
walriderAyyy good morning nigga 03:49
pavlushkaGreetings Everyone!09:55
pavlushkanoon Kilos ! :)09:56
Kiloshi pavlushka 10:09
pavlushkaHow are you Kilos 10:10
pavlushkaAudacio36: from pi?10:10
Kilosok ty and you10:11
Kiloshi Audacio36 10:11
pavlushkaHell0 Tuhin__ 10:11
Audacio36hi kiloa10:11
pavlushkaI m ok too , thanks Kilos 10:12
pavlushkaAudacio75: তোমার এই fake AudaciousTUX দিয়ে কেন login কর? log এর জন্য?10:32
pavlushkaAudacio85: : তোমার এই fake AudaciousTUX দিয়ে কেন login কর? log এর জন্য?10:32
AudaciousTUXmbl e login kora thake10:33
AudaciousTUXlog er jonne na10:33
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX তাহলে?10:33
AudaciousTUXemnie :p10:33
pavlushkawhy two?10:33
AudaciousTUXjust kono activity hoiteche kina irc te ta janar jonne10:34
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: #ubuntu-bd তে? নাকি সবগুলাতে?10:35
pavlushkaKilos: my work progress halted because my disk is full, now sorting and deleting duplicates and unnecessary files and only after that I can start, :(,12:09
Kilosthats a hassle with small drives12:13
=== pavlushka is now known as Guest30072
pavlushkaI just now found that we have a language font package named fonts-beng-extra!!15:04
pavlushkaabsolutely wrong naming, every language has their short code, bn stands for Bangla/Bengali, then why beng, which stupid actually did that?15:04
AudaciousTUX_hosted on launchpad??15:05
pavlushkait was supposed to be fonts-bn-extra15:05
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fonts-beng-extra15:06
pavlushkathe debian-in (India) team created that, wow15:07
AudaciousTUX_report bug :D15:08
pavlushkaI am going to, trust me.15:08
AudaciousTUX_oka... inform me please :)15:09
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: But one thing, we have two Bengali versions, Bengali (India), Bengali (Bangladesh), I am not sure if there is any issue, lets find out.15:11
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX_: this project started in 2013, see?15:12
AudaciousTUX_btw... is it really bangadeshi version or indian?? :|15:13
AudaciousTUX_and fonts are same ??15:13
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX_: Well That is to find out.15:13
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX_: can you check this link https://launchpad.net/+search?field.text=bn&x=-489&y=-1703  ??15:15
AudaciousTUX_one user named bjarne... and bunch of package all for a4.04--15:17
pavlushkaIt refers that bn is the common code, For Bangladesh it is bn-bd, so there should be no problem in naming bn15:17
pavlushkabut the package is from debian stream, not maintained by Ubuntu.15:18
AudaciousTUX_bn and in bangali fonts are  same??15:18
AudaciousTUX_umm... anyway we should report bug... or is there anyway to link to the current repo ??15:19
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX_: bn is the common code for Bengali, for our specific local we use bn-bd, so if they try to develop their kind local Bengali, that is supposed to be bn-in, got it?15:19
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: I will notify you after reporting the bug, okay?15:21
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX_: I will notify you after reporting the bug, okay?15:21
AudaciousTUX_and i have to shut that androidIRC off :315:22
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fonts-beng-extra/+bug/160313115:26
lubotu2Launchpad bug 1603131 in fonts-beng-extra (Ubuntu) "Bengali Language already has its short code bn, so this package naming supposed to be fonts-bn-extra in place of fonts-beng-extra." [Undecided,New]15:26
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fonts-beng-extra/+bug/160313115:27
pavlushka!bug 160313115:29
lubotu2bug 1603131 in fonts-beng-extra (Ubuntu) "Bengali Language already has its short code bn, so this package name is supposed to be fonts-bn-extra in place of fonts-beng-extra." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/160313115:29
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX_: you there?15:31
AudaciousTUX_yah... 15:31
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX_: you are checking the "affects me too" option?15:32
AudaciousTUX_done that15:32
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX_: thanks a lot for changing the bug status to confirmed, :)15:33
pavlushkaওরে বাবা, তিন তিন টা Audi? last boss নাকি?15:34
AudaciousTUX__:o kemne hoilo :|15:35
AudaciousTUX__mbl e gele uninstall dimu... kono kame lagena :315:35
pavlushkaআমার তো কাজে লাগতো, শুধু tab নিয়ে একটু সমস্যা হত, কিন্তু pc client fail করলেই শুধু login করতাম।15:37
pavlushkaমানে বাইরে থাকলে অথবা power cut হলে15:37
AudaciousTUX__taile autostart off rakhum15:38
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX__: better15:38
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
pavlushkajust had my dinner, but bbl, :)16:19
Kilos-tonight i have connection probs17:58
pavlushkaKilos-: me too, and power cuts are like cherry on top, :)17:59
Kilos-internet world wide sucks17:59
Kilos-but who cares as long as they get your money18:00
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
pavlushkawb Tuhin 19:01
Tuhinki khobor19:01
pavlushkaTuhin: can you tell me about Zorin OS?19:03
pavlushkaand its CLI package manager?19:04
Kilosnight bd peeps. see you tomorrow19:22
pavlushkanazmul: hello and welcome20:06
pavlushkanazmul: type "p" in the chatting bar and then hit the "tab" button and see.20:07
nazmulpavlushka, 20:07
pavlushkanow back to work,:p20:07
nazmulok, thanks man20:07
pavlushkanazmul: first on the very left side of hexchat you see two channels ubuntu and ubuntu-bd, right?20:08
pavlushkaright click on then with mouse and select Autojoin20:09
pavlushka*on them20:09
pavlushkahover the mouse over the channels and right-click on them after selecting, you'll see a list20:11
pavlushkaone by one20:11
pavlushkaand check the autojoin option20:11
pavlushkaso far so good20:12
pavlushkanow run in chatting bar, "/msg NickServ REGISTER nazmul your_email"20:13
pavlushkawithout inverted commas20:13
pavlushkawhat it said?20:14
nazmulemailed me20:15
nazmuli am registering20:15
pavlushkanazmul: sorry run again "/msg nickserv register your_password(choose) your_email"20:17
nazmuli got it20:17
nazmuland i am now a registered member20:17
pavlushkathen follow the email instruction20:17
pavlushkagreat, you know the password ?20:18
pavlushkakeep it private but are you talking about the password given in your mail to verify, that one?20:18
pavlushkathat one is temporary20:19
pavlushkayou have to have a regular password20:19
nazmuli am talking about the password in register my_password email20:20
nazmulis it temporary?20:20
nazmulok i understand now.20:20
pavlushkathey give a temporary password to verify, no problem20:20
nazmuli know the password20:21
pavlushkayou can run to be sure "/nickserv set passwd oldpassword newpassword" and there's a other way "/ns resetpass nickname email@address"20:22
pavlushkaany way, lets proceed20:22
pavlushka!help | nazmul 20:23
lubotu2nazmul: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:23
pavlushka!patience | nazmul 20:23
lubotu2nazmul: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:23
pavlushkanazmul: always follow these two rules while asking for help, so read those carefully first, :)20:24
nazmulok 20:24
nazmulok. i got it now. they were rules.20:26
pavlushkanow we will go to #ubuntu channel and will ask for help there but before that I am telling you 1 more thing.20:26
pavlushkathat is what you will ask for? first post the demo question here, now20:28
pavlushkain one line20:28
pavlushkaone long line20:29
nazmulI installed ZORIN OS 11 on my pc. but my wifi adapter( TP-link: model:TL-WN727N) is not working at all. i typed "lsusb" in terminal, then the adapter showing as "Ralink MT7601U"..so, that means the adapter is okay and the driver is not installed. i searched in google and collect some drivers and commands but that's not working.there is some github link of the driver in askubuntu.com but the links are not valid now.they are like from 2014/2012. Please 20:31
pavlushkalike "my wifi adapter( TP-link: model:TL-WN727N) is not working at all. I typed "lsusb" in terminal, then the adapter showing as "Ralink MT7601U"20:31
nazmulhelp me finding a driver or tell me some command to download it. Thanks in advance.20:31
pavlushkanazmul: skip the ZORIN OS part, and you have to give the command results by pasting them in paste.ubuntu.com, and posting the paste link here in the channel, okay?20:33
pavlushkaso this "my wifi adapter( TP-link: model:TL-WN727N) is not working at all. i typed "lsusb" in terminal, then the adapter showing as "Ralink MT7601U"..so, that means the adapter is okay and the driver is not installed. i searched in google and collect some drivers and commands but that's not working.there is some github link of the driver in askubuntu.com but the links are not valid now.they are like from 2014/2012. Please "  will be enough20:34
pavlushkaget ready and just post this part without inverted commas in #ubuntu, just do it and wait.20:34
nazmulmy wifi adapter( TP-link: model:TL-WN727N) is not working at all. i typed "lsusb" in terminal, then the adapter showing as "Ralink MT7601U"..so, that means the adapter is okay and the driver is not installed. i searched in google and collect some drivers and commands but that's not working.there is some github link of the driver in askubuntu.com but the links are not valid now.they are like from 2014/2012. Please20:35
nazmulin #ubuntu?20:35
pavlushkayes dear20:36
pavlushkaand now !patience | nazmul 20:37
pavlushka!patience | nazmul 20:37
lubotu2nazmul: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:37
nazmulok. can you see my question?20:37
pavlushkanazmul: so dont repeat your question20:37
pavlushkanazmul: and lubotu2 is a bot20:37
lubotu2Hi! I'm #ubuntu-bd's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg lubotu2 botclone20:38
pavlushkanazmul: DCC think does not work correctly, skip it.20:40
pavlushkaDCC thing20:40
pavlushkanazmul: type "/query pavlushka" here20:42
pavlushkanazmul: try to notice carefully this part again20:51
pavlushka!patience | nazmul 20:51
lubotu2nazmul: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:51
pavlushkathe last line20:52
pavlushkanazmul: if dont find any solution then you can post a question of you own in the forums, see?20:53
pavlushkaa problem which cannot be solved today, might be solved tomorrow!20:56
pavlushkaso go to askubuntu, and post a question, this time add the zorin os, :)20:57
pavlushkanazmul: actually run the command  "lsusb -v -d 148f:7601" again and paste and give the link21:00
pavlushkanazmul: you just repeated the question what I forbade you already, ^^21:01
pavlushkanazmul:  dont do it, please, keep that in mind next time21:02
nazmulsorry. u mean askubuntu.com and i thought here21:02
pavlushkanazmul: goto http://superuser.com and post your question21:04
pavlushkayou have to register first, but that will be no hassle, easy21:05
pavlushkanazmul: you have checkd my screenshot? see how many channels I follow? ^^21:06
pavlushkanazmul: have you posted the question in superuser.com?21:07
pavlushkanazmul: feeling sleepy, will try tomorrow again, Good Night, :)21:09
nazmulalso in askubuntu.com21:09
nazmulokay. thanks21:09
pavlushkathey are of same server21:10
pavlushkanazmul:my link http://askubuntu.com/users/505225/pavel-sayekat21:10
pavlushkanazmul: check it wiki.ubuntu.com/pavelsayekat21:11
nazmulboth done21:12
pavlushkasee ya night night, :)21:12

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