
=== hypera1r is now known as hyperair
Kamiliontsimonq2:  point initalonso at me on freenode if he ever pops on.04:09
Kamilionah, i suspect that's probably the traffic on #lxde from jilocasin0 earlier04:13
=== pavlushka is now known as Guest30072
capum321what is necessary to save changes to '/etc/default/grub' with '/etc/grub.d/' '10_linux' and '30_os-prober' `chmoded a-x` execution bit disable15:52
capum321what is necessary to save changes to '/etc/default/grub' with '/etc/grub.d/' '10_linux' and '30_os-prober' `chmoded a-x` execution bit disable. The changes aren't taking effect.15:52
wxlcapum321: you're making changes to your grub configuration?16:51
capum321wxl: yes?17:47
wxlcapum321: did you update-grub?17:48

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