ludde | Do anyone know if it is possible to use Ubuntu Mate with only free software? | 00:54 |
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vvp | Привет всем | 06:37 |
vvp | Hello everybody :) | 06:39 |
randall | hiyaz | 06:40 |
nomic | hi | 06:43 |
my | hi | 07:23 |
my | Could anyone tell me how can I stick the titlebar of firefox to the top panel? | 07:25 |
my | I just hid the titlebar when maximazed. That'll be enough for me thanks. | 07:28 |
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kelvin_ | OK | 08:54 |
kelvin_ | hey guys is anyone there | 08:55 |
nomic | yes | 09:01 |
kelvin_ | how good is this OS as a media server. | 09:10 |
kelvin_ | have just installed samba4 | 09:10 |
kelvin_ | by the way this is a re-install after grub sweated me out | 09:12 |
kelvin_ | and something called lmvmetad- | 09:13 |
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DrImperator | Hello, I have a problem with firefox. It crashes even in safemode. Ubuntu Mate 16.04. I uninstalled it (purge), and installed again. Same problem. Interestingly TorBrowser works. | 13:48 |
ouroumov | hi DrImperator | 13:48 |
DrImperator | I wonder if you may have some insight how to get FF running again. | 13:48 |
ouroumov | DrImperator, do you have interesting output if you start firefox from the command line? | 13:49 |
DrImperator | office:~$ firefox | 13:50 |
DrImperator | ExceptionHandler::GenerateDump cloned child 5542 | 13:50 |
DrImperator | ExceptionHandler::SendContinueSignalToChild sent continue signal to child | 13:50 |
DrImperator | ExceptionHandler::WaitForContinueSignal waiting for continue signal... | 13:50 |
DrImperator | Bus error (core dumped) | 13:50 |
DrImperator | and back to the command line | 13:50 |
ouroumov | run "killall firefox && firefox -P" | 13:51 |
DrImperator | it shutdown TorBrowser, and then asked me to choose a profile, selected default, and Mozzila Crash window showed. | 13:52 |
DrImperator | lines in command line output: | 13:53 |
DrImperator | ExceptionHandler::GenerateDump cloned child ExceptionHandler::WaitForContinueSignal waiting for continue signal... | 13:53 |
DrImperator | 5645 | 13:53 |
DrImperator | ExceptionHandler::SendContinueSignalToChild sent continue signal to child | 13:53 |
DrImperator | Bus error (core dumped) | 13:53 |
ouroumov | weird | 13:53 |
ouroumov | Do you remember doing unusual stuff before this problem showed up? | 13:54 |
DrImperator | no, not really | 13:54 |
DrImperator | maybe I will delete the default profile and set up a new one? | 13:55 |
ouroumov | Try that yes | 13:55 |
DrImperator | ExceptionHandler::GenerateDump cloned child 5841 | 13:56 |
DrImperator | ExceptionHandler::SendContinueSignalToChild sent continue signal to child | 13:56 |
DrImperator | ExceptionHandler::WaitForContinueSignal waiting for continue signal... | 13:56 |
DrImperator | Bus error (core dumped) | 13:56 |
DrImperator | i deleted profile, created new one, clicked Start FireFox | 13:56 |
DrImperator | and I see Mozilla Crash Reporter again | 13:56 |
DrImperator | also, Welcome Centre doesn't work | 13:56 |
ouroumov | Welcome? | 13:56 |
ouroumov | Weird | 13:57 |
ouroumov | Can you launch the software boutique? | 13:57 |
DrImperator | no, it doesn't work - I clicked on the icon now in menu and nothing shows up (later some error will come up). I wanted to install chrome after FF stopped working. | 13:58 |
ouroumov | Looks like your installation is badly broken | 13:58 |
ouroumov | Try running the following commands in the terminal: | 14:00 |
DrImperator | ok | 14:00 |
ouroumov | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -f | 14:00 |
ouroumov | sudo apt-get --fix-missing install | 14:00 |
ouroumov | sudo apt-get --fix-broken install | 14:00 |
DrImperator | all three resulted in: | 14:01 |
DrImperator | 0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade. | 14:01 |
ouroumov | Awesome. Well, I'm out of ideas. Maybe try and post about it on the community forums? ( ) | 14:02 |
DrImperator | there is one thing that happened before ff stopeed working - but it never resulted in FF breaking before | 14:03 |
DrImperator | for some reason my computer files (old) become "read only" and when I restart I am asked to do fdsk (or smth) /sda and repair errors by typing Y | 14:04 |
DrImperator | I have a dual Win7 (not using it anyway) and Mate installation | 14:04 |
ouroumov | hm | 14:05 |
DrImperator | I think my hdd is old - it was almost continusly running for 5 years or so | 14:05 |
ouroumov | Does "lsblk" says your mate root partition (/) is on the same disk? (sdaX) | 14:06 |
DrImperator | computer is top office range from 2008 | 14:06 |
DrImperator | yes. sda6 | 14:07 |
DrImperator | └─sda6 8:6 0 79.9G 0 part / | 14:07 |
ouroumov | If you don't use windows anymore you might consider backing up your files, than doing a clean reinstall of Ubuntu MATE using the whole disk? | 14:08 |
ouroumov | then * | 14:08 |
DrImperator | Do you think this causes my system to go 'read only' at times? | 14:09 |
ouroumov | It might. I've had similar problems on drives handled by windows | 14:09 |
DrImperator | Thanks! I will reinstall. | 14:10 |
DrImperator | You were most helpful. | 14:10 |
ouroumov | Not really u_u | 14:10 |
DrImperator | well, it would have worked on another pc maybe | 14:11 |
ouroumov | When the "fix" is a complete reinstall, you can't exactly say you've solved the problem | 14:11 |
DrImperator | ok, I'm going to fetch the larger usb and install | 14:11 |
DrImperator | thank you ouroumov | 14:11 |
ouroumov | yw, till next time :) | 14:12 |
DrImperator | ouroumov: thank you, fresh install. Everything just works! | 16:19 |
fnord_ | Akuli, anwesend? Bildschirmhelligkeitsproblem von gestern.. | 19:21 |
fnord_ | Akuli, ich kann über FN-Tasten die Helligkeit nicht steuern. Lautstärke geht. | 19:24 |
nomic | !de | 19:36 |
ubottu | In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! | 19:36 |
Akuli | nomic, thats way better than me using google translator | 19:36 |
Akuli | :) | 19:36 |
nomic | ok | 19:36 |
* nomic knows .. . geschwindigskeitsbeshrankung (speed limit) | 19:36 | |
nomic | thought that was longest german word Bildschirmhelligkeitsproblem | 19:36 |
nomic | wut is - > Bildschirmhelligkeitsproblem | 19:36 |
nomic | bild | 19:37 |
* nomic thinks | 19:37 | |
fnord_ | Akuli, alles cool in kabul? | 19:48 |
Akuli | in kabul? | 19:49 |
fnord_ | english is the spoken language hier... sorry!!! | 19:49 |
Akuli | :) | 19:49 |
Akuli | i really don't speak any german | 19:49 |
fnord_ | alles paletti in cincinnati? | 19:50 |
fnord_ | Akuli, realy??? | 19:50 |
Akuli | yes | 19:50 |
fnord_ | ups... | 19:50 |
Akuli | google translator did that for me :) | 19:50 |
fnord_ | sorry... | 19:50 |
Akuli | no problem | 19:50 |
Akuli | i thought you didn't speak english :) | 19:50 |
fnord_ | I dont speak english sinc us-war in irak!!! | 19:51 |
fnord_ | since | 19:51 |
Akuli | hmm :( | 19:51 |
fnord_ | sorry... in the world... without Russia :-)) | 19:51 |
Akuli | in irc you don't need to worry about your english skills :) | 19:52 |
Akuli | people will understand you just fine | 19:52 |
fnord_ | ok... | 19:52 |
fnord_ | my problem is: adjusting of ... can you remember my question of yersterday??? | 19:53 |
Akuli | yes | 19:54 |
Akuli | do you have a brightness adjuster in the panel now? | 19:54 |
fnord_ | it does not work... | 19:54 |
fnord_ | the adjuster is on the panel, but not work.. | 19:55 |
Akuli | does it just move without doing anything? | 19:55 |
Akuli | it works great on my laptop | 19:56 |
fnord_ | ok.. I try anything else... I will be back in a few minutes | 19:58 |
potatozilla | hi | 21:16 |
potatozilla | worth install liquorix kernel on ubuntu? | 21:17 |
ouroumov | what's liquorix? | 21:23 |
ouroumov | nvm, googled it | 21:23 |
ouroumov | potatozilla, I'd say it depends if you want support | 21:26 |
potatozilla | someone here , have tested , have noticed any improvement with use of liquorix kernel? | 21:28 |
potatozilla | someone use Liquorix, NeteXt or XanMod Kernels spins or everyone here use the generic stock Kernel? | 21:39 |
bartuczi | Üdv. Mindenkinek! | 21:42 |
bartuczi | Ki van itt magyar? | 21:43 |
bartuczi | Hi! Gibt's hier Deutscher, oder jemand, der / die auf deutsch sprechen kann? | 21:45 |
canopus | Good evening. | 21:47 |
canopus | I'm using the Ubuntu mate version for the raspberry pi | 21:47 |
canopus | I'm on a tty (I have disabled the graphical mode) | 21:48 |
canopus | Now I'm wondering how can I get the beep working | 21:48 |
canopus | printf "\a" in the shell doesn't make any sound | 21:49 |
canopus | (In a xsession it does work.) | 21:49 |
mate|50993 | good evening. can anybody tell me how i would fix that whenever i try to open a document in vim by double-clicking it in caja nothing happens? | 22:25 |
mate|50993 | From other Ubuntu installations I | 22:25 |
ouroumov | in vim? | 22:25 |
mate|50993 | I'm used to double click a document which fires it up in vim, running in a terminal. With my current installation, nothing happens. | 22:26 |
ouroumov | So I don't use vim but I've just tested with nano and it's doable | 22:27 |
ouroumov | Right click your document, select "Open with other application", then | 22:28 |
ouroumov | go to "use a custom command" | 22:28 |
ouroumov | enter: mate-terminal -x vim %f | 22:28 |
ouroumov | (for me it's mate-terminal -x nano %f) | 22:28 |
ouroumov | then click open | 22:29 |
mate|50993 | This works, thanks a lot! | 22:29 |
ouroumov | yw | 22:29 |
mate|50993 | Way better than "Open Terminal here" ;) | 22:30 |
ouroumov | ^^ | 22:30 |
mate|50993 | Would you mind to explain what -x does? Cannot see it in the help or man page. | 22:32 |
ouroumov | mate|50993, it's "execute command", but you're right it's not in the man page, weird | 22:36 |
ouroumov | I'm gonna report it as an issue on the github repo | 22:38 |
mate|50993 | Thought so, it also works with -e 'vim %f', maybe it was replaced with -e sometime? Anyway, thanks again for the easy solution! | 22:38 |
ouroumov | I think -x means "execute and subsequent flags are the executed command options, not mate-terminal options" or something like that | 22:39 |
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mate|50993 | sounds reasonable, since -e requires the argument to be quoted | 22:40 |
ouroumov | mate|50993, submitted issue on github: | 22:46 |
mate|50993 | Nice, lets see what they say. For now, I'll call this a day (or night). Thanks again and goodbye | 22:53 |
ouroumov | bye | 22:54 |
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