards01:19
nelson_gbaker_, trying to understand. So you added nomodeset to boot the installer and then after it was installed you installed the nvidia drivers01:19
nelson_and then added nomodeset again?01:19
gbaker_I added nomodeset to grub before I rebooted from the install01:20
nelson_gbaker_, and before the reboot you installed the nvidia drivers?01:21
gbaker_The reason I installed the nvidia drivers before I started the install from the live disk is because the software rendering was causing it to crash01:22
nelson_ohh i see01:22
gbaker_After the install was over and it was rebooted I had to install them again01:22
nelson_gbaker_, ok cool, i might give that a try. Really weird though.. when i had nomodeset none of the nvidia drivers were listed under the available driver menu01:23
nelson_"additional drivers" menu01:24
gbaker_I just changed over to Mint this week to see how it worked with my intel raid... before I had to do mdadm. The new Mint recognized my intel raid right away :)01:24
nelson_gbaker_, nice01:28
gbaker_with the raid hdparm gave me  Timing cached reads:   24276 MB in  2.00 seconds = 12149.30 MB/sec01:30
gbaker_and Timing buffered disk reads: 2516 MB in  3.00 seconds = 838.09 MB/sec01:30
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backspacewhat is the best way to develop websites?01:38
gbaker_No clue01:39
YankDownUnder"Plan the work, work the plan" -> that is the first step.01:39
backspacehtml,css, js, etc or django?01:39
YankDownUnderThat is a choice YOU have to make according to what you wish to accomplish.01:40
Ben64you're in the wrong channel, this is Ubuntu support01:40
tgm4883best way to develop websites. 1) find programmer that knows how to develop websites 2) Tell them you can't pay them but they will get good exposure01:40
gbaker_I would suggest taking a html class before anything01:40
tgm4883No, I'm kidding. Please don't do that. Ever.01:40
YankDownUnderHTML is great because (drum roll) you CAN'T INFECT IT! :) It's static, it's fast.01:40
irregularhi guys, I ran sudo apt-get install --fix-broken and my terminal turned into this https://snag.gy/tYGKX2.jpg01:40
irregularwhat do I do to proceed from this screen?01:41
Ben64hit ok01:41
tgm4883irregular: hit tab, then hit enter01:41
gbaker_what he just said01:41
tgm4883irregular: yw01:41
irregularI had a huge red error icon on my top right for over a week since i cancelled out of that ugh01:42
tgm4883I only know of these issues because I've ran into the exact issues before01:42
irregularyou are the hero for those that come after you01:43
YankDownUnderbackspace: A few months ago, I was part of a "planning" group on putting together a website. We outlined exactly what we wanted the website to do - flowcharted it - and then used that information to progress to what we wanted for backend stuff (database drive stuff). Then after that was decided, we proceeded to GUI and ergonomics and media/graphics...works a charm when you have a plan.01:44
tgm4883irregular: If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants01:44
jakesyl_mobileHey ive been trying to01:47
jakesyl_mobileMy computer for 3 hours and it keeps flashing this https://imgur.com/a/MYUnU01:47
backspacehmmm. I see..01:48
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gavriIs it possible to turn off HiDPI scaling on a need basis? I'm using a MacBook Pro with a Retina screen and would like to turn scaling off when I use the external monitor at work.02:00
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isaac_what the hell is this for?02:10
daxubuntu technical support02:11
isaac_thank you!02:11
ycyclistHow do I get rid of open java and install the Oracle one that works?02:12
ycyclistPerhaps do I need to reinstall the whole OS?02:14
nelson_so i booted a new ubuntu 16.10 installation using nomodeset and looks like unity crashed02:14
wgdvsanyone else having lag/slow performance on rpi3 with mate install?02:14
ycyclistHmm.  Glad I stayed with 16.04.02:15
ycyclistI thought Ubuntu had a direct apt install for Oracle java nowadays.02:16
ycyclistPerhaps did it go away?02:17
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tewardycyclist: licensing reasons meant it couldn't be kept in the repos, I believe02:20
tewardycyclist: that said, there *is* a PPA which provides packages which are basically installation scripts which will download the tarballs from Oracle and install them manually.  That said, I think Oracle said the OpenJDK favors of Java are just as good02:20
ycyclistMakes sense.  Still, I cannot seem to remove openjdk.02:20
christanhi guys02:20
ycyclistPerhaps they are, but they are not working.  I'd rather use stuff that works.02:21
tewardycyclist: some things depend on it for the packages' runtime or build deps I think - you'd have to change the alternatives for `java` and `javac` instead02:21
tewardand even then I can't guarantee success02:21
ycyclistapt sees no java, javac, nor openjdk packages.02:22
tewardjava and javac are programs, they're not packages02:22
tewardthey're *provided* by the java stuff lol.02:23
tewardyep that's the openjdk one02:23
tewardthere won't be any oracle java in the repos though02:23
nelson_ok so i booted with nomodeset and i dont have the option to install the nvidia drivers from the additional drivers menu02:23
nelson_this is the second time i have tried this process and am getting stuck in the same spot02:24
christanHow to Dos a website ? step by step.02:24
christanclose website02:24
Jordan_Uchristan: Nobody in this channel is going to help you with that.02:24
Jordan_Uchristan: If you ask again, you will be banned.02:25
christanok sorry about that02:25
christanso what channel would it be ?02:25
Jordan_Uchristan: None on this network, and this channel won't help you find such resources either.02:26
christanok thanks02:26
nelson_has anyone run into the video problem that i described? Surely I cant be the only one02:27
lpotterI suppose you could close a website by running freedos or even msdos on it02:27
Jordan_Unelson_: Are you really trying to install Ubuntu 16.10?02:28
ycyclistInteresting, I removed the jdk but I am still seeing java executeable installed.02:28
nelson_Jordan_U, sorry I meant Ubuntu 16.0402:29
nelson_It's installed but I cant boot without the nomodeset option, and then when that is enabled I no longer have the option to install the nvidia drivers from the additional drivers tool02:30
Jordan_Uycyclist: dpkg -S $(which java)02:30
Jordan_Unelson_: Are you trying to install the Nvidia drivers before installing Ubuntu?02:30
ycyclistdpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /usr/bin/java02:31
nelson_Jordan_U, Ubuntu is installed and I can boot to the desktop now with the nomodeset option enabled..otherwise I just get an "out of range" error produced by my monitor02:31
ycyclistroot@youboo:~# java -version openjdk version "1.8.0_91" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_91-8u91-b14-0ubuntu4~16.04.1-b14) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.91-b14, mixed mode)02:31
ycyclistSo Ubuntu doesn't know about it anymore.  Drag.02:31
Jordan_Uycyclist: How did you uninstall java?02:32
ycyclistapt-get remove openjdk-8-jdk02:32
nelson_i am trying this02:35
budderhey all02:36
nelson_didnt work ugh02:36
budderinstalling ubuntu will not reformat my drive right? as in I don't necessarily need to back up all my stuff02:36
Jordan_Ubudder: You should always have important data backed up, no matter what you're doing.02:37
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hanasakiany support for aufs?02:53
Jordan_Uhanasaki: Please ask you question. If anyone can answer/help they will.02:54
hanasakiJordan_U:  "is there any support for aufs in ubuntu?"02:55
Jordan_Uhanasaki: IIRC it's used for the LiveCD/USB sessions, so yes.02:55
Elec_AHi, Is this PPA safe : https://launchpad.net/~gregory-hainaut/+archive/pcsx2.official.ppa ?02:56
hanasakiI was going to use it for docker backend storage.  how do you format a partition for aufs?02:56
Jordan_Uhanasaki: You don't. Aufs isn't a fileystem in that sense. It combines the contents of two directories into a third directory mounted elsewhere. Those two directories can be held on any filesystem you choose (as far as I know).02:57
serialnutsCould somebody recommend a good backup method for a hardware raid 0 setup? I've been looking online and haven't found a concrete answer. Thanks02:58
serialnutsor should I go for an LVM setup and do snapshots instead?03:00
Jordan_Userialnuts: LVM snapshots in and of themselves aren't backups.03:01
tgm4883serialnuts: proper backups don't care about raid levels03:01
serialnutsJordan_U, this only concerns the root file system03:01
Jordan_Userialnuts: LVM snapshots still aren't backups. Maybe you don't need backups for your root filesystem, but if so you need to explain what you're actually looking for if not backups.03:02
daw__anybody got any ideas on fixing Google Hangouts? the webrtc tests work on Chrome (and Firefox), but Hangouts doesn't work. Skype works fine.03:04
serialnutsJordan_U, Sure, I need to test things out, which might break the system. I need a way to restore to an earlier 'session' on this particular workstation.03:04
nelson_if i boot with nomodeset i cant install the nvidia drivers from the additional drivers menu.. if i boot without nomodeset i get out of range error when booting and I cant see anything but a black screen03:04
nelson_any advice?03:04
serialnutsJordan_U, and it is only the root file system that I need restored03:04
tgm4883serialnuts: clonezilla maybe? What are you trying to test03:05
serialnutsJordan_U, I tried clonezilla at first, I got an error while trying to restore. It did't work well with hardware raid03:06
serialnutsJordan_U, I've used clonezilla before without raid and it has worked fine03:06
Jordan_Userialnuts: If you're OK with using a somewhat unstable filesystem (which, if you're using RAID0, it sounds like you probably are) then btrfs snapshots would be the most space efficient, as well as being the easiest to roll back.03:06
serialnutsJordan_U, Thank you so much, I will look into it03:07
Jordan_Userialnuts: You're welcome.03:08
Jordan_Userialnuts: I've been using btrfs for a year or two and I love it (though I did run into one issue with symlinks being turned into links to the empty string, '', due to a power outage. That bug has since been fixed).03:09
serialnutsJordan_U, I am reading about it right now and it sounds as if it will be fit for what I am doing03:10
Jordan_Userialnuts: I haven't used any of the GUI tools for managing snapshots, but creating snapshots is easy and managing them is as easy as litterally managing directories. I've heard good things about snapper if you'd like a GUI and some automation.03:11
serialnutsJordan_U, I'd love the automating stuff, I prefer more verbose output though, so maybe I'll give the  the GUI a shot :]03:12
plop_its_elliedoes this channel cover the official ubuntu varients (like xubuntu, ubuntu mate...)?03:18
theoremany clues what might cause a 16.04 box to complain that the network is not up from network-manager ?  then minutes later, it says everything is fine ?03:23
theoremit was woring flawlessly with 15.1003:23
plop_its_ellietheorem, is this after sleep/suspend?03:24
theoremthis is immediately after startup03:24
theoremI haven't tried sleep/suspend03:24
plop_its_ellietheres a glaring bug in 16.04 that causes the network interface to disappear after sleep03:24
plop_its_ellieidk why that bug is there or how it made it pass QA in the first place...03:25
theoremwhat's really weird is that the interface IS up.  it has an IP addres, routes, everything I can even SSH into the box03:25
theorembut network manager waits around and still says it's down03:25
theoremwhat QA ?03:25
plop_its_elliegood point lol03:25
arooniis there an ubuntu irc client that works with ZNC?03:25
theoremZNC ?03:25
plop_its_elliebut i meant how did the guys at canonical not notice that or let that make in into the final release03:26
plop_its_elliearooni, any irc client should work with it03:26
theoremplop_its_ellie: probably how every other bug makes it in .. they missed it03:26
arooniis xchat still the 'best' client for ubuntu03:26
theoremarooni: no, irssi is03:26
plop_its_ellietheorem, its a self hosted irc bouncer03:26
plop_its_elliearooni, thats subjective03:26
arooniah its terminal based03:27
theoremarooni: yes, the best.03:27
arooniwhats the advantage of that?03:27
aroonilooks good in tmux?03:27
arooniover a gui app03:27
theoremarooni: no gui to foof about with.03:27
theoremand it works with screen03:27
plop_its_elliearooni, you can have znc on a server logged in 24-703:27
plop_its_elliethen just connect to your bouncer froma client like hexchat03:27
plop_its_elliei mean have the znc bouncer on a server03:28
plop_its_ellieand it can just stay logged in 24-703:28
arooniso can i connect two clients to the same znc server03:28
arooniso i sort of have simultaneous updates without the need for a separate freenode account03:28
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plop_its_ellieyea you could have multiple clients03:29
plop_its_ellieidk how it works with one irc account tho03:29
plop_its_ellieno actually it should work fine03:29
plop_its_ellieso for example you have one znc instance on a server, then you can have an irc client logged in on your phone, laptop, desktop, or any other device... all connected to znc03:30
aroonithats hot stuff03:30
plop_its_ellieand znc is logged into irc with your account, networks, channels...03:30
arooniwhat about this03:30
plop_its_ellieyep :)03:31
arooniif i join a new channel on one client, will it auto propagate to other clients?03:31
aroonicuz if it doesnt, it should03:31
plop_its_elliearooni, yea it should03:31
codepython777where can i download all the current .deb files for 14.04.4?03:32
codepython777and preferably keep them in sync?03:32
aroonii guess i should thank my lucky stars i had a flakey router firmware (ive finally fixed that yay) so i could find out about znc03:32
plop_its_elliearooni, you can run znc on something like a vps03:33
arooniplop_its_ellie i already have it setup on one03:33
aroonii just didnt know it was for more than flakey connections03:33
aroonias i finally fixed my stupid router; so i was wondering if there was any sense keeping it around03:33
theoremarooni: installed openwrt ?03:34
plop_its_ellieif you can put open source firmware on it then why not03:34
plop_its_ellieotherwise you can turn off the router stuff like dhcp and use it as an access point03:34
arooniwell; yes except openwrt failed pretty hard on it;  disconnects every 10 minutes when dhcp from dsl modem rewnewed lease03:34
aroonibut i got some padavan firmware on it now and i've got a nice stable connection03:35
codepython777where can i download all the current .deb files for 14.04.4?03:35
aroonithat was a guess03:35
arooniso dont hate me if it didnt work03:35
codepython777arooni - cant find it there03:35
plop_its_elliecodepython777, you mean update to 14.04?03:36
codepython777I just need a flat list of all .deb files for a particular release03:36
plop_its_ellieer update to 14.04.4?03:36
codepython77714.04.4 LTS03:36
plop_its_elliecodepython777, http://packages.ubuntu.com/03:36
codepython777a flat list to download03:36
codepython777plop_its_ellie: Its one package link on that page. I need a directory with all .deb files03:36
codepython777from which i can run sync03:36
plop_its_elliethat has all debs and source debs for all the packages03:37
plop_its_ellieer for all the releases i mean03:37
plop_its_elliewell current ones03:37
codepython777plop_its_ellie: is there a directory there, which i can rsync locally ?03:37
plop_its_elliecodepython777, you can rsync from there, there are download mirrors03:37
codepython777plop_its_ellie: command please?03:37
plop_its_elliecodepython777, so you find a specific package you need and then it shows you lists of mirrors where you can download the package from03:38
codepython777plop_its_ellie: that is not what i need?03:38
codepython777plop_its_ellie: I need a directory with all .deb files - a flat list03:38
plop_its_elliecodepython777, all the debs in the release?03:39
codepython777seems like packages are in their own subdirectories03:39
codepython777plop_its_ellie: all the .deb that apt-get can get to for 14.04.4?03:39
codepython777plop_its_ellie: http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gsfonts/- for example here is one .deb file03:41
plop_its_elliecodepython777, there in the mirrors, here is an example03:41
codepython777I would have liked all .deb files in one directory03:41
plop_its_ellieoh you found it03:41
codepython777no - that is one directory per one deb file03:41
plop_its_ellieoh yea03:41
plop_its_ellieidk if what you are looking for exists03:41
plop_its_elliebut you can make one :)03:42
theoremnetwork manager still sucks03:42
brohanHi All. I have a failing HDD. I am currently backing up my /home dir which was on it's own parition. WHen I do a clean install of Ubuntu, how do I do so, so that I can transfer my /home dir back and it just works03:42
codepython777plop_its_ellie: yes, i can make one03:42
plop_its_ellietheorem, i think thats an ubuntu issue03:42
codepython777plop_its_ellie: if i want to make one, which subdirectory do i copy?03:42
codepython777plop_its_ellie: trusty or trusty-updates?03:42
theoremplop_its_ellie: yeah03:42
plop_its_elliei tried various versions of network manager and still got the same results03:42
brohanin other words when I install programs they find their settings, and most important, when I log in, I log into my preivous home dir03:42
theoremI am trying to disable it completely03:42
plop_its_elliecodepython777, trusty should have everything03:42
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codepython777plop_its_ellie: http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/ - this has no mention of trusty?03:43
plop_its_elliei dont think the -updates have everything03:43
plop_its_ellietheorem, network manager is pretty good, these are ubuntu specific bugs03:43
plop_its_elliethese bugs are not present on other distros03:43
plop_its_ellieyou can downgrade to 14.0403:43
theoremplop_its_ellie: I'm on 16.0403:44
plop_its_ellieyea, you could downgrade to 14.0403:44
irregularhi guys after my apt-get update and apt-get install --fix-broken, my hipchat autocloses after startup now even after uninstall and reinstall03:44
Loshkibrohan: one way, just install as usual. Let it create /home/brohan. Restore your backup into /home/brohan. If your backup includes a list of installed packages, reinstall them.03:48
saitoh183__hey all...still trying to get phpmyadmin to work...i made some progress but when i load the page, i get The mysqli extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration. See our documentation for more information. Here is my php -m http://paste.ubuntu.com/19242417/ ...im using php7.0 with mariadb 10.1 and nginx 1.10.003:56
jamie_1hey any clue why why when im copying files eg transferring a repository into a separate repository that is 2gb it starts at 40mb/s and slowly declines in speed throughout transfer?04:07
brohanLoshki: I assume install and use same username and password. WIll it keep the same user ID number? Where does ubuntu keep a list of installed packages in the user acct?04:08
theoremok, with network manager gone it seems better04:08
theoremso, how do I gte dhcp addresses without network manager then ?04:08
ceitsup brah04:09
saitoh183__hey all...still trying to get phpmyadmin to work... when i load the page, i get The mysqli extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration. See our documentation for more information. Here is my php -m http://paste.ubuntu.com/19242417/ ...im using php7.0 with mariadb 10.1 and nginx 1.10.004:09
ceiti want to sell my clash of clans account if anyone interested04:10
Guy1524is anyone there?04:11
jamie_1no we all ran away04:11
jamie_1your talking to a figment of your imagination04:12
Guy1524k, well in the ubuntu installer I get this error: "The 'grub-efi-amd64-signed' package failed to install into / target/.  Without GRUB boot loader, the installed system will not boot"04:12
ceitpython is bae04:12
ceitjobless people04:12
ceitgo get a job04:12
jamie_1so.... any clue why why when im copying files eg transferring a repository into a separate repository that is 2gb it starts at 40mb/s and slowly declines in speed throughout transfer?04:13
theoremjamie_1: sure, lots of reasons.  what is the sending and receiving medium ?04:14
Loshkibrohan: most of the time, if you are the only user, you will get the same uid. If you don't, you can 'adduser' one with the correct details, then delete the spurious account. To make a local copy of the package selection states then transfer this file to another computer, and install it there, is documented in the man page (see --get-selections and --set-selections)04:15
jamie_1theorem: its just moving from one location on the hdd to another04:15
LoshkiSorry, the dpkg man page, section beginning "To make a local copy of the package selection states..."04:16
jamie_1im transferring i mobile os ui build repo into a full os build repo to properly match up the proper ui repository04:16
theoremjamie_1: ok, then your HDD cache is working.  it's caching files that are in the cache on the HHD, "moving" those , then working on the next ones.  since the displayed speed is an average, you will see a dramatic decrease ove the length of the transfer.04:17
theoremalso, because it's a series of small files your hdd is doing a lot of work to copy and write those files again04:17
theoremsince you said it was a repository, then are these files small or large ?04:17
jamie_1well both, depends on the part some of them are files that are 20 lines of code while other are over 1000 lines of code04:18
theoremsmaller files will hit parts of inodes and cause a lot of reads between file writes , this also causes a lot of journal activity04:18
theoremthis slows down your writes04:18
theorem1000 lines of code is still very small.04:18
theoremmodern HDD are using 4k sectors04:19
jamie_1theorem: not when its about 12653 files04:19
brohanLoshki: Thank you.04:19
theoremyou may also have misalignment between HDD sector size and the size at which the partition is accessing things -- or the HDD is pretending to be the smaller 512 block size.04:19
dan2wikHow do I upgrade an ubuntu server from 14.04 to 16.04?04:20
theoremjamie_1: tar.gz the files together, then move the tar.gz , you should see an appreciable difference.04:20
=== arooni is now known as arooni__
theoremjamie_1: other possibility is that you have a dying disk04:20
theoremcheck SMART.04:20
theoremSSD or spinning ?04:20
jamie_1theorem: its brand new and its hdd not ssd04:20
jamie_1so yes i know its not as fast due to its not flash memory setup04:21
theoremnew hdd can be dropped too04:21
theoremSMART will confirm.04:21
Loshkidan2wik: must you?04:21
jamie_1well also... i cant tar.gz... it would add more time due to compressing 2gb04:21
jamie_1was just curious04:21
dan2wikLoshki, yes.04:21
jamie_1also right now i cant touch the repository im in the middle of a build04:22
=== Kim__ is now known as Guest57829
theoremjamie_1: 2G of small files is going to take a long time respectively because of how the files are scattered on disk.04:22
Loshkidan2wik: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes, 3rd paragraph. Also, google mentions an "update-manager-core" package04:24
jamie_1theorem: im not to concerned, was just curious, im not to concerned with it... just makes my daily smoke tests take a little longer04:24
theoremjamie_1: how long is the transfer time again ?04:24
brohanLoshki: for the installed package list, does one need to have be using the system they want to list for? I ask b/c i can't get my system to boot off the failing hdd to make a list of installed packages04:24
jamie_1theorem: like 4-5 minutes04:25
theoremjamie_1: seems too long.04:25
Loshkijamie_1: could you add "not too concerned" one more time, to convince us04:25
theoremjamie_1: if you had another drive it would go faster -- dedicated read and dedicated write.04:25
jamie_1Loshki: sorry im multi-tasking... wrote that message at two seperate bursts04:25
theoremjamie_1: or file up a RAM drive for the smoke tests ... then it's basically jsut a pure read to RAM.04:26
theorem*fire up04:26
jamie_1theorem: i have a 64gb flash i have been considering setting up my build system on so if i am on a different os or computer temp i can still do it04:26
jamie_1wouldnt have to deal with this issue if it were not for the fact of we for some stupid reason have our hardware layer and redering layer on one branch and our ui on another... makes things a lot more complicated to setup04:27
theoremflash will be bad for the frequent writes (probably not a bad idea though otherwise)04:27
jamie_1i write about two times a day when i do my pulls for my builds04:28
theorema quick ramdisk of 2G since you're just doing a smoke test probably will haul.04:28
Loshkibrohan: ideally yes. Otherwise, if you can access the old /etc then it might be in /var/log/dpkg.log. If you can take a copy of the old /etc with you, that will have most of what you need (apart from /home) to reconstruct your machine.04:28
theoremjamie_1: the 2G writes hit a lot of inodes because the files are smaller than the inode and block sizes, so you would be hitting a lot more cells.04:28
jamie_1theorem: right now main issue is i have so much to do as currently i am the only QA engineer... so whenever i can save time its very helpful04:29
jaccessi updated my .bashrc with "alias dd='dd bs=1m'" Is there a way to confirm this is working?04:29
theoremjamie_1: https://www.jamescoyle.net/how-to/943-create-a-ram-disk-in-linux04:29
jamie_1hell... i havent even gotten the time to setup some of the automated unit tests or half of the dam marionette tests for integration04:30
jamie_1theorem: thanks04:30
saitoh183__cant seem to figure this out04:30
theoremjamie_1: sounds familiar ..04:30
jamie_1theorem: you work in QA?04:30
theoremI am itching to see how much faster your smoke tests and builds run on a ramdisk.04:30
theoremjamie_1: product manager.04:30
brohanLoshki: Thanks again. I should be able to copy it04:30
theorema technical one. ;-)04:31
jamie_1ah! so you know how much crap QA has to deal with all the time... especially when you have one QA engineer on a whole os project....04:31
theoremjamie_1: very aware.04:31
jamie_1theorem: you heard about the sunsetting of firefox os right?04:31
theoremno idea what firefox OS is04:32
theoremsouds ill concieved ?04:32
jamie_1theorem: well it was amazing in consepts and advancements until higher up started to want us to do things that were not what it was intended for and started listening to partners...04:32
theoremjamie_1: ah, sounds like shit product managers.04:33
jamie_1theorem: well now firefox os is no longer firefox os... moz stripped all of the propritary code out and gave it away to the community and i stayed with the project... and was the only one who did04:33
theoremnumber one rule:  know when to say "no".04:33
jamie_1well hard to say no to the ceo....04:34
theoremsorry, that came out wrong04:34
theoremI meant as a product manager.04:34
Loshkijamie_1: sounds like a good bargaining position w.r.t. salary and options04:34
jamie_1but now we are B2G and are not connected to moz at all and now the community is deciding what to do with it instead... but we have to rebuild all of what they removed that was proprietary api's04:35
theoremjamie_1: paycheck ?04:35
jamie_1no... i was laid off due to now b2g is all volunteer... most of us on the project were laid off when they kill the project04:36
theoremjamie_1: hmm ...04:36
jamie_1b2g is not connected to any oranization at all, its 100% open source community04:36
jamie_1so now im on the look for a new job but im not giving up what i have worked very hard on and support fully04:36
theoremjamie_1: commitment is a valued thing, worth $, I think someone is taking advantage of you.04:37
jamie_1but also left me as the only QA.. and to be honest im a jr QA engineer now playing lead QA...04:37
Loshkijamie_1: admirable, but will you give it up if you get a full-time paying job?04:37
theoremjamie_1: ok, resume builder I suppose.04:38
theoremput a time limit on it though.04:38
jamie_1well if i get a new job ill focus on my job but will also though keep working on B2G in my free time... kinda like a pet project04:38
theoremmanagement hit the ejector button because it wasn't going to make money and was not taking off in the marketplace.04:38
theoremuntil you understand why it tanked in the market, I can't say that any work is justified.04:39
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:39
theorem(what if you're working in the wrong direction?)04:39
jamie_1was pissed due to we had just reached what we considered a full stable release and was what we considered great and what we were working for04:40
theoremjamie_1: yes ...04:41
jamie_1so we all demanded to keep it going even if it were all community and volunteer based04:41
jamie_1its our brain child and now our pet project04:41
theoremjamie_1: but the real question .. really .. who are your customers ?04:41
Jordan_Ujamie_1: theorem: Please move this discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic to keep #ubuntu clear for support.04:41
theoremJordan_U: really ?04:42
theoremjamie_1: see msg.04:43
Loshkitheorem: yes, he means it. Come to #ubuntu-offtopic. The water's warm.04:44
Jordan_Utheorem: Yes really, as you can see from the channel guidelines available at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines.04:44
ameliaquiningHi, sorry if this is a silly question, but the checksums for the Ubuntu ISO seem to be available from the official site only over unencrypted HTTP. In light of this, how can you get a cryptographically verified download of the ISO?04:45
lotuspsychje!md5 | ameliaquining04:46
ubottuameliaquining: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:46
saitoh183__so anyone know how i can get mysqli ?04:46
ameliaquiningSorry, but that doesn't answer my question. I'm aware of the checksums, the problem is that they themselves aren't cryptographically verified because there seems to be no way to download them over HTTPS.04:47
Jordan_Uameliaquining: To cryptographically verify the download you need to check the signature on the sha256sums file. To really be sure, you unfortunately need to be part of the gpg web of trust, meaning that you've (hopefully) physically met people that you trust and exchanged public keys with them.04:47
ameliaquiningSo there's no link to the HTTPS public key infrastructure? I'd trust ubuntu.com's SSL cert if it had one.04:48
ameliaquiningIs there even a fingerprint/ID of the GPG key used to sign the ISO available that way?04:49
lotuspsychjeameliaquining: downloading an ubuntu iso from http doesnt mean its unsafe04:49
Jordan_Uameliaquining: Instructions for verifying the signature via gpg are here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto but no, as far as I know there is no chain of trust originating with a certificate authority, only gpg (which I would argue is much better than a certificate authority, iff you are a part of the web of trust).04:50
ameliaquiningI see. I'm a bit geographically isolated so this is hard. Thanks anyway.04:50
saitoh183__how can i install mysqli using php704:51
Jordan_Uameliaquining: Actually, it looks like the instructions have been changed to use HKPS, which I believe does root the trust. Let me look into it more.04:54
vlabis there a way to get chrome to start incognito without having to throw the command into a script and redirecting the link in /usr/bin ?04:59
superkuhDelete ~18,000 ~60kb files from a dir in ~/ and gvfsd-metadata goes wild, 100% CPU for going on 10 minutes now. Would it be "safe" to just delete the 'home' file in ~/.local/gvfs-metadata?05:00
Jordan_Uvlab: You could change the exec line in the .desktop file.05:00
vlabsudo find / -name .desktop turns up nothing Jordan_U05:01
Jordan_Uameliaquining: So if you follow those instructions but replace "gpg --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 0xFBB75451 0xEFE21092" with "gpg --keyserver hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 0xFBB75451 0xEFE21092" then you can trust that you have the correct keys as long as you trust Ubuntu's key server (which you should).05:02
rypervenchesaitoh183__: sudo apt-get install php7.0-mysql05:03
rypervenchesaitoh183__: Provides: php-mysqli, php-mysqlnd, php-pdo-mysql, php7.0-mysqli, php7.0-mysqlnd, php7.0-pdo-mysql05:03
Jordan_Uvlab: /usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop , though I would recommend copying it and making your own incognito launcher, as that file will be overwritten every time there is a google-chrome update.05:03
saitoh183__php7.0-mysql is already the newest version (7.0.4-7ubuntu2.1).05:05
Jordan_Uameliaquining: You're welcome.05:07
saitoh183__rypervenche: do i have to reinstall?05:07
=== abhvl is now known as abhinav
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abhvlwhy cant i talk in #freenode?05:12
Jordan_Uabhvl: See the channel topic (in #freenode).05:14
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abhvlhow should i find out if my ubuntu has keylogger installed by someone else?05:18
Triffid_Hunterabhvl: lsof and see if anything unusual is reading /dev/input/*, rk-hunter, check ps faux as well for unexpected daemons05:19
Triffid_Hunterabhvl: however note that it's fairly trivial these days to install hardware keyloggers into the keyboard itself and stuff like that, how paranoid do you want to become?05:19
=== mint is now known as Egone
al_nz1by default does Ubuntu 16 have the firewall completely closed?05:29
ceitare chal05:30
Ben64al_nz1: no05:31
al_nz1Ben64: ta05:39
al_nz1what the heck is a eno1 device? where did eth0 go?05:39
hateballal_nz1: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/05:40
al_nz1hateball: thanks05:46
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== Guest19155 is now known as IdleOne
drozdziak1Hi, I'm using Ubuntu with i3 window manager. In its configuration I've put an autostart rule for firing up a console and doing sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade, but whenever I type in the password the window vanishes due to apt being in use. How can I disable these background updates Ubuntu is probably making?06:14
drozdziak1(Ubuntu 16.04)06:14
hellcook_Has anyone tried/bought a Dell xps13 2016 developer edition laptop ? On the paper they look very nice, but I've found some very negative feedbacks around the interweb. What's your experience ?06:23
lotuspsychjehellcook_: depends what you gonna be doing with ubuntu?06:23
=== julian is now known as Guest68033
hellcook_lotuspsychje: how is it relevant ? Essentially browsing the Internet, playing vlc, and code during my commute to work.06:26
hellcook_lotuspsychje: do you have one ?06:28
lotuspsychjehellcook_: for multimedia use, better buy another brand laptop with ssd and install ubuntu on it06:35
hellcook_lotuspsychje: thank you. Why do you advise against ?06:36
lotuspsychjehellcook_: think its bit overkill for daily use06:37
lotuspsychjehellcook_: and not real cheap06:37
ducassehellcook_: one thing to think of is that you can likely expect more problems with a laptop from 2016 than with one from 2015 or older.06:38
ducasseother than that, laptop series that are so popular often get a lot of attention. might take time, though.06:40
=== wolfy is now known as Guest67477
hellcook_ducasse: the xps13 developer is popular from your perspective ?06:42
gbakerMy laptop is only a few months old and absolutely everything works perfectly. Not one issue with it.06:42
ducassehellcook_: well, former models have been with a lot of foss devs.06:43
hellcook_gbaker: xps13 developer laptop ?06:43
hellcook_ducasse: ok, thank you06:44
gbakerfar from it06:44
gbakerMSI GT80 Titan 2QE06:44
hellcook_Ok ^^06:44
cncr04sthere was an update to grub, and it messed up the configs. there are two options to boot ubuntu, they are both the same, but it sits there asking me which one. This is a headless server, how do I remove one of the boot options06:48
hellcook_Lotuspsychje: it is indeed a bit expensive, however I am willing to pay for a quality product. The thing is I am not so sure about the quality...06:48
ducassehellcook_: but if you've heard about problems with that particular model, i would think twice.06:49
gbakerI got the MSI GT80S Titan SLI-072 and upgraded to 4 m.2 ssd drives and upgraded the memory and added a 5th hard drive for backups.06:50
lotuspsychjehellcook_: ubuntu makes any device more quality, often doesnt need to be pricey to be good06:51
hellcook_ducasse: there is this thread for example https://m.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/4fs00p/xps_13_developer_edition_2016_review/06:51
ducassehellcook_: yeah, i wouldn't buy that, i think. does hibernate matter to you? what about the noise? neither is it good that his laptop seems to have already died :)07:00
gbakerOhhh neat I just noticed in HexChat under Window at the bottom you can "Send System Info"07:00
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=== help is now known as Guest68132
sgz_comAnyone built Unreal Engine 4 with Ubuntu 16.04?07:05
gbakersgz_com Try this link -- https://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/189807:07
sgz_comThx gbaker will have a read07:10
gbakerNo prob, hope it helps07:11
sgz_comSo do I :)07:11
gbakersorry for the spam but I'm curious about that send system info button07:12
gbaker HexChat: 2.10.2 ** OS: Linux 4.4.0-28-generic x86_64 ** Distro: LinuxMintD=LinuxMint ** CPU: 8 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5950HQ CPU @ 2.90GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 3.70GHz ** RAM: Physical: 31.4GiB, 84.8% free ** Disk: Total: 3.7TiB, 72.4% free ** VGA: NVIDIA Corporation GM204M [GeForce GTX 980M] ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH1: HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia ** Ethernet: Qualcomm Atheros Killer E220x Gigabit Ethernet07:13
gbakerController ** Uptime: 2d 10h 2m 41s **07:13
gbakerahhh cool07:13
ikoniagbaker: use a test channel next time please07:14
gbakerwas just a one time thing, sorry07:14
hellcook_ducasse: the noise seems pretty nasty ( there are some videos about it on YouTube).07:20
thechahow can i use with samba and with homegroup windows to access wifi printer on homegroup widnows from my gnu linux?07:21
thechai am on an ubuntu 1407:21
ikoniathecha: is your printer shared by windows, or on the network ?07:21
thechaand the ubuntu 14 is hooked up to a wifi router through lan cable and the printer is jsut a wifi on the homegroup widnows07:21
thechashared by woindows07:22
thechanot sure about the network...07:22
ikoniathecha: so you need to access the printer via the sharename windows gives it07:22
thechamy ubuntu14 finds it one printers07:22
thechai see07:22
ikoniathecha: you should see it in the printers menu07:22
thechais the actual name of that property share name?07:24
thechai can see serial07:25
thechamax , unique id and ip07:25
ikoniathecha: open the printing menu in ubuntu07:25
ikoniathecha: there should be an option for network printers07:25
ikoniathecha: in there - it will either list the printer, or expect you to type the share name07:26
thechait lists it07:26
thechabut i cannot add it for some reason07:26
ikoniaok, there you go then07:26
thechai tried to add it about a dozen times07:26
ikoniadefine "cannot add it"07:26
thechahang on07:26
thechanew printer could not be added07:27
thechais what the system says07:27
ikonianothing else07:27
=== markus__ is now known as Markus23
thechais there another way to add this?07:30
thechai tried typing in the ip07:30
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ikoniathecha: how is the device shared ?07:31
thechaionia it is on my friends windows 7 hoem grooup07:32
thechaas a shared wifi printer07:32
thechai am plugged into the wifi router07:32
thechathat connects to it07:32
ikoniathecha: ok, so the first thing I'd suggest looking at is the share permissions07:33
thechaah ty07:33
ikoniathecha: you can obviously see the print, not add it. So before going in deep, check the share permissions07:33
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=== ffee is now known as admins
=== admins is now known as Admins
leeyaahow the heck to find out why mysql cant start on 16.0407:51
leeyaastupid systemd does not give any kind of info07:51
ikoniait does07:51
ikoniaas does manually starting it07:51
ikoniaas do the logs07:51
iceiceicehi i have a question07:53
iceiceicewhen i installed a package, it told me this07:53
thechai made sure the printer is shared... it didnt whatsoever change the outcome07:53
iceiceice(some linux headers are no longer required)07:53
iceiceicethen i did `sudo apt-get autoremove`07:53
thechaikonia i know gained access to the pinter hoomeape it is liek this lil admin page... and it has ip for lan07:53
ikoniaiceiceice: remove them then07:54
k1liceiceice: run the autoremove command07:54
iceiceiceyeah so thats the thing07:54
iceiceicei noticed that when i removed them, it reported some errors07:54
thechacan i use this ip adress to connecto to the printer directly...given that i ampluggedinto the wifi router it connects to07:54
ikoniathecha: ok - so now you're going to need to look at the syslog and samba logs to find out what's going on07:54
thecha(ikonia i am sgtill waiging for a new wifi card to arrive as my old one doent work anymore)07:54
ikoniathecha: what is the make of the printer ?07:54
iceiceice"Error! Your kernel headers for kernel 4.2.0-39-generic cannot be found."07:55
thechaikonia it is a very good japanese canon?07:55
iceiceiceshould i be worrie dabout that?07:55
thechaone of the newer models07:55
iceiceiceis there any way that i can validate my grub configuration without rebooting?07:55
thechahow do i get to the sambalogs?07:55
thechai jsut call cli then type smaba-logs?07:55
ikoniathecha: canon does not have great linux support, so you may be able to plug into it directly,07:56
ikoniabut you may have problems too07:56
k1liceiceice: so what did you do manually there?07:56
ikoniaiceiceice: read it07:56
ikoniathecha: the samba logs are normally in /var/log/samba07:56
ikoniathecha: however it would be interested to see what the syslog thinks is happening when you try to add the printer07:56
k1liceiceice: wait, that is not an error. it removed the headers first and then the extra packages. no need to worry07:57
iceiceicei see07:57
iceiceiceso its like the same program is run repeatedly?07:57
iceiceiceand the error message is just like some diagnostic07:57
iceiceiceok thank you07:57
dellhemHi. Anyone here who can assist me in trying to create a mobile broadband connection?07:58
lyze!ask | dellhem07:58
ubottudellhem: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:58
dellhem!really? | lyze07:59
ubottudellhem: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:59
dellhemTrying to create a mobile broadband connections but it fails to connect. Any ideas? http://pastebin.com/PBRYz4Xi08:00
iceiceiceah i have learned now about the "update-grub" command08:00
iceiceicethis all makes sense now08:01
iceiceicethanks folks08:01
Admins!flatpak | Admins08:06
thechaikonia→ i am giving up08:08
thechai have read the syslog and the samba log08:08
thechanothing really in there that shines any light08:08
thechaikonia→ do you think it may be possible to access the iwndows homegroup of my friend?08:09
thechashe shared some pictures and videos and music with me but i cannot even open the network from my computer08:09
thechait shows but it ownt load08:09
thechait is stuck in perpetal loading08:09
ElPasmoHi all, today I've tried to upgrade from my 15.10 to 16.04LTS and the process crashed with gconf2. Now I'm trying to fix it using 'apt-get -f install' with no result. This is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19254402/08:11
ikoniaElPasmo: backup your data and clean install, or attempt to go through manually configuring each transitional package and keep trying to run the upgrade08:13
ikoniathecha: that really sounds like permissions08:14
ikoniathecha: I connect to multiple windows networks from linux without any problems08:14
thechaikonia sounds probable! i never got asked the windows homegroup password08:14
thecha:/ i really dont get why since the ubuntu 14 pc i am on shows up on the homegroup...08:15
thechabut only a s black box without any properties or without being openable08:15
ikoniathecha: is your username on ubuntu the same as the windows homegroup username ?08:15
thechayou mean of what my computer shows up int he windows hoemgroup? if so then yes08:17
Bassemi get this error for sudo apt-get install playonlinux Failure to download extra data files ttf-mscorefonts-installer08:27
hellcookWould you recommend a specific laptop, or laptop manufacturer, for which the use of a unix os is the less painful?08:29
Markus23Dear FOSS developers! Please fully fill out our survey at http://elektra.limequery.org/625192 and a donation will go to FOSS projects. The survey is carefully crafted and helps research! Thank you! If you have any questions you can ask me.08:29
Bassemi can't find playonlinux application08:40
pardarHello! Im running 14.04 LTS, when i try to run i-nex it kills my vnc service, can still connect via SSH/Putty though08:41
folfhellcook, have a look here  http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/08:45
lyzeBassem, you need to download it from their website08:48
elias_aI bumped into a strange problem after reinstalling 16.04 keeping old /home intact.08:49
elias_aAfter installation OS "sees" /home -partition twice.08:50
elias_alsblk shows partitions quite correctly but Disks-utility shows /home twice.08:50
elias_aWhile booting there's nag "dependency failed for file system" about the home partition.08:51
hellcookfolf: oh nice, thanks08:52
elias_aAfter I launch Gparted and check partitions (which are ok), the extra ghost partition disapperears from Disks utility as well.08:52
elias_aAny hints what to do?08:53
qihHi, is there a reliable way to simulate different C Class IP addresses on an internal network, for web server testing? So the originating IP addresses are just not from
ikoniaqih: you can spoof headers....but I'm not sure what your goal is here08:56
ikoniaif you're not on a class C network, why are you trying to pretend you are ?08:56
qihSO when I do data viz on the server logs, the originating addresses and user agents could be made different.08:57
ikoniadata viz ?08:57
qihPretty dull when everything in the logs is' Linux blah....'08:57
ikoniadull ?08:57
qihData Visualization of server log data08:57
ikoniayou can create virtual network interfaces on different IP's08:58
ikoniathen force the traffic out of those08:58
ikoniabut I don't see the point08:58
qihAh right, k, reading, thanks. I do 8-008:58
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=== Treehugger is now known as Guest29041
BlueJuicerZephyr u there09:07
BlueJuicerAny here09:08
BlueJuiceranyone know of any good gaming compatable versions of ubuntu09:10
BassemBlueJuicer, some told me to install playonlinux09:10
hateballBlueJuicer: Ubuntu09:11
BassemBlueJuicer, https://www.playonlinux.com/en09:11
hateballThat's for Windows only games09:11
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.09:11
BlueJuicerty ty09:12
hateballBlueJuicer: There's nothing specific about a distro that makes them more "gaming compatible" as long as you are using Steam at least09:12
hateballGames are compiled against the steam runtime09:13
hateballYou might need to enable a PPA to get the latest GPU drivers in Ubuntu, that's about it09:13
BlueJuicerwould you recommend any other OS? f09:13
hateballBlueJuicer: Ubuntu is the Valve recommend distro, aside from SteamOS09:14
hateballEven if you get your games from GOG or Humble or whatever, they are usually mostly tested against Ubuntu09:14
BlueJuicerso ubuntu is a bad choice for extensive gaming09:15
BlueJuicerhow do i disable part messages09:15
hateballUh... I don't know how you managed to read that into what I just wrote09:15
BlueJuicerso annoying lol09:16
BlueJuicertested against09:16
qihikonia: I guess my question was poorly phrased ... seems I should have been asking about "open source performance testing tools or frameworks"09:16
BlueJuicerwork with me here09:16
hateballBlueJuicer: Meaning that people compiling their native games for Linux tend to do that on Ubuntu, and if you use some exotic distro you are on your own09:16
qihhateball: Word.09:17
hateballBlueJuicer: And if you are only gaming through Steam, it's mostly distro agnostic due to the steam runtime09:17
BlueJuicerwell wish me luck09:17
BlueJuicerill learn09:17
BlueJuicerappreciate the time fellas09:17
hateballBlueJuicer: Are you installing Ubuntu for the first time?09:17
BlueJuicerbut my previous attempt was short lived09:18
hateballBlueJuicer: Depending on that brand/model GPU you have, things can be more... painful09:18
BlueJuicernvidia 7series09:19
hateballThen you're golden09:19
rafaelcenteioHi, I am using an i7 Skylake, the integrated graphic card, Ubuntu 16.04, and an Asus HDMI monitor. after returning from suspending, I get a black screen and have to restart lightdm to get image again. Any help? Thanks in advance.09:38
BluesKajHiyas all09:40
ducasserafaelcenteio: if i'm not mistaken this is a known bug, and a fix is on the way.09:40
rafaelcenteioducasse: Ok thanks.09:40
elias_aHere's the thing I wrote about a moment ago: http://tinypic.com/r/2drt0gh/909:40
elias_aSame 52GB disk space is shown both as free space and partition. :O09:41
k1lelias_a: can you run "sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the url here?09:42
elias_ak1l: Sure, from within the faulty system?09:43
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elias_ak1l: It boots in rescue mode....09:43
elias_aAfter waiting the 90 seconds...09:43
Orestishey guys, I have Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 and I have the following problem: Update-manager does not display all the updates(Software Center shows more). And with the last update of the Software Center I don't even get notifications from the software center. Can anyone help?09:47
ducasserafaelcenteio: i checked my email, and that fix has already been pushed to yakkety. it is currently being tested for xenial.09:47
rafaelcenteioducasse: Thanks. Is it possible for me to access this mailgroup or receive this kind of news?09:48
elias_ak1l: Here you go: http://termbin.com/u7ew09:49
elias_ak1l: You were offline when I pasted so again: http://termbin.com/u7ew09:51
ducasserafaelcenteio: i got this in a private mail, sorry, can't find the bug number itself right now.09:54
k1l_elias_a: well, that paste looks like its ok09:54
rafaelcenteioducasse: Ok, thanks.09:55
elias_ak1l_: So it seems to me too. In spite of that it does not boot properly.09:56
elias_aI guess there's some kind bug in handling the partitions when booting.09:57
elias_aI am only able to boot in rescue mode.09:57
k1l_elias_a: what does the syslog say? what is it not booting?10:01
elias_ak1l_: My guess is this is the important part: http://pastebin.com/Kyc9dqMa10:08
=== mnikolaenko_ is now known as MikhailNikolaenk
k1l_elias_a: "cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999"10:09
k1l_elias_a: "sudo blkid | nc termbin.com 9999"10:09
k1l_or better: "sudo blkid -o list | nc termbin.com 9999"10:10
elias_ak1l_: /etc/fstab: http://termbin.com/s99a10:11
elias_ak1l_: blkid: http://termbin.com/zjv410:12
=== MikhailNikolaenk is now known as mnikolaenko_
elias_ak1l_: blkid -o list: http://termbin.com/xc9210:13
k1l_elias_a: hmm. can you show the full syslog?10:18
k1l_"cat /var/log/syslog | nc termbin.com 9999"10:18
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elias_ak1l_: Just a moment. I already reconfigured grub and did sudo update-initramfs -u10:33
jeushow can install teamviewer 11 on ubutu16.410:34
elias_ak1l_: No help. I am still getting a timeout message and a message saying "Dependency failed for File System" followed by UUID string.10:35
elias_ak1l_: syslog as per request: http://termbin.com/966p10:36
OerHeksjeus, get the .deb from their website? it is not in our repositories10:36
elias_ak1l_: As for me this seems to be a problem in systemd.10:37
OerHeksjeus, and pay them, as it is commercial now: get support from them10:37
elias_aNever seen a problem like this before.10:37
elias_aThe nasty thing is that this is a new install. I of course defined the /home partition manually.10:38
k1l_elias_a: yes, systemd is very picky when it comes to fstab. but i dont see an error there. the uuids are right, from your posts10:41
elias_ak1l_: That's exactly what puzzles me too.10:41
elias_ak1l_: As I said, never seen anything like this before. I'm totally clueless. :O10:42
k1l_did you change the /home after install?10:42
elias_ak1l_: Nope. I defined it _during_ the installation. Used the expert method or whatever it is called.10:43
elias_ak1l_: And I repeated the installation already 3 times so it is unlikely I would have done the same error 3 times. :D10:44
OerHeksk1l_, shouldn't that sda1 105 mb partition for EFI not be FAT32??10:44
elias_aOerHeks: Might be but this laptop has worked with that partition setup. :)10:44
OerHekselias_a, oke thanks, so it has worked, missed that.10:45
elias_ak1l_: I think I'll give the installer one more go using the option that keeps data in /home intact.10:46
elias_a... not that I would know how it would be different from manually defining the /home partition...10:46
k1l_this is definitely some systemd issue. but i dont know why the regular install should fail directly after install10:47
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elias_ak1l_: That's what I try to find out being some sort of FLOSS activist. ;-)10:56
elias_aLuckily enough reinstall from USB stick to SSD is fast. :)10:56
CodFectionwhenever I connect my external display,, "ctrl + alt + t and other Fn keys" doesn't work11:06
YankDownUnderadnan: HDMI, DVI, VGA or DisplayPort?11:07
YankDownUnderOops...wrong person...11:08
YankDownUnderVGA? Right...are you connecting this when the machine is powered off, yes?11:08
elias_ak1l_: I found out a very likely explanation.11:08
YankDownUnderCodFection: Thought so...just checking.11:08
YankDownUnderCodFection: Strange one, that.11:09
elias_ak1l_: I managed to install the OS correctly and booting order. The _only_ difference was that I used the default english keyboard layout instead of switching to finnish layout before starting installation.11:10
elias_aA very sad bug. :/11:10
elias_aHave to confirm it. It is likely an internationalization bug. Less likely a localization bug.11:11
OerHekselias_a, good find.11:13
CodFectionwhenever I connect my external display,, "ctrl + alt + t and other Fn keys" doesn't work11:13
Powerlessdoes anyone know a similar program to linpopup for linux?11:14
hateballPowerless: Perhaps if you inform us what said program does11:16
Powerlesshateball, sorry. I need a program that i can send messages to every computer in my network11:17
hateballPowerless: And what OS' do they run?11:18
PowerlessYankDownUnder, where can download them? i couldnt find them11:18
Powerlesshateball, mostly linux11:18
YankDownUnderPowerless: Not sure - was just remembering 'em...used to use 'em - long ago.11:18
PowerlessYankDownUnder, i did hear about them but i just cant find them hehe11:19
hateballPowerless: should be able to script something using notify-send over ssh11:19
Powerlesshateball, thatś above my skills haha11:21
KekSiwhat mainboard/cpu/ram/hdd combination should be well-supported to run ubuntu server on?11:22
KekSitrying to find a low-cost alternative to a server to run on-prem (space or uptime aren't really a big concern but raw calculating power is mostly important - they'd be running as jenkins slaves)11:23
hateballKekSi: check http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/ or ask in ##hardware11:23
KekSiso pretty much anything those manufacturers offer with ubuntu desktop i'll likely be to run ubuntu server on?11:25
KekSisince i don't want to get stuck in some endless closed-source-vendor-supported-driver hell11:25
hateballKekSi: Yes11:25
elias_aNow that I've started to introduce problems to you, what is Zeitgeist problem about? "Jul 13 14:23:54 nuovoscuro com.canonical.Unity.Scope.LocalFiles[1287]: (unity-files-daemon:2201): unity-files-daemon-WARNING **: daemon.vala:491: Error performing global search 'virtua': GDBus.Error:org.gtk.GDBus.UnmappedGError.Quark._g_2dio_2derror_2dquark.Code36: GDBus.Error:org.gnome.zeitgeist.EngineError.DatabaseError11:25
Ben64KekSi: that doesn't happen much with servers, since no gpu, no wifi, etc11:25
elias_a: Db block overwritten - are there multiple writers?"11:25
elias_aThat's from syslog11:25
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KekSiyeah but i was looking to save a bit of money and buy a couple of desktops rather than another server (since i don't need a secondary PSU, h/w raid or the slim xrackunit form factor)11:28
KekSiat least i don't need that on those boxes so rather some xeon or i7 processors and the usual 32gb ram or something11:28
KekSiits been a while since i did something like that and back then the support for all the controllers on mainboards was pityful (regardless of distro)11:32
YankDownUnderPowerless: You still amongst the living? I might have found you something...11:33
PowerlessYankDownUnder, yes sir11:33
YankDownUnderPowerless: http://www.igniterealtime.org/projects/spark/11:33
PowerlessYankDownUnder, thanks man..will look into it..it needs to pop up in front of them the message cause if its like skype they wont see it haha11:34
YankDownUnderPowerless: Dig. When you dig, you find. Like treasure.11:35
EriC^^^ dig here11:36
PowerlessYankDownUnder, amen11:36
morgoth HexChat: 2.10.2 ** OS: Linux 4.4.0-28-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "xenial" 16.04 ** CPU: 1 x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Solo CPU    U3500  @ 1.40GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1.40GHz ** RAM: Physical: 3.8GiB, 73.7% free ** Disk: Total: 13.7GiB, 28.3% free ** VGA: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel ** Ethernet: Qualcomm Atheros AR8131 Gigabit11:40
morgothEthernet ** Uptime: 30m 4s **11:40
JediMasterI've got a weird one, it looks like there may be malware in on of the official ubuntu packages: keepass2 on xenial11:41
ducassemorgoth: please keep that to #test or something11:41
JediMasterBitDefender (for Linux) is insisting that the /usr/lib/keepass2/KeePass.exe from keepass2 package is infected with Variant.Razy.74675, the Debian Jessie version installs without issue11:44
JediMasterObviously it could be a false positive, but if not, this is really serious as malware could be installed in a secure password storage program11:45
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OerHeksJediMaster, it matters if you install that exe .. and where did you get Keepass??11:47
JediMasterOerHeks, apt-get install keepass211:47
JediMasterOerHeks, it's directly from the official ubuntu packages11:48
JediMasterOerHeks, That .exe is used by the linux package11:48
JediMasterSee: http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/all/keepass2/filelist11:48
OerHeksJediMaster, oke, just checking, as http://sourceforge.net/ is down now for most projects ..11:49
JediMasterYeah, has been since yesterday11:50
hateballJediMaster: Interesting, I copied that .exe to a Windows VM running AV, it also detects virus11:51
OerHeksJediMaster, http://itprofesionales.blogspot.nl/2016/07/virus-en-linux.html11:51
OerHeksabout this issue *11:52
JediMasterhateball, which AV?11:52
JediMasterOerHeks, yes, that was the only reference I found to it too11:52
hateballJediMaster: Forticlient, it's called11:52
OerHeksJediMaster, lets make a bugreport11:52
JediMasterI was just about to11:53
RealPanVI am trying to install Ubuntu for my father's laptop, so, because I don't have a USB drive, I partitioned the hard drive and now I have a 6 GB partition which I want to use as a Live environment for Ubuntu. But... Unetbootin won't let me touch it since the only option I have is the hard drive C and not E.11:53
RealPanVAnybody could help me? Appreciated.11:53
=== RealPanV is now known as PanV
ikoniaResearcher-: thats not a good way to do this11:54
ikoniaResearcher-: just buy a usb stick11:54
ikoniaPanV: just buy a usb stick - keep it simple,11:55
ikoniaPanV: doing what you want to do is not an easy setup11:55
PanVikonia: It is not actually that simple. I cannot go to a store right now.11:55
ikoniaPanV: ok, go to the store tomorrow11:55
faLUCEhello. I'm using network manager on lubuntu 16.04 (but what I'm asking should be good for ubuntu too). I created a hotspot, but I don't understand where to configure dhcp. If I go to "edit connections" I can't set dhcp there (it is disabled)11:55
ikoniafaLUCE: dhcp is the default setting for an interface in network manager11:56
PanVikonia: I don't own a car, I am a minor, and the nearrest store is probably 1,5 hours by foot.11:56
ikoniaPanV: ask someone to drive you, buy from a shop with next day delivery11:56
faLUCEikonia: I know, but how can I configure it?11:56
faLUCEI have to assign specific ips to specific macs11:56
ikoniafaLUCE: if it's already dhcp - why are you trying to configure it11:56
PanVikonia: geez. I mean waht could possibly go wrong the Windows 7 OS right here is easily replaced.. whatever.11:57
PanVthanks anyways11:57
ikoniaPanV: it's nothing to do with windows11:57
PanVI know ikonia11:57
ikoniathen what are you talking about ?11:57
PanVI meant I don't have a problem destroying this computer11:57
ikoniaso ?11:57
PanVWell I can take hard setups.11:58
ikoniaclearly you can't11:58
ikoniaand it's a bad idea to do it that waya11:58
ikoniathe best option is to use external media11:58
PanVOkay, thanks.11:58
PanVgeez now I don't know how.11:58
ikoniaPanV: you buy a usb stick,11:58
ikoniaPanV: or you use a DVD (if it has a dvd drive)11:59
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PanV*what to do sorryy11:59
k1l_elias_a: ah, yeah i didnt think about the finnish labels. maybe systemd doenst like that.11:59
OerHeksJediMaster, hateball , from our german friends http://www.linuxmintusers.de/index.php?topic=35578.011:59
JediMasterOerHeks, I've reported it as a security vulnerability11:59
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OerHeksyou might want to add this too11:59
ikoniaPanV: what isn't clear ?11:59
PanVIt is not easy for me to get a USB drive at all. Yeah.12:00
ikoniabuy from an online shop with next day delivery12:00
hateballOerHeks, JediMaster, I uploaded it for a scan: https://www.virustotal.com/sv/file/9456ba3236c05afa7e9d744207fe90420315caa7af4cc77f9f6c4159fb4fba39/analysis/1468410882/12:00
PanVI am in a rular area12:00
JediMasterOerHeks, good find12:00
YankDownUnderNo blank CD's laying around to burn?12:00
jakesyl_mobileHey, when I try to boot my computer this keeps happening.  How can I fix this? https://imgur.com/a/MYUnU12:00
JediMasterhateball, oh dear, that's bad12:00
JediMasterI'll add that to the report hateball12:00
BluesKajbet the laptop has no crom12:01
elias_ak1l_: There should actually be anything language specific in UUID labels. If keyboard setting has an impact on the installation procedure someone has messed things up really hard.12:01
jakesyl_mobileWho, me?12:01
k1l_elias_a: yeah, i think the systemd guys messed that up.12:01
elias_ak1l_: I've been around long enough doing localization so I recognize the scent when I bump into it. :)12:02
OerHeksavast, clamav, microsoft, trendav,boy lots of vendors don't know about this12:02
k1l_elias_a: like i said, systemd is even very picky on what is in the fstab. upstart did boot even if partitions in fstab wasnt present. systemd fails to boot.12:02
elias_ak1l_: Actually there seem to be reports about similar issues that are written by germans. :D12:02
k1l_might be a umlaut-issue.12:03
elias_ak1l_: In this case even upstart option did not work. :/12:03
=== PanV is now known as UndercoverMan
elias_ak1l_: I don't think so. I don't use umlauts in partition names.12:03
OerHeksJediMaster, hateball , 9 june http://www.inc.com/will-yakowicz/security-vulnerability-keepass-password-manager.html12:04
elias_ak1l_: Anyways, it will be extremely interesting to see what really causes this. :D12:04
JediMasterOerHeks, oh it just gets worse!12:04
faLUCEikonia: is it possible to do that with network manager?12:05
jakesyl_mobileI think if I could drop to initframs and run fsck, I'd be fine12:05
elias_ak1l_: A deep bow and humble thanks for your help!12:05
ikoniafaLUCE: apologies, I'm not clear what you are asking, could you try again, maybe word it a little different12:05
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
JediMasterOerHeks, so this likely means the package manager was duped into downloading an infected version =/12:06
hateballNo it means the one who packaged it did12:06
JediMasterthat's the package manager then?12:06
OerHeksJediMaster, if you look at hateballs virustotal, lots of vendoes still do not recognise it as today12:06
hateballJediMaster: package maintainer* :)12:07
hateballpackage manager would be apt12:07
JediMastersorry yeah =)12:07
OerHeksit is a variant, what means any infection can be different.12:07
faLUCEikonia: I created a hotspot named "myhostpot" with network manager (I used the gui). I can connect clients to it, and they receive their ip address from a default dhcp server (that I don't know where is). However, I want that this hotspot assigns IP1 to MAC1, IP2 to MAC2 etc: where can I configure that?12:07
JediMasterOerHeks, true, but BitDefender, F-Secure, Kaspersky, McAffee, Panda, Sophos and Symantec all do12:08
ikoniafaLUCE: ahhh, ok, so thats provided by dnsmasq I believe, however I strongly advise you not to do this12:09
faLUCEikonia: why12:09
ducasseOerHeks hateball JediMaster: one of the posts on the german mint site mentions finding several reports of keepass2 triggering false positives. still, it should be investigated.12:09
ikoniabecausae dnsmas is used for a lot of other things, and there are few real situations where you need specific mappings of mac -> IP12:10
tykaynhi folks12:10
tykayni upgraded to the 16.04 version of ubuntu, and since then i have php7 installed. but wierdly now, my php scripts are not executed on localhost. instead i see the source of my php files12:11
tykaynthis is the result of php -v12:11
tykaynPHP 7.0.4-7ubuntu2.1 (cli) ( NTS )12:11
tykaynCopyright (c) 1997-2016 The PHP Group12:11
tykaynZend Engine v3.0.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Zend Technologies12:11
tykayn    with Zend OPcache v7.0.6-dev, Copyright (c) 1999-2016, by Zend Technologies12:11
tewardtykayn: you will very likely have to update your web server to point to php7.0 instead of php512:13
tykaynteward: hmmm, how can i do that ?12:15
tewardtykayn: what web server?12:16
tykayn apachectl -v12:17
tykaynServer version: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)12:17
tykaynServer built:   2016-04-15T18:00:5712:17
tewardtykayn: a2enmod php712:17
tykaynERROR: Module php7 does not exist12:17
tewarderm, 7.012:17
tewardtypo :)12:17
tewardsudo a2enmod php7.012:18
tewardrestart apache12:18
tykayndoes not exist also :/12:18
ioriatykayn, dpkg -l libapache2-mod-php7.012:18
tykaynoh, i had to install it12:19
tykaynyayyy now it works12:19
tykaynthanks :)12:19
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Luka00Hello people I have Ubuntu 16.04 continues to freeze...it' s possible fix this annoying problem?12:20
tykaynLuka00: it freezes after sleep ?12:21
tykayni have this issue sometimes12:21
Luka00oh no12:21
Luka00It happens quite often in a day there is no way to remedy?12:23
EriC^^Luka00: check "dmesg" when it happens and look for any errors12:23
k1l_Luka00: we cant help if we dont know what happens. look into the logs like syslog and dmesg in /var/log for errors12:23
hateballLuka00: also check ~/.xsession-errors12:24
hateballLuka00: And if it's a full system halt, perhaps faulty RAM? Run memtest12:25
Luka00I try to follow your advice12:25
ioriaLuka00,  and maybe tell us what video card do you have ...12:26
sddcim now on an initramfs prompt. I know how to fix it, but I dont want to just unplug the cable. shutdown didnt do anything. what command do I need?12:26
EriC^^sddc: press ctrl+alt+del, or maybe try "exit"12:27
sddcthat worked, thanks12:28
EriC^^no problem12:28
Luka00I'm watching syslog but does not know exactly what to watch12:35
lesshastemy computer is randomly restarting.. is there some log I can look at to guess why?12:35
k1l_Luka00: then put the whole log into paste.ubuntu.com and show the url here12:38
lesshasteit seems the nouveau driver randomly restarting my computer12:43
lesshasteJul 13 13:34:22 lesshaste-desktop kernel: [  170.577755] nouveau  [  PTHERM][0000:01:00.0] temperature (123 C) hit the 'critical' threshold12:43
lesshasteJul 13 13:34:23 lesshaste-desktop kernel: [  171.281409] nouveau  [  PTHERM][0000:01:00.0] temperature (120 C) went below the 'critical' threshold12:43
lesshastewhat can I do12:43
k1l_lesshaste: that sounds like its getting too hot (120°C +)12:43
lesshastek1l_,  well it's been fine for 7 years :)12:44
JediMasterWhere can you find a list of each update for a particular package and when they were released?12:44
k1l_lesshaste: well, dust fills the coolingsystem and make temperatures getting hotter over time12:44
lesshastek1l_,  good point12:44
k1l_JediMaster: packages.ubuntu.com and search for the package then click on changelog12:45
JediMasterk1l_, ah yes, there it is =)12:45
JediMasterOh bugger, 20th March 2016 =(12:46
JediMasterOerHeks, hateball: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/k/keepass2/keepass2_2.32+dfsg-1/changelog shows it's been out since 20th March =/12:48
JediMasterI do hope this is only a false positive12:48
varaindemiandoes ubuntu installer recognize if I have uefi enabled and creates a FAT32 boot partition automatically?12:51
pitiyeguys i have following apt/sources.list12:51
pitiyebut i still get E: Unable to locate package lubuntu-desktop12:52
OerHeksJediMaster, time for 2.34  >> updates now digitally signed (using RSA-4096 / SHA-512); furthermore, it is downloaded over HTTPS12:54
Luka00Has anyone seen the link?12:55
RanTaoOlá a todos, alguém sabe como listar somente os pacotes instalados pelo usuário?12:55
RanTaoHello everyone, does anyone know how to list only the user-installed packages12:55
hateballRanTao: Do you mean packages that have been added after the initial installation?12:56
hateball!pm | RanTao12:57
ubottuRanTao: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.12:57
JediMasterOerHeks, Linux version doesn't get it's updates from the keepass server, they're via the Ubuntu packages, so that vulnerability isn't really the issue, however it could have been how the file got infected on the package maintainer's system (if it's not a false positive)12:57
Luka00http://paste.ubuntu.com/19269360/       syslog12:57
RanTaohateball: yes, ok12:58
OerHeksRanTao, apt-mark showmanual12:59
RanTaoOeHeks> thx, solved13:00
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pitiye1 <pitiye> guys i have following apt/sources.list13:04
pitiye18:21 <pitiye> http://pastebin.com/3hnhbyhh13:04
pitiye18:21 <pitiye> but i still get E: Unable to locate package lubuntu-desktop13:04
cherifhi i am new member13:05
k1l_pitiye: ran a "sudo apt update"?13:05
pitiyedid many times13:05
pitiyeand this is what i get13:05
pitiyeHit:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease13:05
pitiyeGet:2 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-security InRelease [94.5 kB]13:05
pitiyeHit:3 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates InRelease13:05
pitiyeHit:4 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-backports InRelease13:05
k1l_pitiye: wait. you dont have universe enabled for main repos13:06
pitiyek1l_: ahaa !13:06
k1l_pitiye: what desktop are you on?13:06
k1l_pitiye: go to their systemsettings and make sure to uncheck and check again the main,restricted and universe and multiverse repos13:07
Luka00It was not what you were asking?13:07
Dathrmm strange I can't watch mkv video on my ubuntu system13:08
pitiyek1l_: Thanks, now looks like its working13:09
hateballDat: what is inside the mkv? x264?13:09
ducasseLuka00: nothing suspicious there. look at older syslogs, from one that contains info from the time of a crash.13:10
Dathateball: i believe so13:11
hateballDat: and what are you trying to play it with?13:11
Luka00ducasse how? Those were the oldest log, the previous ones are not present13:12
Luka00where I find?13:12
Dathateball: vlc13:13
Dathateball: vlc complains it doesn't support hecv or something but plays the audio13:13
ducasseLuka00: in that case wait until the machine crashes, then read the previous log, not the current one.13:13
hateballDat: hevc is x26513:13
Dathateball: how can I get it working?13:14
Luka00but you know if you are still the previous log or now are lost?13:15
hateballDat: Are you on 16.04? VLC should play x265 there13:16
hateballDat: here is a sample file to test, altho it isnt in an mkv container https://s3.amazonaws.com/x265.org/video/BigBuckBunny_2000hevc.mp413:16
ducasseLuka00: what?13:16
Luka00I go away, if it happens again I try to copy and display them.13:17
Luka00I meant the previous log, where I find them? ducasse13:18
ducasseLuka00: they are in /var/log, older files are .1, .2.gz etc13:19
ducasseLuka00: read the timestamps in the log, make sure they are from the time of a crash.13:20
luffykayn chi maghribi ? ihaz idih lfou9 :D13:20
Dathrmm looks like i've messed up vlc and can't reinstall it13:20
Luka00I wait for the next crash I do not remember the exact time13:24
Luka00thanks for help13:24
Dathrmm I did find another app that can play the mkv video tho13:24
Luka00I hope it does not happen soon :D byeee13:25
varaindemiandoes ubuntu installer recognize if I have uefi enabled and creates a FAT32 boot partition automatically?13:28
varaindemianOn what debian version is lts based?13:28
EriC^^varaindemian: yes13:28
EriC^^the usb has to be booted in uefi mode though13:29
Dathateball: looks like vlc 2.2.1 wont be able to get the plugin to play mkv video13:29
Datbut 2.1.x can13:29
xenomaderwhere's everyone?13:31
geowolfy a des francais13:31
hateball!fr | geowolf13:31
ubottugeowolf: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:31
geowolfok merci13:31
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hateballDat: no that should work13:32
hateballDat: try this sample for instance http://jell.yfish.us/media/jellyfish-3-mbps-hd-hevc.mkv13:33
OerHekshere totem plays better than vlc13:34
msvb-labA little lost (sorry) but I'm looking for some official collaboration from Canonical for a few forthcoming educational events. Anyone know who the contact would be for workshops featuring Snappy/IoT?13:36
msvb-labSeems the role of community manager has not been filled since Jono?13:36
Dathateball: I need to re-install vlc but having issues13:37
Dathateball: keeps saying I have held packages13:37
hateballDat: did you upgrade to 16.04 from an older version? have you kept old PPAs around?13:38
hateballDat: do "apt-cache policy <package>" on the packages it complains about13:38
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hateball!paste | Dat13:38
ubottuDat: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:38
hateballFeel free to paste the output if you are uncertain13:39
deebowhere can i force grub2 partition when using the autoamtic partitioting with lvm+luks?13:41
deebothe installer detects the partition as "/dev/nvme" when it should be "/dev/nvme0n1", and the dialog to correct this after the error does not work at all13:42
deebo(and hasnt since forever)13:42
Dathateball: install from a ppa now i can see video13:44
Dathateball: do you have a method of converting an mkv video to mpeg2 or mp4 from a usb stick to play on a tv?13:45
hateballDat: I think you can do that sort of stuff using Handbrake, but it's nothing I do myself13:46
Dathrmm ok13:46
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hateballDat: Does the TV support DLNA?13:47
hateballDat: If so you could transcode from your computer to it, over the network13:47
Dathrmm i dont think it has DLNA13:47
bingohi. Is it possible to force ubuntu to always boot into safe mode without prompting?13:50
EriC^bingo: what do you mean by safemode13:52
bingoEric^ recovery mode13:53
EriC^why do you want to do that?13:53
bingoissues with my drivers13:54
EriC^you need to use nomodeset ?13:54
bingoI have tried that.13:54
EriC^you can set grub to always boot into recovery mode, but i think you'll have to manually use the menu there to continue13:55
EriC^maybe there's another way though13:55
Luka00Hello It crashed again at 15:44 http://paste.ubuntu.com/19273837/13:56
bingothanks for your help. I suppose a menu isn't the worst thing ever.13:56
EriC^bingo: maybe there's a kernel parameter you can pass so it continues13:56
Luka00I do not know what might help.13:56
joeliobingo: what's the issue with the drivers?13:57
joeliois it that splash that causes the issue?13:57
bingojoelio not entirely sure. I tried installing coreos and it was asking for proprietery drivers.13:58
EriC^bingo: no problem13:59
joeliobingo: coreos on ubuntu?!13:59
joeliocoreos is a full os isn't it? :)13:59
* joelio strokes LXD14:00
Dathrmmm this sucks abit14:00
bingoNo coreos on my machine. It was not the graphical version.14:00
bingo*core OS14:00
joeliocoreos the docker specific operating system? I'm not sure how you install that on ubuntu14:01
joelioit's like saying installing slackware on ubuntu (without any virt)14:01
joeliounless I misunderstand14:01
bingowasn't installing it on ubuntu. I tried installing it on its own.14:01
ycyclistLooks like purge is what I needed to take out all old openjdk.14:01
Luka00syslog does not mention anything about that hour of crash 15:44 :(14:01
bingoIt worked, but the graphical version failed.14:01
bingoI need more than commandline for my stuff tho.14:01
ycyclistsudo apt-get purge openjdk-\*14:01
hateballLuka00: what does crash mean? does the system freeze so you have to cycle power?14:02
hateballLuka00: did you run a memtest?14:02
ducassebingo: is this a problem with coreos or with ubuntu?14:03
bingoubuntu. Core OS is only relevant cause it was specific about the drivers.14:04
kiais there any online video tutorial for linux kernal programming or linux device drivers??14:05
Luka00I never have done this thing I should try14:05
safarihi everyone! I just lost an external drive under ubuntu after a power failure corrupted the disk... I'm getting a small new seagate external with good life, but if Im really only a linux user what's the best format for the new drive?14:06
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wkhuahuohello Drone14:09
pitiyeguys i get this error "Package blueman is not configured yet."  how to debug this ?14:09
wkhuahuoany body in?14:09
Luka00hateball I try memtest although I do not think my ram has problems14:11
hateballLuka00: what type of storage are you using?14:11
hateballLuka00: ssd?14:11
ducassesafari: ext414:17
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Luka00I try memtest byee14:25
ycyclistI presume it just doesn't work when there is only one item, but it seemed like it was worth asking.14:30
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rypervenchesaitoh183: saitoh183_: No, just restart Apache.14:33
dbuggerDoes anyone know how to install them icon them Papirus? I followed this instructions, but after it, nothing happened: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/07/how-to-install-papirus-icon-theme-ubuntu14:41
OerHeksdbugger, you might need to logout / login to use that theme14:42
dbuggerOerHeks, I already restarted the whole machine14:43
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ducassedbugger: do you mean you can't select the icon theme in settings?14:44
dbuggerducasse, where in the settings?14:44
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ducassedbugger: which desktop/wm?14:45
dbuggerubuntu 16.10, out of the box14:45
dbuggersorry 16.0414:45
ducassedbugger: plain ubuntu? i don't use unity, but i expect it has settings for 'appearance' or something similar.14:46
ducasseycyclist: you might get better luck if you just explain your problem here...14:49
ycyclistWell, the step was to update alternatives for java and javac.  Both of these failed with the diagnostic you see.14:50
ycyclistIs this expected?14:50
ycyclistIf not, am I doing it wrong?  Is the tutorial / instruction mistaken?14:50
OerHeksmaybe you need unity-tweak-tool for that, not sure14:50
OerHeksdbugger, ^^. as the system seetting do give themes, but not icon themes seperate14:51
ycyclistupdate-alternatives --set java /usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_91/jre/bin/java update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for java14:51
saitoh183_im having a issue importing a 28mb db using phpmyadmin14:53
saitoh183_just get a blank page14:53
joeliosaitoh183_: do you have php max size set or something in php.ini?14:55
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joeliooh, that looks like an actual failure14:55
soulezWhere in launchpad.net can I request a petition to add a feature in ubiquity installer to make possible install ubuntu in a preencrypted hard disk out of the box like fedora or centos installer, it is a very usefull option14:56
saitoh183_joelio: yes14:56
dbuggerSo I cant set the icons, with Unity?15:00
saitoh183_joelio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19278449/15:00
xanguadbugger: install unity tweak tool as you were told15:01
dbuggeroh i have it already. let me see15:01
dbuggerIndeed that did it15:02
dbuggerthanks you!15:02
joeliosaitoh183_: not fastcgi timeouts too.. php one part, but perhaps another part has timeouts set too15:04
joeliolooks like it's being disrupted during load15:05
joeliobut that could also be SQL that's making the parser b0rk15:05
joeliosaitoh183_: have you managed to ingest that dataset ok locally15:05
joelioalso, what's wrong with a15:05
joeliomysql -u blah -p < file.sql ?15:06
joelio(assuming cli access)15:06
andrzejjoelio: if not CLI he can use this https://www.adminer.org/ one php file with mysql admin15:07
Jack543Developer C?15:08
saitoh183_joelio: i didnt try via CLI but i could15:12
PiciJack543: if you're asking about programming in C, the channel is ##C15:13
joeliosaitoh183_: yea, cli all the way, always going to be quicker than using http and interpretted languages to load mysql15:15
saitoh183_joelio: what would be the proper command? My sql file is in my home folder15:19
joeliomysql -u {username in database } -p < {path to mysql file}15:20
joeliothe -p prompts for password15:20
joelio the < is a shell redicrection15:20
paranoidabhiquestoin: http://askubuntu.com/questions/795169/kde-slow-boot-on-kubuntu-16-0415:20
paranoidabhiplease have a look. :)15:20
paranoidabhiI have posted it several times.15:21
joelioa 5400rpm HD isn't the quicket you know...15:21
paranoidabhijoelio, yeah but 2:30 is still way long15:22
saitoh183_joelio: ERROR 1046 (3D000) at line 29: No database selected do i have to create a empty db?15:23
paranoidabhijoelio, windows on dual boot takes 45 secs.15:23
joeliosaitoh183_: ok, so add the db15:23
joeliomysql -u blah -p {database}  < file.sql15:23
Powerlessi am trying to send this line and it says connection refused. how to allow it? echo "test" | ssh walluser@IP wall15:23
paranoidabhiI can't find anyway to fix it. I very tired finding solutions. Please suggest any relevant directions.15:24
joelioparanoidabhi: have you tried adding that module you say is faully (wifi or ethernet?) to a blacklist and see if it boots quicker15:24
paranoidabhijoelio, thanks for the suggestion. I haven't, can you suggest how I can do that.15:25
joelioparanoidabhi: yea, just checking for 16.04.. normall it's in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist15:26
tahdergood morning, I'm installing ubuntu 16.04 LTS on my lenovo desktop. I'm currently stuck on the partitioning table.I have 16004 MG of free space and i can't seem to get it right. i divide the space up as follows: 7967mb ext4,primary,beg, mount / : 34 efi,logical,beg : 8002 swap,logical,beg. And it keeps switching between errors of: root system not defined, swap area failed, or efi boot needs to be defined (that was before I added15:26
tahderit. Any help would be much appreciated15:26
joelioparanoidabhi: yea, /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist is where you can put it 'blacklist r8169' and give that a try15:28
joelioyou won't get any nic - but at least if it goes quick, then you know why it's slwo booting15:28
joelioand bet a usb nic for cheap if you need or something15:28
saitoh183_joelio:will i need a new db15:28
paranoidabhijoelio, is it blacklist.conf  in 16.04?15:29
joeliosaitoh183_: well if your SQL doesn't have a CREATE DB func at the top15:29
joelioyes, also, check the user has perms to create the db.. but just use the same credentials as what you were useing15:29
joeliothat should be fine15:29
joelioparanoidabhi: I think so, yea, look inside it and check15:29
joelioparanoidabhi: tbh I don't that that will be it15:30
joelioas that dmesg spam looks like it runs at all times15:30
joeliobut not my machine :)15:30
paranoidabhijoelio, the spam occurs on disconnecting the ethernet cable not always.15:32
dutchieHi, I'm having some trouble with a custom PAM module I've put into /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security (where all the other PAM modules are). auth.log seems to indicate that it's looking in /lib/security, but that doesn't even exist. Do I need to do more than just dropping my .so in place?15:37
dutchie(this is on 14.04)15:37
gnumonkwhat is the "cgroup                                       7.7G     0  7.7G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup" in df -kh output15:41
naccgnumonk: cgroup filesystem https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/cgroup-v1/cgroups.txt15:42
naccgnumonk: it's a virtual file system (like /proc and /sys)15:42
anddamis there a way to have usb devices belonging to a specific group the same way block devices belong to group disk?15:42
c0axHello there, can someone help me?15:42
gnumonknacc: ok its had actully reserved 7.7 GB disk space?15:43
naccgnumonk: no15:44
DJonesc0ax: Ask your question in the channel, until you do that, people won't  know if they can help15:44
ducasseanddam: i guess you could set up a udev rule15:44
naccgnumonk: i'm guessing it will look similar to the other tmpfs filesystems in size15:44
gnumonknacc:  So I have confusion here, lsblk shows hard disk size let say "100GB" but df -kh shows 84G, where 7 GB for tmpfs and 7GB for cgroups.15:45
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sahili am running ubuntu gnome based on ubuntu 13.10.i would like to know to to upgrade it to latest version. thanks15:45
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c0axI have problem with my ubuntu 16.04. Ive installed openssh clinet/server and netstat -tulpn says that 22 is running ive added rule to the iptables also ufw allow 22. But im not able to connect to it from other computer on the SAME network. I can ping it, but cant connect15:46
gnumonksahil: upgrade to 14.04 first.15:46
ducassegnumonk: no, because cgroupfs is not a real filesystem.15:46
sahilpardon i guess its based on 14.04.. however how to check it?15:46
nacc!ltsupgrade | sahil15:47
ubottusahil: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.15:47
andrzejsahil: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TrustyUpgrades15:47
sipiorc0ax: and if you temporarily disable the firewall?15:47
naccsahil: to check your current release `lsb_release -a` (if you want to share that output use pastebin)15:47
anddamducasse: but there's no builtin for that already, right?15:47
c0axso iptables -F then to restart ssh?15:47
nacccodepython777: are you trying to connect as root?15:47
andrzejsahil: cat /etc/*release*15:48
nacccodepython777: sorry!15:48
naccc0ax: are you trying to connect as root?15:48
c0axIve disabled that15:48
anddamducasse: namely I was doing lsusb and that made me think to adding my user to a specific group to avoid using sudo15:48
ducasseanddam: not that i know of, but i have never looked. easy to make, though.15:48
joelioaren't they in 'plugdev' group - or handled via udev15:48
c0axnow when I did iptables -F I cannot even ping that computer15:48
gnumonkducasse: so then why there is diff between lsblk outout and df15:49
sahillsb_release -a says its 15:1015:49
andrzejsahil: so you have 15.1015:49
andrzejsahil: update directly to 16.0415:49
kristian_on_linuhi all15:49
sahilah so how can i get to 16:1015:49
christofferhi guys15:49
ducassegnumonk: lsblk lists block devices, and cgroupfs isn't one.15:49
c0axnacc, sipior anything?15:50
kristian_on_linuanyone else suddenly got a "Dropbox would like to be installed" message?15:50
kristian_on_linu(I've had DB for ages)15:50
sahilubuntugnome.org says theres 16:10 available15:50
andrzejsahil: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/04/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-15-10-to-16-04-lts15:50
naccsahil: 16.10 just had alpha1, you don't want it yet.15:50
sahilthank you :)15:50
andrzejsahil: you want to go to 16.04 for stable15:50
andrzejsahil: 16.10 will be released in october15:51
sipiorc0ax: it would be difficult to say more without knowing your setup.15:51
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christofferIs there a way to retrieve my files from windows 19 home even when it will not start up?15:51
saitoh183_joelio: Thks for the help15:51
andrzejchristoffer: yes, mount the drive and there you have it15:51
EriC^^christoffer: yeah15:51
c0axWhat you want to know? I have installed it 25mins ago. I have installed a openssh running on 22 port. Also dhcp enabled15:52
joeliosaitoh183_: did it work? cool15:52
rypervenchechristoffer: Depends. You should be able to get them off if you simply mount the drive.15:52
christofferhow do I mount it?15:52
gnumonkducasse: ok, does cfgroups reserve some GB like tmpfs?15:52
EriC^^christoffer: try in the file manager pressing on the partition15:52
ducassegnumonk: tmpfs uses ram, not disk.15:52
joeliognumonk: no, cgroups are overlays15:52
saitoh183_joelio: i Think i will check out Adminer because a GUI is useful when i dont have CLI access remotly15:52
christofferAn error occurred while accessing '1.8 TiB Hard Drive', the system responded: The requested operation has failed: Error mounting /dev/sda2 at /media/christoffer/3268581A6857DAE5: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000" "/dev/sda2" "/media/christoffer/3268581A6857DAE5"' exited with non-zero exit status 14: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).15:52
christofferMetadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.15:52
christofferFailed to mount '/dev/sda2': Operation not permitted15:52
christofferThe NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown15:52
christofferWindows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume15:53
christofferread-only with the 'ro' mount option.15:53
nacc!paste | christoffer15:53
ubottuchristoffer: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:53
andrzejchristoffer: ntfsfix /dev/sda215:53
ywhello all, can someone share practical clues how to make a snapshot of the exiting ubuntu 16.04 install so it can be used as an image in cloud like AWS ?15:53
andrzejchristoffer: sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda215:53
sipiorc0ax: and you've verified the service is running? what happens if you try "telnet <server hostname> 22" from the remote machine?15:53
=== yw is now known as chudak
EriC^^christoffer: try in the terminal sudo mount -o ro /dev/sda2 /mnt15:53
chudakhello all, can someone share practical clues how to make a snapshot of the exiting ubuntu 16.04 install so it can be used as an image in cloud like AWS ?15:53
andrzejEriC^^: manual will not work probably, let him do ntfsfix15:53
EriC^^christoffer: andrzej no15:53
andrzejEriC^^: works for me15:54
EriC^^andrzej: it's probably in a hibernated state cause of the windows shutdown feature15:54
EriC^^andrzej: ntfsfix fixes that?15:54
andrzejEriC^^: not always and yes15:54
andrzejEriC^^: for me sometimes windows just locks the partition even if I will close it correclty15:54
christofferNow I have access thanks alot15:55
gnumonkducasse: joelio Thanks15:55
andrzejEriC^^: see :)15:55
andrzejchristoffer: no problem15:55
c0axsipior, it prompts openssh15:55
andrzejpaybacc: hi15:55
c0axits connected15:55
sipiorc0ax: great, it works.15:55
c0axThat was when I tryed from another linux machine15:56
c0axbut if I try it from windows with putty it says nothing15:56
sipiorc0ax: you can login via ssh from the remote linux machine, but not from windows?15:56
dwigton_I am attempting to usb tether a dell inspiron n5110 running ubuntu 15.10 to my android phone. The connection shows up as a grayed out ethernet connection that just says "disconnected" There is no option to connect. How to enable?15:57
c0axNo. sipior telnet from linux machine works but ssh not15:57
c0axtelnet and ssh from windows no15:58
paybaccwhat is usb tether15:58
sipiorc0ax: then try specifying the "-v" switch with ssh.15:58
c0axssh -v username@ip ?15:59
andrzejdwigton_: I am using https://github.com/oblique/create_ap for that15:59
sipiorc0ax: yep.15:59
dwigton_paybacc: connecting the phone to the laptop via usb to share an internet connection.15:59
andrzejdwigton_: ubuntu theter didn't work for me either15:59
tahder good morning, I'm installing ubuntu 16.04 LTS on my lenovo desktop. I'm currently stuck on the partitioning table.I have 16004 MG of free space and i can't seem to get it right. i divide the space up as follows: 7967mb ext4,primary,beg, mount / : 34 efi,logical,beg : 8002 swap,logical,beg. And it keeps switching between errors of: root system not defined, swap area failed, or efi boot needs to be defined (that was before I added15:59
tahder<tahder> it. Any help would be much appreciated15:59
andrzejdwigton_: after installing create_ap do sudo create_ap wifi0 eth0 PRIVATE-HOTSPOT password16:00
joelioI used tethering to 3g when my dsl->fibre.. it comes up as a usb0 device16:00
nacctahder: is there any reason you can't accept the defaults?16:00
joelioyou need to specifiy tethering on the phone, but the rest 'just works'16:00
tahderthere is no option to otherwise i would16:00
dwigton_andrzej: That turns your laptop into a hotspot?16:01
dwigton_Isn't that the otherway around from what I need?16:01
andrzejdwigton_: yeah with password protected wifi16:01
joelioI think dwigton_ needs computer->phone tehterhing, phone providing ip16:01
andrzejdwigton_: ubuntu hotspot worked for me but only without password16:01
andrzejjoelio: aa you are right16:02
dwigton_joelio: Yes.16:02
joelio(I think!) if so, when you plugin the phone, with USB tethering enabled on the phone.. check dmesg and run ifconfig -a16:02
joelioit should show up as usb016:02
joelioand get an ip address assingned automatically16:02
andrzejdwigton_: sorry, the thing that I gave you is for using your laptop as a hotspot16:02
dwigton_joelio: I did I think the one I get is wlp9s016:03
joelioah, consistent device naming :D16:03
dwigton_joelio: whoops no it actually comes up as eht016:04
joelioeth0, that is strange16:04
dwigton_sorry eth016:04
joeliodoes it get an ip bound to the interface?16:05
joeliothe phone acts as a small dhcp server and gives out ip16:05
joeliook and the phone is definitely set to tethering mode16:05
joeliosometimes mine would revert back to charging16:05
joeliohrm, ok16:05
dwigton_can it not do both?16:06
joelioyea, it'll charge as it's tethered, but it's a different mode16:06
joeliotethering == charging + tehtering16:06
joeliochargin == just charging16:06
dwigton_the login screen shows tethering active16:06
joeliomaybe networkmanager doing something strange.. mine was plugged into old headless laptop that served my vpm/hostapd16:07
joelioand no networkmanager running16:07
joelionot sure what the issue would be, would need to check in logs, see if there's anything strange listed16:08
joeliowhen you plugin the device etc.16:08
joeliolook at dmesg/syslog etc.16:08
dwigton_joelio: is that a log somewhere?16:10
dwigton_i have an empty /var/log/dmesg but no var/log/dmesg/syslog16:11
joeliodwigton_: yea, you can just type 'dmesg'16:11
tahderis there anyone available to help with my partitioning troubles16:11
joeliodwigton_: the dmesg log can get roated out by logrotate sometimes I've noticed.. or if it's been up a while16:12
joeliotahder: did you use guided paritioning (auto) or do it yourself16:13
joelioI notice EFI listed too :/ always fun16:13
tahderjoelio, there is no option for guided partitioning, so I'm doing it myself16:13
joeliotahder: there definitely is, or should be :)16:14
k1l_tahder: do you have already 4 primary partitions on that disk=16:14
joelio+1 k1l_16:14
tahderthere isn't; i know there should be16:14
joeliomaybe EFI is making it go awry16:14
joeliobut... should... work.....16:15
ducassetahder: which image are you using?16:15
tahderi erase them again, k1l, but i had 316:15
c0axsipior, windows telnet not working16:15
c0axsipior, ssh -v says connection established and nothing happens16:16
tahderubuntu says EFI has to be there16:16
c0axlist some stuffs and thats it16:16
k1l_tahder: are you in live mode? open a terminal and do "sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the  url here16:16
e-ventQuick question for anyone that knows? Has xenial got support for hot updating kernels now?16:16
e-ventI know 4.4 should be able16:16
tahderyes, one sec16:16
joelioe-vent: kexec you mean.. yes16:16
* joelio assumes16:16
c0axsipior, ?16:16
e-ventunsure, I haven't looked at it in several months.16:17
hggdhe-vent: not that I heard about16:17
sipiorc0ax: well, if the connection is established, all should be well.16:17
c0axits not working..16:17
dwigton_joelio: http://termbin.com/eei216:17
c0axOr why its not working from windows16:17
c0axAlso sipior now I see I cannot even ping
e-venti was meaning this: http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/no-reboot-kernel-patching-and-why-you-should-care16:18
sipiorc0ax: you should check the debugging options for your windows ssh client.16:18
joelioI've used kexec quite a bit.. you can use kexec-tools and the installer will ask it you want to change the reboot level to use kexec.. if it's ksplice, then maybe not....16:18
e-ventI know RHEL has it, but was wondering about ubuntu's support.16:18
sipiorc0ax: if it is partially connecting, check the server logs as well and see if anything useful is there.16:18
Jack543Developer C?16:18
e-venti.e. kpatch I guess16:19
c0axok sipior thanks16:19
joelioe-vent: yea, I think that's different to kexec.. afaiu16:19
e-ventYeah I thought so too.16:19
e-ventIn effect, if it isn't able to patch the kernel in place and reroute to it without a reboot16:20
e-ventits not what I mean16:20
hggdhe-vent: I do not think we already use kernel patches.16:20
e-vent(I am working on a gateway.)16:20
joelioe-vent: kexec still quicker to reboot.. don't have to wait for full POST etc, but sure.. it's not what you referenced16:20
e-ventjoelio, its not16:20
MonkeyDustJack543  type /j ##c++16:20
brunch8751I'm running out of disk space. Is it bad?16:21
e-ventI am meaning no reboot nor any downtime on processes.16:21
hggdhjoelio: it does not matter. kexec means "reboot". kernel patching is dynamic.16:21
k1l_brunch8751: yes16:21
brunch8751Should I free up stuff or is it ok to just leave it like this?16:21
e-ventbrunch8751, depends16:21
e-ventdo you need more space?16:21
brunch8751not really, no16:21
e-ventwhat is your disk config?16:21
Jack543MonkeyDust: exist /j #C?16:21
e-venti.e. have you got filesystems on multiple disks?16:21
eycsigfyWhat does ubuntu server use for network management on 16.0416:21
brunch8751I have ubuntu on a SSD 120GB16:21
e-venteycsigfy, last time I checked iptables16:22
brunch8751I put all games there too so that they're faster16:22
eycsigfye-vent› so how do I restart networking?16:22
brunch8751I also have a bigger, regular hard drive16:22
e-vent /etc/init.d/networking restart16:22
e-ventfrom memory16:22
brunch8751which I use as "storage"16:22
e-ventbrunch8751, you might wish to put your /home partition onto that hard drive16:22
brunch8751is it bad if I don't?16:23
brunch8751Will ubuntu start failing?16:23
e-ventbut it depends on what stuff you want to keep fast16:23
e-ventSSD is ideally for programs16:23
brunch8751home contains games16:23
e-venthard drive for storage16:23
e-ventbrunch8751, exactly16:23
brunch8751I thought about moving /opt there16:23
e-ventthat would work16:23
e-ventbut again, it depends on what you need to be speedy16:23
brunch8751but I don't really know how mounting works too much16:23
joeliohggdh: sure, I find kexec works better for me as I don't need to wait for the glacial POST cycles that modern servers have in them.. and all the crappy firmware to initialise (meh). So there is a gain, but yes, not what op was asking fro16:23
Jack543sudo service networking restart16:24
e-ventjoelio, yeah its got a UEFI so kexec should be pacey16:24
brunch8751I'm fine being out of space, cause then I can free up when I want to install new programs16:24
brunch8751my concern is whether ubuntu is going to start choking16:24
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tahderokay, k1l, here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/19284859/16:24
e-ventbut ultimately I'm avoiding any downtime on network traffic16:24
e-ventbrunch8751, eh, in short16:24
e-ventnot likely16:24
* brunch8751 shrugs16:25
e-ventbut if you run out of RAM and swap at the same time you will be in trouble16:25
joelioe-vent: well, I'd make 2 boxen and balance, but sure... :)16:25
compdocput your OS on the ssd, and the rest for storage16:25
e-ventjoelio, that is fair16:25
e-ventbut I kinda dont wanna CARP16:25
brunch8751but there's a partition for swap which I cannot use16:25
joeliosome cool BGP tricks you can do too16:25
brunch8751so swap should be fine, right?16:25
* joelio ducks16:25
e-ventlol, I really don't wanna get into it that far :)16:25
brunch875120GB on it according to disks16:25
e-vent20GB should be plenty16:25
e-ventI wouldn't worry about it unless you see some poor performance16:26
willcaniHi everyone ! I have a freezing problem on 16.04 (complete freeze, not just UI, can't access it via ssh). And the syslog is unreadable at the interesting point. Any hints ?16:26
e-ventyou local or remote?16:26
e-ventif local try accessing another terminal16:26
e-ventCtrl Alt 116:26
e-ventor 216:26
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willcaniyes local. and nothing respond16:27
e-ventanyone know if there's a ubuntu timetable for the kpatch stuff?16:27
e-ventwillcani, sounds very dead16:27
e-ventcheck the syslog on reboot16:27
e-ventsee if something told you why it died16:27
willcaniyes and at the timestamp of the freezing all I have is "\00" characters16:27
e-ventif syslog isnt being co operative check kernel16:28
willcanisame thing on kernel :(16:28
brunch875115% disk usage in trash, jackpot16:28
e-ventsounds like a hardware issue then16:28
e-ventsince its literally completely died instantly16:28
e-ventah yeah brunch875116:28
e-venttaking the trash out is more than a household chore16:28
willcanii have an Nvidia gpu, maybe it is linked ?16:28
brunch8751extra 10% in the Downloads folder16:29
e-ventPerhaps willcani if you have a spare GPU16:29
e-venttry running one16:29
brunch8751I guess I won't have to remount anything!16:29
e-ventswap out as many parts as needed to find the thing that is breaking it16:29
e-venttry memtest also16:29
e-ventbrunch8751, for future you might want to have the linux equiv of windirstat on hand16:29
willcanii'll use the integrated chipset, but that sounds bad for gaming :)16:29
e-ventwillcani, it will be16:30
e-ventbut you're trying to work out if you have a hardware problem :)16:30
joelioe-vent: assume it's on the way - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kpatch16:30
willcaniif it is the gpu, should i just throw it ?16:30
tahderk1l, okay so i just tried to unplug the usb that I was installing from and then instlall and it says i need at  least 8.6gb to install and i had 0.0 but that isn't true16:30
willcaniwell, anyway, thanks for the tip, i'll try that16:31
willcanisee you16:31
joelioe-vent: there are some info about 14.04 here too - https://github.com/dynup/kpatch16:31
e-ventWas just looking at that :)16:31
joelioin terms of when that hits the upstream ubuntu tooling and build chain, then I'd assume 'soon'16:31
joelioas obviously some self-management there16:31
joelioif you can deal with that, all good, but perhaps some time before it's packaged as pathces and just and apt-get install16:32
e-ventmy experience is16:32
e-ventif its in debian16:32
* joelio will have a play too :)16:32
e-ventwait 6 months16:32
e-ventthen it'll get a backport16:32
e-ventI'm quite happy to wait with kernel stuff16:33
e-ventexperimenting is nice16:33
e-ventbut the kernel will try to kill itself if I fiddle16:33
joelioyea, never a good thing :D16:34
e-ventto be fair though the worst thing for me16:34
e-venthas been windows overwriting my boot multiple times16:34
e-ventMicrosoft and fast boot nuked my bootloader on arch on the way to an important meeting16:34
* joelio windows free since 200616:34
joeliohad to use a friends machine the other day, didn't like it one bit, even tying being imparital. Tools for jobs I guess though16:35
joelioor games.. etc16:35
e-ventYup, Vulkan16:37
e-ventsooner rather than later please16:37
e-ventI only have windows for that reason16:37
joelioe-vent: +116:38
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joelioVulkan looks like it could really shake up that choice in future16:38
e-ventWell, I guess vulkan + better GPU drivers16:38
e-ventbut eh16:38
e-ventgood steps16:38
joelioright, hometime, laters!16:39
brunch8751I'm very upset of DOOM drm since it runs with vulkan16:39
brunch8751I found another 10GB used in .config/chromium... what the hell?16:40
brunch8751is it bad to simply delete the .config folder?16:40
hggdhbrunch8751: it will delete all your configuration for all applications that use it. Your call.16:41
k1l_brunch8751: use the delete cache and offline websites in chromium16:41
e-ventThere a ccleaner for linux yet?16:41
compdocyou infected?16:42
brunch8751I'm just going to fall back to firefox16:42
e-ventbleachbit apparently16:42
brunch8751if an application breaks from removing it's .config... it doesn't deserve to stay installed!16:43
e-ventpretty much16:43
e-ventsane defaults...16:43
hggdhbrunch8751: they do not break. Your user experience may, or may not, be impacted.16:43
brunch8751hopefully this also helps evolution catch online accounts again16:44
hggdhbrunch8751: the applications will all re-gen their (needed) ~/.config/<whatver> entries.16:44
brunch8751it stopped working for some reason16:44
brunch8751hmph, evolution still doesn't want to use online-accounts16:46
brunch8751oh well, worth a shot ☹16:46
hggdhbrunch8751: let's say, for the sake of argument, that you have Evolution installed. Now you go and delete all of ~/.config (or just ~/.config/evolution). Now you lost *all* your evo configuration email addresses, servers, chached emails, filters, etc.16:47
brunch8751yeah, it happened exactly as you described it16:47
brunch8751but it still doesn't want to read from online-accounts16:47
hggdhbrunch8751: so, in summary: can you delete ~/.config? Yes. But your user experience will be impacted.16:48
brunch8751which is bizarre since it worked out of the box when I last installed it16:48
hggdhbrunch8751: I configured Evo to read my gmail (as IMAP). It worked. It still works, when I fire up Evo.16:49
brunch8751yeah, but that's not through ubuntu online-accounts, right?16:49
brunch8751I really like that functionality, since it syncs calendar and all16:49
hggdhbrunch8751: I am not certain what is it you call "online accounts"16:50
brunch8751it's under system settings16:50
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Guest72487i need earphones of apple16:50
brunch8751you can add accounts there, and some programs will use them, like the notifications16:50
Guest72487any girl is here16:51
brunch8751but ever since I reinstalled ubuntu (because I broke it), it doesn't work anymore16:51
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brunch8751I've tried googling but apparently I'm the only one affected by this :s16:51
returnthisI have xrandr reporting my screen resolution as 1440x2560 but apps are reporting 720x1280. This observed in firefox, chrome, emacs, slack, gnome-terminal, but NOT spotify (except the menus)16:51
dhakadsahabhi abhishek16:52
returnthiswhy does firefox, etc... view my resolution as so low, but xrandr reports correctly?16:52
dhakadsahabdeeakinh how are u buddy16:52
k1l_dhakadsahab: do you have an ubuntu issue? this channel is for technical support only.16:54
dhakadsahabohh sory..16:54
dhakadsahabi thought its a dating channel16:54
brunch8751you can join #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting ☺16:54
dhakadsahabi m a security researcher in microsoft boy16:55
dhakadsahabu r just a kid ask any issue in kali linux u have16:55
k1l_dhakadsahab: this is not a chat channel or a microsoft or kali channel. so please keep it clear for ubuntu support. thanks16:56
dhakadsahabokk soryyy...i m going thank u for your patient16:56
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SargunWhy does Ubuntu (LTS) install a specific kernel version (linux-image-$RELEASE-lts) vs. linux-image-generic?17:02
tewardSargun: do you mean Ubuntu 14.04 LTS?17:03
tewardSargun: if so, then the point-release ISOs use the newer kernel and a newer hardware-enablement-stack.  That is, they use the kernel from a different release, backported for the LTS release of Ubuntu17:03
teward(that is why on Trusty, linux-image-wily-lts would be the Wily kernel backported to Ubuntu 14.04, along with the updated hardware enablement stacks)17:04
tewardat least, AIUI.17:04
Sargunteward: Ah, so like 14.04.4 uses a newer major than 14.04.1?17:04
evil-trollsoooo. I was talking to myself and i was like: "DUDE. where's my car?" j/k I was like: "DUDE. we should look at source code!" so I was like: "OK, let's look at THIS: http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37 " and holy COW. Look at all of those dependencies! AAAHHHhhhhh *dies*.17:05
SargunErr, Maybe I'm misunderstanding. According to the chart "Ubuntu Kernel Release Schedule" on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack it seems 14.04.X will always use kernel 3.13? Or are you backporting 3.X+ stuff to 3.13?17:06
naccSargun: you misunderstood17:07
tewardSargun: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19288288/ see Trusty17:07
ioriaSargun, 14.04.4 uses wily kernel17:07
tewardSargun: 14.04.4 uses the Wily kernel17:07
tewardfrom the ISO, it installs the Wily kernel17:07
evil-trollhow do I touch my Wily?17:07
k1l_!hwe | Sargun17:08
ubottuSargun: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack17:08
teward^ there you go17:08
neldogzI used to be able to change the Grub background by placing a .jpg file in /boot/grub/ and then sudo update-grub but this is no longer working. I am using UEFI17:08
cjhowehi guys! trying to set up GRUB to work with a ZFS root17:08
SargunWill it ever get the Xenial kernel?17:08
k1l_Sargun: on the isos the latest backports kernel form the HWE is included. but on the install the kernel version is not upgraded. but you can do it manually.17:08
Sargun-- If I `apt upgrade` the kernel in a few months on my trusty box, will it give me 4.4.X?17:09
cjhowehowever, even though `update-grub` says "Adding boot menu entry for EFI firmware configuration", efibootmgr doesn't show any boot entry17:09
k1l_Sargun: no17:09
naccSargun: 14.04.5 will have the xenial hwe stack (aiui)17:09
k1l_Sargun: please read the wiki page the bot linked you. you need to install the metapackage from the HWE17:09
Sargunk1l_: That appears to be the same wiki page that confused me in the first place.17:10
k1l_Sargun: so what is still unclear? you dont get automatic major kernel upgrades, but you can with the HWE. the isos from the pointreleases already have those new HWE kernels included17:11
naccSargun: "`apt upgrade` the kernel" is a nonsensical sentence. I think you meant you are upgrading the linux-image-generic package. In which case, no, that will not update to anyting other than a 3.13.x-based  kernel. You need to install an appropriate metapacakge for the HWE release you care about. (note that i think in august or so, anything other than 14.04.5's stack becomes unsupported)17:12
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Luka00hello people17:15
Luka00I could not do the memtest and Ubuntu continue to freeze17:16
SargunAh, so when I upgrade from say 14.04.4->14.04.5, it'll automatically pickup the new Xenial HWE?17:16
Luka00when it happens, after a few seconds the fan speeds up a lot17:17
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ioriaSargun,  no.... grep cdrom /etc/apt/sources.list17:19
Luka00How can I do to recover the logs? When I turn off and then there 'turn is anything about the crash17:20
Luka00*turn on17:20
peter251Hi, I have an issue with modemmanager version 1.4.12 in ubuntu 16.04. It doesnt start by itself and when I try to start it trough shell I get the following error: ModemManager[11742]: <info>  ModemManager (version 1.4.12) starting in system bus...17:21
peter251ModemManager[11742]: <warn>  Could not acquire the 'org.freedesktop.ModemManager1' service name17:21
peter251ModemManager[11742]: <info>  ModemManager is shut down17:21
peter251in debug mode i get:17:21
peter251ModemManager[12020]: <debug> [1468430437.178631] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'Cinterion'17:21
peter251ModemManager[12020]: <debug> [1468430437.178641] [mm-plugin-manager.c:902] load_plugins(): Successfully loaded 29 plugins17:21
k1l_Sargun: no. once you installed it stays on the kernel version. and you need to install the next metapakcage like explained on the HWE wiki site17:22
n0de01Hi! I'm trying to install eclipse through umake (sudo umake ide eclipse). However I get eclipse as an invalid choice (umake ide: error: argument framework: invalid choice: 'eclipse' (choose from 'lighttable', 'visual-studio-code') Could somebody please help me with this error ?)17:22
naccn0de01: what is umake?17:23
n0de01Ubuntu Make is a command line tool which allows you to download the latest version of popular developer tools on your installation. More here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-make17:23
Luka00Who helps me before the next crash /freeze?17:24
justsomeguyHi, I'm trying to troubleshoot my external monitor. It's resolution is not recognized when starting up, and changes in the 'Displays' settings panel doesn't seem to affect this. More info here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19289650/ . Any idea where I should start toubleshooting this?17:25
naccn0de01: does `umake ide -h` indeicate that eclipse is a valid option?17:26
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naccn0de01: that wiki page implies #ubuntu-desktop is the appropriate channel to ask, no idea if that's correct, though17:27
n0de01nacc: Nope. It lists visual-studio-code & lighttable as valid options. However wiki has an entry for eclipse in ide category.17:28
n0de01nacc: Thanks for pointing that out! I'll post my question there.17:29
beantaxiHi all. I have a server, for which I would like to configure local email. Eg if a cron job fails and cron sends a local email, I would like that to work, plus I'd like to be able to read it. There is no need to send non-local email.17:30
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naccn0de01: what version of ubuntu btw?17:30
beantaxinacc: trusty17:30
beantaxinacc: whoops - sorry17:30
geniibeantaxi: For that you just need sendmail, not something more extravagant like postfix or exim17:31
beantaxiIs apt-get install mailutils my simplest option? It looks like there are a few tricks requires, to install mailutils noninteractively via apt-get17:31
n0de01naac: 16.0417:31
naccn0de01: fwiw, that wiki page doesn't sayt he version the example comes from, so it could be something that has been removed17:31
naccn0de01: LP: 159129417:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1591294 in ubuntu-make (Ubuntu) ""umake ide eclipse" returns "invalid choice" despite what manpage says" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159129417:32
n0de01nacc: Hmm yea true!17:32
varaindemianif I choose something else in the ubuntu installer (partitions) and I have uefi do I need to manually creaty the efi partition or it get automatically created?17:33
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n0de01ubottu: nacc: Thanks for the information. Should have done my home work of searching a little more. Sorry for the trouble.17:35
ubottun0de01: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:35
naccn0de01: np, it might be somthing already solved by upstream, etc. not sure17:36
geniibeantaxi: mailutils has default-mta as a dependency. if no prior MTA is installed, it will put postfix by default. If you want a lighter solution, install sendmail before installing mailutils17:36
geniiApologies on lag, work is very busy just now17:36
n0de01nacc: Thanks for your time :)17:37
peter251anybody good at modemmanager or know about decent alternatives in ubuntu?17:37
peter251got the following issue with modemmanager that wont start http://paste.ubuntu.com/19290779/17:37
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varaindemianhow big should be the uefi partition?17:38
beantaxigenii: At the moment, apt-get install mailutils is failing; 404s on mysql dependencies. Is this probably normal and temporary? (aside - I don't love that my simple email solution requires mysql ... happy for something simpler)17:39
paranoidabhisay I need to replace my laptop's hdd with sdd. Should I just remove the hdd and plug in sdd. Then install ubuntu on it?17:39
paranoidabhior is there more to it?17:40
Mathisenparanoidabhi, nope thats it17:40
beantaxigenii: & is that possibly related, to ubuntuforums.org being down17:41
geniibeantaxi: No, this would not be normal. postfix uses sqlite. But also the 404 is not normal. Are you using some End Of Life edition of Ubuntu?17:41
paranoidabhiMathisen, any bios settings I should change?17:41
naccbeantaxi: can you pastebin the output of `apt-get install mailutils` ?17:41
Mathisenparanoidabhi, nope17:41
geniigah, work17:42
varaindemianFAT32 file system or EFI System Partition?17:42
paranoidabhihow can I get all the packages installed on hdd to sdd. I want redownload and install not transfer.17:42
craptalkis there Sql Management studio(SSMS) on ubuntu to install?17:42
paranoidabhisomething like pip freeze in python for apt17:42
rpdavidcan anyone help me getting a network card to show up in interfaces17:43
MonkeyDustparanoidabhi  this trick wo(rks for programs installed with apt-get ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/19291339/17:44
Mathisenparanoidabhi, sudo dpkg --get-selections > dpkglist.txt17:44
beantaxigenii: trusty / 14.0.417:44
craptalkis there Sql Management studio(SSMS) on ubuntu to install?17:44
beantaxinacc: http://pastebin.com/EKyPSrAd17:45
varaindemianwhat should I choose? FAT32 file system or EFI System Partition in ubuntu installer?17:45
denis_how do i do install java in ubuntu?17:46
rpdavidcan anyone help me getting a network card to show up in interfaces17:47
naccdenis_: do you want a JRE or a JDK?17:47
Mathisendenis_, sudo apt-get install default-jre17:47
paranoidabhiMathisen, nice! Any precautions I should take? Since the computer is same except hardrive, they would no conflict issues or wrong drivers installed?17:47
naccbeantaxi: hrm, the 404s are probably related to ec2 (afaict); however, it sees you did not run `apt-get update` first?17:47
naccbeantaxi: the versions you pasted are not published any longer17:48
naccbeantaxi: (e.g., they should be 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1)17:48
Mathisenparanoidabhi, i dont think you will have any issues just with the hdd change17:48
naccbeantaxi: and it is not installing mysql, but libmysqlclient18 and mysql-common, which are needed for libmailutils417:50
varaindemianDo I need to create a FAT32 file system partition or an EFI System Partition?17:50
varaindemianI don't know what to choose17:50
Mathisenvaraindemian, are you booting in legacy ? or efi ?17:51
geniibeantaxi: I would suggest then to check your entries in /etc/apt/sources.list and make sure they are current. also do not forget to issue: sudo apt-get update  ...before trying to install a package, to make sure the local list of available packages actually matches the real one which is current in the repository you are accessing17:51
varaindemianMathisen: efi17:52
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beantaxinacc, genii: thank you. this is a new EC2 instance from Amazon's ubuntu 14.0.4 server image, created just a few minutes before I try to install mailutils. Is it normal to still need to apt-get update?17:52
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jamie_1hey all im currently trying to get a marionette enviroment setup and im running into some issues, can someone point me in the direction of solving this? https://pastebin.mozilla.org/888363117:52
Mathisenvaraindemian, then you will need a EFI system partition17:53
MonkeyDustjamie_1  what's a marionette environment17:53
naccbeantaxi: yes17:53
varaindemianMathisen: so FAT32 is for legacy... what?17:53
jamie_1MonkeyDust: automated ui test enviroment based in python17:53
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naccbeantaxi: you always need to `apt-get update`, if it's been more than a certain amount of time since the last time you ran it :)17:53
geniibeantaxi: Yes, you will normally still need to run sudo apt-get update ( or now preferred is just sudo apt update )17:53
naccbeantaxi: sorry, that's quite vague, but you get used to the cadence and it (apt) doesn't do it for you17:54
naccgenii: +1 on the newer tool/syntax17:54
jamie_1so anyone have any idea on how to fix the issue that is occuring while im trying to run a setup.py?17:55
rpdavidcan anyone help me getting a network card to show up in interfaces17:55
naccrpdavid: what is happening?17:55
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rpdavidall i get is loopback17:56
naccjamie_1: it says quite clearly what is wrong? you dont' have permission to write there17:56
rpdavidif i type in ifconfig i can see network card17:56
naccrpdavid: no other network devices at all?17:56
rpdavidbut network is working17:56
jamie_1yes but that is a root dir and i dont know what to do to make it so im not messing with the root dir17:56
beantaxinacc, genii: Thanks very much - I did an apt update and mailutils is very happy. I assumed the EC2 image would be up to date but looks like that was an unsafe assumption17:56
jamie_1nacc: ^17:56
naccrpdavid: do you mean /etc/network/interfaces ?17:57
jamie_1like i said im new to messing with python so i dont know how to fix things like this17:57
geniibeantaxi: Glad to assist17:57
naccrpdavid: that's not in use if you're on a desktop17:57
rpdavidif i type ifconfig i can see card17:57
naccrpdavid: network-manager is used17:57
rpdavidi am trying to swt static ip17:57
naccjamie_1: you need to provide more information, unforunately; can you start with what command you are running (the tail of  alog isn't the most useful). And what you expect to happen17:58
newworldordersimple yes/no question, are packages the same across ubuntu versions? ie, i'll get the same chromium install on both 14.04 and 16.04 when doing 'apt-get install chromium-browser'17:58
naccjamie_1: also, this is probably not really an ubuntu support topic (as you're building frmo source and it's either about how to build/install some python program)17:58
naccnewworldorder: no.17:58
k1l_newworldorder: in general: no. in that specific package: yes17:58
naccnewworldorder: they *can* be, but they are not generally :)17:59
newworldorderi gotcha, so expect some deprecation on lesser used packages17:59
naccrpdavid: are you on a GUI-based install of Ubuntu?17:59
naccnewworldorder: "deprecation"?17:59
jamie_1nacc: yes i know but #python is taking not notice to me asking at all so i thought i might come here and im triyng to just run python setup.py develop17:59
jamie_1which means nothing to you most likely because the setup.py is a gaia based script17:59
beantaxiAny thoughts on how to test if mail correctly was set up? Currently I have [ -d /var/mail/username ] || exit 1, and mail --version > /dev/null || exit 117:59
naccjamie_1: right, the log you provided is quite clear18:00
naccjamie_1: you need to pass --install-dir or --prefix to point to somewhere toher than /usr/local18:00
newworldordernacc, the less popular packages aren't updated with ubuntu development; i'm trying to make a persistent liveusb, can do so on 14.04, not so with 16.0418:00
jamie_1nacc: thanks... ill try that18:00
naccnewworldorder: i'm not sure how you got from the first poitn to that one?18:00
newworldorderprobably a solution but i'd be happy with a 14.04 that works, so long as things like my browser are up to date. it will be read only anyway.18:00
naccrpdavid: but does the system you are connecting to have a GUI normally?18:01
newworldordernacc, i'm not a pro or anything, ubuntu/debian went from init to systemd recently?18:01
newworldorderall the guides i'm finding for persistence in a liveusb are mentioning init.18:01
rpdavidyes  but i am in another state and can only terminal in18:01
naccnewworldorder: ubuntu went from sysv-init to upstart (a while ago) and then to systemd (by default) in 15.0418:01
geniibeantaxi: echo "test test" > somefile   then: mail -s "mailtest" username somefile18:01
naccrpdavid: right, so your system is using network-manager18:02
naccrpdavid: use `nmcli` if you need to modify the settings, i'm guessing18:02
geniibeantaxi: Then check if it arrived, as user username18:02
rpdavidill try18:02
newworldorderok, thanks nacc. i'm gonna try working with 14.04 and see if i can get it to do what i want. just needed to know that chromium stays updated. thanks again!18:02
beantaxigenii: Thanks for that. I will need something more automated but I think I can figure it out, from that starting point.18:06
redtuxedocashcant the normal terminal do multiple window view, rather than using tmux? Is there any shortcuts for that?18:06
akik!info terminator18:07
ubottuterminator (source: terminator): multiple GNOME terminals in one window. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.98-1 (xenial), package size 288 kB, installed size 1998 kB18:07
jattwhat's wrong with tmux?18:12
porjausis tor installed by default in 16.04 or do I have to install it? Also if I have installed the Tor Browser Bundle so I still need Tor in order to use it with other services or does the TBB install it as well?18:18
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en18:18
porjausthe docoumentation is confusing me and there are lots of conflicting tutorials18:18
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mutanteporjaus: the bundle installs both, tor and a browser18:18
laurusIs there any way to make VLC not connect to the internet constantly to download the album covers of what I'm listening to?18:19
mutanteporjaus: i dont think it's installed by default18:19
porjausmutante: so if I used the software center in 16.04 to get TBB was that an error since I am reading now you shouldn't get it from repositories as ubptto said?18:19
MonkeyDustlaurus  i think a plugin does that and you bhave to disable it18:19
laurusMonkeyDust, how do I disable it?18:20
mutanteporjaus: well.. i would not go so far to say "error". it's just a recommended thing because of issues in the past. you are probably fine18:20
MonkeyDustlaurus  i'm looking in Tools > Plugins18:21
porjausso if I want to set up pidgin xmpp/otr using tor do I need to activate tor somehow or have the TBB running? or configuring pidgin to use it will activate it?18:21
jerichowasahoaxporjaus: Tor itself is just a SOCKS proxy on localhost18:21
porjausi have never used tor beyong opening the TBB like a noob and using it18:21
porjausso dont want to screw up any setup18:21
porjausi get so overwhelmed with documentation18:22
jerichowasahoaxporjaus: Essentially, you run the Tor service (or in your case, the TBB), then you configure whatever app to use the proxy18:22
porjausjerichowasahoax: so i need to open the TBB and then configure pidgin? TBB has to be running for this to work?18:23
jerichowasahoaxporjaus: Or you could install the Tor service proper and run that, that would be ideal18:23
porjausthats what I was trying to figure out...if I had tor installed..since I have the TBB...or if I need to do it separately18:23
jerichowasahoaxporjaus: But if you don't want to install anything right now, yeah, that would be your procedure18:23
laurusMonkeyDust, I can't find it. I give up18:24
porjausis there a terminal command to see if Tor proper is installed?18:24
porjausits not in any menu18:24
jerichowasahoaxporjaus: `apt-get install tor`, see if it mentions a reinstall18:24
laurusThanks anyway18:24
porjausjerichowasahoax:  it says its already installed but I never did it manually...must come with the TBB then?18:25
jerichowasahoaxporjaus: yeah, it came with the TBB18:25
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porjausjerichowasahoax: also is it safe to do apt-get install on something you already have? it wont install a second instance and mess things up?18:25
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porjausin any situation18:25
jerichowasahoaxporjaus: worst case scenario, `apt-get install whatever` will install over the top of whatever instance you have18:26
jerichowasahoaxporjaus: which effectively does nothing unless it's an upgrade or you manage to seriously break your existing instance18:26
porjausjerichowasahoax: is there a command to just check and see if somethng in installed? apt-get doihavehthis etc?18:26
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EriC^porjaus: apt-cache policy <package>18:27
jerichowasahoaxporjaus: i'm sure there is, but it's been a while since i've actually been fluent in apt18:27
porjausEriC^: thanks18:27
EriC^no problem18:27
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porjausEriC^: it said this Installed: but I use xubuntu...why would it say lubuntu?18:28
EriC^that's 1 (one)18:28
Piciporjaus: thats a 118:28
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porjaushow do I choose an XMPP server? there are so many18:31
Lectroim searching for some dn links18:34
Lectrodoes anyone have some?18:34
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o18:35
Lectrono warez18:35
Lectrodark net18:36
Lectroonion links18:36
k1l_Lectro: this is the wrong channel for that talk18:36
Lectrowhere can I talk about that?18:36
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http18:36
Lectrook thanks18:37
Lectrohello kishan18:37
kishanhow r u lectro18:37
Lectroim fine thanks18:37
Lectroand you?18:37
kishanme also18:37
kishanu r from?18:37
ubuntu-mateHello All18:38
MonkeyDustLectro  kishan take your nice social chat to -offtopic18:38
kishanlectro r u mail or fml18:38
Lectrowe have to go out of here18:39
Lectrothis is not the channel18:39
hggdhLectro, kishan: this is a support channel. Please move elsewwhere for social chat18:39
kishanu did not answered my question18:40
Lectroidk fml or mail18:40
=== SWAT is now known as Guest23335
RakkoI just did sudo do-release-upgrade --devel-release and it was working for hours, and then it got to the part where I got to compare new and old config files. I was editing some such files in Vim when I accidentally hit ^z, and somehow the whole upgrade process got suspended -- but it's not in my shell's jobs list! I can see in ps that it's still running. Is there any way to get back to it?18:40
RakkoI tried just running sudo apt-get -f install but it said there was nothing to do18:41
EriC^Rakko: "jobs" doesn't show it?18:41
kishanr u man or woman lectro18:41
EriC^Rakko: try screen -s18:41
EriC^Rakko: try screen -ls18:41
RakkoEriC^: in fact, unfortunately, I've totally closed the shell I was in and logged in again18:41
MonkeyDustkishan  stop18:41
RakkoEriC^: I use tmux, not screen, and it doesn't show any other sessions18:41
Lectrokishan stop please18:41
Lectrogo to -offtopic18:41
MonkeyDust!ot > kishan18:42
ubottukishan, please see my private message18:42
EriC^Rakko: the upgrader uses screen18:42
RakkoEriC^: oh? Hmm, OK. screen isn't currently installed on my system.18:42
EriC^Rakko: what does ps show you for the process18:42
EriC^Rakko: you could try to kill the process if it has a subprocess that's asking for the config and it will continue with the upgrading18:43
EriC^(kill the subprocess that is, not the main one)18:43
RakkoEriC^: ok. then what would happen if it wanted to ask me for more input?18:44
RakkoEriC^: my whole ps tree: https://gist.github.com/815d020b83930c9d20d279b30c21d33118:44
cronoif I've entered sudo mode with sudo -i, how do I turn that off and go back to non super user priviledges?18:46
rypervenchecrono: exit or crtl+d18:46
cronorypervenche: great, thanks!18:46
EriC^Rakko: that's a tough one18:48
RakkoI'd like to install screen just in case I can reattach, but that dpkg process has the db locked18:48
EriC^Rakko: you could try to kill that dpkg process, and then run sudo dpkg --configure -a18:48
Rakkook, will do18:48
EriC^it looks like it was configuring a bunch of packages, starting with libgpg-error-dev18:49
Lectrocrono thanks for asking, I was thinking how it was lol18:49
EriC^Rakko: i wonder if that --status-fd 17 means something useful18:49
Rakkooh, too late. I killed it18:50
Rakkoquite possibly, though18:50
EriC^try sudo dpkg --configure -a18:50
EriC^see if something else came up btw before that18:50
Lectrohow can I install a tar.gz package like .deb?18:51
k1l_Lectro: you cant18:51
baizonLectro: you have to compile it18:51
EriC^!checkinstall Lectro18:52
EriC^!checkinstall | Lectro18:52
ubottuLectro: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!18:52
Lectrook thanks18:52
MuffinMedicWhat file is the setting for chsh stored in?18:52
EriC^Lectro: check above18:52
MuffinMedicnvm i see it in /etc/passwd18:53
ioriaMuffinMedic, you mean /etc/shells ?18:54
MuffinMedicno not the list of valid shells18:54
MuffinMedicwhere each user is assigned their default shell18:54
Lectrok1l_, baizon, EriC and ubottu, are you moderators?18:55
RakkoI should try checkinstall I guess. I've been getting a lot of use out of stow.18:56
Guest6325Hey guys, I have a question related to a driver18:56
prospero_hello, I'm having trouble with VNC'ing into my server. SSH works ok, I also tunneled vnc thru ssh but when I start a vnc session, an X cursor and unfunctional background (screenshot: https://s32.postimg.org/o3z4uq8k5/Screenshot_from_2016_07_13_21_52_44.png) Any ideas?  Ubuntu 14.0418:57
jattMuffinMedic: /etc/passwd18:57
cronois it possible to make the timeout command produce an output to either stdout or stderr that indicates the timeout was exceeded?18:57
compdocprospero_, it will never work with the Unity desktop18:57
Rakkoprospero_: the VNC X server isn't running any clients like a window manager18:57
Rakkocompdoc: oh, why not?18:57
msev-popey, I'm compiling your voice on mycroft now :D18:57
compdocyou need a 2d desktop. Unity is 3d18:58
prospero_compdoc, I also installed gnome, how can I switch via terminal?18:58
Rakkooh, yeah18:58
compdocI use the Mate desktop and x2go. much better than vnc18:58
Lectrothanks everyone for all, goodbye18:58
Rakkothere is no tigervnc in ubuntu? huh18:59
jerichowasahoaxI'm running Ubuntu 16.04 in a Hyper-V VM, and Settings > Display refuses to give me options for resolutions other than 1024x768. I'm probably missing some package, but which one?19:02
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Rakkowhoa, just discovered the apt command. how does it render its progress bar at the bottom?19:05
Rakkonot sure if it's in screen or just a curses app or what19:05
jinxi1how do I display the disc usage on linux?19:06
jinxi1on windows I can e.g. see 100% of the disc is used19:06
jinxi1Rakko: I mean usage as write/read19:06
nomicwhen you do ctrl-s on youtube-dl .. it doesn't stop the download .. it just stops the display19:07
Rakkojinxi1: df19:07
nomiccos I do ctrl-q to start it again & it jumps to like 95pc it was 40pc19:07
jinxi1Rakko: how do I get the current write/read speed?19:07
nomicthis can't be right19:07
Rakkonomic: that's called software flow control. type stty -ixon in the terminal before running youtube-dl19:08
EriC^jinxi1: iotop19:08
RakkoEriC^: OK, everything seems to have completed now... but how can I be sure I have a working xenial system now?19:09
Lectrohi again19:09
nomicso it doesn't actually stop?19:09
nomicthanks Rakko19:09
RakkoI don't know of any program that diagnoses whether things are as they should be (other than dependency manager itself)19:09
EriC^Rakko: you can't i guess19:09
Rakkonomic: no, it suspends. press ctrl-q to resume19:09
jinxi1total disk write: 118MB/s :-(19:09
nomicctrl-s does it19:10
nomicctrl-s/ctrl-q = stop/start19:10
nomicstty -ixon = ctrl-s19:10
tatertotshello gentlemen, i follow this guide https://www.unixmen.com/how-to-join-an-ubuntu-desktop-into-an-active-directory-domain/ and the system is joined to domain however unable to login with anything but local account.  I found some mistakes the author made along the way like 'etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf', you guys know a better guide19:10
Rakkohow can I list just debs that I've installed from PPAs?19:11
Rakkonon-Canonical ones19:11
R13oseWhat is the best notification system with Ubuntu as two I have used have failed in various ways, any ideas/19:11
EriC^there's no straightforward command i know of but you can write a one liner to do it19:11
EriC^Rakko: ^19:11
Rakkook. I'll google for the one-liner19:12
Lectrodoes anyone know an alternative to eclipse(android apps designer) but more visual? (Obviusly for Ubuntu)19:12
tatertotsI'm going to refill my coffee, so i might be away from keyboard for a minute or two. PM me19:12
RakkoI thought apt-cache showpkg was equivalent to aptitude show, but now I see that isn't the case. Am I thinking of a different built-in apt command?19:13
EriC^Rakko: what does aptitude show do? show info about the package?19:13
RakkoI haven't installed aptitude yet on this install. I had it before, but it got uninstalled during the upgrade. I thought I might like to give the official tools another try instead.19:14
Rakkoyeah, it shows all the available versions for the package named19:15
Rakkoand the metadata and description for them19:15
tatertotsok guys i'm back19:15
tatertotsgot my coffee :)19:15
EriC^Rakko: hmm maybe apt-cache show <package>19:16
HentaiGerihi ,how can i format a hdd that partition table and mbr is corrupt ? i tried gparted but it cant open it ,the hdd had grub on it with windows 10 and ubuntu dual boot but somehow it has messed up19:16
Lectro does anyone know an alternative to eclipse(android apps designer) but more visual? (Obviusly for Ubuntu)19:16
Rakkooh, I see. You're right, EriC^19:16
RakkoLectro: what is "more visual"?19:17
EriC^HentaiGeri: you don't want the data back at all?19:17
Lectrobetter interface and minimum programming knowledge19:18
HentaiGerii dont want the data back,i just want to format it and reinstall19:18
RakkoLectro: a lot of people like whatever IntelliJ sells. But it is commercial, and I'm not sure if it runs on Linux19:18
Lectrohmm, i google it19:19
tatertotsHentaiGeri i have a disk drive setup like that i pulled from a system, tried to read it in another system and gparted saw "unallocated space" for the entire drive...scared me to death, set it aside and haven't messed with it since..wasn't a critical machine luckily19:20
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EriC^HentaiGeri: try sudo gdisk /dev/sdX to make a fresh partition table19:20
tatertotswhen it's in the original machine the ntfs and ext4 can both be read/write normally19:21
tatertotsfreaky shit19:21
EriC^HentaiGeri: gdisk for gpt (uefi) and fdisk for mbr/legacy19:21
TurboKrakenAnyone recommend a tool or a few tools to look at a broken windows drive to pull data off?19:23
ubottuIf your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode19:23
SchrodingersScat!recover | TurboKraken19:24
ubottuTurboKraken: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery19:24
RakkoI feel for ya, TurboKraken19:24
TurboKrakenSchrodingersScat: Thank you.19:24
TurboKrakenubottu: Thank you.19:24
HentaiGerifdisk: cannot open /dev/sg0: Illegal seek19:28
multifractalIt just took me 3 attempts to boot. Sometimes (but not always) hangs at 5 dots splash screen. Happens since getting CUDA toolkit and Nvidia proprietary driver..19:28
multifractalBooting using older kernel version always works perfectly (no hang)19:28
ioriasg0 is dvd (or cd) iirc19:28
HentaiGerifdisk: cannot open /dev/sda: Input/output error19:28
geniiHentaiGeri: Does: dmesg | tail -n25  ...show I/O errors?19:28
multifractalHow can I disable the 5 dots screen so that I can at least see what lines it hangs on?19:28
Bashing-ommultifractal: What release ? systemd makes a difference .19:29
HentaiGerigenii yes19:30
geniiHentaiGeri: Then you need a new hard drive19:30
Bashing-ommultifractal: Boot to grub, e key for edit mode -> boot options screen and replace "quiet splash" with the term text .19:31
multifractalBashing-om: "quiet splash" ---> "text" ?19:31
Rakkothanks everyone19:32
Bashing-ommultifractal: Yeah, you are to enable seeing the boot messages .19:32
multifractalThis is driving me so crazy. I've had dreams where I'm stuck in 5 dot splash screen purgatory.19:33
R13oseWhat is the best notification system with Ubuntu as two I have used have failed in various ways, any ideas?19:33
Bashing-ommultifractal: Sounds like ya might want to run a file system check/repair from a live environment .19:34
multifractalFile system? Everything works fine when using the old kernel version. It's definitely something Nvidia related, but I'm not smart so I don't know what.19:35
gbakerreplace "quiet splash" with "nomodeset"19:35
andy_wfcHow the heck do I file a bug report these days? I'm at bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu, I'm logged in, and the report-a-bug link takes me to an entirely unhelpful documentation page explaining that I need to create a launchpad account to report bugs...19:35
Bashing-om!nomodeset | multifractal19:35
ubottumultifractal: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:35
jattandy_wfc: apport-bug19:36
Bashing-ommultifractal: Possible here that you are using a proprietary graphics driver built on the older kernel ..19:36
andy_wfcjatt: the menu doesn't seem well suited to supported a bug in a specific page (mono-devel in this instance)19:37
curlyearsI have a really ridiculous problem.   I have 16.06 on a USB thumb, but my system won't boot off a USB port at all, and I am running under LiveDVD 14.04.5, so I can't remove the DVD from the drive.   How in hell am I going to install 16.4 on this system?   I don't have access to anyone who has a DVD writer and an Interna=et connection.  )-:19:38
EriC^curlyears: can you see the usb from the grub of the 14.04 dvd?19:39
HentaiGerii reboot,brb19:39
geniiEriC^: I'm pretty sure the DVD uses syslinux19:39
EriC^genii: aha19:39
EriC^install the 14.04 temporarily then maybe, then try to boot the usb from grub19:40
multifractalBashing-om well I don't know about that. In the pre-installation instructions Nvidia makes you install the latest kernel header files because it says it needs them for something. I don't know what...19:41
curlyearsEriC^:  I don't know how to look for it in grub.   Whenever my stsrem refuses to boot, it drops me into grub-rescue:  but refuses to accep any text input at all19:41
pavakhttp://ubuntuforums.org/ is down for about an hour19:41
UserUScurlyears: grub codes are different from regular unix19:41
curlyearsUserUS:   so I have deduced.  But what *ARE* they?19:42
EriC^curlyears: in grub "ls -l" or just "ls" shows the hdd's and other stuff19:42
multifractalBashing-om: And when I boot using the older kernel version and try to use CUDA-based libraries it always complains that "no CUDA-capable device found" or similar. i.e. CUDA needs the latest kernel to work.19:42
EriC^curlyears: maybe there's a bios setting you can change that'll boot the usb19:42
curlyearsEric^:  I haven't had that experience.  Can't honestly tell you whether I have or have not trtied ls in particular.19:42
EriC^fastboot or maybe setting an admin password, or switching uefi to legacy or vice-versa19:43
UserUSdepends wat are u doing19:43
Bashing-ommultifractal: Presently we do not know where th problem is . IF you boot the latest kernel with the "nomodeset" boot option, can you boot to the GUI ? degraded graphics here is acceptable .19:43
curlyearsEriC^  nope, I've tried all the USB related "boot device" options, the system just sits there, and then complains there is no boot image or drive available19:43
UserUScurlyears: what are you trying to o19:44
EriC^curlyears: did you try changing uefi to legacy? or legacy to uefi?19:44
UserUScurlyears: ubuntu also has a built in recovery, that can be activated if thats what you're looking for19:44
UserUSohhh you're trying to boot into the usb and it goes to rescue? the kernel is having an issue, trying like Eric said, changing boot to legacy, or eufi (be careful)19:46
UserUSother than that, its just corrupt19:46
curlyearsUserUS:   I have been running in LiveDVD more for over  a month now, because my PSU was flakey and weireded the system out whenever my mass storage devices (except my DVD drive) were plugger into the PSU.  I received a new PSU last wekk, and spent the last two days R&R ing it, and getting my system back "online"  Now I want to install 16.04 onto it19:46
curlyears, but I don't have a DVD for it, and I can D/L it, but have no means of transferring that to a DVD because I am running under LiveDVD and I can't use the DVD drive for anything else19:46
UserUSAhhh ok19:47
EriC^curlyears: you can make the livedvd be loaded into memory fully i think19:47
prospero_compdoc, I did not know about x2go it works great thanks. However it also displays everything in a hyperzoomed-in way, which doesnt change with resolution..19:47
UserUSwell, did you install the drivers for it properly?19:47
curlyearsUserUS:  it's already set for EUFI, because I have 2 3TB drives, I've been through all that19:47
EriC^using a kernel parameter19:47
UserUSif so, ubuntu 16 should pick it up (if it installed proprietary or not). You can also add drivers after installing19:48
prospero_scratch that, I reconnected and its fixed19:48
curlyearsEric^:  and how would I do that?  I have plenty of RAM to do it in, 24GB19:48
UserUSif not, I'd say you need to troubleshoot the hardware again, because it should recognize it19:48
EriC^can syslinux be used to edit kernel parameters?19:48
UserUSi think so, yes19:48
UserUSwith sudo19:48
EriC^curlyears: it says in the arch wiki to press tab19:49
ioriaEriC^, yes, usually with tab or 'e'19:49
EriC^let me grab that kernel parameter from google19:49
UserUSare you recompiling, or over writing19:50
curlyearsaft6wer I installed the new PSU, I kep getting told "error:  no such device: <and a huge long string of hex numbers>"   I finally decided to try swapping ghe SATA cab;es around so the DVD was not on SATA4 or 5.  Thatgot me working.   SATA 4 and 5 are set to EDIE more in the "BIOS" (whatever the hell EIDE more is supposed to be.19:50
UserUSor both19:50
curlyearsoops, pardon my language.  A bit frustrated19:50
curlyearsEric^:  press TAB *when*???19:50
=== vir17 is now known as treel
ioriacurlyears, highlight 'try ubuntu' and press tab19:51
EriC^curlyears: as soon as the pc starts up and it booting19:51
EriC^oh i think tab is for when the menu is already there19:51
curlyearsEric^:  and that will resukt in what?19:52
ioriacurlyears, editable kernel boot line19:52
curlyearsobviously, or you can't choose "try bubuntu"19:52
curlyearsand what do I have to edit in the kernal boot line?  And how do I get the 16.04 image in RAM?19:52
UserUSside note: http://linux.softpedia.com/blog/you-can-now-run-ubuntu-linux-with-the-unity-desktop-on-top-of-windows-10-506159.shtml19:53
HentaiGeriREAD LOG DMA EXT failed, trying unqueued what is this mean ?19:53
curlyearsor does that put the current image in RAM so I can make my DVD drive available?19:53
EriC^curlyears: it's "toram" apparently19:53
SwedeMikea/win 7519:53
UserUSHentaiGeri: READ LOG DMA EXT failed, trying unqueued what is this mean ? it means the extension is having trouble opening, which can be a corrupted file19:53
EriC^curlyears: add "toram" after quiet splash19:54
curlyearssorry, ,what is "quiet splash?"19:54
curlyearsI am not a newbie to Unix or even to linux, but I haven't been a user for about 3 years, and akll of this stuff is new to me19:55
EriC^curlyears: when you press tab it should say linux /boot/vmlinuz ..... bunch of stuff quiet splash19:55
curlyearsEriC^: OK.  Now, how do I get it to the menu "try Ubuntu?"19:56
EriC^yeah press tab over it i guess19:56
EriC^or you mean how do you get that menu?19:56
curlyearsover what, precisely?  Yeah, how do I get the "try Ubuntu" menu option?19:56
tortibboot the Live DVD/USB19:57
curlyearsOK, I'll be back later: thanks for you patience19:57
EriC^no problem19:58
Manuel__Hallo, Ich habe die neueste Version Ubuntu-Studio installiert und kann Pure Data extended nicht instalieren. Kann mir jemand helfen?20:00
genii!de | Manuel__20:01
ubottuManuel__: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!20:01
Manuel__Wie komme ich den da hin?20:01
Bashing-ommultifractal: Have I lost you ?20:01
multifractalBashing-om Oh I was just doing some reading about grub. I'm kind of putting off rebooting, I'm just glad to be in my desktop environment.20:04
v1sI have 2 different wan connection there ips are and they are both connected to a switch which is connected to the eth port on my headless linux box. what is the best way to switch between the two connections via script and way to set it up?20:16
RefineI installed a patched version of xfce-panel called xfce-panel-compiz from arch's aur repo by using ./configure sudo make install and some other tricks. It fixed an annoying bug, but now the package xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin, which has a depenedency of xfce-panel isn't working. Anyone know how I can make xfce-whiskermenu-plugin think that xfce-panel-compiz is xfce-panel or something similar so that it works correctly? Very little besides the name20:16
=== m1dnight1 is now known as m1dnight_
safarihi all, I had a external HD die and have picked up an unformatted external drive.... I see that ext4 is mostly used for OS installs, is there something better I should format this drive for storage?20:20
akikRefine: your use case is not supported but you can try fulfilling the dependencies with !equivs20:20
akik!info equivs20:20
ubottuequivs (source: equivs): Circumvent Debian package dependencies. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.9+nmu1 (xenial), package size 17 kB, installed size 54 kB20:21
Refinety for info20:21
v1ssafari: ext is good if it will just be used on systems that can read it other wise I find exfat to work well across systems20:21
safariv1s, can exfat drives be larger than 4TB?20:22
v1ssafari: yes20:23
v1ssafari: whoops sorry20:23
nsturdevv1s: for your network problem are you looking to switch in the event a connection is down or are you trying to switch on the fly?20:23
tgm4883safari: very much larger20:23
v1ssafari: ok wasnt sure i only had 1 and 2tv drives but seems tgm4883 answered that20:24
tgm4883looks like max size for a exfat volume is 64 ZiB20:24
safarihaha thanks then!20:24
v1snsturdev: both, I am just not sure how to route the traffic to the connection I want. I know how to detect the connection and then do something but not sure how to activate the connetion  Iwant to use20:26
multifractalBashing-om tried the "nomodeset" parameter. No more hanging on the 5-dot-splash screen. But after entering my password, the screen burps and sends me back to the login screen. And this happens on all kernel versions I tried.20:26
multifractalBashing-om: so I went into recovery mode and put back "quiet splash" so here I am back at square 1.20:27
v1snsturdev: I was trying something like this http://pastebin.com/qLfgeq0Q but it dont seem to be working right20:27
akikmultifractal: why did you put it back?20:27
multifractalSo that I could log in and get back here to IRC.20:28
akikmultifractal: oh ok. but quiet splash has not connection with that20:28
multifractalWith what?20:28
Bashing-ommultifractal: That implies "you" have lost authority to access your desktop. At the login screen key combo ctl+alt+F1 to gain a console . what returns for ' la -al .ICEauthority ; ls -al .Xauthority ' ? Do "yiu" own both files ?20:29
akikmultifractal: being able to login from login manager20:29
multifractalakik well changing from "nomodeset" to "quiet splash" evidently does have some effect because I'm here now, and I wasn't before.20:30
WicaeedGreetings all, is there any way for adduser to take a users existing /etc/shadow password entry when making a new user on a new box??20:31
akikmultifractal: nomodeset and quiet splash are not options for the same thing. quiet splash just hides the boot messages20:32
multifractalBashing-om OK so I'll go back to "nomodeset", and then when login is failing, open the tty1?20:32
nsturdevv1s: so i don't think you need the connection id enp....., and based on your pastebin you are trying to tell it to use both ip's on the same connection so i think that is odd too20:32
multifractalakik, Oh I replaced the value of GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT from "quiet splash" to "nomodeset". Was that wrong?20:33
tgm4883multifractal: you are doing two separate things with that statement20:33
tgm4883multifractal: 1) Removing "quiet splash" causes the splash screen to no longer be shown20:34
Bashing-ommultifractal: I do expect text to boot to TTY1 where you log into the system .. from there one can manually start the GUI and see the errors that might be generated . ( or have a look in the log files ) .20:34
nsturdevv1s: i think you can just to "route add default x.x.x.x" or "route del default"20:34
tgm4883multifractal: 2) nomodeset causes the kernel to not load video drivers20:34
v1snsturdev: yes eth(enp0s25) is connected to a switch the switch is connected to the 2 routers that have static ip's so i am trying to route to the ip of the router I want to use. Maybe I am doing it wrong. Thats what I am trying to figure out20:34
tgm4883multifractal: this two settings have no bearing on each other20:35
multifractaltgm oooooh20:35
=== nolsen is now known as Obama
ccoloradoIs there something going on with the ubuntu 14.04 repos ? I am getting 404's when trying to install libapache2-mod-php520:36
=== Obama is now known as nolsen
naccccolorado: did you `apt-get update` first?20:36
ccoloradonacc: crap sorry I didn't20:36
naccccolorado: that's probably all it is20:37
Bashing-om!info libapache2-mod-php5 trusty20:37
ubottulibapache2-mod-php5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (Apache 2 module). In component main, is optional. Version 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.17 (trusty), package size 2093 kB, installed size 9019 kB20:37
multifractalBashing-om OK I'll reboot and do that stuff and find out whether my user account owns those files .Xauthority and .ICEauthority?20:37
Bashing-ommultifractal: Yeah .. we all will be here , 1 step at the time to find the fault .20:38
brunch875hmmm I formatted my data drive into 2 partitions but when I mount them, they belong to root20:38
brunch875what's going on here?20:38
nsturdevv1s: so the process would be given the nic is set for network 1 you would need to be set static for an ip on network 1, say with proper netmask and gw settings, when the conditions for network failure occurs you would have to reconfigure NIC for network 2 with correct netmask and gw20:39
nsturdevv1s: it will not be a simple one liner answer20:39
Bashing-ombrunch875: 'root' owns the mount point .. change it to "you" : ' sudo chown <username>:<username> <mount_point> ' .20:41
brunch875will that remain fixed if I remount?20:41
marrenarreHello. I'm using two monitors through my NVIDIA GPU, with NVIDIA's proprietary driver, and they are both working. I connected another monitor through my integrated Intel HD Graphics chip. I installed "Processor microcode firmware for Intel GPUs from intel-microcode (proprietary)" via "Additional Drivers", but the monitor is not detecting any signal. It is also not showing up in "Displays".20:41
marrenarreI have rebooted once since installing the proprietary Intel driver. The device is listed as "Unknown: Unknown" under "Additional Drivers", by the way.20:42
multifractal_Bashing-om Woah spooky. This time, all I did was change "queiet splash" to "nomodeset", and rebooted. Before dropping to console I thought "let me just type in password and see what happens". And it worked!!!! Voodoo magic?20:42
marrenarreDoes anyone know how I can use the monitor as usual?20:42
v1snsturdev: u can see my network interface conf here: http://pastebin.com/i2yWSBzY20:42
multifractal_Bashing-om, shall I check whether I own those files anyway, from here in my desktop environment?20:42
marrenarre(Make it work, I mean.)20:42
Bashing-ombrunch875: Afirmative .. If this is a permanent mount .. - OH the above os for a ext filse system ! -  may want to consider editing /etc/fstab .20:43
brunch875fstab has no reference to this drive20:43
multifractal_Bashing-om they're both -rw------- 1 hal9000 hal9000 - I presume this means I do own them?20:44
Bashing-ommultifractal_: No vodoo .. just with "nomodeset" as a boot option .. Kernel Mode Setting is disabled, and no upper level driver will be loaded .20:44
multifractal_Bashing-om but last time I used it, I got this login loop20:45
Bashing-omNullifi3d: Still check that "you" own the .XXXauthority files .20:45
multifractal_If you're talking to me Bashing-om, then yes I already did and I do.20:46
Bashing-ommultifractal_: Where you are " hal9000 " as your login ID .20:46
multifractal_Bashing-om that is correct.20:46
=== tanuki_ is now known as tanuki
Bashing-ommultifractal_: K, all good so far .. next we want to know if Nvidia module is available. What returns ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' ? on a pastebin site .20:48
multifractal_Bashing-om http://paste.ubuntu.com/19306888/20:49
Bashing-ombrunch875: /etc/fstab will have no reference untill you as the system admin make it so . is this an internal drive that is permanent ? Be aware I only mount my data drives as on demand as I am super scared of data loss .20:50
Bashing-ommultifractal_: The 352 version driver is installed ... what is the hardware - lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' ? and I verify that is the correct driver .20:52
grabbeddangggggggggggggg dude20:53
grabbedyo any bois out here20:53
brunch875Bashing-om: well, my laptop comes with two disks: one of them is an SSD in which I installed ubuntu. But it's small so I ran out of space.20:53
brunch875I cleared my "big" drive and made two partitions: one for storing random stuff like wine prefixes and the android SDK and another in which to store films.20:53
grabbedwell, my laptop comes with two disks: one of them is an SSD in which I installed ubuntu. But it's small so I ran out of space.20:54
grabbedI cleared my "big" drive and made two partitions: one for storing random stuff like wine prefixes and the android SDK and another in which to store films.20:54
naccgrabbed: stop it.20:54
brunch875grabbed: this is the ubuntu support channel. For chatting you can join #ubuntu-offtopic20:54
naccgrabbed: because this isn't a chatroom, it's the ubuntu support channel. And you're c&p other people's text.20:54
grabbedOh im actually so sorry20:54
Bashing-omgrabbed: Not to get banned sounds like a good reason why to stop .20:55
geniigrabbed: In addition, just repeating what other users are saying is pretty annoying and just contributes to noise in the channel20:55
grabbedIm sorry dude20:55
Luka00Hello people I have taken memtest for the crash/freeze problem...20:57
Bashing-ombrunch875: Sounds to me like what you do want is to automount your data partitions . show in a pastebin ' sudo parted -l ' so we know the file system types .20:57
Luka00it' s all ok 0 errors20:57
RWBrfHello an good evening20:57
Luka00now where do I look for the cause of the problem?20:57
multifractal_Bashing-om, it's a nvidia quadro k1100m card, not sure how to find out which drivers it's compatible with, and/or the highest compatible one.20:57
brunch875Bashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19307538/20:57
marrenarreAny idea why my monitor connected through my integrated graphics card is labeled as "Unknown: Unknown" and does not work (no signal)?20:58
Bashing-ommultifractal_: Give me the info requested . I will check and give you my link so you also know .20:58
marrenarre(Intel graphics)20:58
multifractal_Bashing-om 352 is just what it installed when I got CUDA toolkit from apt-get package manager. http://paste.ubuntu.com/19307195/20:58
brunch875well, what I was thinking about is moving the contents of the /opt folder into that drive and mounting it as /opt20:59
brunch875I don't know if it's such a hot idea though20:59
Bashing-ommultifractal_: Ya want to automount ?.. you have ext4 partitons on your data disk - piece of cake to make that happen with an /etc/fstab edit to add the partitions to the table .21:01
tgm4883brunch875: not sure what your doing, but I don't see why you couldn't mount /opt on another drive. I do that frequently21:01
brunch875that "big drive" was a single partition when I installed ubuntu and it didn't mount automatically. I'm just surprised the two partitions I made from it with gparted mounted owned by root21:02
multifractal_Bashing-om I think that was intended for someone else.21:03
brunch875Bashing-om I suppose it would be better to automount if I'm putting /opt there ☺21:03
Jack777Developer C#?21:04
nacc!alis | Jack77721:04
ubottuJack777: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http21:04
MonkeyDustJack777  type    /j ##c++21:04
Bashing-ommultifractal_: Uh Huh .. have a look at what Nvidia recommends : http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/104284/en-us . Now we do have an option when you are ready to proceed .21:04
naccJack777: also, you've been doing this over the past few days, it seems (or users with a very similar nick)21:04
Bashing-ombbrMight I suggest the mount point to be in either /mnt or /media .. depending on IF ya want the file manager also aware of the drive's existence .21:06
DJonesJack777: You asked exactly the same question about 5-6 hours ago and were pointed to ##c++21:06
Bashing-ombrunch875: ^^ . mount point ?21:07
multifractal_Bashing-om Nvidia recommends that as the best driver for my card? So I need to install that?21:07
brunch875Bashing-om: mean this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/19308448/21:08
Jack777multifractal_: I'not need to install the best drivers21:08
Bashing-ommultifractal_: Yeah .. however .. no coms the rub .. that 367 version driver is only available for 16.04 from our trusted PPA .. else in 14.04 the best we can do is version 364 for the driver .21:09
brunch875brb need to hop to wifi21:09
Jack777I search developer C21:09
brunch875alright back sorry for that21:10
=== capri is now known as zz_capri
Bashing-omBrunost_: That is a part the puzzle to be put together .. have a look at what we are going to edit . ' cat /etc/fstab ' . And then we continue this discussion .21:11
Bashing-ombrunch875: I should pay more attention to "autocomplete" my last "  That is a part the puzzle to be put together .. have a look at what we are going to edit . ' cat /etc/fstab ' . And then we continue this  discussion . " .21:13
brunch875Haha :D. This is what fstab has http://paste.ubuntu.com/19308811/21:13
brunch875sdb doesn't show anywhere on it21:14
Jack777GinoManWorks: Hi!21:14
Bashing-ombrunch875: It will have no refernece to it .. that is your obligation as the system administrator to tell the system what "you" want to do .21:15
brunch875I guess what I want to do is automount the "programs" sdb partition in /opt21:17
tgm4883brunch875: so you need to add that to fstab21:17
brunch875UUID=_____ ext4 0 021:17
brunch875would that be correct?21:17
tgm4883brunch875: no21:17
brunch875UUID=_____ /opt ext4 0 021:18
tgm4883considering you don't have a mount point21:18
tgm4883that looks better21:18
albertПроверка связи, ответьте кто нибудь) заранее спасибо.21:18
=== albert is now known as Guest53885
Guest53885Ладно, всем пока! отключаюсь, до завтра.21:19
brunch875Cheers! Thanks a lot. I suppose now I get the basics on fstab21:19
brunch875Another question: If the drive isn't mounted, will it draw less power?21:20
brunch875And will it be safer to shake my laptop?21:20
tgm4883brunch875: no, don't do that21:21
brunch875Just a mockingly way of asking if the hard drive will be inactive :p21:22
tgm4883brunch875: nope21:22
brunch875so there's no real benefit to have it unmounted, is there?21:23
returnsourcewhat does the "-y" command in the terminal do?21:23
tgm4883brunch875: if it was encrypted, unmounting it might be beneficial in some cases21:23
tgm4883returnsource: depends on the command21:23
returnsourcetgm4883, adding repositories21:25
tgm4883returnsource: with "apt-add-repository" ?21:25
brunch875returnsource: for instance, it you apt-get install program, it will ask for confirmation by hitting 'y'. But if you apt-get install -y program, it will assume you confirm21:25
tgm4883returnsource: have you tried "apt-add-repository -h" ?21:26
returnsourcethanks brunch and tgm, I understand now =)21:26
=== miles_ is now known as Renard
returnsourceI was using this command: "sudo apt-add-repository -y blablabla". I just wanted to know what the "-y" part meant21:27
brunch875you're basically telling it "yes, I'm sure" before it asks ☺21:27
leyyinhi, does anyone else get a bunch of "NO_PUBKEY" for a lot of ppas after an apt-get update?21:28
leyyinyesterday was fine :P21:28
RenardI'm going to migrate my parents' pc from one LTS to another (xenial-1 to xenial); only 1.8gb left on /, separated /home. How much space it needed for the upgrade process?21:29
tgm4883Renard: Not sure, how big is the / partition?21:30
knvhow to get the source code for ubuntu21:30
mutanteRenard: i dont know how much but i'd first check the size of /var/log and then maybe gzip or delete some logs to get a bit more21:30
tgm4883knv: 'apt source <package>' I believe21:30
Renardiirc it's on a 64gb ssd21:31
k1l_knv: what exactly?21:31
knvcant i get the whole sourcecode at once instead of package wise21:31
tgm4883Renard: might be worth doing a 'du / | sort -n -r | head'21:31
Renardor was it a 32gb one? not sure21:31
tgm4883knv: I'm not even sure that request makes sense21:32
knvoh kk21:32
knvi am new to linux developmenr21:32
tgm4883knv: I gathered that21:32
k1l_knv: a distributor (like ubuntu or debian or fedora or archlinux) is just a bunch of packages/projects. so there is not one sourcecode.21:33
knvthanks for the information21:33
knvhow to get the source code for kernel21:34
brunch875you can get your hands busy here https://github.com/torvalds/linux21:35
tgm4883knv: with teh command I listed above for the linux-image you're looking for21:35
mutanteknv: apt-get source   to get the source for the package21:35
knvthank u guys21:36
knvwhat does the source image 1,2,3,4 contain in the link :http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/16.04/release/source/21:36
knv<tmg4883> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/16.04/release/source/21:37
tgm4883knv: I would gather that they "The source images contain the source code used to build Ubuntu."21:37
knvwhat does the source images in above link contain21:37
tgm4883knv: they contain "The source images contain the source code used to build Ubuntu."21:38
TJ-knv: The source code for everything included on the ISO images21:38
tgm4883I wonder if you need all 14GB for that21:39
knv<TJ-> is one image enough or all 4 images required21:39
tgm4883none of this is really support21:39
k1l_knv: what sourcecode do you need specifically?21:39
=== jwheare_local_ is now known as jwheare_local
k1l_knv: it sounds like you are looking for something different and asking the wrong questions. what do you want to do? i guess you dont want to read 100billion lines of code from every small program used on the ubuntu iso.21:40
knvkil_:i need kernel and user permissions source code21:40
k1l_knv: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/SourceCode21:41
TJ-knv: e.g. "git clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-xenial.git"21:44
=== julia is now known as Guest46894
Guest46894hi, I'm coming for some help, as my system is a bit messed with the language after this fresh install. Maybe a mistake was done : I have copied the content of my former home into the fresh one before rebooting.21:46
Guest46894now I have some pt_PT from former install that's in the French... no joy, how can I fix it?21:47
potatoes_how do I change the net mask21:47
Guest46894tried "locale", dpkg-reconfigure locales... read pages tried...21:47
potatoes_of my Network Interface21:47
potatoes_but not the IP?21:47
=== Guest46894 is now known as julia9
tgm4883potatoes_: server/desktop? dhcp/static?21:48
julia9did this https://www.thomas-krenn.com/en/wiki/Configure_Locales_in_Ubuntu but it didn't help21:48
potatoes_tgm4883: server i just wanna use ifconfig to update the net mask21:48
tgm4883potatoes_: dhcp/static?21:48
potatoes_not in the configuration file21:48
potatoes_from the CLI preferably21:48
tgm4883potatoes_: I'd try http://www.tecmint.com/ifconfig-command-examples/21:51
julia9anyone can help me?21:51
julia9here is what I get: http://pastebin.fr/4724121:51
julia9should I restart the session?21:52
julia9I'll bbl if I can't fix it...21:53
multifractalBashing-om now my laptop freezes when resuming from suspend. Black screen. Never had this problem before.21:54
faLUCEhello. I installed 16.04. After some minutes of inactivity it goes in sleeping mode, turn off the screen and disables networking. How can I avoid that?21:55
Bashing-ommultifractal: " now" ?? so ... what did you do ? re-install a grahic's driver or what ?21:57
tatertotshello guys21:57
multifractalBashing-om now as in since getting rid of "quiet splash" and adding the "nomodeset". Still on 352, not 367.21:57
tatertotsis there anything similar to BeyondTrust PowerBroker, cetrify, likewise-open in the repos for 14.04 and greater that you guys know of?21:58
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Tex_NickfaLUCE: look at system settings/power ... set suspend to another value22:00
faLUCETex_Nick: already done22:01
mrtAkdenizquick question about cron22:01
mrtAkdenizis "*/1     *       *       *       *       php /var/www/test/*.php"22:01
mrtAkdenizrun all php files on test directory22:02
Ben64i doubt it22:02
mrtAkdenizany ideas Ben64 ?22:03
Ben64don't do that22:03
Bashing-ommultifractal: K .. with the 'nomodeset' boot option will not load any higher level drivers . How do you feel aboit trying the 364 driver ? .. will require to install our trusted PPA .22:03
mrtAkdenizso how to do this Ben64 ?22:04
Ben64it's not a good idea to automatically run every file in a place, seems like a good way to get exploited22:04
mrtAkdenizhello mohamed22:05
mohamedi'm new in Linux22:05
mohamedbut it seem so interesting22:05
mohamedso can any one give advise about documentation22:06
mohamedor tutorials about Ubuntu Desktop and Servers22:06
Ben64!manual | mohamed22:06
ubottumohamed: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/22:06
curlearsno joy )-:22:08
curlearsI decided to just go ahead an ibnstall 14.04.4, which I have a DVD for, then install 16.04 over the top, after dl-ing it and writing a DVD for it.  The install diedsd, and offered to upload statistics to ubuntu.com for their analysis (internal linux error).  I clicked yes, and after a few minutes that died, claming that the packaged that had caused22:11
curlears to problem was a "third party package" and not their problem.  I followed some  "links" on my system to a detailed breakdown of the problem, and apparently some pythomg (<something>.py) casued the faul;t.   *grr*22:11
curlearsso, here I am, rtunning undwer LiveDVD again, wondering what to try next.  Casuing ubuntu to load into RAM instaed of running off the DVD didn't work, either.  )0-:22:11
curlearssorry for the long block of text22:12
curlearsI forgot to h it <return>22:12
Ben64...why not just install 16.0422:12
Eleuseri don't really like Ubuntu22:16
k1l_Eleuser: there are many other OS out there. just use some of them, good luck22:17
curlearsBen64: because I don't haave a 16.04 DVD, and it turns out that the 16.04 ISO I do have (on a USB thumb) is useless, because I can't boot from a USB thumb, apparently.  I am currently on 14.04.4 LiveDVD, so even though I can d/l 16.04, I can't use the DVD drive to make and install a DVD22:17
Bashing-omEleuser: So ? ... must be a hundred or so alternatives .22:17
curlearsgads, I am so verbosw22:17
k1l_curlears: so that machine cant boot from usb? any usb?22:17
curlearsk1l_:  hello,. it's been a while22:18
Ben64curlears: if it was made in the last decade or so it should be able to boot usb22:18
curlearsk1l_  not as far as I can see.  There are several USB boot options inthe "BIOS,"  I've tried them all, non work with a thumb/  The all want USB HDD, USB Floppy, etc.22:18
Tin_mancurlears, if not you can download the iso for Plop, it will manage most usb boots for most machines that don't support it in the bios22:19
Jack777Hello !22:19
Ben64curlears: if it says usb hdd it can boot from usb22:19
k1l_curlears: so that can boot form usb. just make sure the usb is properly made and working.22:19
curlearsTin_man: how would I go about using it?  I cannot write anything to a DVD, as I am running off it.  Several people here said I could cause 14.04.4 to load itself off th4e DVD into RAM, but their uinstructiions didn't work22:20
andrea /server irc.QuartzNet.Org22:20
=== andrea is now known as Guest89428
Tin_mandidn't know you didn't have access to make a dvd ..22:21
curlearsK1l_  The USB thumb had the 14.04.4 inistaller on it, no matter which USB boot option I chose, when I started my machine, the BIOS would complain of no device22:21
k1l_curlears: why are you making everything that complicated? get a 2Gb usb pendrive. make it a bootable ubuntu with the ubuntu.iso and "dd".22:21
KwiatuszynHi :)22:22
curlearsj1l_:  tweo problems, 1)  I have no money t spend on USB pen drives (or anyting else, it tok me two months to save enough for a replacenment PSU), 2)  I have no transportation to get to a dealer who might sock such an item22:22
Ben64usb drives cost nothing, you say you already have one, use that?22:22
curlearsI realize that my problems are a tad unusual, and I apologize for being a huge pain in the arse to all of you.  I *AM* trying22:23
EoinDeehey guys I have 2 gpus in my system. 1x gt 710 and 1x gtx 970, for whatever reason I cannot force ubuntu to output from the GT710 . any clues ?22:23
KwiatuszynCan someone help me to install VNC on my ubuntu server 14.04 ? I tried using google but all time terminal and other options didn't work22:23
k1l_curlears: honestly: i dont know what you did to your system this time? i thought you had a running system the last time.22:23
curlearsBen64: I have a USAB thumb, not a drive.  This system doesn't seem to like thumbs for booting from.22:23
Ben64curlears: same thing22:24
k1l_curlears: that doesnt make sense. if the usb thumb is made correctly the bios (who can boot from usb hdd etc) will boot from it.22:24
* bprompt wonders what an USAB thumb looks like22:24
multifractalBashing-om I'll try this 367.27 driver installation out. Let's roll.22:25
curlearsk1l_:   no, last time I was here, I couldn't plug my HDDs into my PSU, without it making the entire systenm unstable.  I finally got a replacement PSU, and R7Red it this week.   NOw, I am stuck with LiveDVD because I don't have an installed OS, and I can't ghet my 14.04.4 DVD to install (it keeps erroring out, as I explained when I firsrt cma ein t22:25
curlearso the channel)22:25
bpromptcurlears:     download the 16.04 iso, raw-write it to the usb stick, either using "dd" or a burner app, and boot, done, be happy, eat ice-cream22:25
Bashing-ommultifractal: No can do 367 in 14.04 . 14.04's Xstack does not support the driver .22:26
KwiatuszynCan someone help me to install VNC on my ubuntu server 14.04 ? I tried using google but all time terminal and other options didn't work22:26
curlearsbprompt: that's what I didi with it, I "wrote" it to the USB thumb with one of the burnwer progs.  W#Hat is the syntax for doing it with dd?22:26
k1l_curlears: ok. but this should not be an issue now. i guess your usb drive is not properly made or your system needs some special treatment, like nomodeset or such. but that depends on the exact errors.22:27
bpromptcurlears:      dd if=YOURFILE.iso of=/dev/YOURTHUMBDRIVE22:27
Ben64Kwiatuszyn: sudo apt-get install vnc4server22:27
curlearsbprompt: thanks, will give that a try22:27
KwiatuszynBen64: I tried this but i have a problem with the terminal. The terminal didn't work all time :/22:28
bpromptcurlears:    there's also an usb-creator-gtk, you can download, using the liveUSB session and run, for that session, to burn the iso22:28
Ben64Kwiatuszyn: what's the error22:28
KwiatuszynBen64: no erros. I couldn't write anything in the terminal22:29
bpromptcurlears:    using "dd", you'd get no progress bar, however, if you're on a usb2.0 port and with a usb2.0 stick, it may take around 8mins to burn22:29
Ben64Kwiatuszyn: doesn't make sense22:29
curlearsI am mystified also by this error I get when my 14.04.4 DVD boots, before ubuntu starts, it complains about some NOLOD<something> file being missing, then finally drops me in ot a text menu where I can choose either "try ubuntu", or run some memmory tests and stuff.   I don't know why the DVD executable wouold be asking for something that should be22:30
curlears part of the running system, since it purports to run the system for you22:30
ThomasMcGHi.  I have an Ubuntu 14 box running as a server.  I'm having some logging trouble, and wanted to install rsyslog to help with it.  So I did that, and there were no errors on the install.  If I start the service it says 'running'.  BUT, if I test the 'rsyslogd' daemon by trying to launch it at the shell ...22:31
ThomasMcGI get "rsyslogd: error while loading shared libraries: libfastjson.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"22:31
KwiatuszynBen64: Ok. I'm installing vnc4server and i paste you log from session. Ok ?22:31
ThomasMcGBut apt tells me "libfastjson is already the newest version"22:31
ThomasMcGCould someone lend a hand troubleshooting this?22:31
andrea_\server irc.quartznet.org22:32
KwiatuszynBen64: I cannot type anything in terminal :/22:33
Ben64Kwiatuszyn: ok well then something is broken22:33
KwiatuszynBen64: and i have a gray background :/22:34
Ben64have no idea what you're describing22:35
KwiatuszynBen64: http://pastebin.com/r8DLR5ED22:35
curlearsOK...12 minutes to d/l 16.04 64bit.22:35
Ben64Kwiatuszyn: ok?22:35
curlearsI wonder if 16.04 (64) for the Pi3 is ready yet?  anyone in here know?22:35
KwiatuszynBen64: http://pastebin.com/r8DLR5ED there is a log22:36
bpromptcurlears:    I run it on i5, runs fine, should be no issues for i3 AFAIK22:36
curlearsThomasMcG: it is possible what you are installing is looking for an earlier verison than the one you have installed.22:36
Ben64Kwiatuszyn: with no useful information22:37
nacccurlears: do you mean Raspberry Pi3?22:37
ThomasMcGcurlears: Hi. Not sure how that happens, but okay.  What can I *do* about it?22:37
curlearsbrompt:  not "i3", I wwould never be caught dead running an Intel processor.  (as in, Raspberry Pi Model 3B+)22:38
curlearsThomasMcG: I am not knowledgeable to assist you any further with this probl;em, it just sounds like many others I have seen resolved in here22:38
KwiatuszynBen64: http://i.imgur.com/wDaKCN4.png22:39
minimeccurlears: Looks like ubuntu mate for the Pi3 is based on 16.04 already.22:39
minimeccurlears: https://ubuntu-mate.org/raspberry-pi/22:39
Ben64Kwiatuszyn: try xterm22:39
naccThomasMcG: pastebin `apt-cache policy rsyslog` and `apt-cache policy libfastjson` ?22:40
curlearsminimec: yes, but the first version available was 32 bit only.  I am wondering if they've released the 64 bit version as yet22:40
ThomasMcGnacc: Sure thing.  Just a sec pls.22:40
OneM_IndustriesUm.. Silly question, but I can't find the backups application. At all. And the System Settings window is not coming up.22:41
GriboWhere can I get some good themes for the latest ubuntu?22:41
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy22:41
minimeccurlears: Oh I see. According to the 'mate' download site, the builds are still 'aarch32'... https://ubuntu-mate.org/download/22:41
Gribothanks Bashing-om22:42
OneM_IndustriesHow do I go about finding out what is wrong and fixing it?22:42
naccThomasMcG: fwiw, i just launched trusty in a lxd container. rsyslogd was installed by default, but it is clearly running, and has no dependencies on 'libfastjson'22:42
ThomasMcGnacc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19315621/22:42
GriboBashing-om: Do I need to take anything into account if I'm using Unity?22:42
Bashing-omGribo: Little biity bit of assist there .22:42
nacc!ppa | ThomasMcG22:42
ubottuThomasMcG: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge22:42
naccThomasMcG: you chose to use a PPA, which provides your rsyslog. It appears to be broken. Please consult the PPA owner. In the meanwhile, I recommend purging said PPA.22:43
nacc!ppa-purge | ThomasMcG22:43
ubottuThomasMcG: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html22:43
Bashing-omGribo: I would think pretty straight forward .. per the tutorial .. But, I do not use unity, so have no direct ecperience .22:44
curlearsmy download of 16.04 just jumped from 12 minutes left to 56 minutes left )-:22:45
curlearsnow it says 1 hr lweft  *ARGH*22:46
curlearsI have to go make supper22:46
mutantecurlears: https://xkcd.com/612/22:47
Tex_Nickcurlears: it really doesn't help to post a progress bar to the channel ;-)22:47
Tex_Nickcurlears: be patient ;-)22:47
BassemAfter install Lubuntu 16.04 show the following message during the boot:  lvmetad is not active yet; using direct activation during sysinit /dev/mapper/lubuntu--vg-root: clean, 121574/7168000 files, 1115621/2865544 blocks  I wait 3 hours but dont show the login screen.22:49
BassemAfter install ubuntu 16.04 show the following message during the boot:  lvmetad is not active yet; using direct activation during sysinit /dev/mapper/lubuntu--vg-root: clean, 121574/7168000 files, 1115621/2865544 blocks  I wait 1 hour but dont show the login screen.22:50
neq5hello ;)22:50
EoinDeeguys if I have 2 seperate GPU's in my system , how do i force it to use one of them ( 2 different brands and models of GPU )22:51
Bashing-omEoinDee: Depends on the hardware .. Intel/Nvidia == nvidia-prime as the controller .22:54
EoinDeei am actually pulling my hair out, is the video output determined by PCI slot ?22:54
EoinDeeI have an i7 6700k which I won't be using22:54
EoinDeebut I have a 970gtx +  a 710GT22:54
EoinDeeand i can see the video cards in the nvidia xserver settings22:55
EoinDeei can see it when i try lspci22:55
EoinDeebut i cannot get it to display anything22:55
EoinDeei am hoping to use my GT 710 for my host machine and passthrough my gtx 97022:56
EoinDeebut for some reason my 970 takes over no matter what22:56
BassemAfter install ubuntu 16.04 show the following message during the boot:  lvmetad is not active yet; using direct activation during sysinit /dev/mapper/lubuntu--vg-root: clean, 121574/7168000 files, 1115621/2865544 blocks  I wait 1 hour but dont show the login screen22:56
Bashing-omEoinDee: SLI .. no experieince .,.. but maybe : http://askubuntu.com/questions/631034/15-04-how-to-check-if-nvidia-sli-is-enabled-w-proprietary-drivers will get you started .22:57
bonzibuddyid like to roll back my broadcom wifi chipset driver22:58
EoinDee@bashing-om i am not looking to SLI the cards unfortunately22:58
bonzibuddyit is the final step in debugging my poor wifi performance22:58
Prince___from which country you are22:58
bonzibuddyis there a recommended way to roll back a wifi driver?22:58
minimecbonzibuddy: I guess we would need some additional information. Is this the default kerner driver that was working in previous kernel series, and has problems now, or did you compile this driver yourself?23:02
bonzibuddyminimec: it is the default as determined by ubuntu;  I have just found that I can force a version in synaptic23:02
bonzibuddythe wifi card has had disconnect problems for a while now23:03
minimecbonzibuddy: Oh. Ok. So first try the different options.23:03
bonzibuddyminimec: thx :)23:03
m1s3rys1gn4lguys anyone here ?23:03
minimecbonzibuddy: Could it be that you can set some options for the driver? Normally this is done in /etc/modprobe.d/yourdriver.conf. Maybe search the net for that.23:04
minimecbonzibuddy: Just one idea. SOmetimes it helps to force 2.4ghz connection, instead of 5ghz, or disable the 'n' network for the device.23:06
Bray90820Are all LVM snapshots removed once you restart ubuntu23:07
bonzibuddyminimec: noted, I will add that to the list :)23:07
Bassemminimec: After install ubuntu 16.04 show the following message during the boot:  lvmetad is not active yet; using direct activation during sysinit /dev/mapper/lubuntu--vg-root: clean, 121574/7168000 files, 1115621/2865544 blocks  I wait 1 hour but dont show the login screen23:07
nacc!patience | Bassem23:07
ubottuBassem: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:07
minimecBassem: Hi. What did you do again? As far As I remember you had a working installation yesterday. At least you were asking for a bunch af things to install after that installation...23:09
Bassemminimec: Software & Updates >>> Additional Drivers >>> then i select nividia binery  xorg driver rather than x org x server..then i got low graphic message again then i alt f1 and did this sudo apt-get update >>> sudo apt-get -d install --reinstall gdm >>> sudo apt-get remove --purge gdm >>> sudo apt-get install gdm >>> then i reboot and now this23:14
minimecBassem: Why do you always switch to 'gdm'? If you are not using gnome3, I see no need to switch to gdm... Lightdm is default for all the ubuntu derivatives, besides ubuntu-gnome.23:17
Bassemminimec: i dont know any of this i saw instruction and follow it forgive me for being new to all this23:17
minimecBassem: I can't really help you, because I never had such a prolbem, and I have an encrypted installation too...23:17
Bassemminimec: so i'll reinstall it again?23:18
poihow do I configure the open source AMD drivers on 16.04?23:18
=== nosferius_ is now known as nosferius
poiI need to enable vsync, for example23:18
minimecBassem: You should maybe stay on default settings. As far as I know you don't need to switch the login manager in compbination with the nvidia proprietary driver.23:20
Bassemminimec: is there any way to fix the current situation or do i need new installtion23:20
Bassemminimec: i changed to nividia because the picture were too slow when i display HD movies23:21
poiis there a control panel for the open source AMD drivers?23:21
Bashing-omBassem: If you want Gnome .. install : http://ubuntugnome.org/download/ .23:21
minimecBassem: I see no problem in activating the proprietary driver, but that is just done in the 'additional drivers' GUI. There is no need to switch the login manager.23:22
poican anyone see my text?23:23
poido you know if there's a control panel for managing the open source AMD drivers on the latest ubuntu?23:24
minimecBassem: As you cannot boot your encrypted system anymore, the easiest way is probalby to reinstall. You could also run an installation disk and mount the encrypted drive and debug the installation. But this is by far not a trivial thing.23:24
poigoddamnit all I need to do is turn on vsync, why is this so fucking difficult23:25
ikoniapoi: please don't swear, there is no need for it23:25
ikoniait's also not allowed in this channel23:25
poithis is why people think linux is garbage, can't even do the simplest things23:26
ikoniapoi: of course you can23:26
poiok, tell me, how do I enable vsync23:26
ikoniaand people don't think it's garbage, as you can see many people are using it23:26
ikoniapoi: I have no idea without checking, I'd imagine it can be forced in the xorg.conf23:26
poiwhere it the checkbox to enable vsync23:26
ikoniapoi: I don't use the amd drivers at the moment, so I can't check for you23:27
YankDownUnder"Can't even do the simplest things" generally refers to those that do not investigate before jumping into something, and then getting angry at others because they're not catered to as though they're terminally unique and important.23:27
poiYankDownUnder: I just searched for over an hour on how to enable vsync on 16.0423:27
poidon't give me your bullcrap23:27
ikoniapretty sure it's always been an xorg setting23:27
YankDownUnderpoi: I've spent MONTHS searching for answers. One hour is moot.23:27
ikoniapoi: tone it down please.23:27
poiYankDownUnder: then you have no life and don't make money with your computer23:28
poiI do23:28
YankDownUnderpoi: Think before you speak. I ran linux since 1992, I am a consultant, and have been since 1986. Have a lovely day.23:28
=== sylvain is now known as Guest29789
poiso how do I enable vsync23:29
ikoniapoi: it's normally an xorg option23:29
poiikonia: normally I just check a checkbox23:30
poiand it's enabled23:30
ikoniapoi: normally where ?23:30
poiin the control panel23:30
ikoniapoi: in what control pannel23:30
poiwhere it belongs23:30
poithe amd control panel23:30
ikoniapoi: can't you do that now ?23:30
ikoniaif thats how you normally do it23:31
poiwhere's the control panel23:31
poifor the amd drivers23:31
k1l_poi: amd stopped making fglrx and that control panel.23:31
poik1l_: yeah I know, so how do I manage the OSS driver?23:31
ikoniapoi: you tell me - you keep telling me you do it that wy23:31
CodeMouse92The open source driver does not have a "control panel" in that sense.23:31
CodeMouse92(I'm running the open source AMD on Ubuntu 16.04 as well)23:32
poiCodeMouse92: so how do I change the settings then?23:32
poiI need to enable vsync and other options23:32
compdocCodeMouse92, how is that driver working for you?23:32
ikoniapoi: quick solution is to set it in the xorg.conf23:32
ikoniacreate one and set that one setting23:32
CodeMouse92compdoc: Works great - actually, better than fglrx on my particular machine.23:32
poiCodeMouse92: do you have vsync enabled?23:33
compdocCodeMouse92, what cpu you use?23:33
poicompdoc: can I get some help first please?23:33
lukasHello Guys?23:33
ikoniahello lukas23:34
=== lukas is now known as Guest46158
CodeMouse92poi: I'm not totally certain. My screen is just working the way I need it off the bat. And, be nice to compdoc - I (and most people) are capable of having multiple simultanous convos. You're quickly burning bridges here with your attitude23:34
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minimecpoi: Could it be that your monitor does not comunicate well with the driver? The solution by ikonia (xorg.conf) should work. Other idea would be to try to add a '--newmode' with xrandr I guess.23:34
poiubuntu is quickly burning bridges with it's lack of basic functionality from 199523:34
CodeMouse92compdoc: I've got an AMD A6-3400M23:34
=== TeslaFreeEnergy is now known as xtturbo
compdocubuntu is awesome23:34
ikoniapoi: I've muted you - so you can no longer speak23:34
ikoniaxorg/amd is not an ubuntu problem - it's linux in general, and your constant complaining has to end before you can talk again23:35
Guest46158windows isn't awesome23:35
CodeMouse92This appears relevant to poi's issue: http://askubuntu.com/questions/730963/turn-off-vsync-radeon-and-create-xorg-conf23:35
CodeMouse92Wait, nm...23:35
poiso first off, it is an ubuntu problem. ubuntu ships the OSS driver and preconfigures it to work with their distribution. vsync is _basic functionality_ and should not only be enabled by default, but should also easiuly be disabled or enabled by the user within the GUI23:37
ikoniapoi: there is no gui23:37
ikoniapoi: ubuntu doesn't ship it pre-configured, xorg autodetects configuration23:37
ikoniapoi: sometimes you have to override detection with a hardcoded settings23:37
ikoniathis is what I'm suggesting you do for your vsync settings23:37
poino, ubuntu installs itself with the amd oss driver configured at install time23:38
CodeMouse92poi: Ubuntu is a patchwork of thousands of pieces of software. Linux is essentially CLI-based, and the GUI is made by multiple people. It isn't "Ubuntu's problem", as if they were some enitty that decides each detail of the OS and all its software.23:38
ikoniapoi: right, because you have an ati card, whatelse is it meant to use ?23:38
k1l_poi: i guess you better rant at amd for stopping making the fglrx while the opensource drivers they want to contribute to intsead dont provide proper functionality.23:38
ikoniapoi: your choice is a.) work with people to get a solution you can use b.) be quiet/leave the channel23:38
ikoniapick one for your next response23:38
ikoniano more nonsense will be tollerated23:39
poiso, on RHEL 7 there is a RedHat control panel that manages the open source AMD driver23:40
ikoniapoi: get the details of it - see if exists in ubuntu23:40
ikoniapoi: or what part of the software stack it is23:41
poiRedHat made the effort to ensure basic functionality works out of the box with their distro23:41
ikoniapoi: get the details on it23:41
k1l_poi: so i guess you can ask redhat for the sourcecode and package it for ubuntu, right? or is it closed source?23:41
poiit's in their Workstation repo23:41
ikoniapoi: get the details23:41
ikoniathere is no workstation repo23:41
poiit's open source but I don't know anything about it23:41
ikoniaso get the real details23:41
ikoniathen get the details23:41
ikoniaand you don't know it's opensource if you don't know the details, please get the details23:42
k1l_poi: stop making pointless drama in here.23:42
poiso, I need to go and get open source code from another distro and try and figure out how to get Red Hat code to run on a debian distribution just so I can enable vsync?23:42
ikoniapoi: no, it may already exist23:42
ikoniapoi: hence why if you get the details we can look at it23:42
k1l_poi: you are just busy ranting in here instead of looking for a solutions. so you might better go and get happy with your rhel7 then23:43
poiI can't use RHEL 7 at home, I don't pay for a RHEL license, my work does23:43
k1l_there were several solutions told already. but he is just busy making drama.23:43
poilol, no no one gave any solutions23:43
ikoniapoi: well, come back when you have the details then23:43
ikoniapoi: you can set it in the xorg.conf23:43
ikoniapoi: (or modular file)23:44
poiikonia: how?>23:44
ikoniaI've said 3 - 4 times23:44
poireally? where?23:44
CodeMouse92poi: He did. Read above.23:44
poiall you said was xorg23:44
ikoniapoi: create an xorg file or a modular file, include the driver setting for vsync23:44
poihow do I do that23:44
poiwhat are the commands I enter for that23:44
poiyou have a guide?23:44
poia wiki?23:45
CodeMouse92poi: XOrg config in general https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config23:45
poior do I just go open a terminal and start guessing23:45
ikoniapoi: do you want to turn it on or off23:45
ikoniaif he had just been cool for a few more minutes23:45
CodeMouse92ikonia: Are we sure that wasn't a flatfish?23:46
k1l_well, he didnt even read the answers. was busy praising rhel and ranting about ubuntu. lets move on.23:47
Powerlessdoes anyone know a good chat app for business like spark/openfire which is better than those ones?23:48
YankDownUnderAny type of "technical support" is always two parts - the TECHNICAL problem, and the PERSON problem.23:48
ikoniaPowerless: spark is pretty good23:48
YankDownUnderPowerless: You've tried "Spark" already?23:48
ikoniaused that many times without issue23:49
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PowerlessYankDownUnder, nope...will try it in a bit.i just wanted to know it was really one of the best23:51
YankDownUnderPowerless: Fair enough. One of the issues with this is the advent of "instant messengers" and the likes - where small businesses/medium businesses are actually using stuff already entrenched in the market place...as we're all well aware...23:52
CodeMouse92TBH, I like IRC for team collaboration.23:52
ikoniaPowerless: it should do everything most businesses want23:52
PowerlessYankDownUnder, wanted to try something thats offline thatś why23:53
YankDownUnderCodeMouse92: There are many that view IRC as being vastly primitive - and because of the GUI's, well, it appeals to techie's and geeks - not to Mrs. Smith from Accounting...know what I mean?23:53
CodeMouse92YankDownUnder: Maybe so, except my non-techie content development department loves it :P23:54
CodeMouse92But, each team has different dynamics, so different tools for each.23:54
YankDownUnderCodeMouse92: Coolbeans - then they is folks I'd like :)23:54

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