IrcsomeBot | <ovidiuflorin> Is anybody hating me for the spam yet? | 07:06 |
IrcsomeBot | <ovidiuflorin> (Document) | 07:07 |
acheronuk | nope, but would someone care to invite me on trello? | 07:10 |
IrcsomeBot | <ovidiuflorin> acheronuk | 07:14 |
IrcsomeBot | <ovidiuflorin> do you have a trello account? | 07:15 |
acheronuk | yes | 07:15 |
IrcsomeBot | <ovidiuflorin> username please | 07:15 |
acheronuk | rikmills88 | 07:15 |
IrcsomeBot | <ovidiuflorin> yofel, do you aprove Trello membership for acheronuk? | 07:15 |
IrcsomeBot | <ovidiuflorin> I'd wait for yofel to approve | 07:17 |
IrcsomeBot | <ovidiuflorin> are you ok with that? | 07:17 |
valorie | I will approve | 07:18 |
acheronuk | ovidiuflorin: that's fine. | 07:18 |
IrcsomeBot | <ovidiuflorin> ok then | 07:18 |
valorie | thanks, ovidiuflorin | 07:19 |
acheronuk | I'm on that board now. Thanks :) | 07:22 |
IrcsomeBot | <ovidiuflorin> can someone please paste the last trello notification from IRC back to me? | 07:22 |
IrcsomeBot | <ovidiuflorin> I can't get in IRC, because of work Firewall | 07:23 |
acheronuk | ovidiuflorin: Is that meant to be on this channel? If so, I see none. I subbed to the trello board the other day, so was seeing them via emails from that | 07:25 |
IrcsomeBot | <ovidiuflorin> yes, don't you receive notifications on IRC? from the Trello bot? | 07:27 |
acheronuk | not lately that I've seen | 07:27 |
IrcsomeBot | <ovidiuflorin> just now | 07:28 |
IrcsomeBot | <ovidiuflorin> nothing? | 07:28 |
IrcsomeBot | <ovidiuflorin> dang.... | 07:28 |
acheronuk | nope | 07:28 |
yofel | ovidiuflorin: yes | 07:32 |
IrcsomeBot | <ovidiuflorin> thank you yofel | 07:32 |
vip | hi ho | 08:36 |
sheytan | heya! My Drivers KCS hangs on collecting information. Why? :( | 08:37 |
yofel | bug (actually 2 I think) | 08:40 |
yofel | sheytan: install apt-xapian-index, run 'sudo update-apt-xapian-index', and it should work | 08:40 |
sheytan | yofel: great, it does work now. And btw the Intel Microcode driver - what is it? Intel GPU driver? | 08:45 |
yofel | no idea | 08:45 |
acheronuk | yofel: in KCI/unstable, do you think it's ok to remove kwin's patch that disables wayland tests in CMakeLists? It no longer applies when KCI tries to build the souce package anyway. | 08:45 |
yofel | acheronuk: hm... do it for now. We can look at that again later | 08:46 |
acheronuk | sheytan: | 08:46 |
yofel | that was a workaround for the autopkgtests not being able to run the wayland tests | 08:46 |
acheronuk | OK | 08:48 |
sheytan | acheronuk: thanks! | 08:48 |
clivejo | why do we have a kubuntu_unstable_utopic in kwin | 10:26 |
jimarvan | HUGS TO EVERYONE! :D | 10:28 |
jimarvan | (sorry these days are crazy work...) | 10:28 |
* shadeslayer topples from surprise hugs | 10:28 | |
jimarvan | xD | 10:28 |
jimarvan | clivejo I did not do it! I swear! | 10:29 |
acheronuk | clivejo: why on earth did KCI merge that? | 10:30 |
acheronuk | "merger: Merging kubuntu_unstable into kubuntu_unstable_utopic." | 10:33 |
acheronuk | ?????????? | 10:33 |
jimarvan | :S | 10:36 |
jimarvan | wow so many fixed | 10:36 |
hegemon8 | jimarvan: asking for Your opinion : Upgrade from 16.04, or fresh install of 16.10? | 10:46 |
jimarvan | hmm | 10:52 |
jimarvan | you want to test 16.10? | 10:52 |
jimarvan | bcs the upgrade will get you headaches probably | 10:52 |
jimarvan | I use a VBox for my tests | 10:53 |
hegemon8 | yes jimarvan, was thinking about virtualbox, but it tells me nothing about how it will work on my hardware | 10:56 |
acheronuk | clivejo is running yakkety on his main machine I think? | 10:57 |
hegemon8 | and in 16.04 i've tried like most of apps from repo, to refresh memory what works for me and on my laptop :) But since recently my kdeconnect stopped working i'm thinking on reinstall (god, i need to start to do separate home partition, cause Gigs of download are killing me :) ) | 10:57 |
hegemon8 | i think You might be right jimarvan and should try VB first... Had mixed luck with upgrades before... | 11:00 |
acheronuk | yakkety also has plasma-desktop stuck at 5.5.5 as 5.6.4 is held in proposed at the moment. so you have to either get a bit dangerous with the proposed repo or take the risk of adding some of our staging ppas to unstick things | 11:03 |
yofel | acheronuk, clivejo: that branch is historic and can go | 11:03 |
hegemon8 | acheronuk: yes, but clivejo is hardcore, He'll manage in case of anything goes wrong :) | 11:03 |
yofel | or just leave it, not like it has much of an effect | 11:03 |
yofel | if you can't manage if something goes wrong you really shouldn't be running the dev release ;) | 11:04 |
hegemon8 | i manage, reinstall :) | 11:04 |
yofel | well, that'll work, right ^^ | 11:04 |
acheronuk | yofel: yep. I can fix most things, but I'm not quite ready to run it yet | 11:04 |
hegemon8 | nah, with simple issues i manage, but had some that made me reinstall before :) | 11:05 |
acheronuk | outside of a VM | 11:05 |
hegemon8 | acheronuk: yeah, i'll wait a bit longer to put it outside VM. You've cooled my temptation :) | 11:06 |
acheronuk | hegemon8: ubuntu haven't landed Qt 5.6.x in yakkety yet, so at the moment outside of some ppas, it's not moving much anyway | 11:07 |
hegemon8 | yeah, i'll wait for plasma 5.7 to be available, then i'll start messing with my system again i guess. | 11:09 |
yofel | technically running the dev release is rather low-risk compared to a couple years ago thanks to all the auto-qa between proposed and release. But things still happen | 11:09 |
hegemon8 | yofel: yes, lately upgrades were fairly smooth. | 11:10 |
hegemon8 | the only reason i was tempted to reinstall/upgrade is my beloved kdeconnect. Not sure what caused it to stop working. Did few things + updates before realised that my kubu can't see phone anymore. Tried google, ports forwardicng, got fed up, and i love this app :) | 11:14 |
acheronuk | hegemon8: I have a feeling their are newer versions of kdeconnect in the Xenial staging ppas for backports, than there are in yakkety at the moment. | 11:21 |
acheronuk | * there | 11:21 |
hegemon8 | i might try to check if that sorts things, thanks. Tried beta android app, and went back to previous, phone see the laptop, but pairing popup isn't showing on laptop, and the software centre module can't see the phone anymore. | 11:25 |
BluesKaj | Hey folks | 11:28 |
acheronuk | hegemon8: | 11:30 |
acheronuk | hegemon8: I think that may install without adding the whole ppa. The ppa is as a whole is not advisable unless you are doing dev testing and are prepared for breakages | 11:32 |
hegemon8 | acheronuk: thanks, on it. | 11:32 |
hegemon8 | will grab deb from the list only | 11:33 |
hegemon8 | will reboot just in case. Then i'll report back. thx again acheronuk | 11:39 |
jimarvan | good luck hegemon8 :) | 11:47 |
jimarvan | (sorry been frenzy at work, slow on answers) | 11:47 |
hegemon8 | same storry it seems | 11:47 |
hegemon8 | jimarvan: understandable. | 11:48 |
acheronuk | that's a shame. I don't use it much, and then more with a tablet than a phone, so wasn't sure if it would fix your prob or not | 11:48 |
* BluesKaj hopes todays yakkety daily build doesn't crash during the install, again | 11:49 | |
hegemon8 | i had to mess something up getting mycroft to work. I'm reinstalling to 16.04 soon i guess. Will take less then solving what mess i've made, rly :) | 11:49 |
acheronuk | hegemon8: just recalled a few weeks ago people saying the upstream version copied from our CI worked better | 11:49 |
hegemon8 | i don't doubt that acheronuk. I have feeling it has nothing to do with package version or anything. cause it stopped to work on some stage, when i didn't touch anything that is kdeconnect related. But hard to say,as got backports plasma upgrade, few other stuff, mycroft manual install and some other stuff. Too much to track down for me. That's why thinking of fresh install | 11:53 |
hegemon8 | will wipe the phone as well after trying to install manually pokemon Go and it didn't work from apk (i know - i was curious^^) but the kdeconnect stopped working before that. | 11:57 |
BluesKaj | kdeconnect is very hit and miss here, even with xenial on my desktop pc, won't connect at all to the xenial laptop, so I use the usb cable to transfer files if needed | 12:02 |
BluesKaj | the phone won't connect to the lapyop via kdeconnect, just to clarify | 12:03 |
BluesKaj | laptop | 12:03 |
hegemon8 | BluesKaj: but worked perfectly between my 4.4.2 Android and samsung rv511 old laptop since day it was released till now. I blame me :) | 12:04 |
* BluesKaj goes for more coffee | 12:04 | |
hegemon8 | BluesKaj: good idea. I'll get myself one as well. | 12:04 |
hegemon8 | in next few days i'll look for software to test before reinstall, back up files, and will leave the ones i like (preferably KDE apps) So it might turn good for me after all . | 12:08 |
clivejo | why are my ears burning? | 13:43 |
=== pavlushka is now known as Guest30072 | ||
acheronuk | headset shorting out? | 13:44 |
clivejo | someone seems to have pinged me | 13:45 |
clivejo | while I was off being an impatient patient | 13:46 |
clivejo | yes Im running yakkety yak dont talk back | 13:47 |
* clivejo thinks we should add music to the installer - | 13:50 | |
mamarley | clivejo: If you did that, the MAFIAA would probably come after you. | 13:53 |
clivejo | even if we got yofel and ovidiuflorin to sing it? | 13:53 |
mamarley | clivejo: If you did that, the users would probably come after you! | 13:53 |
clivejo | be funny though! | 13:54 |
clivejo | the Kubuntu Khoir | 14:01 |
soee | i proposed once this | 14:04 |
clivejo | that would be lovely on loop while Kubuntu installs | 14:05 |
soee | \o/ | 14:09 |
yofel | yeah right, like the 'kubuntu band' photo from bilbao, just with actual music this time :P | 14:09 |
mamarley | For once, people might actually be sorry that ALSA and PulseAudio are working correctly. :P | 14:09 |
yofel | lol | 14:11 |
yofel | use a java based web player and a usb headset. Then you're safe | 14:11 |
jimarvan | see ya later peeps! :) | 14:14 |
clivejo | acheronuk: ping | 18:19 |
acheronuk | clivejo: pong | 18:25 |
pursuivant | muon (master) v5.6.0-3-g6dc5c12 * Carlo Vanini: src (12 files in 3 dirs) | 18:35 |
pursuivant | add columns for Installed-Size, Version, Available-Version | 18:35 |
pursuivant | Add more columns to the list of packages and in the "preview changes" | 18:35 |
pursuivant | tab. The additional columns are hidden by default and can be shown | 18:35 |
pursuivant | through the context menu by right-clicking on the list header. | 18:35 |
pursuivant | | 18:35 |
acheronuk | clivejo: later then... | 19:10 |
clivejo | acheronuk: were you working on symbols? | 19:26 |
acheronuk | nope. not at the moment. | 19:27 |
acheronuk | I saw you fixed a load in apps staging | 19:28 |
clivejo | Im working on FW | 19:29 |
clivejo | wondered if you wanted to help :P | 19:29 |
acheronuk | sorry, yes, I meant FW. duh... | 19:29 |
clivejo | I think I seen you mention kio | 19:30 |
acheronuk | still dome left to do looking at the QA | 19:30 |
acheronuk | *some | 19:30 |
clivejo | yup, I had to go do something outside | 19:30 |
acheronuk | can do a few if you like. practice helps. | 19:31 |
acheronuk | gimme 5 mins | 19:31 |
clivejo | yeah, once you do a few hundred it sticks in your mind :p | 19:34 |
clivejo | batchpatching in your sleep | 19:34 |
clivejo | is Qt5TextToSpeech in Qt5.6.1? | 19:35 |
acheronuk | not sure. I saw something looking for that? can u remember what? | 19:37 |
clivejo | Ill leave kio and kitemmodels for you :P | 19:38 |
clivejo | no, just see it being looked for by some of the packages | 19:38 |
acheronuk | OK. | 19:38 |
clivejo | I want to move kdeconnect over from debian git but Im not sure how | 19:41 |
* acheronuk has not a clue | 19:42 | |
acheronuk | clivejo: did you test those symbols update in pbuilder, or just trust the result? | 19:54 |
clivejo | just trust the results at this stage | 19:55 |
acheronuk | ok. hopefully they build | 20:12 |
clivejo | acheronuk: everything fixed now? | 20:49 |
acheronuk | those two are. any other of the oranges a problem? | 20:51 |
clivejo | I dont think so | 20:52 |
clivejo | would you do a test install? | 20:52 |
acheronuk | I have a fresh YY VM I think... | 20:53 |
clivejo | its amazing how sitting around waiting and driving tires me out | 20:54 |
acheronuk | waiting around does for some odd reason. | 20:58 |
acheronuk | grr.. updating the VM so it's current before I add the ppa is taking ages. | 21:02 |
clivejo | I thought you had a super duper connection? | 21:11 |
acheronuk | It's not the DL that is slow | 21:15 |
acheronuk | clivejo: | 21:16 |
acheronuk | yofel: adding FW staging to my VM ^^^ | 21:17 |
clivejo | eakk why does it want to remove them | 21:20 |
acheronuk | Qt 5.6 I presume, in some way | 21:21 |
clivejo | ah yes | 21:21 |
clivejo | have to built the whole stack on Qt5.6 | 21:21 |
acheronuk | plasma and a few odds and sods rebuilt, and most of that would go away I presume? | 21:22 |
clivejo | worrying about sddm | 21:23 |
clivejo | wonder is that due to the breeze theme | 21:23 |
acheronuk | yes, can't have that not installable! | 21:24 |
clivejo | be interesting to see that list again when plasma is build on top | 21:24 |
clivejo | wish I could get plasma tagged so we could stage that | 21:25 |
clivejo | acheronuk: mind helping me with kdeconnect | 21:29 |
clivejo | need to figure out breaks/replaces etc | 21:30 |
clivejo | so when kdeconnect was ported to KF5, Jon chatted to upstream and they suggested using the name kdeconnect-plasma for KF5 version and leaving kdeconnect behind as the version 4 | 21:31 |
clivejo | but instead of branching to a new project they just carried on as the same name, which debian has also recently done | 21:32 |
clivejo | as me follow debian like lemmings we need to do the same | 21:32 |
clivejo | as we | 21:32 |
acheronuk | yeah, I gathered that from discussions the other day | 21:33 |
clivejo | well thats what Im "trying" to do | 21:33 |
clivejo | Ive mirrored debians git of kdeconnect and copied it to LP | 21:34 |
clivejo | and setting up KCI to pull from LP | 21:34 |
acheronuk | but it needs to smoothly replace the old named one? | 21:34 |
clivejo | the package appears to be building | 21:34 |
clivejo | well the old kdeconnect pulls in kdeconnect-plasma for some reason | 21:35 |
clivejo | sorry of Im talking very basic here | 21:35 |
clivejo | Im rubber ducking you | 21:36 |
clivejo | kdeconnect Recommends: sshfs, kdeconnect-plasma | 21:37 |
acheronuk | thats ok | 21:37 |
clivejo | so we need a breaks? | 21:38 |
acheronuk | breaks/replaces is something I'm still a little fuzzy on | 21:39 |
clivejo | well there its published in unstable | 21:43 |
clivejo | eak | 21:44 |
clivejo | 21:42:52 make: *** Cannot allocate memory. Stop. | 21:45 |
acheronuk | had that yesterday! | 21:45 |
acheronuk | so you need to replace and overwrite the kdeconnect package I see in Xenial with your one, and force removal of the kdeconnect-plasma one? | 21:50 |
clivejo | yes | 21:51 |
clivejo | did Qt5.6.1 get copied into unstable? | 21:52 |
acheronuk | on KCI, yes, seems someone did | 21:53 |
clivejo | ah | 21:53 |
clivejo | LOL tried to install kdeconnect from unstable | 21:53 |
acheronuk | oh! | 21:53 |
clivejo | not a good idea! | 21:53 |
acheronuk | so a breaks/replaces on the kdeconnect package and a breaks on the kdeconnect-plasma one? | 21:54 |
clivejo | Im not sure, my brain wont think properly | 21:55 |
acheronuk | not really here either. | 21:59 |
clivejo | I think I might have hay fever | 21:59 |
acheronuk | I think I need to read that part of the policy manual, then look at some real examples, then repeat a few times to get it clear in my head | 22:00 |
clivejo | I think its a break | 22:00 |
clivejo | cause the same files will be in both kdeconnect and kdeconnect-plasma | 22:01 |
clivejo | the package manager needs to remove -plasma | 22:01 |
acheronuk | oh, certainly a break. Just whether anything else needed on the main package you are upgrading, and any versioning | 22:03 |
acheronuk | such fun | 22:05 |
acheronuk | WWYD? lol | 22:08 |
acheronuk | I'll try to think about it in the morning... | 22:12 |
acheronuk | clivejo: | 22:18 |
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