
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
=== MR-WIN is now known as MR-DOS
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest19155
=== Guest19155 is now known as IdleOne
pjotterHi people. I just tried installing Xubuntu 16.04 from a live CD and the installer seems stuck on a lot of "WARNING:root:can't add [packetname]..." Does anyone know what is going wrong here?12:11
xubuntu90wOne question, I'm using Xubuntu (whatever version) trough VirtualBox and I always have the same problem: when I want to add Guess additions to put 1024x768 pix, appears an ISO to mount and there are some .exe's when I open, the result is an error that cannot open that file14:06
xubuntu90wI tried to input some code I saw on forums, but always with the same results14:07
flocculantlet the cd run - in the filemanager which should open up, right click >open terminal here and then run the linux .run file - you will want sudo14:09
flocculantyou can tab complete to make sure you get the filename correct14:10
xubuntu90wthanks for response. I opened the terminal and run the .run file, but appears another window with this message: This program must be run with administrator privileges. Aborting14:14
xubuntu90wthanks for response. I opened the terminal and run the .run file, but appears another window with this message: This program must be run with administrator privileges. Aborting14:18
flocculantas I said - you will want sudo14:22
xubuntu90wI don't know the code to be sudo :(14:24
flocculantit is sudo14:25
Picixubuntu90w: its your password14:25
flocculantjust sudo nameoffile.run14:25
xubuntu90wAppears "Command not found"14:31
xubuntu90wI put in my case: sudo VBoxLinuxAdditions.run14:31
flocculantxubuntu90w: please check you are in the correct folder to run it - the command looks right14:33
flocculanthence mention tab complete - it won't tab complete if you're not in the right place in the terminal14:34
xubuntu90wI'm in the disk directory mounted "VBOXADDITIONS v5.0.24_108355"14:36
akxwi-davexubuntu90w, are in the terminal or in thunar file manager?14:37
xubuntu90wI'm on that directory that appeared once I click on guest additions and the disk mounted14:38
flocculantyou need to be in a terminal to run the command14:38
flocculantright click in there and 'open terminal here'14:38
akxwi-daveright click on any plain area of the file manager and select run treminal here14:38
akxwi-daveopen terminal here that is14:39
xubuntu90wyeah, that was I did14:39
akxwi-davein the terminal type in14:40
akxwi-davesudo VBoxLinuxAdditions.run14:40
xubuntu90wand then I put my passwrd14:40
xubuntu90wand finally appears the message I told: Command not found14:40
xubuntu90w(in spanish, orden no encontrada)14:40
Unit193akxwi-dave: Forgot ./14:41
akxwi-daveopppp   try      sudo ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run14:41
akxwi-daveUnit193, doh14:42
xubuntu90whahaha yeah! This works14:42
flocculantsame forgetting here too ...14:42
flocculantsorry xubuntu90w :)14:42
xubuntu90whaha no prob friend14:43
akxwi-davehides face in shame...14:50
flocculantnah - just change your nick or pretend I stole yours :)14:51
akxwi-davethat will do me14:52
ranuflocculant, not sure if you remember but I was having a problem with VLC and the screen lock, I found the solution: http://askubuntu.com/questions/668834/vlc-player-is-not-displaying-video-but-audio-works16:03
flocculantranu: right the first time - no I don't remember :)16:07
ranuflocculant, no problem though :)16:08
flocculantlooks a bit like the xubuntu clutter in parole (and other apps) issue16:08
flocculanthence us changing default from clutter there16:09
flocculantanyway - thanks for coming back and updating people :D16:09
ranuI still think that it has something to do with the problem in intel drivers (xorg), it never happened in older xubuntu versions (at least with me).16:10
flocculantranu: possibly - an intel update recently fixed something else - rather unexpectedly16:11
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
craigbass76I've got a remote guy running a 14.04 livecd. Had him run apt-get install openssh-server, and after a sudo -i ran passwd xubuntu. I still can't ssh in.20:26
geniiShould just be: passwd      ..as the default user which is named xubuntu. Then ssh in as user xubuntu and whatever password got set for that. After that use sudo to do admin things20:40
geniiWhat you've done there is put a password on the root user, which normally is not allowed to ssh in20:41
genii( or even have a valid login)20:41
craigbass76genii, well, as xubuntu I first just tried passwd. After we did the sudo -i, then passwd xubuntu (thought I was setting xubuntu's pass with that), then just passwd (thought I was setting root's with that)20:44
craigbass76We also got, both times, updated successfully, and I can't log in as either xubuntu or root20:46
geniicraigbass76: If you're trying from some location on the other side of their internet, make sure the modem/router is forwarding port 22 to that machines LAN IP. If from inside LAN, make sure sshd is actually running by having him ssh localhost or his current IP21:01
craigbass76genii, He actually gets denied when running it. It's asking for a pass, so I'm assuming ssh is running. S'pose that's accurate?21:05
Elec_AHi, I want to install KDE on my xubuntu, Is it ok if I add ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports repository ?21:06
geniiElec_A: Just sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ...after that you can start adding PPAs21:07
Elec_Agenii: so should I add that PPA for Plasma 5.7 ? or not ?21:08
knometbh, you should ask #kubuntu on kde specific issues21:08
Elec_Aknome: but my OS is Xubuntu21:08
knomeElec_A, believe me, they know much more about installing plasma this and that than anybody here. and the core system is still ubuntu on both, so it doesn't really matter.21:09
Elec_Aknome: nice, I just wanted to make sure the above PPA does not conflict with other packages.21:10
Elec_AI mean in Xubuntu21:10
knomexubuntu and kubuntu are very different; anything related to plasma will not conflict anything in xubuntu21:11
geniiThe main difference is it will replace the login with sddm, or if 14.04 then lightdm-kde-greeter21:12

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